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Chat Log - 2022 02 04 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

BOB Hello

'Spring' connected

BOB Hello Spring

BOB Everything better Spring?

Spring: hi. fair to medium :-) i'm at work, but no emergencies just now. how are you?

BOB life is decent

BOB feeling mostly good

BOB How far behind are you?

BOB on the story arc?

Spring: i was caught up last week and then missed the session. catching up again right now

BOB glad

Spring: otherwise it's spackling and painting and i guess next week it's floor sanding, provided i can get the filler

Spring: wood filler is surprisingly hard to find. i guess it's related to the rising cost of lumber

BOB I would imagine so

Spring: in the UK they don't do wood filler with the wood already in. you get stuff you're supposed to put the sawdust into

BOB as it does have sawdust as a key componenet

BOB grins see thinking alike

Spring: that's a process here too which is good if i can get the stuff. then i can use the sawdust from the sanding phase

Spring: there's a place two hours away that might have it. have to call them Monday to be sure before i go

BOB Do you like the new theme for this story arc?

BOB Trying to use a new theme here in FGU for each new arc

Spring: i think so. i believe i forgot whatever i learned last week

BOB So the key thing for you to work out is what do you want to train in ?

Spring: but i think we are taking some cats home and finding homes for other cats, and i forgot what else, but not hell yet

Spring: oh. training. hm okay

BOB so right now you are 6th level

BOB when I click a button it will level Lanek up to 7th

BOB FGU handles a lot of that automatically

BOB but want to make sure you know what you like before I click the button

BOB to check against that

Lanek: i like to think that Lanek is a little bit paranoid, especially about all these elves he's been hanging out with

Lanek: so could he learn Elvish but not let anyone know he's been studying?

Lanek: i know he'd have to find someone to learn it from. some human traveler or something

BOB He would need an Elf to teach him

Lanek: well that would not work out hahaha

Spring (Lanek): i should say that would not work out like this

Spring (Lanek): NVM. i'll have to think about it

BOB nods

BOB it does not need to be done NOW

'Lisa' connected

BOB but it will be available

Spring (Lanek): Lanek has the most impressive array of NWP i've ever played

BOB and Hello Lisa

Spring (Lanek): hi Lisa

Spring: oh look!

Spring: FG now allows me to switch between two characters easily. nice

Lisa: Hello!

BOB How is your week Lisa?

Lisa: ok

Lisa: yours?

BOB It has been decent here

Lisa: there is a new way to switch between characters?

BOB not sure

Lisa: Is Spring still here?


BOB at least is showing here

Spring: here i am

Spring: was afk for a second

Spring: so now, above my chat box, i have icons of Lanek and of Springity Thingity

BOB different ways for people to do things

Spring: probably becuase i put on the ST character when i came in and then changed to Lanek to look at his character sheet

Lisa: Glad to see you!

Spring: so when i wanted to switch back to ST, there were icons!

Spring: glad to see you too. fingers crossed my customers have no crises tonight

'Lemon' connected

BOB Hello Lemon

Spring: hi Lemon!

Lisa: crosses fingers for you too!

Spring: okie i put a screenshot on discord

Lisa: Hi Lemon!

Lisa: Bob - didn't Lanek level after Pandemonium? Since we have Spring can she maybe do that before we go again?

Spring: we were just talking about that

BOB Yes that is what we were talking about when you got in

Spring: i dunno what he should train in

BOB grins

Spring: he can do so very much already

'Carissa' connected

Lemon: Everything is different, oh no

Lisa: thought he gets a raise in thiefy skills - maybe I misunderstood

Lanek: dunno anything about thieves

BOB Hello Carissa

Lisa: Wait until next week when Bob tosses everything out and starts over!

Lisa: Hi Carissa!

Spring (Lanek): good suggestion

BOB Yes to Lisa on the increase in thief skills TOO

Spring (Lanek): hi Carissa!

Carissa: Hi!

Spring (Lanek): could Lanek improve a skill he's already got?

Spring (Lanek): he could use better Observation

Carissa: maybe through thief alertness?

'Lemon' disconnected

'Lemon' connected

Carissa: since obs itself is based on stats, but at least thief skill you can invest in

BOB Yes on increasing an existing skill

Carissa: oooooh how's that work?

BOB Training like normal, and in an existing skill it gives you a plus one

Carissa: just a +1? I was hoping more, lol

'Michael' connected

BOB +1 is a 5% bonus

BOB and Hello Michael

Carissa: it's after 7 PM, my math skills no longer exist to know if that's worth it still

Carissa: :P

Carissa: depends I guess on the skill

Spring (Lanek): hi Michael!

Carissa: Hi Michael!

Michael: Reinforcements have arrive

Michael: d

Lisa: Hi Michael!

Michael: :)

Michael: good to see you all! I have to leave at 8PM AZ Time, but I am good until then and oh my god my desktop if full of logs

Michael: one second while I delete all this shit

Michael: there we go. all clean

BOB Sorry for that Michael, I have a thing to try tomorrow

Michael: No worries

Michael: Just scares me when it fills up

Michael: reminds me of Limewire Viruses

Lemon: Does everything feel like, way way brighter to anyone else?

Lemon: Like offensively bright?

Michael: Er, not really?

Spring: yes, i was trying to put my finger on it

Carissa: Yes. It's usually a darker brown background with the map

BOB This is supposed to be a bright happy theme

Spring: i noticed the color was weird but not weird how

Lemon: I feel like I need to get my sunglasses out

Carissa: Er and other colors you're right....

Michael: I mean, I wear my sunglasses at night...

Michael: :)

Carissa: Bright and happy? Or a migraine incoming...?

Carissa: Or both....?

Spring: omg this cat's farts are noxious

Michael: ....

Michael: Alrighty then

Spring: i guess the pizza hasn't finished processing

Lemon: Oh yeah, much better with the sunglasses

Michael: Tie one of those car airfresheners around its' tail?

Spring: never giving her pizza again ever

Spring: to be fair, she stole it


Spring: i just didn't take it back

Michael: Hm. I'd recommend a mint pine tree

Spring: i've got some of that febreeze air stuff

Michael: LOL

Spring: it lives in the bathroom becuase of course it does

Michael: Naturally

Michael: One moment, grabbing my glasses. My text is a tad small. BRB

Spring: okay let's see if that helps

Michael: Ah that's better. So hey bob, I had a terrible thought the other day, you interested in hearing about it?

Michael: Too bad, I'm goign to tell you anyway

BOB so Spring I am going to click the Level button for Lanek

Spring: it smells a lot better in here but i dunno if it's going to overcome any further .... emissions

BOB and yes Michael I want to hear

Spring: whee!

=== Advancing Thief to level 7 ===

THACO updated to new value of 17

'Lanek' gained level 7 in Thief. Gained 6 additional HP.

One level of class 'Thief' added to 'Lanek'.

___ COMPLETED Thief to level 7 ___

Spring: interested also in terrible thoughts, sometimes

BOB so you got 6 more HP from the automatic rolls

Michael: When I started this game, I thought of myself as young and full of prospect. Well, I'm turning thirty in two weeks. And I feel old. My eyesight itsn't as good, my hair is now receding a bit (thanks dad), and I can only picture you as a gandolf figure on your end in Florida, keeping us happy as we continue to play the game :) So, thanks again for almost (jeeze, what is it? Six years now for me?

Michael: Anyhoo, just had that midlife crisis thought and thought you should know! :)

BOB warm smile thank you

BOB I plan on being here for a long time to come

Lanek: it's hard to believe. like it was yesterday Hugh was pitching in on trying to capture a dragon. or was it a wyvern?

