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Chat Log - 2022 04 08 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Chat

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Battle with the Fire Giants continues …

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Chant [at Bixi Fizzlebang]

Branwyn: moves forward to get line of sight on the two giants

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [SUCCESS by 26] [d100 = 4]

and Zayden hides in the mess of this room with all the gear as previously described

Youtargim : [Translation] RUN AWAY!!!! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!!!! SURRENDER OR DIE!!!!!!

[understood by: ]

Moves forward to stand in front of Branwyn to guard her

N'laea with her elven wizardry with her bow goes THUNK THUNK one arrow into each eye and totally blinds the giant with the sword

Craigh: drops the lasso from his hand, grabs the Invulnerability potion, hands it to Talwin, and retreats quickly along the wall so hopefully mace-giant can't swing at him

Licornah moves closer to the combat.

Tiberius attacks the Fire Giant with his rapier, hitting him in the armpit, chest and fingers, and heavily wounding him.

Talwin: Drinks potion of Invulnerability

Indigo: Indigo being short and way in the back goes ahead with his original plan and charges full speed at the giants yelling and waving the potion in one hand and a sword in the other


Indigo: tries to throw the metal fatigue potion at the Fire Giant’s sword

Indigo then takes a swipe at the Fire Giant with his sword, hitting the back of his forearm, critically wounding him.

the potion works on this sword to weaken it, it bends/droops down and is useless in combat now

Youtargim : [Translation] I TOLD YOU TO SURRENDER

[understood by: ]

The Fire Giant drops his sword and grabs at his eyes, reaching for the arrows

Giant, Fire (Soulless) : [Translation] WHO ARE YOU? I WILL CRUSH YOU!!

[understood by: ]

The Fire Giant Soulless reaches for Tiberius, grabs him by the forearm and throws him.

Tiberius goes FLYING into the far wall and takes additional damage as he hits the wall hard.


Indigo attacks the Fire Giant Soulless with his short swords hitting him in the hip and quite unbelievably on the top of the giant’s head, wounding him.

Bixi Fizzlebang keeps chanting.

Branwyn: moves forward and tries to stab a giant but misses.

Zayden sneaks along the dungeon wall to the right ankle of the Fire Giant.

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [SUCCESS by 23] [d100 = 7]

Zayden: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 44] [d100 = 11]

Zayden: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 95) [SUCCESS by 77] [d100 = 18]

Zayden manages to latch onto the Fire Giant’s belt and haul himself up. He then stabs the giant in the back, wounding him.

Youtargim : [Translation] YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE

[understood by: ]

Zayden: whoa check out the view from up here ladies!

Youtargim attacks the Fire Giant on the forearm with his Scimitar, killing him.

Zayden: May I land gracefully to the ground

Zayden: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 95) [SUCCESS by 32] [d100 = 63]

Zayden: I be agile AF

Zayden Lands gracefully to the ground, finishing with a twirl

N'laea shoots arrows at Fire Giant Soulless but misses.

Craigh: tries to retract his lasso so he doesn't get dragged back into the melee or trip someone.

Licornah waits, ready to heal.

Tiberius: COUGHS, Yeah Take that

Talwin wields the Giant-kin, 2-handed sword against the Fire Giant Soulless but misses.

Raelynn: quietly to the dwarves, Are these two the only ones here?

Giant, Fire (Soulless) : [Translation] If I surrender you what will you do to me?

[understood by: ]


Indigo attacks the Fire Giant Soulless and hits him in the shin with his short swords, heavily wounding him.

Youtargim: He wants to surrender

Zayden: the Soulless surrendered?

Bixi Fizzlebang keeps chanting.

Branwyn: Youtargim if he surrenders you need to translate for us

N'laea: And tell us why we should believe it to be genuine.

N'laea bow at ready

Youtargim: Understood

N'laea: Does he know where to find what we seek?

Zayden I move behind the others just in case...

Youtargim : [Translation] You see what we did to your friend? (points at the eyes) We can do that to you too, Drop to your knees and keep your hands behind your back. We will treat you fairly

[understood by: ]

Youtargim: I told him if he drops to his knees we will treat him fairly or otherwise we will kill him

N'laea: A start.

N'laea is still aiming her bow

Craigh will move to the back to make sure no one hears the noise and comes to attack us from behind

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Licornah casts Cure Light Wounds on N’laea, healing her.

N'laea gives a nod of thanks to Licornah

Tiberius waves his rapier at the Fire Giant Soulless.

Raelynn: to the dwarves, Hello? Can you hear me?

Fire Giant Soulless steps back to the wall, keeps his back to the wall but slides down to sit

Zayden: you'd think for being all chained up they'd want to communicate with us?

