Main / 20211022c

Chat Log - 2021 10 22 - Cosmological Quandaries - β-ice - (Formatted)

Lara has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 17:39:18 EDT 2021

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - CHANGED: Reduce -- # Memorized: 2 (+2), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Reveal Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Master] Emerald moved 44'11".

[Master] N'laea moved 16'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 25'04".

[Lara] hiya!

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hey there

[Lara] soooo happy to be back! I read over 60 pages of Chat. LOL

[Master] excellent

[Lara] ME...laying in bed reading before I go to sleep

[Master] nice

[Lara] HUSBAND....wanders in "you workin'?"

[Master] grins

[Lara] Me: "sorta, I’m reading DnD chats for the last three weeks."

[Lara] HUSBAND...looks at stack of paper in front of me

[Master] LOL

[Lara] HUSBAND...turns towards the door and says "I guess I'll go order more toner"

[Master] HAH

[Lara] seriously, it was hilarious

[Master] I fully see that

[Lara] do you have any questions about the appraising stuff?

[Lara] also, I have one question about Namsut---is she now traveling with us outside of the ice-shielded tower?

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 19:06:17 EDT 2021

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Master] Yes Namsut is here with the wheel chair with the frozen corpse in it

[Lisa] Hello Lara!

[Lara] okay. got it.

[Master] How are you tonight Lisa?

[Lisa] just waking up so a little groggy right now but will wake up fully in a bit

[Master] napping is good

[Master] unless that is a very long bender from last night ;)

[Lara] BOB, how was your week?

[Master] Life is Great

[Master] I got my submarine

[Lara] umm...tell me more

[Lisa] Is it yellow?

[Master] grins I turned in the purchase order today for an underwater drone

[Master] and yes Lisa it is yellow

[Lisa] Can we all live in it?

[Master] sadly no

Lisa cries

[Lara] WHOA! super cool --- do we all live ina yellow submarine

[Master] it has a camera, a hook

[Lara] first song of the night

[Master] hah

[Master] So Lara did a BUNCH of rolls

[Lara] pray tell, what body of water do you plan on using this in?

[Master] did you log them all Lara? while we are waiting for others I can give some answers

[Master] all the canals!

[Master] just imagine what we can find

[Master] tires

[Master] trash

[Master] cars

[Master] dead bodies

[Lara] yes! I logged them all in a spreadsheet but I only copied the SUCCESSES into the CS Notes

[Lara] ooooo --- you can live stream it?

[Master] yeap

[Master] in VR too


[Lara] that would be great for the STEM program I would think

[Master] that is my intention

[Lara] aha! I am getting to know you so well!

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 19:16:10 EDT 2021

[Master] and welcome Carissa

[Lara] hi Carissa!!

[Carissa] Hello!

[Lara] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] So you are free for the night Carissa?

[Carissa] Yep! We finished binging Ted Lasso. Watching the news then she's going to read/bed.

[Carissa] Neither of us are bingers, but it was a very good show

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Hi Carissa! :)

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[Lara] test

[Master] I am here

[Master] I am just hanging out and waiting to be needed

[Master] grins

[Lara] me/ smiles "okay"

Lara smiles 'okay'

[Lara] am I ever going to get that on the first try? LOL

[Lara] I actually asked YOU if you had any questions about the appraising. is there anything else you need? should I post it on the site somewhere?

[Master] what I need to know is how many of WHAT has been appraised successfully

[Master] so tell me X number of gems

[Master] and then I will tell you what to roll to find those values

[Master] Or if there are other things then I need to know that

[Lara] I can dot that

[Master] and you and Lisa work out what goes where, etc.

[Lara] okay. out of the 92 Protectorate Era gems, I was able to appraise 48

[Master] OK

[Lara] there is one Ruby - fancy

[Lara] one Purple worm Gem

[Master] I will say that other than that Ruby

[Lara] then there are 6 gems out of the lot of 10 that I was able to appraise

[Master] Carissa flip a coin heads is a high number

[Lara] then one ghast Gem

[Lisa] it's on your notes page?

[Carissa] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Lara] yes, on my notes page that reads Appraisals

[Lisa] 6 of 10 gems succeeded

[Lara] but only the successfully appraised items are there. I have a spreadsheet of the whole shebang.

[Lisa] 3 ghast gems - 1 succeeded

[Lara] yes and yes

[Lisa] 3 gems worm - 1 succeeded

[Lara] yes

[Lisa] ruby succeeded

[Lara] yes

[Lisa] 48 of 92 succeeded

[Lara] yes

[Lisa] 2 gems tree failed

[Lisa] scythe failed

[Lisa] aquamarine failed

[Lisa] earrings failed

[Master] OK so 1 5,000 gem, 4 1,000 gems, 10 500 Gems,10 100 gems, 20 50 gems, and 4 10 gems

[Master] all those are in GP

[Lisa] agate failed

[Lisa] bloodstone failed

[Lisa] gold earring failed

[Lara] yes to Lisa for all (sad face)

[Lisa] sorry - getting it in chat so I can update page tomorrow

[Master] yes

[Lisa] No it's good! Thanks!

[Lara] HUSBAND..."what is all that arcade noise in there?"

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] So you have your Gem values

[Master] and you did not get any art objects correct

[Lara] ME..."I’m appraising DnD items"

[Lisa] no

[Master] LOL

[Master] and no to me Lisa? what did I get wrong?

[Lara] HUSBAND..."well, I appraise chicken fingers as one happy person. can you make me some? I pre-heated the oven"

Michael has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 19:36:39 EDT 2021

[Master] LOL

[Master] and hello Michael

[Lara] hi Michael!

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Michael] (Hey all I apologize but I'm assisting my Grandfather tonight. I'm here, but helping him tonight :) )

[Lara] all good Michael - we are happy you're here

[Carissa] We have two who can appraise art objects

[Carissa] (sorry was chatting)

[Lisa] Hi Michael!

[Michael] Hi Everyone :)

[Master] What is the next?

[Lisa] we go to the inn?

[Master] I am ready for that

[Lisa] Anticipated Next Scene: The group decided to help Namsut try to find Maya who was lost on the Astral Plane. To do so they first left the tower to go to the Inn of the Lost Eagle to be able to do spells without The Mist interference.

[Master] so RP before you get there

[Master] heading from Tower to Inn correct?

[Lisa] yes

[Carissa] Short summary until I have a chance to write them: Namsut is the Marid, we agreed to find Maya by going to the planes so she can follow our rope back, Maya is a frozen body, they are in love. Miss anything?

[Lara] I'm all caught up :-)

[Lara] wait---one question > is Maya a who body or half. there seemed to be discussion about whether she was a mermaid or something. LOL

[Lara] a whole body or a half?

[Master] Whole body

[Carissa] Whole.

[Lara] but the 'cut off' thing was being cut off in the astral plane, correct?

[Master] yes

[Lara] by the silver...strand? or cord?

[Carissa] Yes her rope that let her travel the planes was cut aka her breadcrumbs home

[Lara] also, can a tulip be created by cantrip?

[Carissa] Most likely, but where's the love in that if you don't travel to find the most perfect one? :)

[Lisa] only a tulip you have seen I would guess

[Lara] well, if you've never seen a tulip --- only heard of them --- you wouldn't know what it looked like

[Lara] funny enough---when my husband and I first started dating, his nicknamed was Tulip Guy.

[Master] nice

[Lara] when I spoke to my girlfriends about my dates, they would all have nicknames...Miami Pilot, Lawyer Guy, Rocket Science guy, Sunpass guy

[Lara] Carolina Pilot, bird guy, dog hair guy. Captain Gulf

[Master] WOW on dog hair guy

[Lara] (um...there was a time when I dated A LOT!)

