Main / 20211217

Chat Log - 2021 12 17 - Cosmological Quandaries - Home Stories - Complicated Emotions - (Formatted)

Chat log with only line breaks added

<a name="2021-12-17" /><b>Session started at 2021-12-17 / 16:43</b>

<font color="##660066">'LorieD' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello there</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Hey there... was trying IC and OOC and adjusting dice settings earlier -- sorry if it messed anything up </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : I'm multi-tasking with Teagan so... will be ready at 7. Hope you had a good day :) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It was good</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: No worries on the previous stuff</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: After tonight will be good to have a full chat to look over again</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): I was pondering that... couldn't you do a find / replace to remove the </font> sort of stuff that clutters? </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that is what I am doing</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : gotcha... interesting that it still showed up then (or will that be new?) </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (sorry forgot OOC click)) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am going to add a new column to the chat history page for next year </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: nod :: makes sense -- let me know if you need help with formatting or anything. </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Raw chat with only line breaks added, a formatted chat that is after I go through the find and replace </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then the next is a story chat where somone can remove the game mechanic things etc </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I just need to put together a macro to handle the multiple find and replace pass throughs</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: nod :: macros are so fun :X </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Grins</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): All set for the holidays? </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I think so </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the 24th driving up to Tampa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: coming home on the 26th </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: IF she comes back with me then done, if not going back up there on the 31st and back on the 2nd</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Gotcha... you'll be busy. I think we're staying home but we'll have all the girls here. Usual fondue for New Years Eve. Some of the family up north isn't vaccinated and we're not willing to chance it up there </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: NOPE</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Jo-Ann and Mario's 5th anniversary this past Tuesday only people invited were triple vaxed and it was outside</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There is the map for you that I will share later</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): I saw... it was good to see how happy they looked. Glad she could surprise him :) </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): ... okay because it's black right now (question mark)? </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: DOH</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Also this latest update has a bug I think</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am getting a bunch of errors as I try things</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How is the lighting now?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): it's throwing errors "script execution error: [scripts/manager....</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It is showing me what the players view is and it has the cats there in the central room lit up but it will not let me put your icon on the map</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): it's just a black map to me (and those errors pop when I click on the icon). </font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I will see if disabling some of the extensions fixes that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Hello Spring</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: waves :: Evening Spring -- how are you? </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hi hi! i made it to now! how are you?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Life is good, very glad you are recovered there</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): :-D</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and just checked the FGU Discord and it is a core rules error not a 2nd edition error so we will just muddle through tonight</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Indeed...made it to now and it's not snowing here :) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Gotcha BOB </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Not snowing here either</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: hooray not snowing!!!</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: laughs :: and good to hear -- I'd worry if it was </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Spring try the Alt key for OOC stuff</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: see how that works for you</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i just forgot one time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins no worries</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just testing the different ways of doing this</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Carissa likes having her icon there to switch between IC and OOC</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Michael seems to like the Alt key</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i have not yet got the most recent VM running</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just want people to try things</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i'm on the laptop this time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: gotcha</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: but next i'm trying Chrome Virtual Desktop on Debian</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): shoot forgot again</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="##000000">GM: That will be interesting to see how you can interact with FGU through various interfaces</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Michael and Carissa will both be in just running late</font>

<font color="##660066">'MadamePsychosis' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello there Lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Evening all </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Hello</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi hi hi!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Glad you all were able to log in, how bad was the update for you?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Not bad at all except it wanted to do it again today</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and there is an error in this latest update</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: We will work through it tonight</font>

<font color="##660066">'LemonyLemon' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How many items are there on the list when you update Lisa?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: 19</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie? Spring? Lemon? do you see that same number?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for reference I have 108</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): where would I see it?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: the log or how many updates it said it was doing?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: When you do the update it gives a running total</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: it said 19 updates but my log went nutso</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Lemon are you on break now after today?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Yes!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: nice</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I do not see a number though?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Do you start back January 10th? or earlier?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: 3rd</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ouch</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 24 36 42 HIKE</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you see those numbers? grins</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Lol, I'm used to retail, two weeks off feels like an absolute miracle</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i was in another window</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It is the same here, I just keep hoping someone is taking an extra week in January to enjoy</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i think it's 19</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so an experiment on the map</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Can anyone see that?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): No</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): no</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i just see purple text</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: damn</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: with a square dragon next to it</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): error </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: what I see is a circular room with four cats in it and as they move around the view changes based on walls and how much they can see</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: when i clicked the square dragon i got a black square</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): I clicked the dragon box and a window popped up but it is all black</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I will explore more, not sure if it is a BOB error or an update error</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Welcome Michael</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How about that?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): still black</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): ^^^^</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: same</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: ^^^</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grrrrrr</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Wait, did we decide it's easier for OOC this way or for the alt text way</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: At this point we do not know</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I have some find and replace set up for both</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: So no preference atm?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Pro - fewer icons, Con - might be more work to use Alt than click on a different icon?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I think everyone has to develop a new muscle memory, I know that I do, in the chat you saw at least two times I used a Klooge command that just spawns a bunch of garbage</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: just the way it is :(</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Lol, I was just going to say, for me it's a matter of just acquiring the muscle memory to hit alt, I don't feel strongly either way, so I'm happy to switch to whichever way is easiest for whoever is impacted</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: We are ready to start and when they get here they get here</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I would very much like for you to wrap this up tonight so I do not do it by Fiat but tonight is the last night of this story arc</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: woo hooo! i got Chrome Remote Desktop running. now to install FGU ...</font>

<font color="##660066">'Master TMO' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins at Spring working her IT Magic</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Hello TMO</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): also spring will get UPS to give me a shippin number tomorrow. This is asinine at this point</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: oh hi Michael. i didn't see you come in</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): I don't see people come in and so I say hello even if I don't say hello when you arrive</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hello!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Hello :-)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I also do not see people come in</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: at this point, it's probably better to wait until after New Year because i'll be at a different address</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Hello everyone</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am sorry Spring, your laptop is caught up in the supply chain fiasco so Michael will have to self flaggleate to make sure things are corrected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i'hahahaha</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hey, first FedEx shipped it back to me as undeliverable</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I'm doing hte best I can LOL</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i ordered the dogs their flea stuff and heartworm stuff and useed the 5-7 day option because they said orders are running 7-10 days later than that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OOC Michael</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): right. sorry</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): getting some used to</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: so it should arrive in NC after i get there, but there's a chance they'll get there early and forward here</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just a gentle nudge, I want everyone to experiment with what they find best</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: and arrive after i'm gone</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: 'ello</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi TMO!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hi TMO!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Hello TMO </font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Hi TMO</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i like OOC this way when it's a longer discussion and using ALT when we are in scene but making an OOC comment</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: the same way we used to use parentheses</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Thank you for sharing that Spring</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I agree, but not sure how to create a PC only discussion character. I really think I should just get used to alt unfortunately</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Not end of world</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i just created a new character</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol well that is an option I hadn't considered fully haah</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Same. Just a new character, named it Lemon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I made a 14th level mage.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: trying to find the icons was tricky and i don't actually remember how i did it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am taking notes TMO</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Lol, I didn't bother choosing literally anything on my character</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: me neither</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So Lisa what does everyone need to know before jumping to the room with the cats, and WHEN are you doing that? waiting a day for everyone to have full spells again? or?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): did anyone even use any spells?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I didn't :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Yeah, although I don't even remember what I used</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: charmed the snakes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Ohhhh, yesss</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: A spell I never expected would be particularly useful</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: feel like you will doe with 1 spell missing?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: die</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (doe a deer)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: No, I think if I die, it will have nothing to do with how many spells I have left</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOLOLOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: no dying, my apprentice</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Lol - so let's just go same day</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: cool beans brb putting wood on fire. I'm a bit snowed in at the moment LOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Ok question, can we just jump in, grab hold of all the cats, jump back out, and then like stun them all or something?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I'm going to grab a coffee before I get too involved</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I did not pack any flashbangs</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: You tell me, how would you grab them? how would you stun them? what will you do with the looming figure that was on the edge of the vision?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I did not see the locket on Rimal in the crystal ball so we might want to keep the figure alive until we figure that out </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: We would get out so quick the looming figure wouldn't have time to do anything</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (somethign something herding cats)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: You know if we deliver the cat without the locket, the princess and Marid will want us to go back and get it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I did not see the locket on Rimal in the crystal ball so we might want to keep the figure alive until we figure that out </font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (cracks knuckles) </font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: So keep alive but everything else goes?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: The room was dark except a little light from a window so we may want to bring out our lights quickly. Agree? Or want to stay in darkness?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Shakes Head) Light please</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I cannot defend us properly in the dark</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I vote light too</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: We have to make sure we get the right cat. I saw about three tumbling around the room. </font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Can we put them to sleep?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Raises eyebrows) Can we not just simply grab all three?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i'm not opposed to excess cats</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: They are 4 to 5 feet large</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Eyebrows skyrocket off his head)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Who has paralaze or command?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: One is going to be hard enough to "grab" without getting something ripped off our bodies much less three</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i must log off for a second, brb</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Priests raise your hands</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Hold is a nice spell as well</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Are these particularly magical if we level our spells against them Branwny?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Think they could (ahem) bat away the spells?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I do not believe so. I just hope as you said before that they are deaf</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Hold Person wouldn't work against cats. Do we have a Hold Animal spell?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: are not deaf</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Nods) They have to hear the command no doubt</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I don't know priesty stuff</font>

