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Chat Log - 2022 04 15 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Chat

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The group starts thinking about where they should go next.

Branwyn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Branwyn can guess that the only doors you have encountered have been either slave rooms/prisoners or the guards for them

Lanek: I had to go take a leak but before I got back here I had to take a leak again

Raelynn: You don't need to tell us, really.

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 12]

Yes to rubble

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

The time is 1:15 PM

So there is everyone in front of the secret door

in the large room

Lanek: do you breathtaking geniuses want me to check for traps?

Craigh: We've been through this door.

Branwyn: Not yet Lanek. We will need you at the pit trap that Licornah saw

Lanek harrumphs

Branwyn: If two of the three levers open the manticore gates it would make sense that the back gate lever is either the first or the last lever. That narrows it down a bit ...

N'laea: We can give them food to distract them and close the gate again if we open the wrong one.

Giant, Fire : [Translation] HEY Olgoff, time for lunch are you still working?

[understood by: ]

Giant, Fire : [Translation] WAIT what is that light?

[understood by: ]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

Youtargim: CRAP

Youtargim: They are calling someone to lunch

N'laea: Jam the lock?

Youtargim : [Translation] I WILL BE RIGHT UP

[understood by: ]

Branwyn: get inside the secret room. Now!

Youtargim : [Translation] JUST A FEW MINUTES

[understood by: ]

Youtargim: Move move

Branwyn: Don't talk to them. MOVE

Branwyn: Elves open it!

Youtargim: Everyone safe?

Branwyn: Yes close the door behind you please

N'laea: For now. But if your new friend rats us out, we won't be for long.

Youtargim: Or stay here and answer them?

Youtargim: You tell me Countess

Branwyn: No you do not have a giant voice

Branwyn: Just get in here and close the door

Youtargim: Glad you made it in Rae

Lanek: well whaddya know. I think the Pentagram Kid just saved our lives

Raelynn: Hmph.

N'laea: If anyone has food to spare, I can toss it to the manticores while we figure out the levers.

Lanek: naw, wait, I値l call him Starfish, since they also have five feet

So everyone is inside the secret door and closed behind you

Branwyn: If the giants are calling down here our time may be running short. Let's get moving shall we?

Craigh: So, *if* our friend back there squeals on us, it's possible someone may come check on the chain to make sure it's still there. If it's in here, we can hide and watch them go through the traps.

Craigh: Assuming we can hide the whole group of us, of course.

Branwyn: There aren't many places to hide in that room

Craigh: I wasn't sure if we had a mass invisibility spell available.

Lanek scowls at everyone

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 67) [FAILURE by 4] [d100 = 71]

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Hide in Shadows [PERCENT:Ranger: Hide in Shadows] (vs. Target 59) [SUCCESS by 4] [d100 = 55]

N'laea inching forward to see if she can first hear what the manticores are doing

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 3]

N'laea was able to move forward along the wall and was not silent but was in the shadows and did see that the manticores are still in their pen

they cannot see you yet

N'laea tries to angle just enough to see inside the bars holding an apple in her hand

Indigo: Should I just pull a lever? I think it's the right one

Craigh: Wiggle a lever carefully, see if we can hear the mechanism of the gate it lifts?

Craigh: Not enough to raise the gate, of course.

N'laea is ready with food to toss in.

Indigo: tries to wiggle the right lever like Craigh suggested

does not move

Indigo: Think we need to pull it

feels like it needs real pressure

Craigh: Stupid efficient engineer giants...

Indigo: Are we ready? We have to pull one of them

Zayden: Shall we try to push it together?

Craigh: Should we move into the room so we can contain them immediately in their own room if needed?

Indigo: You want to be in the room if I pull the wrong lever?

Craigh shrugs.

Craigh: I'm not the tactical expert.

Raelynn pulls cloak around and goes into the room

Raelynn: whispering, I'm not leaving her all alone in there.

Youtargim: Rae I will go with you

Indigo: just say something if it's the wrong gate and we'll try to close it before all of them get out

Indigo: pulls the right lever

N'laea watching very carefully

Zayden: Covers his groin area

Zayden doh

The inner gate opens up

and one of the manticores rushes the gate

Indigo: Manticores?

but the front one is still down

N'laea: Inner gate, but they are eager to get out...

