Chat Log - 2022 04 29 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Story
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'Lisa' connected
BOB Hello Lisa
'TMO' connected
Lisa: Hi TMO :)
BOB I will revisit the character images later this weekend, TMO can you please indicate which you want to use for Asamo and if there is something for Demitrius and Dahlia
'Lemon' connected
BOB Hello Lemon
Lisa: For all the ages or just the children versions?
Lisa: Hi Lemon! :)
BOB I would like all three ages, kid, YA, and Adult so we have them ready
BOB and do not need to do this again in the future
TMO: the second set of pics for Asamo
Lemon: Hello friends!
TMO: hi
Lisa: Hi Lemon! in case you missed the first hello :)
Lemon: Your hello was actually the first thing I saw when everything finally loaded lol
BOB very glad
Lisa: :)
BOB So without any Elves
BOB grins
TMO: yeah, Lisa's got the timing down pat - her's was the first thing I saw too
BOB anyone have thoughts on how you should solve this?
'Lorie' connected
Lemon: Yes, my thought is we let the elves handle it
BOB hello Lorie
Lisa: Hi Lorie! :)
Lisa: let's see if I can go 3 for 3
Lemon: Hi Lorie!
Lemon: Might as well throw my hat into the ring too
Lisa: yup! I think I was a little fast on that one
BOB I am here listening to you plot you will tell me when you want to start in the cave discussing options
Lorie (Licornah): Evening all - just got home -- how are things?
Lisa: Hi Lorie = what was the first line in your chat?
Licornah: BOB: hello Lorie
Lisa: Ooohhhh Bob won that one
Lemon: Both impressive and surprising
TMO: so, is the issue that we think the avatar is double-crossing the deity somehow?
Lorie: So is the handmaiden of Lloth dead yet?
TMO: I admit to not fully catching on to the underlying plot yet
Lemon: I don't know, that's elf stuff. Nothing about elf stuff makes any sense
Lisa: I was also a bit confused
Lisa: what Lemon said
Lorie: I'm not 110% certain but the elf that sent us on the mission is more than likely not the elf that we needed to send us on a mission
Lorie: that's not elf stuff... that's BOB stuff
TMO: ah, a faux-avatar?
TMO: fauvatar
Lemon: I'm not about to pretend like BOB stuff always makes sense either
Lorie: In any case... the elf that sent us on the mission is more than likely working for the arch-rival of the elf goddess we needed (LORIE THEORY ONLY)
Lisa: I guess the question is do you need anything from us to help? If the goddess is real and avatar is fake -wouldn't telling the goddess and let her do the smiting work?
Lorie: well it's tricky right... you can't do detect stuff in front of deities or their handmaidens
Lorie: they tend to get more than a bit offended
Lorie: we don't have any other allies or intel
Lisa: butif you're right ...
TMO: if the goddess was in the same place as the fauxvatar, wouldn't she automatically sense the deception?
Lorie: we can't communicate with a lot of other creatures on this plane
Lorie: TMO - that's a great question. And makes me go back to "were we in the right place"
Lemon: Those of us who aren't elves can't do anything at all when we're around the fauxvitar
Lorie: sort of like when a certain someone threw dispersions in direction X so we went Y
Lorie: :: shrugs ::
Lorie: I sincerely apologize to you all. This week has been 150% crazy or I would have mapped this out on teh site
Lorie: the
Lemon: So trying to fight whoever it is is obviously out. So it sounds like we need to try and find the real one
Lorie: Lloth and Sehaine don't like each other... they have tried to kill each other
Lemon: Can't the elves pray to her or something?
Lorie: and their others
Lorie: I don't worship Sehaine... and Lloth is not popular in Silverymoon where my character is from
Lorie: The Underdark where Lloth rules is not a vacation destination folks sign up for
Lemon: Do Carissa's elves worship her?
Lorie: It could also be a giant distraction from BOB
Lemon: Or did BOB send us to meet a diety that absolutley no one cares about?
BOB WHAT? How could I do that?
Lorie: Sehaine? Probably more likely than me
Lorie: :: makes a face that BOB can see ::
Lorie: Channels her inner John
Lorie: :: makes another face ::
Lemon: So just for a second let's say one of Carissa's elves worships Sehaine. Can she pray to her to either get an answer and/or call the goddess to us to talk about it?
BOB But seriously you did a very good thing, you just have to figure out the ending part
Lorie: Oh... you can always make a "God" call
Lorie: If they answer is another story altogether
Lorie: especially in BOB world
Lemon: Well, that would be my plan then. Try to make a god call.
Lemon: Did we give the cloak to the avatar?
BOB Yes you did
Lorie: actually since your campaign takes place pre Times of Trouble BOB, could we phone Mystara? I'm thinking she'd have a few choice words for Lloth's handmaiden
BOB That would be a new question/test
Lorie: Our mages could phone Elminster
Lorie: He might be willing to answer LOL
Lorie: So... what were you all thinking about wanting to do... take the chain back to the avatar and be on our way?
Lisa: This is from Raelynn's page: Hanali Celanil is the elven goddess of love, beauty, and romance. Her followers also include elven artisans (particularly sculptors), lovers, performers (particularly bards and dancers), and nobles. Lady Goldheart is also widely revered by half-elves born of joyous unions, in honor of the love that brought their parents together. Hanali is both an aspect of Angharradh? and one of the three elven goddesses-the other two being Aerdrie Faenya? and Sehanine Moonbow - who collectively form the Triune Goddess.
Lisa: If that helps
Lorie: Then... absolutely, she could make a call to Sehanine.
Lorie: Has she made a god call lately?
BOB The idea is you were sent on this quest to prove you were not thieves
Lorie: ...and we stole
Lisa: so what we need to do is steal the cloak back!
Lorie: damn Lloth and her cursed spiders
Lisa: I prefer the term confiscated
Lorie: Qilue would not be impressed
Lemon: Which, I feel the need to point out, we talked about before starting out
Lemon: Bixi definitely called BS on that lol
Lemon: But elf stuff
Lemon: Idk, my idea would be make a god call, ask the real god wtf we should do with this chain
Lorie: In theory, I suspect we're going to get a "huh, what chain" response...
Lorie: and then we have to figure out how to get rid of a drow holy artifact
Lorie: and not distract from three other quests you all have on the list already
BOB You can guess from your adventure that you are on the edge of the Elflands here in Olympus and you were sent to deal with incursions by "enemies" into the Elflands
BOB Why you were sent there to deal with it, who sent you, what they should give you for this chain, etc. is what you are trying to figure out
Lemon: Yeah, I don't really know anything about drow so, I have no ideas there. But I have heard stories about destroying the evil talking sword, not sure if we can throw them both into the same Mt. Doom or what
Lisa: Bob - this is what I have in Klooge on the ring. It's not terribly specific. "Ring of Clear Thought - +1 to Intelligence; gains immunity to the effects of certain mind-based spells such as sleep, charm, and fear."
BOB I will check that for you here in FG Lisa
Licornah: Are we in the cave of safety?
Lisa: yes
BOB and HUH Lisa that is not here in FG
Lorie: Okay... BOB, Licornah is going to sit and meditate and see if she gets any divine inspriration. Not making a Lurue call per se, but since we're on Elven holy grounds, see if anything comes to me
BOB Yes to Lorie
BOB you can say when that happens
BOB so you can speak IC with everyone prior and then do that over night so you have answers in the morning
Lorie (Licornah): Great, thanks...
Lisa: don't want to distract Bob - just checking to see if it would nullify the elf freeze out spell or give her a better chance on a save or something
Licornah: I explain that I'm going to meditate on things and see if I can get a line of sight on what's really going on unless anyone has a better idea. I also try to better explain who Lloth based on my knowledge ...
Lisa: Sounds good to me
TMO: agreed
TMO: I have no religion skills that might help
Licornah: :: sits, grabs her holy symbol and closes her eyes to meditate on things and figure out what obvious clue she missed ::
Lemon: Um, would you mind actually explaining it? lol. I don't know anything about it other than what was said in the stupid giant fortress thing
Bixi Fizzlebang: sleeps
Lorie (Licornah): (Yes, I can do that in the morning)
Craigh sits and listens to everything Licornah has to say
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): thanks :)
'Shislif' connected
BOB Hello Sharif
Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Sharif!!)