<font color="##660066"> -> Branwyn: Testing a new type of whisper, I moved you to the map can you try to see it again?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Command is a good one. However, I dont recal how long it lasts)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Speaking of which, where is Carissa?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: She is on her way, is delayed by dinner</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lemon release Bixi please</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: want to test something</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (It's a simple one-word command that the target must follow, it' cannot be complicatet</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'll look it up real qick</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Bixi has calm animals which work on multiple animals and she also has hold animal which works on up to 3?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (ooh, it is only one round. It isperfect, but one round isn't enough time)\</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Why do I keep getting a box full of errors?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): charm, friendship and control only work on 1 animal at a time</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Same withcommand it looks like</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Shoot</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Well, that sucks unless you guys want to metamorph them temporarily into rocks or someting</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Errors are because of a bug in the latest update Lemon</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I think what Bixi has works just fine</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): No worries then :) Just trying to think through options </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hmmm Lisa what do you think? Cats turned into Rocks?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: When I get Bixi back I will um... try to remember that since my spell slots don't work</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Talwin will do his best to stay between the claws and flesh :D </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): No!</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Bixi has either calm or hold animals</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): why on earth would she turn the cats into rocks?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that is what Michael said</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I mean, they are easier to care for in rock form.....</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie can you see the map? I put your character there now too</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): :D</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and LOL Michael</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Yes</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): what map?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: ch-ch-ch-chia pet!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Good, so it was a BOB error and not an update error</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins at Lisa, worry about GETTING there first</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: When you are ready to CLICK I am </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just want you to have your plan on how you will deal with things</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: by the seat of our pants, as usual</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (I mean, not sure what else to plan for. Its chaos)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Yes, I need as much instruction as possible before the click if we are depending on my spells lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: All of the above is true</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i have returned</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i promised i had ALT down</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: knowing your spells Lemon, and what they do, what you want to accomplish is primary, then making them work here as a game mechanic is next</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (You are totally fine Spring lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i am now operating from the VM</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: nice!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Spring and TMO are going to compete for who can be geekier, with Michael following close behind</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: not that Lorie cannot be Geeky but I think that TMO and Spring beat her and Michael too. Until Sean comes back and blows everyone away</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: back to Lemon </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hehehe</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Branwyn tasked Bixi with finding a way to calm/charm/freeze the cats</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: any ideas?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: So... if there's four cats... I can hold three? So maybe calm first and then hold the three that are not Rimal?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Do I have enough spell slots for that?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: After that, if we're not dying or whatever, I know I have animal friendship and talk to animals, I could use one of those to get rimal to come with us</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: As for the shadowy figure, I have no ideas</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am listening, I do not want to say yes or no yet</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I do know I want to dig into the program and replace this icon with the Dragonslayer shield rather than this icon</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): you don't want to be an old bald guy in a robe</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I like it</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): LOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: Nonsense. You look perfectly like a GM</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I actually have an icon that I had made years ago just for this type of thing, that or the shield would be better for me</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Carissa is about ten minutes out</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for you to have as much as possible ready for when she is in and then JUMP</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): you think we can be ready - are you turning on the combat tracker when we get there?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): depends on who goes first what happens</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Quick! Everybody cantrip up as much catnip as you can!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Combat Tracker is on and good to go (I think crosses fingers, hopes he actually knows what and how to deal with this) it will be a great thing!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Then we throw it around the room as soon as we get there!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: That seems like it will make the situation worse</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Branwyn said try not to kill the figure until we get the locket and we know we have to calm and sort the kitties - so that is as good we're gonna get I think</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: brb restroom, empty and refill</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (HEY! You can't take my geek card... I earned it)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i sure get a lot of errors</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (It's this update...not just you) </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I'm viewing them like Klooge errors and ignoring them</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): that's fair</font>

<font color="##660066">'seyfert' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello Carissa</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Hi all!</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hi!!</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Evening Carissa </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Very glad everyone is here</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hi Carissa!</font>

<font color="##660066">Story: 2021 Year End Awards</font>

<font color="##660066">Story: 2021 Year End Awards</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok what do you see from that link?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Are both links the same? Opens a window in game</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and at the bottom is the continue button?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Thanks Bob!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: this year was a good year etc</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: no continue button</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: none</font>

<font color="##660066">2021 Year End XP Awards part 1</font>

<font color="##660066">2021 Year End XP awards part 2</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): LOL!!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: This year was a good year of progress with characters and players. We spent time rounding out Dragon Fen as a place that can be both safe and still have adventures. We passed 1,350 sessions overall and 900 online sessions. We wrapped up the longest Era we have ever done (we started way back on April 27th of 2018..... ) and we started a new one with more strange things than anyone had guessed. That includes the current Complicated Emotions story arc. This has been a very emotional time for all of us. To celebrate our transition check the Discord for a picture of what will arrive for you in the coming weeks. </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: One of the things that I will work on over our break is updating the XP on all the sheets for this current story arc. I will add to that our traditional End of Year awards. This year we had 54 chances to play and we will have played 50 sessions for a total of 1,372 sessions over the years. This year Lorie came back to us, played 2 games for a grand total of 481 sessions overall which is 35% of all of our sessions through the years. Then Ryan was here for 12 sessions, bringing his total to 74 overall. Next is Lara who was here for 14 sessions, bringing her total to 18 overall. Then Lemon was our newest Dragonslayer. She has been here for 11 official sessions this year and 2,500 XP. Michael was here for 31 sessions with a total of 246 overall and 5,000 XP. Spring was here for 33 sessions and a total of 296 overall sessions with 5,000 XP. We have enjoyed everyone this year and I am very grateful to have so many fun talented players. Thank you </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Then we have the three players who over the past few years have been here through all of the crazy encounters, developing story lines, helping on the site, and helping everyone enjoy our game. TMO was here 43 times this year for 427 overall sessions. 31% of all the game sessions we have done in over 28 years. 7,500 XP for this year. Carissa was here 49 times this year for 259 overall sessions, 19% of all of our sessions. 7,500 XP for this year. And then Lisa. Who this year was here 100% of the sessions, 50 times bringing her total over the years to 576 overall and 42% of all the sessions played. 10,000 XP for this year. Also I am giving some additional awards this year. For all of Lisa's work on editing the chat files, hundreds of hours of work, an additional 5,000 XP. And for everyone who was here at our Change. There is a new Delta icon on the Roll Call page next to your name, Michael or someone will explain why that Greek Letter, and an additional 5,000 XP for those players as well. I am looking forward to a very fun 2022, our 29th year overall. </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: awards part 1 had a continue button</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: applause to one and all :: </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the chat won't let me scroll up to read this</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am sorry Spring</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: what did you miss?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Racking up that XP lisa!!!!! :) )</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Way to go!)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Thank you Bob! And congrats to everyone!</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): it kept jumping but i think everything before Greek letter</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Michael you understand the Delta?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: perhaps Carissa and Spring maybe?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i didn't actually read it because i was trying to screll</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): So you are saying FG is our Delta variant?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL YES to Lisa</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Uh</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: THAT is awesome</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: lolll</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I actually hadn't thought that was it...</font>