N'laea: Hold on, let me see something....

N'laea takes an apple and tries to roll it past the gates towards the back of the cage.

Craigh: Spray it in the face with a water bottle?

It ignores the apple

Indigo: You don't want me to close it???

N'laea: Close it.

Indigo: pulls lever to close inner gate

Manticore 4 volleys a set of spikes hitting N値aea in her lower side, wounding her.

N'laea backs up out of range.

Manticore 4: ROARS as the gate comes down on its tail

Zayden: Ouch

Indigo: Okay so lever 3 is the back manticore gate so lever 2 is probably the other manticore gate and then that means lever 1 is the back gate!

Zayden: I would not want to be a Manticore no more!

So the manticore is now trapped between the two sets of gates

N'laea: You trapped the only one that got out. If you open the wrong gate again, it'll be stuck there. Poor thing, but perhaps for the best...

Indigo: pulls lever one to the south

Zayden: Nice job Indigo!

and the gate to the NE opens up

N'laea: Correct one.

Indigo: Whew!

Indigo: 2 out of 3 isn't too bad, right?

N'laea: I feel as though we should free the tail of the one, but it may backfire...

N'laea: No. It was a good guess.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe just before we leave?

Zayden: 2 out of 3 is the best it could be

N'laea: If we come back this way, yes.

Bixi Fizzlebang: We can come back here and teleport out if all goes well?

Branwyn: Now Lanek, we need you

Zayden: so we could have teleported out this whole time?

Branwyn: stay away from the area in front of the manticore gates please

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... Zayden it's complicated

Branwyn: They can still send spikes at us

Lanek rolls up sleeves

Bixi Fizzlebang: We need to find this thing to give a goddess before we can really leave

Branwyn: No we cannot teleport out

Zayden: Oh ok, I don't care for complicated things

Bixi Fizzlebang: Otherwise I think she's going to murder us

Craigh: There are worse ways to die, I suppose

Lanek: point me at what you want me to check

Raelynn: She is the Goddess of Death, too, so... I'm not sure about that.

Zayden: My sister Hannah, growing up, was always excellent at finding things, too bad she's not me

Branwyn: Come on Lanek. Chop chop!

Branwyn: smiles at Lanek

Lanek scowls

Zayden: Giants are notoriously slow digesters


Lanek points at his own face and head

Lanek and Zay are there where the gate has opened

Raelynn: Mm, yes but maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't try to look at you long...

Branwyn: Down that hall is where Licornah located the pit trap

Lanek: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 40] [d100 = 30]

Lanek gestures; after you

Lanek grumbles and walks forward, and looks around, spots the stone on the wall, moves to disable how it moves and snorts,

Craigh: Want me to lead, or someone else?

Lanek points out a pit trap that falls down to who knows what

Branwyn: Wonderful work Lanek!

Zayden: Thank you kind sir!

Now you can see a new corridor south and still heading east

Lanek makes a sour face like getting praise for baby work is an insult

This looks like a storage room. The room has various items which will immediately be noticed: A large Chest, an Iron box and a Small Coffer. There are also 3 broken boxes and in the southeast corner a broken barrel. In the southwest corner is a large patch of Yellow mold.

Craigh: Lanek already did this one.

Lanek: oh hey, look where we are

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Bixi does speak up and says that Yellow Mold can be very dangerous

Craigh: I'll look at the broken containers. No locks on those.

Branwyn: thinks, where is her husband

Bixi Fizzlebang: Everyone stay away from the yellow mold!

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Bixi Fizzlebang: That stuff can kill you

Branwyn: Thank you Bixi.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Craigh: Good job, apprentice.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Like stay REALLY FAR AWAY

Bixi Fizzlebang: Minimum of 10 feet.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not joking when I say it can kill you. It can like, REALLY KILL YOU

Lanek looks intensely nervous

Bixi Fizzlebang: Very quickly. Within a day.

Indigo: Wow! Really dangerous

Bixi Fizzlebang: Be prepared to run if necessary... I've heard that they can... um... come after you. That mold might chase us down if it's old enough.

Craigh moves along the north edge of the room to stay far away from the mold and goes to the broken crates and barrel.

