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Chat Log - 2021 11 26 - Cosmological Quandaries - Home Stories - Complicated Emotions - (Formatted?)

[Master] Time of Day: 07:04 AM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Bel {Mid Fall} 18th, 351 SKR.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

TMO has joined the game on Sat Nov 20 11:35:03 EST 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

TMO has left the game on Sat Nov 20 11:55:15 EST 2021

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Nov 21 10:07:41 EST 2021 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Sun Nov 21 15:30:28 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] 2+1d6-1

[Lisa] (2+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 4

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=5] 7

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=5] 7

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 5

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 6

[Lisa] (1+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 3

Lisa has left the game on Sun Nov 21 15:45:08 EST 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Sun Nov 21 17:13:49 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] (5+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 7

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=5] 7

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=5] 8

[Lisa] (2+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 4

Lisa has left the game on Sun Nov 21 17:15:44 EST 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Sun Nov 21 21:12:28 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 6

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 6

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 6

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 4

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=4] 7

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 4

[Lisa] (5+1d6-1) [1d6=4] 8

[Lisa] (5+1d6-1) [1d6=6] 10

[Lisa] (5+1d6-1) [1d6=2] 6

[Lisa] (5+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 5

[Lisa] (4+1d6-1) [1d6=2] 5

[Lisa] (6+1d6-1) [1d6=2] 7

[Lisa] (8+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 8

[Lisa] (2+1d6-1) [1d6=4] 5

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=3] 5

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=5] 7

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 3

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 3

[Lisa] (3+1d6-1) [1d6=4] 6

Lisa has left the game on Sun Nov 21 21:19:32 EST 2021

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Nov 25 09:50:52 EST 2021 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

caris-04306 has joined the game on Thu Nov 25 23:14:20 EST 2021

caris-04306 is receiving the map New Manor...

caris-04306 has received the map New Manor.

[Carissa (NLP)] Quick test from new laptop

Carissa (NLP) has left the game on Thu Nov 25 23:22:51 EST 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 15:03:39 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 26 15:30:42 EST 2021

Lara has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 18:38:20 EST 2021

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there!

[Lara] hi there! how was your Thxgiving?

[Master] It was nice

[Master] I feel rested

[Lara] wonderful! oooooooo...that is a great feeling

[Master] and I have 3 more days off

[Master] not going back until Tuesday

[Lara] heehee! that was a good idea

[Lara] oddly enough, i will be at NWR on Monday...teching Project Planning

[Master] 6 days off for 2 vacation days

[Lara] you took Wed off too?

[Master] yeap

[Lara] that was a good idea

[Master] Nice!

[Lara] okay. i am catching up on what i am going to ask when the group gets here.

[Master] You can look at their creation station

[Master] LOTS in the discord and Lisa updated things on the site as well,

[Master] found magic items, scrolls, spell books, etc.

[Lara] that's a good idea. i usually am relegated to the MPR and the class runs till 5p ---

[Lara] okay. lemme go check my phone.

[Master] and I do hope you can stay until Carissa gets in

[Lara] brb

[Master] She should be here about 930 or so

[Lara] i will stay as long as my eyes stay open

[Master] and tonight is the big jump into Pandemonium

[Lara] i took my meds 15 mins late

[Master] ahh

[Lara] so i might be able to stay awake a little longer :-)

[Lara] i tried that before so i could stay awake for the session longer---i ended up sleeping my entire Saturdays away and didn't get my chores done

[Master] ouch

[Master] go read

[Lara] when can i memorize a new spell? i need to reenact my Read Magic

[Master] you get to rememorize spells now

[Master] but before you pick check on what you want to do

[Master] you will want to learn new spells I am guessing

[Master] I know Lisa wanted you to have your chance at that

[Master] and that is part of the start of tonight

[Lara] perfect

[Master] is why I put in the artificial deadline of 930ish tonight

[Master] so that things like that get done first up front

[Master] so all the plotting, preparing, etc.

[Master] then the last hour or two are spent dealing with the strangeness of Pandimonium

[Lara] got it

[Lara] brb

[Lara] wait. can i memorize spells NOW so that i don't waste time when people get here?

[Lara] or do you want me to wait?

[Master] I think you should wait

[Master] because you will be spending at least three or seven days here doing things

[Master] and if you memorize without a bit of planning it might set things back by an extra day

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Mirror Image -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Lara] ok

[Lara] i am still at level 4 spells, right?

[Lara] have i earned any more levels or any more spells at any of the levels?

[Master] yes

[Master] not more spells yet

[Lara] ok

[Master] that is what you are going to work on next

[Master] 4 1st 3 2nd 3 3rd and 2 4th level spells

[Master] you are just over 30K more XP away from getting the chance to learn 5th level spells

[Lara] ooff...that's a lot. LOL.

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 19:00:36 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Hello there

[Master] Hope your day has been easy

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Lisa] Hi lara!

[Lara] BOB, i noticed that the Survivial in Pandemonium link doesn't connect to anything. LOL.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] Grins

[Master] cannot let all the secrets out

[Master] I am guessing Lemon, Michael and TMO will be in sooner than later

[Master] and Carissa about 930 or so

[Lara] idea... wind wall

[Lisa] so if a spell description says a spell cast by the caster or another wizard, that means priests are purposely left out?

[Master] and no Spring is sad

[Lisa] yes

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Lisa] one of the spells says - restricted to wild mages. So a no go for us even with the spell in a book?

[Master] Which one?

[Lisa] Unluck

[Master] I did allow some of them

[Master] yes that is good to use

[Lisa] great

[Lisa] I went through all the spells in the library and didn't find any super solution spells to our current predicament

[Lisa] but did see three I liked

[Lara] @Lisa, I was wondering about Wind Wall

[Lara] Which three did you like?

[Lisa] personally I liked Unluck, Whispering wind and extension III

[Lisa] but they aren't especially helpful for pandemonium

[Lara] well...i have a crazy idea

[Lara] do we have an Animal whispere person?

[Master] to be clear your IN GAME time frame is "one week or two" that she said she would need to help heal

[Lisa] likely Bixi or Raelynn

[Lara] we are supposed to find Rimal in Pandemononium, yes?

[Master] Yes to Lara

Lemon has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 19:13:03 EST 2021

Lemon is receiving the map New Manor...

Lemon has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] Hi Lemon!

[Lemon] Hello friends!

[Master] OUT OF GAME - BOB created construct you will solve this story arc by Dec 17th, so tonight plus three sessions

Michael has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 19:13:36 EST 2021

Michael is receiving the map New Manor...

Michael has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Hey there Lemon and Michael

[Lara] hm. forget my idea. the caster needs to be familiar with with location. i was going to say we can have someone call to the kitty using the spell...

[Michael] Hey everyone! :)

[Master] Continue to explore that idea Lara

[Lara] hi Lemon!

[Lisa] Hi Michael!

[Lara] hi Michael!

[Master] you can learn about locations with magic

[Lara] um. okay. so it's a long short. but if Pand. is all wind, can we use the Whispering Wind spell to call to the kitty? sorta amplify

[Lara] one of our Animal people to call the kitty

[Lara] does Rimal respond to its name?

[Master] At this point we do not know

[Lisa] Lara - I'm not claiming those spells. Except extension III is 6th level. If you like either of the other ones, go for it. I was just sharing my thoughts as I had gone through them

[Lemon] Ooooh, that's like the whispering hall at the museum. I like that

[Lemon] Hello Michael!

[Lara] Lemon - does Bixi have any Level 3 slots left for spells?

[Lisa] The thing with using that spell on the cat is that the caster needs to communicate the message to a cat

[Lemon] Um... how would I know?

[Lara] @Lemon - go to your Character Sheet. Click Edit. Then there is a button that activates called Spell Setup

[Lara] click on that and a colorful box pops up

[Lara] there might be other ways to manuever the spells but this one is the one that i think is easiest

[Lemon] Ok but that looks like something where I input things if I know what I'm doing. And I do not.

[Lara] i'm new too - while i joined in Apr 2020, i was gone for a few months so i am still very new

[Lisa] Your character sheet says you can know 7 spells per level

[Master] Priests are different than Mages

[Lisa] for your mage part

[Master] for Bixbi Mage has X and Priest has Y

[Lemon] Oh, then I must have room?

