Main / 20211210c

Chat Log - 2021 12 10 - Cosmological Quandaries - Home Stories - Complicated Emotions - 2021 12 10 - Formatted

<b>Session started at 2021-12-09 / 19:00</b> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

Lost connection to cloud service. Players may not be able to join game. Attempting to reconnect...

Connection to cloud service restored.

Indigo's health adjusted by +0

Indigo's health adjusted by +100

Branwyn's health adjusted by +100

Emerald's health adjusted by +100

Johan's health adjusted by +100

'Tiberius Branadarus' applied '100' experience to Fighter.

[115 XP] -> Tiberius Branadarus

[115 XP] -> Licornah

[115 XP] -> Emerald

[115 XP] -> Johan

[115 XP] -> Branwyn

[115 XP] -> Raelynn

[115 XP] -> N'laea

[115 XP] -> Talwin

[115 XP] -> Bixi Fizzlebang

[115 XP] -> Howard Plum

[115 XP] -> Craigh

[115 XP] -> Indigo

[115 XP] -> Lanek

'Bixi Fizzlebang' applied '58' experience to Illusionist.

'Bixi Fizzlebang' applied '58' experience to Cleric.

'Branwyn' applied '115' experience to Mage.

'Craigh' applied '115' experience to Thief.

'Howard Plum' applied '115' experience to Mage.

'Johan' applied '115' experience to Mage.

'Licornah ' applied '115' experience to Cleric.

'Raelynn' applied '115' experience to Cleric.

'Tiberius Branadarus' applied '115' experience to Fighter.

'Emerald' applied '115' experience to Enchanter.

'Indigo' applied '264856' experience to Fighter.

'Indigo' applied '291342' experience to Fighter.

'Indigo' applied '264730' experience to Fighter.

'Indigo' applied '238256' experience to Fighter.

'Indigo' applied '240663' experience to Fighter.

'Lanek' applied '115' experience to Thief.

'N'laea' applied '115' experience to Ranger.

'Talwin' applied '115' experience to Fighter.

'Michael' connected

BOB: Hello there Michael

'Lisa' connected

BOB: Hello Lisa

Talwin: Link to map?

Image: Inn of the Lost Eagle

BOB: smiles

Talwin: Thanks

Indigo: Hi Michael!

Talwin: hi Lisa! :)

BOB: How are you tonight Michael? Lisa?

Talwin: I am ....

BOB: also here is a link for the chat stuff tonight


<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> Talwin: thanks

Indigo: Ok - realized Indigo had no nwps - adding them now

BOB: He does Lisa

Indigo: nothing on the skills tab until I started adding them

'Carissa' connected

BOB: but until others get here please see what you can do

Michael (Talwin): hm...testing ooc

Talwin: ah

BOB: Thank you Michael

BOB: that is part of the testing tonight

Michael (Talwin): wish I could remap LOL. I use alt so Infrequently. Will have to ge tused to :)

Michael (Talwin): Well, this should make chat logs easier right?

Carissa: Not sure I pointed it out before, but players can't see what other players are on, when they log on, or when they leave.

BOB: At this point we do not know Michael, last week Carissa and TMO tried out having icons to chat OOC an then the characters to chat IC

Carissa: Also hello!

Talwin: Hm. Carissa, how are you doing that without resorting to Alt key?

Carissa: I like the icon because then I can see who is on.

Carissa: Alt key for what?

BOB: Alt key to go OOC

Indigo: alt nothing?

Michael (Talwin): Hm. I might like the Icon Better. But I can try this for nothing

Carissa: I double click and/or click the chat bubble next to the icon on the character

Indigo: alt what?

BOB: Tonight we get to try out both Michael

Talwin: when you chat like this. befor ehitting enter, hit Alt and then hold it while pressing enter for OOC

Raelynn: Even with character sheet up, if I don't click the chat bubble for them, it still keeps this icon

Talwin: when you chat like this. befor ehitting enter, hit Alt and then hold it while pressing enter for OOC

Carissa: ....I mean unless I open their sheet, lol

Michael (Talwin): Sorry not meaning to repeat

Lisa (Indigo): wow

Carissa: test

Michael (Talwin): yeah, will take some getting used to

Carissa: test

Carissa: lol just leaves me as my icon, huh

Michael (Talwin): u holding alt when you press enter?

Lisa (Howard Plum): how long do halflings live?

Michael (Talwin): maybe because it's you as, well, you ?

Michael (Talwin): Huh, no idea lisa

Michael (Talwin): Want me to look up real quick?

BOB: Which do people think works better?

Carissa: test

BOB: and I have that for you Lisa just a sec

Carissa: hmmm nope hit alt and press enter

Carissa: Oh well I don't mind clicking

Lisa (Howard Plum): no worries - just put in Indigo's age based on the DOB he was given and he is 37 years old!!!

Michael (Talwin): frankly, I like the alt method because I don't have to click different icons? But it will def. take some getting used to because I don't really ever use the alt key unless I need a very specific command :)

Carissa: He's still a child!

BOB: max age for a halfling is 100+1d100

Lisa (Howard Plum): so 37 is not making him creak when we walks

Carissa: See??? Child!!

Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

Michael (Talwin): Wait what? a 1d100? That is like a very drastically wild number...

BOB: 20+3d4 was his starting age plus the time of the campaign

Lisa (Indigo): eek Branwyn's 31

Michael (Talwin): In actual medeival times shed be like 99

Michael (Talwin): I think you're doing quite well

Michael (Talwin): lol


Lisa (Indigo): LOL

Michael (Talwin): Roll for Plague Check

Michael (Talwin): lol

Lisa (Indigo): already did that - it did not go well

Michael (Talwin): Ouch...I actually forgot about that...

'Spring' connected

Michael (Talwin): Man...this game...what goes around comes right back around haha :)

Talwin: I bugged out last week beause of a slight panic attack, but did you guys practice combat? I kind of know the basics of rolling, but would like to do any quick practice....(I can do that on my own time with the manual though if needed)

BOB: No to Michael

BOB: and not tonight

Michael (Talwin): OK

BOB: tonight is Roleplay and chat

Michael (Talwin): Baby steps. Perfect

BOB: working on how this works for all of us

Michael (Talwin): It's got a learning curve, but so far, I like what I see

Carissa: Uncomfortably

BOB: Thanks

Michael (Talwin): Also I haven't had to restart like six times in a session

Michael (Talwin): So that's the biggest boon

Michael (Talwin): Not going to lie

BOB: yes

BOB: when I restarted Klooge tonight there was about a page and a half of error messages

BOB: we will do much better

Michael (Talwin): Oof

Lanek: okay i think i am here

Carissa: Hi Spring!

Michael (Talwin): It's trying to tell you to let it have it's social security and finally retire somewhere far away with other abandonware program. Maybe in Hawaii or in Web 1.0

Michael (Talwin): Also Hi Spring!

BOB: After Spring and Lemon are all settled in I do want everyone to try chatting in the various languages and IC and OOC so we know what the color codes are for each

BOB: and LOL Michael

'Lemon' connected

Michael (Talwin): Also I love the alt function because while I should technically be able to simply know which of you is which character, when you post like this in the OOC format, it tells me both

Michael (Talwin): But that's just my terrible confusion with names

Lanek [W Comm]: [Translation] i am now speaking western common

i am now speaking western common

[understood by: Talwin, Indigo, Howard Plum, Branwyn, Tiberius Branadarus, N'laea, Raelynn, Lanek]

Michael (Talwin): If you say so

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Lanek [W Comm]: [Translation] whoa. western common

whoa. western common

[understood by: Talwin, Indigo, Howard Plum, Branwyn, Tiberius Branadarus, N'laea, Raelynn, Lanek]

Lanek [W Comm]: [Translation] hey i tried to turn that off

hey i tried to turn that off

[understood by: Talwin, Indigo, Howard Plum, Branwyn, Tiberius Branadarus, N'laea, Raelynn, Lanek]

Carissa: That is not Western Common

Carissa : [Translation] ooops


[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]

Carissa : [Translation] There we go

There we go

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea]

Lanek: tap tap

Lanek: whew, that was hard

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): Hi Spring!

Spring: i have released Lanek

Spring: yay

Spring: and hi!

Carissa: Probably want to keep him for easier switching

Spring: oh i don't see him anymore. i wonder how i get him back ...

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): Can I make Tiberius match his stats in Klooge if we aren't starting now?

Carissa: Records -> Character

BOB: Not yet Lisa

BOB: leaving him as my punching bag to try things on

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): *sigh*

Carissa: Fine but if he dies we'll call fowl

Lanek: i am now Lanek again

Carissa: ...foul

Carissa: whichever

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): LOL

BOB: I promise no one will die here

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): Ever???

Lanek: i haven't figured out how to get out of character yet

BOB: no worries Spring that is part of tonight

Carissa: Hmm..

BOB: to see how we all want this to be

Michael (Talwin): (Magical bob. We want it to be magical)

Carissa: You're right. Unless you do your own sheet I think you have to release him?

Carissa: I forget otherwise

Lisa (Tiberius Branadarus): R-click on char at top and select the eraser button to release or type in chat box and then hit ALT-Enter to enter it into chat

Spring (Lanek): okay if i don't wnt to release him, i'll try alt-enter

Spring (Lanek): yay!

Carissa: lol that sounds annoying so I'lll stick with the icon until it's ruled one way or the other

Carissa: Besides it's a bird!

Lisa (Indigo): So the bird can call fowl

Michael (Talwin): Also, my icon isn't even at the top anymore because it's crowded out by other icons. So, I have to use Alt by default :)

BOB: Oh Man Lisa

Carissa: Exactly!!

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

User is back. (Spring)

Lisa (Indigo): That's what I was thinking if all our PCs and payer icons are here it might get busy at the top

Lisa (Indigo): Player

BOB: I see 10 icons there now

Carissa: I still see all and have room, but this is my bigger screen. Unsure how it'll be on a smaller screen.

Lisa (Indigo): But how does it look for laptop players?

