Main / TypicalIngredients

Appendix B - Magic Items - Potions

Typical Ingredients

Typical Ingredients for Alchemical Potions and Powders

Alchemical substanceTypical Ingredients
Appearance, dust of6 oz. of powdered chalk, 500 gp of emerald dust, and 12 annis hairs
Acid resistance, oil ofTwo giant slug eyestalks, and a black dragon fang
Animal controlA paw, hoof, or claw of the animal type to be controlled, and a lock of a druids hair
Beauty, philter ofA lock of sirine hair, and a ground succubus horn
ClairaudienceSix giant bat ears
ClairvoyanceTwo giant owl eyes, and a cadaver thalamus gland
ClimbingA giant spider leg
Diminution1 oz. of shrinking violet flowers, with either 1 oz. of snyad blood or a powdered sprite wing
Disappearance, dust of12 powdered pixie wings, or one whole (dead) invisible stalker
Disenchantment, oil of12 oz. of disenchanter hair
Dragon controlThe brain of the appropriate dragon type
Dryness, dust ofA dustdigger arm, or a portion of a sandling
Elemental Invulnerability, oil ofDependent upon the type of elemental to be controlled: earth uses tiger eye, water uses smoky

quartz, air uses zircon, and fire uses ruby (gem values of at least 1,000 gp). Powder the gem, then add 4 oz. of the appropriate element.

ESP6 oz. of doppleganger blood, or two mind flayer tentacles
Etherealness, oil ofA bottle of aerial servant essence
Extra-healing6 oz. of troll blood
Fire breathA chimera stomach, or a barbed devil claw
Fiery burning, oil ofFive salamander scales, or three drops of phoenix blood
Fire resistanceA red pyrolisk feather, or a stench kow horn
FlyingEight hippogriff wing feathers, or a lock of Pegasus tail
Gaseous formDust from a destroyed vampire, or three dead vapor rats (in a bottle)
Giant controlA brain of the appropriate giant type
Giant strengthSix fingernails from the appropriate giant type
Glibness, philter ofAny minor devil tongue
GrowthA spriggan heart, or 6 oz. of ogre-mage blood
HealingA vial of holy water, three lammasu feathers, or 1 oz. of troll flesh
Health, elixir ofA vial of holy water, and a couatl feather
HeroismThe heart of a lion, or an androsphinx feather
Human control6 oz. of nixie blood, or dust from a destroyed vampire or succubus
Illusion, dust ofA lock of lamia hair or a rakshasa brain
Impact, oil ofA powdered minotaur horn
Invisibility6 oz. of pixie sweat
InvulnerabilityA tarrasque or gargoyle horn
Kheoghtom’s ointment1 pint of royal jelly from giant bees
LevitationTwo beholder eyestalks, or 8 oz. of Type II demon ichor
Life, elixir of10 phoenix head feathers
Longevity3 oz. of elven blood, or 6 oz. of mummy dust
Love, philter ofA lock of dryad hair
Meditation, incense of1 oz. of hallucinogenic spores from a myconid, and one holy/unholy symbol
Nolzur’s marvelous pigmentsClematis, lady’s mantle, and 500 gp worth of platinum or sapphire
Plant control2 oz. of treant sap, 1 oz. of shrieker spores, or a vegepygmy “brain”
Polymorph selfA doppleganger brain, or a jackalwere heart
Rainbow huesTwo giant dragonfly wings
Sharpness, oil ofOne tarrasque tooth per + 1 of enchantment
Slipperiness, oil of4 oz. of boggle oil
Sovereign glue6’ piece of cave fisher filament, one roper tentacle, or 16 filaments from a giant sundew
SpeedA thri-kreen eye, four unicorn mane hairs, or a giant wasp wing
Super-heroismFour giant wolverine claws, and 6 oz. of (any) giant’s blood
Sweet waterFour shedu tail hairs
Timelessness, oil ofPart of a time elemental
Tracelessness, dust of2 oz. of boggart bone
Treasure findingThree ancient dragon scales
Undead controlHand of an evil high priest, or dust from a lich’s bones
Ultimate solution2 oz. of dracolisk acid, and two “pearls” from a land urchin
VentriloquismA bottle of leprechaun’s breath
VitalityA vial of holy water, and a titan fingernail clipping or 3 oz. of troll blood
Water breathingEight water naga scales, or 1 oz. of triton gills
Youth elixir6 oz. of ki-rin hair

These ingredients are only a few possibilities. Imagination and research may discover other items that also produce the desired compound.