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Discusson for Retaw priesthood

In the search to bring my Priest of Fate to 'life' I found the Goddess Retaw and think She is a good variation. With the current campaign and story idea for the particular character, it really makes sense to me. While the rules and point need to be worked out, the story must come first, reading the basics on Retaw is suggested. Points

Worshipers and Priest of Retaw can be of any alignment Priests must be Chaotic. Those of evil alignment tend to look to the future to make up for or control (as in a revenge) for past wrongs done to them. Good aligned character tend to try and make up for or earn the respect for their mistakes or short coming, taking the blame for their abandonment or other disappointment from a parent or such.

The symbol is a horizon and there would be much debate and even split in the church it is was the sun setting or a sunrise of a new day. {excellent}

The open or forward thinking of the church would allow any weapon and any armor Only magical Armor, only sharp edged weapons, dagger first as Retaw does not want to pin down her followers as she was.

Due to the priests inherent 'look to the future' and the abstrat nature of combat in DND, the priest would use d10 as hit dice, not as a sign of the ability to take more damage but more the ability to avoid more damage.

Spheres include minor access to All, Chaos, Charm, Travelers and Major access to Time. Numbers and Divination



1st level power: Unfailing Premonition (constant) (danger sense, improved AC with limitation)
5th level power: Choose Future (one per week choose the outcome of one dice roll)


With the changes BOB made, this is a different character then I envisioned. But now I have a new vision. I re-did the points based on Bob's changes (though bob does not need no stinking points). With the point left over i proposed two thief skils to complete the vision. Find and remove traps and pick locks, skills where extras perception would come in handy.



No John, those skills are for an adventurer to be better able at handling things. I do not that that a Goddess of Divination would be worried about opening locks. The finding traps I can see but I think that is shaky. How about adding in another minor sphere instead? The Sun sphere makes sense or Weather. Both use the Mists of time theme better than thief skills do.

Anyone else have thoughts on how a Priesthood worshiping a Goddess of Divination should be constructed?


4/29 / rev. 5/1

Without further sugestions, I would continue on the path and say the ablity to predict the future would give the priest the Armor Class bonus as detailed in S&M? Any issues with that? Does anyone think that this would not be cumlitive with his priest power?