TMO (Craigh): hi
Branwyn: sinks down in a corner of the cave with Tiberius and tries to clean up some of the wounds from his fighting the wolves
Branwyn: Hi Shislif!
Shislif: Hi Bob hi everybody
Bixi Fizzlebang: Hi Shislif!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): shoot ooc
Lisa: I did it too
Shislif (Zayden): So how we doing today?
Lisa: Good! Our characters are all watching Licornah god talk
Shislif (Zayden): Ohhh cool :)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is asleep
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gotta recover those spell slots
Lisa: I should have made you use them before you feel asleep
BOB Bixi and Lecornah can heal before sleep and meditation
BOB still OOC for the most part
Lorie (Licornah): (Oh, yes, I would use all my spells to heal with what I have before I started my mediatation)
BOB and found the relevant text Lisa
Lisa: Bran will sleep enough to get spells
BOB copying it now
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Sleeping doesn't autoheal? We need to change that
Lisa: it heals about 3 pts is all
TMO (Craigh): it's not very much healing
Lisa: Bob needs to add a weird sound effect for healing so we will always be reminded of Klooge :)
TMO (Craigh): *bwwaaahhhhh*
Lisa: Maybe not the same one since that one was mildly disturbing
BOB chuckles
TMO (Craigh): or was it *bloorp*?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Dang then yes... I think I only have one 2nd level left... and maybe one first level left? Unless I forgot to write down something I did last session?
Shislif (Zayden): Also just wanted to apologize to everyone for getting a lil too rough last time. I was reacting to some frustrations with the game (I am kinda used to faster paced video games lol) plus having a few beers at the time probably didn't help. Got upset for a bit after, but also came to realize it's jsut a game and characters, still working on that separation with a RPG. No beers today, I may still get frustrated again in the future, but I'm trying my best and appreciate all your support, and still figuring this type of game out. Grateful to have this space, thank you :)
Lisa: no worries
BOB Never a worry Sharif, everyone gets to be themselves here
Shislif (Zayden): Also I'll have to head out in about 45 mins for an hour, but should be back after
BOB and it taks time
BOB It is a team effort
Lisa: the only reason you got aany reaction from my characters was that it was said IC and so you got an IC reaction. That is very different than what players think
BOB Yes to Lisa
TMO (Craigh): RPGs do tend to be much slower paced than electronic games, and text-only instead of voice also slows it down.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, and RP sessions are very different from heavy combat sessions... there's a lot of contrast from week to week and it's hard to get your head into the right space sometimes
Shislif (Zayden): Thanks Madame, makes sense, gotta watch how I press enter lol
BOB Characters can sometimes be very combative while the Players are very friendly
Shislif (Zayden): Thanks Lemon :)
Lisa: or just say meant OOC and we will rewind :)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, and I wouldn't have said anything about you blaspheming the elflands if it were OOC lol, but IC yeah, she's gonna be like "ooooooh, those elves are gonna be MAD!"
Shislif (Zayden): That's true lol, although I figure since Hayden was prisoner for a while, I imagine prisoners probably want to get as far away from the land of their prisons, so some consistency there
BOB The ring of clear though, is particularly atuned to those spells that affect mental capacities. The wearer gains immunity to the efects of certain mind-based spells such as sleep. charm. and fear.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, yes, nothing wrong with it, but my character was just reacting to your character. OOC, I'm not totally psyched about the tricky elfland either but Bixi would never say that out loud
BOB So yes to Branwyn having a save even against a Goddess charm
Shislif (Zayden): Makes sense!
Lisa: we all had saves but we were at -8 or something impossible to pass
Shislif (Zayden): Good thing I"m not an actor, I'd take everything personally lol
BOB Grins
Lisa: please don't - glad you said something
Lorie (Licornah): (Online RPGs are rough when you can't see folks and you don't them outside the confines of the game)
Lorie (Licornah): (You're doing fine and I think we all got your strategy of IC / OOC)
Shislif (Zayden): Thanks Lorie :)
BOB So Priests using up healing spells on everyone they can
Shislif (Zayden): Out of curiousity, is there a way to default to OOC instead of IC?
BOB when Carissa gets in she can use hers too
Lorie (Licornah): (Sure, don't open your character straight away)
Shislif (Zayden): Ah ok
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And if we're not, please don't hesitate to clear it up for us. We all make mistakes, especially, like Lorie said, when you are online and not in person. Miscommunications happen easily
TMO (Craigh): Shislif - we did have a player who took IC personal, unfortunately, and left. Please rest assured that none of it is personal. But the characters sometimes do not agree with each other, and that's fine. :)
BOB and I can assure you that Lisa will very very rarely be opposed to "Just do it "
Lorie (Licornah): (TMO you got it... IC / OCC disagreements happen, thankfully Discord is a great avenue to talk it out)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, yeah, I'm pretty sure we've all had our "just doooo ittttt" moments. I certainly have.
TMO (Craigh): agreed Lorie
Shislif (Zayden): Thanks TMO, this too shall pass :)
BOB Everyone gets mad at everyone else at some point, but this is a safe space to enjoy and play
Shislif (Zayden): I like today's background picture btw
BOB and we have those Pause and Stop buttons for everyone to use if things feel too bad
BOB uncomfortable, etc.
BOB thanks
Lorie (Licornah): (Just remember -- it's all BOB's fault. Use that as your guiding principle in the game, and you'll be fine :) )
Shislif (Zayden): Thanks for creating this space Bob :)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): EVERYONE? Dang. Sorry to everyone I've made mad. *sheepish grin*
BOB trying different backgrounds for each portion of an adventure and different themes for different story arcs
BOB and LOL with Lorie and with Lemon
Shislif (Zayden): Haha, darn it Bob it's cloudy today!
BOB It is my fault I admit
BOB we need the rain
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, yeah, agreed Lorie. Anything that causes frustration in game is DEFINITELY BOB's fault. I can't attest to the rain but... :P
BOB and he has not learned the BOB portion yet we see
Lorie (Licornah): (see... major disagreement A resolved. Now ... on to killing all the drow, err, I mean, leaving here)
BOB so we move to healing
BOB in a non-meteforical way
BOB I really need a spell check extension
Lorie (Licornah): (spell check would be the best add-on ever - especially if it was a D&D version)
BOB Bixi and Licornah go for it with your healing
BOB remember target first
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My spells kind of suck because I'm still a baby. Who should I use my spells on?
Lisa: Tiberius is critical and Youtargim and Indigo are heavy - take your pick
Lorie (Licornah): (Tiberius, Indigo, Brnwynm, Youtargim)
Shislif (Zayden): Craigh seems to have the lowest health, or the cat
TMO (Craigh): yep, but also not damaged at all
Lisa: cat will likely sleep it off
Shislif (Zayden): oh lol
TMO (Craigh): that is full health
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ah, ok. I was wondering if like, should I aim for most wounded, or assume the drop in the bucket is useless and move on to the lightly damaged peeps
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yogurt is useless and gets nothing from me.
TMO (Craigh): lol
Lisa: ignore Branwyn - she's only moderate. She's fine
Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 6]
Heal [6] -> [to Indigo]
TMO (Craigh): unless she charges another giant with a dagger in hand
Lisa: yeah well ...
Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 3]
Heal [3] -> [to Indigo]
Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 3]
Heal [3] -> [to Indigo] [STATUS: Moderate]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Dang, do I not have a level 2 healing spell? Should I do some goodberries?
Indigo: Thank you Licornah!
BOB Need berries to cast that on
Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.
Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Tiberius Branadarus]
TMO (Craigh): we can cantrip berries, I think
TMO (Craigh): do I recall right?
Lisa: we can
BOB Bixi did not target first
Lorie (Licornah): (I don't think I have any others memorized today)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, did I do it wrong?
Lisa: I see a target
Lorie (Licornah): (I used my level 4 spells earlier)
BOB Did you drag your die roll over Tiberius Lemon?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, pretty sure the only other useful thing I have for my one remaining priest spell is goodberry
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes
BOB Hmmm
Bixi Fizzlebang: Does anyone have some berries? I could make some healy berries for us to eat before we all fall asleep?
