Main / WarWizard

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits

War Wizard

...what is it good for?

Although elves do not desire war, preferring instead to live their lives in peace and idyllic happiness, they recognize that the world is full of races hostile to elves, all of whom would love to see them driven into the dirt. A War Wizard is one who has devoted her life to defending against such attacks.

When there is a problem with an enemy, the War Wizard is the one to call.

Even if not associated with a town, the War Wizard is an invaluable asset to any group that expects to face trouble. Simple strategic knowledge is her bread and butter, but her expertise does not end there. She can work offensive marvels physically, and her spellcasting skills are excellent.

short sword, weapon style specialization (from The Complete Fighter's Handbook).

Riding, Languages (Ancient or Modern), Set Snares, Weather Sense.

dress as they please on their own time. However, they often have a military aura. When in a military capacity, they must wear a uniform.

her side to add +1 to their attack rolls for the duration of a battle. This bonus applies only if all the following conditions are met: 1) The War Wizard has had a chance to survey the area and map it. 2) The War Wizard holds a strategy meeting with all who gain the +1 bonus. 3) All members of the War Wizard's side who are to gain the bonus successfully make an Intelligence check that has been modified by the difficulty of the instructions and changes in the terrain. Those who fail do not gain the bonus, and they run the risk of destroying another team member's bonus during battle. If these conditions are met, the War Wizard's side gains the bonus. If any part is left out or ignored, the bonus is negated.

The War Wizard is allowed a weapon of choice. She gains a +1 to attack rolls with this weapon, cumulative with all other applicable bonuses.

She also gains a "spell of choice," once every four levels. This spell is usually a largescale, offensive spell or it may be a handy defensive spell. Only rarely are they personal in scope and, even then, it must have some applicability to a larger party. The spell can be of any level the War Wizard can cast at the time she chooses the spell. Thus, at the 4th level, a War Wizard can choose spells of the 1st or 2nd level. At the 8th level, she can choose spells of up to the 4th level.

The chosen spell is not a bonus spell for the War Wizard. It must still be memorized as would a normal spell. However, the spell can be either cast more quickly, firing at a + 1 to initiative, or force the opponent to take a -1 on his save. For every four levels the War Wizard has practiced this spell, she gains a +1 bonus to either side. For example, if a 12th-level War Wizard had chosen sleep as her spell at the 4th level, she would now gain either +2 to initiative when casting it or would cause her opponents to save at -2.

warrior/mage ordinarily receives the full gamut of weapons, a War Wizard may only take certain weapons. Any of the normal wizard's weapons, any blade, any bow, or a lance may be chosen. The selection cannot extend beyond these, however.

War Wizards have a Code of Conduct that they must abide by at all times. Even when they are apart from their units, the code may never be broken. If it is and they are discovered, they will be drummed from the unit. It is up to the DM and the player to determine what the Code is for each unit, but it should fierce, demanding, and restrictive.

Finally, there are demands the unit will place on the War Wizard. She must comply with these demands or lose her benefits. The unit will typically take up about one month per year of the War Wizard's time.

spent however she likes.