[Master] Depends on which side

[Lemon] So like 7 spells times what level I am? Or like, 7 level 1 spells, 7 level 2 spells, etc?

[Lisa] the second

[Lemon] Oh, well I only know two level three spells

[Lemon] So that sounds like yes?


[Master] is the number of spells per day you can use as a Priest

[Michael] Oof. I aopologize. Need to take the dog out :)

[Lara] oh wow! Boxi must have rolled like crazy to get all those spells!!

[Michael] BRB

[Lemon] Oh, now I'm confused

[Lemon] I thought this was a mage spell?

[Master] for the Mage spells the number per day is


[Master] Lara are you asking about which type of spell?

[Lemon] Well, I'm not concerned about that, we will have time to rest so I cam move what I've memorized around before we go

[Master] Eaxctly to Lemon

[Lemon] Is that what you were asking, Lara? Or like, the ability to learn a new one?

[Lisa] there is a difference between how many spells you can know at all and how many you can memorize in a day. Sorry if I misunderstood which was being discussed

[Lara] neither. i was commenting. lol.

[Master] and for everyone when looking at Bixi and what types of spells she might want to learn

[Master] Oppositional Schools: An illusionist cannot learn spells from the schools of necromancy, invocation / evocation or abjuration.

[Lemon] Ok let's start over

[Lemon] [Lara] Lemon - does Bixi have any Level 3 slots left for spells?

[Lemon] What do you mean by that question lol

[Master] so Bixi and Emerald are on opposite sides of magic for Mages

[Master] and Branwyn is right in the middle, thinking it is silly to restrict your self to only one side

[Lara] it is good that we are opposite. this means we can cover more ground between the two of us.

[Master] For Emerald

[Master] Oppositional Schools: An enchanter cannot learn spells from the schools of invocation / evocation or necromancy.

[Lara] @Lemon, Wind Wall is a Level 3 Mage spell

[Lisa] actually I knew nothing about D&D or running a mage and thought a general mage would be easiest :D

[Master] and Lisa ended up running a mage who does not believe in Dispel Magic

[Lemon] Lol, I knew nothing and they were like "go with what sounds fun!" even though I specifically requested what would be easiest to learn. And now here we are.

[Lisa] lol

[Lara] @Lemon, it is more about what is going to come in handy at the time

[Lara] and we don't always know what is gong to be handy!

[Lemon] I mean, don't get me wrong, my character IS fun... but I always feel like it's still my first day playing her

[Lara] BUT - we are looking for a cat and you have all kinds of animal stuff

[Lemon] Well, we're assuming it's an actual cat of some type, and not one of those cats where science doesn't matter

[Master] and I think that is good Lemon, you are learning and growing into/with her

[Master] it is a cat

[Lisa] lol Lemon

[Master] that lives in the "real" world

[Master] what TYPE of cat?

[Lisa] cats are not very scientific

[Master] sabertooth tiger, or a lap cat

[Master] or the many inbetween

[Lisa] and Bixi knows Augury too

[Lemon] I'm just saying... I have a lot of spells that work on animals but every time I have a question about one, the answer is always "that animal isn't actually an animal. There's no science here."

[Master] I think cats are very scientific, more psycologist perhaps

Lara has left the game on Fri Nov 26 19:29:32 EST 2021

[Lemon] Oh no

[Master] But you have lots of options Lemon

[Lemon] So is Wind Wall something I can and/or should learn for this?

[Lemon] lol too many options

[Michael] (I am back. Thank you. Was very impressed with Dog's number two, let me tell you)

[Master] LOL michael

[Lisa] we have a week or so in game before we have to leave. Were there spells you liked? Did you look at any of them?

[Lemon] Animal Friendship might be good when we actually find the cat. I could convince it to come with us?

[Master] NOT a cat thing

[Master] to Michael not Lemon

[Master] and yes to Lemon

[Michael] LOL

[Lemon] I just learned new spells last break, so I didn't even look, figured other people should get dibs this time

[Lemon] Oooh, I have calm animals too

[Master] no worries, take what you can, when you can, it might be a long time inbetween

[Master] see!

[Lemon] Wait, do animals go crazy in Pandemonium too?

[Lemon] Or just... erm... humanoids?

[Master] at this point you do not know

[Michael] (Hm. Interesting question)

[Lemon] Great

[Lemon] Hopefully calm animals works on crazy cats

[Lisa] Wind wall description - not sure how a wind wall in a wind setting would work but I might not understand it

[Lisa] This spellbrings forth an invisible vertical curtain of wind 2 feet thick and of considerable strength--a strong breeze sufficient to blow away anybird smaller than an eagle or tear papers and like materials from unsuspecting hands. (If indoubt, a saving throw vs. spell determines whether the subject maintains its grasp.)Normal insects cannot pass such a barrier. Loose materials, even cloth garments, fly upwardwhen caught in a wind wall. Arrows and bolts are deflected upward and miss, whilesling stones and other missiles under two pounds in weight receive a -4 penalty to a first shotand -2 penalties thereafter. Gases, most breath weapons, and creatures in gaseous form cannotpass this wall, although it is no barrier to noncorporeal creatures.

[Lemon] I also have aura of comfort, but that looks like it only protects me, so not necessarily helpful? I mean I guess it could keep me from flying away maybe

Lara has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 19:34:02 EST 2021

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] My interpretation of going wind crazy would likely be to want to curl up with my hands over my ears and not move

[Lemon] Ok, I di not really want the responsibility of wind wall lol

[Lisa] wth great magic comes great responsibility

[Master] you are all operating in an area of unknown

[Master] and BINGO Lisa

[Master] THANK YOU

[Lemon] When this spell is cast, a faintly shimmering aura surrounds the recipient. The aura isulates the recipient from the effects of nonmagical heatand cold in a range of -20 F to 140 F. Any time a traveler encounters temperatures in this range, he maintains a comfortable temperature of 70 F, regardless of prevailing weather conditions. Additionally,the spell acts as a shield against rain, snow and hail, which are blocked by the aura. If a recipient encounters a tempurature above or below the stated range, the temperature within the aura is altered by an equal number ofdegrees. For example, a reciipient who encounters a temperature of 150 F will actually experience a temperature of 80 F. All physical objects other than rain, snow and hail can pass through the aura. Therecipient can cast spells normally while the aura of comfort is in effect. The spell offers no protection from magically generated weather, such as that cause by weather summoning and ice storm. It does notprotect against fire, nor does it shield against fire or cold-based attacks.

[Lara] ACK! i'm catching up. gimme a min to read.

[Michael] Oh certainly not under any delusions bob, I figured it would be like that too Lisa. I'm just at a loss at what to do to help handle it

[Lemon] Doesn't really say anything about wind

[Michael] I even spent actualy time thinking about it

[Michael] (Crazy for me LOL)

[Michael] (Bob just rolled his eyes)

[Master] LOL

[Master] you have know idea how much time I have spent thinking about this game over the last few weeks

[Master] quote

[Michael] hehe

[Michael] You know when I'm having fun when I bump an entire course of grading a day early to think aobut Pandamonium

[Master] very good

[Master] everyone appreciates that dedication

[Michael] I dont know. Some of the undergrads were probably a bit pissed I wanted everything in on time...

[Lisa] I think we need to focus right now on figuring out where the cat is. If it's in a wind tunnel then we get the wind gear, ropes and stuff going strong. If it's lounging in Loki's palace then we need to work a bit differently or wherever the cat is

[Master] point them to and write a 1,000 word essay on the benefits of teamwork

[Michael] But seriously, aside from TMO's awesome response of Noise Cancelling Earphones, the best thing I came up with, was like, Poke out my eardrums temporarily either physically or with spells. As in, permanently damage my hearing until we can get it healed

[Michael] and Oh my god bob

[Michael] I don't even

[Michael] wow

[Lemon] Ok, here is my locate animal/plants spell

[Lemon] The caster canfind the direction and distance of any one type of animal or plant he desires.The caster, facing in a direction, thinks of the animal or plant, and thenknows if any such animal or plant is within range. If so, the exact distanceand approximate number present is learned. During each round of the spell'sduration, the caster can face in only one direction (i.e., only a 20-foot-widepath can be known). The spell lasts one round per level of experience of thecaster, while the length of the path is 100 yards plus 20 yards per level ofexperience. (At the DM's option, some casters may be able to locate only thoseanimals [or plants] associated closely with their own mythos.) While theexact chance of locating a specific type of animal or plant depends on the detailsand circumstances of the locale, the general frequency of the subject can beused as a guideline: common = 50%, uncommon = 30%, rare = 15%, and very rare =5%. Most herbs grow in temperate regions, while most spices grow in tropicalregions. Most plants sought as spell components or for magical research arerare or very rare. The results of this spell are always determined by the DM.