Bixi Fizzlebang: [DAMAGE] Cause Light Wounds [TYPE: untyped (d8=2)] [d8 = 2]
[2] -> [to Tiberius Branadarus]
Lisa: that or cure moderate wounds is a 2nd lvl spell
Lisa: not sure why it's not on your sheet
Bixi Fizzlebang: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 5]
Heal [5] -> [to Tiberius Branadarus] [STATUS: Heavy]
Zayden: I could search the area for some berries if we think it's safe about?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, cure moderate wounds maybe didn't make the transfer from klooge to FG for me?
Branwyn: bob needs to take another vacation so he can fix your spells :)
Lisa (Branwyn): drat
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Right? I can't even memorize them because my memorization slots are all wrong lol
Branwyn: cantrips some berries for Bixi
Branwyn: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 10]
BOB Cure Moderate Wounds added to Bixi's sheet now
BOB Thank you TMO for that
Craigh: sees what Branwyn did and tries to duplicate it himself
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm going to go with the berries anyway, fits with Bixi's obsession with botany
Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.
Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Goodberry
Craigh: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ouch tmo
BOB How many berries did Goodberry affect?
TMO (Craigh): (he's only barely a wizard, makes sense)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): How do I know?
Lisa: 2d4
Lisa: but I have klooge open ...
Bixi Fizzlebang: [d4 = 4]
Bixi Fizzlebang: [d4 = 3]
BOB and each berry does 1 point of healing?
BOB and you are feeding them to?
Lisa: yes
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess Indigo, because I'm slightly over Tiberius as well, lol
Bixi Fizzlebang: hands berries to Indigo
Bixi Fizzlebang: Might make you feel a little better, if you want them
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He can always decline
BOB any other healing from Bixi or Licornah?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's all I got
Lorie (Licornah): (I didn't have any other 2/3 level spells to use for healing today)
Indigo: Thanks Bixi!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I just had those two priest spells left. My mage spells I memorized are zero percent helpful rn
Lisa (Indigo): Indigo will never decline food
TMO (Craigh): Illusionists aren't much good during healing moments
Indigo: gobbles up the berries and feels better
BOB Other thoughts before sleep?
BOB Sharif, did you have any ideas on returning the chain?
Zayden: I have a thought, how about we say something we're grateful for, so we have a good nights sleep
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nope, kind of hanging all my hopes on the god call atm
Shislif (Zayden): I'm down with whatever the elves would like to do with it
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, I like that
BOB nice
Zayden: Grateful to be out of prison and away from Giants
Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm grateful that giants didn't murder me or any of my friends, despite their best efforts
Tiberius Branadarus: I am happy to be on an adventure with my wife who I love again
Bixi Fizzlebang: ... did you stop loving her?
Branwyn: Love again??
Zayden stuggles to hide a chuckle
Branwyn: punches him in the arm lightly
Youtargim: I am glad to be part of an adventuring group that is doing new things
Tiberius Branadarus: Again! Adventuring again!
Tiberius Branadarus: I mean I have always loved you,
Tiberius Branadarus: But staying at home while you went away
Bixi Fizzlebang: Phrasing Tiberius. Phrasing.
Tiberius Branadarus: not a big fan
Branwyn: I am grateful that my husband who snores by the way, did not stay and try to fight half a dozen wolves
Youtargim: She left you behind?
Tiberius Branadarus: Well she knew I could handle it
Shislif (Zayden): Do I have the chain on me?
Shislif (Zayden): Oh ok nvm
BOB that is wrapped up an in the party pack
Shislif (Zayden): cool cool
Tiberius Branadarus: There was a time we went adventuring and got into all sort of fun trouble
Lisa (Indigo): It's in the box we should give to the elves in the morning?
Tiberius Branadarus: Then we had kids
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You could always ask for it? Although everyone would probably want to know what you want it for
Youtargim: Multiple?
Tiberius Branadarus: Of course!
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yogurt, didn't you meet them?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Sorry, Youtargim
Tiberius Branadarus: Well I mean certainly as many as we should have
Bixi Fizzlebang: Your name is hard for me, apologies, that was rude
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Youtargim: I came from my lands with the Countess and then we left for here shortly afterwards
Youtargim: I did not explore your lands very much
Youtargim: There was that one woman who seems to never shut up, she was fun
Branwyn: You can meet them when we get home. They will like you
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We spent a few weeks preparing. The children kept two of the cats. You never met the children in that time?
Bixi Fizzlebang: We spent a few weeks preparing. The children kept two of the cats. You never met the children in that time?
Youtargim: I was busy trying to translate things for the Countess
Bixi Fizzlebang: uh huh. ok.
Youtargim: The food was very good
Youtargim: I can see why Indigo extolls it
Youtargim: Your lands must be famous for its chefs
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He just keeps falling lower and lower on my shitlist. Still nowhere close to that time-travelign wizard.
Craigh: Mostly just the one chef.
Youtargim: I did meet that .... scout? I think the Countess wanted him to test me, that .... ummm. EEElerio?
Youtargim: Is that how you say it?
Branwyn: Ilero
Youtargim: That seems to have more vowels than he used
Branwyn: smiles
Tiberius Branadarus: Do it dear
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can we try not to metion vowels? lol... so many preschool songs just got stuck in my head, thanks
Tiberius Branadarus: You do it better than anyone else
Tiberius Branadarus: Other than him of course
Branwyn: No t'anks. It's not hokay to talk like Ilero
Tiberius Branadarus: See
Branwyn: grins
Youtargim: Yeah that sounds right
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My alphabet is lots of fun because it has five vowels... my alphabet is lots of fun because it has five vowels... a e i o u, a e i o u, a e i o u, and these are my looong vowelllllls
TMO: I am honored. :D
Youtargim: So Miss Bixi
Youtargim: What do you do around the Estate?
TMO: for the newer members, Ilero was my first PC here, played him for about 8 years
Bixi Fizzlebang: Study, mostly.
Shislif (Zayden): Wow nice
Lisa (Branwyn): and we miss him
BOB I have plans.......
TMO: oh dear.... that sounds ominous
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi hopes those plans involve ghosts
Zayden: You know what happens when people make plans :)
Lisa (Branwyn): so what else is new
BOB and so did you want to accomplish anything else before morning?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
BOB want to give you every chance to discuss in character
BOB then sleep
BOB and click to morning
Shislif (Zayden): I'm good
BOB and then discuss anything else
Shislif (Zayden): good timing as well
BOB and then head off to the goddess clearing
BOB go do what you need Sharif, come back as you can
Shislif (Zayden): Cool cool, good luck at the clearing!
'Shislif' disconnected
Lisa (Branwyn): thx - see you later!
BOB anything else?
BOB I want to answer and help as you need
BOB Tonight is very very player driven as you solve the end of this
TMO (Craigh): I may need to rechoose spells in the morning
BOB yes to everyone getting new spells in the morning
BOB feel free to discuss that OOC too
BOB what is best when meeting with a Goddess
Lisa (Branwyn): hmmm
BOB When/If Carissa comes in we can do retro healing from the previous night
BOB but I am ready to move on if everyone else is ready to
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know, I think I'm just keeping my same mage spells. I planned for enounters with wild animals in the woods and ended up in a giant's basement, so I'm just sticking with those, who knows what I will actually need.
BOB What are your thoughts on the giants?
BOB So you have your discussion points ready for the goddess
Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No thoughts, leaving that to the elves
BOB Unfortunately you only have AN elf
BOB so you will have to help Lorie out
TMO (Craigh): Treat us as elf childs to educate
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Leaving that to THE elf, because I know zero things about elf goddesses or how to talk to them
TMO (Craigh): I don't know if Lorie the player knows any more than we do
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah I know nothing
BOB Thinking through the why you were sent, how things ended up, now you are going back,
TMO (Craigh): let's break it down pls: 1) Why were we sent?
TMO (Craigh): or do you want me to do this IC?
BOB OOC is good
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Because a fake goddess wanted to do some shit she shouldn't be doing?
BOB you are presuming a fake goddess
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's what I got out of the conversation, anyway
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes
BOB who said that and when?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No one, I am presuming it
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just seemed like it didn't add up otherwise
BOB Tell us that reasoning I think it will help everyone
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, because she told us a bold-faced lie? And she very conveniently wanted a chaos thing? Like that's literally all I understand about the situation
BOB The avatar of a goddess lost her cloak that gives her powers, you found it and brought it back here to her Plane,
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I didn't know the cloak gave her powers
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did we give the trickster new powers?
