Main / Windrider

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Elven Kits


Few mounted cavalry are as glamorous and exciting as the Windriders. The elite of the elf forces, they are greatly envied by common elves and greatly feared by foes.

times of war, they are both shock troops and scouts.

The DM may not wish to allow Windriders in a campaign, for they vastly increase the scope of a PC's operations. Then, too, the Windrider's mount may very well make a low-level PC far more powerful than he or she ought to be. It is recommended that DMs thoroughly familiarize themselves with Windriders before allowing them into a campaign.

Recommended: Short bow, flail, long sword.

species only), Animal Training (for mount's species only).

Weather Sense.

Otherwise, Windriders are free to carry what they will if their mount can bear the burden.

not appear much different from ordinary elves. They may be more haughty, but otherwise they appear as normal elves.

benefits until reaching high levels. Likewise, they do not suffer the hindrances until they have reached this level, which is typically 4th to 6th level, although it can be later (or earlier, if the character is especially worthy). Those aspiring to be Windriders must prove themselves worthy of this kit before actually being allowed entrance. They may not have a kit before becoming a Windrider.

Although they do not gain many benefits, the quality of their benefits is enough for the Windrider. First is the reaction bonus they receive from members of the higher classes in both elven and human society. When they are traveling with their mounts, Windriders gain a +2 reaction bonus when dealing with them.

A more important benefit, however, is the mount. When admitted to the ranks of the Windriders, characters receive intensive training with a mount of the species available. They are effectively out of commission for one year while learning to be a Windrider. After that time they are full Windriders, and they gain a winged mount from one of the following races: griffon, hippogriff, or pegasus.

Their choice of mount confers no other special ability except the ability to communicate, in a very basic fashion, with the members of the mount's species. They also gain the mobility of flight and a companion who is prepared to defend them with its life.

society, Windriders are the object of great jealousy-sometimes even hatred-from the lower classes. Their arrogant manner and disregard for beings of a lower social status earn them the enmity of the lower classes. They suffer a -3 penalty to their reaction rolls when dealing with these folk.

Though able to strike awe into their hearts, Windriders can also earn the enmity of humans. After the initial awe has worn away, Windriders suffer a -3 penalty for reactions from lower-class humans.

If his animal dies, the Windrider is temporarily without the benefits of this kit. Although he may eventually regain a mount, the loss is such that it causes him to suffer all of the hindrances without gaining any of the benefits of this kit.

The major hindrance of the kit is also the major benefit. The Windrider must always be concerned with the welfare of his mount, for he would not be a Windrider without it. Constantly worrying about one's mount is the chief occupational hazard of the Windrider.

these as he pleases. However, he must ensure the care of his mount by finding it food and shelter or else lose the benefits of the kit when the animal flees its master to take care of itself.