Waterdeep / Resources



  1. Factions
  2. Lords
  3. Buildings
  4. Quests
  5. Intrigue


  1. City Guard - Waterdeep is defended by its own army of soldiers, who patrol the city and the surrounding countryside. The City Guard also provides bodyguards for Piergeiron the Paladinson and for visiting dignitaries.
  2. Harpers - The Harpers were founded ages ago by elven leaders, with the counsel of the legendary wizard Elminster. This secret society fights for individual freedom while balancing the needs of civilization and nature.
  3. Knights of the Shield - Posing as a consortium of merchants and nobles, the Knights of the Shield in fact deal in information. The organization's influence stretches along the Sword Coast and far inland.
  4. Red Sashes - Vigilantes who protect the poorest parts of Waterdeep, the Red Sashes are masters of intrigue. They hide those who need to escape and find those who wish to stay hidden.
  5. Silverstars - These devoted champions of the moon goddess, Selune, tirelessly work for freedom and peace, even between longstanding enemies. They despise slavery and abhor the undead.


  1. Brianne Byndraeth - The widow of a crime boss who was also a Lord of Waterdeep, Brianne has close ties to the wizard Randulaith, a member of the city's social elite.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Arcana Quest and each Skullduggery Quest you completed.
  2. Caladorn Cassalander - Seen by many as the layabout son of a noble family, Caladorn has quietly taken control of the ships that protect Waterdeep's coast.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Skullduggery Quest and each Warfare Quest you completed.
  3. Durnan the Wanderer - A retired adventurer, Durnan owns the Yawning Portal, a tavern that stands above an entrance to Undermountain.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Commerce Quest and each Warfare Quest you completed.
  4. Khelben Arunsun, the Blackstaff - The master of Blackstaff Tower, the accomplished wizard Khelben is famous for founding and then abandoning numerous organizations.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Arcana Quest and each Warfare Quest you completed.
  5. Kyriani Agrivar - A mischievous half-drow, Kyriani is a master of manipulation who has come to terms with her dual heritage of good and evil.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Arcana Quest and each Piety Quest you completed.
  6. Larissa Neathal - Known for her extravagant court parties and her ability to blend in anywhere, Larissa uses a courtesan facade to hide her skill at information gathering.
    • At the end of the game, you score 6VP for each Building you control.
  7. Mirt the Moneylender - To outsiders, Mirt appears to be little more than a drunk and a braggart. This disguise hides his true cunning and wit.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Commerce Quest and each Piety Quest you completed.
  8. Nindeil Jalbuck - The real Nindil was a good-natured halfling and man of the people, who has since been replaced by a doppelganger named Hlaavin.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Piety Quest and each Skullduggery Quest you completed.
  9. Nymara Scheiron - Aggressive and fearless, the one-time thief known as "Kitten" brings pragmatism and a knowledge of the common citizen to the Lords of Waterdeep.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Commerce Quest and each Skullduggery Quest you completed.
  10. Piergeiron the Paladinson - A deliberate and honorable man, Piergeiron often pretends to be slow of wit to lull his enemies into underestimating him.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Piety Quest and each Warfare Quest you completed.
  11. Sammereza Sulphontis - Known as Sammer to his friends, Sammereza is a master trade lord whose sharp eyes never miss a detail.
    • At the end of the game, you score 4VP for each Arcana Quest and each Commerce Quest you completed.


  1. Aurora's Realms Shop - Aurora's Realms Shops acquire goods from every corner of Faerun. This branch is just one of six in the city.
    • Action: Take 4 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  2. Blackstaff Tower - Blackstaff Tower is home to the archmage Khelben Blackstaff and his apprentices.
    • Action: Take 1 Wizard from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  3. Builder's Hall - The headquarters for the Guild of Stoncutters, Masons, Potters, & Tile-makers is the first stop for anyone wishing to add to the great city of Waterdeep.
    • Action: Choose 1 Building, pay its cost in Gold, and put it into play under your control. Score any VP for the newly purchased Building. Then draw a new Building tile and place it face up in the vacated space.
  4. Caravan Court - Caravans arrive frequently at this open-air plaza, and with them able-bodied warriors looking for work.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: When purchased and at the start of each round: Place 2 Fighters on this space.
    • Action: Take all Fighters from this space and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Fighters from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  5. Castle Waterdeep - This mighty stronghold on top of Mount Waterdeep can be seen from nearly every corner of the city.