[Lara] oh yeah, he was so depressing...he was a graphic artist who lived with his dad

[Lara] and he was very good looking but really needed someone to talk to

[Lara] on our first date, the back of his t-shirt was covered in dog hair

[Lara] thus, he became Dog Hair Guy...I started writing a book about my dating history---some of the stories are really funny...Ash Man was probably the worst

[Lara] one day you might see my book on a Library shelf! LOL (or on Kindle)

[Lara] and Karl was Tulip Guy because he brought me tulips on our first date! even in 2008, there was still a decent man available

[Michael] That’ impressive list :)

[Michael] Also that's adorable

[Master] chuckles

[Lara] anyway, Carissa and Lisa and Michael --- should we get started?

[Michael] I have to move away periodically but yes I'm reasonably certain I can hold an intelligent conversation...famous last words

[Lara] thanks! it's funny because online dating was just coming into fashion

[Lara] my husband would NEVER have approached me in person --- way, way too shy and introverted

Namsut (Master) pushing the wheel chair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So how did the two of you meet?

Emerald (Lara) quietly to Namsut, "We haven't been name is Emerald. We are happy you are travelling with us."

[Namsut (Master)] She summoned me

Raelynn (Carissa) listening intently

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you remained with her voluntarily?

[Namsut (Master)] She broke our agreement

[Namsut (Master)] but I needed to have her help me leave

[Namsut (Master)] and then we went on another adventure

[Namsut (Master)] and then

Namsut (Master) trails off

Emerald (Lara) listens closely

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I hope we get you back together soon then

Emerald (Lara) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This place is safe

[Namsut (Master)] Is it?

[Namsut (Master)] It seems to not me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This inn is not well known yet. It should be a quiet place and I will leave a guard

[Namsut (Master)] Thank you

[Namsut (Master)] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara)] (how far is the Inn from the Tower?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (just a few miles if I remember correctly)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think it's just a couple of hours - less than a day I believe)

[Emerald (Lara)] (got it)

[Emerald (Lara)] (are we supposed to be doing anything right now? lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bob said it was our chance to talk before we get there. If we don't have any more questions or topics we can ask him to just put us there)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Namsut (Master)] and any other questions?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (just get to know Marid and how we may travel and/or plans if we want)

TMO has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 20:07:28 EDT 2021

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I was curious how they met - if she travelled to her or like she said - was summoned)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] How long have you known each other?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi TMO!)

[TMO] (sorry for the delay

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Hi TMO!)

[Namsut (Master)] Maya and I have been together for more than 20 years

[TMO] (hello frands!)

Emerald (Lara) eyes widen in surprise

[Emerald (Lara)] (hi TMO!)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] That's wonderful! A good, strong bond.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] And I am certain she'll appreciate how thoughtful you are when she returns.

Raelynn (Carissa) nods towards the wheelchair

[Namsut (Master)] She better

[Namsut (Master)] she owes me three more potions

Raelynn (Carissa) smiles

[Namsut (Master)] Typical of her to go to these lengths to avoid it

Raelynn (Carissa) laughs

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Do you want me to remind her when we see her?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] OH! What do we tell her to she knows we're helping you?

Emerald (Lara) furrows brow in confusion

[Raelynn (Carissa)] She's never met us...

[Namsut (Master)] I am not sure

[Namsut (Master)] I have not ever had a noble help without a price

[Namsut (Master)] all help comes with a price

Raelynn (Carissa) nods, "There's definitely people like that out there. I've met them before."

[Craigh (TMO)] It's not that hard. We just tell her that we were sent to collect those three potions she owes you. Who else would know about that but her and you?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] And I admit, our temple has to ask for something in return to help it keep running, but I'm not at the temple right now.

Emerald (Lara) nods in agreement towards Raelynn

[Namsut (Master)] No one would ever know that

Raelynn (Carissa) shrugs, "And sometimes, helping others helps you."

[Raelynn (Carissa)] You're helping me make a decision AND maybe get where I need to go. That's enough, right?

[Namsut (Master)] that should be good I suppose, if you are worthy

Namsut (Master) glances over at Branwyn, How does she treat you servants? you seem to speak very freely

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Well...I don't know about that... but I have to try....

[Emerald (Lara)] I have found all of our loyal friends worthy since they saved me from Black Cloak

[Emerald (Lara)] and they have never asked for anything in return

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Huh? Oh, I'm only a servant of Hanali Cenali, but I like Branwyn. She's very nice!

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one is a servant of anybody

[Craigh (TMO)] Well, none of us. There are servants, of various sorts.

[Craigh (TMO)] But none of them are slaves that I know of.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (*Celanil, that was bugging me, I never type the full thing...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] No slaves!

[Craigh (TMO)] II was pretty sure

Namsut (Master) Looks at Indigo

[Namsut (Master)] why are you so adamant about that?

[Namsut (Master)] It is the natural order of things

[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't keep slaves. I was sold into slavery a long time ago and was freed by Branwyn and her friends. We don't do that

[Namsut (Master)] Why not?

[Namsut (Master)] It is easier

[Raelynn (Carissa)] It is not the natural order for all things. Maybe what you're used to, but not for all.

[Namsut (Master)] you own a person, you take care of them, they know you have to take care of them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because it's not fair. And it's wrong

[Craigh (TMO)] Not everyone is so caring.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Most slaves I heard of don't have a choice.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Because people are their own being.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Being nice to a slave still diminishes their humanity and free will. It still makes them less than.

[Namsut (Master)] There is no need for a choice

[Namsut (Master)] I find it interesting that none of you are

[Raelynn (Carissa)] We're our own selves.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] BUT we can save the philosophies for after we find Maya.

[Namsut (Master)] Yes

[Raelynn (Carissa)] What plane did she visit, anyways?

[Namsut (Master)] having been trapped in this horrible disaster of a thing

[Namsut (Master)] We were here looking for a tulip

[Namsut (Master)] when the Mist that took away my abilities

Raelynn (Carissa) nods, "I am partial to roses, but I understand the appeal of tulips."

[Namsut (Master)] she tried to do what she could

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Maya is from here, though, yes?

[Namsut (Master)] No

[Namsut (Master)] not this area of this Plane

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh, sorry. This plane, yes? But what part of this plane?

[Namsut (Master)] The land of Zakhara is a land of deserts between seas

Raelynn (Carissa) glances around to see if anyone has heard of it

[Craigh (TMO)] I got the impression Maya was a mermaid.

Namsut (Master) looks at Craigh puzzled

Emerald (Lara) shrugs as Raelynn

Craigh (TMO) shrugs. "Guess not."

Namsut (Master) looks at the body in the wheel chair

Emerald (Lara) shrugs at Raelynn

Namsut (Master) looks at Craigh

[Craigh (TMO)] (OH, forgot about that)

[Craigh (TMO)] (ignore me)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (LOL)

Raelynn (Carissa) whispers, "I think the ice got to his brain."

Emerald (Lara) chuckles under her breath

[Raelynn (Carissa)] So, umm, Namsut, what's it like traveling the planes? Where will we start? What do we need to be careful of when we get there?

[Namsut (Master)] Yes it is always dangerous

Emerald (Lara) raises eyebrows

[Namsut (Master)] You need to know what the possibilities are for where you are

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Okay...

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Anything good to know for where we'll arrive? Like I wished I'd know how bad the Mist was before I traveled down here.