Craigh: Old Bold Mold?

Craigh: Old Bold Gold Mold.

N'laea: Do you know what kills it, Bixi?

Lanek: okay so I have nothing to use for mold

Bixi Fizzlebang: Fire

Bixi Fizzlebang: Only fire

N'laea: How far away can you do a cantrip, Branwyn?

Branwyn: About 10 feet

Zayden Hides in shadows

Branwyn: but we could light a torch and throw it onto the mold

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [FAILURE by 14] [d100 = 44]

N'laea: I cannot see in there. Should we remove it first? Or remove what is flammable first?

N'laea: Er, never mind. If it is intelligent, perhaps we should kill it first?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean... it's not NECESSARILY intelligent YET, but... it could be.

N'laea shakes head

Lanek: i know ... I know I知 a thief and I should never say this .... but let's forget the chests. we don't need em

N'laea: It is for the thieves to decide if they want to pillage first or not.

Zayden: Not worth our lives lads

Lanek: live to steal another day and all that

Craigh: I'm game for burning it from around the corner

Branwyn: The chain could be in here

Zayden: Maybe we sick the dwarves on it!

N'laea: I am betting so if it's guarded by deadly mold. Once we remove the mold, it should be safer to find amongst the mess in there.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, we have already found plenty of treasure... we might not even be able to carry whatever it's guarding. But yeah, if it's guarding the chain...

Zayden: we could just tell the dwarves to pick the stuff up, see how they react?

Bixi Fizzlebang: backs away slowly, not wanting to be anywhere near mold OR fire

Zayden also backs away slowly, but with grace

Lanek also backs up slowly

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wouldn't want to watch dwarves get eaten by mold either

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks slightly nauseous at the idea

Bixi Fizzlebang: Too bad we didn't bring that giant with us...

Zayden: is yellow mold deadly to all species? Are giants immune? could they be?

Craigh: burn it, I guess

Bixi Fizzlebang: I doubt they are immune... but we could have tried to send him in and seen what his reaction was

Zayden: It may not be immune, but it could just be less severe, like a cold to a giant but deadly to the likes of us normalos

Branwyn: Craigh do you have a torch?

N'laea: I am not willing to find out. Let us burn it from a safe distance for us then see what is back here.

Lanek: i like that plan

Lanek: and I never like other peoples plans

N'laea: Do I take that as a compliment? Or just a statement of fact?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It might be an insult

Zayden: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 20]

Lanek: harrumph

Branwyn: takes off her cloak and prepares to wrap it around her face before they attack the mold

Zayden: I guess the giants would likely die as well

Lanek: it means the situation is so extraordinary that a lollipop like you might be right

N'laea backs up, notices, and does the same.

N'laea: A.... lollipop?

N'laea is confused by what a lollipop is.

Craigh: I have a candle.

Zayden: I'll have you know I'm a very wise lollipop sir

Branwyn: Indigo try to cover your face with something if we're going to attack this mold

Zayden: just not with yellow mold

Lanek wraps up his face also

Branwyn: There's got to be a stick or something around here. Maybe we should check that corridor off the trap

Branwyn: I can cut some of my cloak and we can make a torch

Branwyn: slowly goes down the corridor to check it

Youtargim accompanies Branwyn

Branwyn: Oh lovely! It's a large windy hallway

Tiberius is standing at the place where the gate could come down, in the wild idea he can catch it and stop it from falling

Youtargim: Stairs up, I think we might need to be worried about that

Zayden: I like this Tiberius fellow

Zayden: He's got moxy

Branwyn: Stairs up?

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 5]

Youtargim: Up there is not a good space

Craigh: What do you mean, 'not a good space'?

Craigh: I say we just get the chain and vamoose.

Branwyn: So giants from upstairs could come here and bypass the manticores and pit trap

Branwyn: And if there is a need to do that, it would be to get in the room with the yellow mold

Branwyn: The iron box would be fire proof

Craigh lights his candle using a cantrip.

Zayden: so we start a fire then?

Zayden: and hide?

Zayden: Crazy enough, it just might work...

Branwyn: We don't know where these stairs lead to upstairs but it could be our way out

Zayden: Anybody got a match?