<font color="##660066">Lanek -> Master TMO: lolll</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Delta means change doesn't it?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes it does</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (In calculus yes it does)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): But I like the Delta Variant reasonmore....</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I updated the Roll Call page earlier than normal but thought it was appropriate</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Yay! More Icons nextto my name :)</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Can you see this?</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Gotta keep up with dat inflation</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): okay i got the links to open and was able to read it </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: awedome!! well done, everyone!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: thank YOU to everyone</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i gotta remember to hold the ALT down longer</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and so Branwyn is ready to go, Bixi, you ready?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i didn't see percentages for attendance but if i have 33, that's not half bad for me</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and everyone is ready ....... Set.......</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: fyi- doing some work for a few minutes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Spring that is Amazing, you have been here for 22% of EVERY game ever played</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Probably as ready as I'll ever be</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 66% of the games this year Spring </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): wooo hhooooo!!!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Nice!</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i reme3ember when i was like 20% every year</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Is why I wanted to note it, Lisa, Carissa and TMO are here over 86% of the time but You, Michael and Lemon are here a large ammount heck Lemon made 18% </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Everyone is important</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: woo!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: WOOOOOOO!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Most definitely!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I SOMETIMES PATICIPATE! :)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: everyone is working as a team that is what I talk about when I brag about this game</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but now your team is down by 7 and at the 20 yard line </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: what will you do?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): look up that reference to see what it means</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Oh god. Bottom of the ninth, and all the bases are loaded</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (I am still semi-distracted)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Oh, wrong sport</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (I'd avoid the team... they probably have COVID. Most teams do right now. Can I be a free agent?)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): lean in and get hit by a pitch?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL to all of that</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Should we...just...go?)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yes</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we're good</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (how holiday appropriate) </font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): What a lovely holiday omen</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): To both</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): BRB</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): AH</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): are we there yet></font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Lisa will click you to the new map (crosses fingers) and Lemon you will cast?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (So should I just assume we are staring at three large cats with the roar of pandomium around me?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am hopeful that this will work Michael</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): i guess so</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we are inside a room</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Sorry, bob. You finished typing before me :) )</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: New map</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): do we roll initiative?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: after CLICKing</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: not yet</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I see the stronghold</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (am I doing anything? just showing up?)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Ready for INI</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): do whatever you think best</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): planning is overrated</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Back us up with restraining the cats!)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (They are fie feet large btw)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait, I don't see a calm spell?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): it's a 1st lvl priest spell on your sheet in klooge</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: we are taking our time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no worries, </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't think it's here yet? I haven't had a chance to check over everything. Just got more ram so my computer in theory can handle both programs now, but it's been a busy couple of weeks</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you are gating into this place</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): back</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then we will do spells, then combat, etc. </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then be home and safe by Midnight</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: it should be, it's on mine</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Cause Light Wounds</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: oops</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): All I did was click that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: is ok</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but you want to do Calm when you arrive</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I do not have that on here</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: oh wait, Nlaea has it in her sheet, Rae does not so maybe priests got looked over</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But I'm wondering if I should try Entrhrall? I was trying to link the description but can't remember how</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There might be missed spells on the sheets, </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That might potentially also work on the shadowy figure, although probably not?</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Enthrall - Range: 0, AoE: 90-ft. radius, Duration: Special, Cast Time: 1 rd., Save: Neg.</font>

<font color="##660066">Spell: Enthrall</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Or do the cats have to speak common?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so we have an idea of what you intend to do</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you can guess not</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): enthrall works on things that can understand your language and you have to keep talking - I love the idea of that spell</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: at least you speak W Comm and Rimal is from a different part of the world, maybe C Comm or A Comm</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I can guess they don't speak common, or I can guess that they don't have to be able to speak common to be enthralled?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): they have to be able to understand you</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: ah, so I can guess it will not work</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: You just have to cast in a language that the cats will listen to you in..........</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): cast what you want to cast - it will be okay no matter what happens</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I agree with Lisa, you need to explore and try things</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): except lightning bolts or fireballs in enclosed spaces</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ah, hold is 1-4 animals so that seems promising. Ok, yes, I guess I will try calm then hold animal, although I don't have calm on my sheet here so I'm not sure how to cast it? </font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: you have Nlaea and Rae who can help you, too, with animal stuff</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): {2d4+$L} hit dice worth of animals are calmed for {10+$L} rounds.</font>

<font color="##660066">Spell: Hold Animal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I wonder what Calm is as a spell, I see Calm Chaos, Calm Winds,and Cndle of Calm as spells here in FGU</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: where was that Lisa?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hold Animal?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Do you want me to look up bob?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: (Enchantment/Charm) Sphere: Animal Level: 1 Range: 60 yds. Components: V,S Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special   This spell soothes and quiets normal animals, which renders them docile and harmless. Only creatures with Intelligence ratings of 1 to 4 (in other words, animal or semi intelligent creatures) can be affected by this spell. The caster can calm 2d4 Hit Dice of animals, plus 1 Hit Die per level, so a 4th level priest could affect 2d4+4 Hit Dice of creatures. The caster can affect any animals he wishes to within the spell’s range, but all the subjects must be of the same species. The subject creatures are not allowed a saving throw unless they have magical powers, abilities, or are clearly not entirely natural; a priest could calm a normal bear, war dog, or wolf with little trouble, but it’s more difficult to affect a winter wolf, hell hound, or owlbear. While under the influence of this spell, the affected creatures remain where they are and do not attack or flee, unless they are attacked or confronted by a significant hazard such as a fire or a hungry predator. Once roused, the spell’s magic is broken and the animals are free to act in whatever fashion they normally would. Note that creatures affected by this spell are not helpless and defend themselves normally if attacked.</font>

<font color="##660066">Hold Animal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Got it</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: I see calm on Nlaea, but no way to cast so guess it was not on FU just added by hand?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, if that works, I might not even have to try hold animasl</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: added Hold Animal to Bixi's sheet</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Hold animal I had</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Calm I did not</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Strong with the force, you are)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: might be something that is not in FGU yet</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but yes you have it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Also don't see "Calm" in even AD&D2.0</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (It's "Calm Animals")</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Closest I could find)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: *Sorry)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I'm getting this out of klooge as it's the only way to see other people's sheets or mine original ones :) </font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, well I will do calm first and see what happens</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: New map with everyone on it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: What do you see?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): tower room with cats and PCs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: error messages</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: There is a Calm in the Access database, but spell text doesn't seem to have copied over to my local db</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dark room with everyone standing around the edge, 4 cats in the middle</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): but also a black place with some icons in it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: thank you</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: We are all learning together</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that is what you see as you CLICK into the room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: there is the shadowy figure to the "north"</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the map ios off the edge of my windown so i can't see everything, trying to move it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and the four cats tumbling in the center of the room</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'll uh, take your word on Sauran in the North</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Is everyone mostly caught up to this?</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I am</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): try expanding the map window itself Spring</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I think so</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yes</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i did that, it just gave me more blackness to the left</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I can only tug at the right and bottom sides to make it bigger but it centered the room for me</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (if you make the map full scale, click where you want to cernter and minimize, it should work) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I have a Zoom to Fit icon on my tool bar but not sure you do</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I do</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: It's the diagonal Arrow</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): zoom to fit makes it tiny for me</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Hm.Made mine much bigger)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): um, accidentally closed the map</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh here we go. scrolly wheel is making the map bigger</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (AH! Is your Fantasy Grounds window fullscreen on whatever screen you are using?</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Oh, never mind :)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: This is good to see in the discord too thank you Spring and Lisa, every Player/Character shoudl see things a bit differently when we are using the full map functions, I am not doing that yet</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): my FG is fullscreen</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): how do I get the map back?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There will be times in the future that certain icons see things on a map and others do not</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: Duergar Stronghold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: map there for you Lemon, but I think you just need to click on your character to bring up the map?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ty</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): click on the cat again to de-select it - should let you see the room and not just black</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for now what you need to know is four large cats are tumbling in the center of the room, there is a figure to the north, and you have just BLIPPED into the room</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): So, roll fo rinitiative?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): when I click on a cat the background goes black</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): click on character did not bring up map but the link did, but mine is also a black background now</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): my charcter is not there</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): that is true - we need Lanek</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: also everyone is on the Combat Tracker to be able to roll and do things</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Also I dont' know how to get rid of that arrow I accidentally put on there</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: hmm, space for all these windows is going to be a challenge</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: everything I click something I get an error</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I have a pink 10 arrow that I am ignoring</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): same</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): it's not bothering me</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yeah I did that</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [CHECK] [DEX+2] (vs. Target 3) [NOT-SURPRISED by 5]</font> [d6+2 = 8]

