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Chat Log - 2022 06 17 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

The time is 6:00 PM

Effect ['Casting Wall of Sand;(C)'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Howard Plum]

'Carissa' connected

BOB Welcome Sharif

Carissa: 6:50 and the timer starts....NOW

BOB Hello Carissa

'Michael' connected

'Lisa' connected

BOB Hello Michael,

BOB Hello Lisa

Michael: Good evening everyone! Can't see anything yet, but I'm here and ready for action :)

BOB No worries Michael

'Lorie' connected

BOB Welcome Lorie

BOB I will have to look again at why the load times are so long

BOB I wonder if it has to do with the Tome of Magic problem

Carissa: 17 minutes, give or take a minute.

BOB Ouch

Carissa: It'd be nice if it said why it was taking so long, but it does not.

Carissa: Anyways hello

BOB This is true too

Carissa: Looks like I have time to make dinner before everyone else syncs...

BOB chuckles

'Shislif' connected

Lisa: Hello! I walked away so no clue long long for it to load

BOB Yeah Lisa

Lisa: how long - hope that is not an indicator of my typing quality tonight

Sharif: howdy!

Lisa: Hi Shislif :)

BOB I wonder how fast he actually loads

Lisa: I was less than 15 minutes just don't know how much less

BOB nice

Lisa: Amazon has a playlist named game night now - annoying! That is what I named my playlist a long time ago so have to fight Alexa to play mine instead of hers

Sharif: taking a while to load

BOB chuckles with Lisa

Michael: Ah! I'm glad I started loading "early" I"m here everyone :)

BOB smiles Michael

Sharif: test test


BOB Also please test your movement

Lorie: Hola, que tal todo el mundo?

BOB chuckles

Lisa: Hello Lorie! :)

BOB Thank you Lisa

Michael: Hey! :)

BOB and do you see your Reach when you click on your character?

Lorie: Should I have a map or do I need to load one myself?

BOB Michael Talwin should have a larger one like Licornah does

BOB Licornah is on the map

Lorie: Let me load it

Talwin: One sec.

Talwin: sorry

Sharif: Taking forever not sure if you guys can see these!

Lorie: Sorry, I see the up arrow for my direction, but not sure if I see reach

BOB Yes we can Sharif

Lorie: We see you... :: waves ::

BOB The Arrow is your facing

Michael (Talwin): Ah! Here's the map. It popped open just now. One sec

Michael (Talwin): Oh, I like that bob. Automatic Foot Movement

BOB If you hold Shift and the mouse wheel you can change your facing

Michael (Talwin): I might forget that one, but that is very nice as well. I'll try and remember. :)

BOB and you can see that larger shaded area to show your reach

BOB when you click on Talwin correct Michael?

BOB Does anyone else see that?

Michael (Talwin): Correct. A gray grid pops up. I'm assuming that is my reach right?

BOB yes

Michael (Talwin): I like that too. Take some guessing out of it :)

Lisa: I see a green box around Indigo but not Howard

'TMO' connected

Lisa: it's the gray box?

Michael (Talwin): I just hover my mouse over Talwin and the grid pops up. Try that maybe? Not sure how other characters might be

Michael (Talwin): Yep :)

BOB The green box is because Indigo's token is smaller than the square

Michael (Talwin): (Talwin is chonky) :)

Lisa: the gray box is the same size for Howard and Indigo

Sharif: Hey I'm here yay!

Michael (Talwin): Hey! Great to see you

BOB Hello TMO when you get in

Sharif: hi everybody :)

Lisa: Hi! I said hello to you by mistake like 15 minutes ago :D Hello again for real

Lorie: Hi TMO at some point :)

Lisa: but yes Indigo's reach is much smaller than Talwin's. That makes sense :)

BOB Yes on the Combat Tracker and the Stats tab will show the Size and Reach numbers

Sharif: Haha no worries, yea silly thing takes forever to load for whatever reason

Carissa: Got food and brought in some plants. Hi all who've since sync'd!

'Lemon' connected

Carissa: So noticed last time all the extra info on Party Sheet and need to ask: Are Talwin, Zayden, and Youtargim wearing armor? Their AC are all at 10.

BOB No to Youtargim and Zayden wearing armor

Sharif: not even some leather armor?

Thistle: And just noticed Thistle's is off again...

BOB How so Carissa?

BOB Lemon is loading

Thistle: It's giving her the DEX defense but nothing else. So guessing it isn't reading her armor into it.

Sharif: can i get a link to the previusly on?

