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Mage Spells Level 3 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 3rd level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Alacrity	3	3	For the next {10+$L} rounds, my casting times are reduced.	0	1		
Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown	3	3	I learn the ingredients of the item or substance that I analyze.	0	1		
Alternate Reality	3	3	Reroll a single die roll from last round.	0	1		
Augmentation I	3	3	A damage spell of levels 1-3 increases it's damage by 1 point per die rolled.	0	1		
Bands of Sirellyn	3	3	If the target fails it's save, it is bound by unbreakable metal bands for {10+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Blink	3	3	For the next {$L} rounds I teleport randomly to somewhere within 10 feet.	0	1		
Bone Club	3	3	I turn a bone into a magical club for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Clairaudience	3	3	I can hear things at a distance.	0	1		
Clairvoyance	3	3	I can see things at a distance.	0	1		
Delay Death	3	3	For {$L} turns, I can still act normally until I get to -10 hit points.	0	1		
Delude	3	3	For {$L} turns, my alignment and everyone elses within a 30 foot radius is what I choose it to be for purposes of detection spells.	0	1		
Dispel Magic - Wizard	3	3	I dispel level {11-1d20+$L} magic.	0	1		
Explosive Runes	3	3	Anyone who reads these runes takes {6d4+6} points of damage. Those within 5 feet of the blast can attempt a save vs spell for half damage.	0	1		
Far Reaching I	3	3	The range of 1-3 level spells are extended.	0	1		
Feign Death - Wizard	3	3	I appear dead for {6+$L} turns.	0	1		
Fireball	3	3	I fire off a 20' radius ball of flame which deals {($L)d6} points of damage. Save vs spell for half damage.	0	1		
Fireflow	3	3	I control the direction of fire for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Flame Arrow	3	3	I can either light arrows on fire or fire off bolts of fire which each deal {5d6} points of damage. I may fire off {$L/5} of them.	0	1		
Fly	3	3	I fly for the next {1d6+$L} turns.	0	1		
Gust of Wind	3	3	For 1 round I blow a strong gust of wind from me which is 10' wide and {$L*10} yards long.	0	1		
Haste	3	3	{$L} creatures in a 40' cube move faster for {3+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Hold Person - Wizard	3	3	I freeze 1 to 4 humanoids, save to avoid.	0	1		
Hold Undead	3	3	{$L} hit dice of undead (up to {1d3} individuals) are held for {1d4+$L} rounds if they fail their save.	0	1		
Hovering skull	3	3	A skull hovers near me which I can direct to look elsewhere within 30 feet or order it to bite people for 1d6 points of damage.	0	1		
Illusionary Script	3	3	I write something which lasts for up to {$L} days. Only those who I want to read it can read it, others are subjected to a suggestion and cannot read it.	0	1		
Infravision	3	3	I can see in the dark for {2+$L} hours.	0	1		
Invisible Mail	3	3	I'm at AC 3 until this armor absorbs {$L} points of damage	0	1		
Invisibility, 10' Radius	3	3	Those who stay within 10 feet of me are invisible until they leave the area, attack or 24 hours go by.	0	1		
Iron Mind	3	3	I'm immune to all charm and hold spells as well as illusions by 3rd level or lower wizards for 1 hour.	0	1		
Item	3	3	I shrink an item and turn it into cloth for {$L*4} hours.	0	1		
Lance of Disruption	3	3	I create a concussive blast 5' wide and 60' long which deals {5d4+($L*2)} points of damage! Save vs spell for half.	0	1		
Leomund's Tiny Hut	3	3	I create a 15' diameter hemisphere shelter which lasts {4+$L} hours or until I leave it.	0	1		
Lesser Sign of Sealing	3	3	I create a ward on a door which locks it. If the door is forced open somehow, it deals {1d8+$L} points of damage (save for half). The ward lasts {$L} days or until discharged.	0	1		