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (the error is a function of the new update, not you doing something right / wrong) </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But I dont' know how to remove it again</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek on the map now and the arrow removed</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): ok we good?</font>

<font color="##660066">Lanek: [ATTACKING WHILE OUT OF AMMO]</font>

<font color="##660066">Lanek: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Axe [THACO(18)] [AC: 14 ]</font> [d20-1 = 4]

<font color="##000000">GM: I think so</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): tryingt to foll INIT</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the plain init will not roll</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 5]

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so i was trying to do the weapon one</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 2]

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): huh</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I see that Bixi rolled Init and Talwin rolled Init and I get an error message for both</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ok, so it didn't roll the first time I did it because I just dropped it on the chat box, I didn't like, "roll" it with my mouse.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Talwin init is wrong</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Lanek: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 9]

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): FINALLY</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): oh god the errors</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (these errors are annoying... hope there is another update of the update of the update to fix) </font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: N'laea forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 5]

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: her init is wrong again I think</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 9]

<font color="##660066">Raelynn: Raelynn forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 6]

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 8]

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: okay yeah Nlaea's init is wrong, shouldn't be the same</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lorie, there are updates most Tuesdays, I am guessing at least two more before we play again on January 14th</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yes they reset to wrong</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: .........</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 1]

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (there was an update after you told us and another one today... so I think one more should fix it :) ) </font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): eff it. Just tell me what to do</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): that's weird because Branwyn says she has an INIT modifier of 8 so it should be right ...</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and we can just talk it out </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and I do hope so Lorie</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo: Indigo tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am showing that everyone is in the room after CLICKING to Pandemonium and the room where the cats are</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo: Indigo forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: on the combat tracker</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]

<font color="##000000">GM: I have Licornah up first</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Lorie go</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you see this group of strangers APPEAR in this safe room with you</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: motions for cats to get behind her and takes a defensive stance whilst holding up her unicorn symbol :: </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: making noise (you guess but cannot hear) and they are on the opposte side of the room from you across from the cats</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: takes note that they are not the dwarves she was avoiding :: </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Then Craig is up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: TMO?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (he's afk I believe)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): afk on the top</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: (I'm here)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so then the next icon which is a dwarf</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Craigh is up</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh cast a spell NOT memorized.</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: [CAST] Disawareness</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: (trying)</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Disawareness</font>

<font color="##660066">Effect ['Disawareness'] -> [to Craigh]</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: [CAST] Disawareness</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So you see that dwarf appear behing Howard and Craigh?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: coming up the stairs behind you that you were not aware of</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: goes nondescript.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yes - conjoined twins?</font>

<font color="##660066">Dwarf, Duergar 4: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [AC: 6 ]</font> [d20 = 13]

<font color="##000000">GM: Hmmm</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that showed as Bixi as the roller</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for the dwarf against howard</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It showed as "dwarf, duergar 4:" to me</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): it shows the dwarf as the roller for me</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): with no target</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes, no target</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): but yes Howard would love to get hit with an axe :)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Talwin is not on this map</font>

<font color="##1D97CC">Dwarf, Duergar 4: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] </font> [d20 = 0]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [0] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Howard Plum] [Hit-AC: 19 vs. 10 ] [AC: 19 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: can't he get hit with an axe? :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (is that why my inin is all effed up?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so moving Talwin now</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: lol you want him hit that much?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I don't even see Talwin on combat tracker</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): that's his job isn't it?</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: lol</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): you could hit Indigo with an axe then</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (I mean, yes it is, but at the same time, imagine me giving a sideeye at that comment lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol yes, I need Talwin, I use him as a shield sometimes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Talwin is on the combat tracker and the map</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: He is by Howard</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Now let me try INI</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 8]

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Is that better?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: perfect</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes to Michaal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Dwarf went and missed Howard</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: now it is N'laea</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: did that go through? trying to hold</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi is up after</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: hold what Carissa?</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: her turn</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, so the cats are just hanging out now? I don't have to worry about calming them down?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no she is showing still in that same place</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: But is is showing Bixi is up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: we will remember that N'laea has not gone</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Cats are still tumbling, there are three of them now, one retreated back to the shadowing figure to the north</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Does it look like playing tumbling or like fighting tumbling? Do I know?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): is it windy?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How could you tell the difference that quickly?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for Lisa you are inside so the wind is a dull roar outside maybe? but your ears are plugged</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know, that's why I'm asking you lol</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): whenever you say tumbling I think they are in a clothes dryer</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: smiles</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i assumed the wind was doing a blender action on them</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i assumed the wind was doing a blender action on them</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess I'll just stick with my plan and try calm</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok to Bixi</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I wouldn't really have time to figure out a new plan</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Calm on the three cats in the middle?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Every time BOB asks a question, I feel like it's a trap</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am always checking</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (GOOD, you are learning :: laughs :: )</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Generator prob has about half/hour left</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): FYI</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): sorry this is going slow Michael</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACKING WHILE OUT OF AMMO]</font>

<font color="##1D97CC">Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (R)] Dagger [THACO(20)] </font> [d20-3 = 10]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Sand Cat] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 8 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that was a test</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I didn't do that</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Why are you sorry? We're all getting used ot it :) )</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: I don't want you to log out when it's finally your turn :(</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So I will say that Bixi casts and it affects two of the three cats, but not the desert cat, that looks like it might be Rimal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo then Talwin</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OOPs after Raelynn who is up now</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): did Indigo see he swarf thing</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Cool. So I either just saved Rimal, or pissed him off because his playmates are no longer playing.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): the dwarf</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes to Lisa for Indigo</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): can he get there or is it too cramped?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo can push Branwyn and Howard out of the way to get to the entrance and protect it</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): ehhh</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Pushing is rude.</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: pulls earplugs out and goes to figure</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: We want our cat back! Don't mnake us have to kill you for it!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo can save verus breath weapon</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I click the turn complete button and nothing happens</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek thinks to himself that indigo looks like he's making a threat</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): how do you roll a save?</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3]</font> [d20+3 = 14]

<font color="##418C12">Save [14] [Target 10] -> [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: there you go</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and now Talwin is up</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i think you drag them from the character sheet</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): best to help here guys?</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): which action would you prefer?</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): RestrainCats, attack, defend?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): what would Talwin do?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You can do it!</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Try nd help attack, but I'm having trouble deciphering if people are in my way</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i'm doubting lanek saw any dwarves</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Not used o these icons. I'm sorry</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Is the farthest south the icon we want ded?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Talwin can see the dwarf that attacked Howard</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Pretty sure BOB said you can shove people out of the way</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Right. Will do. One second</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Howard is easily shovable</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: chuckles</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (seyfert)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: murmers "Sorry howard. I'll make it up to you!"</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Muscles his way through with a roar</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Trying to target)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): gaddmit</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): how the hell do I target again? I got the rolls, but not the target?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Fully agree Michael</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): it has something to do with the crossed dwords icon</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Two-handed Sword [THACO(13)] [AC: -3 ]</font> [d20+2 = 16]

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: wut</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I grab the weapon on the sheet and drag it to the icon I want to attack</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): but not sure whether you click yourself first or not</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): the little target icon also</font>

<font color="##CC1D1D">Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Broadsword [THACO(13)] </font> [d20 = 17]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Dwarf, Duergar 2] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 4 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It looks greyed out but you can still use it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: SIGH. One seond</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Jesus</font>

<font color="##660066">Broadsword</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Broadsword [TYPE: slashing (2d4+3=7)]</font> [2d4+3 = 7]

