Main / Wizard6

Mage Spells Level 6 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 6th level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Antimagic Shell	6	6	For {$L} turns, magic can't function in a {$L} ft diameter around me.	0	1			
Arrow of Bone	6	6	I enchant an arrow, bolt, javelin or dart. If it hits someone, they have to save vs death or die. If they make the save they take normal damage plus {$L} additional points of damage.	0	1			
Augmentation II	6	6	5 direct damage spells cast within the next 3 turns deal an additional point of damage per damage die dealt.	0	1			
Bigby's Forceful Hand	6	6	A large hand gets between me and the target, pushing it back for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Blackmantle	6	6	All within a 15' radius of the target must save vs spell or be unable to heal in any way for the next {$L} turns.	0	1			
Bloodstone's Spectral Steed	6	6	I create a quasireal vulture-like steed which sticks around for {$L} hours.	0	1			
Chain Lightning	6	6	A bolt of lighting strikes a target for {12d6} points of damage (save for half). The bolt then arcs to another target within {40+($L*5)} yards dealing one die less damage until it either runs out of damage or is grounded by an appropriate object.	0	1			
Claws of the Umber Hulk	6	6	My hands become umber hulk claws which I can use to dig for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Conjure Animals - Wizard	6	6	I conjure forth {2*$L} HD of random animals or {$L} HD of specified animals which attack as I will for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Contingency	6	6	I cast a spell to be triggered at a later time sometime in the next {$L} days.	0	1			
Control Weather - Wizard	6	6	I change the local weather for {4d6} hours.	0	1			
Dead Man's Eyes	6	6	My eyes gain a death gaze that kill weaker creatures and damage stronger ones for {$L} rounds. {1d100[1-5="Unfortunately, I am blind";6-100="Luckily, I am not blind"]} at the spell's conclusion for {1d6+4} hours.	0	1			
Death Fog	6	6	I conjure forth a fog of acid which kills plants and damages animals for {1d4+$L} rounds.	0	1			
Death Spell	6	6	Creatures under 8+3 hit dice die, no save.	0	1			
Demishadow Magic	6	6	I create quasireal 4th and 5th level evocation spells.	0	1			
Dilation II	6	6	Spells of 5th leve or less have their areas of effect expanded.	0	1			
Dimensional Blade	6	6	For {$L} rounds, a blade's edge becomes infinitely sharp, ignoring armor of any kind.	0	1			
Disintegrate	6	6	Save or become dust.	0	1			
Dragon Scales	6	6	I'm covered in dragon scales for {$L} turns, gaining 2 to my AC. My Charisma is also reduced by 2.	0	1			
Enchant an Item	6	6	I prepare an item for enchanting.	0	1			
Ensnarement	6	6	I lure a powerful extraplanar creature into a trap.	0	1			
Etherealness - Wizard	6	6	I and up to 6 others, linked by hands, go ethereal for up to {$L} hours.	0	1			
Extension III	6	6	Duration of 1-5 level spells are increased.	0	1			
Eyebite	6	6	I can do one of 4 different gaze attacks for the next {$L/3} rounds.	0	1			
Forest's Fiery Constrictor	6	6	A tendril of flame extend from a fire, entwining a target within 20 feet of the fire. If it fails a save, it is entangled, taking {3d6} points of damage a round for {$L} rounds. If it makes its save, it avoided entanglement and only takes {1d6} points of damage.	0	1			
Geas	6	6	I target creature is commanded to do as I command.	0	1			
Glassee	6	6	A section of wood, stone or metal is see through for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Globe of Invulnerability	6	6	I create an immobile 5' radius globe, through which spells of less than 4th level may not pass for the next {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Greater Sign of Sealing	6	6	I create a ward which seals a door shut, strengthens it, and casts a spell upon any who would smash the door open.	0	1			
Guards and Wards	6	6	For the next {$L} hours, my stronghold is magically protected in several ways.	0	1			
Invisible Stalker	6	6	I conjure forth an invisible stalker which does a specific task for me.	0	1			
