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Personalities of Dragon Fen - Travelers Way

Welcome to Traveler's way, my name is Hime Forshort?.

As you may know, we are in the Northwest corner of Dragon Fen, if you go north, you may as well be heading out of The Mist, but is you go too much West= Northwest, you run into Skull Church. You can go south towards the northen edge of Valoris Wood but you should stay on the path to Mist Gardens, if I were you. But if you did not pass through Otterville to get here than you probably want to take that path south east-ish to the center of Dragon Fen. While your here, your going to want to stop by the Inn?, just let me warn you, Hoffman calls it Traveler's Way and I would not challenge him on it. If you are in need of healing, either physically or spiritually, I can take you right around the Inn to the Shrine? to Idun.

"Yes, Yes my name is Taee Beafon and Osnar Felton? is my father, adopted obviously. I get my height from from father and the slightly pointed ears from my mother, both whom died when I was little. Your probably wondering why a gnome would adopt a half-elf, well he and my dad were very good friends, but I will save that story for him. I do believe he tried to keep me just busy enough so I can't dream but not too busy that I want to run away and join some adventuring group.