[Lemon] It has a lot of numbers in it

[Lara] @Lemon - let BOB do the maths

[Master] grins with Lisa and Lemon

[Master] LOL with Lara

[Master] to quote Lorie: math problems, planes crash, trains collide, I don't care

[Michael] (Bob opens up his spreadsheet one day and finds an entire class of undergrads has been working in his website

[Master] that would be awesome Michael

[Michael] And friction may or may not exist

[Michael] Add that to Lorie

[Lemon] My favorite math quote, from Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

[Lemon] Hey Romy, remember Mrs. Divitz's class, there was like always a word problem. Like, there's a guy in a rowboat going X miles, and the current is going like, you know, some other miles, and how long does it take him to get to town? It's like, 'Who cares? Who wants to go to town with a guy who drives a rowboat?

[Michael] (I don't know bob. That power must come with great responsibility, and I think I gave up on my generation when I lost an entire hour to TikTok and had no recollection of doing so)

[Michael] lol Lemon

[Lara] @Lemon - ROFLMAO

[Lemon] Oooh, I have a messenger spell that sends a little bird to deliver a message. Can we attach some kind of device to it so when the cat eats the bird, it then suddenly wants to come to wherever we are?

[Michael] ?_?

[Michael] Oh no! Klooge can't demonstrate the emoji I needed for that statement Lemon

[Michael] You know it's bad when that happens!

[Michael] :)

[Master] LOL

[Lemon] Lol, I could see it when I highlight it

[Michael] LOL

TMO has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 19:44:40 EST 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Michael] TMO!!!!

[TMO] Michael!!!!

[Lara] hi TMO!

[Lemon] Well, other than speak with animals, that's all I can come up with

TMO collapses into chair

[Michael] Loved your Noise Cancelling headphones idea. Don't think it will work, but

[Lemon] Animal friendship seems better though

[Michael] You could poke out my eardrums?

[Lisa] Hi TMO!

[Lisa] was updating party pack

Lara reading more about Pandemonium

[Master] brb empting and refilling

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] while at home prepping, every spare moment she has Branwyn is reading the new best seller, Calibrating Entry into the Planes via Amulets

TMO puts on his noise-cancelling headphones

[Lemon] lol

[Michael] heh

[Lemon] test

[Lara] @BOB - can Emerald know more spells but not have them memorized?

[Lemon] ok, it just got quiet i guess

[Michael] you're good :)

[Lara] @Lemon test is good

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Yes to Lara, there is a limit to how many spells Emerald can KNOW and she can then memorize X ammount of the spells she knows each day

[Lara] okay. so can you check to see if i am she is maxed out to KNOW?

[Master] that is governed by your Intelligence, will check for you

[TMO] I'm going thru the library just to see if there's anything Craigh woud want to try for

[Master] good TMO

[TMO] but he's probably better off concentrating on scrolls.

[TMO] not sure how much detail Bob wants to go into on those. Probably just say 'X money, Y time, Done'

[Lara] wow. this Panedemonium things gives me pause...

[Master] Emerald can learn up to 7 spells per level, so 7 first level 7 second level, etc

[Master] she knows 7 1st level spells so will not learn any more 1st level spells

[Master] unless she increases her intelligence

[Master] she knows 6 2nd level spells

[Master] so can learn one more

[Master] and Lemon you see how that works for Bixi's Illusionist side?

[Lemon] Wait, so how do I have so many?

[Lara] how does a mage increase their intelligence?

[Master] then number of spells you can know per level (on the mage/illuionsist side) is based on your Intelligence

[Lemon] lol nope, I do not see

[Master] Priests like Bixi is also along with Rae, etc. have a LONG list of spells avaialble to them, but can only cast X of them per day

[Lemon] oh and mine is crazy high

[Lemon] I now blame Carissa for this, as she was the one who suggested to put my highest stat in INT.

[Master] Priests have LOTS of spells available at once but only so much power to use them, Mages, have fewer spells to draw from and get to concentrate on just those few to make them count each day

[Master] and Lara through Magic

Lara listening closely

[Master] for example Branwyn has a ring that gives her a bonus

[Master] or you could find a tome

[Lara] hm

[Master] or someone could cast/find a WISH spell

[Master] etc

[Lara] so when we raided the Ice tower, no tomes? lol

[Michael] (We had a Djinn for Wish, but I didn'e tthink they just left those lying around....)

[Lisa] Emerald had her INT split between INT and REA

[Master] but for the foreseeable future Emerald has all her first level spell slots filled

[Lisa] How many spells per level is REA

[Master] and one open slot to learn a new second level spell

[Lara] okay

[Lisa] would have to up the REA score by 3 levels to go from 7 to 9

[Lisa] which is hard

[Lara] okay

[Master] and as always it is not how many you know but how you use WHAT you know

[Master] With a single spell......

[Master] book title by the way

[Lara] @BOB - good book title!

[TMO] I need to create a page for Craigh's spell book too. We never did page counts for his spells

[TMO] I doubt he has enough to worry about running out of space

[Lisa] yes so more important to pick spells that you want for your character rather than trying to get a fix for one arc

[Master] and Lisa has the character development correct

[TMO] mm- spells knowable is something I need to look at too.

[Master] so Michael your thoughts on how to communicate while deaf?

[Lisa] 1 + 1d6 -1 for page counts

[Lisa] so for 1st level spells is basically a 1d6 :)

[Lisa] i did maths

[Master] bravo

[Lisa] ty

[Master] grins

[TMO] *applauds*

[Master] LOL

[Master] love you all

[TMO] as a mathemtician, I can verify that this is, in fact, correct!

[Lisa] yay!

[Master] HAH

[Master] I thought you were a Geneologist!

[TMO] I am many things

[Master] so magic items and spells

[Michael] Honestly, Bob

[Master] Lisa knows them the best

[Michael] I stilll think Flashcards

[TMO] where do I find how many 1st level spells Craigh can have memorized?

[Michael] Prewritten

[Master] ideas on who should take what?

[Master] and yes to Michael that is a good idea

[Master] but WHAT to write?

[Master] and who can read?

[Michael] Oh no

[Michael] One sec

[Master] which languages

[Michael] "Prewritten"

[Lisa] on yoru char sheet

[Michael] "And drawings"

[Michael] (Right)

[Lara] @BOB - the winds are at how many mph?

[Michael] (Assume, we preright in all, and draw a basic picture on the back of each card)

[TMO] aha, found it. 14

[Lisa] 14 spells per level TMO

[Lisa] :)

[Lemon] Oh, but that reminds me, I still don't know what language(s) I know

[TMO] I was looking at Knowledge and couldn't find it

[Master] I am happy to go with the idea that you do that Michael, I just need to know WHAT is on each card if you are doing them before hand

[Master] Lemon you know how to Speak Gnomish and W Comm

[Lisa] I was surpised you split it the way you did

[Master] Lemon you know how to read and write in Gnomiosh

[Lisa] KNO helps the % to learn and REA the spell slots available

[TMO] he's more clever than knowledgable

[Master] so if Talwin writes RUN in W Comm you will have no idea what that card says

[Lisa] which is why Emerald is split the way she is

[Michael] No I think I need to specifiy more

[Lisa] thought we decided we were doing pictures with words

[Michael] Each card, will have common, and below it, anothe rlanguage

[Michael] Will alos do a picture on the back

[Michael] That is three different things on a single card

[Michael] Then repeat that for each character so we all have a deck

[Lara] what did you mean Emerald was split? you mean between languages?

