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Chat Log - 2022 05 06 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Story

Chat log with only line breaks added

<font color="#660066">'LorieD' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hey Lorie</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Hey Hey - how are you?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Life is good</font>

<font color="#660066">'MadamePsychosis' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello Lisa</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Evening Lisa </font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi Lorie! :)</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: No lacrosse tonight?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: How is the evening for you both?</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Alas, my are of PA requires a canoe to navigate </font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: so no Lacrosse</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: ouch</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: and we'll probably need that same canoe to get to commencement for KID tomorrow LOL </font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: too much rain this month already</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: sorry wish you could magically send it to me</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: I would happily</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I am supposed to drive to Orlando tomorrow morning at 4 AM to be there for an 8 AM graduation</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: cutting it a bit close aren't you?</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: ahhh yours is earlier... the doors open at 8 for us and starts a bit later</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: :: laughs :: </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Nah, he'll have plenty of time</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: it takes 3 to 3.5 hours to drive there, so I shoudl get into the parking lot in time</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and she is a Vetere so end of the line</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: that is saying that he will be out the door at 4</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: lol</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: :: laughs :: She's important </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: I can't believe she's graduating too</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: and the twins and Alyssa</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: too many graduations</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: After Loren then only John's two kids left to graduate college </font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Sage? </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: He is not in college that I think</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Just working</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: gotcha</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Hard to believe time has gone that fast</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: yeap</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Of course, I am stuck on KID graduating </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So Lorie do you have anything that you need for Licornah? things to need after you return home so we can plot out what you should be looking for?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: plus I hope you have fun with making up a story for the feast with the elves before going home</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: to expound on what you did to recover the chain</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Ummm... She probably needs to consider long-term housing and good deeds to help others</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: I'm happy to chair the down with Lloth committee</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#660066">Image: Inn of the lost eagle</font>

<font color="#660066">Image: Craniate Wastes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Those shoudl both be public shares now</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so you can see them and open them anytime you want</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Lisa can you open Branyn please</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: ok</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So Branwyn / Lisa shoudl see the manor house but Lorie should not</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yes the house without furniture</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Lorie can you see the map Manor House?</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: I see the icky fog map</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: and a roof vie of a house</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: view</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: good</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so Lisa can see all three maps, but Lorie can only see two of them</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: learning how to share things </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so that I can have an image of a scene and share it with a charater or two but not everyone can see it</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and you have to describe it to them</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: also Records -> Images and the drop down shoudl have Dragon Fen on it for you</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and there should also be a Craniate Wastes on that drop down</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: There will be new ones appearing there as we move forward</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: And on the Combat Tracker I added the Combat and Tactics Intitative so peopel are moving as Very Fast, Slow, Very Slow etc</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: not sure we want to keep that</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I think people will like the numbers better</font>

<font color="#660066">'LemonyLemon' connected</font>

<font color="#261A12">GM: also Records -> Images and the drop down shoudl have Dragon Fen on it for you</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello Lemon</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Evening Lemon</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello Carssa</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Carissa even</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Howdy Carissa - before you go AFK :) </font>

<font color="#261A12">LemonyLemon: hello all!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: Hi Lemon and Carissa!</font>

<font color="#660066">Image: Inn of the lost eagle</font>

<font color="#660066">Image: Manor House</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and when you load Bixi Lemon I have another to share with you</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I am here!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: very glad</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So Lemon you see the two maps that I shared there, the Inn and Manor House</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and you should see one more that no one else can</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh, why do I get to see that one?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: to test my ability to share things</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, well I do indeed see one more.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You see all three?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: good </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so when you go to Records -> Images</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: you have a drop down </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: can you choose Dragon Fen off of that drop down?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: i can not</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OK</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so niether you or Lisa can</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so that makes it different from Me</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I was hoping you could categorize your list</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, things are disappearing</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Now your list should NOT include anything from the Giants</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I watched it happen in real time lol</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: smiles</font>