BOB IF you had kept the cloak you would have (who ever wearing it) would gain those powers
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): great
Lisa: did you give us sleep healing?
BOB No to Lisa good point thank you off to do that now as you discuss
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't think Indigo got his berries either
Lisa: like the elves would have let us try on the cloak for funsies
BOB yes Indigo did
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, good point
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, ok
Lisa: While you wear this cloak, it projects an Illusion that makes you appear to be standing in a place near your actual Location
Lisa: says it acts like a gown of displacement
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I do remember that now. Definitely fighting the fake goddess is out
Lisa: unless you can see through illusions
BOB Goddess and Avatar are two different people
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): either way, I don't like our chances if it comes to a fight
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hoping the god call goes well
BOB Avatar is the projection of the goddess' power and influence out into the Planes
BOB Yes to Lemon, fighting is fraught with death
Lisa: I think if the goddess is real and avatar is fake, all we need to do is convince the goddess the avatar is fake and let the goddess unleash her powers on her
Lisa: only if you lose Bob
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, and the best way to find the real one seems to be the god call?
TMO: I have a kazoo
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, I almost typed "the bob call" because I was reading and typing at the same time
TMO: will that help?
Lisa: LOL
BOB grins
BOB and smiles at Lemon too
BOB you can go with the idea that the Goddess you met was an actual goddess because of the overwhelming power and aura
TMO: was the avatar there at the same time?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, I COULD go with that idea, but it seems that other things could have equally powerful avatars?
BOB yes the avatar was there and arguing about wether you were thieves or not
Lisa: they were together as I recall
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh, i see
BOB Yes but no to Lemon, Avatars are only for very powerful beings, so they have to be at least a Demi God/ess
TMO: that was what I thought - but how could the avatar hide deception from the goddess when they're standing together?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So we have to convince the goddess to figure out the stuff about the avatar
BOB and TMO is at the crux of the matter
BOB and there is Lemon joining him
BOB a false Avatar? or an Avatar that is lying ? and to what purpose/reason
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So we circle back around to the god call
TMO: perhaps I give the goddess to much credit
BOB What clues do you have about potential lying
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The fact that she lied to us?
TMO: was the goddess there when we were tasked with retrieving the chain?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That was a solid clue
BOB Yes the Goddess is the one who tasked you
BOB in opposition to the Avatar
BOB Lemon can you lay out how she lied? and about what?
BOB grins, this is where it gets tricky
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, not really, my memory isn't great. But she said it was for controlling giants and it was causing pollution, and in fact, it's for something with spider gods
BOB brb as you check the site
TMO: Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] I have a way for you to prove yourselves and your friends. There is a taint in the hills that has started to infiltrate down into our forests. You will go there to the heart of that taint and bring it to us. There is a black chain hidden away in the Hill Giant Steading. It is a powerful artifact that can be used to gain dominance over the giants. If you are simple weak adventurers, you will go there and be killed, failing us and proving you are weak. If you are theives you will go there and find the chain. Then you will use it for yourselves to profit. If you are truly heroes you will go find the chain and then return it here to us.
Lisa: technically she didn't say it was a giant control chain
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So... was it a lie?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm only more confused.
TMO: that's the goddess talking, not the avatar. looking for avatar chat to see what there was
Lisa: how could it be affecting the waters if it was in a box in the basement?
BOB back
BOB for Lisa, that could be the portion of the basement you did not explore, where the water was leaving the basement and out into the stream
BOB You did not find/explore that section
TMO: the avatar was mostly concerned with calling us thieves over the cloak
Lisa: yes tmo
Lisa: so they kept dunking it in the water sending black tinged chaos into the water stream?
BOB That is a good hypothosis
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Or the things were unrelated? Their mining operations were polluting the water somehow?
Lorie (Licornah): (yes... more than likely and they were oblivious)
TMO: and I'll be honest, I don't think I ever read this chat before, since Craigh doesn't speak Elvish, therefore he wouldn't have understood any of it
BOB I am not saying you have to have an iron clad alibi/solution just a good base to have your conversation from
Lisa: cries silent tears that tmo doesn't read the story chat
BOB want the group to understand the ideas and themes
BOB agrees with Lisa on TMO's lack
Lisa: lol I'm kidding
BOB grisn
TMO: can we just categorize it as 'trying to avoid meta-gaming'? ;)
Lisa: :D
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well good news... I only get more confused the more we talk about it, so I have much less of a base now than I did when we started this evening
BOB OK step one - you found the Avatar's cloak on your Plane,
BOB In a Manticore's lair
BOB Step two you brought that cloak back here to the Elf Lands
BOB and from there you are in this story arc
BOB and you have heard seen all there is to gather your clues
TMO: alright, read all the goddess-talk that Craigh definitely did not hear and understand. ;)
BOB and what does TMO think of those clues they said?
BOB Also Lemon not intentionally trying to make this too hard to solve, just giving 5 clues where only 3 might be relevant
TMO: #1 - avatar definitely did not like us. goddess is the one that gave us the quest, so we can be *fairly* certain that we're not retrieving it for Lolth. If we're going with the avatar betrayal, I would say she was trying to intervene to keep us away from the goddess in the first place, but once Sehanine starts talking she shut up.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I think you're just overestimating my ability to solve simple puzzles.
TMO: if the avatar is betraying, she did not want us to get the chain, but wanted it left there
BOB From a million years ago for Lisa Tall, long hair, and right handed
TMO: if the avatar is just a Butthead, no betrayal is necessary.
TMO: or perhaps avatar merely wanted to cover up how she lost the stupid cloak in the first place
Lisa: not getting that clue bob - at first I thought you were naming someone Acien style
TMO: "What? NO! Of course I didn't get drunk and try to ride a manticore across the continent!"
BOB Sleuth for Lisa
GM: From a million years ago for Lisa Tall, long hair, and right handed
BOB and yes that is very Acien too
Lisa: that is getting me 0 hits on the site
Lisa: moving on
BOB smiles with Lisa, the game from way way back Sleuth, clues like Tall, Long Hair, Right Handed
Lisa: Ohhhhh jeeze
BOB back to TMO
BOB so Avatar is betraying, Avatar is a butthead, Avatar lost the cloak and is covering up
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Avatar needs therapy
Lorie (Licornah): (Avatar doesn't know any better, she was raised that way - cruelty is love in her world)
BOB Common denominators are?
TMO: retrieving chain is Good Thing, Sehanine is watching her pool for us
BOB Retrieving the chain is a good thing is very much true, you know it is an evil thing so you did a Good Thing there no matter what
BOB no word from Carissa this evening
BOB so it looks like this is the group to solve it
BOB going to sleep in the cave? Licornah meditating over night? what is she asking for?
TMO: Guidance!
Lorie (Licornah): (She's asking for insights that she might have missed. She knows the general back story and why this all needs to fit together but not how)
SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>
/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]
/die [NdN+N] <message>
/emote [message]
/gmid [name]
/id [name]
/kick [user]
/mod [N] <message>
/mood [mood] <message>
/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>
/ooc [message]
/option [option_name] <option_value>
/r [message]
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>
/scaleui [50-200]
/story [message]
/vote [message]
/w [character] [message]
TMO: basically, a clue from the DM to tell us what is the key link we need to focus on. :)
BOB testing a Whisper to Lorie, did you see those?
TMO: negatory
Lorie (Licornah): (If you sent me things, they were invisible, so well done)
BOB sigh
TMO: you whispered too hard
SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>
/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]
/die [NdN+N] <message>
/emote [message]
/gmid [name]
/id [name]
/kick [user]
/mod [N] <message>
/mood [mood] <message>
/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>
/ooc [message]
/option [option_name] <option_value>
/r [message]
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>
/scaleui [50-200]
/story [message]
/vote [message]
/w [character] [message]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
BOB I give up, that is four different ways and none of them seem to work
BOB Lemon you have made it work can you please whisper to Lorie?
Bixi Fizzlebang -> Licornah: here is a test whisper
BOB I se that
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Couldn't do it to her username, only to her character name
BOB I shoudl see all whispers
Licornah: I see that whisper as well
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): If that helps
BOB Yes and I whispered to Licornah
BOB and I am guessing that Lemon did not see that at all
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): nope
BOB and no to the second one either?