Branwyn: still looking at the stairs and thinking out loud

Branwyn: Might be better than going back past the kitchen and great hall ...

Zayden: I think it's a great idea, but where will we hide?

Branwyn: Okay! Back to the mold room for now.

Youtargim: I will guard this hallway

Branwyn: looks at her husband

Zayden: and how long will we need to hide for?

Craigh: Ready for me to light it?

Branwyn: Tiberius! You could get smashed by the gate. Please don't stand there

Tiberius Branadarus: Someone has to stop it from dropping

Branwyn: The lever stops it from dropping

Tiberius Branadarus: YOU are the one that is standing on top of the pit trap

Zayden chuckles

Branwyn: grins

Tiberius Branadarus: Laughs

Tiberius Branadarus: Love you

Branwyn: I'll move if you do

Branwyn: Love you too

Lanek makes gagging sound

Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls her eyes

Tiberius Branadarus: Promise we will have this much fun in Hell

Tiberius Branadarus: Steps inside of the gates

Branwyn: How could we not?

Lanek: don't ... don't show up in hell. please

Zayden: Anybody concerned about our hiding spot?

Lanek: oh wait, you mean our vacation. never mind

Zayden: I rather not visit hell TONIGHT

Branwyn: What are we hiding from?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not any more concerned than I was when we had two giants murdering us

Tiberius Branadarus: YES Lanek, exactly! we need a vacation, Hell sounds like a fun place

Lanek: yeah. you do that. it'll be great

Zayden: Well what if we start the fire and the giants come down to deal with the fire?

Bixi Fizzlebang: What if we don't, and we're stuck here forever?

Craigh: I don't see any fire alarms

Zayden: Well then we'd be in hell already

Lanek: I AM in hell already

Bixi Fizzlebang: Agreed, Lanek.

Zayden: Set it on fire Craigh, let's see what happens!

Lanek: I致e got a yellow blob of toxicity to the back of me and icky gross love stuff in the front

Lanek: giants above and a pit below, let's just die already

Craigh hands his candle to Zayden to hold, then flicks the wick alight.

Zayden: You putting this on me there friend?

Zayden: Can I get a ready from everyone?

Craigh takes the candle, reaches around the corner and tosses the candle onto the mold and ducks back behind the corner as it flies.

Lanek: whatever. do the thing if you want

Craigh: Duck!

Zayden follows Craigh

Lanek ducks

Branwyn: wraps cloak around her face

The burning candle lands on the Yellow Mold but burns out quickly

Indigo: does the same

Zayden laughs

Lanek: well that was dramatic

it was affected by the fire but did not significantly damage it

Zayden: Will I ever leave this horrid space? Could I be, If I could, in any other place...

Zayden: we should have thrown some oil first on it or something perhaps

Branwyn: concentrates on a creating a foot long stick with enough width to make a torch

Branwyn: unwraps her cloak and takes out her dagger and cuts a swath to wrap around the end of the stick

Branwyn: Craigh? Can you cantrip some oil on the end of this thing to make a torch please?

Craigh: Sure, I think.

Branwyn: holds out her makeshift torch

Craigh cantrips up some oil

Branwyn: That should burn better

Craigh with oil cantrips to coat the stick and cloth that Branwyn cantrips so you have a new readymade torch to light

Craigh: I'll let somebody with a better arm than me toss that.

Branwyn: Nicely done

Branwyn: Feeling lucky Zayden? Want to throw this or shall we let one of the fighters try?

Zayden: Let one of the fighters go

Branwyn: Indigo, ready to throw again?

Branwyn: Cover your face and don't get too close

Indigo: Takes the torch

Branwyn: cantrips a small flame to light it

Branwyn: Now go


Indigo: face covered he moves up and throws the torch at the mold

Craigh backs far away from the corner


Indigo: quickly backs up

Zayden backs up, enamored by the flame

The mold withers in the flames

Branwyn: looks to see if there are any yellow clouds floating around

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 13]

Zayden: that was surprisingly simple

No mold clouds floating around

Branwyn: Looks clear.

Zayden: smells alright

N'laea goes to join the group

Branwyn: Think you should be able to continue searching now

Craigh: Okay, I'll check the broken bits. It's not likely to be trapped.