<font color="#660066">'Master TMO' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So we know I can share with individual players certain images, so you would have to describe them to other players, what you see</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: but you cannot sort your images into categories</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello TMO</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Evening TMO</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess not? I wouldn't know how to, so I'm not sure how to answer that</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello TMO!</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi TMO!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You would have a drop down for Dragon Fen if you could Lemon</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: two players have confirmed that now so </font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: If you not want to see the 3 pages of illustrations from the books you can choose Uncategorized at the top of the images tab and only see the BOB maps</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I am thinking of places you will visit with lots of maps, your list will grow long</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ah, nope. I also don't see three pages of illustrations</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: THAT is interesting Lisa</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: I wish we could get rid of all that book image stuff</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and yes more for Lemon</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I know why after a thought, Lisa has loaded all the books, Lemon has not</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: ahh</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: HAH typed that without seeing Lisa's comment</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I can make the image in the books non-public</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Can put that on my to do list</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: not a big deal now that I found the Group thing can filter all those out</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OK so we are about to start your rest before the Feast with the goddesses</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: excellent Lisa</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Restroom for me while you determine what you will ask for as a boon and how long you want to stay here to celebrate your victories</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: brb</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: back</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: I'm not asking for anything material for my characters specifically. If Branwyn had to say something specific to her she would just ask if they had any advice for a hell trip</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and interesting Lisa that you cannot pick Dragon Fen off the list do / Did you see any other options for categories?</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: omg - still with the maps?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I think Bixi is going to politely request either botany knowledge or a plant to take back with her from the elflands. But I definitely think we should wait for Carissa before we start, since her elves missed the big elf thing last time</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Ok so on the list of potential asks is Advice on Hell Trip</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes to Lemon for Carissa but want to make sure everyone else gets their questions in</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: the groups are All, Uncategorized and then each book listed out one by one </font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: I think I'm finally in</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: thank you Lisa, is weird you do not see Dragon Fen I have had that as a category for a long time</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and Hello again TMO</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Evening TMO</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi TMO :)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: hi y'all! your greetings were hidden behind the file load spam</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Also Lisa and everyone Images is not only maps but any image I share, so a view of a trap, a room, etc. </font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: It must not be shared because I sent you that pic of all the maps I have of yours</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: I have 7 uncategorized images</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So when Craigh is there in the hallway and I share an image of the idol to him, TMO will have to explain what he sees, and the rest of the group will just have to run away from the boulder coming at you with no explination</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: oh boy...</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Learning things all the time :)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So Lisa and Lemon have spoken up about their potential Boons</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: TMO and Lorie</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and Carissa it lurking</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: is</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: what has been requested so far?</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: hell advice</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: botany knowledge</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hoping that Carissa is back soon</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: wow... no idea what Craigh would ask for</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: chuckles</font>

<font color="#261A12">Master TMO: there is the obvious, of course</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Yep. I'm here now. Just needed to reply to a message. I'll have to do work stuff briefly at some point, but here atm.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: no matter what you will be home in Dragon Fen by the end of the session</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: you can later on Carissa, we only have two more hours here</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: what do your two characters wish as a Boon?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and TMO ask away.....</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: then we will roleplay out the feast</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: arm?</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: lol can't but I can wait half hour to do it</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Sure you can Carissa, you have more important things to deal with your Goddess is waiting on you</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: definitely carissa and Lorie first anyway</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: agree</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: If it was individual boons, best I came up with was fancy bow for N'laea and, I dunno for Rae. A blessing of some sort for their journey? I wish I had time to think on that, but I really just... didn't</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: A ring of beauty? That a thing? lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I never stopped to consider the limitations of reality and neither should you</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Oh no, I shouldn't, but I don't have the brain power to consider more</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: does she need one?</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: thought she was already that basically :)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Look the goddess is being played by BOB. She's not going to give us what we actually want anyway, so reach for the stars and hope for the moon.</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Nah, not really. She's got a nice cloak, doesn't really use a weapon, so I drew a blank on her. She has room for a ring of some sort, but no idea what a useful one or other idea could be</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: there's two moons in this world so... both moons?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): sorry, hope for "a" moon</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Actually maybe N'laea needs Elven armor.... ugh, I don't know</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): can you ask for a guaranteed slot at the table after you die or whatever?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Idk how elf death works</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: If it was a group boon, yes I was thinking they'd ask for blessing on their souls or something</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: But individual, at least I have a wishlist for N'laea. Nice armor, fancy bow, cool cloak...</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, that's fine, if the elves decide on a group boon, Bixi is not going to speak out and try to get something for herself. This is elf stuff.</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: yes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: It is up to Carissa and Lorie you both have the three elves and get the most say</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: giving 2 more minutes then we move into the Feast</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Rae is pretty set, though. She won't ask for love because her Goddess is suppose to reward her follows with it. She's not really combat so doesn't need much. She might want answers about her elven side of the family but that is RP stuff which I'm not sure I'm ready for</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: a scroll of answers</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: So she might take the Bran route and ask for the Goddess of Journeys to bless their journey to hell</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: Hmm, that could maybe work, and then force you to give some of those RP points later...</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Trying to give Michael a chance to log in and add his thoughts</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: like Jeopardy?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: but getting deeper into the night</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: lol kinda</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Your group is in the Elf Lands, you are in the forest glen and you feel light, happy and whole</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: RP for me is fun when other people give me things to work off. I have vague ideas to develop, but someone else telling me what her elven side of the family is like is more fun to me to come up with replies/responses to </font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: no, I'm pretty sur eI don't.... :P</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Everyone is full healed with full spells, even though it is half way through the day</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: chain is gone</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: everything is right with the world</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and we begin</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: avatar is nice</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Hello</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You have been full of surprises</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: I did not think you were going to be such heroes when I welcomed you</font>