[Michael] Plus one extra deck

[Michael] I will also keep ink and extra parchment

[Master] You have W Comm, Gnomish and Elvish as languages that people read in the group

[Lisa] Your INT stat was split

[Lara] ah! got it

[Michael] Sigh

[Lisa] It was probably split when Emerald was given to you

[Michael] Ok. Three lines of text on one side. And a picture on the back

[Lemon] I do have a reading/writing proficiency, does that change anything?

[Master] no to Lemon you can read/write in Gnomish

[Lemon] ok, got it

[Master] you speak Gnomish and read/write in that language

[Michael] The problem is we need to ensure that they are rigid cards. Wind of Panadomium will attempt to blow them away

[Master] and also you can speak W Comm

[Lara] @BOB - the winds are at how many mph?

[Master] everyone speaks English why do you need to read it?

[Lemon] So how can I learn to read and write w comm?

[Lisa] Howard is going to try to learn Unluck just because I think that spell would be fun

[Master] Lara at this point you do not know

[TMO] Lemon - you would have to spend a NWP slot to learn literacy in W Comm

[Master] and Lemon you just need to go up in level to get another Non Weapon Proficiency Slot

[Lemon] oh jeez

[Master] and go for it Lisa

[Lara] I have a question about this spell

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Research check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Thaumaturgy check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Lara] Leomund's Secure Shelter: This spell enables the wizard to magically call into being a sturdy cottage or lodge, made of material that is common in the area where the spell is cast--stone, timber, or (at worst) sod. The floor area of the lodging is 30 square feet per level of the spellcaster, and the surface is level, clean, and dry. In all respects the lodging resembles a normal cottage, with a sturdy door, two or more shuttered windows, and a small fireplace. While the lodging is secure against winds of up to 70 miles per hour, it has no heating or cooling source (other than natural insulation qualities). Therefore, it must be heated as a normal dwelling, and extreme heat adversely affects it and its occupants. The dwelling does, however, provide considerable security otherwise, as it is as strong as a normal stone building, regardless of its material composition. The dwelling resists flames and fire as if it were stone, and is impervious to normal missiles (but not the sort cast by siege machinery or giants). The door, shutters, and even chimney are secure against intrusion, the former two being wizard locked and the latter being secured by a top grate of iron and a narrow flue. In addition, these three areas are protected by an alarm spell. Lastly, an unseen servant is conjured to provide service to the spellcaster. The inside of the shelter contains rude furnishings as desired by the spellcaster--up to eight bunks, a trestle table and benches, as many as four chairs or eight stools, and a writing desk. The material components of this spell are a square chip of stone, crushed lime, a few grains of sand, a sprinkling of water, and several splinters of wood. These must be augmented by the components of the alarm and unseen servant spells if these benefits are to be included (string and silver wire and a small bell).

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] +5 to learn

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=98] 98 - ROLL FAILED against 50!!

[Master] MAN

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] ouch

[Lara] does this mean that the the size must be 30x

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] poor howard

[Master] no to Lara 30 square feet is 10 by 3 or 15 by 2 or .... etc

[Master] 30 square feet per caster level so 8th level is 240 square feet

[Lemon] Ooooh, we could rest in comfort while my helping hand or tiny bird goes off to find the cat

[Master] so 2 foot by 120 feet

[Master] etc

[Master] you get to decide when you cast the spell

[Master] but it cannot be adjusted afterwards

[Lara] AH! that is what i wanted to know - does it always have to be the same size

[Michael] (Think that bird might not make it through Pandamonium Lemon...Maybe, but maybe don't rely on it too much. Is it immune to wind?)

[Michael] (Is it a being of magic?)

[Lemon] It's got to be magic

[Lemon] This spellenables the priest to call upon a tiny (size T) creature of at least animalintelligence to act as his messenger. The spell does not affect giant animalsand it does not work on creatures of low (i.e., 5) Intelligence or higher. Ifthe creature is within range, the priest, using some type of food desirable tothe animal as a lure, can call the animal to come. The animal is allowed asaving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed, the animal advancestoward the priest and awaits his bidding. The priest can communicate with theanimal in a crude fashion, telling it to go to a certain place, but directionsmust be simple. The spellcaster can attach some small item or note to the animal.If so instructed, the animal will then wait at that location until the durationof the spell expires. (Note that unless the intended recipient of a message isexpecting a messenger in the form of a small animal or bird, the carrier may beignored.) When the spell's duration expires, the animal or bird returns to itsnormal activities. The intended recipient of a message gains no communicationability.

[Lemon] That was mostly a joke anyway

[Michael] (hey whatever works :) )

[Lisa] Johan will try to learn whispering wind

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice: Research check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Lemon] I guess it's not magic

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Master] Johan is on a roll

[Lemon] It would have to be something already in Pandemonium though, so at least we would know it was wind resistant

[Lisa] once again proves he is superior to Howard in spell learning

[Master] grins

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (1+1d6-1) [1d6=4] 4

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (2+1d6-1) [1d6=1] 2

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] second is the right formula

Howard Plum (Lisa) cries in the corner

[Master] HUGS

[Michael] Bob. Quick question. Does your edition (I have the wrong spellbooke dition pulled up sorry. I need to redownload 2.5), do you have the spell entitled "Avoid Planar Effects?"

[Michael] Everyone hint hint

[Michael] Just in case

[TMO] (I'm in another window, setting up spell list, will keep an eye here as much as possible)

[Master] No to Michael

[Michael] Sigh

[Master] have not heard of that one, is not in the database

[Michael] I knew it would be too easy LOL

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified:

[Lisa] and we have no time to research spells in any case

[Lisa] only try to learn spells already in the library

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice casts a spell against : Whispering Wind: I send a sound effect or message of up to 25 words to a location within (6) 6 miles.

[Michael] (Hey I'm surprised we don't have deafen)

[Master] I am going to look for it Michael

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 3 (+2),

[Michael] (TY)

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Misdirection -- # Memorized: (1),

[Master] I was right Michael, that spell is from later editions of the game not ours

[Michael] Indeed. I was on 3.5 that's why I thought it haden't come up. But thank you very much for checking!

[Michael] Wax in my ears it is :)

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

Talwin (Michael) Begins preparations for notecards (lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] (We are at home yes?)

[Lisa] I have tried learning spells and packed the party pack. Anyone with comments or additions to the pack let me know. the rope listed is party pack rope and doesnt include any that individual characters might be carrying

[Talwin (Michael)] (I am adding a small list in a sec lisa. I'm wrapping it up)

[Talwin (Michael)] (sorry)

[Master] so you have an hour plus to organize etc. (BOB's artificial deadlead) and you have time to finalize what spells, and notecards and divinations, etc

[Master] just want to keep us focused on moving forward

[Talwin (Michael)] (I am finishing up that)

[Talwin (Michael)] (notecards on my end. Will post to party pack)

[Master] only moderate pressure Michael, grins

[Master] tell people what youa re thinking/doing

Lara looking and looking

[Master] so they can help and contribute

[Lara] i can't find any 4th level spells that might be useful from Emerald

[Master] just like the Astral Plane adventure this is a shake down type of story arc

[Master] learn new things

[Lara] @Lemon - didn't you want Bici to have Rainbow Pattern?

[Lisa] I thought the plan was to bop into pandemonium. Do some divination to find the cat and then come back home.

[Lemon] Ooooh, yes, I did!

[Master] then in January we have two long extended story arcs, for the Cloak Check, returning the elven cloak and Book Return, going to Hell

[Master] Yes to Lisa

[Lemon] I forgot all about it. Lol, I had opened my browser to remind myself of what spells were up for grabs, and got distracted with facebook and forgot

[Master] be done with this story arc in 4 weeks including tonight

[Lisa] Unless the cat is very close to us we would need to re-enter pandemonium at a more precise location to get the cat

[Lemon] How would we do that?

[Lisa] Like the story arc names!

[Lara] there is a spell to find a creature but the caster would have had to SEE the creature before

[Master] grins, thank you Lisa

[Lisa] how do we do what?

