MikesSuperSecretPrivateStuff / NamesDescriptionsToPaste

Cheery - halfling they meet at the halfling village, hillshire haven. Offers them dinner and rooms at the inn as the halflings send a message that the group has arrived. She will give some general information about the area: how dangerous it is, what elves they'll be dealing with, etc.

Lyllyllyn - Elf who Bob or one of his harem can play. She will be the guide that goes to the halfling village to take the group to the elven city. She'll be a regular elven fighter. Nothing special. She will have a group of elves as an honor guard for the players. She won't say much of anything, but will guide the group to the city.

When the group gets to Drawnquill it will be evening. The priestess will meet with them after they have rested for the night.

In the morning Lyllyllyn will take the group to the temple and meet with the priestess Gwyndallarain. She will tell them about the challice. Anterias will then speak about the pact between his father and the red dragon. Gwyn will then bring up how the red dragon is a necissary evil to deal with, and the group should under no circumstances kill it or the region could very well be thrown into turmoil.

Lyllyllyn will then be able to guide the group to the area the dragon lives in. No one has ever gone to find the dragon itself, so the group will have to search around. As they search they will find the hydra first, then the orc horde, then the trolls.