Main / Wizard2

Mage Spells Level 2 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 2nd level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Alter Self	2	2	I alter my form for {3d4+(2*$L)} rounds.	0	1		
Bind	2	2	{50+($L*5)} feet of rope do as I command for {$L} rounds	0	1		
Blindness	2	2	Target is permanently blinded unless they save vs spell.	0	1		
Blur	2	2	I'm blury and harder to hit for {3+$L} rounds	0	1		
Cat's Grace	2	2	The target's dexterity is increased for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Chaos Shield	2	2	I'm protected from wild surges for {1d10+(2*$L)} rounds.	0	1		
Choke	2	2	The target is choked for {1d4} points of damage for {$L} rounds save for half on the first round. Attack rolls are at -2 for the spell's duration.	0	1		
Continual Light - Wizard	2	2	Create a permanent source of light which shines in a 60 foot radius.	0	1		
Darkness, 15' Radius	2	2	A 15' radius area is dark for {10+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Deafness	2	2	Target is permanently deaf if they fail a save.	0	1		
Death Recall	2	2	I see the last 10 minutes of life of a corpse which died within the last 24 hours.	0	1		
Deeppockets	2	2	I enchant a garment to have deep pockets for {12+$L} hours.	0	1		
Detect Evil - Wizard	2	2	For {$L*5} rounds I can detect evil within a 10'x180' path. I have to stand still and concentrate to do it though.	0	1		
Detect Invisibility	2	2	I can see any invisible creatures within {10*$L} yards of my field of vision for {$L*5} rounds.	0	1		
Detect Life	2	2	I can see if a creature is alive.	0	1		
Displace Self	2	2	For {$L} rounds, creatures attacking me miss their first attack and suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls after. I also get a +2 to saves of effects directed at me specifically.	0	1		
ESP	2	2	For {$L} rounds I can read surface thoughts.	0	1		
Filter	2	2	A 10' radius sphere around the target filters out any harmful gases for {$L} turns.	0	1		
Flaming Sphere	2	2	For {$L} rounds a 3 ft radius sphere rolls around where I tell it to go and deals {2d4} points of damage to those it touches and {1d4} points of damage to those it's within 5' of it. Save for no damage.	0	1		
Fog Cloud	2	2	I create a fog which lasts for {4+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Fools' Gold	2	2	I turn copper or brass to gold for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Forget	2	2	1-4 targets must save vs spell or forget the last {1+$L/3} rounds prior to the casting of the spell.	0	1		
Ghoul Touch	2	2	For {$L} rounds I can claw people and paralyze them for {1d6+2} rounds. Save to avoid.	0	1		
Glitterdust	2	2	I make a 20 foot square of golden dust that reveals invisible creatures and blinds those who fail a save for {1d4+1} rounds. The dust coats everything for {1d4+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Hornung's Baneful Deflector	2	2	For {$L*2} rounds, missiles aimed at the target instead are deflected to a random target within 15' of the target.	0	1		
Hypnotic Pattern	2	2	I captivate the attention of 24 levels worth of creatures within a 30' cube. Those who fail a save stare as long as I concentrate plus 2 rounds thereafter.	0	1		
Ice Knife	2	2	I throw a knife of ice. If it hits, it deals {2d4} points of damage. Whether it hits or not, it will explode into a wave of cold dealing an additional {1d4} points of damage to those in a 5' radius and numb them for {1d3} rounds to those who fail their save. Numb creatures move at half movement and -2 to attack rolls.	0	1		
Improved Phantasmal Force	2	2	I make an illusion with minor sounds for as long as I concentrate.	0	1		
Insatiable Thirst	2	2	Target that fails a save must drink any and all potable liquids for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Invisibility	2	2	Target is invisible for 24 hours or until he attacks, whichever comes first.	0	1		