BOB and Sharif, you could have leather armor

Sharif: please :)

Thistle: I did the unequip and re-equip like last time when it did this, but it didn't update.

Lisa: we were supposed to get Zayden leather aromor when we were home

BOB Checking on both Thistle and Zayden for that

Sharif: Yea I seem to recall something along those lines

Thistle: And Michael will need to check his unless his AC really is supposed to be 10 which seems wrong

Sharif: some cool looking leather of course

Sharif: I have a reputation over here

BOB Zayden is updated correctly

BOB Thistle now

Michael (Talwin): This is kind of embarassing to admit, but i'm not sure how to figure out how the armor is contributing to AC. No rush, just taking some time

BOB I can after Thistle

Michael (Talwin): Again no rush, just not the best at this program still :(

Lisa: think it does it automatically once you say you are wearing it on your sheet

Licornah: added to Discord for you

Michael (Talwin): TY. I will check

Carissa: It should do it, yes, but it's been a bit fincky. So if Bob gets it working right today just remember what number it should be and check it again every now and then.

Licornah: there are adjustments I didn't include for class; strength, etc.

Lisa: if you change it manually over the wearing it you could be making the numbers wrong

Licornah: If it makes you feel better, I've been struggling since I discovered both my PHB and DMG were ruined in a water leak

Licornah: thankfully there is an AD&D 2e Wiki :D

Lisa: I had asked Bob about it because we are going boating soon. Indigo will be switching between his chain and leather and Bob said I didn't have to do anything other than wear what I want

Michael (Talwin): I'm currently wearing "Ringmail" is that the same thing in this game?

Carissa: Just equip the right one, yeah. Again has been mostly working, but I've caught it messing up one or twice :)

Lisa: I would guess so

Michael (Talwin): Ah, it says "carried" but isn't "Equipped" like the rest of my stuff.

Thistle: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:4,fire'] removed [from Thistle] [by Ring of Fire Resistance]

Thistle: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 2 fire'] removed [from Thistle] [by Ring of Fire Resistance]

Lisa: yeah need to put it on :)

Carissa: lol sometimes useful to do

BOB Ok, so now Thistle is fixed

Michael (Talwin): OK perfect. It says equipped. Now where do I verify the AC is appropriate?

Carissa: ty

Michael (Talwin): I'm learning! :)

Carissa: Bottom right of character sheet or on party sheety

Michael (Talwin): uploading pic to discord

Indigo: bottom left of my main tab

Carissa: Left...I meant left

Michael (Talwin): Oh thank god

Lisa: the other right

Michael (Talwin): I was so confused

BOB I am checking Michael

Michael (Talwin): :)

Thistle: lol sorrry

Michael (Talwin): So 7

Michael (Talwin): is mine

Michael (Talwin): after equipping

Lisa: should be better than that

Michael (Talwin): (No worries, we'll figure it out. So I went from 10 to 7 after equipping, so we got that down)

Lisa: getting better but thinking it should be more like 5

BOB Ring Mail is an AC 7 and he is correctly at AC7

Michael (Talwin): Er, I think bob is probably doing something because it's flipping a bit. I'll just chill for a moment :)

Michael (Talwin): Ah ok

Lisa: oh really - good to know

Thistle: He is not as dexterious as some of the others

Carissa: dang it

Michael (Talwin): There is something about ringmail and swimming that TMO and I and Bob have looooong discussed, and then I forget and bob has to remind me. THat's about where I drop off :)_

Lisa: Indigo gets halfling dex bonus things

Michael (Talwin): I think I can ...float? but not swim?

Michael (Talwin): something

Lisa: oh yeah - the I want to swim in my armor thing :D

Carissa: That's my guess. I know Nae and Thistle do, too. And Rae has special armor.

Carissa: Nah, be like Brer and just hold your breath and walk on the bottom!

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Lisa: Did TMO ever get in?

Talwin: But that's the price we pay for being Tanks :)

Michael (Talwin): I didn't see. He might have just not chatted yet though

Lisa: Hokay t'anks Talwin

Michael (Talwin): And thank you bob for helping with that.

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Lisa: That's what I thought of when I saw you typed tanks

Michael (Talwin): Perfect Enunciation too

Carissa: lol

BOB Ok, so Talwin is at AC 7 and is good

Michael (Talwin): Thanks bob :)

BOB Yes to Ring mail being metal armor and so no swimming and you sink when you go into the water

Carissa: Good reminder. Rae maybe switching once on the boat as well...

