Main / TysConcept

Ty's Concept

Ty was a fairly simple character, I had some good numbers and I wanted to make a good fighter. After Fritz's Bladesinger, I was not allowed to use the kit, but I was able to use the proficiency, but it was just not the same. So I decided the character needed more development beyond the skills and numbers. Luckily there was a female Elf in the party that was already established as she ran away from something at home. Ty became that something that came looking for her. As a betrothed who was abandoned, Ty had come to find out why she left and to reclaim his honor by winning her love and respect. It made for some good role playing, the other player did not make it easy, but BOB helped by eventually having a poetry contest where Ty was able to write a sappy poem, letting his betrothed go and in doing so won her heart.