[Namsut (Master)] If you do not know where you are going it can be very easy

[Namsut (Master)] to die

[Namsut (Master)] Where we are going is the Astral Plane

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Like travelling to the plane of water and not being able to breathe

[Namsut (Master)] The Astral plane consists of other-dimensional nothingness, a barren expanse extending in all directions. The only breaks in this bleakness are small islands of matter broken off from their native dimensions and occasional wide, spinning columns of astral conduits, also called wormholes. Wormholes link the outer planes with each other and with the Prime Material plane. The Astral is little more than a plane of transit, a means of moving between the inner and outer planes.

Raelynn (Carissa) nods and points at Branwyn

[Namsut (Master)] (refilling and emptying brb)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Raelynn (Carissa) whispers to Branwyn, "Are we going to that plane? Or are going to at least first travel somewhere I can breath? Do you know?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope not! I believe we will stay in the astral plane until we know where Maya is. If we can

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Emerald (Lara) nods in agreement

[Raelynn (Carissa)] That's more comforting. Although how do we find someone in a place like that? I mean I'm certainly glad we'll try. Are there people there to ask? I don't... um, actually know anything about the Astral Plane or anything of that nature...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Namsut, you will know how to look for Maya once we reach the astral plane?

[Namsut (Master)] I ..... yes I think so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you know which wormholes go to which plane? Like a map

[Namsut (Master)] No

[Namsut (Master)] If you know what colors go to which Plane then you can hope to get to where you are going

[Namsut (Master)] At least to the Plane if not a Place

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Hopefully we can differentiate the colors...

[Namsut (Master)] Which does not matter

[Namsut (Master)] How often do you need to get to a specific place on a Plane?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Just once!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would think often unless you were just exploring

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Er, twice if you want to get home.

[Craigh (TMO)] We do kind of need to be able to get home again.

[Namsut (Master)] When you get to the right Plane you just move to the right place

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Our silver cords will lead us home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is helpful

[Namsut (Master)] (ready to move to the Inn?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (sure)

[Emerald (Lara)] (new map?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Rae can always keep talking, but can't actually think of anything more useful atm)

Namsut (Master) looking

[Namsut (Master)] What magic is this?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Some kind of time magic or something!

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Once we pass this gate the Mist will be gone. It is safe

Emerald (Lara) sees...

Branwyn (Lisa) passes the gate to show her

[Raelynn (Carissa)] It's like a breath of fresh air! Er, or maybe water for you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 30'10".

[Namsut (Master)] Wait

Namsut (Master) looking at Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] We're here. It's okay

[Namsut (Master)] You said this is time?

[Namsut (Master)] what time is it there?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 10'04".

Namsut (Master) glances down at the body in the chair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe for the people in the Inn it is 150 years earlier

[Namsut (Master)] What happens when

[Namsut (Master)] to go back?

[Emerald (Lara)] Are you afraid that something will happen to Maya?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] If you’re from this time, it seems nothing going back and forth. Um, but if you were here previous and from the past, things get wonky./

Branwyn (Lisa) passes the gate again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 10'08".

[Namsut (Master)] When we arrived and took over the tower there was no Mist

[Namsut (Master)] (save for Branwyn for Mist sickness)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 [MODIFIED (-1-1)] - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh and sometimes you get sick, but it wears off going back into the Mist.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ohhhhh ....

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Er, like that.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's the Mist sickness. I am fine.

Namsut (Master) hesitates

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let me try to think. Maya has been trapped in the astral plane for 50 years or so?

[Namsut (Master)] yes

[Raelynn (Carissa)] But even when trapped, she has been in the tower the whole time, right?

[Namsut (Master)] Maya's body has been with me the entire time,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I thought I read that time doesn’t mean anything when you go to the astral plane

[Namsut (Master)] Her Psyche has been gone

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (you did)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (or that the body doesn't age I think it was specifically?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So what I would recommend when we bring Maya back that you teleport from the Inn to where you wish to go rather than cross the gates here like I just did.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] We only saw problems with people who were trapped in time leaving, but we haven't seemed to have problems with people of this time going to that time.

Branwyn (Lisa) holds a hand to her head that is throbbing at the moment

Emerald (Lara) tries to follow the conversation

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (A physical body without its astral component does not age, nor does it require food, water, or air.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maya can teleport can she not?

[Namsut (Master)] (and if the silver cord is severed.....)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] ( the astral form will return to its body wherever it has been moved, provided it remains on a plane accessible from the Astral (an astral form cannot rejoin its body if that body is placed in the Ethereal, for example). The physical body is subject to normal damage, which the astral form is not aware of at the time the damage is inflicted.)

[Master] Just saying to consider the possibilities

[Michael] (Sounds like hell to me)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (yeah was looking if I even have detect life to start)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (The snapping of a silver cord has disastrous effects. The traveler's astral form dissolves into the plane in 1d10 turns, leaving behind the astral entities of those magical items brought into the plane. The body in the Prime plane perishes, and is irrecoverable (except for wishes). Any magical items that were taken into the plane rot and evaporate with their enchantments gone, save for artifacts, which return to the Prime plane with their powers intact. Some devices, and the astral spell, permit the caster to take others along with him. At the start of the spell, the caster and those accompanying him must hold hands, but they can separate once they enter the Astral plane. The silver cord runs to the caster, and then out to all the other members of the party. If the cord to the caster is severed, all those connected to him are destroyed as above. If a cord from the caster to a fellow traveler is severed, only that fellow traveler perishes. Remember that 1d10 turns pass between the severing of the cord and the dissipation of the astral form. If the astral traveler can reach a color pool to another plane and form another body, his dissipation and death can be avoided.)

[Michael] (Or at the very lease could be an end result)

[Namsut (Master)] Maya can teleport

[Emerald (Lara)] (movie Insidious)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so hopefully she found a color pool and reformed her body?)

[Michael] (Wishes!!! We have a Marid!!!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wishes always backfire)

[Michael] (What if it's what the Marid wants???)

[Michael] (Sorry. The idea of 2.0 Wish just excites me and frightens me)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

Namsut (Master) takes a deep breath

[Craigh (TMO)] (lol)

[Craigh (TMO)] (We wish for Maya to be back safely)

Namsut (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Namsut (Master)] Should I go through here with her?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Namsut, you know this is not an easy proposition. But I think it is our only one if you want to try to find Maya

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we are successful then when we get back, you both will be able to teleport anywhere on this plane outside of the Mist or return to another plane from here if you wish

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it were me and I wanted to try to get my love back, yes I would pass the gate

Emerald (Lara) nods in agreement

Craigh (TMO) looks a little hesitant.

Emerald (Lara) looks at Craigh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Take the time you need to decide.

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

Branwyn (Lisa) passes the gate and waits just inside

[Craigh (TMO)] Didn't she exist at the time this Inn is from? Isn't that supposed to be impossible?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 10'00".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] This is wizard magic, and Branwyn is a very knowledgeable wizard. Mage? I think it's worth trusting what she says.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Persuasion check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bob would totally suck if he killed them off before we even got started)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (not AS good as usual :P)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (OK - bad choice. Story arc over)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (xp will be delivered next week)

[Namsut (Master)] (grins)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (I'm thinking it may somehow be more of an issue with returning? maybe? but yeah)

Craigh (TMO) shrugs.

[Master] Chair with Maya moved 6'11".

[Craigh (TMO)] (the chair is alive!)

Raelynn (Carissa) walks over to join Branwyn.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that is why I was thinking teleporting out rather than passing the gate. Maybe missing that?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 30'08".

[Master] Chair with Maya and Namsut moved 18'10".

[Craigh (TMO)] (but wouldn't they be teleporting from 150 years in the past?)

