Main / UndeadSlayer

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits

Undead Slayer

As elves loathe the undead, it is only logical that they develop methods to combat the undead menace. Whether they stay behind to protect elf homes from ravening undead hordes or actively seek out the unliving to destroy them in their foul nests, the Undead Slayers learn all they can about their wretched foes.

undead monsters wherever they can find them.

is allowed by the initial class. Recommended: A piercing or slashing weapon to complement the bludgeoning weapon.

Local History, Ancient Languages, Survival.

Most of them carry backpacks containing at least a mirror, two vials of holy water (if not more), several sharpened stakes, holy symbols, tinder for torches, and so forth. For weapons, if their class allows, they carry at least two silver weapons, one each of piercing and bludgeoning type, as well as ordinary weapons.

result of the grisly nature of their work. These elves have lost the typical elven enjoyment of life, for they have become obsessed with death and the undead.

and have researched it thoroughly. They know every nuance and variation between the various members of that species. For this reason, Undead Slayers, if properly prepared, gain a +2 to attack rolls and to damage against their chosen undead foes.

Undead Slayers hunt the undead more easily than most. They know the signs of undead infestations and can trace them back to their sources. Their keen elven senses are honed to detect the unnatural rhythms of undead, and they can therefore find their lairs.

This does not mean that they can find a distant vampire's secret lair. Instead, by listening to rumors and observing the local phenomena, they can find the general area where the lair might be. Then they may search for the creature more personally.

down a chance to eliminate an undead enemy. While this does not mean charging blindly into battle, they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives if it means the undead will perish. They will never back away from the opportunity to rid the world of these blasphemous creations, regardless of the cost to themselves.

Mindless undead are rather low on their list of priorities for destruction. Skeletons and zombies do not arouse the hatred and loathing of the Undead Slayer as much as sentient undead do. Anything with a mind raises the hackles and the anger of the Undead Slayer.

Such is the Undead Slayers' devotion to their cause that they will plan ways to destroy even those undead who have proved themselves friendly. Dealing with a good or neutral lich, for example, is impossible for an Undead Slayer. Simply knowing of the existence of such an abomination is enough for this character to seek ways to annihilate it.

other players within their class.

Undead Slayers must purchase at least two vials of holy water and a silver mirror before buying any other equipment. For weapons, they usually carry an edged weapon (if allowed) as well as a bludgeoning weapon. After they have satisfied this minimum requirement, they may spend their money as they wish. However, it is recommended that at least half of their funds be spent on equipment for locating and holding undead at bay.