<font color="#261A12">seyfert: (oooh she has a portrait now)</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: We were only returning what was not ours and doing as we were bid to do.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: How did you overcome such odds to be welcomed to our feast?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: I see</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): how did YOU lose a cape to a manticore???</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (protector, not the avatar)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Why would you not seize what you had and go forth to conjour more of the worlds?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I was being snarky anyway</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lol)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You have real power in your hands</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: For what purpose?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lolth person??)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's how I deal with the kids now when they give me sass. I sass them right back lol</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You could have chosen to do so many things</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: You seem to have ideas of your own.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Everyone is hearing this and everyone can respond, you are not daxxled</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: dazzled</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (daxxled sounds painful)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: We do try to do the right thing</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, I was just thinking it was nice to have a new word for frozen in time</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What did you think the right thing was?</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: To protect these lands and return what was not ours. Would you not agree?</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: muttering very quietly to herself Returning the cloak, and helping the goddess. Obviously.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: I agree, but I also see that siezing power and defeating all enemies is a worthwhile quest</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): These elves and their elf questions, am I right?</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh is quietly looking over the goddess and the avatar from the sidelines.</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: And who do you count as your enemies?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): protector seems sketchy</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Why shoudl she allow the Giants to linger on the edges of our lands?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Why not crush them ?</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: Has she stated that she will? Or are you simply guessing her plans?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: She did not have you remove them</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: She did not ask us to remove them.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: you only stole in and brought back a chain</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: You were watching and listening to our conversation?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: They seem overjoyed at that</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Of course!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: That is what I do</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: We removed some of the giants!</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: She did not allow all to do it.</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: still muttering quietly: I don't think our small group could have gotten rid of all the giants</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: nods to Indigo, a great warrior in a small body</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: smiles </font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: Perhaps, in the end, she's saving the giants for you.</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: I hope you are as good of a shot.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: If I am given the forces to smash them I will</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): hahaha niiiiiice</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: And we killed many without that force.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: I can only watch and do as I am bid</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You are heroes and acted freely</font>

<font color="#660066">'mharmon1' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello Michael</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: :: studies Lilafane quietly :: </font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: (Evening Michael</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Hi</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Hi Michael!</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: And we did what we decided was best for all.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Elves, Gnomes, Hin, and Humans working together in strange</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: I agree.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Why not work for the best for the Elves?</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: I do. I work for Rillifane.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Yet you say you worked for the best for all, not the best for elves</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: And he does not act rash nor turn against alliances. If he did, he could not protect us as well as he does.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Warm Smile, so you have learned</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Everyone is of value</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: Yes, in their different ways. I may not understand nor agree with their ways, but I am learning.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks at Licornah, Do you think that all creatures have value?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: :: looks at her and thinks :: Of course. You know that the good of all elves requires cooperation from all the other races. We can't always do it alone. </font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What value to the Drow bring to the world?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: (grins waiting)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: Lloth gives them a cause worth fighting for. There is balance because of their cause</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Nods</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: It's not my cause... but their cause nontheless</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: There is no shadow without a light</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: If we shine brighter, it reduces their shadow to a sliver</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks over at the humans, </font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Branwyn, Craigh, Zayden, Youtargim, Tiberius</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What have you learned here on your journey?</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh starts slightly, surprised at being addressed.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: I remembered that I love my wife and adventuring with er</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: her</font>

<font color="#261A12">Youtargim: I am not really sure, I think that I have found that a group that supports you is more important than leading a group that does not</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles at Tiberius, Love is a many faceted thing</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks at Youtargim, Perhaps you need to learn to be a part rather than a whole</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks at Branwyn</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: Hmmm ... </font>

<font color="#880000">Branwyn: hard for her to say </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Michael are you good and caught up?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: Perhaps I have been ... let us say ... hasty </font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: when it comes to judging on powers of gods and goddesses</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I mean...I'm here. I wouldn't say I'm all-knowing or anything :)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: Perhaps I need to reconsider a bit</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Goddesses are not all knowing</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: but they are oh so powerful</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: and very touchy</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles at Talwin</font>

<font color="#880000">Branwyn: smiles slightly</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: do not think that I have ignored you warrior with the sword of the giants</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Nor you small gnome hiding in the corner</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Grunts</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: you cannot escape notice there</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What has our little gnome learned?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: that our human has not?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Or perhaps our Warrior human has learned something that gnome, hin, and Elf can achieve?</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Nope not a thing</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Love, teamwork?</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Those work?</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): have to IC and find out :P</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Eyes glance over to Craigh still deep in thought</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'm reading on sight right now cause I got no idea wut's going on</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): she just asked what we learned on this quest</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I've learned that size doesn't matter, if you know enough about deadly yellow mold!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: smiles and bows. "Even goddesses are even more beautiful than elves?"</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): *Elven</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I read "The Next story arc starts with Branswny and Talwin" and that's about where I start to get concerned.............</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Warm smile for Craigh, flattery will get you a warm soft bed and a very happy companion</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ew</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): ew</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is she trying to hook up with Craigh?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: Is it flattery if it's true though?</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): thought is was more vice versa</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles at Bixi you are very much in tune with the natural world</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looking at Craigh, It is true that Elven beauty is sought after by many, but few manage to enjoy it</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: with a quick side glance to Youtargim</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Talwin the Master of the Blade you are noticably reticent</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: My mind wonders beyond into other realms where I seek mental guidance on what I shall say</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Still reading</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks at the three Elves</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Tranlsation stuff is hard for me on the site</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What say you on the merits of this Human</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Note for Rae that she is counting you as an Elf, </font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yay</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: Love are you happy with this outcome? do you think we should be asking for something for? I am not sure what or who to ask about?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: I am happy to hear you say you love me. Should I have been worried?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: LOL</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: HUGS Branwyn and Kisses her hard</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): OK. I'm up to what last week was, but have no idea who this liliafane is?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): Ishe's noticed this entire trip)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I can only see chat to where I joined</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross, pda</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: You are making me so very happy</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: The merits of Craigh?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: warm smiles at Tiberius and Branwyn</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (sorry wrong elfd)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: The merits of Craigh?</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Ah ok. Some searchign on site helped</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: throws her arms around her husband, 'Thank you' </font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: The Merits of Criagh and Talwin</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: they both seem to be hesitant to embrace their potential</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: I have few. I serve my master and hope I do a good enough job to keep her....mostly happy</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: They both have desires</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: Well they certainly seem to try their best.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Yet to not express them when given the chance</font>

