Main / Wilma


A farmer's wife. Mother of Malagorn. She was the only daughter of a very successful potato farmer. Her father had big plans for her. He planned on marrying her into a successful turnip family and then use his influence in the potato community to take over the operations of the turnip farm. Unfortunately for her father, Wilma decided to go to the village fair one year and get piss ass drunk on the hard cider Old Man Marley? brewed. Several maypoles later, Wilma found herself on Bill's maypole.

About three months later, Wilma was quickly and quietly wed to Bill. Of course, quietly in a town of about 30 means that the village idiot didn't hear about it. Except that Bill was the village idiot, so in reality the whole town knew about it.

After the wedding Wilma's father drank himself into a drunken stupor on his own vodka. Late that wedding night he was railing against the cruelties of the world and fell into the village well and drowned. It wasn't discovered he was down there for a few days. Try not to think about it...

Back to Wilma, she had her son and had a... not too unhappy marriage. She soon turned to the church and was a fervent patron, praying daily for her husband's, and then later her own death.

Her pregnancy was fraught with problems, but by the grace of god, or someone, she had the baby and no one died. Malagorn was a colicky baby and cried most nights through, causing Wilma to get almost no sleep. This resulted in an unfortunate accident where she walked into a harvesting scythe hanging in the shed. Funny thing was, Wilma often told Bill to sell that very scythe because what did a potato farmer need with a scythe. Okay, perhaps that wasn't funny, but it was rather ironic. That little incident left Wilma blind in one eye and horribly scarred. Which made her life just that much happier.

Later, as Malagorn began to walk, Wilma was chasing him as he ran naked down the street and ran straight into an oncoming run away potato cart. Fortunately, it did not crush her skull like a melon and kill her. Unfortunately, it crushed her foot like a bunch of celery and crippled her.

Now, half blind, horribly scarred, and crippled, Wilma began a stint as the village school marm (she was chosen for this because for one, she couldn't do anything useful as a cripple, and secondly she was ugly enough to scare the children into behaving). During her time cooped into a tiny one room shack with no windows and several unhygienic children, she came down with a case of the pox. Again, Wilma's will to live or some cruel fate did not allow the pox to kill her. She survived the pox with most of her body covered with horrific scars.

At this point Wilma decided to not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. This resulted in her being the only occupant when the roof caved in one winter, trapping her under a pile of roofing and snow for most of a day before Bill and Malagorn came home to dig her out. In that time the frostbite set in enough for her to lose most of her toes, a few fingers, and an ear. But she survived. And that which does not kill you makes you stronger, right? Well to this day Wilma lives scarred and depressed, praying daily for a death that refuses to come.