Main / WeddingPlans

Miranda Paige's Wedding Plans

by John Anstett but everyone is invited to participate

Miranda's Wedding Plans

3-9-345 SKR

Dearest Sally,

My it has been a long time since we spoke. It feels like a lifetime. So much to discuss, I had hoped to bring you this news in person but life found another delay. I, or should I say we, not to spoil the surprise, will be clearing some land and helping with some construction just north of Justille Estates for a while but wanted you to be prepared for the news. I have been on a grand adventure, I fell out of favor with Idum, but I am back, due in no small part I think to my converting of my man. And let me just clarify, he is a great man, a humble Norse warrior who just didn't know it. I dare not say more in writing but look forward to speaking with soon regarding arrangements for a wedding. You know my situation and his is similar without living relatives so we are counting on your support.

All my best,


5-10-345 SKR

A rugged man, rather short and lean, wanders into the current construction site, apparently looking for someone or something.

--- Looking around, Hoffman notices the stranger and while he certainly does not look like a security threat, he decides it might be a nice test of his non combat ability. Walking towards him, he raises his hand to get his attention.

"Can I help you?"

The stranger barely looks at Hoffman as he continues to look around and walking to get a better view around the construction.

"I certainly hope so, I am looking for someone, eighteen year old lady, looks kinda like a human chipmunk, goes by the name Miranda?"

Stunned, Hoffman just stares for a moment.

Seeing what he considers confusion, the stranger continues.

"There is no reason to worry, I am an old friend. I am here to do some prep work on her potential husband, do you know Beehead Durman?"

At this point, Hoffman steps in front of the smaller man and gets up close, looking down at him with a most disturbed look.

"Who are you and how do you know that name?"

Starting to understand the situation the stranger focuses on the man in front of him and talks clear and quiet in a calm voice.

"My name is Himdal Verdeshor, you can call me Hime for short. If you can just take be to Miranda, I assure you, she will be happy to see me."

" Well, Mister Hime Forshort, you still did not answer my question. How do you know the name 'Beehead Durham' ?

"Well.. I.." Hime started to stammer 

Clearly not wanting to waste any more time Hoffman grabs him and flys off, arrond to the far side of the construction site, to the other side of the building and lands with him in front of Miranda.

"I know the Fly spell is almost over but this is Hime Forshort, he wants to talk to us but he knows something no one knows, not even you."

Miranda steps between them and puts her hands on Hoffman's chest.

"Relax, this is all good."

She then turns around and hugs Hime.

"It is so good to see you, it has been so long. You could have waited a little longer. We are in no hurry. By the way, this is my husband to be, with your help, Hoffman."

She puts her finger to Bike's lips as he starts to say something.

"Please, let's step inside and discuss this in private."

As she opens the door to an empty but finished house and escorted the two men inside and closes the door.

After Intro 20190118

(Clearly a lifetime will pass between intro and next live roleplay, this is intended to summarize the more important discussion.Feel free to post in character even without specific questions being askes, I just thought these would be important and or interesting) (Also, feel free to ask questions, as if that needed to be said)


Hime shows great respect to find time when she is available, probably while she is walking.

"I understand you are very influential in these parts and you seem to generate a great deal of loyalty and respect. I don't want to take up too much of your time but I would be doing my job if I didn't ask you some questions on your personal prospective of Miranda and Hoffman. In your opinion, what was it that drew Miranda away from serving Idun?"

Branwyn gave a little laugh at the unexpected question. “I’m assuming you are referring to her additional source of magic? You’re asking the wrong person on that one, Master Forshort. I met Miranda as a priestess of Idun. She left our group for a while and then returned doing my kind of magic. You would have to ask her why she made that decision. If it makes you feel any better, I think of her more as a priestess than a mage. That is how I knew her for the first couple years adventuring together.”

She paused and thought about it more as they walked, her hand resting on her belly, which seems to have become her hand’s permanent place these last few weeks. “Miranda doesn’t share her more personal thoughts with me, so I’m not sure how much help I’m going to be. But, I would ask you why you view it as turning away from her god? Who says she ever stopped serving him in her own way?”

Hime smiles

"I understand, and Miranda and I have had and will have many talks. I just need a little more perspective when you were with her only as a Priestess of Idun. We find from time to time when young priest and priestess leave into the world to spread our word, they do lose their focus from time to time. While Miranda seems devout in her beliefs, she no longer focuses her attention to her holy calling as she once did. In your time with ber, did you see any signs of issues that might clarify her drifting, if you will.

Branwyn thought for a bit. “Sometimes certain events change a person. Sometimes the same event can change different people in different ways. Or not at all. The questions that you are asking are so personal in nature, I hesitate to even try to speak as to Miranda’s mindset. But if you are insistent upon it, I can share one significant moment that comes to mind and perhaps that can be something that you discuss with Miranda further.”

“Early on in our adventuring days,” Branwyn began, “we were exploring a cemetery and were attacked by ghouls. You have to keep in mind that we were very inexperienced at that point in our adventuring careers. We were easily overtaken by them. In a matter of minutes, Indigo, Kristelle and Imari were all paralyzed. I had no more spells to cast and stood there alone with only a dagger in hand fighting against two ghouls. Suddenly Miranda and a kind fighter she had known a long time before arrived and saw our desperate situation. Seeing them take up the fight was one of the last things I saw before I was clawed and then paralyzed myself by one of the ghouls.”