Michael: (Wer'e all old, and bob has lich'd himeslef to keep the game going)

Lanek: Kenna using a viney snare

Michael: You think I remember? My memory is going too LOL

Spring: dang, i keep forgetting to change characters

Lanek: Kenna using a viney snare

Michael: Except in 1.5 years, all my time will become open once more! I shall conquer nations!....In the game. Not real life.

Spring: all of it?

Michael: Hm. Well, let's say four more hours every day will become open once more

Michael: I think that's a sizable "all of it" in my perspective

Michael: lol

Spring: hahahaha


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB That is the timeline

Michael: (Sorry, is TMO in tonight? Are we missing anyone besides Lorrie?)

Michael: looking at timeline now

BOB TMO will be in eventuall

Spring: TMO is picking up food

Spring: left a message in Discord

Michael: [Thx. Discord is updating for me

Michael: Hm. Dead link for me bob

Michael: NM

Michael: It just took a second


Michael: Wow. Mistsickness hit hard for poor Youtargim

Michael: Passed out

Spring: heh, when I saw Youtargim's name on the website, i went "wait a minute" but then i saw that he is supposed to be a translator heh

Michael: lol

Carissa: When I was skimming chat on my phone, it accidentally searched Youtargim. The chat was the second Google result...

Spring: it's like a wagon maker whose name is Wheelwright

Spring: it's like can you get any more on the noes

Michael: I mean, makes sense doesn't it?

Spring: *nose

Spring: i don't remember what the y- prefix is supposed to mean

Michael: Isn't that where a lot of names originatied in reality?

BOB I am very happy with that result Carissa

Spring: the dialect i knew, transalator was Mutargim, but that's Lebanese and Iraqi

Michael: Eh, close enoght LOL

Michael: :D

Spring: :-) i assumed it was a different dialect

Spring: but the root is the important part

BOB warm smile

BOB Branwyn has her time alloted

Lemon: I don't get it

Michael: (which part?)

Michael: (What can I help with?)

Lemon: the yogurt guys' name

Spring: r-g-m - i forgot what he root actually means, but it has to do with language

Michael: We were tring to identify a fantasy guys name roots :)

Michael: I failed haha

Spring: hehehe

Michael: We can't shorten it to hey "You" though

Michael: Otherwise, cause confusion :)

Carissa: I mean we did for Wu...

Spring: mut- is like "a lot" or even "the most"

Lemon: I was calling him Yout

Michael: LOL

Michael: Oh god

Michael: The puns again

BOB Lisa did Howard or Johan have things they need?

Spring: muta-asifa is like "i am most sorry"

Spring: i like Yout. like these two youts

Lisa: they aren't going

Lisa: lol Spring

BOB Not that they are going but training, learning etc

Lisa: what's a yout? :)

Lemon: It reminds me of like a combination of yeet and jute

Lemon: And I'm fine with that

'TMO' connected

Carissa: I don't know. Yout makes me think accident. Like a weird version of YOUS GUYS


Lisa: they didn't level I don't think

Carissa: *accent

Lemon: Because I generally by the end of the evening want to yeet bob's character's into a jute bag

BOB They did not

Spring: "oh excuse me, your honor. the two yoooooooootthhhzzzz"

Lisa: Hi TMO!

Carissa: Hi TMO!

Spring: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Spring: hi TMO

Lemon: Why does the chat sometimes flash blue on the edges?

Lisa: Nice!

BOB I think when it saves

Lisa: It's the elven special effects

BOB LOL or Lisa's idea

Spring: this clip is way too long

Spring: 1:46

Lemon: lol I like the special effects idea

Carissa: it is but it's exactly where my head is at: accent, lol

TMO (Craigh): here I be

BOB We are on the 4th right now with N'Laea and the cats having conversations

BOB on the 6th is where Licornah is thinking and recovering

BOB Branwyn is researching now until the 16th

BOB so there is one week of training time if desired

TMO (Craigh): did Bixi pick a spell to learn

BOB that can be accomplished yes for Bixi

BOB and or Howard and Johan

Lemon: I did, I picked Wraithsomething

Lemon: Bob added it to my sheet


Lisa: they were helping Craigh with scrolls

BOB chuckles I did but we did not roll for how many days it took

BOB AHH yes to Lisa on that

Lemon: oh, which one do I roll?

Carissa: N'laea learning Hin from Indigo was on the list, too

Spring (Lanek): oh!! i get it! Lanek wants to get better at find/remove traps

Spring (Lanek): he's still smarting from all the taunting

TMO (Craigh): lol

BOB I will check on how many points he gets to use Spring but it does take training still

Spring: okie

BOB Yes to Carissa however Indigo's wisdom subtracted from 19 is how many weeks it takes

TMO (Craigh): thieves get 30 thief skill points every time they go up a level, can spend no more than 15 on a single skill

Lisa: does he get a teacher bonus?

Carissa: Linguistics prof though says one week with reason check

BOB being a teacher allows him to teach if he did not have that then could not help

TMO (Craigh): iirc, Ilero was a teacher, and can teach Lanek

Lisa: ok

TMO (Craigh): ah, gotcha

Lisa: who's reason?

Carissa: Jumping convos, Thistle is a theif. She could maybe teach which is a hilarious thought. That's all.

Carissa: N'laea I believe

Carissa: Once the character is able to use the Linguistics proficiency they can learn any additional language when they visit an area where a language unknown to them is spoken. After living in the area for one week the character makes an Reason check to learn how to speak the new language. This new language learned is at 50% Comprehension and does not require a slot to be filled to learn it.

Lisa: lol

BOB Ahh for that yes Carissa

TMO (Craigh): nice!

Spring: omg i am sure Lanek would not like to learn from Thistle

Carissa: lol to Spring

Carissa: Also realized my personal player sheet has below average stats which is just sad...

N'laea: well damn her reason means 50% chance after one week, lol

Lisa: lol

N'laea: wait no 12

Carissa: okay I feel slightly better

TMO (Craigh): it seems to give a 50/50 comprehension, but doesn't use a slot. Decent tradeoff.

Carissa: yes and it doesn't say anything about not attempt to keep trying...

N'laea: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 3]

Carissa: well there that works

Spring: was that die supposed to be silent?

Carissa: it made noise on my computer

Spring: or is my stuff messed up?

Craigh: do you have a separate flag for full language slots vs linguistics languages?

Springity Thingity: [d20 = 2]

Craigh: dang #1

Spring: the one i rolled maid noise

Spring: *made

Carissa: no, should I? I can keep track of them easy enough

BOB I think that the sounds are only on the individual computer for sound

TMO (Craigh): I would think it would be better to mark which she Knows fully vs 50%.

BOB I think you should have something in your notes Carissa for which languages

N'laea: well now I broke it, only Elvish and W Comm are showing up....

BOB I am checking now on the Craigh/Howard/Johan time frame

BOB In notes Carissa

BOB not on Languages

Carissa: I know, that was trying something else

BOB nods

BOB sorry

Carissa: But even the others don't show up

BOB just does not work that way

TMO (Craigh): Fluent vs Conversant

N'laea: (hmm still not showing as an option though...)

Carissa: I know, that was trying something else

Spring: oops sorry

Carissa: exactly

Spring: drag and drop problem

Carissa (N'laea): Is it called Hin and/or is Hin even in the system, Bob?

BOB I am doing something else so I will have to go tackle that later

Carissa: (Oh also:)

Carissa: Having a tutor assist during this time will increase the comprehension percentage by 10% per week of tutoring.

Carissa: So if they have two weeks, she'd be at 60% comp with Hin if I'm reading that right. And with Bixi, she could keep upping Gnomish, too. But later.