Fire Giant Soulless holds his hands at his side


Raelynn: Nothing here seems to understand our language.

Raelynn: Well, except you.

Zayden: Uhhhh yeah...

Talwin: Seeing the Giant has surrendered, grunts in agony and observes the room, looking for additional threats

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Zayden: whoa lot of dwarves!

Indigo: I'll watch him if you want to look around

Raelynn peeks around the corner to make sure nothing else is hiding by the dwarves before going to help them

Talwin sees that the giants had 8,000 gp of treasure with them

Zayden: pretty tidy sum

Zayden: what if the dwarves want some of the gold? What if it's their gold?

Raelynn: Um, does anyone speak anything these dwarves will understand?

Zayden: well who can speak to whom?

Raelynn : [Translation] You don't understand this, do you?

[understood by: Licornah, Raelynn, N'laea]

no response

but the Giant flinches

N'laea : [Translation] You don't like Elvish...?

[understood by: Licornah, Raelynn, N'laea]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

N'laea : [Translation] Or is it something else that bothers you?

[understood by: Licornah, Raelynn, N'laea]

The giant seems uneasy with the Elvish going around

N'laea : [Translation] Do you understand me or is it only the sound you dislike?

[understood by: Licornah, Raelynn, N'laea]

Zayden: Maybe we put the dwarves and the giant in a room together, let them solve it

N'laea : [Translation] Speak, giant, if you understand me.

[understood by: Licornah, Raelynn, N'laea]

No good response back from the dwarves or the giant to N'laea's comments

N'laea frowns.

Zayden [C Comm]: [Translation] Hello Giant do you understand me?

[understood by: Zayden]

and no response to Zayden's comments either

Indigo: Youtargim, do you speak dwarvish?

Zayden [C Comm]: [Translation] Hello Dwarves, you guys understand me?

[understood by: Zayden]

N'laea [Gnomish]: [Translation] Gnomish is likely a stretch?

[understood by: Bixi Fizzlebang, N'laea]

N'laea [Hin]: [Translation] Or Hin?

[understood by: Indigo, N'laea]

Indigo: shakes his head at all the strange chattering

N'laea shrugs

N'laea: I doubt they know animal speak. I'll save it for worthier ears.

Indigo: Dwarves don't speak Hin

Zayden [W Comm]: Hi dwarves you guys speak W Comm?

N'laea: I did not think so, but it did not hurt to try and see a reaction. The giant does not speak Elvish, but it clearly makes it uncomfortable.

Zayden: Good to know

Craigh: Eep orp whanchalla dingdongadoo

BOB so you have established that the dwarves do not speak any of the languages you know

Zayden: I mean, if we can't figure out a way to communicate maybe we just leave em? Or else they can figure out a way to talk to us...

Zayden: seems like their problem

Craigh: HELLO? DO... YOU... UNDERSTAND.... ME?

Raelynn: We shouldn't leave them chained. We didn't leave you behind. But... we shouldn't release them all at once in case they're mad and attack us.

Zayden: good point! But I could communicate

Craigh: if it's important, I have two scrolls of Comprehend Languages.

N'laea: The dwarves or this giant might know where we might find what we came for?

N'laea: Youtargim, why did he surrender? He is the first to do so.

Youtargim: I told him that if he did not surrender you would do to him that you did to the other one, points at the arrows

Youtargim: Told him to surrender or die

N'laea: That is accurate.

Craigh: drat, spell only works on the caster. That's a dumb spell.

Craigh: Unless one of them can cast from a scroll...

N'laea: What are the plans of the giants here? What does this one know of their operation? And where the chain may be?

Youtargim: I did not ask him any of that yet

N'laea: We can do little with the dwarves at the moment. You might as well get what you can from the giant.

Youtargim has a short conversation with the giant

Youtargim: He says that we will never find the chain, it is in a secret room

Youtargim: He is here to make weapons to attack the elves

N'laea sighs

Branwyn: The secret room with the manticores?

Branwyn: Ask him

N'laea: If he wants to live, he will no longer be doing that.

They talk some more

Youtargim: He will not say where the chain is more than taunting that we will never find it.

Youtargim: He does seem to be wary of the elves

Branwyn: Tell him then he is of no use to us and might as well be as dead as his friend there

N'laea taps her bow

N'laea and nods in agreement

Talks in a more strident tone, pointing to Branwyn and the elves

N'laea has a whispered conversation with Rae in Elvish while they talk.

Youtargim: He says elves have no morals that what ever agreement you make you will break when you feel like it

N'laea (trying to make him uncomfortable)

Zayden: hmmm sounds biased if you ask me

Youtargim: I think he means more chaotic than evil,

N'laea: Ah, yes. We also like to take the ears of our enemies.