[Namsut (Master)] Slowly moves into the courtyard

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (I'm thinking more the body finding a way back as in Maya specifically since she'd be finding her way PAST? and dunno how time may change that)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (from the outer planes to this one)

[Craigh (TMO)] (have now done Muppet Haunted Mansion, Great Muppet Caper, and Muppet Treasure Island)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Diagnostics check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is just the hourglass holding this place together now - not looping around any more I thought)

Raelynn (Carissa) looks over at Namsut and Maya

Craigh (TMO) follows Namsut and Maya.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 31'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 31'00".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (I was thinking this was still technically the past. But we'll just find out later either way :) )

[Raelynn (Carissa)] N'laea moved 23'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Feeling all right?

Namsut (Master) looks down at the body

Namsut (Master) checks the status

[Namsut (Master)] (still frozen)

[Namsut (Master)] I am ok

[Namsut (Master)] I am feeling

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Good.

Namsut (Master) swells

[Namsut (Master)] VERY GOOD

Raelynn (Carissa) smiles

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Master] Namsut moved 16'05".

[Craigh (TMO)] bbs

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] WHAT? What is it??

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Look! She's a giant!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (silly me looking away from the map)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! Yes! She was when we first met her, too!

[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't know you were shrunk before.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Giantness looks lovely on her!

Lemon has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 21:09:57 EDT 2021

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh...I suppose we should have warned you...

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Hi Lemon!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi Lemon!)

[Lemon] Hello everyone!

[Emerald (Lara)] (hi Lemon!)

Emerald (Lara) passes through the gate

Emerald (Lara) watches Namsut grow

[Master] Namsut moved 11'08".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Hmm, you think we should use the guest house? I wonder if it's open...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am thinking perhaps we should rent this little house here. Or shall we see if there is a large common room in the Inn itself

[Raelynn (Carissa)] We should go say hi to Gerry first!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (great minds! was just thinking that)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol!)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Would you like to meet the barkeep or wait here, Namsut?

[Namsut (Master)] Drinks are always a good thing

[Master] Craigh moved 29'02".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Yes and we probably all need some!

[Master] Talwin moved 30'04".

[Master] Emerald moved 21'04".

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang moved 60'00".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 26'00".

[Master] Pylon moved 15'05".

[Master] Susan Delgado moved 18'07".

Raelynn (Carissa) goes on ahead, "GERRY! WE'RE BACK!"

[Master] Howard Plum, Craigh, Namsut, Branwyn, Chair with Maya, N'laea, Emerald, Indigo, Bixi Fizzlebang and Talwin moved 51'03".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (you were moving people so I stopped so kLoOge wouldn't get mad)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 8'01".

[(Carissa)] N'laea: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (any changes in people or the place?)

[Master] not yet

[Master] sorry Nyrma brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Ok sorry

[Master] everyone is there in the main room of the Inn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we all go in the inn?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am too slow)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara)] (yes! but can Namsut fit?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and was she able to wheel Maya in?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (or is she outside?)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Oct 22 21:18:53 EDT 2021

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and I think I accidentally had Raelynn walk right by the horse...VERY uncharacteristic of her)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 21:19:11 EDT 2021

[Lisa] Indigo moved 29'05".

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] Hello!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hi Gerry. Can we get drinks for everyone please?

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] This is a surprise

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] what are you doing here?

Emerald (Lara) waves at Gerry

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] OF course Admiral!

[Craigh (TMO)] (we've come to sample your apple pies. And some rosemary and thyme)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 20'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you drink ale Namsut?

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Emerald (Lara) looks around to see who else is at the Inn bar

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] Who does not drink ale?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno. Someone probably

Emerald (Lara) sees nothing out of the ordinary

Gerry the barkeep (Master) then looks at the tall blue woman standing there

Craigh (TMO) sticks to the shady areas. That much open sky is weird.

Emerald (Lara) glances at Craigh

Gerry the barkeep (Master) jaw drops

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] Are you a Queen?

N'laea (Carissa) sits in the sunniest spot possibly inside

[Raelynn (Carissa)] She looks like one, right??

[Namsut (Master)] I am Royalty yes,

Raelynn (Carissa) opens her mouth then closes it

[Namsut (Master)] Do you have pure mead?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oops. Um, oohhhh...wait should I have ohh....

[Namsut (Master)] Honey would be best

Gerry the barkeep (Master) glances over at Branwyn

[Lemon] (Wait... did we hide the sand inside the honey? Why do I feel like this is a trick?)

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] I am sorry I do not have any honey

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] (and see Lemon is so on top of things)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol nice catch)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] He does have some refilling barrels of other drinks, though!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Also, I hope Gerry didn't just flat out lie to her, that seems problematic for him lol)

[Namsut (Master)] I will do my best for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] No honey!!

[Craigh (TMO)] (consuming time sand can lead to time cancer)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps if there is a drink you would like Emerald and I can take care of the honey part

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A small glass Gerry?

[Emerald (Lara)] (yes, what should I do- cantrip?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes better solution than time sand honey :D )

[Emerald (Lara)] (wait, I think I have a spell for turning one liquid into another)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry you weren't here for that)

[Namsut (Master)] (yes you do, grins)

[Namsut (Master)] (BUT do you have that memorized?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Are cantrips like the food teleporter in star trek?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (is honey a liquid?)

[Namsut (Master)] (and yes to Lemon and hmmmm to Lisa)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (consuming time sand can ruin your timespan?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (yes, it is---but with a very high viscosity)

Branwyn (Lisa) makes low buzzing noise and waves her hand over a glass

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol Carissa!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Here's a little anyway

[Emerald (Lara)] wait....

[Namsut (Master)] (Yes Honey is a liquid)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can make more

[Emerald (Lara)] let's see if we can get you a bit more...

Emerald (Lara) puts her hand on the outside of the glass and closes her eyes

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol Lemon - only if you are eating light. Cantrip doesn't make a whole lot)

[Emerald (Lara)] Gerry, can you give me a pint of water?

Raelynn (Carissa) quietly, "Pssst! Howard, you can give her honey, too, right? She's royalty! She might want more!"

Emerald (Lara) smiles "please"

Gerry the barkeep (Master) brings out four ales, three glasses of water and two glasses of wine

[Emerald (Lara)] Oh, and a spoon please?

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Gerry

Howard Plum (Lisa) whispers "How much honey does someone need?"

Raelynn (Carissa) shrugs, "I'm not royalty. I don't know!"

[Emerald (Lara)] (she's a statuesque woman!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Looks like Emerald is going to give her a lot. But no one drinks honey. You just add it to other things. Like biscuits.

Emerald (Lara) looks to see if Namsut is done with the bit o' honey they've given her

[Michael] [My grandfather says hi and thanks you for letting me help him. I told him I would type this so you know how appreciative he is]

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] OH someone was going to make cookies

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Clearly you need to meet more elves if you think that. Or maybe it's just my temple...

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Hi Michael's grandfather!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (awwww ... of course. Hope your grandfather is well.)

[Emerald (Lara)] (Hi Abuelo!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] You drink honey?

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Namsut (Master)] It is a drink for royalty

Emerald (Lara) flicks her index finger and a small spoon appears

Emerald (Lara) uses the spoon to scoop out a few drops of the water

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald casts a spell against : Metamorphose Liquids: I turn one liquid into another nonmagical liquid.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Sometimes!

[Emerald (Lara)] Suroolius, 'honey'

Namsut (Master) takes a drink

[Namsut (Master)] This is nice

Emerald (Lara) smiles

Gerry the barkeep (Master) breathes a sigh of relief

Namsut (Master) finishes her drink

Namsut (Master) sets it on the bar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Gerry, is the house outside vacant still?

Namsut (Master) looks around

[Namsut (Master)] Who is coming with us?