Lorie (Licornah): (I only received Bixi's whisper)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can you whisper as Tiberius or something?
BOB Did it both as GM and as a character
BOB and neither went through
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh
BOB OH well
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did you put a space in between the /w and the character name, and then another space in between the name and the message?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's my only other idea /shrug
Licornah: can you see this?
TMO: it's telling me I have to select an identity before whispering
Craigh: test
Craigh -> Licornah: test
BOB So for Licornah, she gets the message "Be well my child, you are far from home but are now Home. You have shown your self to be fair and strong, where do you want to spend your days? At home? or here at Home? or off in the planes adventuring?
Licornah -> Craigh: received
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Definitely adding your identity crisis to my summary if Carissa is still busy this week
BOB Yes I saw Lorie's, and TMO's and the one between you
Craigh: but you can't whisper back?
BOB and thank you Lemon you need to please
BOB and yes to TMO my whisper seems to be broken
Lisa: so if Bob wants to whisper he has to be in character?
BOB That did not work either Lisa
TMO: apparently, which just seems dumb
BOB the second part of Licornah's inspiration: " you have brought both chaos and order to your Home, restoring order through the chaos is a good thing. Protecting Home is a good thing.
Lisa: fortune cookie messages
BOB and so the night passes
The date is Ko____se, 26th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR
Young Moon's phase is New Moon
Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous
The time is 6:00 AM
<font color="#000000">[0:0/0/0/347] Demitrius' Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/15/4/328] Jilly's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/6/7/320] Branwyn's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/15/4/334] Thistle's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/6/12/318] Indigo's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/17/12/326] Shur's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/22/1/308] Johan's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/5/5/346] Dahlia's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/0/0/347] Asamo's Birthday
<font color="#000000">[0:0/22/6/314] Ilero's Birthday
Lisa: that needs to go
BOB It does not need to put all those events into the chat I agree
Lisa: no offense :)
BOB But you can see everyone who has an established birthday is listed there
BOB It is morning
BOB everyone has their overnight healing completed already
Branwyn: yawns and stretches
BOB Several are still down from max
BOB Licornah can tell the group her insights
Lorie (Licornah): (does so)
Lisa (Branwyn): we should put the treasure in the room scroll so the goddess and her avatar don't see them
Lisa (Branwyn): does a cave wall work as a room?
BOB yes the wall of the save works
BOB cave
Branwyn: I don't want to show up at the goddess and have her take all our treasure
Branwyn: We promised them a chain
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, we worked hard and some of us almost died for that
Branwyn: Indigo, please help
Branwyn: puts up the room scroll
TMO: totally off-topic, got a show playing on the side with mid-20 to 30 year old actors playing high schoolers, and they aren't the best actors, and they are *completely* failing to sell the illusion. ;)
Craigh: groans as the noises of the others wakes him
Indigo: starts putting the coffers with all the gems and platinum, etc. into the room scroll
Lisa (Indigo): that worked for Grease TMO - sort of ...
Bixi Fizzlebang: watches all the treasure going into the scroll
Craigh: Ow, ow , ow... Stone makes a terrible mattress.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Do... you think she had a point about us being theives?
Lorie (Licornah): (only if we don't return the chain)
Indigo: I dunno. Giants are evil and we beat them so we get stuff?
Lorie (Licornah): (are we adventurer's or are we heroes?)
Indigo: Think that's it
TMO (Craigh): we were assigned a task by a good goddess, and completing that task automatically makes us Good in her eyes.
Lorie (Licornah): (elven goddess, we're less lower scum than if we didn't)
Indigo: looks around, everything except the party pack chest and the chain box is left
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yeah, but there is room for doubt. Y'all don't have crippling anxiety that keeps you up all night and it shows
Indigo: takes the scroll off the wall and puts it away
Lisa (Indigo): so that is good? we can all sleep at night
BOB warm smile and HUGS for Lemon
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, yes, it's definitely good
Lisa (Indigo): we don't run around robbing people
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I know that, but Bixi has never experienced taking this much treasure from somewhere
BOB and yes all very good thoughts, ideas, discussion on the Hero versus Adventurer idea and as Lisa says, how you get your treasure is as important as what it is
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): She's still working out her feelings
BOB which is what this adventure was about, the what the treasure is
BOB and that is a very good roleplaying thing Lemon we all appreciate that
Indigo: yes
BOB What other things do you want to prepare before going to your meeting
BOB everyone gets full spells again
Indigo: If we had to get something from a nice person we wouldn't have had to fight so much. But will all those ears we found from elves that the giants killed, they probably got all this stuff from killing people
Lisa (Indigo): with
Bixi Fizzlebang: nods slowly
Bixi Fizzlebang: That makes sense...
Bixi Fizzlebang: It feels a little weird though
Craigh: Gods tend to make their own morality, I guess.
Bixi Fizzlebang: The enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing.
Indigo: We'll use it to travel and get training and Zayden will need weapons and stuff. You need to learn more spells. We'll find good things to do with it
BOB and Lemon names a story arc from before her time
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh, lol, pure coincidence
Lisa (Indigo): don't tell them what that was really about
BOB no they can go find that themselves
BOB tomorrow
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I'm probably just going to forget about it forever
Lisa (Indigo): probably for the best
Lisa (Indigo): :)
BOB and so does Bixi or Licornah want to do any healing before leaving?
BOB and or have any spells prepared for the meeting?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And use up my spells before we even start????
BOB use any of the items from the party pack?
Lisa (Indigo): aren't we okay? we're not fighting the goddess are we?
Craigh: Craigh can handle the goddess with one arm ... tied behind his back?
TMO (Craigh): ooc
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
Lisa (Indigo): the only thing I saw that could be of any use was if we could sneak up on them by some miracle and use the ESP potion but that won't work if they pop in and out
Lisa (Indigo): lol tmo
Lisa (Indigo): they might have priest spells for this that would be better used than healing now - imo
BOB can someone please try the forward slash info and see what is shows you
TMO (Craigh): user name, campaign, ruleset
BOB not connected users?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): nope
Lisa (Indigo): no
TMO (Craigh): no
BOB darn
Licornah: I get Game Info
BOB I do see that part, was hoping you would too
Lisa (Indigo): we don't see behind the curtain
BOB Lisa please remember to remind me to delete that from the chat, it also shows the password for the game there
BOB and so back to the Morning
BOB After the night, the morning comes
Lisa (Indigo): ok
BOB all is tucked away into the room scroll
BOB you are ready, full spells,
BOB heading out?
Branwyn: Are you ready Licornah?
Craigh: I mean, we could just stay in the cave, right?
Craigh grins
Branwyn: laughs
Licornah: :: takes a deep breath and pauses:: As ready as we can be...
Branwyn: Do you want to take the chain in case we get paralyzed again?
Branwyn: points to the box
Bixi Fizzlebang: The whole situation makes me uncomfortable. I will be glad to get back "home"
Licornah: :: shakes head :: Please do not get it near me. I am uncertain how that would effect my emotions.
Indigo: Me too! Home is good
BOB Did Licornah differentiate from home and Home?
Licornah: Here is HOME
Licornah: home is not here
BOB nods
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh man, not this when and WHEN thing again
Craigh: I hear ya, Bixi. My master would be seriously shocked to see me traveling the planes.
Lorie (Licornah): nah, this one is easy. We're on the elven plane, this is HOME base for elves
Branwyn: I shall carry it then and you can tell me what to do with it when the time comes?
BOB for who ever is carrying the box, when you were "frozen" by the goddess' powers before you just were frozen, not able to comprehend what was going on around you
BOB you awoke and no time had passed
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sure the goddess will be able to take it when she wants to
Lisa (Branwyn): yes - I am hoping Bran has the best chance of making a save in comparison ... but she'll see if she fails
BOB Ok so moving out
Lisa (Branwyn): Licornah will see I mean
Lisa (Branwyn): wait did the cat get frozen? can we strap the box to the cat?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Should we ask the cat if the cat wants to stay here?
Lisa (Branwyn): cats speaks elvish
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean if it wants to stay in elflands, not in this cave
BOB No one asked the cat before
Lisa (Branwyn): maybe after we deal with this mess?