Talwin: I see all Icons on the Map, but not at the top

Carissa: The thing I like is it's easier to tell who is talking. I keep mixing you and Michael up

Michael (Talwin): I can only see Lemon, Carissa, Howard, Lanek, and Bixi in the icons at top now

Carissa: I haven't set-up my laptop for Fantasy Grounds yet. I can try that later.

Michael (Talwin): Although, wonder if we can change colors of OOC Chat

Lisa (Indigo): Better?

Michael (Talwin): Would make it much easier

Carissa: Yeah chat colors was more useful than I expected

Lisa (Indigo): changed colors and thought that would work for chat but still green

BOB: Yes colors are an issues

BOB: issue

Michael (Talwin): Well everyone. We need to submit a bug and put on our Agile hats so we can build their product for them. Everyone get on Azure Dev Ops. We gotta a game to fix

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): testing

Lanek: i'm digging around for how to get a player icon

Lemon: hmm

BOB: OUCH Michael

Carissa: Make a new character. Name it after yourself :)

Lemon: So it's better for others if I release Lemon?

Carissa: Not yet

Michael (Talwin): :D Just poking fun Bob haha

Lisa: doesn't bother me

Carissa: We're playing around with how many is too many

Carissa: Or if it'll be fine to have many icons

Michael (Talwin): If I could pin that icon somewhere else, it would be viable. Otherwise, I can't even access the actual icon to do that. Token yes, but it doesn't allow the "release" feature. But, the Alt isn't too bad for me.

Lemon: more testing

BOB: things we have discovered so far: when typing as In Character you do not need to pick your language if you are speaking W Comm

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] But when typing in gnomish, you do

But when typing in gnomish, you do

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

Carissa : [Translation] Si


[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

BOB: Yes please Lemon

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Otherwise everyone could read it, and then like, what even is the point?

Otherwise everyone could read it, and then like, what even is the point?

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

Carissa : [Translation] No point. Where's the fun in that?

No point. Where's the fun in that?

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Wait, Carissa shouldn't know Gnomish. Cheater!

Wait, Carissa shouldn't know Gnomish. Cheater!

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

Carissa : [Translation] N'laea does and therefore Carissa does.

N'laea does and therefore Carissa does.

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] I'll let it slide... THIS time

I'll let it slide... THIS time

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

BOB: I did have a bit of a discussion on Chat and Languages on the FGU discord

BOB: I am happy that we have the other languages for everyone and when you encounter someone who speaks C Comm for example we can now show that easily

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok but that was DAYS ago, and I have explained manners to so many three-year-olds since then, how am I supposed to remember what was in that?

Michael (Talwin): now that is a really cool feature I'm not going to lie

BOB: also by the way I updated everyone's character sheets for their sizes and alignments

Michael (Talwin): A lot is automated which is very nice

Lisa: makes it easier to ignore

Michael (Talwin): And thank you bob

BOB: Yes to Lisa

Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (R)] Dagger [THACO(20)] [AC: 7 ]</font> [d20-3 = 13]<br /> <br /> BOB: and it is easier? to format in chat

Lisa: I looked at the chat you posted. I'm not touching that

Carissa: N'laea has no alignment. Bwhahaha. Time for her to reck havock! Or maybe not. None will know!

BOB: Yes to Lisa

Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (R)] Dagger [THACO(20)] [AC: 7 ]</font> [13 = 13]<br /> <br /> BOB: and it is easier? to format in chat

BOB: that is not great

Lisa: I looked at the chat you posted. I'm not touching that

Lisa: I did not type that twice ...

Carissa: Lemon playing hijinks?

BOB: tonight's will be different

Michael (Talwin): Get rekt Carissa lol

BOB: and that was I think Lemon?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... no?

BOB: then Carissa?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I clicked it the once? Oh maybe twice

Carissa: Nope unless it was by accident somehow

BOB: dragging and pasting?

BOB: and it is easier? to format in chat

Bixi Fizzlebang: oh that

BOB: yes

Bixi Fizzlebang: Just dragging and releasing, I have not done it until just now

Bixi Fizzlebang: But it's easy to do accidentally

Lemon: I wonder if there's a way to lock that

Lemon: The only thing that's still giving me a hard time is how many spells I can memorize for a day. It's all messed up on my sheet so I'm going to have to keep track on paper I guess?

BOB: Do not worry about spells yet

BOB: leave that to January

Springity Thingity: there

BOB: there are TONS of things we need to find out

Lemon: Oh, well if I don't have to worry about spells tonight then I'm ready to go whenever. /charge

<font color="##880000">Lemon: charges

Lemon: Everything else I'm ready to learn as I go. So whenever everyone else is comfortable, I'm good

BOB: Lisa is ready to lead for how to look for the cat now

Johan: Whispering Wind

Johan: Hypnotic Pattern

Johan: Magic Missile

Johan: Magic Missile

Lisa (Johan): sorry don't know what I'm doing except checking boxes

Lisa (Johan): hard to tell me not to worry about spells

Lisa (Johan): spells is what I do

BOB: warm smile

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [CHECK] [DEX+2] (vs. Target 3) [NOT-SURPRISED by 5]</font> [d6+2 = 8]<br /> <br /> Lisa (Branwyn): we starting then?

Lanek: oh. okay. here i am clicking like a damn fool and i need to drag stuff around

BOB: we are starting

Lanek: [INIT] [MOD:Hand Axe]</font> [d10+4 = 6]<br /> <br /> Lanek: oh sorry

Lanek: i was familiarizing

BOB: yes to Spring that is ok

Branwyn: So I don't think it's wonderful but perhaps we should drop into Pandemonium at the spot we saw in the pool. It was windy but dwarves were working in it. It seemed ... manageable?

Branwyn: And all we need to do is go there, do the divination and get out.

Branwyn: No exploring, no talking, no light unless we need it

N'laea: Are we likely to be apprehended, though? If we bring lights, good clothes, things to make us targets.

Branwyn: If we need a distraction I can cast a fireball as far away from us as possible


'TMO' connected

N'laea: The wind will not blow it... towards us, yes?

'TMO' disconnected

Lemon: Do we need to worry about the mysterious darkness?

Branwyn: (hey - fireball is always a good idea)

Lanek: i was just thinking of trying to pour a drink out of a car window

Talwin: I'm not sure. Isn't there some saying in the books that fire does'nt quite work the same in Pandamonium?

'TMO' connected

N'laea: Is a mage's fire normal fire?

Branwyn: Well I would not cast it in the direction of the wind coming at us of course

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Ponders

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Nods

N'laea: (ooh how'd you do that?)

Talwin: Very well. I certainly trust your jeduement

Michael (Talwin): (CTRL and Enter for Actions)

Branwyn: Anyway we might not need a distraction. I wasn't thinking - welcome to Pandemonium, let's start a fire!


<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> BOB: for Chat Functions

<font color="##880000">N'laea :)

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Chortles

N'laea: (but that requires reading and not pressing random buttons like trying to see what emote is)

Talwin: It is kind of our thin though

<font color="##880000">Lemon: thinks that's fancy

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Smiles

Lanek: i can't tell what's fancy

Lanek: i see (LINK) but i can't do anything with it

<font color="##880000">TMO: waves

Lisa (Howard Plum): Hi TMO

BOB: on the left of the Link is a globe/dragon to click on Spring

Howard Plum: I could cast a couple invisibility spells but we would have to stick close

Carissa: Hi TMO!

Lanek: yeah, i'm not able to click on it. it's like 0.5% the size of my cursor

N'laea: Not a bad idea. That city did not look kind.

<font color="##880000">Lemon complicated shift AND control

Branwyn: I realize dropping into a populated area can be more dangerous to run into someone, but that might be safer than going somewhere with higher winds. I don't have any other place to focus on with any precision

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess if I'm careful I could get away with releasing Lemon now

Craigh: Can we go through the portal while invisible, or will we have to cast it on the other side?

Branwyn: We should probably get our questions for Raelynn figured out before we go as well so we don't waste time

Lanek: i'm trying to click on the dragon thingy but my cursor won't stop being a gauntlet

Raelynn: Umm yes please.

Craigh: Oh, and do I remember that the constant winds and noise there make it difficult to cast spells? Or was that just a rumor?

Branwyn: I am not sure Craigh whether spells would stay in effect between planes




Raelynn: I can make myself invisible at least. Or I think it'll work there, too? I don't know...



Lisa (Branwyn): dice roll for that?

Lisa (Branwyn): the Links to nowhere are amusing

BOB: smiels

BOB: on the left of the Link is a globe/dragon to click on Spring


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can click it even as a gauntlet

Carissa: Not those that you posted.

TMO: I get nothing when I click on the links

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, not these, but that first one

Michael (Talwin): I cant seem to click it

BOB: the dice roll for the knowing how spells will work would be yes for Branwyn

Lanek: fuck it, never mind. i'm already beyond rage

BOB: HUGS Spring, everyone will take a LOT of time to do this

Carissa: You need hot chocolate

Lisa (Branwyn): all I see is (LINK) no dragon

BOB: it took us months to get used to Klooge I expect this will go faster but still be March or April before we get to more comfortable

<font color="##418C12">Branwyn: [SKILL] Spellcraft [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 10]</font> [d20 = 7]<br /> <br /> BOB: Yes to Branwyn that all the wind can cause problems with casting spells, especially with the verbal components but sometimes the somatic ones that need larger actions, drawing a circle of iron for example


<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> BOB: Does that link work now?

Michael (Talwin): yes

Michael (Talwin): thank you


TMO: not for me

Lisa (Branwyn): what I was looking for was can we cast a spell like invisibility and then have it still be in effect after moving to a new plane

TMO: oh, way to the left

BOB: No to Lisa

BOB: crossing the Planes erases many spells

TMO: way to the left dragon icon works

Lisa (Branwyn): Thx - that is what I though

BOB: at this point you do not know which ones continue,

Lanek: i got a Windows "how do you want to open this" dialog.

