PmWikiEl / XLPageCookbook

This page contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts of Cookbook addons into Greek.

You can find the produced, Greek, translation files in...

To invoke this page, add in local/config.php file, below the current XLPage call :


'El' being the local descriptor of the Greek language.

See also XLPage.

After local installation, it is better to remove unused addons translations from this page.

  ### Strings from previous PmWiki versions
  'Describe $Name here.' => '',
  'Retrieved from $PageUrl' => '',
  'Printable View' => '',
  'Page History' => '',
  'Edit Page' => '',
  'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => '',
  'Editing $FullName' => '',
  'Preview $FullName' => '',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/MailForm
  'MFsuccess' => 'Message has been sent successfully.',
  'MFfailure' => 'Message could not be sent.',
  'MFerror' => 'An error has occurred.',
  'From:'=> '',
  'Your Address:'=> '',
  'Subject:'=> '',

  ### If buttons added to GUIEdit, you may need
  'Table of content' => '',
  'Underline' => '',
  'Insert image' => '',
  'MyImage.jpg' => '',
  'Sticky note' => '',
  'Convert tabs to table' => '',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/ImagesAutoResizing - addon 'Minimage' 
  'Upload images' => '',
  'Image for' => '',
  'Image to upload:' => '',
  'Image wiki name:' => '',
  'Step 1' => '',
  'Step 2' => '',
  'Image title' => '',
  'Image copyright' => '',
  'Ok' => '',
  'Cancel' => '',
  'Image special instructions' => '',
  'IMGbadtype' => '<span style='color:#ff0000'> - invalid file extension</span>",
  'ULnotimage' =>
     'File sent is not of an allowed format',
  'ErrNoResize' => 
     'Image resizing not possible on your server',
  'IMGResizeDone' =>
    '<br /><font color="#FF0000">+Image resized, reload page and remove dimensions+</font>',
  'IMGreload' => 'If wrong image, upload a new one',
  'in' => '',

  ### Strings for Cookbook/PublishWikiTrail
  'SearchFor' => '',
  'Include this page' => '',
  'Publish' => '',
  'No pages selected' => '',

### Chaînes pour le module 'Skins/SkinConfig'
  'SKNwarn' => 'After [Ok] hit \'Reload\' on your browser to see modifications',
  'WHOLE WIKI' => '',
  'Text' => '',
  'Sidebar' => '',
  'Top' => '',
  'Sidebar title' => '',
  'Link' => '',
  'Sidebar links' => '',
  'Sidebar title link' => '',
  'Title' => '',
  'Option' => '',
  'Commands' => '',
  'Footer' => '',
  'Header 1' => '',
  'Header 2' => '',
  'Header 3' => '',
  'Header 4' => '',
  'Top/body' => '',
  'Side margin' => '',
  'Personal wiki (hide stuff)' => '',
  'Apply to' => '',
  'Save as' => '',
  'Ok' => '',
  'Default' => '',
  'Color chart' => '',
  'Light color' => '',
  'Existing styles' => '',
  'Font family' => '',
  'Font size' => '',
  'Main' => '',
  'Line height' => '',
  'Text color' => '',
  'Background color' => '',
  'Background image' => '',
  'User default' => '',
  'Serif' => '',
  'Sans-serif' => '',
  'Cursive' => '',
  'def' => '',
  'Creation of file failed' => '',
  'Datas saved in file' => '',
  'Click on color to select' => '',
  'Width' => '',
  'SideBar width' => '',
  'Bottom actions' => '',
  'Hide bottom actions' => '',
  'Links in italic' => '',
  'Links underlined' => '',
  'Underline sidebar option' => '',
  'Line atop sidebar option' => '',
  'Sidebar link' => '',
  'Sidebar link: hover' => '',
  'Commands link' => '',
  'Link: visited' => '',
  'Link: hover' => '',
  'Link underline' => '',
  'Link: hover underline' => '',
  'Sidebar link underline' => '',
  'Sidebar link: hover underline' => '',
  'Commands link underline' => '',
  'Commands link:hover underline' => '',
  'Link style: italic' => '',
  'Link hover: italic' => '',
  'Link visited: italic' => '',
  'List bullet' => '',
  'Main level' => '',
  'Sub-level' => '',
  'Sub-sub-level' => '',