Lisa (Branwyn): Licornah will have to ask
Lisa (Branwyn): none of us speaks elvish or cattish
Licornah: :: turns before they set out and speaks to the cat:: They want you to do as you wish...stay with them or remain here amongst the elven lands.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And probably also if it wants to carry the box for us when the time comes
Licornah: :: continues :: if you wish to stay with them, they will ask you to carry a drow artifact -- this is your choice as well
Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] This is a warm nice place, but they might be interesting to follow and see where they go, where are you going? staying here or with them?
<font color="#000000">This is a warm nice place, but they might be interesting to follow and see where they go, where are you going? staying here or with them?
[understood by: Licornah]
Lisa (Branwyn): cat is chatty today
Licornah: :: nods :: With them today. We must finish what they started and clear their name
Bixi Fizzlebang: Awww, thanks Nightshade!
Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] Is there more than today?
<font color="#000000">Is there more than today?
[understood by: Licornah]
Licornah: Permitted the handmaiden doesn't end us, yes. Of this, I am confident
Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] It will be interesting then to see where tomorrow opens
<font color="#000000">It will be interesting then to see where tomorrow opens
[understood by: Licornah]
Licornah: :: nods in agreement :: Nightshade will remain with you
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Sneering. Look who has returned
<font color="#000000">Sneering. Look who has returned
[understood by: Licornah]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well that was quick
'Shislif' connected
<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] and welcome back Sharif
<font color="#000000">and welcome back Sharif
[understood by: Licornah]
User has gone AFK. (Lemon)
BOB Welcome back Sharif
BOB and Branwyn can make a save versus spell
Lisa (Branwyn): Good timing Shislif!
BOB Licornah is immune
Shislif: Hey everyone, thanks :)
Craigh: just in time to be frozen in time!
Branwyn: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 20]
Save [20] [Target 8] -> [for Branwyn] [SUCCESS]
TMO (Craigh): congrats!
BOB That is definately a save
Lorie (Licornah): (oooooooooohhhhhh.....)
Lisa (Branwyn): think that is what we had to roll last time
BOB now anyone else can make their save verus spell too, if you can also roll a 20 then you get to experience the goddess
BOB right now we have Licornah and Branwyn
Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [d20+3 = 12]
Save [12] [Target 10] -> [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]
Youtargim: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 7]
Save [7] [Target 13] -> [for Youtargim] [FAILURE]
Craigh: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 12]
Save [12] [Target 12] -> [for Craigh] [SUCCESS]
Tiberius Branadarus: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 17]
Save [17] [Target 10] -> [for Tiberius Branadarus] [SUCCESS]
BOB almost for Tiberius but not good enough
Shislif (Zayden): Where do we roll from?
Shislif (Zayden): Or do I need to roll?
BOB open your character sheet and drag the die from your save number to the chat box, and get a 20
Shislif (Zayden): save number?
Lisa (Branwyn): spell
Lorie (Licornah): 20
Lisa (Branwyn): bottom right on the save list
Zayden: [13 = 13]
User is back. (Lemon)
Shislif (Zayden): woops don't think I did it right lol
BOB Open your character sheet and on the first tab there you see your list of saves, there is a die in the lower left corner of the save for spell, drag that die over to the chat box and it will roll for you
BOB and Bixi can roll now too Lemon
Bixi Fizzlebang: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [d20+3 = 15]
Save [15] [Target 10] -> [for Bixi Fizzlebang] [SUCCESS]
BOB there you go
Lisa (Branwyn): there is a tiny die in the bottom left corner
BOB not good enough but yes
Shislif (Zayden): ah ok
Zayden: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 1]
Save [1] [Target 13] -> [for Zayden] [FAILURE]
Shislif (Zayden): lol
TMO (Craigh): Zayden is *extra* frozen
Lorie (Licornah): (You have no idea what is going on ... you barely know it's a day)
Shislif (Zayden): Oh my!
BOB and Zayden has an automatic failure to be there totally in AWE of the goddess
BOB So we have the cat, Branwyn and Licornah who hear and see what is going on In Character
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He's tired and hungry and been a prisoner for god knows how long... only makes sense
Shislif (Zayden): I just can't handle it!
Lisa (Branwyn): too bad Bran can't understand elvish - she's awake but clueless
Sehanine's Avatar: Sneers, Look who has returned
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Sneers, Look who has returned
<font color="#000000">Sneers, Look who has returned
[understood by: Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Looking at your group, you barely escaped with your lives it seems
<font color="#000000">Looking at your group, you barely escaped with your lives it seems
[understood by: Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: blinks and holds up her holy symbol :: This group has united to return that which was missing and put themselves at great personal peril
<font color="#000000">:: blinks and holds up her holy symbol :: This group has united to return that which was missing and put themselves at great personal peril
[understood by: Licornah]
Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] Purrrrrs
<font color="#000000">Purrrrrs
[understood by: Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] Sure one of good would recognize and applaud that
<font color="#000000">Sure one of good would recognize and applaud that
[understood by: Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Have you truly returned with your prize?
<font color="#000000">Have you truly returned with your prize?
[understood by: Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] Perhaps, we'd like to speak with the Lady now
<font color="#000000">Perhaps, we'd like to speak with the Lady now
[understood by: Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] They can speak for themselves
<font color="#000000">They can speak for themselves
[understood by: Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Let them tell the tale of their journey
<font color="#000000">Let them tell the tale of their journey
[understood by: Licornah]
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Licornah : [Translation] Unfortunately, those among us who speak our language are limited
<font color="#000000">Unfortunately, those among us who speak our language are limited
[understood by: Licornah]
Branwyn: thinks at least everyone sounds calm
SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>
/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]
/die [NdN+N] <message>
/emote [message]
/gmid [name]
/id [name]
/kick [user]
/mod [N] <message>
/mood [mood] <message>
/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>
/ooc [message]
/option [option_name] <option_value>
/r [message]
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>
/scaleui [50-200]
/story [message]
/vote [message]
/w [character] [message]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] me pauses and looks at Branwyn, you are not un aware?
<font color="#000000">me pauses and looks at Branwyn, you are not un aware?
[understood by: Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Now you can hear us
<font color="#000000">Now you can hear us
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] It is unusual that a mortal can stand here
<font color="#000000">It is unusual that a mortal can stand here
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: turns and relays the message ::
<font color="#000000">:: turns and relays the message ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: eyes widen
Lisa (Branwyn): she can understand when it says translation?
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] (yes)
<font color="#000000">(yes)
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: bows to goddess out of respect
Licornah : [Translation] :: smiles :: Thank you Lady :: bows with her holy symbol still in hand ::
<font color="#000000">:: smiles :: Thank you Lady :: bows with her holy symbol still in hand ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Tell me of your journey into the wilderness
<font color="#000000">Tell me of your journey into the wilderness
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: pauses to allow Branwyn to speak ::
<font color="#000000">:: pauses to allow Branwyn to speak ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: We found the Giant Steading as you asked. The giants are mining and actively expanding their efforts
Branwyn: It was ... difficult, but we found the chain you requested in a secret basement room very well protected
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] How could you survive handling such an artifact?
<font color="#000000">How could you survive handling such an artifact?
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: Licornah can speak to the chain itself better than I
Branwyn: Ohh we have not handled it
Branwyn: We have not tried to touch it
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] So you do not know you have the actual chain
<font color="#000000">So you do not know you have the actual chain
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Just something to pawn off and pretend you have accomplished your quest
<font color="#000000">Just something to pawn off and pretend you have accomplished your quest
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: turns :: We know... it radiates
<font color="#000000">:: turns :: We know... it radiates
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: I believe we do. Licornah?
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Licornah : [Translation] Perhaps you'd like to test me
<font color="#000000">Perhaps you'd like to test me
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: narrows her eyes at the handmaiden ::
<font color="#000000">:: narrows her eyes at the handmaiden ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Let us see what you have brought out
<font color="#000000">Let us see what you have brought out
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: motions to NightShade ::
<font color="#000000">:: motions to NightShade ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] Nightshade moves forward and deposits the small chest in front of Branwyn and Licornah
<font color="#000000">Nightshade moves forward and deposits the small chest in front of Branwyn and Licornah
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] What do you expect us to do? you claim it is the artifact but you are afraid to show it?
<font color="#000000">What do you expect us to do? you claim it is the artifact but you are afraid to show it?
