PmWikiJa / XLPage

This page contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts into Japanese.

  ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
  'Locale' => 'ja_JP.utf8',
  ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET'
  'TimeFmt' => '%Y  %m  %d %I:%M %p',

  ### Standard layout strings
  'View' => '',
  'Edit' => '',
  'History' => '',
  'Attach' => '',
  'Print' => '',
  'Backlinks' => '',
  'Login' => '',
  'Logout' => '',
  'Recent Changes' => '',
  'Search' => '',
  'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => '{$LastModified}',
  'Go' => '',
  'All Recent Changes' => '()', 
  # access keys
  # 'ak_view' => '',
  # 'ak_edit' => 'e',
  # 'ak_history' => 'h',
  # 'ak_attach' => '',
  # 'ak_print' => '',
  # 'ak_backlinks' => '',
  # 'ak_logout' => '',
  # 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',

  ### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization)
  'RecentChanges' => '',
  'AllRecentChanges' => '()',
  'GroupHeader' => '',
  'GroupFooter' => '',
  'SideBar' => '',
  'GroupAttributes' => '',

  ### Print layout strings
  'From $WikiTitle' => '',
  'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '{$PageUrl}',

  ### Page locations
  '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiJa/EditQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiJa/UploadQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => '',
  '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound' => '',

  ### Browse page strings
  'redirected from' => '',

  ### Edit page strings
  'Editing {*$FullName}' => '{*$FullName} ',
  'Save' => '', 
  'Save and edit' => '',  
  'Publish' => '',
  'Save draft' => '',
  'Save draft and edit' => '',
  'Preview' => '',
  'Cancel' => '',
  'Reset' => '',
  'Author' => '',
  'An author name is required.' => '',
  'Summary' => '',
  'This is a minor edit' => '',
  'Preview {*$FullName}' => ' {*$FullName}',
  'End of preview -- remember to save' => ' -- ',
  'Page is unsaved' => '',
  'Top' => '',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_save' => 's',
  # 'ak_saveedit' => 'u',
  # 'ak_preview' => 'p',
  # 'ak_savedraft' => 'd',
  # 'ak_textedit' => ',',
  # 'e_rows' => '23',
  # 'e_cols' => '60',

  ### Page history strings
  '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName} ',
  'Show minor edits' => '',
  'Hide minor edits' => '',
  'Show changes to markup' => '',
  'Show changes to output' => '',
  'by' => '',
  'Restore' => '',
  'Added line $DiffLines:' => '$DiffLines',
  'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '$DiffLines',
  'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '$DiffLines ',
  'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '$DiffLines ',
  'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '$DiffLines ',
  'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '$DiffLines ',
  'to:' => '',

  ### Page attribute strings
  'Attributes' => '',
  '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName} ',
  'Set new read password:' => '',
  'Set new edit password:' => '',
  'Set new attribute password:' => '',
  'Set new publish password:' => '',
  'Set new upload password:' => '', 
  '(set by $PWSource)' => '',
  '(using $PWCascade password)' => '',
  '(protected)' => '',
  'EnterAttributes' => "Enter new attributes for this page below.  Leaving a field blank will leave the attribute unchanged.  To clear an attribute, enter 'clear'.",
  'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => '',

  ## Authorization strings
  'Name' => '',
  'Password' => '',
  'Password required' => '',
  'Name/password not recognized' => '',

  ### Search strings
  'Search Results' => '',
  'SearchFor' => '<em>$Needle</em>:',
  'SearchFound' => '$MatchSearched $MatchCount ',

  ### Upload strings
  'Attachments for' => '',
  'File to upload:' => '',
  'Name attachment as:' => '',
  'Upload' => '',
  'Uploads' => '',
  'ULsuccess' => '',
  'ULbadname' => '',
  'ULbadtype' => "'$upext' ",
  'ULtoobig' => '',
  'ULtoobigext' => " $upmax  '$upext' ",
  'ULpartial' => '',
  'ULnofile' => '',
  'ULexists' => '',
  'ULpquota' => '',
  'ULtquota' => '',

  ### GuiEdit button bar
  'Emphasized' => '',
  'Emphasized (italic)' => '',
  'Strong' => '',
  'Strong (bold)' => '',
  'Page link' => '',
  'Link to internal page' => '',
  'link text' => '',
  'Link to external page' => '',
  'file.ext' => '',
  'Attach file' => '',
  'Big text' => '',
  'Small text' => '',
  'Superscript' => '',
  'Subscript' => '',
  'Heading' => '',
  'Subheading' => '',
  'Center' => '',
  'Unordered list' => '',
  'Unordered (bullet) list' => '',
  'Ordered list' => '',
  'Ordered (numbered) list' => '',
  'Indented text' => '',
  'Hanging indent' => '',
  'Horizontal rule' => '',
  'Table' => '',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_em' => '',
  # 'ak_strong' => '',

  ### Others
  '(approve sites)' => '',
  'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '',
  'Address blocked from posting' => '',
  'Text blocked from posting' => '',
  'Password encryption' => '',
  'EditConflict' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it.  The modifications have been merged into the text below, you may want to verify the results of the merge before pressing save.  Conflicts the system couldn't resolve are bracketed by &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; and &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;."
  'EditWarning' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it.  If you continue, your changes will overwrite any changes that others have made.",
  'View changes' => '',
  '?invalid page name' => '',
  'More information' => '',
  "PmWiki can't process your request" => '',
  'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '',
  'Return to' => '',

  ### Historical
  'Save as draft' => '',  
  'not found' => '',
  ## pre-2.1 phrases
  'Page last modified on $LastModified' => '$LastModified',
  'Editing `{$FullName}' => '`{$FullName} ',
  'Describe $Name here.' => '$Name ',
  'Preview `{$FullName}' => ' `{$FullName}',
  '$FullName History' => '$FullName ',
  '$FullName Attributes' => '$FullName ',
  'SearchWiki' => 'Wiki', 
  'Printable View' => '', 
  'Page History' => '', 
  'Page Attributes' => '',
  'Edit Page' => '', 
  'WikiHelp' => 'Wiki', 
  '(approve links)' => '', 
  'Retrieved from $PageUrl' => '$PageUrl', 
  'PmWiki/WikiHelp' => 'PmWiki/WikiHelp', 
  'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiJa.EditQuickReference', 
  'PmWiki.UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWiki.UploadQuickReference', 
  'Main/SearchWiki' => 'Main/SearchWiki',