Carissa: And no worries. Just don't have us run into someone speaking Hin tonight :)

Carissa: At least we have Indigo for that

BOB Milana, an 8th level priestess, decides to create a scroll of protection from poison. Because Milana is capable of casting the spell neutralize poison, she does not need to do any research. Because the spell equivalent is 4th level, the scroll requires an exotic material for the ink (nightshade harvested during the dark of the moon). The quill must be a feather steeped in the venom of an adder. Fortunately, Milana’s temple is near a good sized town, and she can also procure paper. After gathering the necessary materials, Milana begins scribing. This requires one full week, at no particular cost—although the patriarch of her temple suggests that an offering for the use of the altar would be appreciated. Milana’s chance of success is 80%, +8% for her level, –4% for the equivalent level of the scroll. The use of paper gives her a +5% bonus, for a total of 89%.


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB For TMO on creating the scrolls,

Michael: (my dog is gagging, be right back >I think he needs to go potty real quick :) )

BOB So for the scroll creating people you need to make that ink, they write the scrolls,

BOB they can each do one scroll at at time

TMO (Craigh): got it Bob - afaik this is the first time any of us have done scroll creation in your campaign. I have been collecting some body parts as we went along.

BOB Yes for TMO on that too

Lemon: I love how you said that like you're not a serial killer, TMO

Lemon: "I have been collecting some body parts as we went along."

TMO (Craigh): not that anyone can prove

TMO (Craigh): I just need to find where I've been *writing down* that list of body parts....

Lisa: did you find an extra arm?


TMO (Craigh): Yep! Now all I need is a Mad Scientist to graft it on! How's your Evil Cackle, Branwyn?

BOB So for Lanek learning new thief levels the quickest is 7 weeks from any of the thieves in Ilero's guild

TMO (Craigh): I'l have to check the logs for anything - last notes I had was from 9/242

Spring: okie

Spring: sorry i am a little distracted. looking for an app to change the fonts on other people's websites

Spring: i can't read the formatted chats

Lisa: the NPC font? I don't like it either. It's very condensed

BOB We can change as always on those Spring and Lisa

Spring: i didn't want to change something on the server just for me, but if it's unreadable to others, that works

Carissa: we already changed it once because the previous font was unreadable to me, lol

Carissa: it's a fair request

BOB On the Session Style Visible it shows the options we can change to


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Lisa: I'm no sure why we need so many different fonts

Carissa: I just get annoyed they show up different on mobile versus PC

BOB We are only using two fonts, Normal and Italic

BOB and Fantasy for NPC

Craigh: appears Sept is the last time I've used Animal Rending, so my notes are up to date

BOB meaning Normal and Fantasy font types, italic and small are the two modifications

Spring: looking at the font families, Normal is not one of them. may i suggest the sifference be serif and sans-serif. or one of those vs. monospace

Lisa: fantasy is too scrunched up to read easily. I can read it but it is weird to have it different from the rest of the chat for no reason except they are an NPC

Spring: it looks like what we are using for family normal is sans-serif. i don't see any serifs anywhere

BOB So take the NPC IC and change from Fantasy to Normal

BOB Is that the concensus?

Spring: works for me.

Michael: (I am back! No idea what's going on with fonts, but I'll make it work :) )

Michael: Sure!

BOB OK stopping

BOB was editing

BOB but Lisa too

Lisa: thought you were telling me to do it

BOB Is ok

BOB Thank you for taking it

Spring: never seen monospace and italic used at the same time. i didn't think it was possible

Spring: thanks y'all. my eyeballs thank you so much

BOB NPC IC looks smaller to me now

BOB but I will leave that to Lisa to adjust as people like

Spring: it's got serifs!!! :-)

BOB I am ok with what works for everyone

Spring: i like it!

BOB Glad

Spring: they are different and i can still read them, so neat

BOB TMO did you look at the Scroll Ink ? which spell were you copying so we can see how long that would take

BOB We also have to make the choice for Lanek on if he learns new thief skills now or waits to return

BOB It is the 4th, the earliest you can leave is the 17th, not knowing what the requirements are for re-calibrating the amulet are yet

Spring: i think he has to wait

Spring: nobody to learn from right?

Spring: or we didn't leave yet?

Craigh: let me look up the logs for last week when we said who was doing what

Craigh: dang #2

Spring: you are counting your dangs?

BOB Lanek to be fully trained would move out to 22-10 so 7 weeks out

TMO (Craigh): it helps remind me not to do it again

BOB There is a page TMO

BOB Will link here


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

TMO (Craigh): that page just says 'make more scrolls' ;)

BOB sad but true :)

BOB Michael the Grand Mastery Weapons training I am keeping in mind

BOB you have to find someone with thsoe skills

TMO (Craigh): seriously, did that discussion not get logged??? *head desk*

BOB TMO if it was here in FGU it is on the site

BOB Promise

TMO (Craigh): "raigh: Read Magic (1st); Johan: Detect Magic (1st); Howard: Dimension Door (4th)"

BOB Lemon, Carissa, Michael, do you want to go off to the new Plane as soon as possible? or wait for new scrolls and Lanek to be trained

Carissa (Carissa): Elves would obvious vote go as soon as possible. They aren't expecting trouble unlike when we do Hell prep

Lemon: I'm fine with whatever, but do I still need to roll for how many days my wraith thing took, and if so, what do I roll?

Michael: I would rather have everyone trained up so that they are comfortable with things to come

BOB getting that for you Lemon, but it is a matter of days not weeks

Lisa: will be less than a week for Bixi. She is fine

Lemon: ok great

Lisa: I agree with Michael. If everyone knows what they want to do, then we just do it and click off the time and then we can head out on the next adventure

Michael: It's really the simplist way in my opinion, not trying to be an ass or anything I swear

BOB for Lemon: When the mage has made his check and is ready to inscribe he uses an unopened bottle of ink and a fresh quill. The spell takes one to two days per spell level to inscribe into the spell book. During this time he can not be interupted for anything but the basic eating and essentials. If something does occur the spell is ruined, and needs to be redone. The pages are filled with gibberish and still consume space in the Spell Book.


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB The only thing on the list that cannot be done before you go is Talwin getting Grand Mastery, because that is a story arc in its self

TMO (Craigh): I've added the 'list' of rare components I've collected with Animal Rending rolls, but I made up the stuff, and there's no index of how many of each piece he actually got. I don't know how detailed you want to make the accounting Bob. We can do a strict count like we do with gems, but that means I need to know how much he collects on a roll. Or we can just do a 'he has what he needs' competely loose style. Or something in between If you want to take the convo offline during the week, that's fine by me.

BOB Unless you really want to do that and I can create a new story arc to do but ......

Michael: Hell no

Lisa: we are out the door on elf adventure. I would ask that we could do Talwin when we get back?

BOB I am good with you making a list like that TMO

BOB I am in agreement with Lisa

TMO (Craigh): it's in Craigh's Inventory tab, under 'Rare Components'

Michael: (Yes just in case that wasn't clear. Can def. wait)

BOB I am checking the three different spells TMO for what you need for the Ink

Lisa: I meant - Lanek, ok add thief levels, Craigh, add scrolls, done click off and we go

Michael: Cool beans for me.

BOB so for the scroll ink you need 1 common and 1 rare to create the ink to write the spells

TMO (Craigh): Is there a way to minimize or roll up a container in the Inventory tab so the items inside it are hidden?

Lemon: Hey, question, with the copying everything over to a new whatever, will that by any chance mean we can finally get my memorization slots correct?

TMO (Craigh): 1 Common ink will do the 2 1st level spells, and the rare for the 4th?

TMO (Craigh): and that is per scroll, I assume? Not sure how many we can or want to fit in

BOB So you need a clear crystal or mineral prism for the read magic to create the ink, (common) and 100-500 GP gems for the rare components,

Lisa: per scroll?