Irritation	2	2	Either 1-4 targets are itchy or 1 target develops a rash.	0	1		
Knock	2	2	All locks in a {10*$L} square foot area are unlocked.	0	1		
Know Alignment - Wizard	2	2	For {$L} rounds I can attempt to determine a creature or object's aligment. This requires 2 rounds of concentration and the creature receives a save.	0	1		
Leomund's Trap	2	2	The target permanently appears to be trapped to those who search for traps.	0	1		
Levitate	2	2	I lift {$L*100} lbs of load. Unwilling creatures save to avoid.	0	1		
Locate Object - Wizard	2	2	For {$L} rounds I know where an object is within {$L*20} yards	0	1		
Magic Mouth	2	2	When a certain criteria is met, a mouth appears and gives a message then the spell is gone.	0	1		
Maximillian's Earthen Grasp	2	2	For {3+$L} rounds, an arm reaches out and tries to grab a target.	0	1		
Melf's Acid Arrow	2	2	I fire an arrow of acid which deals 2d4 points of damage for up to {1+($L/3)} rounds unless neutralized eariler.	0	1		
Mirror Image	2	2	For {$L*3} rounds, {1d4+($L/3)} additional images of me surround me which you might hit.	0	1		
Misdirection	2	2	For 8 hours, I mislead detection spells	0	1		
Moon Rune	2	2	I create some writing which can only be read under specific conditions of my choosing.	0	1		
Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier	2	2	For {1d6+$L} rounds, the target gives random results for detect alignment and detect lie spells.	0	1		
Past Life	2	2	I touch a corpse (or part of one) and see what it looked like when it was alive. If I'm 7th level I can see the last minute of life. If I'm 9th level I only need a personal possession.	0	1		
Protection From Cantrips	2	2	Cantrips don't affect the target for {5+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Protection from Paralysis	2	2	Target is immune to paralysis for {$L} turns	0	1		
Protection from Poison	2	2	Target is immune to poison for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Pyrotechnics - Wizard	2	2	A source of fire either makes fireworks or obscuring smoke.	0	1		
Ray of Enfeeblement	2	2	Targets affected by this spell have an effective strength of 5 for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Ride the Wind	2	2	For {$L} turns, I can move up and down at a movement rate of 12, with other directions being at the mercy of the wind.	0	1		
Rope Trick	2	2	For {2*$L} turns, I create an extradimensional hiding space with a rope hanging from it. I can climb the rope and hide in it.	0	1		
Scare	2	2	Creatures who are of 6 hit dice or less fall to the ground in fear. Elves, half-elves and priests are allowed a save.	0	1		
Sense Shifting	2	2	For 3 turns, spells that I cast of 1-3 level can have either color, sound or patterned visual effects changed.	0	1		
Shatter	2	2	I use sound to smash glass and ceramics.	0	1		
Spectral Hand	2	2	For {2*$L} rounds, I can use touch spells at a distance with a +2 to hit.	0	1		
Stinking Cloud	2	2	For {$L} rounds I create a 20 foot cube of noxious gas. Those within it and fail a save vs poison cough and reel, unable to attack from nausea for {1d4+1} rounds after leaving the area of effect.	0	1		
Strength	2	2	For {$L} turns, the target is stronger.	0	1		
Summon Swarm	2	2	In comes a swarm of {1d10[1-4="Rats";5-7="Bats";8-9="Centipedes/beetles";10="Flying insects"]}	0	1		
Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter	2	2	For {$L} rounds, the {$L/3} creatures in a 30 ft cube start laughing uncontollably if they fail a save.	0	1		
Vocalize	2	2	For 5 rounds, I don't need verbal components to spells I cast.	0	1		
Wall of Gloom	2	2	I make a barrier of gloomy darkness which lasts {2d4+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Web	2	2	For {2*$L} turns, 8 10' cubes of webby goo hold everyone in the area in place.	0	1		
Whispering Wind	2	2	I send a message to an area within {$L} miles.	0	1		
Wizard Lock	2	2	The door is permanently locked.	0	1