[Master] Not trying to hurry anyone, just keeping you moving forward

[Master] be calm and relaxed

[Master] step by step make sure you have what you need

[Master] I would like to have Carissa here before we CLICK to Pandimonium

[Master] and I find it hard to believe there is more interesting things on Facebook than we are Lemon :P

[Lemon] I can't remember how to find the library list or whatever I'm looking for on the website. I know I've looked at it before


[TMO] We have a spell in a spellbook called Protection from Vermin. It is not in the Access database

[Master] Lisa can type faster than me

[Master] grins

[Lisa] lol

[Lemon] How do I even get there from the main page?

[Master] chapter two, then spell books, then Branwyn

[Master] looking TMO

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Lemon] where is chapter two?

[Lisa] TMO - compendium book 3 page 713

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara)] (i was trying to cantrip bat fur for one of the spells i was considering)

[Lisa] includes centipedes spiders bats and rats

[Master] 1st level spell TMO from Spells and Magic

[Lemon] Can I also look at the other players spellbooks that are listed on this page, or is that just for keeping track purposes?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified:

[Master] MAN Lisa is just leaving me in the dust

[Master] Yes to Lemon

[Master] go look

[Lisa] TMO - one way of seeing descriptions is to pretend you are adding a spell - look at it without adding it

[Master] you just do not know them until you learn them

[Lisa] It's in Klooge data

[Emerald (Lara)] Okay. I would like to know a new spell: Wizard Eye

[Master] but things in the library

[Master] what level spell Lara?

[Emerald (Lara)] Correction. I would like Emerald to know a new spell.

[Emerald (Lara)] Level 4.

[Lemon] Yeah, I just wasn't sure if Bixi was able to read those or if they were private or whatever

[Lisa] is it in the library?

[Emerald (Lara)] Wizard Eye

[Lisa] Anyone at home has access to Branwyn's library.

[Lisa] Libraries are super expensive so it makes sense to pour money into one library and let everyone use it

[TMO] Wall of Bones

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[TMO] Lemon, I'm working up an excel list so I can filter down to what spels Craigh is even capable of learning. It can apply to Bixi too since we're both illusionists.

[Lemon] Lol, I tried to google "khazid's procurement" and it popped right up. And then I foolishly also tried to google "rainbow pattern"

[Lemon] It did not turn up the spell

[Lisa] we have access to all spells except from the books that say they are not in the library

[Lemon] I definitely want rainbow pattern, but not necessarily right now

[Lisa] By means ofthis spell, the wizard creates a glowing, rainbow-hued band of interweaving patterns. Any creature caught in it may become fascinatedand gaze at it as long as the effect lasts. The spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, orHit Dice, of creatures--24 creatures with 1 Hit Die each, 12 with 2 Hit Dice, etc.All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a savingthrow vs. spell. An attack on an affected creature that causes damage frees it from the spellimmediately. Creatures that are restrained and removed from the area still try to follow thepattern. Once the rainbowpattern is cast, the wizard need only gesture in the direction he desires, and the pattern of colors moves slowly off in thatdirection, at the rate of 30 feet per round. It persists without further attention from thespellcaster for 1d3 rounds. All affected creatures follow the moving rainbow of light. If thepattern leads its subjects into a dangerous area (through flame, off a cliff, etc.), allowa second saving throw. If the view of the lights is completely blocked (by an obscurementspell, for instance), the spell is negated. The wizardneed not utter a sound, but he must gesture appropriately while holding a crystal prism and the material component, a piece ofphosphor.

[Lemon] Ok, maybe I do want to try to get it now

[Lisa] you can't learn it until you know 4th level spells

[Lemon] oh

[Lemon] darn

[Lemon] when does that happen?

[Lisa] I *think* you just leveled which means you need to get with Bob on how to level a mulit class or dual class or whatever character

[Lisa] But as far as mage spell level advancement goes, you need training which is a 6-7 week process

[Talwin (Michael)]

[Lemon] Yeah, that definitely will have to wait then

[Talwin (Michael)] Posted all extra supplies Talwin has been ahem arranging

[Lisa] when you train in a new spell level you automatically get 1 4th level spell and then can learn more

[Emerald (Lara)] (did there happen to be any bat fur in there?)

[Lisa] but check with Bob on the leveling since you should get extra hps

[Emerald (Lara)] @Lisa, what do I roll to know a new spell?

[Lisa] I don't know how to level the complex characters or I would help you. I'm sorry :(

[Lisa] what book is wizard eye in?

[Lara] Emerald: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Lara] @Lisa - Compendium 4 page 1028

[Lara] Wizard's Spell, Volume Four

[Lisa] It has to be in our library otherwise you need to go through the whole research process

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] which takes many weeks

[Lara] sh

[Talwin (Michael)] hey bob. Posted to main party pack. Planning on just "handing out" when our time is up. Are you okay with that?

[Lara] ah

[Lara] i thought anything in those books was fair game?

[Lara] the dnd books

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Nice Michael!

[Master] Yes to Lara for Learning but that takes time to research "new" spells not already in the library, spell books, etc. so that is possible for the future

[Lisa] anything in the compendium books (as long as they don't conflict with your specialty) are fair game for research

[Master] But if it is not in the library then you have weeks to research and learn not days

[Lisa] everything in the group's possession in the Dragon Fen Library is available for insta learning

[Master] and you only have 18 days max and preferably less

[Lisa] makes sense?

[Master] and checking on Bixi now for leveling

[Talwin (Michael)] Its like Online Education vs. In person...

[Talwin (Michael)] :D

[TMO] Anyone know the Wall of Bones spell?

[Lemon] :)

[TMO] I assume necromancy, but don't know the level

[Lisa] If you find a spell that a mage has already written out, then you just try to learn. If no one you know has ever learned that spell then you have to work to learn how to do it all by yourself

[Master] Bixi is now a 6th level Cleric (priest) so you now can use more spells but you to not need training in a new level of spells until 7t level priest

[Lisa] But definitely put it on your wishlist for the next time we are at home for a time. Bixi is going to need training soon so Emerald can do research at the same time

[Master] Bixi does get 1d8 / 2 more in hit points though

[Lisa] no to TMO

[Master] so go roll those now

[TMO] thx Lisa. I'll ignore it then. If it's necromancy it's outside my field anyways. And definitely doesn't fit his character

[Lisa] and 5th lvl

[Master] Yes to Wall of Bones being Necromany

[Lara] Just to be clear - the spell needs to be in Branwyn's Library, correct?

[Lisa] yes

[Master] Lemon roll a d8

[Lemon] Trying to remember, give me a second

[Master] and I will add it for you correctly

[Lemon] (1d8) [1d8=5] 5

[TMO] Lara, I have the list all made. If you have Discord available, I can share screen and I can help you peruse the list.

[Lemon] (1d8) [1d8=5] 5

[Master] so 3 HP added to your total, I will do that now

[Lisa] anything on that page except under the section that says "not in the library"

[Lemon] Oh, divided

[Lemon] I see

[Lemon] not times

[Lemon] lol

[Master] Up to 28 Hit Points for Bixi now

[Lemon] Ok, yeah. Someone remind me whenever I am able to learn rainbow pattern. I will probably forget again

[Lemon] Yay!

[Lemon] I'm kicking Howard's butt in HP now

[Master] LOL

[Lara] @TMO - you posted it already in Discord, yes?

[Lisa] lol Lemon

Howard Plum (Lisa) continues to cry

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (8) - Unharmed

[Lara] i was confused because i thought these spells were available to learn:


[Lara] and didn't have to be researched

[Master] No to Lara, that is a list of ALL the spells available in the game

[Master] not the ones in the library

[Lara] hm

[Master] you can learn any spell that is in the library without having to research you have to research any other spell

[Lisa] Lara - I would ignore Black Cloak's books - almost all necromancy

[Lara] @BOB - got it. @Lisa - yep.

Lemon has left the game on Fri Nov 26 20:57:45 EST 2021

[Lara] having a hard time finding any level 4 spells except Rainbow Pattern

[TMO] Lisa - does Branwyn have a spellook besides her 'Traveling Spellbook'?