BOB Doubling checking how many scrolls you can get out of one batch of ink

TMO (Craigh): unfortunately the scrolls page on the site is very short on actual *details*. Sorry to foist this off on you Bob

Lemon: I mean, that's a nice apology, but isn't this kind of his job? ;)

TMO (Craigh): ah, found this: "the character must know the relevant spell and have any required material components on hand. If normally consumed in the casting, the material components are consumed in writing the scroll." We don't usually pay much attention to components, unless they're ridiculously difficult.

TMO (Craigh): Inscribing a spell onto a scroll takes 1 day. Very good to know! So our limitation is cost rather than time

BOB Each batch of Ink can be used to inscribe 2d4 spells

TMO (Craigh): chance of scribing success: 80% + 1% per level of caster, -1% per level of spell, +5% for using paper.

BOB and yes to Lemon

BOB and some of it is not there because we have not done it in a very long time

BOB but it is all on my shoulders,

TMO (Craigh): Okay, Branwyn: do you approve the use of the 100-500 gems for X number of Dimension Door scrolls?

TMO (Craigh): gem, not gems, sorry

BOB and the real reason you can do this is because Branwyn spent a lot of money on a library and labratory

TMO (Craigh): agreed!

TMO (Craigh): and she should get some benefit from that investment! ;)

Michael: Whoa whoa whoa. Bob, you are not a encyclopedia. We know this stuff, guys, this isn't his day job

BOB you can use 1 500+ gem or multiple 100+ gems

BOB chuckles

BOB This is my side gig Michael

TMO (Craigh): so 500gp worth of gems in total?

Lemon: I was 90% joking

BOB per 2d4 spells you plan to write yes TMO

TMO (Craigh): I never joke. :P Always totally sewious.

BOB and yes to Lemon fully understood, and I would very much like to make this a primary gig

Lisa: 500 gp total?

BOB and if you ask some people in my life it is

BOB and yes to Lisa

Lemon: You need to start a patreon

Lisa: sure

BOB 500 GP total for the 2d4 spells

TMO (Craigh): Yes, for 2-8 Dimension Door scrolls.

Michael: I mean...don't get me wrong. There have been times I wish that meteor would fall in Florida, but I calm down eventually :D

TMO (Craigh): just so long as it leaves Bob's house standing

Michael: Imagining a crater all around bobs house that is in flames and lava, and his green lawn is pristine

BOB chuckles

Michael: he made his save v. magic

BOB I do like the GM icon here rather than the other one previously by the way

TMO (Craigh): agreed

Spring: i don't even remember the other one

Craigh: [2d4 = 2]

Lemon: I defintely preferred the old one

BOB So we are also agreed that Lanek gets one level of thief skills?

Lisa: took 500 gp out of home base funds

Spring: oh wait, it was like a little old wizard guy

Lisa: yes

BOB so we know where we are on the time line

BOB ok

Spring: yes

Michael: (Are we earning, like at least 1 percent interest on Brans hoard?)

TMO (Craigh): drat - we only get 2 scrolls out of the common ink, so 1 chance each at Read and Detect Magic. Craigh can do those himself, btw, since it's only 1 day's work. That frees Johan up for something else if you want.

Lisa: nope

Michael: (Should start up a bank...)

Lisa: no new plans for my guys

Michael: (Drillian can bail us out)

Michael: (And Mine are good to go. If that matters still)

BOB I am waiting until the New Year to add in the mining proceeds to Hourglass and Dragon Fen, along with the other things

Craigh: [d100 = 16]

Craigh: [d10 = 4]

BOB I mention because I updated the timeline and you are currently leaving on 24-10-351

Craigh: [d100 = 38]

TMO (Craigh): both Read and Detect Magic scribing was successful.

Craigh: [2d4 = 5]

BOB and for TMO you can always work on more ink and create more spells

BOB you have time

BOB 1 week to create the ink, the write the spells

BOB then you can do the process again if you like

TMO (Craigh): enough ink for 5 Dimension Door scrolls. Howard needs to roll % for each scroll. 81% +his level is chance for success

Michael: (We'll use the non-usable scross as a Patreon backer)

Michael: *scrolls

BOB Lemon did you roll for Bixi to learn her spell?

TMO (Craigh): okay Bob, will make another stab at the common ones after Howard goes.

BOB How mamny days?

Lemon: No, I still don't know what to roll lol

BOB 1-2 days per spell level

Lemon: I don't know what that means in terms of dice

BOB What level spell?

Lemon: 3? 4? ummmm

Lemon: let me check

BOB smiles

Lemon: 3

BOB so 3 to 6 meaning 2 + 1d4

Lemon: that's some math

BOB sorry 3 + 1d6

Lemon: I roll the d4 twice? or add two when I'm done rolling?

BOB just roll 1d6

TMO (Craigh): click the +3 on the bottome left and roll a d6

BOB and add 3 to it

Lemon: [+3] [d6+3 = 5]

BOB excellent so 5 days

Lemon: yaaay, thank you for the help y'all

Spring: uh oh, the cat saw that die

BOB awesome Spring

Lemon: oh no, sorry spring!

Michael: The Party Grows Stronger...

TMO (Craigh): that's what we're here for. :)

Spring: she's like, do it again!

GM: [15d12 = 111]

Spring: hahahaha

Michael: UH

GM: [4d4 = 8]

Spring: DM dice are shadows

Spring: they aren't vivid like the d4 was

Craigh: [20d10 = 108]

Spring: much better, she liked that

Craigh: [d10 = 2]

Lemon: [d4 = 1]

Craigh: [4d8 = 15]

Lemon: [d12 = 4]

BOB what spell was that Lemon?

TMO (Craigh): Lisa - did you see the rolls Howard needs to make?

Lemon: Wraithform

Spring: i'm trying to get a video but it's not working out

TMO: test

TMO: there we go, easier to read this way

Spring: test

BOB Carissa you said one week minimum

BOB but

Lanek: oh right

Lemon: Ok, so the elfland we expect to go to, we expect to be woodsy with lots of animals? Trying to pick my spells maybe SLIGHTLY before the last possible second

Spring: ahem, i'll get there

BOB how many weeks did you want to spend pestering Indigo on how to properly say Scone

BOB and Sheath

BOB and Stone

BOB and Still

Spring: hahahaha

BOB and why are they all so close together?

Lisa: no

Carissa: sorry zoned out on the planning stuff

TMO: Howard has an 81% + his level for each of the 5 Dimension Door spells.

Carissa: however long he'll put up with her I guess if we're not leaving right away

BOB For picking spells, you are expecting to be there an unknown ammount of time, because you have to go to the plane and then find the people you are looking for. Sort of like landing in Brazil and looking for the Eiffel Tower

Lisa: [d100 = 58]

Lisa: [d100 = 96]

Lisa: [d100 = 92]

Lisa: [d100 = 68]

Lisa: [d100 = 32]

TMO: so 3 successes?

BOB Howard tries so hard

Lemon: Yeah, but I do need to memorize my mage spells before we go, no?

TMO: that's okay. This is new for all of us. ;)

Lisa: yes

Lisa: you need to memorize mage spells in the morning

Craigh: k, will do another shot at common ink now.

TMO (Craigh): dank #3

Lisa: it takes time so you can't wait until right before combat :)

BOB Yes to Lemon

Craigh: [2d4 = 7]

Lisa: was doing mine and FG can't count to 4 so was frustrated

Lemon: Exactly, so I want to do that now. So I'm just trying to figure out what kind of environment the elfland is PROBABLY going to be so I can kind of sort of try to guess what will be useful

BOB Carissa who was it learnign Hin?

BOB and for Lemon that would be talking to the Elves for that information

Carissa: N'laea

Lisa: you just have to pick and hope and if you guess wrong someone else will pick up the slack and you will guess better the next day

BOB as Branwyn wants to know that too

Lisa: you can't sweat it that much

Michael: test?