Lightning Bolt	3	3	I create a 10'x40' or 5'x80' lightning bolt which deals {($L)d6} points of damage, save for half.	0	1		
Lorlovelm's Creeping Shadow	3	3	My shadow is a scout for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Maximillian's Stony Grasp	3	3	For {5+$L} rounds stony hands come up to grab people.	0	1		
Melf's Minute Meteors	3	3	I create {$L} missiles which I can throw at +2 to hit for 1d4 points of damage. I can launch either 1 or up to 5 a round.	0	1		
Minor Malison	3	3	Those within a 30' radius sphere have a -1 penalty to their saves for {$L*2} rounds.	0	1		
Monster Summoning I	3	3	For the next {2+$L} rounds, I've got {1d20[1="2d4 Giant ants";2="2d4 Large Bats";3="2d4 Fire Beetles";4="2d4 Bullywugs";5="2d4 Goblins";6="2d4 Hobgoblins";7="3d4 Jermlaine";8="3d4 Kobolds";9="2d4 Giant Leeches";10="2d4 Muckdwellers";11="2d4 Orcs";12="3d4 Giant Rats";13="2d4 Human fighters";14="2d4 human thieves";15="2d4 Elven archers";16="2d4 pissed off dwarven axemen";17="2d4 wild dogs";18="2d4 wild cats";19="1d4 rather confused novice priests";20="1d4 scared apprentice mages"]} helping me (unless the DM says otherwise of course).	0	1		
Nondetection	3	3	Detection spells fail on me.	0	1		
Pain Touch	3	3	If I touch a target within {$L} rounds, they are wracked with pain for {1d4} rounds. This causes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC.	0	1		
Phantom Steed	3	3	I conjure forth a phantom steed which sticks around for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Protection From Amorphs	3	3	I'm protected from puddings, jellies and other nasties for {$L*2} rounds.	0	1		
Protection From Evil, 10' Radius - Wizard	3	3	The target and all within a 10' radius are protected from evil for {$L*2} rounds.	0	1		
Protection From Normal Missiles	3	3	Arrows cants hit me for {$L} turns!	0	1		
Secret Page	3	3	I mask some writing so it can only be read by a special command word.	0	1		
Sepia Snake Sigil	3	3	I create a ward on some writing that causes a snake to pop out and attack. If it strikes, the victim is frozen in a state of suspended animation for {1d4+$L} days.	0	1		
Slow	3	3	Up to {$L} creatures in a 40' cube must save vs spell or be slower for {3+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Snapping Teeth	3	3	I create some snapping teeth on an object or creature which attack those who come near them. They last for {$L} turns.	0	1		
Solvent of Corrosion	3	3	I create some acid which dissolves stuff for 3 rounds.	0	1		
Spectral Force	3	3	I make an illusion with sounds and temperature!	0	1		
Spirit Armor	3	3	I'm AC 4 for the next {$L*2} rounds.	0	1		
Squaring the Circle	3	3	I alter the shape of area of effect spells.	0	1		
Suggestion	3	3	I make a suggestion, if you fail a save, you have to do it until it's done or until {$L+1} hours go by.	0	1		
Tongues - Wizard	3	3	I can speak {$L/3} additional languages for the next {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Vampiric Touch	3	3	If I touch you, I deal {($L/2)d6} points of damage and I get healed the same amount. Hit point beyond my maximum stick around for an hour.	0	1		
Wall of Water	3	3	I create a wall of water that slows people down.	0	1		
Water Breathing - Wizard	3	3	As many creatures as I touch can breathe underwater for {$L+1d4} hours, split up among the creatures I touch.	0	1		
Watery Double	3	3	I enchant some water which will take the form of whoever looks at it and attacks them.	0	1		
Wind Wall	3	3	I make a wall of wind that deflects arrows.	0	1		
Wizard Sight	3	3	For {$L} rounds I can see magical auras.	0	1		
Wraithform	3	3	For {2*$L} rounds I can be mistaken for a wraith and can slip through cracks and such.	0	1