TMO: it's to the left of Bob, not the chat bubble

Lanek: i gave it a browser and now it acts like a link

Howard Plum: to the left of what?

Carissa: (that red square icon)

TMO: the one that worked, the icons were: Bob's Avatar; Square Red dragon; "Bob"; chat bubble

Lisa: are we still talking about the links in the chat?

TMO: clicking on the square red dragon icon opened the Using the CHat Window webpage

TMO: Yes

Lisa: I don't see it. Hope no one posts an important link

Lanek: i had to click randomly around the square dragon thingy but it got done


BOB: The links I am posting are all on the Fantasy Grounds page on our site

BOB: and yes to Carissa I can do that too

Carissa: :)

TMO: I am in Discord voice chat, if any issues can be helped by talk and streaming.

Lisa: ok I see now

TMO: have any new resources been added to the Library Bob?

BOB: bringing everyone back into the chat

BOB: Not that I am aware of TMO

TMO: alright. let us know as things are added so we can incorporate bits and bobs into our sheets as appropriate. I can't wait for my new Pocket Ballista (tm) to arrive!

Lanek: oo pocket ballista

BOB: grins

BOB: so Branwyn gave her thoughts

BOB: How does everyone react?

BOB: and help?

TMO: I agree that into the city is probably the best way. At least into some shelter. Hopefully not right into the city guard barracks though.

Craigh: I agree that into the city is probably the best way. At least into some shelter. Hopefully not right into the city guard barracks though.

Lanek: what he said

TMO: (btw, that was an impromptu little trick - I just changed to Craigh, then dragged the text bubble from TMO to the window and hit enter. No complicated copy/paste routine)

Talwin: [I'm not sure how to help here since In Character Talwin knows magic on this one]

Spring (Lanek): i like that up arrow does the same here that it does in K

Craigh: (oo, that's even better)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is going with whatever everyone else thinks is best.

Lanek: (btw, that was an impromptu little trick - I just changed to Craigh, then dragged the text bubble from TMO to the window and hit enter. No complicated copy/paste routine)

TMO: Everyone raise their hands for 'Toss Bixi through the portal first'?

Spring (Lanek): that's fun

Carissa: (raises hand)

BOB: yes?

Carissa: (tie a rope to her first or we'll lose her forever)

Michael (Talwin): honestly I have no idea how to help besides my fancy travel packs

Branwyn: All we saw was outdoors. The bridge, the river, the mine and buildings. I was thinking perhaps by the river farther away from the mine entrance where the dwarves were pulling the wagons

<font color="##880000">Lanek: raises hand

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We can't, she's the lightest, she will fly away and never be heard from again

Lanek: that's the fun part

N'laea: Did we see any potential hiding spot such as rocks near it? Just to plan ahead.

Spring (Lanek): he's Lanek, he's an ass

Lisa (Branwyn): we'll quickly be able to tell which way the wind is blowing

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang is sad

Carissa: lmao

<font color="##880000">Lanek raises hand

BOB: there were rocks and such by the stream/river that flowed out of the "town" with the bridge over it, but nothing that was obvious to be concealment

Craigh: If we can view through the portal, one or two of us can go through first and see what we're heading into while the others watch from safety.

BOB: To view through the portal means going back to the Astral Plance

N'laea: How does the Amulet work? Will we all go at once? Or does it open a portal to step through one at a time?

Craigh: (we all start there, yes? 2 go through while the others watch, and come through after if it's safe)

BOB: You have an Amulet of the Planes that is tuned to Pandemonium

BOB: so going directly from the Inn to Pandemonium

Craigh: (oh, so not to the portal first. gotcha. nevermind)

BOB: your best guess is the scene you saw from the portal

BOB: get there, then use Divination etc to determine where to go from there, to find the cat

Lisa (Branwyn): [Master] there is a bridge over a river with bodies hanging by nooses off of it, they sway in the ceaseless winds [Master] either side of the river there are stone houses that seem wet [Master] you spot a gang of dwarves hauling wagons of ore out of nearby building down towards the river bridge

Talwin: <In my head I'm picturing a Myst Linking Book with the Short Image Videos>

Lisa (Branwyn): that is all we got

BOB: Thank you Lisa

Craigh: (the bodies concern me)

Lisa (Branwyn): most of the action seems to be by the bridge so we try not to be close to that

TMO: (that's a great image Michael - thanks! loved those games)

Michael (Talwin): (It's pandamonium. Could be anything. Thieves or the Insane, or the completely innocent. Ther'es not going to be any way to tell so we might at as well just do our best <shrugs>)

Michael (Talwin): :D TMO

Branwyn: Raelynn do you have your questions ready?

Raelynn: (HAHAHAHA no)

TMO: (best get thinking quick!)

TMO: (what kinds of questions did you need? Maybe we can help?)

Raelynn: Umm, I was mostly concerned about getting there that, um, well, maybe?

BOB: OOC How big is everyone's scroll bar? earlier it was very long now it is short and only the last message

Branwyn: It might be faster if we were ready with them pror to going

TMO: (sorry I'm not remembering any of the story setup to date. It's been a rough week at work. ;) )

Michael (Talwin): I like it a lot now bob

Raelynn: (must be immediate future and I can't remember; trying to find the spell tab)

BOB: Like what Michael?

Lisa (Branwyn): I am seeing about 10 posts

Michael (Talwin): the scroll bar

Michael (Talwin): Very easy to navigate on my end and not janky all over the place

BOB: On the character sheet is actions and then you can click on any spell to see the full description

Raelynn: (yes found)

Michael (Talwin): last week was terrible. One click up and I lost my chat

Raelynn: (so I forgot it's one question per cast, but it's 2nd level as is silence; we weren't worried about constant casting earlier because we were at the inn, but this is more limiting than I remember)

<font color="##6106D1">Lanek: [SKILL] Night Vision [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 6]</font> [d20 = 17]<br /> <br /> Michael (Talwin): Well, I know it's been rough for all of us as we get ready, if anyone needs help doing something on the backend with research or spell lists, I'm happy to help, just ask and I'll do it for you if you want?

BOB: in January Michael

BOB: right now we are all in the moment

Raelynn: (so she could ask if jumping to that city will be helpful or hurtful, or if it'll get us closer to the cat?)

BOB: roleplay and chat

Talwin: no no

Talwin: I mean

Talwin: if they need help so we can go now

Michael (Talwin): I can do some quick help if they need something

Michael (Talwin): did that make snese?

BOB: yes

BOB: yes


Raelynn: (just need to decide if we want to ask a question or save her spells)

BOB: does that look better for everyone ?

BOB: yes

Raelynn: (just need to decide if we want to ask a question or save her spells)


Carissa: (oops)

Lisa: How many casts do you have a day? We know it is dangerous to go there

Michael (Talwin): I think Spells will be an iffy prospect because of the nature of Pandmonium. I'd rather ask a question

Lisa: we have to get a location on the cat

Carissa: (ah shoot I should open kLoOge again to see unless it's in the notes here)

Michael (Talwin): Then that sounds like the solution.

BOB: The site will have it too for you Carissa

Michael (Talwin): Right?

Lisa: would be like we teleported to earth, landed in Italy and all we know is there is a cat somewhere on the planet

BOB: Exactly LIsa

Michael (Talwin): Then save spells for location right?

Carissa: (not if we're getting to keep whatever was gained from split skills; her notes on here were erased)

Michael (Talwin): Just getting it al out there so we can narrow down the solution :)

Lisa: Branwyn has a crystal ball that lets her see what she concentrates on. We could try to pinpoint what kind of cat it is and then see if Branwyn can find it that way too

Carissa: (5 second level spells)

TMO: Can we ask for a location to get us close to the cat?

Craigh: Can we ask for a location to get us close to the cat?

Lisa: Bixi has the augury spell too

Michael (Talwin): I'm thinking from a stability standpoint. Are we more likely to ge tthe answer from the Crystal Ball? Or from a spell. If we get there and have a pain in the ass to cast, it would have been better to do it here. Right?

Lisa: It's not that kind of divination spell really

Carissa: (spells says harm or help party, guess we focused on that on the inn which is why I didn't know that was spell specific)

Spring (Lanek): crystal ball sounds like a good idea if there's a safe wy to trasnport it

Carissa: (so not sure we can ask where the cat is)

Carissa: (sorry would have normally double checked spells but yeah)

Lisa: The priestcasting an augury spell seeks to divine whether an action in the immediatefuture (within one-half hour) will benefit or harm the party. For example, if aparty is considering the destruction of a weird seal that closes a portal, anaugury spell can be used to find if weal or woe will be the immediate result.If the spell is successful, the DM yields some indication of the probableoutcome: "weal," "woe," or possibly a cryptic puzzle orrhyme. The base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70%, plus 1% foreach level of the priest casting the spell; for example, 71% at 1st level, 72%at 2nd, etc. Your DM determines any adjustments for the particular conditionsof each augury.

TMO: yah, not quite so useful, unless going to the bridge will be harmful

Lisa: so for size of cat maybe - if we run into Rimal could he eat a human in one meal?

Lisa: housecat - no, lion yes

Carissa: (lol that could maybe work)

Carissa: (would that be within that time limit, though?)

Lisa: crystal ball is dependent on Branwyn being able to concentrate on something

Carissa: (Rae just isn't much of a divination priestess, though)

Lisa: the spell doesn't know we don't know where the cat is :D

Carissa: LOL

Carissa: And maybe time doesn't apply when plane jumping?

BOB: brb

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/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]

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/scaleui [50-200]

/story [message]


/vote <message>

/whisper [character] [message]

Carissa: Bixi has that spell, too, right?

Lisa: oh and Michael - we can't cast and get info on other planes - we have to cast in the plane we want info on

Lisa: sorry just saw that

Lisa: Wait!

Michael (Talwin): Does the ball require that set of rules?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): sorry food just got here

Lisa: If we are out of the Mist, then Branwyn can use the crystal ball to find Namsut

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): catching up now

Michael (Talwin): The inn is out of the mist

Michael (Talwin): So...?