<font color="#660066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Tell her we want a chance to help her be rid of the giants forever</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Serving a higher goal is admiralble Talwin but what goals do you seek?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: See Lemon needs more artifacts to inhabit</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lmao)</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: (something I'm guessing I'll read in chat)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes you will</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Well, swinging this larger sword would be nice so that I could actually hit my target. Grins wryly. However, (ALSO LOL BOB AND LEMON) I need to finish mastering my own. Although....Ponders Sword...It would probably be easier if it could just change homes I suppose. </font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: I seek to master my craft. I have very few goals beyond that</font>

<font color="#261A12">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Think of what we could do, if we were able to work together more efficiently! Help the elves, yes, but so much more...</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looks to Craigh</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): oops forgot the whisper lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Look, I don't want my second character ever to get destroyed ok?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Just so you know Lemon, I want to whisper, but I can't, because everytime I try, I fudge up the name and have to start over. And then I just say eff it</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Sorry</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Think of what we could do ...... Together.... Unlimited... together we could be unlimited... together we could be the greatest team that has ever been.... Glinda...</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Lol, it's impossible to whisper to giant sword anyway, he has an impossible name to type</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): right lol</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh: chuckles. "If we're still on what I've learned, I've learned that giants are slightly above my pay grade. If we're on what I would like, it could be several things. How high should I aim for?"</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles at Criagh, if you aim for the Moons you might end up in the stars</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Get out of here with that cat poster crap</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Hahahahahah!</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Hang in there!</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (WOW did she just steal that from you Lemon??)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Um, yes, AND she got it wrong</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (well she didn' credit you so at least it only looks bad for her)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, true. OR she promised us BETTER rewards than we are asking for, which would be fine</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): you'll never know until you ask</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): (sry, trying to come up with a way to say it IC)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Despite my best efforts, i'm not imagining a whole bunch of those motivational posters now. Dammit bob. lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Look, I'm just saying, Michael, if you want to ask to keep my second ever character usable, then I'm certainly ok with that.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: SO to this point Talwin has said a bit of a boon and Craigh has bowed to her beauty</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (I'm terrified of insulting here is my issue. I'm trying to think of how to ask)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): *her</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and in about 10 minutes we move to the Feast</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): she's been very nice - worst thing she will say is no</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I mean, if you want bluntness, I can do what I'm best at</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Where you will be asking for real from the goddess</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Sigh. Of course, because we wouldn't we be</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and you will be telling the story of your quest</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: that story will guide the level of reward to your requests</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): ok, so not boon-asking yet.</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): in other words - make it good</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: if you make it sound easy - why should she give a big reward?</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: between Rae being talkative and Craigh's acting, we got this team</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): sorry ooc</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so Carissa, Lorie, etc. will need to carry forth with fun tales</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (ugh hard to OOC on laptop)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I basically died? Does that count?</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): no until you hit negs you did not basically die</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and 7 mijnutes at 9 we start the feast with your stories</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: brb refilling</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: No, that's literally. Basically means pretty close</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Trying to word this, no idea how it will play off. I'm writing in a word doc</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Talwin can get in line but feel free to share that :D</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOL. I will regail the goddess</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): not too worried about making it a good story, but definitely good to have many perspectives</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: back</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Giving Lorie and Carissa first chances at the story and then as Carissa say adding perspectives with the others</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Are we all telling the story or are we choosing an elected representative or waht?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ah</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Licornah and N'laea and Rae will start for you</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: then you will all be expected to add in your comments</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Play up my saving us with the yellow mold please. I want them to be impressed enough with my botany knowledge that they will thing it's worthwhile to give me more</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and then at the end the quality of the story will be weighted for the benefit you earn</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): oh no worries, will play up everyone except debating Yogurt ;P</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: 2 minutes till</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You will have a half hour</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: max</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): what's with the ironclad time limits today?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Bob has an early night</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I want to give everyone a chance</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): game ending in an hour</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: we end at 10 tonight</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Bob has a life even though we're not allowed ot have one ourselves)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and this is the last session for this story arc</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I am driving to Orlando in 7 hours from now</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: to be at a graduation</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): OR we could just continue the feast for like 3 weeks</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and so we begin</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (I have my oldest's commencement tomorrow am too -- no complaints) </font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Welcome Dragonslayers to your celebration</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): I actually technically have tomorrow off, but we know how that goes</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You came here with a burden and satisfied your immediate problem yet continues onwards to prove your worth</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: You were given a task to prove if you were unworthy, simply adventurers, or heroes</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: and you proved your selves to be heroes</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: (the crowd around the tables cheers(</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: nods</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: smiles happily</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Our gathered throng wants to hear your tale</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: why did you choose to be heroes and not simply adventurers?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: How did you arrive back here</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: and what did you overcome</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Bring us a tale worth of heroes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: The tables grow quiet as drinks are filled and elves listen to your tale</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Give me a minute and I'll post. Almost done with my section</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'll post in a block</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (did you want to go first Lorie?)</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (I'm okay for you to go) </font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: fidgets in his seat as it's story time</font>