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: So I clicked </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): target mode, then myself, then I messed something up, then I clicked target mode again, then Rimal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I show you did 7 points of damage to the Duergar #4 and it is at zero hit points ow</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Branwyn is up</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): so Rimal is still wild in the room?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' connected</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I'm sorry I don't know how to target and cast</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: from the character sheet, click on the spell and drag to the target is what I think works </font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I think you can drag the spell die onto your target</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: also, the grayed out target icon to selecte targets</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: [CAST] Sleep</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I can't figure it out and yes I did have it memorized</font>

<font color="##660066">Sand Cat: [SAVE] vs. Spell</font> [d20 = 3]

<font color="##6106D1">Save [3] [Target 17] -> [for Sand Cat] [FAILURE]</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Back, but not for sure how long. Sorry :) Fam is trying to rewire jeep to inverter. We'll see</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: failed its save versus spell for Sleep</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: affects 2d4 hd </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): not a save</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: </font> [2d4 = 7]

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Rimal is asleep</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): good thanks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Yay! Snatch her and let's scram! Deville is waiting for us!)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): ok how do i try to get hold of the sleeping cat?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): we need the locket too I think if we can</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (I can help you carry if it's too big Spring)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So are we done with combat now?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Is Rimal the cute cat or the black and white cat pic</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): I was hoping to see some kind of lable on them</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the large black and white sitting up cat</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I definitely thought Rimal was the cute cat</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): of course it looks like Satan's cat</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I should have known better</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): trying to roll an attack, not aving much luck</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: maybe it is satan's cat</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But he said desert cat and I was like, "oh those are desert colors"</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: You see the figure move forward to protect the sleeping Rimal</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Lanek's turn?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: observation checks</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): well i am trying my damndest]\</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: What does he want to do?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Trying OBS)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): as before stated, grab the cat</font>

<font color="##418C12">Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 11]

<font color="##000000">GM: Which cat Spring?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Am I targeting Rimal now?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Only Rimal (the Sand Cat) should be listed on the combat tracker and so eligible to target and do things against</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I do not see Rimal on combat tracker</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: nr do I</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: should be Sand Cat after an NPC that is after Lanek</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: look we are having trouble targeting and you are cutting this off by the end of tonight can we just say target and keep going please?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): this is frustrating</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I keep asking what people want to do</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: and i keep saying and being overlooked</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Spring said she wanted Lanek to try to grab Rimal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you keep saying target</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes I said yes to that</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: even before target</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: but then you asked me again</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I said you can try</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: NO I asked which cat </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: ok, i will leave that for the logs</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then you said Rimal and I said ok</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i am talking about well before that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: right now trying to move forward</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: well before the dhadowy figure moved</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you are trying to grap Rimal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek reaches forward to do that</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (seyfert)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): (For the record, there is 100% no cat on my combat tracker. Obvs not the most important issue at the moment, but just want to make a note for the future)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and the figure that was holding action moved forward to also grab the cat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Thank you Lemon</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: we need to know that</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): how was she holding action when they waved a unicorn sign and waved the cats behind her?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Now do you see it?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): oh never mind</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: turn complete button not working</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am concentrating here on teh chat and trying to move things along</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek was reaching for the cat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then what?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i dunno, he did his action. if he gets another action, he'll jab his elbow into the shadowy figure</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I see lots of Discord notifications but I am ignoring them to concentrate on this</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so Lanek moves foward to grab Rimal and tries to elbow the other figure out of the way</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): so Howard</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Howard is up</font>

<font color="##880000">Howard Plum: searches the dead dwarf for the locket</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: A quick search does not turn up any locket but he does find some misc things </font>

<font color="##880000">Howard Plum: takes anything he can find in the meantime</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): end turn</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Indigo had tried to talk to/threaten the person. Nothing happened with that?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): apparently they ignored him - happens to him sometimes</font>

<font color="##660066">GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type Q [d1=1] = </font> [ = 1]

<font color="##660066">Copper = </font>

<font color="##660066">Silver = </font>

<font color="##660066">Gold = </font>

<font color="##660066">Platinum = </font>

<font color="##660066">Gems = [3x] Gem</font>

<font color="##660066">Art Objects = </font>

<font color="##660066">Magical Items = </font>

<font color="##660066">GM: [TABLE] Table 85: Gems = </font> [d100 = 61]

<font color="##660066">Fancy</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: (brb - need to pick up daughter)</font>

<font color="##660066">GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type M [d1=1] = </font> [ = 1]

<font color="##660066">Copper = </font>

<font color="##660066">Silver = </font>

<font color="##660066">Gold = 8 gp</font>

<font color="##660066">Platinum = </font>

<font color="##660066">Gems = </font>

<font color="##660066">Art Objects = </font>

<font color="##660066">Magical Items = </font>

<font color="##660066">GM: [TABLE] Table 85: Gems = </font> [d100 = 88]

<font color="##660066">Precious</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Do you see that Lisa?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hugs guys. Power needs to be saved for emergency :) See you next game and had a great time. Need to address the FG LOGS spitting out hundreds of desktop icons stat because I can't play that way. Night all</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 3 gems and 8 GP</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yes not sure how it translates but yes</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' disconnected</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Goodnight and Merry Christmas!!</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (Happy Holidays!!!)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): got it now that you said it - thx</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Howard is up</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I said end turn - he looted a dead dwarf for his turn</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): gnite Michael!!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just making sure we are on the same page</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (night!)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So now Licornah is up, RImal is at her feet asleep, there is a human that is trying to shove her away from Rimal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo is on the other side </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Raelynn is next to Indigo with two cats near her, both awake</font>

<font color="##261A12">[ROUND 3]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie you are up</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: puts out her lance to defend, but does not attack. Continues to protect Rimal, Nightshade, Chocolate, and Brynce :: /end turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh is up next</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (he said AFK) </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (scrolling up)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok so then Carissa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea then Bixi then Rae</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (Nlaea can hold because I've missed half of what is going on)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lemon?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, well Indigo pulled out his earplugs, yes? I'm going to shout to him, "Are you insane, or is it safe to take out the earplugs!?"</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: good</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Rae is up</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: will also hold and watch what's going on</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then Indgo and then Branwyn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo can see that this figure/person is protecting the cats</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Also Lemon can you please whisper to me and then to Lisa that same message? thanks</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: want to test</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Whispers</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: to Bixi "It's fine!"</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: I look fine right?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): um how to whisper to the gm?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (/w GM and then your message)</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (whooops should have been OOC)</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang -> Indigo: It's hard to tell in the dark</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah -> Lemon: testing</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang -> Licornah : test successful?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Testing Whispers</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: It's hard to tell in the dark</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah -> Lemon: A+</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so that when I look at the chat we will see if I can see all of them</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: test successful?</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: moves forward to back Lanek up. If it turns into a fight he'll suddenly jump in and cause a distraction for the shadowy figure. Not an attack, because no one would notice getting hit by Craigh</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo -> Bixi Fizzlebang: You can see in the dark!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok to TMO</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang -> Indigo: Oh! Hahaha. I guess I got so nervous I forgot?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): a pair of red arrows is bracketing Craigh in the Combat Tracker. anybody else seeing those?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): so Indigo tells Bixi he is fine without his earplugs with no idea if she heard him</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah -> Master TMO: No, I don't see any targeting...</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): end Indigo turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi has earplugs in so no she did not hear</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did he like, nod or anything? hint hint</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Branwyn is up</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i am seeing the red arrows for Lanek. i think it just means that's who you are</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: steps forward</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: steps forward</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the little arrow to the left that says whose turn it is has vanished for me</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: The sleeping cat is ours. We are taking it but we want its locket. We don't want to hurt you or the other cats but we will take ours</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): end turn</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): me too spring</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (I can't see any arrows -- haven't all evening)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Licornah sees that the woman mage? is speaking but cannot hear her</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I see arrows, but they've been on me the entire time.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then Lanek is up now</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: the turn arrow was brassy looiking like the Turn Complete arrow, but ws rotated 90 derees</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: buncha folks just showed up on the combat tracker</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so what happened as the shadowy figure defended with a lance?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (I just see icons... no arrows. I did see a pink target for a few minutes but BOB removed)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I just made all NPCs visible if they are on the map or not TMO</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): wait - can Branwyn take out her earplugs that round - I wanted to ...</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): thanks</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Indigo isn't rolling around screamin g on the floor so it must be ok</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): my threshhold for judging what ok is</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i can't know what lanek is doing until i know what the shadowy figure acturally did.Lorie said defend with lance, not attack</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Lanek sees Indigo and Branwyn moving forward to confront the person there, Indigo and now Branwyn has taken out their earplugs</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: The figure is standing there over the cats with a lance looking like she is defending the cats from you</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Rimal is asleep at her feet</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okay so it was a stance rather than making any kind of contact</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): sigh, my alt was donw </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yeah i dunno what to do. hold i guess</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that drops down to Howard then</font>

