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Mage Spells Level 4 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 4th level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Charm Monster	4	4	I charm {2d4} hit dice worth of creatures or 1 creature of 4 hit dice or more on a failed save vs spell.	0	1		
Confusion - Wizard	4	4	For the next {2+$L} rounds, creatures affected act confused.	0	1		
Conjure Elemental-Kin	4	4	I summon forth an elemental-kin for {$L} turns.	0	1		
Contagion	4	4	The target is subjected to a nasty disease.	0	1		
Detect Scrying	4	4	For the next {1d6+$L} turns, I'm immeadiately aware of scrying attempts.	0	1		
Dilation I	4	4	Area of effect spells have their areas increased.	0	1		
Dig	4	4	For the next {$L} rounds I can excavate a 5' cube every round.	0	1		
Dimension Door	4	4	I can teleport up to {30*$L} yards away.	0	1		
Divination Enhancement	4	4	For the next {20+($L*2)} rounds, divination spells I cast increase in both duration and range.	0	1		
Duplicate	4	4	I create a duplicate of an item which lasts for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Emotion	4	4	I chance the emotion of those in a 40' cube.	0	1		
Enchanted Weapon	4	4	I add a plus to a weapon for {5*$L} rounds	0	1		
Enervation	4	4	If the target fails a save, he loses {$L/4} levels. These lost levels return after {1d4+$L} hours.	0	1		
Evard's Black Tentacles	4	4	For the next {$L} hours, tentacles sprout out and start attacking everything in the area.	0	1		
Extension I	4	4	The duration of spells is extended.	0	1		
Far Reaching II	4	4	The range of spells is extended.	0	1		
Fear	4	4	All in the area of effect flee for {$L} rounds. Undead can save to avoid the effect.	0	1		
Fire Aura	4	4	For the next {$L*2} rounds, creatures that touch me get lit on fire.	0	1		
Fire Charm	4	4	Everyone who stares at the fire is charmed and can be given a suggestion.	0	1		
Fire Shield	4	4	For {2+$L} rounds, I have protection from either cold or fire and those who hit me take damage equal to the damage they inflict.	0	1		
Fire Trap - Wizard	4	4	Enchant a closeable object so it explodes dealing {1d4+$L} points of damage to the person who opens it.	0	1		
Fumble	4	4	For {$L} rounds, everyone in a 30' cube is clumbsy and drops stuff.	0	1		
Greater Malison	4	4	For {$L*2} rounds, those in a 30' radius sphere have a -2 penalty to their saves.	0	1		
Hallucinatory Terrain	4	4	I hide the actual terrain of the area for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Halo of Eyes	4	4	For {$L} turns, I can see in every direction and have infravision out to 60 yards.	0	1		
Ice Storm	4	4	Hail or sleet falls from the sky either dealing {3d10} points of damage or making everything slippery.	0	1		
Illusionary Wall	4	4	I make a permanent illusionary wall.	0	1		
Improved Invisibility	4	4	I'm invisible for {$L} rounds, and attacking doesn't make me visible.	0	1		
Improved Strength	4	4	Strength is increased considerably for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Leomund's Secure Shelter	4	4	I make a sturdy cottage which sticks around for {1d4+$L} hours.	0	1		
Lesser Geas	4	4	A target of 7 hit dice or less does as I say or bad things happen.	0	1		
Locate Creature	4	4	For {$L} turns, I know which way to find a target creature within {$L*50} yards.	0	1		
Magic Mirror	4	4	I use a mirror to scry like a crystal ball.	0	1		
Mask of Death	4	4	A corpse's facial features look like someone else's for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Massmorph	4	4	Up to {10*$L} willing people can be turned into trees for as long as the caster desires.	0	1		
Minor Creation	4	4	I create something which sticks around for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Minor Globe of Invulnerability	4	4	An immobile 5' radius sphere surrounds me for {$L} rounds and blocks out spells of 3rd level or less.	0	1		
Minor Spell Turning	4	4	{1d4} levels worth of spells are reflected. This spell lasts {$L*3} rounds or until the spell levels have been reflected.	0	1		