<font color="#880000">Raelynn: clears her throat and makes a big ta-do because she's in the spotlight and loves it</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: Thank you all for this wonderful feast and your kindness. Some of us didn't expect to be here yet, and some of us not at all, but I am just as honored to be in your company, and look forward to the day we can be again.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Elven voices, .... Stay with us, no need to leave</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Why these elves keep wanting everyone to be dead?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes you all can undertand all that is going on during the feast</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: It all began a moon and a half ago, when we had reports of goblin trouble back home. There we crawled through dirt and grim, through nasty dirty tunnels, trying to resecue some poor miners who were kidnapped. While we sadly arrived too late, we happened upon a manicore and her son, ones who looked forward to the day they could take back these lands and cause troubles untold. But do you think that we, heroes, allow such a thing?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: cheers</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh calls out, "No!"</font>

<font color="#880000">Raelynn: smiles and nods and continues</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: (suspiciously like dwarves if truth be told.... )</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (do we recognize any of them as our seven??? :P)</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we let them go</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): no dwarves here</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Don't forget to mention that Bixi found the cloak and let the elves have it with NO HESITATION</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: (NONE these are all Elves, was a side comentary on the similarities)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I can see that Carissa is building up the story before arriving in the Elf Lands so that Lorie can take the lead on the giants</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: Of course not! My brave fellows could not ALLOW such a thing! So, facing hoards of hobgoblins, sought to rid the lands of the mancore. Our wonderful illusionist and her master saw through the deceotion of the fake hobgoblins, our fearless warriors faced the manicore, and our fullhearted Nlaea and Bran tried to reason with them, but alas, the chose death. And what, my fellow, did we find with this mother manicore but a cloak of UNSPEAKABLE beautfy?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (screw typos right now)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Through dangers untold and hardship unnumbered, we have fought our way here to the castle beyond the goblin city...</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Seriously, don't worry about it lol</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: YES Lemon</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: IT was clear this was not for us mere mortals to keep and to hold, for it belong to the mother of us all. And we all want to take care of she who brought us forth, do we not?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles happily</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (stealing that for giants if you're good with it Lemon as I try to send this work email... and type...)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Imagining this speech as Aragorn bolsters the truth at the gates of mordor</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Makes a mental note to slam-book style Carissa when writing up the summary because she did not play up Bixi enough...</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): *troops</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, steal the thing I stole? Absolutely, go for it</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: The great mage among us, Countess (insert all her title here) Branwyn, had a way for us to do as good children are to do, and return that which is not ours to return. But it could not be as simple as that. We had to prove ourselves, as any should to step foot in this land. And so we set off, bidden and accepting, there was more to be done.</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Bixi will get her mention, one sec, har dto hurry this now that I'm in it lol)</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (but triying),</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): As soon as Raelynn is done, I can spin a tale about a quick snapshop in the Giant castle. I have it all typed otu and ready to go :)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): no worries, I look forward to try to figure out how to format a slam-book on that page.</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: And so we made our way to the giant steading, a foulness upon these lands unseen, adding darkness where none should be given for what lay inside was a chain. A chain of darkness, evil, and pollution, a taint upon these wonderful and beautiful lands. But what could we, a small group adeventurers, do again a large group of giants?</font>

<font color="#880000">Raelynn: gives a sly smile</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: Quite a lot, I assure you.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Raelynn: But, it is not only my tale to tell, my dearest listeners, now is it? I can describe the magnificant shot of N'laea, blinding a giant with two shots of her bow. Or of Bixi, and her unmatched botany skills safving us from deadly mold and finding us a sword hidden among the giants. And what of Talwin? Putting his life at risk to save dwarves mere strangers to him? Branwyn and her many jaws of pure fear and power? Tiberius and his unrelenting need to offer protection? Craigh, Lanek, and Youtargim, finding the traps to keep us safe from falling in them? Fearless Indigo, willing to chase giants and dive into the deepest waters? Licornah, her quiet wisdom guiding our path? No, my fellows. I'll give them their spotlight for their tales.</font>