<font color="##880000">Howard Plum: calls out</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : On my turn, I'll continue what I'm doing but use my Cure Deafness ability so I can try and communicate with them since they didn't attack me and defended against dwarves -- I'm not sure I can speak though.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Howard Plum: The locket wasn't on the dwarf!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): end turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so back up to Licornah</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lorie using that ability but no to speaking</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: appears to gesture while maintaining stance :: </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and now Craig</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): gesture at what?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (end turn)</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (OOC I'm not gesturing at anything / one concentrating more or less)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Observation roll by Branwyn, Rae, N'le</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Howard</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry Craig also</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 0]</font> [d20 = 12]

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12]</font> [d20 = 3]

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (rae does not have)</font>

<font color="##418C12">Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 12]</font> [d20 = 7]

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): is it my turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea, Craigh, and Branwyn all recognize that the person with the lance just cast a spell of some sort but there was not any obvious effect</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes to TMO Craigh is up</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: will kneel down and gently pet the cat that's asleep on the floor. (I don't know how this is going to interact with his Disawareness effect that's still up. He's hoping the cat will continue to sleep, but that the person might be able to notice it as non-hostile. But, honestly, they may not even see him at all. Hard to say, really)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Disawareness is a weird spell</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am saying (for now at least) that this is like sancuarty and if the person viewing Craigh means no harm they can see him, and if they do they suddenly just misplace him</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so yes everyone sees Craigh move forward to pet the sleeping cat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: try clicking next TMO</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Carissa you are up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: did you hear the ding?</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (no because I've been chatting and don't have sound on)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea is up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then Bixi then Rae</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes I do know that Lemon is sandwiched inbtween there</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lemon sandwich cookies</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (hmm can Nlaea hold and actually be able to go this round?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: try the hold on yoru sheet</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (okay Bixi can go)</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (I have but she still gets skipped over, but I didn't care enough to speak up)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I tried fixing something it should work now</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Carissa): (clicked it three times, dunno if anything happened)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: right now no</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok Bixi is up</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (just error codes)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, I'm going to take out my earplugs, then smile and wave at the figure and say, "I like your unicorn!"</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok can you say that last part IC please</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so we have that in chat</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't remember which key does the emote thing or I would use that as well</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I like your unicorn!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): control enter</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh wait</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I also want to say</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you a ghost?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): slash e does emote also</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I've been using /action (instead of /me)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Rae is up</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: does this</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: slash action does this</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek slash e does this</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (hmm....</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (since it's a PC not doing usual... guess holding to see how they react to Bixi and the others so... more holding)</font>

<font color="##880000">Master TMO this looks better</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo is up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then Branwyn</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): since we don't know it is a PC and she ain't talking ...</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Why don't you say something?</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (very true; so if nothing happens in reaction....)</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: tries to hit her lance with his pick</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: roll an attack Indigo</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: tries to know it down and get her attention</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Pick, Military +2</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): how do I roll an attack?</font>

<font color="##1D97CC">Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Pick, Military +2 [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+1 = 6]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Licornah ] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 5 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (oooh... i see the arrow)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: From the combat tracker, I dragged the Pick over to the chat to roll that</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): did I do that? </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I did Lisa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you can try now</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I don't see weapons in the combat tracker</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: When you click on Indigo</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and the Actions tab</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I see a list of actions, for hi four weapons</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: him</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): keep going</font>

<font color="##CC1D1D">Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Pick, Military +2 [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+1 = 17]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Licornah ] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 10 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: there you go</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): ok thx</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Indigo reaches out and uses his Pick to KNOCK the end of the lance down into the ground away from himself and the rest of the group</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then Branwyn is up</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): (and it stabs Craigh in the neck)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I know you're casting. Indigo will hit you next time if you do not stop and talk to us</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Or I will myself</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): end turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek then Howard</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: looks around at whateverybody else seems to be doing.</font>

<font color="##261A12">[ROUND 4]</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: throws his hands in the air</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: sits on the floor</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (Nlae and Rae would have tentatively removed ear plugs that round at the end on their hold - at least one plug/ear)</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (if I saw right and that's what we're doing)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: right now Lanek is looking around and then sits on the floor</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: now Howard is up</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then N'lae and Rae can take out their pluges</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: plugs</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: steps forward and takes out his earplugs but does nothing</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: steps forward and takes out his earplugs but does nothing</font>

<font color="##261A12">Howard Plum: steps forward and takes out his earplugs but does nothing</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Howard Plum): I have trouble changing characters even in this platform</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for moving around the map have you tried the arrows in the lower right corner? I use them to scan around the map, and the wheel to zoom in and out</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (yes that's what I've been using)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: also tonight is a mess for interface things</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I use the mouse wheel to zoom, and click it to grab and move the map</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (oh well that's smart; missed that)</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Howard is?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): done</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok then Licornah</font>

<font color="##261A12">Howard Plum: steps forward and takes out his earplugs but does nothing</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (lol and still)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): it said Howard though </font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (did see that, gets confusing with the icon)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : "These cats :: motions to them:: are under my protection. I seek no quarry with you. But now you've raised the eyes of the dwarves that I've been avoiding" :: scowls and continues to hold lance :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (end turn)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh is up</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): did he understand her?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: does he have ear plugs in?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): that is an excellent point</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so N'laea ?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: after Craigh</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh takes out his earplugs since it seems to be a thing people are doing.</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: thinks but does not say, "If they can't kill that little dwarf that died in one hit, how did they think they were going to fight all of us?"</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Then we'll take the one that is our, leave you, and the dwarves will ignore you again. Or do you plan to hide out here forever?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Craigh is one of the cool kids now</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (oops sorry Craigh)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): it's fine</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh finishes, Nlae then Bixi</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lemon?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh is finished, btw</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): unless we are going to hurt her - which my characters could see themselves doing if this keeps dragging out or should we leave combat so we can all just talk?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am ok with just talking </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes please</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: go for it </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): good</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Someone else can start, Bixi has nothing except for asking if the person is a ghost. Now she's making mental notes for the next ghost story</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): N'laea asked a question so we can go from there</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (question to me?)</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: (yes)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (one day I'll get OOC right)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (alt key is weird on this keyboard)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (and yes my characters are on round away from just getting this over with one way or another)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: nods slowly :: hiding isn't exactly what I've been doing, but understand your perception. I had deafness cast in here to avoid the planar issues and avoid the dark ones. I've been sent here with the girls :: motions again to the cats :: to seek protection from those who would harm these cats. They are gorgeous creatures... :: muses silently about something or other and trails off :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (end turn)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Please tell me we just happen to have a cat sanctuary that we can let them come back to?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: chuckles</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): we have a forest</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Or need to create one</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for a whole bunch of strays you just found</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We can give them the abandoned tower maybe?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 4 (5?) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Look, the desert cat is ours. It ran away in the Astral Plane and jumped into Pandemonium. We need to take her home</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: It had a locket. Do you have that?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): let the cats and wolves play in the forest?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: BFF!</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): to the victor goes the spoils</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): *BFFs!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): With the werewolves!?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: furrows brow :: Rimal belongs to... :: trails off again :: No, sorry, I know your claim to be false. I've been dispatched here by the Arch Silvermaiden herself.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (IRL, I hate cats... if it were up to Lorie, I'd gladly hand them all over and go find a group of puppies to hang with instead, but oh no, BOB gave me cats :: laughs ::) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (ugh sorry that had an alt and end turn)</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: To bring them back where? Certainly not to keep them here.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I don't care who your Arch Silvermaiden thinks she is. I know she belongs to Princess Maya of Hiyal with Namsut her Marid. It has been a long time since she was lost but that does not negate the fact that we are going to return her to her rightful owners. If you don't have the locket then the cat itself will have to do</font>