Lisa: oh no! think there was a loophole (ring hole?) in that armor swimming thing

Talwin: Ah ha! We discuss this every single time!!!!!

Michael (Talwin): I knew it!

BOB Is Lemon here yet?

Lisa: Proficient swimmers wearing studded leather, ring mail or hide can swim with a successful strength check.

BOB Zayden, Talwin, and Thistle are all correct with AC

Lisa: from tthe swimming webpage

BOB nice catch Lisa


Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa: chain mail is...?

Lisa: I know. we killed it quickly this time

BOB Michael uncheck from Talwin to be easy

Michael (Talwin): LOL :)

Lisa: but you need to roll STR checks

Carissa: wait no doesn't matter for her she can't swim because I was an idiot last time she trained

Michael (Talwin): Sorry bob. Got really excited haha. Letting him go now

Carissa: lol Talwin will be fine

Michael: test

Michael: Oh good. I "Released" him

Carissa: yes

BOB and so we should be good to go with everyone here

Michael: Poor chat editors post game probably hate my guys. Whomever is doing it this year, I owe you a xmas gift card of some sort

TMO: TMO in da hous

Michael: Hey TMO :)

Lisa: Hi TMO :)

Sharif: Hi TMO :)

Carissa: Hi TMO!

BOB smiles Michael, I am doing the Automatic

BOB then anyone can go back to update afterwards, Lisa is busy writing Story chats now

Michael: :D

BOB so to make sure all are on the same page you read that Summary and Story Chat

BOB you are north along the Dry Road

BOB Just outside of the Medipop Estates

BOB It is approaching evening

BOB you are looking for a place to stay the night

Sharif: cool

BOB and for Lorie, Lemon, Sharif, the group has learned over the years of traveling like this that A - camping is not always more dangerous than finding a barn or inn

Carissa: and something wicked this way comes

Michael: It's true

Sharif: cool

BOB and B - conversations IN Character do a lot to help amelieroate encounter severity

BOB I think I spelled that correctly... WOW

TMO: looks right to me

Lorie: close enough

Sharif: sounds good!

Sharif: we doing in character stuff yet?

TMO: whoops, no, sorry. ameliorate

BOB meaning if you are having good conversations In character, developing back stories, building up good roleplaying that makes things go smoother

TMO: very very close

Lisa (Indigo): unless you don't want to talk and just take your chances with the dice roll

Michael: Close enough. Have you seen me type?

Sharif: cool good to know

BOB and so as I go get a drink then you can start of with the discussions on where what to do with your night on the road

BOB brb

Michael: In short, if you want stabby stabby, less talky talky

TMO: and vice-versa

Michael: Right

Lisa (Indigo): michael already rolled an encounter so he is on first watch :P

Carissa: and once Lemon gets here we can tell her and Shislif how watches work

Carissa: lol

Michael: Oh shoot. That is right

Indigo: not getting out of that

Carissa: We didn't use spells today so technically anyone can be any watch... depending what happens first watch

Michael: Eh, I'm fine with it. Today's been a nice easy day with no assholes, so i'm not exactly exhuasted right this moment

Michael: So rare

Lisa: no one cast today so casters can go when ever for tonight

Lorie: Lemon isn't here yet

Carissa: Although Bob did seem to hint you can maybe literally talk your way out of whatever you encountered...

Michael: Yes...and very much no :)

Sharif: hmmm nice

Lisa: sorry

Michael: Can't talk to centipedes

Lisa: lol

Carissa: No no to others

Lisa: you can ... but will likely get you paralyzed

Carissa: Like if Indigo had to pick a last meal, what would it be? Why the hell doesn't Yout wear armor? Did Zayden ever learn the kazoo (and do those exist in this area)??

Michael: And irritate the absoulte shit out of you when you fail the one damn roll you need to succeed

Carissa: Be the ice breaker, Talwin! You must have some burning questions on your mind.

Sharif: haha

Michael: Let me get into character. Easy does it :)

Sharif: ok i'll get into character as well

Carissa: (guess that mean Zayden and/or whoever Talwin talks to is on first? :) )

Michael (Talwin): Alright. We'll just chill for bob and figure out what he says my roll is first

Lemon: holy crap finally

Carissa: Hi Lemon!

Michael (Talwin): Hey Lemon!

BOB back

Lisa: Hi Lemon!

BOB and very glad Lemon is in

Sharif: Welcome back!