    • Action: Take the First Player marker, and draw 1 Intrigue card.
  6. Cliffwatch Inn - The proprietor of this rambling tavern knows a wealth of tales. The inn's cellars are rumored to connect to the city sewers and Undermountain.
    • Action: Take 1 face-up Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn. As well, take 2 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
    • Action: Take 1 face-up Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn, and draw 1 Intrigue card.
    • Action: Discard all the face-up Quest cards from Cliffwatch Inn. Draw new Quests from the Quest deck, and place them face up in the open spaces. Then take 1 face-up Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn.
  7. Dragon Tower - The secretive wizard Maaril lives in this sinister tower.
    • Cost: 3 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 1 Wizard from the supply and place it in your Tavern, and draw 1 Intrigue card.
    • Owner: Draw 1 Intrigue card.
  8. Fetlock Court - Just north of Castle Waterdeep, this courtyard is a staging area for the City Guard's mounted patrols as well as an impromptu concert hall for practicing bards.
    • Cost: 8 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 2 Fighters and 1 Wizard from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Fighter or 1 Wizard from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  9. Field of Triumph - Exciting spectacles of martial skill are staged in this enormous open-air stadium.
    • Action: Take 2 Fighters from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
  10. The Golden Horn - In this gambling hall, the grand prize is a golden horn filled with mysterious riches.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: When purchased and at start of round: Take 4 Gold from the supply and place it on this space.
    • Action: Take all Gold from this space and place it in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 2 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  11. The Grinning Lion Tavern - This tavern is adorned with battle trophies from all ends of Faerun, but every one is a fake.
    • Action: Take 2 Rogues from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
  12. Helmstar Warehouse - This seemingly legitimate business is home to one of the most successful fences in Waterdeep, Chuldan Helmstar.
    • Cost: 3 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 2 Rogues and 2 Gold from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Rogue from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  13. Heroes' Garden - You can always find adventurers in this public park, retelling the stories of their exploits.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 1 face-up Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn. You may immediately complete that Quest. If you do, you score 4VP in addition to the Quest reward.
    • Owner: Score 2VP
  14. The Palace of Waterdeep - This white marble palace stands as a shining symbol of the Lords' Rule and is home to many embassies.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take the Ambassador piece and place it with your unused Agents. At the start of the next round, before any other player takes a turn, assign the Ambassador.
    • Owner: Score 2VP.
  15. The Plinth - This needle-like tower is home to those faiths without the congregation to support an independent temple.
    • Action: Take 1 Cleric from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  16. The Skulkway - Smugglers used this short alleyway to move goods under the noses of the City Guard.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, and 2 Gold from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Fighter or 1 Rogue from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  17. Smuggler's Dock - This is the private dock of the suspected Lord of Waterdeep, Mirt the Moneylender.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Spend 2 Gold, and then take 4 Adventurers from the supply and place them in your Tavern. These Adventurers can be only Fighters or Rogues.
    • Owner: Take 2 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  18. Spires of the Morning - Eight golden spires adorn this walled garden temple dedicated to the god of the dawn.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: When purchased and at start of round: Place 1 Cleric on this space.
    • Action: Take all Clerics from this space and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Score 2VP
  19. The Stone House - The home of the Carpenters', Roofers', and Plasterers' Guild, which has grown extremely rich from nobles' efforts to upstage their neighbors' villas.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 1 Gold from the supply for each Building tile in play.
    • Owner: Take 2 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  20. The Three Pearls - This expensive nightclub is named for its original purchase price: three black pearls torn from a dancer's outfit.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Return 2 of your Adventurers of any type to the supply. Then take 3 Adventurers of any type from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 2 Gold from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  21. The Tower of Luck - Donations to Tymora from those who survived the depths of Undermountain quickly paid for the construction of this temple.
    • Cost: 8 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 1 Cleric and 2 Rogues from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Cleric or 1 Rogue from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  22. The Tower of the Order - This impressive structure is the headquarters of the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: When purchased and start of round: Place 1 Wizard on this space.
    • Action: Take all Wizards from this space and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Draw 1 Intrigue card.
  23. Waterdeep Harbor - Waterdeep gets both its name and its wealth from this deep-water basin.
    • Action: Play 1 Intrigue card from your hand.
  24. The Waymoot - Simply speak your destination to this sign and the way will be shown to you.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: When purchased and start of round: Place 3VP tokens on this space.