<font color="##418C12">Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 1]</font> [d20 = 18]

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : So... you admit your claim to be false. At least we agree on that. </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): on the person</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: We were sent to get the cat and we WILL get the cat. That is not up for debate</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: It just depends on whether this goes nicely or not</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : I don't want to be overly confrontational... but they are really not being welcoming or friendly. Do I have motivation or inspriration to trust them at all?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Branwyn sees that this is an elf, similar to Shi or the other elves she has met, and is speaking W Comm so is from somewhere back home?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Maybe we could help you find somewhere safer for the others? And yourself, of course?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): what planet are we on? I always am at a loss for that. Are we from earth?</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): shoot, supposed to be ic</font>

<font color="##261A12">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Maybe we could help you find somewhere safer for the others? And yourself, of course?</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: N'laea look at her. She is one of your own is she not?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry I apparently cannot whisper right now</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm sure Rimal wants to go home, though. I could ask, if necessary</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: turns to Bixi :: interesting proprosal. What of your safety? Tell me of your animal handling skills and experience. :: turns and looks at the cats awake :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: I suspect we don' have a name for our planet. You don't really need one if you have no knowledge of any other planets.</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : I ask the cats using ability if they trust these intruders</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: One of mine? In what sense?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): what is our plane called when we jump into a pool of it?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: An elf?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Oh. Yes but that does not mean anything.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I personally don't know anything about it, that's why I said and yourself. No one is trying to take the other sfrom you, we're just trying to get Rimal home</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Don't you elves all know each other :D</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hahahaha</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: laughs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Tell me why you seek Rimal and what led you to me? </font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: You question our animal handling skills yet we question your fighting skills. If more dwarves come, who are you to question us?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and for the idea of Home it is just that for you, Home, you do not know of a name for it other than that</font>

<font color="##660066">SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional></font>

<font color="##660066">----------------</font>

<font color="##660066">/afk </font>

<font color="##660066">/clear </font>

<font color="##660066">/console </font>

<font color="##660066">/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]</font>

<font color="##660066">/die [NdN+N] <message></font>

<font color="##660066">/emote [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">/export </font>

<font color="##660066">/exportchar </font>

<font color="##660066">/exportnpc </font>

<font color="##660066">/flushdb </font>

<font color="##660066">/gmid [name]</font>

<font color="##660066">/id [name]</font>

<font color="##660066">/importchar </font>

<font color="##660066">/importnpc </font>

<font color="##660066">/info </font>

<font color="##660066">/kick [user]</font>

<font color="##660066">/mod [N] <message></font>

<font color="##660066">/mood [mood] <message></font>

<font color="##660066">/mood ([multiword mood]) <message></font>

<font color="##660066">/ooc [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">/option [option_name] <option_value></font>

<font color="##660066">/r [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">/reload </font>

<font color="##660066">/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide></font>

<font color="##660066">/save </font>

<font color="##660066">/scaleui [50-200]</font>

<font color="##660066">/story [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">/version </font>

<font color="##660066">/vote [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">/w [character] [message]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: We told you why we seek Rimal. Magic brought us here. Unless you'd like to wait for more dwarves, what is the point of continuing this conversation here?</font>

<font color="##660066"> -> Carissa: remember you can use the Elven language too</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (back space in chat when you're typing works wonky)</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: (lol yes but we're talking in Common right now so she's not going to be rude and switch. Yet)</font>

<font color="##660066"> -> Licornah : you can also talk in Elvish if you wish</font>

<font color="##660066"> -> Branwyn: the cats look content and happy</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : I get how you transported here .... but WHY did you transport here? Someone said ... go get my cat and you did?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, I'm just going to see if I can talk to Rimal while the rest of you are arguing</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: got whispers figureed out</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (Rimal is sleeping still right?) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (ughhh on alt)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Rimal sleeping</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): uggggh, I forgot</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nevermind, scratch that </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): pun not intended</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (He could have put things right... but he's napping LOL) </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Why can't I ever just find an animal to talk to</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There are three other cats for Bixi to talk to if you wish</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Because they LOVE their cat and you should do whatever you can for someone you love!!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, yes, Bob, you read my mind</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Yes, we saved a princess who was lost in the Astral Plane and she is barely alive. She asked us to get her cat and so we came. We do things like that</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you mind if I talk to one of the cats?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: raises eyebrow :: Love? :: pauses for a moment to ponder this possibility and is lost in thought :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Yeah. We do stuff like this all the time!</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): Craigh is still petting the sleeping Rimal and listening. I'm afraid I'm a bit short on brain and will power tonight.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: ponders :: Yes, you can talk to them. they are friendly ... well, to me they are</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There is the smaller cat that looks up at Bixi curiously</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait, where the heck is my talk to animals spell</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : do I need to do a roll of conviction if I want to trust them?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (beastspeak on here)</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have beastspite and beastmask</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sigh</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: now whispers not working again</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): can we pretend that you cast it?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no to lorie on needing a roll</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes please</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn: (oh wait it is speak with animals)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes to Lemon on Bixi casting it</font>

<font color="##660066">Effect ['Speak with Animals'] -> [to Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: (there think of that as Bixi casting it)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Lorie the smaller cat's name was?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, I have speak to dead</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Elven cat or other?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello cat, what is your name?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Brynce? </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Brynce</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you safe here?</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : are you answering?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: trying to </font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Okay :)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is that the cat's answer, or Bob trying to figure out more whispers?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: I feel safer now</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (the latter)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you know if Rimal misses his family?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: We all want to go home</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn: (would N'laea understand it? it's Woodland, yes?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you know where your home is?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: In the woods</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you know where the locket is that Rimal had?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: does not seem to understand that</font>

<font color="##660066">LorieD: [TOWER] </font> [d20 = 1]

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I expected as much</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns to the others</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : that's me trying to decide if I trust them</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: This cat says they all want to go home</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie was an extreme sucess</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: rolled a 1</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Brynce, how did you get here?</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : :: laughs ::</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: My partner brought me then died</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: absently lowers her lance :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Was your partner a cat or an elf?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: a forest person</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Did they tell you why they brought you here?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: We traveled all over</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: So you were alone when this elf found you here?</font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: There was a big black cat </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes there is a large black cat (panther) here in the group</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): How are these four giant cats getting fed in this tower?</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): looks up at the other cats</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (ugh action whatever)</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: gestures to Bixi and herself</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Do you understand us?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: No apparent reaction</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sitting and licking, cleaning its paws</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Bixi, try talking to the black cat to see if it'll respond to you. I can only speak certain dialects without casting a spell.</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: But the spell may let it understand you.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello, what is your name?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Turns away and continues to clean itself</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Elven Cat is Nightshade; other cat is Chocolate</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: I believe it is just being a cat and understand fine.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : So... where would you go with us if you could leave? </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (Ummm... are you all still tied together?) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, I want to help all these cats, but obviously Rimal is a priority for us, since *insert names* are waiting</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): my memory tonight tho</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Back to our home.</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (Nightshade, Chocolate, Brynce, Rimal) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Silverdeep? </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I meant the marid and the mage, but I definitely had already forgotten the other cats too, lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that name is not familiar to your group</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Dragon Fen is where most of them call home.</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : do I need to roll to know if I know that place?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: That name is not familiar to Licornah</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: But there are forests and elves there for Brynce.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: neither place is large and well known outside of their local area</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: furrows brow ::</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can tell you right now, I know there are plans for whatever we do next, but if we don't make these cats happy, Bixi is striking out on her own quest to find them suitable homes</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: The question is how do you plan to get to your home?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: We can go whenever we wish.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: laughs with Lemon</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (you didn't answer, are you all tied together still?)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I assumed last session we were rescuing them all so I support this)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I haven't a clue to answer that, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I didn't see that. We did jump right back in, we must be?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yes</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Are the cats going to start playing with the rope?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: they have not yet</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: (yet)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: turns and speaks to cats :: Well, what do you think? Go with them or dark dwarves for dinner? </font>