Lisa: Ask for a cat description via charades

Carissa: Or artwork/writing!

Michael (Talwin): huh

Lisa: Hitch with the crystal ball is that Branwyn can speak to someone but cannot hear them

Carissa: If she will unless she's conviently too busy repairing Maya

BOB: back

Lisa: Remember TMO when Branwyn was using it on Ilero?

Carissa: Oh that's right. So Namsut would need to talk back

Lisa: But that is something we can try on this plane

Lisa: If it fails we are no worse off than we are now

Carissa: True and at little cost except time, right?

TMO: agreed. advance intel is good

<font color="##880000">Lanek nods

TMO: and if we don't get it, we're not out much

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: sits in a corner in the inn and places the crystal ball on the table

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: concentrates on seeing Namsut

<font color="##880000">Craigh quietly observes, to see how it's done.

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: looks into crystal ball

<font color="##880000">Lanek harrumphs

<font color="##880000">Raelynn is fascinated

Namsut: Looks up and around

Branwyn: Namsut! I am sorry to bother you but we are having trouble finding Rimal. I can't hear you but can you show me how big Rimal is?

Branwyn: Like a housecat? Please nod or shake your head

SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>




/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]

/die [NdN+N] <message>

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/exportchar [name]

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/identity [name]





/mod [N] <message>

/mood [mood] <message>

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/ooc [message]


/reply [message]

/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>


/scaleui [50-200]

/story [message]


/vote <message>

/whisper [character] [message]

Namsut: holds her hands out about 4 to 5 feet apart

Branwyn: a large cat. Is it a lion?

Spring (Lanek): holy crap

Namsut: shakes her head

Bixi Fizzlebang: maybe something in the panther family?

Branwyn: Ohhh panther?

BOB: lions for you do not have manes and are panthers/cougar

<font color="##880000">Craigh mutters with a smile, "Probably a displacer beast or something fancy like that."

BOB: you do not know what Namsut would think a lion is

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): greeeeat

Branwyn: What color is it? Black?

N'laea: Does it answer to anything?

Namsut: Shakes her head

Branwyn: Brown?

Namsut: Shrugs

Raelynn: If they love their cat so much, wouldn't they have a portrait of Rimal?

Branwyn: Do you have a portrait of Rimal?

Namsut: Shakes her head

Branwyn: Please our divination is limited and we do want to find her for you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I find it incredily unbelievable that they do not have a portrait. For the record.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is there anything we could take to lure it/show it we are friendly?

Carissa: (same)

Branwyn: So a sand colored cat with a locket that is 4-5 feet long

Branwyn: Yes?

Namsut: nods

Lisa (Branwyn): tell me when I start going insane please

Carissa: (how long have you been a player? you lost it about then)

Branwyn: short hair, long tail?

Craigh: (we know it's bigger than a breadbox)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ten bucks says it's curled up safe and sound in front of some dwarf's fire and gives zero effs when we try to rescue it.

Carissa: (in the box of ores because box)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol yes

Lisa (Branwyn): reaction to the hair, tail question?

Craigh: Well, how common can man-sized cats be?

N'laea: More than you seem to believe.

SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>




/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]

/die [NdN+N] <message>

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/exportchar [name]

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/gmid [name]

/identity [name]





/mod [N] <message>

/mood [mood] <message>

/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>

/ooc [message]


/reply [message]

/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>


/scaleui [50-200]

/story [message]


/vote <message>

/whisper [character] [message]

Bixi Fizzlebang: How common is ANYTHING where we are going. Do we even know?

Craigh: And who's going to clean the litterbox?

Namsut: OOC she is not answering

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: breaks concentration with the crystal ball

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: shakes her head

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bob doesn't want to make it easy for us lol

Branwyn: I can't do that for long periods of time

Branwyn: So you heard that it is a large cat

Indigo: Man sized cat would be something you kill and eat

N'laea: If cats are rare on Pandemonium perhaps we just have to find someone who has seen a weird creature or a place of unusual destruction, perhaps a place with strings or mice.

Craigh: (may I do a spell memorization change, or are we too far along?)

Branwyn: Pandemonium seems quite large, I am not sure asking the residents would be an easy solution

<font color="##880000">N'laea decides not to debate that with Indigo for now

Carissa: (and yet somehow Bob expects this to be a quick trip...)

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Michael decides not to debate that unless ond deaths doorstep of hunger...

Branwyn: It could be anywhere on the plane

BOB: Yes to TMO but not too worries today and next week, just tell us what you cast when you do

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You better be able to do a change, because when I talked about memorizing mine, I was told not to worry about it so...

N'laea: Perhaps, but it is also quite hostile. I doubt a cat with sensitive ears would run farther into the noise and wind.

BOB: and yes to Lisa

Talwin: The Cat is deaf by now certainly

N'laea: Most cats hunker down in storms.

BOB: LOL Michael

Bixi Fizzlebang: And possibly insane

BOB: and nice point Carissa

Carissa: (can't be insane if you're already not right in the head)

Craigh: This is just sounding better and better.

N'laea: So maybe the town is the right choice. An old abandoned warehouse, or warm fire, or somewhere nice to shelter.

Craigh: Agreed.

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Firmly Nods

Talwin: Agreed

Lisa (Branwyn): I was saying if a cat with an expensive locket lands in your evil backyard - what are the odds you don't try to kill and eat it and keep the locket?

Lisa (Branwyn): Nice people don't live there

Michael (Talwin): Well, it's pandmonium

Michael (Talwin): Maybe they are worshiping it now

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Maybe the cat killed and ate them first?

Lisa (Branwyn): we can hope so

Spring (Lanek): that sounds more likely

Carissa: ah good point unless the cat was too scary for them to try to attack or the cat was masterful in hiding

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): If this cat is dead, I quit this game

<font color="##880000">Talwin: I think there is only so many ways bob can be this twisted so, i'm hoping it's somewhat feasilbe here. A dangerous thought pattern, but ...

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Carissa: Dead beyond resurrection. Dead isn't always dead, but if it IS dead AND we can't bring it back, yeah, I'll support that

Michael (Talwin): If the cat is now wearing a hat...I quit this game

Springity Thingity: could cats be insane by definition? or immune to insanity?

BOB: LOL Michael

Lisa (Branwyn): LOL

Michael (Talwin): Nice Carissa, let's Pet Semetary this beastie

Carissa (Carissa): maybe and yes, the right kind of necromancy!

Carissa: Ugh no I don't like that OOC. Sorry.

Springity Thingity: we'll find the cat has grown bat wings and is perfectly happy

Michael (Talwin): there's a wrong kind?

Carissa: Mage's cat. Maybe it was given wings?

BOB: Cats are carriers for insanity

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What AREN'T cats carriers for

Springity Thingity: i thought cats were carriers for lesbianism

Michael (Talwin): Yep it's totally the new Bast of the Pandamonium Realm. Hail Queen Bast!

Talwin: Wut?

Springity Thingity: oh was that my outside voice?

BOB: Points to Michael

BOB: unable to just grant XP on the spur yet

Talwin: lol

Springity Thingity: pffttt

BOB: So you now have a better idea of the cat you are looking for

BOB: now to figure out HOW to look for it

Branwyn: So I could try the crystal ball with what we have. I'm not sure it will work but we can try

TMO: we need to bring some fish

Branwyn: Any other divination ideas?

TMO: and a laser pointer

TMO: (brb)

Branwyn: Gerry might have some meat we can bring

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

Talwin: Can you divine a feling behind certain images?

Talwin: *feeling

BOB: that was good TMO thank you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): a feline?

Talwin: lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Mooore than a feeeeline

BOB: and Laughs Lemon

Lisa (Branwyn): LOL


Michael (Talwin): Other then that, i'm good. I got nothing else I can possibly think of and trust me, that's saying somethign because I am not distratcted by anything and am staring into my notebook of D&D trying to figure out the problem :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And IiiiiiiIIiiIii I'm hooked on a feline! High on belieeeving, that it's not dead in Hell!

Michael (Talwin): Sigh

BOB: Lemon is on a roll

Michael (Talwin): Yep

Michael (Talwin): Just googled the song too

Michael (Talwin): stuck in my damn head now

Springity Thingity: hahahahaha

BOB: Post a link here Michael

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Parody lyrics are my specialty

BOB: just to see how other's links appear

Talwin: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The preschoolers do not appreciate that talent, I need an outlet somewhere

BOB: ahh so the same

BOB: sad but true Lemon

Michael (Talwin): Pff. This is your outlet. Entertain us! :)

Michael (Talwin): We love the Lemon! Yes Yes Yes!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I've been doing it since childhood. When I was 10 I wrote one called "I can show you dog crap" based on "A whole new world." I might still have it in a notebook somewhere.

BOB: so Branwyn has the crystal ball to concentrate on after you make your jump to the Plane

BOB: what will the rest of the group be doing at that time?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Cowering in fear?

BOB: spells to assist? or protect?

Michael (Talwin): Setting up a defensive perimeter

Michael (Talwin): Fighters in front, Support behind. Circular

Carissa: Silence Spell, I think...

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Shuffling through my first aid fanny pack to make sure I have everything?

Michael (Talwin): (Do that before you go Lemon :D)

BOB: Everyone on the Combat Tracker is in Pandemonium

Raelynn: Or maybe not yet. I don't know. I don't remember the plan anymore.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No way is Bixi going to do something like that unless someone suggests it. She's just going to trust and then fidget with it when she doesn't know what to do

Raelynn: N'laea can at least start trying to track

BOB: Does everyone know how to get to the Combat Tracker?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have animal friendship and stuff that I can try if we find the cat... not sure how much help I will be before that point

Michael (Talwin): I do not bob

BOB: Menu -> Combat Tracker

Carissa: nope

Michael (Talwin): Thanks!

BOB: is a list of all the characters you can see

Carissa: yep

Carissa: found it

BOB: including NPC/monsters who are neutral or hostile

Carissa: Not based off init yet, they're just in there, right?