    • Action: Remove all VP tokens from this space and score that many VP, and take 1 face-up Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn.
    • Owner: Score 2VP.
  25. The Yawning Portal - This famous inn, featuring the only known public entry to Undermountain, attracts adventurers of every sort.
    • Cost: 4 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Take 2 Adventurers of any type from the supply and place them in your Tavern.
    • Owner: Take 1 Adventurer of any type from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  26. The Zoarstar - The Zoarstar houses the Scriveners', Scribes', and Clerks' Guild, and is a destination for anyone needing contracts or other documents.
    • Cost: 8 Gold
    • Upkeep: --
    • Action: Choose a space containing an opponent's Agent. You use that space's action as though you had assigned an Agent to it.
    • Owner: Score 2VP.


  1. Ally With House Thann - Commerce
    • House Thann, known for its strong ties to Blackstaff Tower, has sizeable land holdings in the South.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 3 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 8 Gold
    • Reward: 25VP
  2. Ambush Artor Morlin - Warfare
    • "The vampire lord Artor Morlin must be shown that Waterdeep is not his personal hunting ground."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 3 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP, 4 Gold
  3. Bolster City Guard - Warfare
    • "The City Guard must remain strong. Send a regiments to shore up its forces."
    • Requires: 9 Fighter, 2 Rogue
    • Reward: 25VP
  4. Bolster Griffon Cavalry - Warfare
    • Elite griffon riders patrol Waterdeep's skies.
    • Requires: 4 Fighter, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP
      • Plot: Whenever you take an action that provides any Fighters, also take 1 Fighter from the supply and place it in your Tavern.
  5. Bribe The Shipwrights - Commerce
    • "Having a friend on the docks pays good dividends."
    • Requires: 4 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 10VP
      • Plot: Whenever you take an action that provides any Gold, also take 1 Rogue from the supply and place it in your Tavern
  6. Build A Reputation In Skullport - Skullduggery
    • Deep beneath Waterdeep, shadowy Skullport excels at smuggling and other criminal enterprises.
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 3 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 10VP, 1 Intrigue
  7. Confront the Xanathar - Warfare
    • Disrupt the plans of the Xanathar, the beholder crime lord of Skullport.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 4 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 20VP, 2 Gold
  8. Convert A Noble To Lathandar - Piety
    • Lathander, god of the dawn, is popular among commoners and nobles alike.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Fighter
    • Reward: 8VP and take 1 Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn.
  9. Create A Shrine To Oghma - Piety
    • Shrines to the Lord or Knowledge are highly valued for the wealth of information stored within.
    • Requires: 5 Cleric, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 25VP
  10. Defeat Uprising From Undermountain - Warfare
    • Monsters boil out of Undermountain to threaten the streets of Waterdeep.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 3 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 11VP, 2 Fighter
  11. Defend The Tower of Luck - Piety
    • "Protect Tymora's temple and aid shall come your way."
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 0VP, 1 Adventurer
      • Plot: Once at the start of each round, take 1 Adventurer from the supply and put it in your Tavern.
  12. Deliver An Ultimatum - Warfare
    • "Tempus sends a final warning to the Zhentarim leader."
    • Requires: 4 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 11VP, 4 Gold
  13. Deliver Weapons To Selune's Temple - Warfare
    • "Make sure these armaments reach the temple safely."
    • Requires: 4 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 9VP, 2 Cleric
  14. Discover Hidden Temple of Lolth - Piety
    • The Spider Queen's nests are often hidden by powerful spells.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue
    • Reward: 10VP, 1 Quest from Cliffwatch Inn.
  15. Domesticate Owlbears - Arcana
    • "The City Guard could use these reinforcements. Do they do tricks?"
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 8VP, 1 Fighter, 2 Gold
  16. Eliminate Vampire Coven - Piety
    • "Discover the hiding place of vampires stalking the streets of the City of Splendors."
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 2 Fighter, 1 Rogue
    • Reward: 11VP, 4 Gold
  17. Establish Harpers Safe House - Skullduggery
    • The Harpers need a safe haven from which to launch their campaign against the darkness.
    • Requires: 2 Fighter, 3 Rogue, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP, plus 2VP for each Building you control.
  18. Establish New Merchant Guild - Commerce
    • A little coin goes a long way in the City of Splendors.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 2 Fighter, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP
      • Plot: Whenever you complete a Commerce Quest, you score 2VP.