N'laea has a harder time refuting the chaoticness....

Youtargim: Maybe we can lock him up somewhere?

N'laea: The manticores are hungry.

Youtargim: Or use the chains from the dwarves?

Zayden: would he fit in where the dwarves are if we empty out the dwarves first?

N'laea: Why lock him up? He has yet to provide us reason to keep him alive, has he?

Youtargim: We told him to surrender and he did

Zayden: What yourtargim's sense?

Branwyn: He has surrendered. I will not murder him right this moment

Zayden: I feel like if we start killing people who surrender that sets a certain standard

Branwyn: We do not kill people who yield

Branwyn: If the chains will hold him then let us do that.

Youtargim: Nods in agreement with Branwyn

Zayden: We could make him sacrifice a finger or a toe or an ear?

Craigh: Any way to put him to sleep?

Zayden: stranglehold

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: This creature can not be considered a person

Zayden: pretty big though

N'laea: I respect those who yield, but not those who slander and slaughter my kind, especially not my ancestors. Do as you wish, but you may do it amongst yourselves.

Branwyn: I have nothing today and even so not for a thing that size

Zayden: Well if we leave him locked up in that room he'll likely die anyway, unless more giants come for him

Youtargim talks with the giant some more, pointing at the dwarves and the chains

Branwyn: Oh N'laea if I killed everyone that slandered me there would be blood running in the streets

N'laea: He can rot like the orcs.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I imagine eventually someone will come down here and discover... um... everything

Zayden: probably shouldn't stay here too long perhaps

Youtargim: I told him that we will free the dwarves, chain him up there and if his friends find him then he will have his chance.

Bixi Fizzlebang: We've certainly left a trail.

Zayden: Can I sing for the dwarves? For practice?

Youtargim: I did say we would not give the dwarves any weapons.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If we leave him, I'm sure someone will find him before he dies... whether or not they would save him, I have no idea

Youtargim: eyes the wall of spears

Youtargim: But maybe we can just escort the dwarves a bit away from here and let them go?

N'laea: That you do not, Branwyn, is your choice. My clan lives differently.

Zayden: Well that's on them, we gave him a shot to survive that's probably the best we can do without knocking him out or killing him

Craigh: Put him in the room with the manticores?

Craigh: Not where they can kill him, of course.

Craigh: But it's behind a secret door.

Zayden: the room with the dwarves but without the dwarves in it

N'laea: I believe that is where we are going next.

Branwyn: That is where we are going soon. I'd rather not take him there

Bixi Fizzlebang: What would be the purpose of that? Just ensuring that he's left to die?

Branwyn: Let's try to sign for the dwarves to follow us and stop them if they try to go upstairs

Branwyn: They are not going up until we are ready to leave

Branwyn: Indigo, help with the chains please

Indigo: Okay

Zayden: sounds good to me!

Indigo: looks at Giant

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can we help them get out safely if they stay with us? Even if we can't clearly communicate that, I would like to help them if possible

Indigo: STAY

Indigo: goes to help free dwarves

They are chained together, there is a large padlock on the end

Zayden looks at padlock

Zayden: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 35) [SUCCESS by 26] [d100 = 9]

CLICK the lock opens

and Indigo slides the bar that holds them in place

the dwarves stand up and move gingerly away from the wall

Indigo: There you go!

Dwarf, Hill (Puckering eye patch) : [Translation] Thank you, thank you

[understood by: ]

Indigo: Branadarus, can you get that giant moving?

Zayden: yes we should move them out and IT in...

Youtargim: I will get him

Zayden: Little turn of the tables action

Indigo: Thanks

Zayden: let me make some room here urgh

Zayden gestures at dwarves to get out of the room

Zayden with hands

Youtargim : [Translation] You get over here, we lock you up and then we walk away leaving you alive, remember that Countess Branwyn the Mysterious Branadarus has given you this chance

[understood by: ]

Youtargim: He will do what you say

Zayden returns

The giant stands up

walks over to the wall and sits again

Youtargim tugs the chains around and over his legs with Indigo

Indigo: Hope this works

Zayden: we chaining him up?

Youtargim hands the giant a spear from the far wall

Indigo: Yes. Almost done here

Youtargim: and then walks away

Indigo: Secure I think

Zayden: huh? why would he give him a spear?

Youtargim: To prove we are not going to hurt him

N'laea: You are an idiot.

Bixi Fizzlebang: shakes head

Branwyn: All right. Let's drag the gold to the Keeper's room with the rest and then go back to the secret room

We are now at the entrance to this area to start, where the cat is now with the dwarves in tow