BOB: you can do a LOT of stuff from there

BOB: yes for Carissa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can someone remind me how to see spell descriptions?

BOB: you can roll Init there

BOB: it will reorder in that from low to high

Carissa: sure if you say so

Howard Plum

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, can we somehow clear me from casting soften earth and stone and allergy field? Do I need to do that on my end somehow?

BOB: </font> [10 = 10]<br /> <br /> Carissa: it needs to be cleared?

Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]<br /> <br /> Carissa: Hmm that's not the normal format...?

BOB: How did you do that one Carissa?

Lisa (Branwyn): yes the effects don't make sense but I don't think they are doing anything at the moment

Bixi Fizzlebang: Darkness - Range: 120 yds., AoE: 20-ft.-radius globe, Duration: 1 hr. + 1 turn/level, Cast Time: 4, Save: Special

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/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]

/die [NdN+N] <message>

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/exportchar [name]

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/gmid [name]

/identity [name]





/mod [N] <message>

/mood [mood] <message>

/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>

/ooc [message]


/reply [message]

/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>


/scaleui [50-200]

/story [message]


/vote <message>

/whisper [character] [message]

N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]<br /> <br /> Talwin: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 3]<br /> <br /> Carissa: From their character sheet

BOB: ok

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): figured out the descriptions

Carissa: Actions -> Init

Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 2]<br /> <br /> Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): still not sure how to uncast

Carissa: But it's not giving the DEX or size bonuses to start

BOB: I keep trying to do things here in chat like I used to

Lisa (Branwyn): yes no way Branwyn gets a 2 INIT

BOB: and there is a full list of chat Help

Branwyn: Branwyn tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Branwyn: Branwyn tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Branwyn: Branwyn forced re-roll of initiative.

Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 18]<br /> <br /> N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [18 = 18]<br /> <br /> N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Lanek: Lanek tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Lanek: Lanek tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

N'laea: N'laea forced re-roll of initiative.

Lisa (Branwyn): klooge said init mod for branwyn was 8 - correct?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang forced re-roll of initiative.

N'laea: [INIT] [+5]</font> [d10+5 = 15]<br /> <br /> Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 1]<br /> <br /> N'laea: N'laea forced re-roll of initiative.

N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]<br /> <br /> Lanek: Lanek forced re-roll of initiative.

Lanek: [INIT] [MOD:Shortsword]</font> [d10+3 = 7]<br /> <br /> BOB: The actual Intiative modifier is +10 for Medium sized creatures, minus your Dex bonus

Carissa: -2 for Branwyn

BOB: so for example Lanek just had his Init correct for the speed of his sword

Carissa: So kLoOge was 10+d20+-mod

Carissa: Sorry d10+10+-mod

Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-10 = -7]<br /> <br /> Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Numbers mean nothing to me. If I need to do something different I will need a little more instruction

Carissa: Oooh nice how'd you do that?

Lisa (Indigo): kloohge says -2 for Indigo

Carissa: {d10}

Indigo: Indigo forced re-roll of initiative.

Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-2 = 0]<br /> <br /> Carissa: hmm I had hope there...

Michael (Talwin): Yeah, for this, I'm going to just need people to tell me when something is up

Michael (Talwin): And what I need to do to fix

Raelynn: Raelynn forced re-roll of initiative.

Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 17]<br /> <br /> BOB: how we will re-program the sheets is that Init is the standard d10 and then any Medium sized creature will have a plus 10 modifier, Large creatures get a plus 20 etc. and then the sheets will also automatically take care of the dex bonus

Howard Plum: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 17]<br /> <br /> N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Locate Object

N'laea: N'laea forced re-roll of initiative.

BOB: so Howard is correct there

N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 10]<br /> <br /> BOB: looks like Nlaea is too

BOB: and Rae

Johan: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 19]<br /> <br /> BOB: and yes to Johan now

Carissa: Math check. Just condense, right? If -2 is your modifier, then just change it to d10+ (10-whatever your modifier is)

Lisa (Johan): so all my guys are right I think

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang forced re-roll of initiative.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 1]<br /> <br /> BOB: Bixi works

Michael (Talwin): I have no clue on mine but that's not just programming, like the whole D&D ruleset confused me when applied here. So, yeah.

BOB: Michael no worries

BOB: Carissa can help

Lisa (Branwyn): Bixi should be a -2 like Indigo correct?

Carissa: Yours is probably normal

Carissa: so change modifier to 10

BOB: Bixi should be the d10

Carissa: The little gear next to combat on the character sheet

BOB: and then her Dex mod is automatically done

Lisa (Branwyn): ok

Carissa: Dex mod wasn't auto

Bixi Fizzlebang: [EFFECT] Locate Object [UNITS HR]</font> [ = 8]<br /> <br /> Indigo: Indigo tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): what does it meeeean

Indigo: Indigo forced re-roll of initiative.

Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-2 = 2]<br /> <br /> Spell: Locate Object

Carissa: Bixi is just a d10

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, does it put a link???

Carissa: She doesn't have the DEX bonnus Indigo does

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): fancy!!!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can everyone else click on that and see the spell description?

Carissa: Nope doesn't like links now but technically should

BOB: Yes to Lemon

BOB: I can click on it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The little dragon button on the left?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): on the left of my "spell: locate object"?

Spring (Lanek): i haven't succeeded yet

Carissa: I know how, it just doesn't want to open for me :)

Spring: Spell: Locate Object

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know you know how, I just wasn't sure if you could even see it there

Carissa: yes to that

User is back. (TMO)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Anyway, I'm wondering if I might be able to try to find the locket with that?

TMO: (sorry about that. I am returned)

Carissa: Oh duh! We can try for the object, too. Smart!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, someone probably has a more powerful version than me?

BOB: I am guessing Bixi is one of the better ones at that Divination spells are not the forte of the other casters

Craigh: (I can't do any divinations)

Raelynn: Mine is a 3rd level spell, but looks to be the same

Craigh: (very short range)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't figure out how to copy the description other than the link that doesn't work for everyone

Lisa (Indigo): It worked for me but there was a delay between me clicking and it showing up in a pop up window

Craigh: (short range, but lasts for 8 hours, so you can move once cast and try to get within range)

Lanek: yeah i did something else and when i looked back, the spell description was there

BOB: I updated Lanek, Talwin, Emerald, etc. for Init

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah if it can just like, run in the background while everyone else does their things, it probably won't hurt?

Lanek: Lanek tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Lanek: Lanek forced re-roll of initiative.

Lanek: [INIT] [MOD:Shortsword]</font> [d10+3 = 4]<br /> <br /> BOB: Spring try that agan please

Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Lanek: Lanek forced re-roll of initiative.

Lanek: [INIT] [MOD:Shortsword]</font> [d10+3 = 13]<br /> <br /> BOB: excellent

Talwin: You know the unfortunate thing about suprise vists? They ruin the plans of whomever you are suprising. I apologize, but I must entertain some family friends whom are visting from out of state. I'm so sorry guys. If they weren't close, I'd tell them to make an appointment. LOL

BOB: thank you for being here Michael see you next week

Talwin: Yes bob. Looking forward. Love you all! :)

Raelynn: Night!

Craigh: (g'nite)

'Michael' disconnected

Lisa (Indigo): Goodnight Michael!

BOB: and Spring that helped because we now know that equiping a weapon means that you use that weapon speed to override the Init Modifier we put in

BOB: so for Lanek, he rolls without the weapon and gets a d10=10

BOB: d10+10

Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 10]<br /> <br /> BOB: but with the Sword equiped it is the d10 plus the weapon speed of the sword

Craigh: (I have two weapons equipped, neither modified)

Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 5]<br /> <br /> Craigh: (that didn't add the spear init modifier though

Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

BOB: so still working out details on that

Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 2]<br /> <br /> Lanek: i don't actually see how to roll init without a weapon

BOB: Just updated Craigh to add the 10 to the modifer

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): How do you roll init WITH a weapon?

Craigh: (ugh)

BOB: what TMO?

Craigh: (probably do the spear instead Bob, +5)

Lanek: you look at your weapons and drag one of them into the chat window

Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

Lemon: Spear

Craigh: [INIT] [MOD:Spear]</font> [d10+5 = 12]<br /> <br /> Lanek: Lanek forced re-roll of initiative.

Lanek: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 12]<br /> <br /> Lanek: i found the plain init

Lemon: Spear

BOB: OK so pausing on the Init stuff and back to the Divination

Craigh: (ok, if you roll using the Init button at the top, it adds no modifier. If you drag the weapon's yellow init button, it adds the weapon mod to the roll)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That did not work

Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

Craigh: [INIT] [MOD:Lasso]</font> [d10+10 = 14]<br /> <br /> Craigh: (yep, equipped or not is immaterial)

BOB: Currently what I understand is you all Plane Shift over to Pandemonium where you were seeing the bridge, etc.


BOB: Branwyn does what? Bixi does what? Raelynn does what?

<font color="##418C12">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4]</font> [d20 = 10]<br /> <br /> <font color="##418C12">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13]</font> [d20 = 1]<br /> <br /> Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.

Craigh: [INIT] [MOD:Spear]</font> [d10+5 = 6]<br /> <br /> BOB: </font> [d20 = 12]<br /> <br /> Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Then if we're not in immediate danger, I guess I'll try the locate object

BOB: not yet Lemon

BOB: that is what we are determining

BOB: so that we know what everyone is doing then I describe what you see when you start

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok well I'm keeping my botany roll

BOB: also side question on sounds, are you hearing dice drop when you roll but no one else rolls?

<font color="##880000">Craigh is going to hunker down in case the wind tries to whip him away.

<font color="##880000">Lanek: lands on his feet and looks around

BOB: so far there are zero sounds for me except when I roll dice on the table top not in chat

Carissa: N'laea will attempt to track, Rae will be ready to cast silence if the earplugs aren't enough OR calm if people go insane. I know I mentioned it for Orison

BOB: [TOWER] </font> [d6 = 5]<br /> <br /> Spring (Lanek): same

BOB: [TOWER] </font> [5d8 = 26]<br /> <br /> BOB: what is N'laea trying to track?