<font color="#880000">Raelynn: bows and nods towards the group for them to speak</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Raelynn speaks well of us!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: I would add that we also learn</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (tried to ermember what everyone did, hope I hit the points)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Myself especially. We learn from our mistakes for I especially, am only human</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: We all can share many stories. But there is so much to tell! Why heroes? It was nothing any of you would not have done. Is that heroism? To want to keep the natural world as safe as can be? I say nay, that is a obligation! Talwin rests hand proudly on his rideiculously long sword But Chargrined, his cheeks turn dimpled red We like to help people! Branyn has always been beyond anyone I've ever known to do so. We somehow get tangled up in events and in the end, it just sort of...well...happened. I don't see myself as a hero, just a humble adventurer with my friends! Blushes for speaking so frank. While in the holds of the giants keep, I found room after room of filth. When we strode into a room and saw several prisoners, I rushed in with my friend Indigo to rescue them! I didn't think it was a trap and even more foolishly I dind't think to approach more cautiosly I and my friend Indigo were ambushed! I had formed a partnership with a sentient sword. A person trapped in the blade who'd in a previous life been devestated by the giants. But I uh, maybe took to my new friendship beyond the brink of wisdom. I should have known better in truth. A sword of this size is not my speciality. I refused to consider it. I kept him at my side, vowing to enact his vengence on his behalf! Yet, I could not land a blow. Even after taking a few rather nasty hits for a mortal, I should have instead returned to the familiar weight and grip of my long sword. But, in my promise, I refused. I chose not to give up, and my friends around me are why I am still here. They are the reason I come to explore and adventure. I'll never be the best swordsmaster, or the best knight, but I'll always help my friends!" Looks at Sword. "After that encounter, I agreed with it that we would have to compromise for the rest of the adventure. I would need to be of actual assistance to keep alive naturally. So it kept close to me heart while I slay with the more familiar blade. "I'll uh, never abandon them either. I'll find a way to turn this sword into a more managable blade for myself, and then continue honing my art. I believe it doesn't particularly care about it's shape, just that it is used to it's fullest potential. And, just like I hope I prove to oneday be to my own friends, despite my faults." I could not be prouder to serve one such as Branwyn, or those whom surround me. The loves, the losses and quirks. </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Now for the rest of the group Licornah and Talwin to add in them the rest to supliment</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): :: nods to Talwin :: </font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I have done my civic duty. Also would be dead without Indigo. So...Kudos Lisa. I owe you a drink when we meet up at Bobs :)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Letting Lorie speak and then the group continue</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: as everyone sees fit to tell your tale of heroes</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Shoot! Sorry if I spoke out of turn. It was just ready to go)</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we all save each other Michael!</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Sorry Loried!)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): *Lorie</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Pff. I would be dead like three times over without everyone here. Indigo just saved me ass that time LOL :)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Still have time </font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (nope, please go ahead, you have yours all typed...I'm good :) ) </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I think that was all of the typed stuff</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Lorie you get a chance to add the Elven perspective</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (Okies) </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Of the Giant portion</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: :: looks at the Avatar and then the group and finally to the attendees:: </font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Yep. Sorry if not clear. Didn't know exact timing. I can do more if noone else has stuff, but I was a pretty minor character in this one. You guys did a TON of stuff</font>

<font color="#660066">User is back. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (I have the site up guys. Do you want me to remind all the cool stuff you did? :) )</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: zero worries on that Michael next one is about Talwin</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: We are humbled by the opportunity to give service to the goddess and her cause. My fellow travelers and I found many giants and their prisoners and endeavored to save those we could :: nods to Zayden :: and sadly, there were some we could not</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and his quest for mastery</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Yeah, I saw that bob. LOL</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: Ware the Giant compound... there are many creatures inside -- Giant and Beast alike</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: The elves raise a toast to those lost</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: drinks</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: We've been honored to be touched by her goodness and we should now toast her graciousness. </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: CHEEERS</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Raises the goblet...hesitates as if remembering the lost... drinks solumnly. with Care</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: raises his glass</font>