[Master] Not sure if there are any other 4th levels spells in the library Lara, check that page lisa posted of Branwyn's library

[TMO] because apparently nobody in the group before Craigh has had Light?

[Lisa] Vasyugan and my other book I haven't updated ... :(

[Lisa] But no 1st level spells in the latest book

[Lisa] Branwyn has continual light but no other light spells

[Lara] okay folks. i'm not going to take another 4th level spell.

Lemon has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 21:03:53 EST 2021

Lemon is receiving the map New Manor...

Lemon has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Not bad Lara, after this story arc, which is a quick one, you can take time to learn new spells, research, etc. so in January

[Lara] so I'm ready whenever the rest of you are

[Lara] @BOB - yes, i would rather wait and get something better than what's in the library

[Master] Michael want to explain your cards that you put on the Party Pack Page?

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] OK Eveyone ready? IOnly doing this once

[Master] take your time and be clear

[Master] make sure everyone understands

[Talwin (Michael)] OK. So if eveyone wants to follow along (I highly recommend)

[Talwin (Michael)]

[Master] Carissa is about a half hour out

[Talwin (Michael)] So

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Talwin (Michael)] From the top

[Master] and she will read this to be able to make the jump

[Talwin (Michael)] Going to start now

[Talwin (Michael)] 1

[Talwin (Michael)] I am disbursing to you the folllowing:

[Lara] (nice job Michael!)

[Talwin (Michael)] 1 Bag of Clag "Chit". These are weighted to hold against a wind, aren't totally fragile, and can signal most actions without having to pull out the parchment. That should only be done if possible or if no wind whatsoever

[Talwin (Michael)] There are five colors of which they do the following

[Talwin (Michael)] Blue= Safe, Yellow = Caution, Red = We are/about to be under attack, Black = Run, White = Best Judgeemnt please follow me

[Talwin (Michael)] Then

[Talwin (Michael)] Me and Bran

[Lemon] I don't think Bixi's memory is good enough to keep track of ALL of these things

[Lemon] I know this because I've just decided her memory is very similar to my own

[Talwin (Michael)] Will have a set of METAL flashcards where the language has been etched into the plates. These should be our go-to's before we resort to the paper ones. They have the written language, but no pictures for realistic reasons. As they are probably hard to procure and bob would have thrown a fit if I'd pushed it, we only have the two. Talwin will have a backup set and Bran will have the first set

[Master] LOL Lemon

[Talwin (Michael)] THEN

[Talwin (Michael)] Each of us will have a set of parchment flashcards with each card having each language and then for those who cannot read, a picture representation on the back of the card. If there are "questions" about what a picture means, I would expect your character would ask before we leave

[Talwin (Michael)] THEN

[Talwin (Michael)] Each of us will get a rope for telling time. They serve dual purposes. Keepign clear minds and also telling as a stop watch

[Talwin (Michael)] To Tell Time: 10 (1) Foot long ropes with 10 knots. After singing a rhyme in your head (or outloud. It's not like anyone will hear you over the wind) pull one knot through your fingers. After 10 Knots have moved through your hand, you've just passed 10 minutes! Repeat as necessary to keep track of a timetable.

[TMO] whatifwesingreallyfastorcan'tdorhythm?

[Talwin (Michael)] The Rymything helps keep your head clear while you walk. It's a mindless task that OIL RIG drillers sometimes use when they cannot listen to music while working, but the roar of the drills blasts on depsite their ear protection

[Master] Sing Happy Birthday to your self two times in a row to know how long to wash your hands

[Talwin (Michael)] Aircraft Carriers sometimes distribute them

[Talwin (Michael)] And Exactly Bob

[Talwin (Michael)] THEN

[Talwin (Michael)] 10 "Emergency" Packs. These are ten packs of extra "critical" resources in case we are fudged and need life resources. They are a smaller scale then our actual packs, but are meant to be attached to your hip

[Talwin (Michael)] NEXT

[Lemon] fanny packs

[Talwin (Michael)] Are a face veil for each of us, purchased from desert tribes. Meant to keep sand, and grit from our faces. They tuck in your armor and are designed to keep your vision relatively clear in windstorms

[Lemon] first aid fanny packs. We have those at school too

[Talwin (Michael)] NEXT (And not on the pack because somehow I forgot to put in on?)

[Lara] @Lemon - ROFLMAO

[Master] no desert tribes nearby for Talwin to know but not bad idea

[Talwin (Michael)] (Can we pretend Talwin had seen one before in the Free Cities and designed a rough version?)

[Master] Yes to Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] THEN

[Lemon] That's very generous of you, BOB

[Lemon] Makes me feel like they will be useless

[Talwin (Michael)] Each "Fanny pakc" will also contain extra wax for our ears.

[Talwin (Michael)] Finally

[Master] would be similar to what mercenaries would use to combat snow effects in the mountains

[TMO] Craigh only has 3 mental slots left for spells, although I believe he can choose to forget one and replace it?

[Master] no to TMO once you KNOW a spell you know it for ever

[TMO] welp, better be durn certain i pick what I want for the last 3

[Master] yeap

[Talwin (Michael)] I did not pack any fire material. I could be mistaken, but that would be pointless in Pandamonium unless you are in a "dead zone" of wind. Therefore, in the endless dar, I would recommend EVEYONE have a stone that has been cast "Continual LIght" on. If you lose your light, you are truly fudged. I have a sword that glows enough for area around me. Each of us should have one as well. If you don't, get one from either the pack or have someone cast it. That spell is obtainable and we have a few glowing stones already. Grab one

[Talwin (Michael)] I have now done my part

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Master] grins very nicely done Michael

Lara clapping hands for Michael

[Lara] NICE!

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Lisa] Very nice!

[Lara] the flashcards...i'm trying to figure out the delineation

[Lara] 1) Find Shelter Food Water Help

[Talwin (Michael)] Er

[Lisa] And reminds me to bring the continual darkness medallion

[Lara] 2) Enemy Ally

[Talwin (Michael)] Sorry Lara. That was the formatting of the website

[Talwin (Michael)] Those are pretty mhc seperare

[Lara] 3) Run for our lives

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] Yep that's good

[Lara] 4) What do you think?

[Talwin (Michael)] Yep

[Lara] 5) Lets look in that direction

[Talwin (Michael)] Yep

[Lara] 6) I'll be back in Five, Ten, 30 Minutes

[Lara] 7) Let's rest

[Talwin (Michael)] (yes. You point to the one you are referring)

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Lara] 8) Let's investigate

[Talwin (Michael)] yes

[Lara] or are those two on the same card?

[Talwin (Michael)] No seperate

[Lara] 9) Healing needed now

[Talwin (Michael)] yes

[Lara] then i get confused

[Talwin (Michael)] 10 Ressurect

[Talwin (Michael)] 11 Danger

[Lara] 10) Resurrect Danger! Monster, Demon, Feeling, I Hate You Fuck You I am Feeling

[Talwin (Michael)] 12 Monster, Demon, Other

[Lara] i thought there were only 10 cards

[Talwin (Michael)] (No ten sets of cards)

[Talwin (Michael)] 13 I hate you

[Talwin (Michael)] 14: F You

[Talwin (Michael)] 15 I am Feeling

[Lara] ah. so there are 15 cards? but 10 sets of them

[Talwin (Michael)] 13 and 14 were designed because the rules of panadmonium make them fun to have in the deck

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Lara] ok. i didn't see the number anywhere. got it!

[Master] Just hope you can read the instruction card that comes with it, grins

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] I drew a picture on the back!

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

TMO unfolds the centerfold

[Lara] i can only imagine what ressurect must look like

[Lemon] lol, I demand drawings

[Master] Man look at those quills!

[Talwin (Michael)] But frankly, to keep lines of communmication clear, we need to first use the Chits because they aren't very fragile when communicating. Then, party "leaders" who have th metal plates, and then the parchment cards

[Lara] *resurrect

[Master] I wish I could wrap my fingers around those

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

Lara holding up card #13

[Lara] JUST KIDDING! lol

[Talwin (Michael)] Note that each of the emergency

[Master] but in all seriousness, good job Michael

[Master] and it looks like we are all set?