Carissa: Feline tracks :P

BOB: ok

Craigh: (giant cat paw prints? *hope hope hope*)

Lisa: depends on what we see. If it is safe where we are Branwyn would get on the ground with the ball and hope that people will surround her to make sure she is safe. She won't be able to do anything else

Carissa: Prints with nails, stratches in wood, fur, cat things

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is there a way to turn it on so it pings every time a new message pops in to chat?

Lisa: we all need to be attached to get back home so I am hoping no one is doing a lot of wandering about

Mirror Image

Emerald memorized Mirror Image

Emerald memorized Enlarge

Emerald memorized Lightning Bolt

Emerald memorized Polymorph Self

Emerald memorized Lightning Bolt

Emerald memorized Dispel Magic

Emerald memorized Alter Self

Emerald memorized Alter Self

Carissa: (Emotion Control, that's what it'd be for Rae unless it's singular person than we can do multi-round orisons for those needing calm)

Emerald memorized Feather Fall

Emerald memorized Feather Fall

Emerald memorized Feather Fall

Craigh: (I don't see a way Lemon)

Emerald memorized Color Spray

Emerald memorized Rope Trick

N'laea: And keep a calm mind upon entering. It could be similar to the Astral PLanes. Panic never helps.

Emerald: Enlarge

N'laea: (oops thought that Branwyn was speaking and that was a reply to her, lol)

BOB: not that I know of to Lemon

Lisa: Bob - wasn't sure if you wanted OOC or IC

BOB: Either works Lisa than you

BOB: thank you

BOB: this chat will be very helpful for testing formatting etc

BOB: so everyone is tied together and Branwyn invokes the amulet

BOB: that is where we are at correct?

Craigh: (I think so)

BOB: not moving maps tonight, next week there will be map changes

Lisa (Indigo): we're tied together?

BOB: trying to make this digestable

BOB: I thought you wanted to be tied togther? the carbiner idea?

Craigh: (heavy people on the ends)

N'laea: (some of us need to be if not all - to stop the smaller ones from potentially being tossed with the wind and/or stop the insane ones from running off into the caves)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Considering we are looking for a potentially man-eating cat... that disturbs me.

BOB: grins at Lemon

BOB: 4 to 5 foot would be hard to eat a human in one go.....

Lisa (Branwyn): ok

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): More bites is worse than less.

Lisa (Branwyn): yes but the gnomes and halflings are meal sized

BOB: it is good that halflings and gnomes are more bite sized

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: groans

Lisa (Branwyn): anyway

BOB: and thank you all for the OOC and IC changes, and the different characters and different languages, the coding will be interesting to look at

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Checking to see if I can do OOC gnomish

BOB: how does everyone feel about that switching in and out ? easier or harder than swapping characters like Carissa and TMO have tried?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] looks like not

looks like not

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

TMO: I might be able to do a batch file to process the logs? to remove the manual effort?

N'laea : [Translation] You can with an icon! :)

You can with an icon! :)

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Bixi Fizzlebang]

BOB: no to Lemon that looks like Bixi

BOB: and TMO I am working on that in Word, Macros to handle it

N'laea: That was the other reason I liked icons. Set yourself to understand so we don't have to translate, lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I typed the "checking to see" part while I had gnomish selected as well

Carissa: ...althouhg I have to be better about switching, but switching is easy.

BOB: ok

TMO: sure, same sort of thing. let me know if you need help. I do vba macros in Excel a lot. Word is probably similar

BOB: ready

Springity Thingity: i feel fine with getting into and out of character

Carissa: And easy to notice when I haven't switched

BOB: set

BOB: before you blip you have your ideas for Branwyn to search for in the crystal ball?

Lisa (Branwyn): all I have is the cat

BOB: and or does Branwyn have any spells she would cast through the ball?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess before we go

Craigh: (if your character(s) and avatars have different colored dice, it's a possible shortcut to see who you're acting as)

Lisa (Branwyn): don't think the ball lets you cast through it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Once we arrive, I might be able to try and find the locket, although it won't work unless we are very close

Carissa: yeah but you also have to pay attention :P

Carissa: but yes, dice should be another good giveaway

BOB: How close does Bixi have to be?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Figured I better say it now, because no one will be able to hear each other once we get there

Lisa (Branwyn): 180 yds?

Locate Object

Craigh: (60yds + 10/level)

BOB: grins, good

Craigh: (duration 8 hrs)

BOB: so Lemon you have an idea on how to use that ?

Crystal Ball

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um... just imagine a locket and hope?

BOB: so with a duration of a spell like that it would be good to cast early so it is there all along

BOB: rather than waiting until just before you need it and could be interupted

Lisa (Branwyn): but will it go away if we leave the plane and come back?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Will it last when we cross over? Can I cast it before we get there?

BOB: Yes to Lisa

BOB: No to Lemon

BOB: Cast is here at Home it goes away when you arrive there in Pandemonium

BOB: and vice versa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So yeah. As I said. Alertness, botany roll. Then if we aren't in any immediate danger, locate object

BOB: ok

BOB: just checking

Lisa (Branwyn): everyone is acting like we are going where the cat is. If Bob is doing that so it is easy then fine but I where we are landing is completely random and is not based on anything to do with the cat

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Unless someone indicates not to, somehow

BOB: you can guess you are not going where the cat is

Carissa: I'm not expecting that. I just haven't had any new ideas since we planned this out a few weeks ago

BOB: as Lisa pointed out, landing in Italy and then finding a cat somewhere on the planet

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know mine is a long shot, and I will probably end up finding us a more dangerous locket or something, but it's all I got right now

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So if anyone thinks it's a bad idea, speak up before we jump lol

BOB: the other question is how you move around there in Pandimonium to get to where the cat is

Craigh: (I have nothing useful I can do except not get blown away and watching for trouble. :) )

BOB: you have ideas TMO

Lisa (Branwyn): ok Bran would land and see if we are surrounded by undead or worse and then if coast is clear get to work

Craigh: (we're not at ideas stage - you're asking what we're *doing*. :) )

Spring (Lanek): Lanek is prepared to sit on his ass and be an anchor

Lisa (Branwyn): an obs roll would occur

Lisa (Branwyn): and we appreciate that Spring :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We need Pippi Longstocking glue

Craigh: (there's a memory from the past)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Still waiting to see if my alertness or botany turned up anything

Lisa (Branwyn): are we there and getting a description?

BOB: Lisa are we go

Lisa (Branwyn): sure

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait, question. Can I UNcast this spell? Like if it turns up 40 lockets and is 100% useless, can I stop cast somehow?

Lisa (Branwyn): what could go wrong?

Lisa (Branwyn): you can tell magic to stop for most spells or cast dispel if needed

BOB: ok so the group is tied together and you BLIP to the scene you saw before, the bridge is there, the bodies look more tattered, like the wind has torn them apart a bit more

BOB: there are no dwarves visible

Branwyn: looks around for possible enemies

<font color="##880000">Craigh will look for places to hide the group.

<font color="##418C12">Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 11]</font> [d20 = 8]<br /> <br /> <font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 13]<br /> <br /> BOB: a quick scan around the barren rocky terrain does not show any other man sized creatures

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 15]<br /> <br /> Night Vision

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1]</font> [d20 = 11]<br /> <br /> Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I refuse to re-roll botany but if I need to redo alertness I'm fine with that, just let me know

Branwyn: I don't see anything. Let's get this done

BOB: but yes for Branwyn she spots two large snakes 4 foot long or so weaving around

Lisa (Branwyn): sure of course

BOB: They do not seem to have focused on your group yet

Craigh: (obviously they ate the cat. We'll bring back the skins as proof)

Lisa (Branwyn): how is the wind and our hearing etc?

BOB: your ears are plugged so you do not hear anything

BOB: you can feel the wind tugging at your clothing

Branwyn: There are 2 large snakes weaving around

BOB: a constant sensation

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: waves her hands around in a snakey motion

Craigh: (is Bixi being pulled away?)

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: doesn't think Talwin made a snake card but looks for bad animal card

BOB: the wind seems to be coming from the right call that east and blowing steady towards the left or west

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> Lisa (Branwyn): keep wanting to use /me

BOB: Bixi is being tugged by the wind

BOB: YES to lisa

BOB: it is slash emote

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: pats Indigo at his swords for him to look out

<font color="##880000">BOB: shakes fist at the sky

Carissa: (anything additional from Nlaea's rolls?)

BOB: No to the tracking, no sign of prints of a cat or other natural creatures

<font color="##880000">Indigo: looks at branwyn and draws his swords

Carissa: "natural"....

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm going to hold off on casting, in case it draws the attention of the snakes

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: puts up 2 fingers and motions like a windy snake and hope he or the others at least looks around

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'll let someone else try first lol

Craigh: (any sign of a place to hide the group?)

<font color="##880000">N'laea: nods

BOB: none of the boulders around here are bigger than 2 or 3 foot across, most are less than nine inches or so

N'laea: (assume she also sees from her obs roll)

Craigh: (ok, thx - on the serpent slaying)

BOB: a rock strewn terrain

BOB: yes to spotting the snakes for her

Lisa (Branwyn): yikes sorry

Craigh: (would it help in these situations to use an init counter for actions, so we aren't all spamming at once? it would mean folks have to watch for their turn though)

BOB: Not sure yet TMO

BOB: BUT I do have the snakes on the combat tracker

BOB: and Indigo is up in Init

Lisa (Branwyn): where can we see that?

Effect ['Casting Soften Earth and Stone;(C)'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Bixi Fizzlebang]

Effect ['Casting Allergy Field;(C)'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Bixi Fizzlebang]


N'laea: (everyone is ordered as 1)

BOB: Menu -> Combat Tracker

N'laea: (do we have to roll init now?)