Branwyn: Very good Indigo

Zayden: Thanks Indigo!

Bixi Fizzlebang: It was already trapped

N'laea: You have a good throwing arm.

Branwyn: Branwyn and Indigo move into the room and get out of the way

Lorie (Licornah): nods in affirmation of Indigo's effort

Zayden checks out the box

Indigo: grins

Zayden: what's in the box?!

Lanek harrumphs

Zayden: What's the in the booooox?!

Zayden open the box and sees

a black metal chain

Zayden opens the box

Zayden: oh dang

Zayden: anybody looking for a black metal chain?

N'laea: Yes.

N'laea holds out hand.

In the latter is a chain of weird black metal and instructions written in hill giant on a sheet of human skin.

Bixi Fizzlebang: gags

Indigo: Youtargim could probably read that

Indigo: It might be chain instructions

N'laea: We can show it to him, but I would prefer to hold on to this, Zayden.

Lanek glares

Zayden: Go for it N'laea

N'laea: Thank you.

The chain looks to be black metal not natural and the links are over 4 inches long with a guess (without touching it) that the chain might be two foot long?

Bixi Fizzlebang: is incredibly grateful that she can't carry basically anything

Zayden: That's a pretty big chain, but I've seen bigger

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's not a contest

N'laea: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 15]

Licornah: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 10]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

All of the Elves recognize that this is Drow Metal

N'laea: Odd...

Lorie (Licornah(): recoils instantly and frowns visibly

N'laea: Youtargim, can you read giant?

Youtargim: Of course

N'laea: Come read what this says.

Youtargim: Hmmm

Youtargim: Careful not to touch it

Licornah(: That's dark elf magic... :: pauses:: drow... do not touch that!

N'laea: The metal is, but we do not know about the magic.

Youtargim: This says that this chain is to be used to breach the barriers from Chaos

Youtargim: I think it is like the Countess's Amulet

Indigo: What does that mean?

Youtargim: It allows to move between the Planes

Indigo: It doesn't say anything about controlling giants?

Youtargim: This would be the Planes of Chaos

Youtargim: Well, most giants would be bound by laws so maybe?

Indigo: So did the elf goddesses lie to us?

Youtargim: Is there someone that the Goddess would worry about from Chaos?

Youtargim: This is a chaos agent

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't understand

Indigo: me neither

Indigo: looks at the elves

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 14]

(lack of whispers) The Drow worship Lolth who lives in the Abyss, the Planes of Chaos

Licornah(: [SKILL] Religion (Faerûnian) - free prof (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 13]

N'laea: The Drow Gods.

Lorie (Licornah(): Lloth is the spider goddess and she's not friendly... and chaos is her primary directive

Licornah would guess this might be a way to breach the Elven Lands and allow Lolth to enter

Lorie (Licornah(): Okay... so Lloth, she's the more prominent dark elf deity. This amulet allows you to travel to her undercity if I had to guess via this plane. Lloth is unkind and cruel.

Licornah(: I would venture that this elven deity seeks to destroy it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sounds like that's good, though, right?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do... was that goddess actually someone else disguised as the goddess?

Zayden: Nice job Bixi!

Lanek: oh. huh

N'laea: So it was not her cloak...

Bixi Fizzlebang: I... still don't understand

Treasure found: // a quiver of 11 +2 magic arrows// +3 magic spear// 2 flaming swords// Large Chest : 23,840 g.p.// Iron Box : locked, 4,139 p.p.// Small Coffer : 41 100 g.p. gems, 13 500 g.p. gems, and 8 1,000 g.p. gems.// Small Coffer : 17 pieces of 500 g.p. jewelry (no gems) //

Lanek: are you committee members ready to get out of here or do we need to take a vote?

Zayden: I'd like a vote

Lanek: did you make sure to get the minutes, eh?

Zayden smirks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... are we taking any of this with us?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who's going to carry it all? Talwin is off pooping again...

Zayden: Guy's gotta take it easy with the prune juice

Indigo: Yes we're taking all the small boxes

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or the cheese

For Zayden, Craigh, Lanek and N値aea who are leading the group痴 exit up the stairs and out the back way:

In the northwest corner of the room are a pile of logs. There are a set of stairs going down where they came from.