[Talwin (Michael)] packs has an extra charcoal and parchement for when extra instructions are needed

[Master] Lisa how many days for learning those spells?

[Talwin (Michael)] \and I am all set

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm glad I was able to help even though I can't help with Magic on this one :)

[Master] and we will add one for healing etc.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Everyone better have a light rock now)

[Talwin (Michael)] (As opposed to alternative or heavy that is)

[Master] that is what Lisa will make sure we have the time checked for

[Lemon] Do we need to say that we took a rock, or can we just assume everyone has one?

[TMO] knowing that I can only *ever* pick 3 more spells for Craigh, I'm not going to take anything right now

[Talwin (Michael)] It never hurts Lemon :)

[Lara] @TMO - good call

[TMO] but, he can spend the week creating scroll(s)

[Talwin (Michael)] It can be the thing that makes you have one or not when the timeing is right

[Lemon] Lol, ok, then I'm taking a rock

[Lisa] did craigh roll to learn spells?

Lara taking a rock

[Talwin (Michael)] Bob is fair, but operates like an attorney who reads a very detailed set of contractrual texts......

[Talwin (Michael)] JK Bob :)

[Lisa] sorry was distracted

[Master] Craigh decided no new spells

Carissa (NLP) has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 21:26:40 EST 2021

Carissa (NLP) is receiving the map New Manor...

Carissa (NLP) has received the map New Manor.

[Lara] hi Carissa!

[Lisa] so the only one that learned a spell was Johan?

[Talwin (Michael)] Hi Carissa!

[TMO] wilkommen!

[Master] no worries Michael, I know I am worse than most attourneys

[Talwin (Michael)]

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] Hi carissa!

[Talwin (Michael)] That will keep you pretty much up to data Carissa

[Lisa] lol

[Lemon] Wow, perfect timing

[Carissa (NLP)] Hi all!

[Master] then once we know that time frame we then will know if Craigh had time to create a new scroll of something

[Master] and how many days for the other spell casters to create Continual Light rocks

[Lisa] I figured that out the last time we did this but forgot where it is ...

[Lisa] It's like 1 day per level and then something but not a lot

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 26 21:28:39 EST 2021

[Master] is on the learning spells page

[Master] NOT that library Lisa, the one on the site

[Talwin (Michael)] (We have two now. I have my light with a magical artifact)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 26 21:28:58 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Talwin (Michael)] lol bob

[Carissa (NLP)] lol

[TMO] Of the spells Craigh knows and has at his fingertips: Comprehend Languages, Light, and Spider Climb might be the most potentially useful in Pandemonium. If everyone has Cont Light Rocks, we can scratch Light off the list.

[Lisa] howard tried to learn a 4th level spell and failed so that is the right time frame

[Master] Carissa the key thing people need from you is casting Continual LIght, how many can you do per day/

[TMO] I've forgotten, BoB, can a wizard only create scrolls of spells they *know*? Or is it possible to create scrolls from a spellbook even if it's not one you competely understand?

[Master] Only ones you know

[Master] but the Copy spell works too

[TMO] that limits Craigh's usefulness immensely at creating scrolls himself. However, he can act as a resource for materials

[Master] as we did the details on the site earlier this week

[TMO] Craigh is unable to learn the Copy spell. It's in an opposed school

[Carissa (NLP)] 3 a day

[Master] for spell books

[Master] and there you go Michael

[Lisa] The spell takes one to two days per spell level to inscribe into the spell book.

[Master] 3 rocks per day

[Lisa] Johan's was a 2nd level spell

[Talwin (Michael)] Awesome. We all have one

[Carissa (NLP)] if you get outside help, more, if that's a possibility

[Talwin (Michael)] One of our rocks lasts an insanely long time as in, not going out in our lifetimes. Why don't we give that one to Indigo

[Master] all of them are the same

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't know how we got that one

[Talwin (Michael)] No

[Lisa] I was also going to bring the continual darkness medalion in case we need to hide

[Master] Continual Light is continual light

[Master] LIGHT is a different spell

[Talwin (Michael)] This was a weird case bob. We had a rock that was like, never going out

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh

[Master] and there you go Lisa

[Lisa] like continual light in reverse

[Talwin (Michael)] Sigh

[Talwin (Michael)] Light

[TMO] why isn't the world up to its knees in continual light rocks cast by wizards of eons past?

[Talwin (Michael)] I get these so confused

[Master] Susan Delgado moved 110'11".

[Master] Pylon moved 99'00".

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] Ergel the Arm moved 92'01".

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Master] Roland, Alain and Cuthbert moved 110'10".

[Master] Gormel moved 91'02".

[Master] Tinlin moved 28'07".

[Talwin (Michael)] Well, one of the things is lighty lighty forever. so, take that one

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Master] Tinlin moved 85'04".

[Master] Gerry the barkeep moved 13'01".

[TMO] everyone is an insomniac because they can't ever find dark rooms to sleep in

[Lemon] Because they got murdered when the bad guys saw their light?

[Lemon] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] yeah, but the rock still glows, even after the wizard dies

[Lemon] Lol, ok, but at school we had to tell the kids their not allowed to play the "bad guys" game anymore, because whoever gets picked as the bad guy cries

[TMO] thousands of years of wizards all casting continual light on objects

[Lemon] Eventually we had to also outlaw them SAYING "bad guys"

[Lemon] And I almost censored myself when I typed that

[Master] smiles at Lemon

[Lisa] but they only last as long as the material they are cast on

[Lemon] I'm guessing goblins hoarded them or soemthing

[TMO] shiny rocks!

[Lisa] rocks are pretty long lasting but john cast on a bandana - would disintigrate in time

[Master] and it only lasts as long as the Mage is alive, when they die if they did not cast Permanace on the object the magic stops

Lara hears the word 'shiny'

Lisa is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Lisa has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Master] I think I have everyone on the map of the Inn that is going except if Howard or Johan is going

Carissa (NLP) is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Carissa (NLP) has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Master] need to use the restroom brb

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Master] check everything before we click

[Carissa (NLP)] I miss my big scree

[Carissa (NLP)] n

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lemon is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Lemon has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Lisa] No Tiberius?

[Lisa] At least to go to the inn and see where we have to go?

[Lisa] I would rather everyone go to the inn at least and then we can see what we are getting into for the cat rescue

[Lisa] and let's everyone get Mist sick

[TMO] how many days and how much money to create a scoll? I can see if Caigh can get anything made

Lisa is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Lisa has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

Lara is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Lara has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Lemon] Friends. My spoitfy just played me an ad for the job that I have.

[Talwin (Michael)] Those algorithms these days huh?

[Lisa] for the divination part I would want Branwyn and Howard definitely to go. Branwyn for the crystal ball and Howard for possible invisibility spells

[TMO] my sister sent me a job opening for a part-time D&D gamemaster post

[Lemon] How does it know!? I don't have it connected to any of my social media

[Lisa] hope that is not a bad sign Lemon

[Lemon] Lol, no, we are still desperately hiring

[Lisa] is your company advertising to fill your job?

[Lisa] good!

[Lemon] More and more kids keep signing up, we don't have enough people to open another classroom

[Talwin (Michael)] (Do what you love TMO :) )

[Talwin (Michael)] (And You too Lemon :) )

[Carissa (NLP)] (unless it's murdering people)

[Talwin (Michael)] Eh, the legal one is called the Military.

[Carissa (NLP)] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] Carissa

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Lemon] I do truly LOVE my job right now

[Lemon] anyway

[Carissa (NLP)] skimmed what I could; was it all planning no scroll?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lemon] I also have some invisibility spells

[Lisa] nice! I'm sick of mine :)

[Master] Adding TIberius for Lisa

[Lemon] Learned them last time we were home lazing around

[Master] and Howard and Johan just in case

[TMO] Bob - cost and time to create 1 scroll?

[Master] and then it depends TMO

[Master] which spell?

[TMO] Comprehend Languages

[Master] I will say yes to one of those

[TMO] we've no idea what language anybody may speak there. Assuming we're in an area where talking is possibl

[Master] and we deal with costs later

[Lemon] I have "know customs" so um... if they're not trying to murder us, that could help?