Lisa: Branwyn already picked her spells

TMO: I'm going to have Johan do 4 Detect Magic scrolls, Lisa. His chance of success is 84% + his level.

TMO: Craigh will do 3 Read Magics

Michael: huh. Autoscroll turned off. i'm still here

Lemon: Yeah, and I'm fine with doing that, but from a practical ooc pov, I don't want to get IC, chat with the elves, and then spend 20 minutes holding everyone up while I try to figure out spells before we teleport

BOB Updated the time line for N'laea

Craigh: [d100 = 68]

Craigh: [d100 = 40]

Craigh: [d100 = 43]

Lisa: unless you read them your books they won't know what spells you have to tell you what to pick

Lemon: I just want to know basic info about what we expect elfland to be like. Wooded? Animals? Plants? Regular day and night cycle?

BOB Also you are all doing well as a group to prepare for the trip, it could have gone faster with things on the site, but overall is a good job of trying to come up with ideas and thoughts on what to do to prepare

BOB For Lemon, Yes, Yes, Yes, Unknown

Lemon: fantastic, thank you

Lemon: And my only mage spells are all illusion? Am I remembering that correctly?

BOB and also No, Yes, Yes, Unknown

Johan: [d100 = 46]

Johan: [d100 = 53]

Johan: [d100 = 10]

Johan: [d100 = 99]

BOB and you have some non-Illusion spells but you are an Illusionist so you get extras of those and are better at them

TMO (Craigh): never more than 3 at one time is apparently the rule.

Lisa: lol

BOB also for Lisa I have the results of Branwyn's research

Lisa: k

BOB Branwyn reads and learns, and throws things at the wall, and is impressed at how complete this books is, and how confusing the Planes are

BOB Branwyn now knows how to tune her Amulet to get to the top level of any of the Outer Planes

BOB and then return back home safely

Lisa: bonus

Spring: nifty!

Michael: LOL

BOB The key is she needs a piece of that Plane to tune the Amulet to reach that Plane

Lisa: so clip a bit off that elf gown?

Lisa: :D

BOB so Yes you have a sacred cloak and can get to the elf lands

BOB and you have a book to get to Hell

Lisa: yes

TMO (Craigh): I've added the scrolls to Craigh's inventory. Thanks!

BOB but other Planes? you will have to research

Lisa: ok

BOB and or somehow go there get somethign so you can reprogram

BOB and it has to be done each time

BOB so once you change it you need a piece of Pandemonium to go back there

Lisa: I'll make sure to bring something back from elfdom

BOB which weirdly Bixi took some rocks

Lisa: drat! we didn't get a souvenir

BOB not knowing I was going to say that

Lisa: she did?


BOB sigh

Lisa: okay ...

TMO: Is Johan high enough to cast 4th level spells?

BOB I wanted to say something but I held back

Lisa: no

Lisa: he was rolling for detect magic

Lemon: I did!

Lemon: I did!

Lemon: Ha! I'm so accidentally useful!

BOB So Branwyn can keep a list of where she can re-program to

Lisa: or read magic - he doesn't know detect magic

Lisa: I don't want Bixi's rocks

TMO: Yes, I was just wondering who should carry the Dimension Door scrolls is all. Branwyn and Howard can obviously both use the scrolls, not sure about Johan.

Michael: I can't use it, but am happy to gaurd a spare

BOB Johan and Howard are not going on this trip

TMO: all 3 to Branwyn then!

BOB Just Branwyn and Indigo

Lisa: Branwyn and Howard can cast that spell and neither Howard or Johan is going on this trip

Lisa: she doesn't need scrolls I thought they were for Craigh but don't really want to get into this now

Lemon: Hey, you might need my rocks

TMO: okay

TMO: Craigh will carry them then

Lemon: I mean, not now, but you might need them in the future.

Lisa: thought they were so he could cast things

BOB I count 12 people in your group, Bixi, Branwyn, Indigo, Tiberius, Craigh, Lanek, Licornah, Talwin, Raelynn, N'laea, Youtargim, and Nightshade

Lemon: Do I have a room at Branwyn's? I'll just keep them in my room?

Lisa: Kaala

BOB was not planning on going

BOB but you can drag her along if you like

TMO (Craigh): the main goal with the scrolls is to make it so we don't have to spend slots on memorizing niche spells.

Carissa (Carissa): she can stay if she doesn't want to go

Lisa: oh I thought we were taking elven cat so we could regift her to some goddess

Carissa (Carissa): it's already overcrowded

Lisa: her take this animal

Lisa: here

Carissa (Carissa): elven cat is nightshade

BOB that is Nightshade

Lisa: ohh

Carissa (Carissa): this is why I keep getting confused

TMO (Craigh): Will we need Read Magic, Detect Magic, or Dimension Door today? We don't know! But now we can whip out a scroll if we need one and don't have it memorized.

Lisa: pardon me while I whip this out!

Lisa: pls tell me someone knows that line

Craigh: Of course I do!

TMO (Craigh): dang #4

Lisa: thx :)

TMO (Craigh): We have 2 Comprehend Languages, 4 Detect Magic, 4 Read Magic, 3 Dimension Door available. Craigh will have them all if we need any of them.

Lisa: nice

BOB very

Branwyn: Detect Magic - Range: 0, AoE: 10 x 60 ft., Duration: 2 rds./level, Cast Time: 1, Save: None

TMO (Craigh): and any wizard can use them. iirc, casting a spell above your normal level is either impossible or has a risk of failure. So the Dimension Doors are best used by Branwyn or Howard. Bixi I don't *think* can cast 4th level spells.

Branwyn: oops

BOB brb emptying and refilling

Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.

Branwyn: [CAST] Feather Fall

TMO (Craigh): Low level wizards and priests may be able to read spells from scrolls that are normally beyond their abilities; even a 1st level wizard has a chance to pronounce the incantation for a fireball or lightning bolt correctly. Refer to Scrolls, in Appendix 3 of the Dungeon Master® Guide.

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

Lemon: Not yet!

Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.

Branwyn: [CAST] Burning Hands

Branwyn: [SAVE VS] Burning Hands [HALF ON SAVE]

Branwyn: can you see me casting?

User is back. (TMO)

TMO (Craigh): yes

Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.

Branwyn: [CAST] Comprehend Languages

TMO (Craigh): hw many weeks are we spending here again?

Lisa (Branwyn): trying to see why it will only let me memorize 3 1st levels spells

Bixi Fizzlebang:

Lisa (Branwyn): as many weeks as it takes?

TMO (Craigh): if we're here 3, Craigh can do some scrolls of his spells. May be nice to have a spare Change Self spell in a pinch. ;) His spells are cheap to make, they're only 1st level

Lisa (Branwyn): we're landing and asking if anyone has seen a goddes missing a gown

TMO (Craigh): FG still insists that Craigh has 2 starter spell slots instead of 1.

Lisa (Branwyn): we have no clue where we'll land or where we need to go

Lemon: Yeah, my klooge says I can memorize 5 1st level mage, but FG only lets me put in 3... and it lets me put in too many 3rd levels

Lemon: I'm just writing it down right now

TMO: weird

BOB back

TMO: I don't think we mere mortals can fix spell slots. That's a Bob fix, afaik. :(

TMO: I don't think we mere mortals can fix spell slots. That's a Bob fix, afaik. :(

TMO: although perhaps it'll get fixed when he re-enters our characters

BOB We will check that later

Spring: pout

Lemon: I think he tried to fix it on mine before

BOB yes to TMO

BOB but Spring does get 30 points to distribute for Lanek's skills

Lemon: but it's still a learning process

BOB tell me how much to each and I will do that

BOB THAT it is Lemon THAT it is

Spring: awright, looking

TMO: no more than 15 to any one skill Spring

Lanek: perfect

Lanek: 15 for Find/Remove Traps and 15 for Open Locks

BOB for the correct number of spells to cast per level I will try to fix that over the weekend

BOB and off to fix that now Spring

Spring: thanks!