<font color="##000066">Cat Small, Elven: Birds over Dwarves</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I will use ALL my spell slots to keep talking to them until they tell me they are perfectly happy</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: nods and turns to group :: I am Licornah, priestess of Lurue. We will go with you to find them new shelter, but they remain under my protection for now. </font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : do they know Lurue?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Protection from what?</font>

<font color="##660066">Whisper recipient not found.</font>

<font color="##660066">Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: We will be returning Rimal home.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Sorry still no whispers working for me not sure why they did for that short time but nothing now</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but No to Lorie</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: furrows brow :: those who would harm them... why I've been dispatched here. I didn't WANT to be here. This is a perfectly dreadful place </font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Okies... no worries. if they don't press... I don't offer</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well that's fine. You can come with us to take Rimal home, right? </font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at others</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: But do you know where his locket is? His partner will want it back.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: pauses :: I do... </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Zero idea what sex Rimal is. I may have swapped it a few times.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): "Cat"</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: You do not have a way home, do you?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: hehehe</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: gives Lanek a side-eye look</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What a weirdo</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Well... :: trails off :: does it require tethering myself to :: looks :: all of you like that? :: seems concerned at the idea :: </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Maya was confused too: He ran off with the locket tangled around him. I think it was a purple? plum? color pool she dove into. I made it someplace safe first. We need to go find her, she must be scared.</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: No, but I am pointing out the position you are in right now for the decisions you wish to make.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: frowns and says nothing, more pondering :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: We came for Rimal and for the locket. We have a way home. We intend to return Rimal and the locket. You do not have a way home and dwarves who know where you are now.</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: If you know where the locket is, you may wish to consider that.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: also to consider Carissa and Lorie, which types of Elves that N'laea and Licornah are</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: continues to listen :: </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): spacey elves</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (she's grey, right?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, agreed tmo</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 4 humans 1 gnome, 1 halfling, 1 half elf and the two elves</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and four cats</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): 3.5 humans</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (and a partridge in a pear tree)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and a partridge in a pear tree</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Isn't it more like 3.8 or something?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He's just missing the one arm, no?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): rounding error</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lol!) </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: in any case</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hahahahaha</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: more cautiously accepting at the moment</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and everyone wanting to get to a safer place</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: is getting a little agitated</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (doesn't Bixi have a locate object spell?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: If you are supposed to be protecting these cats, what could POSSIBLY make you want to stay here with them?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, but I think I have to know what the locket looks like? I can try anyway? If I still have spells?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And now that the cats have said they want to go home, I am frustrated with this elf lol</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): that means the elf is doing their job</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: lol</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Master TMO): that means they are successfully being an elf</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (well now I don't feel like I've frustrated you all enough....)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: HAH</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but for simplicity sake we can say POOF and everyone is back at the Inn</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Look. You are supposed to be the logical one. You draw the conclusion. You do not have the upper hand here. We have a mission and means to finish it.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, you have three weeks to practice being frustrating</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: and here I thought we were supposed to be having fun? :P</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (errr was using our upper hand here Bob before Poof)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then you can work out the details of where and who and why and such for next week</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i don't even know where my character is.i missed some action</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: was seeing everyone moving to the ending and just hurried</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I expect to want to log off due to your frustration next time we play, Carissa.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Well... I was sent here to await a sign -- a group of :: sniffs :: adventurers tied together isn't quiet what I anticipated. Your first words were of lies and you clammered in here drawing the attention of the dwarves. Is this theright sign? </font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: If you question every sign, you'll miss it.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: You're here to protect the cats. I want to help the cats. What other sign could there be that would be clearer than this?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah [Elvish]: [Translation] I don't see you protecting the cats, I see you questioning the cats. </font>

<font color="##000000">I don't see you protecting the cats, I see you questioning the cats. </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: does not know what was said, but rolls her eyes anyway</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah [Elvish]: [Translation] In any case, you seem to think you have it all figured out and have the upper hand. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt... </font>

<font color="##000000">In any case, you seem to think you have it all figured out and have the upper hand. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt... </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] Yes because killing the dwarves wasn't protecting them? It is good to know where the cats stand.</font>

<font color="##000000">Yes because killing the dwarves wasn't protecting them? It is good to know where the cats stand.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh pulls out one of Talwin's sign cards and shows it, with two hands clasped in a handshake.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM [Deep Speech]: [Translation] They are upstairs</font>

<font color="##000000">They are upstairs</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: checks to see if Talwin packed us any food</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: or cat treats</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: voices from below</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: sighs :: :</font>

<font color="##000000">GM [Deep Speech]: [Translation] It sounds like there are more of them</font>

<font color="##000000">It sounds like there are more of them</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] We'll bring you back with us, but we want the locket in return.</font>

<font color="##000000">We'll bring you back with us, but we want the locket in return.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] Make your choice now.</font>

<font color="##000000">Make your choice now.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: All right. We're leaving with or without you</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Branwyn</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Join together. Are you ready? Craigh take Rimal?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah [Elvish]: [Translation] I am willing to give you a chance to help protect them</font>

<font color="##000000">I am willing to give you a chance to help protect them</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: But we're taking the cats somewhere safe, right?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Do you hear the dwarves coming?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, but the cats aren't the ones being obstinate, they don't deserve to get murdered by dwarves</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: We are either leaving now or fighting however many dwarves are downstairs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah [Elvish]: [Translation] Are we taking them somewhere safe? You said home, but not Silverdeep... you don't hail from Thay, do you</font>

<font color="##000000">Are we taking them somewhere safe? You said home, but not Silverdeep... you don't hail from Thay, do you</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: CHOOSE</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [W Comm]: [Translation] It'll be safer than here.</font>

<font color="##000000">It'll be safer than here.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Lanek, Branwyn, Bixi Fizzlebang, Craigh, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: It'll be safer than here.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah [Elvish]: [Translation] :: nods :: Okay :: bows head :: </font>

<font color="##000000">:: nods :: Okay :: bows head :: </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Master TMO, Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oops need to take that off my sheet)</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: She agrees.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: oh joy</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: sighs</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: And will hand over the locket when we return.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Nightshade, Brynce, Chocolate... come.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: shakes Rimal :: time to wake up little one</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: looks at N'Laea curiously :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: You must be touching the cats and this ... elf.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): smiles</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: On 3</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: smiles</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: 1</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: 2</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh moves away as she wakes up the cat</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: looks around</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: holds whoever's hand</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh quickly grabs on</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: 3</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: holds on to whoever is closest</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek does the smae</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: hugs the cats close and tries to touch N'laea :: </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and everyone is safe back in front of the Inn</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yay</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Licornah is surprised to be in a patch of sunlight surrounded by a light Mist that stays still in the air</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: stands and squints then looks around slowly :: my word... </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and this concludes our transition time</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : :: stops and says a silent prayer of thanks to Lurue :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: oh we failed to mention the mist, didn't we?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: next week will be Home Stories with returning Rimal and learnign more about each other etc.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (you mean on site? Christmas Eve)</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: stops and says a silent prayer for patience for elves</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Licornah realizes she can reach her gods from this place so it must be like home if it is not home</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry next week being next session on January 14th</font>

<font color="##880000">Carissa: (there we go)</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (:: cheers :: otherwise, it's going to be a long campaign for a priest with no deity or spells LOL)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it is weird to jump that far ahead</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: very</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (How is it 2022 already???) </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Happy Holidays to everyone!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: This will be up for everyone to experiemnt with</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): Yes... safe and happy holidays everyone -- good job this evening :) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I just will not be here the Friday/Saturday</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: thank you all!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Night!</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Goodnight!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: chat log will be up tomorrow</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : (let's hope for an update soon)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: well later on today but </font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): :: waves :: Night all </font>

<font color="##660066">'MadamePsychosis' disconnected</font>

<font color="##660066">'seyfert' disconnected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: yeah I bet on 3 or 4 updates</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: g'nite</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: take care... </font>

<font color="##660066">'LorieD' disconnected</font>

<font color="##660066">'Master TMO' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Goodnight all!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: quite</font>

<font color="##660066">'LemonyLemon' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: good night!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: night</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: thank you</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: This is the end of the Complicated Emotions story arc</font>