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Mage Spells Level 5 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 5th level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Advanced Illusion	5	5	I create an illusion that I don't have to concentrate on. It sticks around for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Airy Water	5	5	For {$L} turns, I can breathe underwater.	0	1		
Animal Growth - Wizard	5	5	Double the hitpoints and damage of up to 8 animals for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Animate Dead - Wizard	5	5	Corpses become zombies or skeletons.	0	1		
Avoidance	5	5	The target object repulses anything but me.	0	1		
Bigby's Interposing Hand	5	5	A huge hand gets between me and the target for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Chaos	5	5	Everyone in a 40' cube is confused for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Cloudkill	5	5	A cloud of deadly gas sticks around for {$L} rounds. Those of 6 HD or less will die (though they may possibly get a save) others take 1d10 points of damage a round for as long as they are in the gas.	0	1		
Cone of Cold	5	5	A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {$L(d4)+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and {$L} feet in diameter at the end.	0	1		
Conjure Elemental	5	5	I conjure forth a 8 hd elemental which sticks around for {$L} turns.	0	1		
Contact Other Plane	5	5	I ask an intelligent being of another plane a question.	0	1		
Demishadow Monsters	5	5	I create an illusion of {$L} HD worth of monsters which stick around for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Dismissal	5	5	I banish a creature to its home plane.	0	1		
Distance Distortion	5	5	For {$L*2} turns, {$L} 10' cubes of area can be distorted so as to seem much longer or shorter in distance.	0	1		
Domination	5	5	Those who fail a save do exactly what I want them to do.	0	1		
Dream	5	5	I enter someone's dreams to send them a message.	0	1		
Extension II	5	5	The duration of spells is extended.	0	1		
Fabricate	5	5	I turn any material into something else made of the same material.	0	1		
False Vision	5	5	For {1d4+$L} rounds I cannot be scryed and those who scry me get a special message.	0	1		
Far Reaching III	5	5	The range of spells is increased.	0	1		
Feeblemind	5	5	Spellcasters who fail a save are reduced to the mindset of a baby.	0	1		
Force Shapechange	5	5	Shapechangers are forced into their true form and take {3d10} points of damage. A save avoids the change and halves the damage.	0	1		
Hold Monster	5	5	I hold up to 4 monsters for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Improved Blink	5	5	For {$L} rounds, I can blink to any point I wish within 15' at will allowing me to avoid attacks.	0	1		
Invulnerability to Normal Weapons	5	5	For {$L} rounds, normal weapons cannot hurt me.	0	1		
Khazid's Procurement	5	5	I create a small portal which sticks around for {$L} rounds. I can reach through the portal to retrieve spell components.	0	1		
Know Value	5	5	I know the total value of gems, coins and jewelery in the area as well as 75% of the other valuable objects (up to 10).	0	1		
Leomund's Hidden Lodge	5	5	I create a camoflaged cottage which sticks around for {1d4+$L} hours.	0	1		
Leomund's Lamentable Belaborment	5	5	I start talking and those affected join in on the conversation.	0	1		
Leomund's Secret Chest	5	5	I create a chest which I can send to and from the ethereal plane.	0	1		
Lower Resistance	5	5	For {$L+10} rounds, the target's magic resistance is reduced by {30+$L}%. No save though a magic resistance roll at 1/2 normal resistance is allowed.	0	1		
Magic Jar	5	5	I pop my soul into a gem and can take over other people's bodies.	0	1		
Magic Staff	5	5	I can store {$L/3} spell levels worth of spells. These spells stay in the staff for up to {$L} hours or until they are released.	0	1		
Major Creation	5	5	I create stuff out of bits of the same stuff.	0	1		
Mind Fog	5	5	I create a 20' cube fog which sticks around for 3 turns. Those who step into it and fail a save are at -2 to saves vs illusion, enchantment/charm spells, and other spells that affect the mind.	0	1		