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] holds up her hand
<font color="#000000">holds up her hand
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Show us what you have found
<font color="#000000">Show us what you have found
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: pauses and opts not to speak ::
<font color="#000000">:: pauses and opts not to speak ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] I'd prefer not to touch this instrument of the drow my Lady
<font color="#000000">I'd prefer not to touch this instrument of the drow my Lady
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: bends down and lifts the lid of the chest
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Eyes tighten at the sight
<font color="#000000">Eyes tighten at the sight
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: to Branwyn :: Please close it
<font color="#000000">:: to Branwyn :: Please close it
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: closes it again
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Impossible
<font color="#000000">Impossible
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] What do you wish in exchange for this cursed item?
<font color="#000000">What do you wish in exchange for this cursed item?
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Craigh: playing with the Busy Action thing, don't know if it shows up anywhere
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] I agree that you have recovered it
<font color="#000000">I agree that you have recovered it
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Watching Branwyn and Licornah
<font color="#000000">Watching Branwyn and Licornah
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Lisa (Branwyn): Lorie, you want something other than the goddess to smite fake avatar?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What a question
Licornah : [Translation] It's not my place to make an ask of this deity. Only to cast out the handmaiden will be enough for today
<font color="#000000">It's not my place to make an ask of this deity. Only to cast out the handmaiden will be enough for today
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Not understanding the conversation and then seeing that, is pretty intense
Lorie (Licornah): (I'm trying to not be greedy and ask for a pet unicorn LOL)
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] I do not understand casting out a handmaiden
<font color="#000000">I do not understand casting out a handmaiden
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Lorie (Licornah): (They're so fluffy!!!!!)
Shislif (Zayden): will I stay frozen for a bit? May make a sandwich...
Lisa (Branwyn): yes
Lorie (Licornah): (go go ... make your sandwich.)
Shislif (Zayden): cool cool be back in a lil, good luck!
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] Looks at her Avatar, you have your chance here to right a wrong
<font color="#000000">Looks at her Avatar, you have your chance here to right a wrong
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] To Licornah and Branwyn... Leave the casket there, open it and we shall see if she can vanquish it
<font color="#000000">To Licornah and Branwyn... Leave the casket there, open it and we shall see if she can vanquish it
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Scoffs, I am true, I can defend your faith
<font color="#000000">Scoffs, I am true, I can defend your faith
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: takes a deep breath and begins a silent prayer ::
<font color="#000000">:: takes a deep breath and begins a silent prayer ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: opens the casket again and then steps back a few paces
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] pulls out her quarterstaff and STABS it into the casket to SMITE the chain
<font color="#000000">pulls out her quarterstaff and STABS it into the casket to SMITE the chain
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
BOB A flash of light with a deep dark center erupts into the clearing
Lisa (Branwyn): glad something's getting smote today
Branwyn: raises her had to try to shield her eyes
BOB There is an acrid smell of smolten iron and a wiff of brimstone
Lisa (Branwyn): hand
BOB Then the clearing is clear and the casket is empty
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] nods, very well done
<font color="#000000">nods, very well done
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: puts her hand down and sighs in relief
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] That gate has been closed
<font color="#000000">That gate has been closed
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] She will not stop in her attempts but you have foiled this one
<font color="#000000">She will not stop in her attempts but you have foiled this one
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Lisa (Branwyn): wait the avatar disappeared with the chain?
Sehanine Moonbow : [Translation] And you have returned my cloak without preconceived need
<font color="#000000">And you have returned my cloak without preconceived need
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] smiles
<font color="#000000">smiles
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] You have seen through the veils of mistrust and stopped the incursion into our lands
<font color="#000000">You have seen through the veils of mistrust and stopped the incursion into our lands
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] What boon can I grant you
<font color="#000000">What boon can I grant you
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Lisa (Branwyn): okay - I was confused
Licornah : [Translation] Please heal our friends... they ask for nothing and supported the effort without complaint :: motions ::
<font color="#000000">Please heal our friends... they ask for nothing and supported the effort without complaint :: motions ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] waves a hand
<font color="#000000">waves a hand
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar: waves a hand an all are fully healed and full spells again
Branwyn: Thank you
Licornah : [Translation] :: bows her head :: We are honored...
<font color="#000000">:: bows her head :: We are honored...
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Only a mortal could pierce the veils that hid this device
<font color="#000000">Only a mortal could pierce the veils that hid this device
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] and only the honest could return it to us to vanquish it
<font color="#000000">and only the honest could return it to us to vanquish it
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] You have proven yourselves to be heroes
<font color="#000000">You have proven yourselves to be heroes
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Is there no other boon you ask of our lands?
<font color="#000000">Is there no other boon you ask of our lands?
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Licornah : [Translation] :: turns to Branwyn ::
<font color="#000000">:: turns to Branwyn ::
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] will you stay and feast with us at least?
<font color="#000000">will you stay and feast with us at least?
[understood by: Branwyn, Licornah]
Branwyn: smiles
Branwyn: We would like that very much. It is not my place to ask anything of you.
Branwyn: We were glad to have helped our friends and you.
BOB The Goddess smiles and fades away
BOB leaving everyone able to unfreeze and look around
BOB to see the casket open and cracked in half with the chain missing
BOB the Avatar is still there smiling at your group
Craigh: That's a good sign, I hope.
BOB everyone can speak
Branwyn: I can't tell you how happy I am that the chain has been destroyed
Craigh: That sounds like a good thing.
Craigh: Are we good?
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Will you join us for a feast this evening?
<font color="#000000">Will you join us for a feast this evening?
[understood by: Licornah]
Bixi Fizzlebang: Is everyone ok?
Branwyn: Very much so Craigh
Craigh: Phew
Branwyn: We will feast today to celebrate
Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden? Are you ok?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know he's afk, but I also know he rolled a 1 lol
Indigo: Did I miss everything again?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Indigo, did you hear that!? A feast!
Indigo: I feel better though. Like all healed and healthy
Indigo: Yes a feast is good
Indigo: sees the avatar
Indigo: bows deeply
Indigo: Hello ... your godessness
Craigh notes the avatar is smiling.
Bixi Fizzlebang: does her signature awkward curtsy
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] You did well
<font color="#000000">You did well
[understood by: Licornah]
Branwyn: All has been set right and Licornah can tell you the details
Zayden: I'm ok thanks, little hungry
BOB going to test advancing time again
The time is 6:00 PM
<font color="#000000">Craigh completed 118299.74652778 days ago.
Craigh: Details are good things.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): whoa
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): craigh is old
Craigh keeps his eye on the avatar, just in case.
BOB and there you go TMO
TMO (Craigh): the 5 minutes passed. I couldn't figure out how to customize the detail
BOB So I will leave it to Lisa and Lorie to explain what happened and you can come up with any ideas you want for this evenings feast
TMO (Craigh): so it's just 'busy for X minutes', not 'needle-pointing for X minutes'
Shislif (Zayden): cool
Lisa: we doing the feast next week? not that we have a better chance of Carissa next week
BOB Up to the group
Lisa: but maybe if she wanted to ask for a reward she could ask
Lisa: I figured that wasn't Branwyn's place
BOB I am good with either roleplaying that out next week if she can make it and yes to asking for things from her perspective
Shislif (Zayden): how do feasts work in game?
BOB OR you can do that from your side
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Didn't she say someone was visiting this week? I think we have a better chance next week, even if she's too tired to stay for the whole session
Shislif (Zayden): I'm uncertain if I'll be able to make it next week at this point, I'll be travelling in DC
Shislif (Zayden): But I'll have my laptop so may be able to join
BOB a feast in this case will be either a "click you had a great time and it is over" or you can roleplay chatting eating drinking etc.
Lisa: thought that was the 13th
Shislif (Zayden): haha cool :)
Shislif (Zayden): Yea 13th is the acyualy wedding, so I definately won't make it then
Lisa: we can click unless someone has something they want to say or ask for
BOB He is getting married on the 13th ;P
Lisa: your wedding??
Shislif (Zayden): But I'm not sure may do something with my friends next Friday, so can't say for certain
Shislif (Zayden): No a friends a wedding lol
Shislif (Zayden): I would probably have my wedding here in LA lol
Lisa: good - would be sad if it was yours and you were getting the dates wrong :D
Zayden: lol :)
Shislif (Zayden): woops my bad
BOB Also Sharif you can add those notes to the News and Updates page under the dates players will miss
BOB and Laughs with Lisa
Lisa: Lemon are you doing the summary?