Spring: does anyone know if there's a way to look at a character sheet without stepping into the character?

Lisa (Branwyn): I fixed mine

Lisa (Branwyn): don't think so

BOB Updated Lanek for you now Spring

BOB and thank you Lisa

Spring: thanks!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hold Animal

Spring: LOL i just realized i've been through the town that My Cousin Vinnie is shot in about 6 times over the past year

Spring: it's Monticello GA

Bixi Fizzlebang: Taking long rest.

Lemon: what

BOB was clearning things for Bixi

Branwyn: Taking long rest.

Lemon: Did you... just erase all the spells I just set up?

BOB no

BOB just healed to max and cleared the spells you cast

Lemon: oh, ok

TMO: cue Lemon meltdown in 3, 2, 1 .....

Lemon: lol, it's fine, I wrote them all down

Spring: hehe

TMO: While you're editing spell slots, can you fix Craigh's? He should have 2 total: 1 normal, & 1 specialist.

Lemon: But it sure does look like they cleared

TMO: both 1st level, btw

BOB I cleared how many spells you cast for Bixi

BOB and for Branwyn

BOB and just finished Craigh

Lemon: or I just don't know how to get back to where it shows what I memorized

TMO: I'm in discord chat if you want to share your screen

TMO (Craigh): Still thinks Craigh has 2+1 1st level spell slots. Should be 1+1

BOB For Lemon I see all zeroes when I look at the Prep for spells

BOB I am stopping with the sheets for the moment

BOB Carissa, and Lisa are at the point of the determining where to Plane Shift to

BOB What you have so far: "Arvandor, the high forest. Arborea. You may have heard it refer to it as Arvanaith. That is the easy part. As for where... most the deities roam. Raelynn says Hanali is known to have a crystal palace, but I believe that is the minority. Sehanine Moonbow is the Goddess of Mysteries, Moonlight, and Long Journeys, including those on their journey to the next life. She is incredibly important, and it is a guess she may have a palace, but in truth, neither of us know."

BOB I am seeing your changes Lemon

BOB you just memorized 1 blindness

BOB 1 change self

BOB etc

BOB I only see the changes if I happen to have the sheet up while you change it

BOB everyone ok?

Lisa (Branwyn): yes

Lemon: TMO fixed me, I'm good now

Carissa (Carissa): extremely bored

Carissa (Carissa): I thought we were mostly done planning

BOB This is your time Carissa

Lemon: lol, Carissa, you really need a second monitor

Carissa (Carissa): I got my Switch

Lisa (Branwyn): I know - wasn't expecting another 3 hours of not playing either so let's go

Carissa (Carissa): seriously

BOB tell me where you are going

Carissa (Carissa): I haven't a clue what more info they can offer. A meadow or forest.

Lisa (Branwyn): Arvanaith is as close as I have heard it said

Michael: Imma about to flip a coin right now

Carissa (Carissa): That's the actual plane. As for locations in the plane, the only one they know exists is the crystal palace for Hanali

Michael: I got 15 min, so I'd like to at least see where we wind up

Carissa: Sorry, the actual spot in Olympus. Olympus is the plane, all the A-names are a place within Olympus.

Lisa (Branwyn): Olympus then

Michael: zoom zoom zoom and...we're here. Right bob?

BOB Trying

BOB I have the map up

Lisa (Branwyn): then Arvanaith in Olympus correct?

BOB but it is not sharing

Michael: (no worries)

Lisa (Branwyn): we don't want to go to greek land

Carissa (Carissa): Yes.

Read Magic

Lemon: ugh, sorry

Carissa (Carissa): Arborea or Arvador might be the more "proper" name

Lisa (Branwyn): it's your thing - tell bob and we will go there

Carissa (Carissa): I thought that was telling him

Michael (Talwin): We're technically here. Map is generating tons of user error messages on my end me thinks

Michael (Talwin): hes trying

BOB Branwyn and Rae are on the new map

BOB can you see them?

Carissa (Raelynn): nope

Spring: i have no map and yes errors

Spring: buncha deprecated stuff and actormanager errors

TMO (Craigh): getting the same errors

BOB I have Branwyn, Lanek, Rae and Nla on the new map

Talwin: Well, I bid thee ado my fair friends. I will check the chat boards. For informaiton though, I did have a large update on my end. Just in case that helps

BOB Forward Overview

Lemon: goodnight Michael!

Carissa (Raelynn): night michael

BOB Forest Overview

BOB night Michael

Spring: bye Michael!!

TMO (Craigh): g'nite!

Michael (Talwin): Nith!

'Michael' disconnected

Craigh: Ni!

Carissa (Raelynn): there

Lemon: Oh, I see it!


TMO (Craigh): have map!

Spring: me too

BOB I am getting all sorts of errors as I try to move icons to themap

BOB some do not want to move, some jump to the top of the list as I click on them

BOB no clue what is different

Spring: they also share the errors with the players, so that's nice

BOB I am sorry

BOB I seem to be at a standstill

Spring: no worries, it's totally not you :-P

BOB what errors are you seeing?

BOB Maybe that would help me figure this out

Spring: network send rile request - error script execution error

Spring: and then some handler errors

TMO (Craigh): Handler error: attempt to call field 'getActorFromCT'

BOB Thank you all

BOB Yes I am getting those errors too

BOB not sure why

BOB and it is not letting me for example bring Bixi to the map

BOB but everyone is on the combat tracker

BOB and can talk

Spring: carissa put them into the discord

BOB Yes thank you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Does my character need to be my active character maybe?

BOB No to Lemon

Spring: alas things are picking up at work, i gotta go anyway

BOB Indigo moved fine

BOB have a great night Spring

Carissa (Raelynn): night spring

Bixi Fizzlebang: goodnight spring!

Spring: gnite!!

'Spring' disconnected

BOB OK so the four of you

BOB givign up on the moving thing

BOB Talking

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

BOB you all see this path that leads down to a stream

Carissa (Raelynn): (did the other roll go through?)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

Carissa (N'laea): (I can't tell when it doesn't roll versus accidentally GM only roll)

BOB I see two rolls, one ny N'laea for Observation and one by Bixi for Alertness

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 10]

BOB and there by N'laea for tracking

Carissa (N'laea): (that was what I meant to roll)

Carissa (N'laea): (with the obs)

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]

BOB You see a pleasant valley, the stream running through the center through a forest

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 1]

BOB The hills on your left

BOB You can tell that there are no settlements nearby

BOB at least none that you could think of from back hom

BOB home

BOB You have the path you are on

Craigh: Into the woods, or away?

N'laea: Into

Raelynn: Away

N'laea: rolls eyes

BOB As far as you can tell you are here on Olympus, perhaps this is Arborea

Bixi Fizzlebang: Into seems like a better bet for finding a goddess?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Don't elves like the woods?

Indigo: If you pray to Miss Moonbeam maybe she will show up?

Craigh: I'll have to take your word for that.

Raelynn: Mmm, not necessarily. Hanali has her palace. I don't know if it's in the woods, but Rillifane is and N'laea LOVES the woods...

BOB to be clear everyone can see the map not just the icons that are on it correct?

Carissa (Raelynn): yes

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): correct

TMO (Craigh): there are blacked out areas, but yes

BOB Thank you

Lisa (Indigo): I see a black hole on the right and the path going south

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh now i see a lot of things

Bixi Fizzlebang: a lot of woods and stuff

Carissa (Raelynn): yep that cleared things up

BOB Thank you to Carissa and Lemon

Lisa (Indigo): yup

BOB I think I remember what I did, grins

N'laea: I see nothing from here. In the forest, we may find something to talk to on where to go.\

Carissa (N'laea): (no tracks?)