Raelynn (Carissa) raises her hand as high as she can

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] I am keeping the house empty for you Countess

Emerald (Lara) smiles, "I plan to join you"

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] I would like to, if no one minds. I'm not sure I will be much help but I would like to try

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. I should like to rent it for a while.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] We might find ghosts, Bixi!

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] It is yours

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] no rent Countess

[Emerald (Lara)] Thank you Gerry

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Yes... (eyes Gerry warily) we might...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is kind. Thank you.

[Craigh (TMO)] I'll go if you want me to.

[Master] Emerald moved 12'03".

[Master] N'laea moved 15'01".

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang moved 19'03".

[Master] Chair with Maya moved 11'10".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] N'laea is going, too.

[Master] Namsut moved 13'08".

[Master] Craigh moved 16'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Namsut, will it be best if we wait until tomorrow so the magic users may memorize new spells or will our spells be unnecessary?

[N'laea (Carissa)] I am?

[Master] Raelynn moved 28'08".

[Gerry the barkeep (Master)] I do not need your spells

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Namsut (Master)] I do not need your spells

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "But will we?"

[Namsut (Master)] If you wish then I suppose we could wait till the morning

[Emerald (Lara)] (hi guys...the meds are kicking in...I have about 10 mins left)

[Namsut (Master)] Maya was delayed like that also

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Only if it will be helpful to our search

[Namsut (Master)] (Emerald is going that is what we need, have a great night Lara)

[Namsut (Master)] I am not sure if you have the skills to help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes we human magic users have limitations

[Raelynn (Carissa)] What skills will help? We all have skills we're good at.

[Lara] (gnite all!)

[Namsut (Master)] Be smart

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you think so then we can go now. We have full use of this house here. I will leave Indigo and Howard to watch Maya while we are gone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They will protect her

[Namsut (Master)] We are bringing Maya

Lara has left the game on Fri Oct 22 21:49:35 EDT 2021

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (night)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I thought our physical bodies would stay here while we travelled

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (confused)

[Namsut (Master)] The way that humans travel

[Namsut (Master)] IF you are ready we can leave now

[Namsut (Master)] or we can wait for you to feel ready in the morning

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Ohhhh... um, is it rude to ask what Maya is?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I suppose we're ready then?)

[Namsut (Master)] She is a human,

[Master] To be clear here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (will leave Indigo and Howard in case no one comes back)

[Master] Lisa is correct that traveling by spell would mean leaving your bodies here

[Master] but she is implying that will not be the case

[Master] but you can still rememorize spells if you wish, etc.

[Master] to plan ahead

[Carissa] as in we are taking our bodies with us because it is a Marid traveling

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (would like Craigh healed first)

[Carissa] is how I'm interpreting that

[Carissa] Also I'm guessing leaving Indigo and Howard behind means they aren't on this arc at all potentially?

[Craigh (TMO)] (checking spells)

[Master] They would not be on the Astral Plane portion of the story arc

[Master] no one who is not here at the Inn can be here

[Master] grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought we would come back with Maya and then move to other places - no clue)

[Carissa] Looks like Astral Plane also includes Hell if that matters :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Tiberius will kill Branwyn if she goes to hell without him)

[Master] it includes a way TO Hell

[Carissa] But yeah, not sure if it's back and forth or not

[Carissa] Shh, I mistyped and forgot a word

[Michael] One might say...a highway?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol Michael)

[Carissa] lol

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can you tell us if leaving now sets the party for the entire arc and all the adventures inside it?)

[Master] you can do spells now for the rest of this story arc

[Master] and yes you will be coming back here before the next story arc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok that is what I wanted to know - thx)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so heal Craigh, sleep, memorize spells and good to go in the morning?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if we aren't leaving bodies I will take Indigo too but leave Howard)

[Carissa] (sounds good to all that)

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Carissa] (would be 7 aka enough)

[Master] Craigh's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (6) - Unharmed

[Master] Time of Day: 07:04 AM. Day 17 Ko ___ tre, Bel {Mid Fall} 17th, 351 SKR.

[Craigh (TMO)] Thank you

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Of course!

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 2 (+1), CHANGED: Enter Dream -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Monster Summoning III -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Polymorph Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Shocking Grasp -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Skyhook -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok played guess which spells I'll need and am ready)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Last time I set mine, I did that lol. So I'm sticking with what I have.)

[Master] I am saying Lanek, Emerald for those two players, both for Carissa, Bixi, Craigh, and for Lisa Branwyn? and ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are they full for a new day?)

[Master] Everyone is at full

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have 2 mages and an illusionist - not bringing Howard too)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (sadly means no teasing him, but there can always be another day for that)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Taking bets on how much Howard will drink while we're gone?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (absence makes the heart grow fonder)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard, we will be back as soon as we can.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Namsut, I believe we are ready.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Craigh's spells set?)

[Craigh (TMO)] (yar - 3 fireballs, 2 teleports)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] I'm so nervous

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (both IC and IRL lol)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I hope there's more honey when we return!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (oh jeez. Watching everyone disappear is terrifying.)

[Craigh (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Spells - CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Disawareness* -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice map)

[Master] grins, thank you

Branwyn (Lisa) looks around

[Craigh (TMO)] (I can see the hours of craftsmanship)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol!)

[Master] Nothing is visible

[(Carissa)] N'laea: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!


[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Raelynn (Carissa) quietly, "Well this is... um...."


[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] So how do we find... um... anything?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lmao to the song choice)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Er, so ah where do we go from here, Namsut...?

[Namsut (Master)] You go where you want to

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we're going to have to be checking the site every time we want to cast anything - looking at the site - so many rules!)

[Namsut (Master)] (grins)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (right?? I had it up earlier, it's a lot)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I can't see anything

Indigo (Lisa) takes out his light buckle to see if that helps

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Hmm, I know where I want to go, but that's not helpful right now. Can we just think of where Maya is and go there?

[Master] Is that a thought?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (yep)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (oh no)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (she's going to be warring between helping Maya and returning that gown in her thoughts)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (this is like the WHEN thing all over again)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (oh dear I'm ??? now)

[Master] and Raelynn is not there anymore

[N'laea (Carissa)] Oh damn it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (life is so much easier when you don't think)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Pala do we just have to... sigh.

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (hahaha)

[Craigh (TMO)] This is weird

[N'laea (Carissa)] Go where we want which would be wherever Raelynn is which is hopefully where Maya is...


[Craigh (TMO)] Is it that easy?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Doubtful.

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] I... am slightly terrified

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] This is definitely scarier than ghosts

[Craigh (TMO)] I'll try it next

Craigh (TMO) thinks of Maya and everything he knows about her.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can we tell Raelynn is gone? thought we couldn't see)

[Master] You can see around you and the people around you

[N'laea (Carissa)] (but her suddenly being quiet might be a hint ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok)

[Master] but there is nothing around you, just a featureless plane

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Um, should we say what we think as we think it so we can stick together? Or... hold hands?

[Master] and LOL Carissa

[Master] and Lemon might have ideas

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Craigh is the end of the chain...?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Alright. I am trying to NOT think about... anything least I disappear soon, but how long that’ll last

N'laea (Carissa) holds out a hand for someone to grab

[Master] SO first

Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon) grabs that hand, if I can see that hand? Unsure

[Master] yes you can see hands etc.

[Master] you can see everyone

[Master] just there are not any other features around you

[Master] and then Craigh disappears

[Master] and ends up where Raelynn is

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Did we just lose Raelynn forever?)

[Master (to GM only)] Raelynn moved 13'08".

[Master] Craigh moved 20'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo is going to the next breakfast table he can go to if you leave it to the thoughts in his head)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (and Craigh now!)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (oh, that's good)

[Master] Emerald moved 3'05".

[Master] Chair with Maya moved 15'01".