Shislif (Zayden): oh ok
Lisa: you did so well last week
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, if Carissa isn't back to it yet, I will do it again
BOB so that seems to be in agreement that we pause here, Feast next week to start, then the Plane Shift back to home
Lisa: thanks!
BOB and yes I did like yours very much Lemon
TMO (Craigh): is the avatar at the feast, or just us?
BOB You will find out at the feast :)
Lisa: so I may be confuesed and Lorie might have understood better
Lisa: Avatar was possessed?
BOB yes explain that away Lorie and Lisa
Lisa: Once she destroyed the chain - under orders from the goddess she became good again
Lorie (Licornah): (the Chain was channeling Lloth, the Avatar's real mission was to severe the link )
Lorie (Licornah): (There's Carissa)
Lisa: avatar was nasty until it was destroyed
BOB OOC ideas from Lorie and Lisa on what was happening?
BOB Speculation from anyone?
Lisa: she didn't believe we had it and was making these nasty comments until we showed them
Shislif: The avatar?
Lisa: then goddess ordered her to smite it - after that all happened she became all happy and friendly
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did the goddess know what was going on?
Shislif: nice
Lemon: I'm confused. If the avatar is a projection of the goddess, how did the avatar get corrupted and not the goddess?
Lemon: This is why I'm not into mythology lol
Sehanine's Avatar : [Translation] Scoffs, I am true, I can defend your faith
Shislif: Hmm, maybe there was something wrong with the material she was projected on?
'Carissa' connected
TMO: I think it might be a person who represents the goddess, probably has a 'direct connection', but might not be the goddess herself.
Lisa: that was the last thing she said - I thought that was weird
BOB Welcome Carissa
Lisa: she can defend "your" faith - not hers too?
Lemon: Hi Carissa!
Lisa: Hi Carissa! :)
Lorie: Evening Carissa!
BOB and Lisa did you like that manipulation of the character sheets?
Lisa: huh?
BOB Branwyn suddenly being able to understand
Lorie: The Goddess compeled her to do it... she didn't do it of free will
Shislif: Hi Carissa!
Shislif: Then do any of us have free will?
Lisa: oh yes I liked that - didn't realize you did something to her sheet though
Lorie: In the presence of a higher deity, not really
BOB Added a temporary skill to her sheet
Lemon: Interesting
Shislif: darn it :)
Lemon: Ok, how much of this is planned story, and how much of it is just so BOB can play with FG functions :P
BOB All of the above
Lisa: lol
Shislif: lol
BOB I am glad we "solved" the whisper problem
BOB now to find a fix for it
BOB Waiting to see Carissa get the chance to speak
BOB and ask her questions of you
BOB and you should all decide if you are asking any boon from the Avatar before you leave
BOB and Lorie can fill you in on the Cat's choices
Lemon: Can I ask her to make the giant sword down to gnome sized so I can take it back?
BOB you can ask anything you want to
Lisa: they asked if we wanted a reward - Lorie asked that everyone get healed
BOB is why I am leaving this up to the group
Lemon: But I mean is that rude? And/or possible?
Shislif: mean like a wish?
BOB The Goddess did the healing/restore
BOB the Avatar said she would grant you a boon
Lisa: never hurts to ask
Lorie: I wanted our group healed... I thought was a good start
Lemon: Aww, thanks for healing us Lorie!
Lemon: That's so much less selfish than everything I immediately thought of
Shislif: Feels good!
Lorie: Like I said.. asking for my own Unicorn was way too much, asking you all to be healed seemed easier ;)
Lemon: Oh, if people aren't too tired, can we try to figure out what language TMO's talking hammer is speaking?
Lisa: Bran was going take her cues from the elves so she passed on asking for anything
BOB So Lemon wants a shrunken sword, Lorie wants a unicorn
Lisa: probably dwarvish and we missed giving it to the 7 dwarves :)
Shislif: I'd like some kind of musical instrument that has some kind of power :)
Lemon: It's not our fault they decided to peace out
TMO: When we get home Craigh can always cast Comprehend Languages to talk to the hammer
Shislif: Still not hammer time? :)
BOB ouch
Carissa: quick test okay think laptop is caught up
BOB Yes it is
BOB Glad you got in Carissa
Lemon: Wait. Wait wait wait. I am going to ask her to impart any botany knowledge that she would be willing to give me.
BOB the ideas people are batting around are what Boon to ask the Avatar for
Lemon: Maybe she will give me a fancy book
Lorie: Maybe you should ask for insight on the future missions you have racked up
Lemon: With botany related spells or something
Carissa: big decision to make so quickly
BOB Not tonight, but for next week
BOB you will have your feast to start the night
BOB then Plane Shift back home to Dragon Fen
Carissa: Oh good, because no, no ideas right now
Lemon: You could ask her to make yougurht stop being a creeper
Carissa: Group boon or individual boon?
BOB That has not been made clear
Lisa: she just asked Licornah and Branwyn - the only conscious people there
BOB Sharif, any ideas?
Lisa: other than Nighshade
BOB So you can throw them out if you are not here next week
Lemon: So what's the deal with housing when we get back? Has Bixi just been staying at Branwyn's? Is there a greenhouse? Maybe she will ask for a potted plant from elflands to care for
Carissa: guess my elves might have heard? or bob has excuse they didn't? either way, if it was relayed to group shouldn't matter
Lemon: Can I buy a house next door for her or something?
BOB Yes to Rae and N'laea hearing everything, they just did not react to any of it
Lisa: your elves should have been there but quiet?
Carissa: there's the boarding house where she's been saying, likely a link to follow eventually for you
Carissa: thoughtful, sure
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Lisa: this is good if people want to make permanent places of residence in Dragon Fen we can do that when we are home
Lemon: I'm not sure the gift was relayed to the group yet
Carissa: not gonna click it because laptop will give up on life if I do, but probably that link, yeah
Lemon: Yeah, Bixi needs a quiet writing room and a greenhouse
BOB soft laugh with Carissa
Lisa: lucky we took all that gold
Carissa: lol
Lisa: OH! The goddess called us all heroes!
Carissa: Well I damn sur ehope so
Lemon: oh dang, high praise
Lisa: we done good
Carissa: lol
Shislif: how do I add stuff to the news and updates page?
BOB ALso this is the time for Lorie to decide if she wants to continue to play Licornah or change characters after the Feast
BOB same password to edit a page as you used to get in here for FG
Shislif: ah ok
BOB Lorie can decide that over the week
BOB I am guessing that Carissa wants her two elves to return back to Dragon Fen
Carissa: said it on OOC, still cranky so yes
BOB rather than create new characters
Lisa: lol
BOB grins
BOB Also thank you again for that Creation Station Monthly it was a very nice conversation
Carissa: lol glad it went well
Carissa: if was fun even in the middle of all this
Shislif: Started watching that one but haven't finished it yet, but so far so good :)
BOB So we have a good wrap up for this story and next week the final celebration
Carissa: so many other things I wish I could have added, but only thought of later
BOB nods and it is only an hour
BOB but you have her email address if you want to communicate with her
Carissa: yeah plan to reply to that email when I have time... at some point
BOB Thank you everyone for tonight
Shislif: Alright have a great night everybody :)
Shislif: Thank you as well :)
Lorie: Have a good evening all -- night
Carissa: night all
BOB We will see everyone next week hopefully but we will hear from everyone during the week I bet
Shislif: sounds good :)
TMO: g'nite
'Carissa' disconnected
Shislif: night
Lorie: Good luck in DC - depending on where you're staying, let me know if you need restaurant suggestions.
'Shislif' disconnected
Lemon: Goodnight friends!
'TMO' disconnected
'Lemon' disconnected
'Lorie' disconnected
SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>
/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]
/die [NdN+N] <message>
/emote [message]
/gmid [name]
/id [name]
/kick [user]
/mod [N] <message>
/mood [mood] <message>
/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>
/ooc [message]
/option [option_name] <option_value>
/r [message]
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>
/scaleui [50-200]
/story [message]
/vote [message]
/w [character] [message]
BOB Lisa are you still here?
Lisa: oops sorry - going
'Lisa' disconnected
BOB no worries wanted to be sure