  19. Establish Shadow Thieves' Guild - Skullduggery
    • After more than a century of banishment, the time has come for a new guild to rise in the Trade Ward.
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 8 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 25VP
  20. Explore Ahghairon's Tower - Arcana
    • Spells protect this tower in the Castle Ward.
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 6VP
      • Plot: Whenever you take an action that provides any Wizard, also draw 1 Intrigue card.
  21. Expose Cult Corruption - Skullduggery
    • "The Cult of the Dragon has infiltrated the temples of Waterdeep. Reveal these imposters!"
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 4 Rogue
    • Reward: 4VP, 2 Cleric
  22. Expose Red Wizards' Spies - Arcana
    • The Red Wizards of Thay use spies to gather information and sow discord throught Waterdeep.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 2 Wizard, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 20VP, 1 Intrigue
  23. Fence Goods For Duke Of Darkness - Skullduggery
    • In some wards, stolen goods turn a nice profit.
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 3 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP
      • Plot: Whenever you take an action that provides any Rogues, also take 2 Gold from the supply.
  24. Form An Alliance With The Rashemi - Piety
    • "An alliance with the berserkers of Rashemen might hinder the dark works of the Red Wizards."
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 10VP and take 1 Quest card from Cliffwatch Inn.
  25. Heal Fallen Gray Hand Soldiers - Piety
    • The Gray Hands, an elite band of adventurers, answer directly to the Lords of Waterdeep.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP, 6 Fighter
  26. Host Festival for Sune - Arcana
    • "Waterdeep's festivals for Sune attract the greatest bards in Faerun. You are sure to learn from them."
    • Requires: 2 Fighter, 2 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 9VP, 2 Cleric
  27. Impersonate Adarbrent Noble - Commerce
    • "We need a convincing portrayal of a noble of House Adarbrent for an important negotiation."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 2 Figher, 2 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 18VP, 2 Intrigue cards
  28. Infiltrate Builder's Hall - Commerce
    • "Find out what the Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and Tilemakers is up to."
    • Requires: 2 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP
      • Plot: Whenever you buy a Building, you score 4VP.
  29. Infiltrate Halaster's Circle - Arcana
    • "Get in there and find out what Halaster Blackcloak, the mad wizard of Undermountain, is up to."
    • Requires: 5 Wizard
    • Reward: 25VP
  30. Install A Spy In Castle Waterdeep - Skullduggery
    • "Watch and listen, watch and listen…"
    • Requires: 4 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP
      • Plot: Whenever you complete a Skullduggery Quest, you score 2VP.
  31. Investigate Aberrant Infestatioin - Arcana
    • Rumors of beholders and foulspawn in the sewers have the citizenry on edge.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 13VP, 1 Intrigue card
  32. Loot The Crypt Of Chauntea - Commerce
    • The haunted Crypt of Chauntea holds ancient treaasures.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 3 Rogue, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 7VP, 1 Intrigue card, and draw 1 Quest card from the deck.
  33. Lure Artisans Of Mirabar - Commerce
    • The shield dwarves of Mirabar are skilled builders.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 4 Gold, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 4VP and put 1 Building from Builder's Hall into play under your control at no cost.
  34. Perform The Penance Of Duty - Piety
    • Torm's worshipers are required to guard the temples of deities that their order persecuted in the past.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 2 Fighter, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 12VP, 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter
  35. Placate The Walking Statue - Commerce
    • "Stay on the good side of the city's stone guardian."
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 2 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 10VP and draw 1 Building from the stack and put it into play under your control at no cost.
  36. Place A Sleeper Agent In Skullport - Skullduggery
    • "Pray your agent is good, for Skullport is unforgiving."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 4 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 0VP
      • Plot: Whenever you play Intrigue, you score 2VP.
  37. Prison Break - Skullduggery
    • "How secure are the walls of Castle Waterdeep?"
    • Requires: 4 Rogue, 2 Wizard, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 14VP, 2 Fighter, and immediately play 1 Intrgue without taking an action.
  38. Procure Stolen Goods - Skullduggery
    • Marune the Masked, one of the Shadow Thieves, needs to move some interesting merchandise.
    • Requires: 3 Rogue, 6 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP, 2 Intrigue cards
  39. Produce A Miracle For The Masses - Piety
    • "Another cleric called to the cause."