BOB SO you see the forest in front of you, your path extending behind you back up into the hills

BOB no tracks on the pathway

BOB can you move your icons on the map?

Carissa (N'laea): si

BOB That is a yes

BOB Scale is not right but can leave that for now

BOB you are moving through full trees

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): what about my botany rolllll

BOB grins, getting there

BOB Bixi can see that these are normal trees, much healthier than anything she has seen in The Mist, and that they are wild..... but also seem to have some maintenance done around here

BOB Low ammounts of brush under the trees for example,

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmmm... do elflands not grow plants under the trees? Or is someone taking care of this area?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at the elves

N'laea: It is likely cared for.

N'laea: Or... respectfully taken from.

N'laea: No doubt all forests here are protected, but as for whose forest... we'd have to go in to potentially find oout.

N'laea: But no hunting. Not until you know.

Craigh: I will put away the rabbit snares then.

Craigh: Sorry.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If this area belongs to someone we should ask first, obviously

N'laea: Please do. Rillifane frowns upon it unless the need is dire. It is bad enough it's done back home...

Craigh: That was a try at a joke, sorry. Not very good, I'm afraid.

N'laea: Oh.

N'laea: serious elf is serious

Carissa (N'laea): (so into the forest...?)

BOB Heading from the more open lands into the forest near the stream

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): shrug, that was my vote, but i'll go with majority of course

Lisa (Indigo): we'll follow wherever you want to go

BOB you enter the area and see that there is wildlife around, not totally frightened of you but not friendly

Carissa (N'laea): (lol I know, just guessing I had to state it more specifc or else move icons?)

N'laea: May I ask whose forest this is?

BOB you move through the woods

N'laea: to the wildlife

Carissa (N'laea): (since that's not a language option yet)

BOB The simple beasts seem confused by the question

N'laea: Rillifane? Solonor? The Lone Wolf?

BOB Nothing seems to catch their attention

N'laea: signs and moves along

Craigh: Did we bring treats?

BOB as you move through the forest down towards the stream

BOB observation checks

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 9]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

Bixi Fizzlebang: alertness check?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dangit

BOB So as you get closer to the stream some of you notice a lack of activity

Branwyn: This forestcertainly has an eerie sense of ... peacefulness?

Craigh: That's a new one.

N'laea: (that's very laggy)

BOB and Bixi can make an alternetness check

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Carissa (N'laea): wow that was the worst lag I think I've had yet including with klooge

BOB Bixi points upstream

BOB to a thin dark smudge on the waters

BOB slowly drifting down the current

BOB spreading out and disipating

Branwyn: looks

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): She says "look, y'all, god is working on an mspaint project!"

Carissa (N'laea): lol

TMO (Craigh): lol

BOB LOL yeah I need to get better

Branwyn: What is that?

Craigh: Anybdy know what that is?

N'laea: No idea... but if there's nothing on the banks... it might be going after what gets near it....

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, you do not, paint is the pinnacle of digital art in my own personal experience

BOB It is coming from the hills where the stream is coming from

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe it's soot from a forge or something...?

Carissa (N'laea): (oh not slithering down towards us, okay)

Craigh: In holy woods?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe some elves like pretty armor?

Raelynn: Oh, they do! But not pollution...

BOB Bixi points upstream

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Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is stuck in a time loop!

Carissa (N'laea): oh darn I thought she spotted something more

N'laea: carefully trying to inch closer for a better look

Liliafane: Who chooses to enter our woods?

Craigh: watches arounnd the group in case this is a distraction

N'laea: N'laea, Order of the Oakstaff.

N'laea: With allies.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oooh, nice and easy, just like that

Liliafane: It is wise to travel with friends

N'laea: Yes.

Indigo: looks around for who said that

Liliafane: Why do you venture into our lands?

N'laea: We seek an audience with the Goddess of Mysteries. We simply.... landed here.

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 15]

Lisa (Branwyn): is this an elf talking?

BOB LiYes to Branwyn

BOB and that will give you all an observation or Inteligence check

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

N'laea: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

BOB Bixi knows this voice is speaking in Gnome

BOB Criagh knows this voice is speaking in Common

Indigo: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 14]

Carissa (N'laea): (oooooh)

BOB Indigo hears the voice in Hin

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): the plot thickens!

BOB Branwyn knows this voice is speaking in Common, and understands that it is an Elf

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is N'laea the one who also knows gnomish?

Indigo: Nice of her to speak common for us

Lisa (Indigo): dangit

Carissa (N'laea): (yes)

Carissa (N'laea): (betting she hears elvish though....?)

Branwyn: Nice of her to speak common for us

Indigo: Uh-uh she was talking Hin

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I was just asking because if not, I was going to offer to translate, but that doesn't really work if you already know it lol

Indigo: waves at the elf and smiles

Craigh: Hunh. I heard common too

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... it was Gnomish for me

Carissa (N'laea): (lol still don'tk now for the elvish)

Bixi Fizzlebang: glances at the others like they are crazy

BOB What do you mean Carissa?

Carissa (N'laea): (I am assuming Nlaea and Rae hear elvish?)


N'laea: You understand her?

Indigo: Yes we did

Indigo: I did

Craigh: nods

N'laea: Interesting...

N'laea: May I ask your name?

BOB I am Liliafane guardian of the western path

N'laea: A pleasure. Perhaps you can help point us to where to go? These are not lands we're familiar with.

BOB You do not taste like you are from here

N'laea: Taste?

Craigh: whispers, "Do we need to say why we want an audience?"

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross

BOB You have a strange moist taste to your essence

Raelynn: whispers back, "I'm sure many have reasons... it could be dangerous saying why....right?"

Lisa (Indigo): go IC Bob

N'laea: I have not encountered someone who could tell what another ....tastes like.

Liliafane: You have a strange moist taste to your essence

N'laea: frowns

Craigh: bites his tongue to stop a silly reply.

N'laea: Is this... something elves can commonly do here?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I kind of liked thinking it was actually bob saying those things

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Liliafane: You cannot tell the essence of a person? how they look, sound, feel, smell, taste?

N'laea: No that is not... I'm not aware if that's possible where we're from.

Indigo: licks the back of his hand

Indigo: I can only taste me

N'laea: How the sound and look and feel, but taste is... different. Essence is not something most, or any perhaps, can detect.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

Liliafane: You are strange, you are not from here, you have a .... cloying ..... taste,

N'laea: thinking about those dang cinnamon buns

Liliafane: Something you are dipped in

Indigo: whispers

N'laea: Ah. I have not yet... shed that, I suppose?

Indigo: Is she gonna eat us?

Bixi Fizzlebang: whispers "Maybe we can tell her we don't want to stay long?"

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or him*

Raelynn: Isn't cloying bad? I don't want to eat things cloying sweet or... something.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And now we know the mist tastes moist

Liliafane: You do not seem the type of things to eat

Branwyn: Perhaps the Mist clings to us. What we are dipped in?

Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly relieved to hear that

N'laea: I was wondering if it is more that we smell... alive?

Liliafane: What is the Mist you say clings to you?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh i forgot about that whole should we be dead or not conversation

Liliafane: Alive

Liliafane: You are still in your flesh

N'laea: Yes.

Liliafane: That is why your spirit tastes so

Craigh: ... chunky?

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Raelynn: Oh good. I hope it's not because of the Mist. That'd be terrible.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dang N'laea is so smart

Lisa (Indigo): yes she is

Carissa (N'laea): (sometimes Tiberius knows what he's talking about)

N'laea: I am aware that we... I... am not supposed to be here yet, but we are trying to get an audience with the Goddess.