[Master] Lisa how many days we moved forward?

[Master] yes to Lemon never hurts to try

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[TMO] Added the scroll to my inventory

[Master] good

[Lemon] "Never hurts to try" sounds like some famous last words

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Contagion -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 2 (4), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Glitterdust -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Identify -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Manyjaws -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Water Breathing - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

Lara ...

[Lisa] I don't know. Johan - 3 days

[Lisa] how long it takes Talwin to make a gazillion flash cards

[Master] grins at Lisa

[Lisa] ear plugs, light spells

[Lisa] 6 days?

[Carissa (NLP)] He had help from Rae so hopefully he went faster

[Lisa] and on the 7 day Talwin rested

[Master] 1-2 days per spell level so with that I will say Craigh has time to make two scrolls while Rae and the others make continual light rocks

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Master] so from the 19th to the 26th

[Master] and it is now the 27th

[Talwin (Michael)] On the seventh day, Talwin lost his shit and through a random pandamonium dweller into the mouth of the Styx

[Talwin (Michael)] threq

[Talwin (Michael)] threw

[Talwin (Michael)] lord


[Master] Time of Day: 11:04 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Bel {Mid Fall} 27th, 351 SKR.

[Lisa] did you see my request to have everyone at the inn?

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[Master] yes and everyone is there

[Master] Just to be a dramatic pause

[Master] before Lara leaves

[Master] Tonight is a special night. Way back in June of 2003 we decided to move our game to being online. We had just celebrated our 10th anniversary game, Lorie was moving back to Pennsylvania and we wanted to have a way for everyone to still play. We tried out AIM chat rooms with a web cam, we tried Microsoft Messenger, etc. In August of that 2003 I went to GenCon and looked at different programs that were available to help run a game over the internet. I met this guy Keith who was selling cloaks and other ren faire gear, who also happened to be creating a software package. I picked up his disc and when I returned home, we looked at what it was like. Then we continued to mess around with webcams etc. Tonight is a special night. Way back in June of 2003 we decided to move our game to being online. We had just celebrated our 10th anniversary game, Lorie was moving back to Pennsylvania and we wanted to have a way for everyone to still play. We tried out AIM chat rooms with a web cam, we tried Microsoft Messenger, etc. In August of that 2003 I went to GenCon and looked at different programs that were available to help run a game over the internet. I met this guy Keith who was selling cloaks and other ren faire gear, who also happened to be creating a software package. I picked up his disc and when I returned home, we looked at what it was like. Then we continued to mess around with webcams etc.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Howard Plum modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 4 (0), CHANGED: Copy -- # Memorized: 0 (2), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Master] sorry for the double posting

[Talwin (Michael)] And the rest is on the Site

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

Lisa claps

[Master] In November of 2003 Fritz said let’s try out that software you picked up, what was it? KloOge And so, on November 21st, 2003, we ran our first game session in KloOge. We have now run 890 sessions in KloOge over the years.

Lara doing maths

[Lisa] wow

[Master] Tonight is the 18th anniversary of using this program so I thought I should take a moment to look at a couple of milestones. Lemon has played 8 sessions officially as a Dragonslayer and Lisa has 571 sessions all inside of KloOge. Lemon is our 15th player to come to our game that has never known our game other than through KloOge. Over the years 34 players used KloOge to continue to be part of our game.

[Carissa (NLP)] another wow

[Master] Yeah

[Lemon] It has to be more than 8

[Lemon] Oh, wait, I didn't count at first

[Carissa (NLP)] 571 sessions. So Lisa knows ALL the kLoOgE secrets, right? ;)

[Lemon] This is pretty bonkers stats

[Master] 8 official games, but yes you were here for auditioning too

[Master] The only programs I can think of that I have used more or longer than KloOge is Word and Excel. Robert one of our retired players brought up SolidWorks when I talked with him about being here for this milestone. How many other programs have we used for 18 years straight? Back on February 8th of 2013 we passed over 50% of all our game sessions being online. We have played over 1,368 game sessions so far which makes me feel very happy. 65% of all the game sessions we have enjoyed (and sometimes not, wry grin) have been in KloOge. So, I wanted to make a note of this tonight. Thank you all for being here through all of the ups and downs of being pioneers in using VTTs.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified: Spells - CHANGED: Hypnotic Pattern -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Whispering Wind -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),

[Master] anyone think of other programs you have used for 19 years?

[Lemon] Awwww *hug gif*

[Lemon] paint

[Lemon] ?

[Carissa (NLP)] Welll I'm still using Internet Explorer on my work computer...

Lara smiles big

[Talwin (Michael)] Half Life 2

[Talwin (Michael)] Halo

Carissa (NLP) claps

[Talwin (Michael)] Minesweeper

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Lemon] the original oregon trail

[Master] LOL Michael and smiles with Lemon and Carissa

[Lemon] I still do that sometimes

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm so happy for you bob. You got dedication!

[Master] I know some are waiting for the other shoe to drop, some are thinking, “Come on BOB, we were on a roll, let’s get moving” Laughs Both are right. I really do wish everyone had been here to see this but I am very happy to have this group of players here now.

Lara nods in agreement "And we are happy to be here!"

[Lisa] Ditto! :)

[Lemon] Agreed

[TMO] I'm trying to find who the guests were for the 203 Gencon. Wondering if that's the one Gencon I've ever attended

[Carissa (NLP)] Yes even if I'm now worried about what shoe will drop

[TMO] 2003

[Master] And in the future. I am already contemplating what we will do for our 30th anniversary. So, here we go… “When last we left our intrepid band of adventurers”

[Talwin (Michael)] I also sincerely don't mean to put another shoe to drop, but I think with Windows 11 coming out, the support might get a bit harder and harder :( We may have to eventualyl move. But we'll be still playing no matter what :)

[Lemon] My co-teacher asked what I was going to be doing one Friday, and I explained to her about this group, and she thought it was super cool even though she is not a nerd

[Master] CLICK to Pandemonium, the plane where chaotic things happen, and we ALL have to deal with lots of new things. Welcome to Fantasy Grounds, come meet me over there…… NOW

[Talwin (Michael)] AH!

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Lara] /me...

Lara ...

[TMO] updating FG

[Lisa] memorized spells for the trip

[Lisa] we will see how they work if needed

[Master] Yes to Lisa

[Lisa] my guys are ready

[Master] I even updated Johan with his new spell as we were going

[Lisa] I already did that ...

[Lisa] :)

[Master] grins I mean over in Fantasy Grounds

[Lisa] you weren't serious

[Lisa] we are going to FG NOW?

[Master] Yeap,

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] TMO and Lorie are there now

[Lisa] fuck me

[Lisa] so no none of my spells are ready then

[Lisa] nothing is ready

[Master] yes they are

[Master] I have been doing everything in both platforms

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 26 22:00:45 EST 2021

[Master] for the last two months

[Talwin (Michael)] I am not in Fantasy grounds

[Talwin (Michael)] This is an internet dead zone right now

[Lemon] I am freaking out in discord very quietly

[Talwin (Michael)] Relax Lemon

Carissa (NLP) has left the game on Fri Nov 26 22:03:10 EST 2021

[Lemon] with all due respect... no

Lara has left the game on Fri Nov 26 22:03:28 EST 2021

[Talwin (Michael)] Again, easy Lemon. Lots of frustration :) Worse case, we have everything set up for tomorrow

[Talwin (Michael)] next time

[Talwin (Michael)] sorry

[Talwin (Michael)] Night Everyone! I will be getting my internet back in gear for fantasy grounds :)

[Lemon] goodnight!

[Talwin (Michael)] Lemon, we'll get that in for nexttime :)

Michael has left the game on Fri Nov 26 22:05:27 EST 2021

Lemon has left the game on Fri Nov 26 22:05:30 EST 2021

[TMO] Craigh: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (17-(d20-1)) [1d20=20] -2

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

TMO has left the game on Sat Nov 27 09:24:03 EST 2021

[Master] &&&&&&&&

[Master] and this is the break

[Master] Leaving Klooge after so many years and moving to the new platform.

[Master] &&&&&&&&&

Fantasy Grounds chat to be appended