[Master] Namsut moved 16'05".

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (At least she has company)

[Master] Branwyn moved 32'04".

[Master] Lanek moved 20'00".

[Master] N'laea moved 37'11".

[Master] Talwin moved 38'11".

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang moved 32'00".

[Master] Indigo moved 35'03".

Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon) holds out other hand in case anyone wants to join the chain

[Master] so to summarize your first few moments here on the Astral Plane

[Michael] (Grandpas says and I quote: "Ooooh, spooky."

[Michael] And he likes Bob

[Indigo (Lisa)] (nice!)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (BOB is impossible to not like imo)

[Master] Raelynn thinks her thought and disappears

[Master] (and warm smile thank you!)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (awww)

[Master] The first few moments result in Raelyn having thoughts about Maya and where she is and subsequently disappears

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we should find Raelynn. If she was successful then we all will be. If not then we will find her and move forward together.

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (If we want to be optimistic, it's kind of like free teleporting)

[Master] Craigh reacts by thinking Were is Raelynn and disappears and appears next to her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Does that sound reasonable?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Yes that is my goal, but it is hard to not put into a concrete thought.

[Michael] it does

[Master] so that leaves the one large group who are more cautious now

[N'laea (Carissa)] Without a plan

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] /nods cautiously

[Master] and then two people who are together separately

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (crap, I knew it would happen at some point. /me /me /me)

[Namsut (Master)] Are you calmer now?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (together separately is an interesting word choice)

[Namsut (Master)] most people panic and lose themselves

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (can Craigh and Raelynn see each other?)

[Namsut (Master)] (yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will try not to do that

[N'laea (Carissa)] It is understandable why that would happen.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Any advice?

[Namsut (Master)] Stay calm and deliberate

[Namsut (Master)] Know what you want

[Namsut (Master)] Learn where you are before you leave for new places

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Where are we now?

[Namsut (Master)] We are on the Astral Plane

N'laea (Carissa) slight smile, "I have heard similar advice in the past. It is good advice."

[Namsut (Master)] This is a place of movement of transit

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Lol, I was about to say "like a bus stop?" but guessing Bixi doesn't know what a bus is. Is there an equivalent?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (wagon?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol wagon stop?)

Branwyn (Lisa) takes Bixi's hand and nod to the others

Indigo (Lisa) takes Bixi's other hand and looks at N'laea

N'laea (Carissa) holds remaining open hand towards Namsut

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Michael - are you there to join the circle?)

[Namsut (Master)] Think of each other, of staying together

[N'laea (Carissa)] (oops Talwin was covered by the dice panel)

[Master] Talwin moved 15'10".

[Master] and splitting over to Craigh and Rae

[Indigo (Lisa)] (brb)

[Master] Rae has Craigh suddenly APPEAR in front of her

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael] Yes

[Michael] I apologize

[Craigh (TMO)] You ran off.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] OH! There you are! Um, I think I lost everyone. Did I wander away?

[Master] The traveler using most plane-spanning devices, as well as the spell plane shift can bring her body into the Astral and make her way about in that plane. Creatures and objects blown into this plane from the Ethereal Plane by an ether cyclone lose their ethereal status and are treated as physically traveling through this plane. The advantage of this is that all possessions are brought along, regardless of magical status and that there is no silver cord to threaten the traveler's safety. The disadvantage of this method of travel is that the traveler's body can be damaged and slain normally. In the Astral plane, the physical body appears normally, in its natural colors. The physical body has no silver cord. Both astral forms and physical bodies have equal substance, and a physical body can pick up an astral object or combat an astral foe. Because the physical form in the Astral plane has no silver cord, the physical astral traveler must find a color pool to his home plane and use it to get back home.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] OH, I was just trying to find... wait no, hmm. Well thank you for finding me!

[Craigh (TMO)] Is she here?

[Master] Movement in the Astral Plane There are two types of movement in the Astral plane: physical and mental. Physical movement is the more clumsy of the two. It involves pushing off solid objects in order to create speed. Mental movement involves concentration and is linked to the traveler's Intelligence score. Physical movement is rarely used save by those unaware of or unable to move by mental concentration, or as a result of incidental action. Throwing or pushing off an object imparts momentum to both objects. The amount of momentum imparted depends on the masses of the objects and their velocities (objects still have mass even though they are weightless). If a halfling were to push off a castle, the halfling would move rapidly in one direction while the castle would move imperceptibly in the opposite direction. The disadvantage of this form of movement is that there is little to push against in the Astral plane. Walking, running, flying, swimming, and most forms of movement involve pushing off something in order to move. For the few situations in which there is something to push against, use the following guidelines:

Raelynn (Carissa) glances around and shrugs

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (no obs for her)

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] There are no bodies near you

[Craigh (TMO)] I don't see her.

[Craigh (TMO)] Should we try to go back to Branwyn?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Neither do I...

Raelynn (Carissa) nods, "I didn't mean to run off, although I don't think I was running..."

[Raelynn (Carissa)] But we shouldn't stray far from them.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Where did they go?

[Master] As can be seen, it is easier to cross the Astral than to find objects within it. Travelers wishing to spend more time in the Astral merely desire it. This desire adds 1d4 + 2 hours to the travel time. Those traveling as a group that is physically in the Astral plane are all affected if one individual of that group wishes to slow; those who are astrally projected have their journey delayed only if the main caster of the spell wishes it to be so.

[Master] Grins yes there is a LOT of stuff on that page

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Do we... if we think about them will we find them easier? We actually DO know them.

Craigh (TMO) nods. "I think so. Should we stick together though?"

Raelynn (Carissa) nods

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

Craigh (TMO) holds out a hand. "Maybe?"

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Might as well!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Yeeeeah, a lot of that does not make any sense to me but that's fine, because it wouldn't make sense to Bixi anyway lol. Makes my RP more realistic)

Raelynn (Carissa) grabs his hand

[Master] 100% Lemon

Raelynn (Carissa) thinking about the other group and getting back to them

Craigh (TMO) does the same

[Master] Craigh and Raelynn moved 46'00".

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (So do we think it'

[Master] and suddenly the rest of the group has Rae and Craigh right there

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! There you all are!

[Craigh (TMO)] Did you miss us?

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (it's the thinking that kept them together or the holding hands? Because it will be awkward to hold hands in Hell... just saying. Very sweaty probably.)

[Master] and pause here

[Master] to go Out of Character

[Master] you do understand the basics of what is on that page for the Astral Plane

[Carissa] I feel like you should ask, "Did you just read all that stuff posted or the page about the plane?"

[Master] from what Branwyn has researched

[Lemon] (I'm going to be completely honest here... I started reading it, got lost, and ended up browsing amazon)

[Master] and the hints that Namsut told you

[Master] grins at Lemon

[Craigh (TMO)] (did Craigh have an opportunity to read the research prior to coming here?)

[Master] but overall this is a chance to compare notes on what you think will happen etc.

[Master] yes to TMO

[Craigh (TMO)] (I don't want to metagame by knowing more than he does)

[Master] the group overall knows that is on that page

[Lemon] I did read everything posted in chat so I have like, an extremely meager understanding

[Master] but coming here that quickly and by a different means throws everyone off

[Master] which is why this happened

[Lisa] yes kind of

[Lisa] I get mental movement is better than trying to walk around

[Lisa] I think the tricky part of this is finding Maya

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] If her cord was cut if I'm reading the site correctly - she would have to try to reform her body

[Lemon] Can we hold hands with Namsut and have her drag us there? Is that a thing?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Hell, I think the hard part is sticking together)

[Lisa] so she won't look like the Maya in the chair

[Lemon] Will she have a physical form at all?