<font color="#880000">Raelynn: joins in</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: :: demures to the others :: </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Bixi for the gnomes? Indigo for the Hin? and Who for the Humans? </font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh joins the toast</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: beyond Talwin</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Raises the goblet...hesitates as if remembering the lost... drinks solumnly. with Care</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Craigh?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Indigo and Bixi go</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: then Craigh can </font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): sure thing</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: tell your tale of being a hero and why you did what you did</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: What you saw and overcame</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Indigo first?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Either</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You are impressing the Elves</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: on why you are heroes</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I just don't want to be trying to talk while Indigo is trying to talk</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): And playing up the audicene. Say it to yourself. "You are a hero. A badass. HNNNG"</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I'm waiting - not saying anything unless you want me to</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, I guess I'll go first</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: steps forward and nervously does the awkward curtsey</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: ELVES - Listen to the little one</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: edges forward slightly, as if to give Bixi some moral support if needed. a Slight look of concern and also beaming pride for Bixi</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: in her moment of triumph</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: letting Lemon post</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Thank you for allowing me the honor of attending your feast! I am sure there have not been many of my kind here before, and I appreciate it, and will pass on tales of it's beauty for generations to come. When I first discovered the beautiful cloak of the goddess on the body of the willful manticore, I was overwhelmed. It seemed very powerful. But as heroes do, I allowed others with more experience and wisdom than I to speak up, and my elven companions assured me this was no ordinary cloak, and that it must be returned to it's rightful owner, and of course, I agreed, for I am no common thief! I am small, but brave, and willing to face even giants in order to do what is right, and protect lands and creatures that need protection. I am small, but merciful, and do my best not to harm any that have not done any harm themselves. I am small, but my mind is always studying and thinking, and learning the natural world and the unnatural, so I was able to recognize the potentially sentient mold immediately. And I am happy to have been able to use my talents in service of the beautiful elven goddess and the residents of her land.</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: steps back to let Indigo go</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: A Single teardrop of pride is in Talwins right eye</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Hugs Bixi </font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Sentient Mold is probably one of the scariest things I can think of existing the more I think about it....</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: Ummm ... I think we're always heroes. I mean I'm aknight so it's kind of my duty but we all are. When there's bad stuff and we get asked to help we just do.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Idk, I kind of htink of it like the fraggle rock garbage pile</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Whelp, that helped thanks Lemon LOL</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: Have you ever been in the Giant Steading? At first we had to sneak</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: We snuck past two sleeping giants and found giants and orcs and ogres!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Cheers for Bixi and Oooh for Indigo</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: oooooo</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: There was about 100 of them having party and cooking in the kitchen!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: We snuck by all of them and N'Laea only had to kill one ogre to get by!</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Indigo stole lots of food while we killed them! :D )</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: Then we went down and found dozens and dozens of bugbears!</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Shudders at the rememberance of the filth, the rot</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And yogurt aggroed the extras...</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: They guard all the slaves and we jumped into the bugbear camp and killed some and then closed them off</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: And more giants and apes even!!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: But when we finished that then Craigh can tell what we did</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: TMO can round out the story</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh laughs and stands up. "Thank you, Indigo."</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: grins</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh Well, as you can tell, I am the pinnacle of physical perfection, so once the rest of the team cornered the vile creatures, I quickly knocked them all unconscious with but a single punch!"</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: Well, as you can tell, I am the pinnacle of physical perfection, so once the rest of the team cornered the vile creatures, I quickly knocked them all unconscious with but a single punch!"</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): my strategy was "butter them up, then be like look how awesome I am, give me presents."</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh stands next to Talwin, showcasing how puny he is compared to him</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: The Elves all laugh</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Wraps arm around Craigh's Shoulder with a brilliant smile, as if Craigh is to modest about himself and conveying that he doesn't give himself enough credit</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: Seriously though, my role was to scout, find the dangers, and guide my friends around the worst of them and hopefully closer to our goal</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: I'm certain that beings so closely tied to the spirits of Nature as elves are can appreciate how useful scouting and observation is.</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: claps </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Cheers</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (I feel like we are the most entertainment these elves have had in millenia with how much bob has them cheering LOL :) )</font>

<font color="#261A12">Craigh: And our labors were rewarded! Together we found, and returned, the Iron Chain!</font>

<font color="#880000">Indigo: claps</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Loud Cheers and toasts</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Pumps arm in the air</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, how much entertainment do nearly-immortal dead elves get, do you think? They're probably bored out of their minds</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Who's arm?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): anybody know Dancing?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grisn</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): lol</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Thank you all for a well wrought tale</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: you all deserve a reward</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: What Boon shall you ask of the Elven Lords?</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks to the elves for guidance on whether or not to be greedy</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: Looks abashed as though awkward, uncomfortable with asking</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (is it still unclear if it's individual or the group?)</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Was that discussed earlier and I missed?)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: No one has clarified anything</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (I def. missed)_</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, it was not specified</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: This is your chance</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): 8 minutes - no rush</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#660066">'LorieD' disconnected</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Bob. I don't ask boons in real life, and it's actually paining me in fake life. I can't ask. I literally feel like garbage </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: That is ok Michael</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): We got a crap ton of treasure in teh door. I'm good with that</font>

<font color="#660066">'LorieD' connected</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I 100% will ask, but not before the elves set an example to show it's ok</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): you don't have to</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Welcome back Lorie</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: My Lords and Ladies, we thank you for the boon you offer us. If it is one for us all, we have tough journeys and trials ahead of us, and would ask for you to offer what protection and guidance you can for us all. If it is a boon for us each.... I am certain we each have ideas on what would best suite us each.</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Thanks. I'm sorry. Its stupid, but causing me anxiety and I don't need a boon that bad</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): In the event of elf stuff, I defer to elves</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: But it is with gratitude and grace will will accept what blessings and boons you see befitting.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Smiles at M'laea and lets the group continue to speak for a moment</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (m'lady)</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (Sorry my computer decided it wanted to reboot) </font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: M'lady,.... My Lady.... GoT scene</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): just so long as you're not wearing a fedora when you say that</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh man, that reminds me... yesterday I explained to the kids that sometimes people can have more than one uppercase letter in their name, and their minds were BLOWN. Three-year-olds man.</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: gives a slight nod, "I believe we are all uncertain as to what would be fitting to ask, if it is too much to ask for a boon for each or one for all."</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Very well</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: For Bixi, you are granted the benefit of Botany (a +5 added to your skill)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: For Indigo a potion of Heroism</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for Craigh a rope of binding</font>

<font color="#261A12">Indigo: Thank you!</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for Branwyn a Fire Seed</font>

<font color="#880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: does the weird curtsey that she's known for, and thinks maybe she should have asked for a better curtsey</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Dalhia's twin??)</font>