Carissa (N'laea): (oh good, that giant L really is helping me visualize her better!)

Tiberius Branadarus: Of course I do

Liliafane: Which Goddess?

BOB grins at Carissa

BOB The unseeable

N'laea: The Goddess of Mysteries, Sehanine Moonbow.

Liliafane: Why do you wish an audience with her?

N'laea: We have something we believe she'd want returned.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): who's asking!

Carissa (N'laea): (if you typed that two seconds sooner it would have matched up with my music)

Liliafane: That would be most unusual

Carissa (N'laea): (Us! Well US I can't just talk about myself here)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol nice

N'laea: I am aware. Unusually enough that we traveled here, alive, to return it.

Carissa (N'laea): (for Lemon) (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Carissa (N'laea): (yes I'm aware I have an earworm problem)

Liliafane: I can take you to a place where you can seek her

Liliafane: Are you able to keep up?

N'laea: At a cost?

Lisa (Indigo): probably not

N'laea: We will certainly try although some... have shorter legs.

N'laea: And less experience running in forests....

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, it's fine, I listened to surface pressure on repeat for like an hour last night

TMO (Craigh): lol - my fave song from the movie too

Carissa (N'laea): (we're going on like two months of listening to the same music; it's good and bad at the same time, lol)

Carissa (N'laea): (good music, bad that I can't get over it yet)

Liliafane: Perhaps then it is best if you wait here and I will return

N'laea: How will returning help versus showing us where to go?

Craigh: (and then she turns and starts moving at the pace of a swift tortoise)

Liliafane: I can show you where to go

N'laea: Please do.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol tmo

Indigo: Ummm ... what's that stuff in the water please?

TMO (Craigh): that was not a dangit - I remembered, but my thumb was on the wrong key

Carissa (N'laea): (toss Bixi under her arm and run!)

BOB and in N'laea's mind blooms a scene of a forest glen, with a small waterfall and a unicorn resting along the bank

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): unicorrrrrrrrn

N'laea: nods

Liliafane: The taint from the hills is growing

Raelynn: What is the taint?

Liliafane: I have been on watch

Liliafane: impure

BOB and suddenly her prescence is gone

Indigo: Is she coming back?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sure she'll be able to find us if she is

N'laea: I don't think so. We have to find a forest glen, a small waterfall, a unicorn.... somewhere?

N'laea: She showed me where, but not.... how to get to where.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well, if it's a waterfall... we should go upstream?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): meant that part to be ic

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well if it's a waterfall... we should go upstream?

Indigo: That makes sense

Carissa (N'laea): (the black gunk is upstream, right?)

BOB yes

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): of course it is

Indigo: unless the water runs down to a waterfall

Indigo: Does it do that too?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Probably?

N'laea: Or it is a different one but... we can try upstream first. Although we likely want to give... that distance.

Craigh: looks for a waterfall.

N'laea: A unicorn along the bank may be useful to look for, too.

Branwyn: Can you use your augury skills to see if it would be better to go up or down stream?

Raelynn: Ummm, maybe.

Carissa (Raelynn): (if I can find the dang spell to double check)

TMO (Craigh): is augury a skill?

BOB spell

Lisa (Branwyn): it's a spell branwyn just said skill

BOB but the map and the overall theme and background image work well for setting a new mood?

Lisa (Branwyn): very much so

TMO (Craigh): yes

BOB That is also how I stumbled upon the potential problem and how to fix it

BOB but ran out of time yesterday to do the fix

BOB Letting Carissa figure out the spell

Raelynn: (sorry for some reason finding spells is not intuitive here)

Carissa (Raelynn): (but yes, should be good)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): actions tab, then within that, powers tab

TMO (Craigh): thx Lemon

Carissa (Raelynn): (okay some one cast per question so that works, we'll just ask this one question lol)

BOB On the Combat Tracker, do you see how do get there quickly too?

Carissa (Raelynn): (nope because I rarely have that open)

BOB is how I checked Branwyn's spells for example

Lisa (Branwyn): I got a bunch of errors opening the combat tracker

BOB the Party sheet shows everyone that is there for your side, the combat tracker shows everyone you know is there, including enemies you can see

BOB Yeah Tiberius is a mess

Raelynn: (I see it but I see no way to cast from there)

Carissa (Raelynn): (almost everyone is blank)

BOB next week will be better

BOB remember also starting very late next week

TMO (Craigh): no spells on my combat tracker

Carissa (Raelynn): 9 PM?

BOB yeah, I have the event for the 20th anniversary of AARLCC, they just asked me to be there for it yesterday

BOB It runs from 5 to 830

TMO (Craigh): good luck!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I cliick the magnifying class, then there's a "cast" die

BOB and a half hour home, but this will be up and everyone can do things

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Tried to use 'Detect Magic' but has no uses left.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Detect Magic

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Tried to use 'Detect Magic' but has no uses left.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Detect Magic

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Tried to use 'Detect Magic' but has no uses left.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Detect Magic

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): um, I was trying to roll hold on

BOB Lemon is almost ready to run a game here in FGU now

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ok yeah a little box next to that with the die for me

Lisa: did you get the spell description Carissa?

Carissa (Raelynn): (I see no magnify glass)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT] [MOD:Detect Magic] [d10+10 = 20]

Carissa (Raelynn): (yes sorry, post or just cast?)

Lisa: on your character sheet next to the gear should be an S

Lisa: click on that S thing and the description should open in a popup

Carissa (Raelynn): (oh that magnify glass; thought she meant on combat tracker)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh sorry

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): i have no idea how to use combat tracker effectively yet lol

Raelynn: Raelynn cast a spell NOT memorized.

Raelynn: [CAST] Augury

Lisa: me either

Raelynn: (okay so at least that works)

Raelynn: "If we go upstream from here, at this stream, will we find that place N'laea was shown by Liliafane?"

BOB "Many streams flow through the forest, this is not the one you seek"

Raelynn: Mmm, nope! Not this stream.

Raelynn: But there are many through the forest so... one of those?

Indigo: So should we cross this stream and keep going up the path?

Indigo: points

Indigo: I dunno

N'laea: I don't think we have many other options. Behind us isn't forest, and this section is.... less forest.

Craigh: Maybe she was supposed to be able to teleport to it. I bet the vision was complete enough for her to do that.

Indigo: Maybe we'll find more people to ask. Now that you know what to ask for, it'll be better

N'laea: Yes, true. We have a destination... of sorts.

N'laea: Find a unicorn, a glen, a waterfall and then... somehow we should be able to commune with Moonbow. I think.

Indigo: Sure!

Carissa (N'laea): (so... crossing stream and deeper into the forest we go)


Lisa (Indigo): ok

BOB I think this is a good place to pause

BOB so that next week we can do the meeting in one piece

BOB with everyone

BOB rather than split over two sessions

Branwyn: sounds good

BOB I will work on things this weekend

BOB and this will be up as normal for anyone to look in for qustions etc

BOB Have a great night everyone

TMO (Craigh): Bob - rope me in if you need eyes on something

BOB I will

BOB I think I know the key problem,

BOB just means I have to recreate a bunch of stuff

BOB but I did solve the save characters problem

BOB so on your side it SHOULD all look the same

Carissa (N'laea): wow that lagged again

BOB just without errors

Branwyn: that would be great

Carissa (Carissa): all righty

Lisa: Goodnight everyone!

Carissa (Carissa): night!

'Carissa' disconnected

'Lisa' disconnected

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm still organizing my spells, is it going to be a problem if I stay logged in for a bit?

BOB Not at all Lemon

TMO: g'nite!

'TMO' disconnected

BOB I am going to put a mark across the chat to know where we stopped

BOB $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$