[Lisa] Branwyn would try to take what she learned of Maya from Namsut and try to concentrate on her essence

[Carissa] She has to or she'd be dead, I believe

[Lisa] Namsut would be best to do that of course

[Lemon] ... isn't she dead?

[Master] and Namsut is here to KNOW Maya too

[Master] and yes Maya is dead

[Master] at least she was dead back on the Prime Plane

[Master] and you have her body here now

[Master] and so here is your puzzle for the story

[Lemon] So we can just mush her mental being back in, bam, story arc done

[Lisa] so this doesn' apply? If the astral traveler can reach a color pool to another plane and form another body, his dissipation and death can be avoided.

[Lisa] thought we had her frozen body

[Master] that is the adventure

[Talwin (Michael)] (yeah, Lisa, that does make sense...)

[Master] you have her body here

[Lemon] So we need to check out some color pools and see if her mental self made it there?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh god. Where would we start?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Can we track essence of one being to another part of that being?)

[Carissa] Color Pools are portals to other places

[Talwin (Michael)] (They are still one "essence" so to speak, just separated. If I’m understanding the rules of the Astra correctly)

[Lemon] Lol, that's a question not a statement Michael, don't get too scared, I don't know what I'm talking about, could be totally wrong

[Carissa] Anywhere from the Plane of Tartarus to the Ethereal Plane

[Talwin (Michael)] (It doesn't say they are specifically separate)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I mean, they are separate, but they are of the same...origin so to speak?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Like, can we take a part of her body and magically trace it to the end destination?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Like = Like?)

[Master] Talk it out, come up with ideas

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm trying LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] my mind is spinning

[Master] there is no hurry to solve it tonight

[Talwin (Michael)] You should seethe smoke coming out of my ears

[Lisa] let's not separate body parts :D

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm just so excited about the chase!

[Talwin (Michael)] The game is afoot Watson!

[Craigh (TMO)] (Namsut is the expert)

[Carissa] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] (Getting OOC one moment)

[Lisa] where did Raelynn go though? she thought about Maya and went nowhere?

[Lemon] Um, I'm sorry but getting Namsut to drag us by the hand and then mushing Maya's mentality into her dead body was a FANTASTIC idea, I'm tapped.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] Raelynn thought "I wonder where Maya went"

[Master] and so she ended up there

[Lisa] in a wondering place?

[Master] Craigh thought "where is Rae"

[Michael] So...she there

[Master] must be where Michael?

[Craigh (TMO)] (was there a color pool nearby?)

[Michael] What language did she think it in...if that matters. words have different meanings and how she thought it might be influenced by mental intonation

[Michael] Alternatively

[Carissa] In the vast expanse of nothingness?

[Master] no color pools yet

[Lemon] Or it's just one of many places she went?

[Michael] She is where Maya is, she just cannot perceive it per say

[Carissa] likely Common for her but that's a fun thought

[Michael] In fact

[Michael] I hate to say it

[Carissa] "yet"

[Michael] But theoretically, if Maya went to a place where she was effectively dead and in Atoms

[Craigh (TMO)] (Let's take Maya's body to that place and see what if anything happens)

[Michael] Then maybe...she is dead too. Where maya is

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang XP award: 100. Next level in 1475.

[Michael] (Not really dead, but you get the idea)

[Michael] (It's all subjective)

[Carissa] nice

[Lisa] Yay Lemon!

[Michael] Yay Lemon!

[Carissa] Where she went. Very nice

[Lemon] I love that death is suddenly subjective

[Michael] LOL

[Carissa] So it was just part of her trail, but not her final/current destination

[Michael] In bobs game, everything is not what it seems

[Lemon] Does the xp mean my brain did a good?

[Carissa] yup!

[Lisa] if she has been to the astral plane many times before she probably knows where the pools are

[Lisa] yes!

[Michael] So...frankly. This is like what Lisa said earlier. Wishes always backfire. So, what we do, is get a Lawyer to draw up a complex legal document. We translate it into a thought pattern complete with Fine Print, and that should (Checks Notes) Take us there

[Carissa] Don't pools come and go?

[Lemon] Ooooh, nice! I'm slightly less useless than I thought

[Master] no one is useless

[Michael] (Don't ever say that. There are no dubm people here)

[Michael] (Bob said it)

[Carissa] What they said

[Michael] (You should see some of the half cocked ideas I come up with...)

[Lemon] I didn't say dumb. Ouch Michael, ouch. :P

[Master] everyone can help with thoughts to help build up the knowledge/story/plan/etc.

[Michael] Oh sorry

[Michael] useless

[Michael] You get the idea :)

[Lisa] I don't see that they move

[Lemon] Lol, I'm just teasing you

[Lisa] our way home is silver

[Michael] Hm

[Master] You can hope that because Namsut was able to just BRING you here, that means she can just TAKE you home

[Master] But if you get separated then yes needing a silver pool

[Michael] There might be other ways too bob

[Michael] Other ...entitles...could prove as guiders

[Master] Yes to lots of ideas

[Michael] According to the D and D Monster Guide

[Michael] It's precarious, but not an immediate cause for despair if we get separated

[Michael] That's all I mean

[Lemon] Yeah no I'm going to despair

[Lisa] lol

[Michael] In fact, Talwin might just think "I wonder where I can find a guide for the Astral Plane"

[Michael] And just hope I don't pop in front of a vengeful god who I've disturbed in his bedchamber

[Michael] with his friend

[Lisa] if I was in trouble and landed here where would I go

[Michael] ...

[Craigh (TMO)] (I'm still with 'bring the body to where Rae went')

[Lisa] probably not the hellish ones

[Michael] Oh god. The wording is so interesting because language is so subjective :)

[Michael] I'm going to have so much fun

[Lisa] that works as a start

[Michael] :)

[Lemon] Would Maya not have gone to silver to try and get back to where she came from?

[Lisa] if her cord was cut then the silver pool probably disappeared

[Master] remember Maya had a silver cord

[Master] That was severed

[Carissa] ( Possession is also a danger to uninhabited bodies within the Astral plane, as detailed in the notes on the astral searcher later on.)

[Lemon] yeah so wouldn't she want to find the pool to get herself home?

[Lisa] can't hurt to try where Raelynn went first - but did you see any pools there or anything?

[Master] and The Mist blocks......

[Carissa] Craigh saw nothing

[Carissa] Divination magic and stuff....

[Lemon] oh good, looking forward to fighting possessed maya later, and then watching Namsut get pissed at us

[Lemon] oh no

[Lemon] I shouldn't have said that

[Michael] Don't take it personally. Everyone hates us ;)

[Lisa] Namsut's job to protect the body

[Lemon] ignore that!

[Craigh (TMO)] (I was just thinking get the empty body to where the spirit was)

[Michael] good point Lisa

[Lisa] sure

[Carissa] I'm trying to figure out if Lisa is correct, and a new body is formed... is it Astral or is it now a full new body?

[Carissa] Because I am also stuck on this:

[Carissa] "Unlike the situation in the Ethereal Plane, a being's living form can exist only in the Astral or the other plane; it cannot exist in both simultaneously."

[Michael] It obviously must in some capacity

[Michael] There are always exceptions to the rule

[Lemon] lol empty body. I love that choice of words

[Carissa] I'm probably getting way ahead of myself, but it was more... if we keep wheeling Maya with us, will be accidentally push potential Maya away? I haven't a clue how that works

[Master] (brb need to put phone on charger)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] But also no way we'd convince Namsut to leave her

[Lemon] I mean Namsut should know if that's the case?

[Lemon] Question marks?

[Michael] Bob says the cord was severed

[Michael] maybe we could say...