Invulnerability To Magical Weapons	6	6	I create an immobile, 5' radius sphere, through which magical weapons cannot pass for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Legend Lore	6	6	I learn legendary information about a person, place or object.	0	1			
Lorlovelm's Shadowy Transformation	6	6	A creature or object is turned to shadow for {1d4+$L} rounds.	0	1			
Lower Water - Wizard	6	6	For {$L*5} rounds, a {$L*10} foot square of water is lowered up to {$L*2} feet.	0	1			
Mass Suggestion	6	6	{$L} creatures follow a reasonable suggestion for {4+($L*4)} turns.	0	1			
Mirage Arcana	6	6	For as long as I concentrate, the area looks like anything I wish.	0	1			
Mislead	6	6	I cloak myself in invisibility while at the same time making an illusionary double of myself for escape for the next {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Monster Summoning IV	6	6	For the next {5+$L} rounds, I summon up {1d3} {1d20[1="5-6 HD Ankhegs.";2="cariverous apes.";3="banderlogs.";4="ettercaps.";5="gargoyles.";6="ghasts.";7="hell hounds.";8="huecuvas.";9="5 headed hydras.";10="werewolves.";11="ogres.";12="gray oozes.";13="owlbears.";14="huge scorpions.";15="giant constrictor snakes.";16="poisonous toads.";17="fire toads.";18="giant wasps.";19="worgs.";20="yetis"]}	0	1			
Mordenkainen's Lucubration	6	6	I remember a spell I cast within the last 24 hours.	0	1			
Move Earth	6	6	I slowly move around earth.	0	1			
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere	6	6	I can freeze a sheet of water, fire a ray of cold (which deals {($L)d4+($L*2)} points of damage) or throw a stone of explosive coldness (which deals {6d6} points of damage.	0	1			
Part Water - Wizard	6	6	For {$L*5} rounds, I create a trough or tunnel through the water which is {$L} feet deep, {$L*30} feet wide and {$L*20} feet long.	0	1			
Permanent Illusion	6	6	I create a permanent illusion, complete with visual, auditory, olfactory and thermal components.	0	1			
Programmed Illusion	6	6	I create an illusion (as per spectral force) which triggers as I specify. Once it triggers, it lasts {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Project Image	6	6	I project an illusion of myself somewhere within {10*$L} yards for the next {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Reincarnation	6	6	I am reincarnated as a {1d100[1-5="bugbear.";6-11="dwarf.";12-18="elf.";19-23="gnoll.";24-28="gnome.";29-33="goblin.";34-40="half-elf.";41-47="halfling.";48-54="half-orc.";55-59="hobgoblin.";60-73="human.";74-79="kobold.";80-85="orc.";86-90="ogre.";91-95="ogre mage.";96-100="troll."]}	0	1			
Repulsion	6	6	For {$L/2} rounds, all objects in a 10'x{$L*10}' path in front of me are repelled from me.	0	1			
Shades	6	6	I create {$L} hit dice worth of illusionary, quasi-real monsters.	0	1			
Stone to Flesh	6	6	Stone is turned to flesh.	0	1			
Superior Magnetism	6	6	An object is magnetized for {$L/5} rounds.	0	1			
Tenser's Transformation	6	6	For {$L} rounds, I fight in a berserker rage. I gain +4 to AC, double hit points, fighter THAC0, and +2 damage. If I am using a dagger, I get 2 attacks a round, if I'm using a staff, I get only one. I can only use one of those two weapons.	0	1			
Tentacles	6	6	2 10' long tentacles emerge from my body which I can use to grapple, fight, or climb for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Tower of Mental Resistance	6	6	I create a psychic barrier against psionic attack for up to 24 hours. This barrier is powered by {$Ld4} PSPs.	0	1			
Transmute Water to Dust - Wizard	6	6	a {$L*10}' cube of water is turned to dust.	0	1			
Trollish Fortitude	6	6	For {$L} rounds, I regenerate 3 hit points a round.	0	1			
True Seeing - Wizard	6	6	I see everything as it truly is out to 60' for the next {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Veil	6	6	I cause the area to appear as I wish for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Wildshield	6	6	I am protected from {2d6} spell levels. Wild surges count as 1d6 spell levels.	0	1			
Wildstrike	6	6	For {2d4} rounds, spells cast by the target cause wild surges unless he saves to avoid the spell.	0	1