BOB: You can yes

BOB: was just showing how it works

Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 19]<br /> <br /> Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 17]<br /> <br /> Lanek: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 15]<br /> <br /> Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 4]<br /> <br /> BOB: if everyone rolls again it will reorder you

N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 13]<br /> <br /> Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 18]<br /> <br /> Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-2 = 7]<br /> <br /> Howard Plum: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 20]<br /> <br /> BOB: thank you

[TURN] Talwin

[TURN] Johan

[TURN] Emerald

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oooh! Noise!

Craigh: (can you force an init roll for the whole group at once?)

BOB: Does everyone see how that looks on the tracker? and what noise did you hear?

Craigh: (I didn't hear anything?)

N'laea: (no noise)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I heard like a chime when it was my turn

Craigh: (Emerald is still an enemy)

Lanek: no noise for me

BOB: Ahh

Lanek: i don't see a tracker

Craigh: (nice! I was going to ask eventually if there was a notification)

BOB: Menu -> Combat Tracker

Carissa: Under Menu

Carissa: Did Johan come?

BOB: no

BOB: I just have everyone in the party here on this I will remove him and EMerald

Craigh: (can you temp remove Talwin, or is that a pain?)

BOB: just have to right click, delete, and confirm delete,

Craigh: (and then add him back when Michael is here?)

BOB: it gave me a pause when I was first doing it have to remember it is only deleting from that window

BOB: You can target right there on the tracker too

BOB: if you wish

BOB: right now the snakes are not in melee range

BOB: but are in missle range

BOB: Lemon there should be a next button on the bottom left corner of the tracker

BOB: when you are done

BOB: when you are done

Effect ['Irritation;Itching;AC: -4;ATK: -2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Branwyn]

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): accident

Carissa: (at least Bran isn't itchy anymore)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So I have a snake charm spell? I'm trying to link it. Should I try it?

Carissa: (up to you, I was looking at it, too, but feel free to cast and keep them away from us if in range)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): 30 yards?

BOB: yes they are within range

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can't link this one for some reason

Lisa (Indigo): if it only works on one snake you can try to get it to attack the other one

Carissa: (if you don't think you'll use spells in that slot, can be worth trying)

Lanek: Lanek tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Carissa: (it can be multiple snakes but depends on their hitpoints)

Carissa: (lots of low hitpoint snakes or one big hitpoint snake)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm still working on trying to figure out which are mage and which are priest

Lanek: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Axe [THACO(18)] [AC: 5 ]</font> [d20-1 = 13]<br /> <br /> Carissa: (that is priest)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Snake Charm

BOB: That was me

Lanek: whoopssre

Lanek: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Axe [THACO(18)] [AC: 9 ]</font> [d20-1 = 9]<br /> <br /> Lanek: ?omg

BOB: dragging the dice over to the snake

'Spring' disconnected

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I think it's safe to use up the spell

Carissa: (also says in description "the priest...") :)

Craigh: (It is very odd not hearing other people's dice roll. My brain expects to)

BOB: yes to TMO

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Snake Charm

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Snake Charm

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What to do

Effect ['Charmed'] -> [to Snake, Constrictor Normal 2] [by Bixi Fizzlebang]

BOB: you drag the EFFECT from your list over to the icon on the tracker

BOB: and it applies it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): This one has three different effects?

BOB: yes

'Spring' connected

BOB: you pick whic you want to use

BOB: Ifyou look at the top snake

BOB: it shwo it is charmed

BOB: not sure you can see that or if only I can because it is hostile

Craigh: (I can see it)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I do see that

BOB: good

BOB: so that spell worked

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So did you do it for me?

Craigh: (Charmed; [D: 2])

BOB: congrats

BOB: yes for Lemon

BOB: but you do the other snake now if you like

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, yes

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But how do I know which one to use?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol I'm failing at being ooc now that I'm trying to do stuff

BOB: I dragged the Charm the middle effect

Effect ['Charmed'] -> [to Snake, Constrictor Normal 1] [by Bixi Fizzlebang]

Lisa (Indigo): so you attack in the tracker and not on the map?

BOB: there you go

BOB: you can on the map or tracker Lisa

Lisa (Indigo): there are no snakes on the map so

BOB: exactly

BOB: but in normal situation you can use either

Lisa (Indigo): but doing it in the tracker means you don't know if you are in range

Lisa (Indigo): weird

BOB: drag over to icon on the map or icon on the tracker

BOB: but Lemon needs to click next

BOB: bottom left corner

BOB: at least for me it is there

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2 - [Charmed; [D: 2]]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2

Craigh: (same here)

Snake, Constrictor Normal 2: good that was correct

Lisa (Indigo): we have to switch from red button to gold button

Craigh: (bold name is current character)

Snake, Constrictor Normal 2: but I did not get a sound...

Snake, Constrictor Normal 2: might be my speakers too

Snake, Constrictor Normal 2: and HAH it auto switched

Snake, Constrictor Normal 2: I am a parsseltongue apparently

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1 - [Charmed; [D: 1]]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1

[TURN] Indigo

Lisa (Indigo): I am not getting sounds

Lisa (Indigo): lol

BOB: did you get one there?

Craigh: (no sounds here either)

BOB: now that it is Indigo's turn?

Lisa (Indigo): no

<font color="##880000">Indigo: watches and waits for the snake to come closer

[TURN] N'laea - [Longsword +1 Flametonge; IFT:type(undead); ATK:3; DMG:3; INIT:3]

BOB: let's see if Carissa gets it

Carissa: (sorry cat distraction IRL)

BOB: if Carissa did not, then if Spring does it might have to do with multiple characters? Lemon got a sound when it was her turn with Bixi

Carissa: (so.... dunno if I got sound, but holding)

[TURN] Lanek

BOB: Spring?

Lanek: yes

BOB: I guess you did not get a sound for Lanek's turn

Lanek: i'm working on it

Craigh: (Carissa - there is a Delay button at the top of your Actions tab)

Carissa: (I see it now, not sure it'll work now)

Lanek: yeah iing

[TURN] Raelynn

'Spring' disconnected

Raelynn has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Branwyn - [Spider Climb; [D: 2] | Irritation; Rash | Acquaintance]

Carissa: (had to click it multiple times, sorry lagged)

Lisa (Branwyn): I heard a bell

BOB: Thank you Lisa

Craigh: (I hear a bell when folks type in Discord)

Lisa (Branwyn): how did you do the hold to the end of the round?

BOB: on your sheet the Actions tab

Carissa: Character sheet next to Init. I think I clicked it like ten times, though. Very delayed reaction from it in chat.

Lisa (Branwyn): oh maybe it was discord lol

Craigh: (at the top under COMBAT bar)

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: sits down and unpacks the crystal ball

[TURN] Craigh

Craigh: (I heard a chime announcing my turn!)

BOB: good

BOB: different than the Discord sound?

Craigh: (did the uncharmed snake move within range?)

Lisa (Branwyn): then maybe I did too :D

Carissa: (both are charmed)

BOB: I am not hearing anything but I think on my end it is a speaker issue, the headphones are turned off and I think it did not default back to spearker

[TURN] Howard Plum

BOB: yes to both charmed

BOB: Lisa you heard that for Howard?

Lisa (Branwyn): I think so - have music on so really have to pay attention

Howard Plum has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Raelynn

Carissa: music so no clue what noise I heard

[TURN] Howard Plum

BOB: so before I move next round I wanted to point otu that when you delayed your Init it did move you to the end of the turn, then when somone else does it puts them last, etc

BOB: which is why Howard is up again

Lisa (Howard Plum): sorry

BOB: Rae delayed,

BOB: then Howard delayed which put him after Rae

BOB: then she was up and delayed again

BOB: just making sure things are all visible for everyone

Carissa: (yes did notice)

<font color="##880000">Howard Plum: stands near Branwyn on alert for danger


Lisa (Howard Plum): there is an action

Effect ['Charmed'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Snake, Constrictor Normal 1]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2 - [Charmed; [D: 1]]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1

[TURN] Raelynn

Carissa: Oh I heard it! Like a Windows sound.

BOB: and notice that all the Init reverted back to normal for the next round

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So... I charmed the snakes for everyone and y'all are just standing around? lol

Carissa: Wait their order is yeah....

Carissa: Uhh why did it go back?

Craigh: I thought they'd go away...

Lisa (Howard Plum): think you could give them a command

BOB: I will look to see about keep Init throughout a combat without re-rolling each round

Lisa (Howard Plum): we need to re roll now?

Craigh: (so roll init each round, including if you're going to use a weapon or spell?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My spell description says they're just mezmerized by a hypnotic pattern

Craigh: (which means we need to know what our action is going to be in advance.)

Howard Plum: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 11]<br /> <br /> Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-2 = -1]<br /> <br /> Craigh: [INIT] [MOD:Spear]</font> [d10+5 = 15]<br /> <br /> Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 11]<br /> <br /> Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 20]<br /> <br /> BOB: right now you do can to practice but I will look at the options to see if there is a setting for Round versus Combat

N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 16]<br /> <br /> BOB: I be there is

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, but it also says I can charm snakes that have equal or less hit points than myself so maybe they won't be that hard to murder?

BOB: but yes the two snakes are charmed

BOB: when you click on the snake what can you see about Hit Points etc?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): nothing

N'laea: (typing out Nlaea saying why she wouldn't kill someone that can't defend themselves but no one would hear ittttt)

Lisa (Indigo): lol

BOB: grins with Carissa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's not a person, it's a snake

Lisa (Indigo): snakes can also be food

[TURN] Indigo

N'laea: (she's a ranger and an elf, it's still an animal)

BOB: INdigo is up with the new Init

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well hopefully someone else is ready to do some murdering

BOB: Charming them counts as solving the encounter no need to kill them unless you really want to

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): brb need water

Lisa (Indigo): delay from me hitting the delay button

N'laea: (well they're only in missle range unless we drag half of us over there via rope, but Branwyn probably would rather not be dragged away; how taunt is the rope betweenus?)

Indigo has delayed their turn until the end of round.