Monster Summoning III	5	5	For the next {4+$L} rounds, I summon up {1d4} {1d37[1="3 hd ankhegs.";2="4 hd ankhegs.";3="mobats.";4="boring beetles. Yaaaawn.";5="megalo-centipede";6="bugbears.";7="giant crabs.";8="wild crocodiles.";9="gelatinous cubes.";10="ghouls.";11="giant lizards.";12="death dogs.";13="wererats.";14="orogs.";15="osquips.";16="large scorpions.";17="sandlings.";18="constrictor snakes.";19="huge spiders.";20="giant weasels.";21="land urchins.";22="Hell hounds.";23="fire mephits.";24="ice mephits.";25="lava mephits.";26="mist mephits.";27="smoke mephits.";28="steam mephits.";29="giant ants.";30="giant praying mantiseses.";31="giant horseflies.";32="kenku.";33="urds.";34="leprechauns.";35="annoyed novice mages.";36="confused paladins.";37="priests of Loki."]}	0	1		
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound	5	5	I summon forth a watchdog which will bark at intruders. It sticks around for {6+($L*3)} turns or {$L} rounds after it is activated by an intruder.	0	1		
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum	5	5	For {$L} hours, nothing can be seen in this room from outside. Scrying attempts fail.	0	1		
Mummy Rot	5	5	Those I touch take {2d6} points of damage. On a failed save, they get mummy rot. I can keep touching people for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Passwall	5	5	I open up a passage in a wall which sticks around for {6+$L} turns.	0	1		
Proofing versus Combustion	5	5	The target object is highly resistant to fire.	0	1		
Prying Eyes	5	5	I conjure forth {1d4+$L} eyes which can float around for {$L} hours and fly back to me to report their findings.	0	1		
Rary's Telepathic Bond	5	5	For {$L*2} turns I have a telepathic bond with up to {$L/3} creatures.	0	1		
Rusting Grasp	5	5	For the next {$L} rounds, metal I touch rusts to dust.	0	1		
Safeguarding	5	5	For {$L+1} turns, area effect spells that are not targetted within a 15' radius of the target of this spell do not affect those within the area of this spell.	0	1		
Seeming	5	5	{$L/2} people appear to be other people for 12 hours.	0	1		
Sending	5	5	I send a message to someone I know, possibly on another plane.	0	1		
Shadow Door	5	5	I create a door, step inside and become invisible for {$L} rounds.	0	1		
Shadow Magic	5	5	I can recreate a evocation spell of 3rd level or less.	0	1		
Stone Shape - Wizard	5	5	I shape up to {$L} cubic feet of stone.	0	1		
Summon Shadow	5	5	I conjure up {$L/3} shadows which attack for {$L+1} rounds.	0	1		
Telekinesis	5	5	I can sustain movement of an object of 25 lbs or less for {2+$L} rounds or I can shove {25*$L} lbs of stuff {$L*10} feet away in a single burst.	0	1		
Teleport	5	5	I teleport where ever I wish to go.	0	1		
Tenser's Destructive Resonance	5	5	I point at an object and it explodes dealing damage based on the object's size plus {($L/2)d6} points of damage (save for half) to those within the blast radius. 	0	1		
Throbbing Bones	5	5	For {$L} rounds, the target's movement rate is halved, AC and attack rolls are at a -2 penalty and {1d4} points of damage are dealt each round. A save halves the damage, but does nothing to avoid other effects. 	0	1		
Transmute Rock to Mud - Wizard	5	5	{$L} 20' cubes of rock become mud.	0	1		
Vile Venom	5	5	I create {$L} doses of poison which remain potent for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Von Gasik's Refusal	5	5	I create a ward that blocks any spell casters from passing for {$L} hours.	0	1		
Vortex	5	5	I conjure forth a vortex which moves about for {1d4+$L} rounds and deals damage to those who it touches. {($L)d4} points to nonmagical creatures and {($L)d6} to magical creatures and spellcasters. Save for half.	0	1		
Wall of Bones	5	5	I create a wall of bones which sticks around for 1 turn	0	1		
Wall of Force	5	5	An impenetrable wall of force is conjured up for {10+$L} rounds.	0	1		
Wall of Iron	5	5	A permanent wall of iron is conjured forth. It is {$L*15} square feet in area and {$L/2} inches thick. Double the area if the thickness is halved.	0	1		
Wall of Stone	5	5	I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.	0	1		
Waveform	5	5	For {1d10} rounds I can shape water as I will.	0	1