Main / Vanisher

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Gnomish Kits


The Vanisher is an illusionist with the specialization of making things disappear--in that sense, he or she is the opposite of the Imagemaker. Invisibility is stock-in-trade, but the Vanisher is also adept at spells that alter and disguise the appearance of something, equally ready to replace the vanished object or creature with an alternate as to make it disappear entirely.

Any gnomish illusionist can elect to be a Vanisher.

Role: The Vanisher is the valued counterpart to the Imagemaker, whether on the battlefield or in a dungeon. By concealing the existence of a party he or she can insure them the advantage of surprise, which is always useful. His or her skills can also benefit reconnoissance or retrieval missions.

Secondary Skills: Any can be useful, though Scribe and Navigator skills preferred.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Vanisher has no restriction on weapon proficiencies.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: The Vanisher receives Reading/Writing skill without expending a slot.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: These include Spellcraft, Heraldry, Blindfighting, Direction Sense, Weather Sense, and Navigation.

Equipment: The Vanisher likes to keep a vial of dust of disappearance handy; see Special Benefits, below.

Special Benefits: The Vanisher gains extra skills with any spell involving invisibility, as well as other spells of the illusion/phantasm school that allow the caster to alter the appearance of a creature or object or to impair the sense of an observer. Some of the latter include blindness and deafness spells; spells which alter appearances include blur, change self, fool's gold, illusionary script, Leomund's trap, Nystul's magic aura, and vacancy.

When casting one of these specialty spells, the Vanisher gains several benefits. The duration of the spell is doubled. Saving throws against the effects of these spells suffer a -2 penalty. Characters or creatures that could normally see invisible objects must make a successful Intelligence check, with a -4 penalty to the roll, before they can see objects screened by a Vanisher.

Also, at the second level of experience the Vanisher gains the ability to make a simple form of dust of disappearance from flour and a modicum (100 gp worth) of crushed diamond. It takes the Vanisher a full hour and a successful Intelligence check to perform this task, which can be attempted once per day. This homemade dust of disappearance retains its potency for two weeks.

Special Hindrances: Like the Imagemaker, the Vanisher's devotion to mastering illusions is such that it precludes his or her learning any spells from the greater divination or conjuring/summoning schools of magic.