<font color="#880000">Branwyn: smiles</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: (unkown what that does at this time)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Branwyn: Thank you!</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh bows to the goddess</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): she'll figure it out :)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): +5 sounds pretty good</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (it's damn good)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: For Talwin the Giant Sword shrinks down into a two handed sword for his mastery</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yessssssssssss</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (let's hope he doesn't regret it)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): This is almost like two rewards for me</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (loll)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for Licornah she gets a gold orb with a beating red heart in it</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Stares with unrestrained happiness as if not belieiving this was possible. moved to tears</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): only slightly creepy</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (that sounds.... creepy yes)</font>

<font color="#880000">Talwin: clutches it to his chest</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): if you haven't yet watched the Legend of Vox Machina yet, beware the sword Grog gains by the end of the season</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Yes it does</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for Rae she gets a cloak of Elven kind</font>

<font color="#261A12">Licornah: :: nods and bows with gratitude :: </font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (uhh but she has one?)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for Youtargim he gets a scroll</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Whelp. Now I'm watchign that. Thanks TMO. That's two for two shows you got me interested in</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Looking at Tiberius</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Your heart is confused</font>

<font color="#660066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Ahhhh, this suits us, my friend</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Which do you wish?</font>

<font color="#880000">Branwyn: looks at Tiberius</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: Blinks and smiles</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): (the sword doesn't play much of a role in Season 1, but I'm sure it will in S2)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Tiberius Branadarus: I want my love to be whole and safe, </font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Tiberius: What my heart truly desires, is to watch the elves reenact the single ladies music video. Leotards and all.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Very well, your mother shall remain here in Olympus, we will not let her pass back to your realm</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: Drinks for everyone</font>

<font color="#880000">Branwyn: bites her lower lip</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: This is a time to celebrate</font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">Craigh blinks and looks confusedly at Tiberius.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: for everyone to enjoy the fruits of your labors</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: your quests have brought great joy</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (not to complain but... Rae gets a second cloak and nothing for N'laea? Just to clarify? I know you're rushing)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: (DOH sorry)</font>

<font color="#261A12">Liliafane: N'laea shall recieve her quiver of arrows</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): never emptying?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): (if she already has a cloak, there are matching boots. ;) )</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: The Goddesses are sometimes capricious</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): (she can just give N'laea the second one)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: or know that certain things are more valuable</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): maybe it's a better cloak?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Are they red-bottom boots or knockoffs?</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOL</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Perhaps she knows that Rae will need a second one </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: BUT in any case </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: the group</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Ahem. Fellowship</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: laughs, drinks, eats, and enjoys a quiet relaxing safe night</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): In Lorien?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Everyone gets to heal both physically and emotionally</font>

<font color="#880000">Craigh hangs out near(ish) to the avatar and goddess, just listening.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: all is good</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and in the morning (as shown on the clock) Branwyn assembles everyone</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and you Plane Shift back hom</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: all is good?</font>

<font color="#005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yup</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't like the way that ended in a question mark</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Bob as always, an amazing adventure despite me missing about half of it :)</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (Go to bed...and drive safe. Hugs to Julie / Robert / Nicholas and Loren! Congrats to her!!!!) </font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: Have a safe trip tomorrow</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Thank you for your willingness to put up with my bull shit</font>

<font color="#660066">Image: Inn of the lost eagle</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): :)</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: Goodnight!</font>

<font color="#261A12">GM: Hello</font>

<font color="#005500">LorieD (Licornah): (If you see Joann and Mario...hugs to them too) </font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Night All!</font>

<font color="#261A12">GM: Who are you?</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: oh no - just wait for next week to start that please ...</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: Who is who? </font>

<font color="#261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Who's asking?</font>

<font color="#261A12">GM: Hello</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Who?</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Who?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (N'laea): you want your timeshift question answere tonight?)(</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: no</font>

<font color="#261A12">N'laea: (Barkeep may be dead....</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Figures LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Not Gerry, nooooooo</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He's one of the NPCs I LIKED</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Me to. Dammit</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: kids are adults - we were on elf time</font>

<font color="#261A12">MadamePsychosis: go to sleep bob</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nothing about this is ok.</font>

<font color="#261A12">Human, Gentry: Hello</font>

<font color="#261A12">Human, Gentry: Who are you?</font>

<font color="#660066">'MadamePsychosis' disconnected</font>

<font color="#005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Can we leave it at that? Like the cliffhanger of an epsiode? Like Part 2 next week?)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Oh well</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: have a great night everyone</font>

<font color="#261A12">LorieD: :: waves :: </font>

<font color="#660066">'LorieD' disconnected</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Craigh): good night and safe travels</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' disconnected</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: Hugs Bob :) It's a beautiful cliff hanger you gotta admit</font>

<font color="#261A12">Talwin: I'm deeply interested LOL</font>

<font color="#660066">'mharmon1' disconnected</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You need to sleep, my friend. Driving tired has been proven by the mythbusters to be just as bad as driving drunk. Goodnight, have a great trip!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: warm smile</font>

<font color="#660066">'LemonyLemon' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'Master TMO' disconnected</font>