N'laea pausing to listen

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 6]

Several scroll tubes are concealed in this room, under a stack of logs in the alcove to the northwest. Only one tube has anything in it, this one being sealed

Inside is a set of instructions on the next raid, written in giantish, and signed; Eclavdra. Also in the tube are the plans for the Steading, but this plan does not show the lower level

There are no visible exits to this room

N値aea used her elf skills, but could not locate a secret door.

N'laea: quietly behind her; We have a map out. It shouldn't be too far... if we do not run into trouble.

Youtargim is at the bottom of the stairs

Lanek: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 85) [SUCCESS by 27] [d100 = 58]

Youtargim: Hey everyone! come quick! They might have found a way out!

Indigo: Great!

Youtargim: Bring everything

N'laea: Quietly!

Lanek: you better have whispered that

Youtargim: whispers be quiet

N'laea : [Translation] Idiot.

[understood by: N'laea, Raelynn, Licornah(]

Indigo: starts handing boxes to everyone to carry up

Raelynn takes whatever she can help bring up

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around with hands held out, as if there might be something she could possibly carry

Tiberius Branadarus: picks up a chest, This is like old times

Tiberius Branadarus: Carrying out the treasure from the caves while others are guarding the rear

Tiberius Branadarus: well, I hope they are guarding our fronts?

Tiberius: Looks at Branwyn

Tiberius Branadarus: Do you think they know what they are doing up there?

Lanek: I値l be sneaking, but yeah, if trouble breaks out, I知 fightin

Indigo: shrugs

Indigo: Who knows?

Lanek: I would rather have my hands free for checkin in case we run into new traps

Lanek: prolly they didn't re-trap anything since we came in, but ounce of prevention, ya know

Indigo: gives Bixi the quiver of magic arrows to carry

N'laea waiting to see if Lanek will listen at the door as she suggested.

Zayden Attempts the secret wall door

TMO (Craigh): listen at the door

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

This room contains a long table, a great chair, a lesser chair, and 6 stools. There are several shelves, a smaller table and chair, and some miscellaneous items (a mug, some paper scraps, an old knife, a rock paperweight, etc.). There are hides on the walls and floor. A rough skin map of the area, showing past and planned raids, hangs on the wall opposite the fireplace.

Zayden: Looks this is the strategic office or something gang

Zayden: looks like

The Secret door is a hidden door concealed behind a manticore hide hung on the wall.

Zayden: plans for past and planned raids also

Zayden: oh and a map of the area, that'll help

Lanek sneaky sneak sneaks

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 67) [SUCCESS by 29] [d100 = 38]

Zayden: there's another door

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can we tell quickly from this map the fastest way out of here?

Craigh: the double door. Do we want to see if there's anything useful here to nick?

N'laea: Yes. The top door. The bottom leads to a dead-end room.

Zayden: I think we can

Zayden: top door for sure

N'laea: Just keep listening before opening a door. We don't know who is awake or not.

Zayden: okey doke

Zayden approaches the top door for a listen

Bixi Fizzlebang: No, Craigh, I just want to get out of here. We have plenty of useful stolen objects

Craigh: Spirit of adventure all worn out, is it?

Craigh grins

N'laea: quietly; Careful around this corner.

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs then whispers; I was fine until that flaming sword almost killed someone...

everyone is in the same room

Zay and Lanek open the double doors

Zayden checks out the doorway

Craigh: Out these double doors

Zayden: yes these doors

Zay and Lanek are there to check the hallway and the double doors to the large open area

with the rest close behind

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

The time is 1:35 PM

Lanek: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 55) [FAILURE by 7] [d100 = 62]

Lanek: I don't hear nothin

Zayden: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 42] [d100 = 57]


door is really thick

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Lanek: it's obviously Perfectly Safe

Lanek: I知 an expert

Zayden: lets do it

N'laea: You did disarm that trap quite well...

Lanek gestures that's obvious

Lanek opens door

14 dire wolves run free here and they will immediately attack any non-giant or non-ogre entering their area. This is an open area and there is no roof.

Zayden: oh dang

AND here is where we stop for the night