“Miranda tried to turn the undead but failed and was soon bitten and paralyzed herself. As the lone fighter tried to save us, Indigo, Imari and Kristelle regained control of their bodies once again and between them all were able to defeat the ghouls. We were all shaken and heavily wounded, but we were still alive. Miranda seemed to take this encounter the hardest. I mean, to me, the encounter simply solidified what was already forming in my mind. That is, that learning spells for conveniences or my own personal protection was a selfish use of my magic and research time. As a member of a mercenary unit, it was my responsibility to learn magic that would help ensure the safety of the entire group. To me, that means by fighting those that wish to cause us harm. Growing up I never dreamt of becoming a battle mage, but that first day of my mercenary career seeing a red dragon take out most of the Dragonslayer companies gathered by Red Fern Lake? I saw no other path for me.”

“But back to Miranda. Like I said, she took that battle the hardest of all of us. Perhaps because her attempt to turn the undead failed? Perhaps because instead of her magic, she was forced to use her quarterstaff to battle an enemy and still found herself paralyzed like the rest of us? She blamed herself. Which was completely wrong, of course. She wasn’t the one traipsing through cemeteries unprepared. We were. She came looking for us, found us in our predicament, and did her best to save us. I remember her saying through her tears that she was meant to be an instrument of peace. Well, Master Forshort, as you can imagine, there are few instruments of peace in a mercenary unit! Kristelle, persuaded her to pray and through those prayers, her first inspiration was to heal us as best she could. Maybe it was this encounter or a similar one that inspired Miranda to expand her horizons.”

Branwyn looked over at Hime. “Any other questions?”

Hime seems to struggle to keep a straight face surfing the story before shaking his be at the end.

"No, I think that paints a very clear picture. I appreciate your attention to details. Thank you"

And he nods as he wanders off, still shaking his head.

Shi and Kel

Hime does try and see each separately but does not seem to care not vary his questions to each of them.

" I understand you may not have been a couple for much time at all, it you have known each other for what for us humans must seem like a long time. How would you compare Hoffman's and Miranda's relationship to your own or other humans you have met? "

Without a clue as to where Kel went, Shi simply gave Hime a shrug at his question. With a little hesitation, she replied, "I cannot do justice by comparing our relationships. To me, it seems rushed, but then, do not all human relationships seem rushed? You live such short lives. How can you know someone when you have known them for such a short time?"

Shi shook her head, but she sensed Hime would be a very important determining factor in the possible upcoming wedding. Trying to word her response well, Shi continued, "Unfortunately, I have very few other human couples to compare them to, but they have shown themselves to be devoted to one another. This process alone is far more involved than any I know of, but they both are going through with it, and that is a strong sign of dedication to each other, wouldn't you think? I am sorry I cannot be of much help, but for what it's worth, they do seem to love each other, and that is what I'd think matters most."

Hime nodes

"In many human marriages, that is certainly true. We always hope for true love for all our people but surely you have seen pairing for other than love. For the Norse church to sanctify a union, there is just a little more concern that the union will not be fleeting, that there is more connection of beliefs and comparability to make it last. Is Hoffman really a changed man of is he just trying to make Miranda happy? Who knows?

Hugh and Neith

Hime does insist on talking to them separately but apparently when each has Mercy

"How would you describe Hoffman and Miranda's reaction to Mercy presence in the group?

Hugh seems confused and a little wary. But Responds: They have shown nothing but kindness to my girl.

[in seperate session with Neith: "They have been most accepting of the Mercy. Quirks and all."]

Miranda comes to the group at some point after all the training

"I do want to thank all of you for your support. It is on no small part due to your vouching for me that Hoffman and I have been approved to get married. As I am not what they consider an active member of the church, it will not be here at the church in Loosend, but that is better, we will find a day when we can all be together. I know Hoffman is not going any where.No, I don't have a ring, but Hoffman has promised when we find the right one, he going to make sure he gets it for me. But thank you all so much.

At some point during the second construction phase, Hime stops by to see the group.

"As a dully appointed counsel for the Norse Church in Loosend, I want to thank you for accepting Miranda Page as part of your eclectic group. I want you to know that we are going to take a more active role in our brothers and sisters wandering the wastes here. I personally will be here to help administer the Church's activities in the Norse Shrine Miranda has agreed to be built and I will continue to secure funding and a full time priest to serve the needs in this area. Thanks again for your hospitality and I look forward to getting to know each of you on a more personal basis.

"Are you going to shave before that? Or do you not believe in shaving, either, like the 'dwarf' over there?" asked Thistle, curious. "Because you kind of look like a dog..."

"Thistle!" groaned Shi, before giving a sigh and apologetic shrug towards Hime.

Hime smiles.

"You should know that this hair is the only thing stopping me from looking as young as you when I am twice your age. I was given a real baby face and if and when you decide to grow up, you will appreciate the respect people give you when you look and act your age. So enjoy it while you can Thistle."