Monster Summoning II	4	4	For the next {3+$L} rounds, I summon up {1d6} {1d20[1="Bombadier Beetles!";2="Giant Centipedes!";3="Giant Frogs!";4="Killer Frogs!";5="Gnolls!";6="Flinds!";7="Land Lampreys!";8="Lizardmen!";9="Mongrelmen!";10="Mudmen!";11="Large Spiders!";12="Stirges!";13="Giant Toads!";14="Troglodytes!";15="Ogrillons!";16="Half-Ogres!";17="Death Dogs!";18="Grimlocks!";19="confused human troops!";20="elven rangers!"]} They can appear anywhere within 40 yards.	0	1		
Mordenkainen's Celerity	4	4	Spells that alter movement have their durations increased.	0	1		
Mordenkainen's Force Missiles	4	4	I conjure forth missiles of force. {($L-4)/3} missiles appear. Each missile deals 2d4 + {$L} points of damage, the 2d4 is automatic, the {$L} can be negated by a successful saving throw vs spell.	0	1		
Otiluke's Dispelling Screen	4	4	For {$L} rounds, everything passing through a 20' square area is subjected to a dispel magic.	0	1		
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere	4	4	For {$L} rounds, the target is trapped in an impenetrable {$L}' diameter sphere. This is assuming it can fit and it fails a save vs spell of course.	0	1		
Phantasmal Killer	4	4	For {$L} rounds, an illusionary 4 hd monster attacks the target, if it hits, the target dies.	0	1		
Plant Growth - Wizard	4	4	{$L*$L*100} square feet of vegetation grows out of control, making movement difficult.	0	1		
Polymorph Other	4	4	Save vs spell or permanently become an animal.	0	1		
Polymorph Self	4	4	The caster can change shape into any animal for {$L*2} turns.	0	1		
Psychic Protection	4	4	For {$L*3} rounds, I have a+6 to saves against mind affecting spells.	0	1		
Rainbow Pattern	4	4	24 HD worth of creatures are hypnotised by a rainbow.	0	1		
Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer	4	4	I can either cast this to memorize 3 spell levels worth of spells or to retain a spell I cast last round.	0	1		
Remove Curse - Wizard	4	4	I remove a curse.	0	1		
Shadow Monsters	4	4	For {$L} rounds I summon forth {$L} hit dice worth of illusionary monsters.	0	1		
Shout	4	4	I shout really loudly. Those in the area save or take {2d6} points of damage and are deafened for {2d6} rounds.	0	1		
Solid Fog	4	4	I make a wall of fog that is very hard to move through.	0	1		
Stoneskin	4	4	The next {1d4+($L/2)} attacks are blocked.	0	1		
Summon Lycanthrope	4	4	I conjure forth the closest lycanthrope of the desired type.	0	1		
There/Not There	4	4	For {1d6} turns, things in a 10' cube are either there or not there.	0	1		
Thunder Staff	4	4	Save vs spell or get thrown back {4d4+4} feet, taking that much damage and being deafened for {1d3+1} rounds. The victims are also stunned, unable to act for {1d3} rounds. Those who save are flung only half the distance (taking half the damage) and are not stunned, but are still deafened.	0	1		
Ultravision	4	4	I can see through any kind of darkness for the next {2+$L} hours.	0	1		
Unluck	4	4	For the next {2d10} rounds, the victim must always roll 2 rolls for every die roll, taking the worst value of the two. A save vs spell avoids this.	0	1		
Vacancy	4	4	For {$L} hours, the area appears to be vacant.	0	1		
Vitriolic Sphere	4	4	I toss a ball of acid at the target. If they fail they take {$L}d4 points of damage this round. They continue to take acid damage every round there after, though with 2 dice subtracted from the damage each time until they save (which halves the damage for that round) or the acid runs out of damage.	0	1		
Wall of Fire - Wizard	4	4	I create a wall of fire that deals {2d6+$L} points of damage to those who pass through it, {2d4} to those within 10' of the hot side or {1d4} to those within 20'.	0	1		
Wall of Ice	4	4	A plane, hemisphere or sheet of ice appears for {$L} turns.	0	1		
Wind Breath	4	4	I breathed deep and let out a huge gust of wind.	0	1		
Wizard Eye	4	4	I conjure up a floating eye that can move around 30' a round. It does so for {$L} rounds.	0	1