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 5VP
      • Plot: Once per round, whenever you take an action that provides any Cleric, you can also replace Fighter, Rogue, or Qizard in your Tavern with Cleric.
  40. Protect The House Of Wonder - Piety
    • Defending Mystra's temple demonstrates devotion.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 8VP
      • Plot: Whenever you complete a Piety Quest, you score 2VP.
  41. Quell Mercenary Uprising - Warfare
    • "No lord should resort to such obvious machinations."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 4 Fighter
    • Reward: 8VP
      • Plot: Whenever you complete a Warfare Quest, you score 2VP.
  42. Raid On Undermountain - Skullduggery
    • "Mount an expedition into the dangerous depths of Undermountain, and untold riches will be ours!"
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 2 Fighter, 4 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 20VP, 2 Gold
  43. Raid Orc Stronghold - Warfare
    • "Orc marauders endanger the trade roads and must be dealt with. Harshly."
    • Requires: 4 Fighter, 2 Rogue
    • Reward: 8VP, 4 Gold
  44. Recover The Magister's Orb - Arcana
    • Waterdeep's black-robed Magisters aid the Lords in matters of justice.
    • Requires: 3 Rogue, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 6VP
      • Plot: Once per round, you can assign an Agent to a space containing an opponent's Agent.
  45. Recruit For Blackstaff Academy - Arcana
    • "Step on up - you could be the next Khelben Arunsun."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 2 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP, 3 Wizard
  46. Recruit Lieutenant - Warfare
    • "Good help can be so hard to find."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 5 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 0VP
      • Plot: Add the Lieutenant to your pool of Agents for the rest of the game.
  47. Recruit Paladins For Tyr - Piety
    • Tyr is the god of law, justice, and retrbution, and requires paladins to enforce his will.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 4 Fighter, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 10VP, 3 Cleric
  48. Repel Seawraiths - Warfare
    • "Seawraiths are attacking ships in the harbor. Drive them back into the Sea of Swords."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 4 Fighter, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 15VP, 2 Gold
  49. Research Chonomancy - Arcana
    • Time magic has unlimited potential.
    • Requires: 2 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 4VP, 1 Wizard, and return 1 of your assigned Agents to your pool.
  50. Retrieve Ancient Artifacts - Arcana
    • Adventurers are needed to recover treasures from the ancient elven realm of Miyeritar.
    • Requires: 2 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 11VP, 4 Gold
  51. Safeguard Eltorchul Mage - Commerce
    • "The Eltorchul Academy of wizardry requires an escort for one of its prominent students."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 4VP, 2 Wizard
  52. Seal Gate To Cyric's Realm - Piety
    • Cyric, god of strife and deceptions, uses gates to spread madness and corruption.
    • Requires: 2 Cleric, 3 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 20VP
  53. Send Aid To The Harpers - Commerce
    • "Helping a secret society dedicated to holding back evil is just good business."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 15VP and choose an opponent to gain 4 Gold.
  54. Spy On The House Of Light - Commerce
    • "Find out what the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters is up to."
    • Requires: 3 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 2 Gold
    • Reward: 6VP, 6 Gold
  55. Steal From House Adarbrent - Skullduggery
    • "Such an influential merchant family can afford to part with a few trinkets."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 4 Rogue, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 10VP, 6 Gold
  56. Steal Spellbook from Silverhand - Arcana
    • "Laeral Silverhand has a fascinating collection of spellbooks. Acquire one, please."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 7VP, 2 Intrigue, 4 Gold
  57. Study the Illusk Arch - Arcana
    • This portal connects Undermountain to Luskan.
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 2 Wizard
    • Reward: 8VP
      • Plot: Whenever you complete an Arcana Quest, you score 2VP.
  58. Take Over Rival Organization - Skullduggery
    • "Remove the leader, and the underlings will fall into your hands."
    • Requires: 1 Fighter, 2 Rogue, 1 Wizard, 6 Gold
    • Reward: 10VP, 4 Rogue
  59. Thin The City Watch - Commerce
    • "An assassination here, a bribe there, and the City Watch learns when to look the other way."
    • Requires: 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter, 1 Rogue, 4 Gold
    • Reward: 9VP, 4 Rogue
  60. Train Bladesingers - Warfare
    • Bladesingers combine weapon mastery with magic in a deadly fighting style known as the bladesong.
    • Requires: 3 Fighter, 1 Wizard
    • Reward: 4VP, 1 Fighter, 1 Wizard