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] Where was the cord of Maya severed?

[Michael] that might be a good place to start

[Michael] the scene of the crime so to speak

[Michael] I might give us a clue on where to look next?

[Lemon] Is traditional tracking any good here? or does it only work on physical tracks in our plane?

[Lisa] good thought

[Carissa] Huh only one way to find out

[Carissa] "They are visible from only one side, so that a traveler approaching from the "blind side" can pass through a color pool without realizing it (the effects of this are discussed later)."

[Master] to firmly establish the facts as you know them. : Namsut told you that her and Maya have been together for more than 20 years, you know that she also said they were here and took over that tower during their search for tulips, and then they got cut off by The Mist and Namsut could not Gate back home/away, and Maya attempted to but her silver cord got cut off

[Lemon] I wish you could all see the giant eyeroll I just did

[Lisa] so we turn around a lot :)

[Master] Additionally you know that The Mist has been in the area of the tower for 50 years

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] so someone's lying?

[Craigh (TMO)] (oh, only 50? my worries about her being there during the time of the Inn was moot then)

[Lemon] Or time wasn't the same in the tower?

[Craigh (TMO)] (she and Maya were together for 20, then Namsut was in the tower for 50)

[Master] where the tower is the Inside was clean and new, the outside was in ruins

[Lemon] Oh, if she said more than 20...that could be anything?

[Lemon] Like there's a lot of numbers greater than 20

[Master] All these things can be true but needing explanation

[Carissa] Did she stop after Maya disappeared?

[Lisa] how old does the body of Maya look?

[Craigh (TMO)] (Julius Caesar, who was killed more than 75 years ago, ...)

[Carissa] So more than 20, but hates saying 60 because 40 were with Maya gone

[Master] like a woman in her 30's or 40's

[Lisa] so if Maya is 40 and they'd been together 20 years

[Master] Bingo to both TMO and Carissa

[Craigh (TMO)] (sorry, I'm fading and fresh out of new ideas)

[Master] It is ok TMO

[Craigh (TMO)] (been falling asleep all day)

[Master] you all got to a good point

[Lisa] we have to start somewhere

[Carissa] yep

[Master] there are things to think about and make limited plans

[Michael] If I thought Time was Hard. Bob introducing Time AND Dimension is killing me. I feel like Calculus where each principle builds on the previous one, but I had trouble with the previous lesson and now I have double the issues to figure out

[Master] then we start next week putting them into action and seeing what happens

[Lisa] think we can follow TMO's idea

[Carissa] Spacetime Continuum

[Master] you need a T5-80 Michael

[Lisa] I also wonder if we can try what Michael said and try to get to the place where her cord cut

[Michael] Can it play Doom?

[Master] LOL Michael

[Craigh (TMO)] (problem with my idea was that Bob pinged Lemon's idea and not mine, so she's likely closer to the right path)

[Master] TMO was building on Lemon's idea

[Lemon] Michael, that's literally what happened to me with high school Trigonometry

[Master] and yes it was the idea that Rae went to "where Maya went"

[Master] so ZOOOOOOOOM

[Lisa] Lemon's was she went to a lot of places

[Master] Rae goes to a place that Maya went

[Master] Rae never specified any details about where and when, only a where

[Carissa] (

[Lisa] so cord cutting place might be good?

[Lemon] A place that she went, not necessarily a place where she IS?

[Master] so TMO's idea was good

[Master] or other thoughts you might have to try to track someone through a featureless plane

[Craigh (TMO)] (wild guessing?)

[Lemon] lol

[Master] next week you WILL have encounters here of creatures perhaps from here and or travelers like yourselves

[Master] so this is the time while you are together to talk

[Master] and then it will be on the site for people to read later and have inspiration at midnight on Tuesday night

[Lisa] huh?

[Lemon] lol

[Carissa] But only Tuesdays

[Master] you are doing very well

[Lemon] Is it possible to leave a physical object somewhere that we can think about and always go back to if we get separated?

[Craigh (TMO)] (I've been putting all my brains into my campaign, sorry. new tool, copying over the whole world into it. ;) )

[Master] grins at TMO

[Craigh (TMO)] (he's got the whole world, in his database...)

[Master] and that is an interesting idea Lemon

[Carissa] (for TMO:

[Master] other thoughts or questions?

[Master] It feels like you have 80% of what you need

[Lemon] yes

[Master] or at least you have expressed that much

[Lemon] can someone bring me a snack next time? I'm getting hungry

[Master] grins

[Carissa] probably but none I can think of right now

[Master] My rivers were all dammed And my stars all had their names There was nothing left to discover Till she came into my hands And I let her slip away And now it sparks my heart with wonder What if I'd known

[Lisa] I probably have to get back in here before next week and figure out what spells I have and which are useless

[Lemon] So... bedtime? Rest our brains so the inspiration can hit on Tuesday?

[Lisa] don't feel like doing that tonight

[Carissa] not a bad idea as some of mine might be useless, too

[Lisa] 100 xp to Bixi

[Master] Emerald XP award: 175. Next level in 32678.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 175. Next level in 61534.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 175. Next level in 18528.

[Master] Craigh XP award: 250. Next level in 16383.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 250. Next level in 47792.

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang XP award: 175. Next level in 1300.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 175. Next level in 11337.

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 250. Next level in 23013.

[Lisa] ok

[Lisa] Goodnight everyone!

[Craigh (TMO)] (good night!)

[Master] and I take it from Lisa that she agrees with Lemon on that idea of the object

Lisa has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:24:47 EDT 2021

[Carissa] Is Rae getting more as henchman because she talks so much? ;)

[Master] and for doing things

[Master] and surviving them

[Carissa] Aww look at her growing up and also being useful

[Master] taking chances is good, surviving them is better

[Lemon] If we have a chance to rethink spells, I would love some guidance lol. Bixi will take advice from anyone who can help her figure out what might be useful

Michael has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:25:40 EDT 2021

[Carissa] LOL better or best? Not sure when not surviving them is good

[Master] no to Lemon, you have what you have for this adventure until you make it back to where Howard is guarding your spell books

TMO has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:25:59 EDT 2021

[Lemon] lol, maybe we want to go to an actual ghost realm?

[Lemon] oh, well that's fantastic

[Carissa] Ahhh did not know spell books were left behind

[Master] Oh just you wait

[Carissa] Ethereal Plane?

[Master] they typically are left behind OR Indigo has them in the party chest

[Master] that can be decided before next week

[Lemon] Why do I feel like Bixi is about to get TOTALLY SCHOOLED about ghosts?

[Lemon] Can we even sleep in the astral plane?

[Carissa] Got it. More useful knowledge for mages than me, but still nice knowing

[Carissa] Hmm does time move normally here to need sleep?


[Lemon] please don't make me copy/pasta anything else from kLoOge tonight lol

[Carissa] Well now I have more questions, but it was declared sleep time and I should probably do that

[Lemon] Yeah, same

[Lemon] Maybe I declared too early but everyone seemed to like the idea *shrugs*

[Carissa] It was a good one

[Lemon] I feel very popular today

[Carissa] Then your thought brought more thoughts

[Carissa] You seem to have a knack for that tonight

[Lemon] I'm pretty ok at thinking sometimes

[Carissa] The thought building or something. Not sure. Think I'm fading again

Michael has joined the game on Fri Oct 22 23:28:54 EDT 2021

[Carissa] lol same until it starts to get late and my sleep was crap

[Carissa] SO goodnight before you derail me again! :)

[Lemon] Same! Goodnight!

Carissa has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:29:29 EDT 2021

Lemon has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:29:33 EDT 2021

Michael has left the game on Fri Oct 22 23:29:40 EDT 2021

XP awarded