CarWars / Crash2


Use this table if you lose control due to hazard. Roll 1 die, then add or subtract the modifier for your speed, given on the Control Table. This tells you what happens to your vehicle on its next move.

-1,0,1,2Minor FishtailRoll randomly to see if fishtail will be left or right. If, for instance, it is left, keep vehicle's right front corner in the same square, and move the left rear corner 1 square left. Reverse for a right fishtail.
3,4Major FishtailAs above, but the rear corner moves two squares.
5Minor FishrollExecute a minor fishtail and roll again on Crash Table 1.
6-9Major FishrollExecute a major fishtail and roll again on Crash Table 1.
5Severe FishrollExecute a major and a minor fishtail (for a total of 3 squares movement in one direction) and roll again on Crash Table 1.