  ###Strings for Pukka skins
  'Skip to site navigation' => '',
  'Skip to content' => '',
  'Back to top of content' => '',
  'Back to the very top' => '',
  'Linked to by' => '',
  'Change Attributes' => '',
  'Go' => '', 
  #go is for the button in the search form
  'Home' => '',
  'XML Feed for $Group' => '',
  'XML Feed of All Recent Changes' => '',
  'PmWiki.AboutFeeds' => '',

  ### Strings for commentbox
  'Comment' => '',
  'New entry' => ' ',
  'Post' => '',
  'Reset' => '',

  ## Strings for commentboxplus
  # Feedback messages
  'Please enter a comment to post' => '     ',
  'Please enter your name as author' => '      ',
  'Please enter the code number' => '    ',
  'Entry added' => ' ',
  'Comment added' => ' ',
  'Add Comment' => '',
  'Enter code' => ' ',
  'New entry' => ' ',
  'Post' => '',
  'Reset' => '',
  'Sign as Author' => ' ',
  'Website' => '',

  ### Strings for addon 'rename'
  'Rename' => '',

  ### Strings for addon 'DeleteAction'
  'Set new delete password:' => '',

  ### Strings for 'LinkPageCreateFmtTooltip'
  'page not found - click link to create page' => '',

  ### Strings for SectionEdit
  '(Edit Section &#x2193;)' => '',
  'Page' => '',
  'of' => '',

  ### translations for cookbook recipe pmwikidraw
  'Create Image' => '',
  'Image history' => '',
  'Edit Image' => '',

  ### Strings for FixFlow, Gemini or Triad skins
  'Source' => '',
  'Backlinks' => '',
  'List Group' => '',
  'Group Attributes' => '',
  'Editing' => '',
  'Search Site' => '',
  'Go' => '',
  'Big View' => '',
  'Normal View' => '',
  'Text Size' => '',
  'bigger' => '',
  'default' => '',
  'smaller' => ''
  'Hide' => '',
  'Show' => '',

  ### Strings for TotalCounter recipe
  'statistics' => '',
  'Page views' => ' ',
  'Pages' => '',
  'Percent' => ' ',
  'Count' => '',
  'Users' => '',
  'Languages' => '',
  'Browsers' => ' ',
  'Operating systems' => ' ',
  'Referers' => '',
  'Locations' => '',
  'Web bots' => ' ',

  ### Strings for DownloadManager recipe
  'downloads' => '',

  ### Strings for Table Edit
  'Table edit &#x2193;' => '',
  'Insert table' => '',
  'Rows' => '',
  'Number of rows' => '',
  'Cell spacing' => '',
  'Cell padding in pixels' => '',
  'Width' => '',
  'Table width as % of browser width' => '',
  'Columns' => '',
  'Number of columns' => '',
  'Cell padding' => '',
  'Border' => '',
  'Table border width in pixels' => '',
  'Table alignment' => '',
  'Alignment' => '',
  'Save and edit' => '',
  'Save table and continue editing' => '',
  'Save and quit' => '',
  'Save table and return to page' => '',
  'Column width (% of table width)' => '',
  'Width:' => '',
  'Ins' => '',
  'Insert a new column to the left of this one' => '',
  'Del' => '',
  'Delete this column' => '',
  'Are you sure you want to delete this column?' => '',
  'Default alignment' => '',
  'Align column left' => '',
  'Align column centre' => '',
  'Align column right' => '',
  'Add' => '',
  'Add a new column on the right hand side of this table' => '',
  'Insert a new row above this one' => '',
  'Delete this row' => '',
  'Are you sure you want to delete this row?' => '',
  'Add a new row to the bottom of this table' => '',
  'table modified' => '',
