Main / Tte01

Alternate One

Hosted by John Anstett

Everyone is mulling around the Count's dinning hall, some getting ready to leave, other just moving to better quarters when suddenly Kel says outloud in common. "Where did you come from?" Everyone is quiet and looks and sees a strange woman holding on to the chair at the end of the table. Dressed only in animal skins, with a snake skin belt and an ax made entirely of bone tucked in. "whoa, that was a bit much." she says as she gathers herself to stand on her own and look around, smiling as she does. "oh hi all" she says with a kind voice when suddenly Neith calls out "oh no, has anyone seen Mercy, she was hiding under the table. Neith works her way to the front of the table, head down looking frantically until she come to the end and her eyes meet the woman in skins. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment before embracing. They start to notice the strange looks from the rest of the group and the new comer holds Neith's hands as she address the group again. "I am sorry, I knew this might happen, it is kind of why I came. I am Mercy and I came back to help you."