Main / Wizard8

Mage Spells Level 8 - Spell Data Files - KloOge

This the full list of all 8th level Mage spells

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Rarity	Sound	Effect
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting	8	8	Moisture of all creatures in a 30' cube is removed, dealing {$Ld8} points of damage!	0	1			
Airboat	8	8	I turn a cloud into a flying boat capable of moving {$L*5} miles per hour for {$L} hours.	0	1			
Analyze Dweomer	8	8	I can analyze all the properties and spells that went into a creature or object with a {50+($L*2)}% chance of success.	0	1			
Antipathy-Sympathy	8	8	A specific type of intelligent creature is attracted or repelled from an area for {$L*2} hours.	0	1			
Bigby's Clenched Fist	8	8	I create a large fist which punches things for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Binding	8	8	I bind an extraplanar creature to a spot.	0	1			
Clone	8	8	I create a clone of myself.	0	1			
Defoliate	8	8	{$L} 50' squares of vegetation crumbles to ash and dies. Plants can't grow here for at least a year.	0	1			
Demand	8	8	I send  a message to a distant person, commanding them to do as I ask.	0	1			
Fear Ward	8	8	Fear effects in a 5' radius around me are ineffective for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Glassteel	8	8	{$L*10} pounds of glass is as strong as steel.	0	1			
Gunther's Kaleidoscopic Strike	8	8	Target spellcaster must save vs spell or lose {$L-1d20} spells, starting with lowest level spells.	0	1			
Heart of Stone	8	8	I put my heart in a jar for a year and cannot bleed. Therefore I take less damage.	0	1			
Homunculus Shield	8	8	A mini version of me sits on my shoulder and casts spells for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Hornung's Random Dispatcher	8	8	Target who fails a save vs spell is banished to {1d100[1-3="the Abyss.";4-6="Acheron.";7-12="an alternate Prime Material Plane.";13-17="Arcadia.";18-23="the Astral Plane.";24-27="the Beastlands (Happy Hunting Grounds).";28-30="the plane of Concordant Opposition.";31="the Elemental plane of Fire.";32="the elemental plane of Air.";33="the elemental plane of Earth.";34="the elemental plane of Water.";35="the Negative Quasi-Plane of Vacuum.";36-38="Elysium.";39-44="the Ethereal Plane.";45-47="Ghenna.";48-50="Gladsheim.";51-53="Hades.";54-58="Limbo.";59-61="the Negative Material Plane.";62="the Negative Quasi-Plane of Ash.";63="the Negative Quasi-Plane of Dust.";64="the Negative Quasi-Plane of Salt.";65-67="the Nine Hells.";68-70="Nirvana.";71-73="Olympia.";74-76="Pandemonium.";77="the Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke.";78="the Para-Elemental Plane of Magma.";79="the Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze.";80="the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice.";81-82="the Positive Material Plane.";83="the Positive Quasi-Plane of Lightning.";84="the Positive Quasi-Plane of Radiance.";85="the Positive Quasi-Plane of Minerals.";86="the Positive Quasi-Plane of Steam.";87-91="elsewhere on the Prime Material Plane.";92-94="the Seven Heavens.";95-97="Tarterus.";98-100="the Twin Paradises."]}	0	1			
Incendiary Cloud	8	8	A 20'x20' cloud of burning smoke some 10' high billows forth for {4+1d6} rounds, exploding and dealing damage to those within it.	0	1			
Iron Body	8	8	My skin becomes iron and I am only damage by blunt weapons of +3 enchantment or more for {$L} rounds.	0	1			
Mass Charm	8	8	I charm up to {$L*2} HD of creatures in a 30' cube.	0	1			
Maze	8	8	If the target fails a save, he is banished to a maze for a number of rounds dependent on his intelligence.	0	1			
Mind Blank	8	8	My emotions and thoughts cannot be influenced by magic for the next day.	0	1			
Monster Summoning VI	8	8	For the next {7+$L} rounds, I summon up {1d3} {1d20[1="basilisks.";2="stag beetles.";3="carrion crawlers.";4="dracolisks.";5="driders.";6="griffons.";7="8 headed hydras.";8="minotaur lizards.";9="weretigers.";10="manticores.";11="ogre mages.";12="otyughs.";13="pyrolisks.";14="salamanders.";15="phase spiders.";16="trolls.";17="wolfweres.";18="wraiths.";19="wyverns.";20="halfbreed yuan-tis."]} They appear in {1d3} rounds.	0	1			
Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere	8	8	If the target fails a save, it is trapped in a sphere {$L} feet in diameter for {$L*2} rounds. I can telekinetically move the sphere as long as the creature is under 5,000 lbs.	0	1			
Otto's Irresistible Dance	8	8	Target starts dancing for {1d4+1} rounds. AC has -4 penalty, shields are useless and saves are only effective on a roll of 20.	0	1			
Permanency	8	8	A spell becomes permanent.	0	1			
Polymorph Any Object	8	8	I turn anything into anything.	0	1			
Power Word, Blind	8	8	100 hit points worth of creatures are blinded in a 15' radius around the target.	0	1			
Prismatic Wall	8	8	A rainbow wall {$L*4} ft wide and {$L*2} ft tall springs forth for {$L} turns. Anyone who touches it is subject to several effects.	0	1			
Screen	8	8	I create an illusion to fool attempts at scrying in a {30*$L}' cube for {$L} hours.	0	1			
Serten's Spell Immunity	8	8	I gain a bonus to saves vs spell for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Shadow Form	8	8	I turn into a shadow for {$L} turns.	0	1			
Sink	8	8	Target becomes either stuck to the floor for 4 turns or slowly sinks into the ground.	0	1			
Symbol - Wizard	8	8	I create a symbol which discharges later to some effect.	0	1			
Trap the Soul	8	8	I trap your soul in a specially prepared gem.	0	1			
Wildzone	8	8	I create a 300'x300' wildzone centered on me for {2d6} turns.	0	1