Main / Twenty-fifthAnniversaryGamePlanning

Adventures - Dragonslayer Eras - BOB's Birthday Game - Twenty-fifth Anniversary Game

Twenty-fifth Anniversary Game Planning

Putting this up top so people can comment here.

Food, beverages and snacks for the weekend requests:

5-2 Lisa Just tossing ideas out there. I'm more than fine with whatever happens. I was thinking since Saturday is a serious marathon and, other than individuals taking breaks, the game pretty much moves consistently from noon to midnight, maybe you could just have a bunch of sandwich fixings and if people want something they run over to the kitchen and make a turkey sandwich or whatever they want. Turn the Anstett kitchen into a mini-Subway. If the fridge was somewhat cleared for that, it wouldn't be hard to grab what you want, fix it up, and get back to gaming. Have some side stuff like veggies, fruit, chips/salsa kind of things. That way no one feels like they have to serve people. Not terribly messy. No cooking or timers to watch, etc.

5/2 Carissa: Good idea to Lisa, and killjoy here (me) who should probably mention she doesn't really eat meat. Not strictly vegetarian per say, just not a fan of meat (seafood doesn't count as meat). So cheese pizza, please. Or veggie minus mushrooms.

5-20 BOB

Confirming here that there are no allergies to deal with. We should have a dog here (Mario will bring Coal) but no cats in the house. Any food or drink issues that might come up? Post if you have them otherwise will go with the plan for food up above.

Yes this page is starting really early but I would like to have a place to do planning.

Current: We will play on Friday June 1st our normal time from 7 till Midnight. Everyone who can will be at the House for that game. I hope we have extra people. I expect people will be over in the day to chat and hang out. Pizza will be made and enjoyed. Then after the game everyone retires as desired. Potentially if people are around and want to I can give a tour of the Main Library during the day as well.

Then on Saturday June 2nd from Noon till Midnight we will play again. We will likely have extra players that day both here at the House and on-line. We will do a breakfast at the House prior to the game for everyone who is physically around for the day.

Then on Sunday June 3rd I expect anyone from out of town who needs to be to work on Monday will be getting rides to the airport etc. Or go out and adventure a bit together, see the everglades, the beach or just get away from everyone and explore on your own.

BOB's note to self: Bring pancake printer home

Things that might change: If we get a higher than expected turnout we will move the events from the House to a nearby Hotel, but doubtful that would happen. It is less than a mile from the House.

Confirmed Attendees

Physically at the Game

Tentative Physical or On-line Attendees

Tentative On-line Attendees

Characters for visitors


Henchmen (?)

Tentative Plan of Events

Thursday night some arrivals. Friday morning other arrivals.




Sunday people start making their way back home.


Right now I have more questions then I know what to do with and undoubtedly questions I have not thought of yet.

My current plan is looking at this as a mini-convention for a celebration of our game and all the people associated with it.

The first question is where do we do this?

Florida? or some place else?

*Pro-Florida: We can make it our own time and place, lots of opportunities for others to explore if they are not part of the game.

*Pro-Someplace else: We can piggy back onto another convention like Dragoncon or GenCon or one of the smaller Cons elsewhere and people will be able to participate in other activities that way.

Everyone feel free to chime in.

#TMO: When is the anniversary?

#Lisa: TMO - think officially it is in May. First thoughts: ** I'm not a fan of doing it in the same place as another convention. Unless we all register for that convention, hotel space and pricing aren't going to be optimal. ** Given how many current and past players are in FL, it seems to make sense to do it there, but I am always up for a vacation just about anywhere so I am open to other locations as well.

#Spring: June 6-8 will be in Baltimore, so those are potential dates to work around

# Carissa: this is me chiming in with nothing useful since right now I don't foresee any problems with May or June (but work can easily change that).

So given everyone's flexibility it looks like two different weekends emerge. Friday through Sunday. Jun 1-3 or Jun 8-10. It will depend on Spring's timing for Friday June 8th I think to see if that is a viable date for her. TMO does earlier in June work better for you? Mario is there a magic date that prices change for the summer?

Not locking anything in yet, just speculating on best potential dates.

TMO: Known events for me next spring:

Spring 5/28/17

The first of those ranges is probably best for me to allow travel time. With the second, I'd miss much of it traveling by road from Baltimore. Not opposed to a completely different window. I can fly for a separate trip if I go solo. It's all good.

So current set in Styrofoam plans:

We will play on Friday June 1st our normal time from 7 till Midnight. Everyone who can will be at the House for that game. I hope we have extra people. Then on Saturday June 2nd from Noon till Midnight we will play again. We will likely have extra players that day both here at the House and on-line. Currently TMO has the first bedroom, Spring potentially has the other bedroom. Mario and I will work on making sure everyone gets decent lodgings at the best price we can help with.

Things that might change: If we get a higher than expected turnout we will move the events from the House to a nearby Hotel. If something changes for key people we could move from these dates to later in June or early in May.

Game Logistics

Yes I plan on still using KloOge or which ever program we are using at the time to run the game.

Laptops? Lisa, Carissa, Mario all have said that they have played on a laptop. Spring? Michael? TMO? Do you have laptops? Have you tried KloOge on your laptop? I have a couple of old laptops that I will have available for people to use to play with us those days. I just want to be sure what people normally do, etc. I have some ideas for shared technology and expanded use of the VTT also bubbling along in my head that we will talk about later as the time draws near.

As we start the planning in more detail and invites to everyone get more realistic I expect that some older players will return to see how the game is going prior to playing for this weekend. For a special game I do not have any real upper limit on players, as I do not expect we will really get all 50 to show up. However this might create a scenario where we get more than our normal 6 players each week for a number of months both prior or after this celebration. Any comments or thoughts on how to work with that?

TMO - I have an old laptop - it's what I used to play on until I got this computer last year (I don't know if you remember that it called itself Redshirt the first time I logged in). This computer is not travel-capable. Hopefully my laptop will still be working.

Lisa - Unless I get fired in the next year, I will have a laptop. Can't promise right now, but I might be able to cajole my IT guys into lending me a laptop or two if we need some extra.

Carissa - in terms of laptop, yes, technically I do, but there is a reason I switched to PC and it's not just the bigger screen. But, if I finally do some tinkering and fix it up, yeah, I'll have one by next year. Might just be a new one. I also have an old Dell that runs Vista I've used for random projects. If I remember to grab it next time I'm in Texas, I'll have an extra (hope it still runs...).

Mario - As we discussed, I can provide one laptop, and three desktop PC's (I'll be using one of the desktops). I can also provide a 16 port switch and some of cables for the table.

I do need addresses from everyone please. NOT here, but in my email BOB @ to make it easy to keep them organized. I do have Carissa and Lisa. TMO I have one in Post TX but not sure that is the current. I have nothing for Spring and Michael. Mario I can figure out easily enough :)