Effect ['Spider Climb'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Branwyn]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2 - [Charmed; [D: 1]]

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 2

N'laea: (I'm okay with charm ending encounter)

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1

[TURN] Snake, Constrictor Normal 1

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh... same. I figured once the charm wore off, they'd attack

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

BOB: By the way I am seeing some delays here too, I get the spinning windows wheel and program not responding for a second or two then it settles down

Lisa (Howard Plum): we're all tied together so I didn't see any point trying to reach the snakes

BOB: and so now Branwyn with the crystal ball

BOB: will be a good way to end tonight with knowing where you are going first thing next week to solve the story arc

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: concentrates on the large sandy brown cat with a locket named Rimal. Rimal the large cat with a locket. Keeps trying to focus as she looks into the crystal ball

User is back. (Lemon)

BOB: checking on that phrasing Lisa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): insert phrasing gif

BOB: That did not work Lemon

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, that's mostly because I just typed those words

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): then posted the gif in discord

BOB: and I will say that Branwyn needs to roll a percentage dice to see if she is sucessful

Lisa (Branwyn): I don't have a d00

Lisa (Branwyn): 100

Branwyn: d100

Carissa: can you roll d20 five times or is it one at a time?

BOB: right click on the d10 and you get d100

BOB: </font> [d100 = 38]<br /> <br /> Carissa: Oooh fancy

Branwyn: </font> [10d10 = 61]<br /> <br /> BOB: chuckles not 10 d10 but the % sign

BOB: But I will give you the 61

Branwyn: </font> [d100 = 90]<br /> <br /> BOB: or the 90

BOB: hah

Carissa: [TOWER] </font> [23d100 = 1305]<br /> <br /> Lisa (Branwyn): whichever one is better

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): obviously the 90

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh

BOB: and yes I saw that Carissa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): good point

Carissa: (uhh hope that didn't roll sorry, tried to make it disappear)

Carissa: (but you keep clicking and it kept adding and it was entertaining)

BOB: when you drop them in the tower it is to the DM only

BOB: you got a 1,305 by the way

Carissa: (lmao)

Lisa (Branwyn): 61 was first so I'll take it and hope

BOB: and yes to Branwyn being sucessful

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I did see shadows of dice roll across the board when she did that, I think

Lisa (Branwyn): yay!

Carissa: (23d100)

BOB: Interesting Lemon, Carissa please roll again to the tower

Branwyn: </font> [5d20 = 48]<br /> <br /> Lisa (Branwyn): don't think that is a good idea - will do it right next time

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It might have been delayed reaction to a different role

Carissa: was that correct?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): roll*

Bixi Fizzlebang: Also I might not have been watching just now

-> Branwyn: sees a large sand colored cat, tumbling about with two or three other cats in a dark room, there is a figure looming over them

BOB: So that whisper to Branwyn worked

Carissa: I see nothing so yes

Branwyn: Oh no!

Branwyn: looks closer at the figure if she can

Whisper recipient not found.

Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm assuming we can't hear that, but can tell that she looks perturbed?

Branwyn: tries to absorb everything she can about the room

-> Branwyn: it is too dark, there is only a faint light maybe from a window?

BOB: did you all see the text message about usage of the whisper?

BOB: when I mistyped Branwyn?

Branwyn: sighs and packs up the crystal ball again

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): no?

BOB: Whisper recipient not found.

BOB: Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): did not see it if it happened before just now

Branwyn: stand up and puts her pack back on her back

Branwyn: motions that we are ready to go back to the Inn

Carissa: interesting but okay....

Lisa (Branwyn): unless people want to try things here. she is ready

BOB: You are all still tied together so when she invokes everyone goes

BOB: ready or not

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I charmed a snake and saved us all, I'm good for now

<font color="##880000">N'laea clearly confused but since they can't hear simply shrugs

Craigh: Waaaaaaaa......!!!

BOB: LOL 100%

Lisa (Branwyn): yes you did!

BOB: are you clicking back Lisa?

Branwyn: nods at everyone and sends them back to the Inn


Branwyn: if anyone wants to go back we can do that later

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: takes out her earplugs

Branwyn: This is not good

N'laea: Do we need to go back?

Branwyn: Is everyone okay?

<font color="##880000">N'laea: removing earplugs

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: also takes out earplugs

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: takes out his

Lisa (Indigo): grrr Indigo

<font color="##880000">Craigh leans the spear against a wall and pulls out his own earplugs.

<font color="##880000">Howard Plum: takes out his as well

Howard Plum: That was exciting

Craigh: "/me" is not a command, unfortunately

Howard Plum: And surprisingly uneventful

<font color="##880000">Raelynn: and removes hers as well

Craigh: We learned some things though

N'laea: There are snakes there to start.

Branwyn: Rimal is not in a good place. I am afraid we should hurry

N'laea: Where is Rimal?

<font color="##880000">Craigh starts putting his earplugs back in.

Branwyn: I saw a dark room with maybe one window.

Branwyn: There were two or three other cats and they were tumbling around like they were fighting or something.

Craigh: Kittens?

Branwyn: There was a dark figure there but the room was so dark that I couldn't tell anything about them

Branwyn: No they were the same size as Rimal

Bixi Fizzlebang: Has Rimal been catnapped?

N'laea: Fighting against their will?

Branwyn: Because my sight was directed at Rimal, all I can do is bring us inside that room

BOB: brb restroom

BOB: cannot figure out how to do afk

Branwyn: We will definitely have an element of surprise as will just appear

N'laea: With a dark figure so we'll have to go prepared.

N'laea: Perhaps instant light would be a good surprise when we arrive.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If it's inside, the wind shouldn't be as bad though, right?

Craigh: Right, so I'll pop off an instant fireball

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: rolls her eyes at Craigh

<font color="##880000">Craigh chuckles.

Branwyn: I hope so Bixi

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Who wants to be the guinea pig who tests taking their earplugs out once we get there?

Craigh: (for us with avatars/characrters Bob, right click on the icon at the top of the screen and choose Toggle AFK. don't know about you GM types)

Branwyn: It is hard to tell if they were doing things against their will without sound and it being so dark N'laea

<font color="##880000">N'laea: nods

BOB: back

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it possible they were playing? Or was it definitely more like fighting?

Branwyn: My guess is that figure could see in the dark, They did not need light

Bixi Fizzlebang: Will they know that you looked in?

BOB: yes to TMO the slash AFK or slash afk are not working for me and right clicking on the DM icon here does not work either

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): GMs are now allowed to afk, obvs

Craigh: (no AFK for you!)

Branwyn: I did not try to communicate so that they would not know I was there. I hope they did not have a spell working to try to detect any spying efforts

BOB: I can see the zzzz when you are not here paying attention but you do not see that for me I guess

Lisa (Branwyn): You don't have an icon on the top bar

N'laea: (also when you have music or something in one window but haven't move the mouse in Fantasy Ground; I can read chat while finding new music and it shows zzzzz sometimes :P)

BOB: nods to Carissa I get that, grins

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, the chat doesn't go to sleep just because my icon does lol

BOB: and yes to Branwyn's comments being mostly correct

Bixi Fizzlebang: Did you see the locket?

BOB: only iffy part is the size of the various cats, was hard to tell in the dimmness

BOB: and no to Branwyn spotting the locket

BOB: Rimal did not have a collar on

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't remember if we are supposed to also be retrieving the locket or just the cat

Carissa: (both if we can, but Rimal was the main thing)

Lisa (Branwyn): mostly correct? like they weren't fighting but in a big dryer that was sending them tumbling all over each other :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lolllll

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): they could have been playing?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or maybe something inappropriate to discuss in mixed company?

Craigh: So we're going to get tossed around going in there?

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

BOB: playing or fighting are both appropriate guesses in Branwyn's mind

Lisa (Branwyn): the figure was not spinning around

BOB: Correct the figure was looming over

Branwyn: hard for me to think of happy cats playing with each other in an enclosed room

Branwyn: but ... was not on a stage like some cat fight competition either

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well... the room is probably a happier place than outside, in that place

Bixi Fizzlebang: I hope so anyway

Branwyn: will be interesting

N'laea: Was it above ground at least? Or hard to tell?

BOB: and Scene

Branwyn: so animal control friendship charm type spells for next week

BOB: that went pretty well

N'laea: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> Branwyn: that link worked

Craigh: I memorized Change Self, so I can try to make myself look like either of the ladies.

Carissa: Woo!

Craigh: Maybe Rimal will be reassured.

Branwyn: nice

Branwyn: ok time to head out

BOB: have a great night everyone

Carissa: night!

Branwyn: Goodnight!

Carissa: (checking one thing on my end before I log off)

Craigh: It can't make me the right size for the marid, but maybe the other one.

'Lisa' disconnected

BOB: this stays up no worries

TMO: Good night!

BOB: and I get the chat log in the morning

BOB: is much more complicated than before

Raelynn: Just checking equipment. Night!

'Carissa' disconnected

BOB: but also eventually will mean the formatted version is really a spell checked version plus tweaks

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well, good luck with that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Goodnight!

BOB: thanks

'Lemon' disconnected

TMO: thanks for the game

'TMO' disconnected

<br /> <br /> <a name="2021-12-10" /><b>Session started at 2021-12-10 / 23:50</b> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <font color="##880000">Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast

<font color="##880000">2E v2020.11.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020

<font color="##880000">Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC

<font color="##880000">(LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.6:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners ('extraplanar', 'weightless', 'of holding', 'portable hole', 'handy haversack', 'efficient quiver'.

<a href="">(LINK)</a><br /> <br /> <font color="##880000">Moon Tracker v2.4\r--created by DMFirmy and updated by Andraax and bmos.

<font color="##880000">CoreRPG - Party Item Weight v1.4\nFor Fantasy Grounds v4.1+\nBy bmos

<font color="##880000">SmiteWorks Wizard's Desk Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC.

<font color="##880000">CoreRPG - Party Item Identified v1.3\nFor Fantasy Grounds v3.3+\nBy Llisandur, updated by bmos.\rAdds identify buttons to party sheet and parcels.