Lisa: You rolled a 1 Michael. You better be the king of convo to avoid something coming at you

Carissa: So quick watch summary: we have three watches through the night. To regain spells, the spell caster must have uninterrupted sleep meaning they can only do first or third watch.

BOB also for your thoughts during the conversations, Zayden, Licornah and Howard all have deeper back stories that the rest of the group does not know

Michael (Talwin): I'm not that good Lisa!

BOB Indigo knows most of Howard's except the last 6 years

Michael (Talwin): :D

Carissa: What Lemon missed was that in less dangerous areas, talking can count as an encounter. In dangerous areas, that's how you get something to attack you.

Michael (Talwin): It was a 1!

Lisa: Howard says to keep out of his back story

Carissa: lol

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Michael (Talwin): Let me boot up some Vox Machina. Might find something in there to frantically discuss

TMO: lol

Carissa: You got this, Talwin. Just shoot random questions at anyone.

Carissa: And whoever that person is will be on first watch with you. No pressure!

Lemon: I can move boxes!

BOB First before that encounter you are deciding where to sleep the night, are you camping on the side of the road? or looking for a farm?

Lemon: Things are looking up!

Sharif: where we sleeping yall?

TMO: checks AirDnD

Lisa: side of the road like the pheasants that we are?

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Michael (Talwin): Yes

Lisa: lol TMO

Michael (Talwin): We poor unfortunate souls

Raelynn: Wherever is less dirty. Do you think a farm would have an extra bed?

TMO: that may be one of my best puns

Lorie: What does the side of the road look like? Trees / Brush or open field?

Carissa (Raelynn): (don't choke them)

Michael (Talwin): We lie where we drop

Sharif: Well what's around us?

Michael (Talwin): It was top 2 for me TMO. You soundly beat bob with that one

Lorie: (I'm not selling my voice here buddy)

Indigo: Have you ever been to a small farm Raelynn?

Image: Campsite Dry Road

Michael (Talwin): Oh my god! The landscape has alien "Question Marks!"

Raelynn: I try not to remember...

Indigo: Unless you pay them they won't be giving you their beds and they will be sleeping with us in the barn with the animals

Lorie: I'm not camping with the Riddler either

Lorie: I have standards

Michael (Talwin): Well....which Riddler?

Raelynn: I've met some very nice farmers before, but never with such a big group.

BOB What question marks? sigh Carissa a snip please?

Lisa (Indigo): I don't see ???

Lorie: :: laughs :: They are gone now

Raelynn: I would but I don't see ??? either

Michael (Talwin): They are gone now bob. I think they are placeholders for loading :) I'll snip next time


Lorie: But I guess where we know there are potential encounters

BOB glad

BOB So you have that map to show what camping will be like

Michael (Talwin): What a well organized campsite behind a barricade....I like it

Sharif: which map?

Lorie: Image: Campsite Dry Road

Lisa (Indigo): who brought the barricade?

BOB I will explain when you reach there,

Carissa (Raelynn): Thistle keeps them in her pockets just in case

Michael (Talwin): Hey don't look a gift fortification in the mouth

Michael (Talwin): :D

BOB either camping tonight, or tomorrow night, I know at least one night this portion of the trip is outdoors

Lisa (Indigo): ok

Michael (Talwin): (Let's camp tonight. NO worries)

Licornah: I can take first watch

Lisa (Indigo): yes

Talwin: I'll join you

Image: Leg One for Searching for Alexandria

Raelynn: So on the road? At least the city will have an inn...

Lisa (Indigo): Indigo will take 2nd and Howard on 3

BOB The Leg One map shows how far you have to travel between the two Estates Penissa is the next large town

BOB 24 miles away

BOB at least

Carissa (Raelynn): Zayden and Bixi should be on one, too

Carissa (Raelynn): (And toss mine wherever if needed, but gives them a chance for RP)

BOB I think 3 per watch is a good number

BOB you have enough

Carissa (Raelynn): ....what are you planning

Michael (Talwin): Yeah, don't think talking is gonna work Lisa :)

BOB grins, to create good roleplaying

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Lisa (Indigo): need to separate talwin and Indigo

Lisa (Indigo): hence my choices

Carissa (Raelynn): Lemon and Shislif, who do you wanna RP with?

Michael (Talwin): I think they were good ones

Carissa (Raelynn): I guess toss Thistle on third as the not actually a fighter but moreso than Howard?

Lemon: I'm fine with whatever, but I'm already on watch whenever Talwin is because I'm also a no-longer-giant giant sword

Lisa: Howard sighs pitifully

Michael (Talwin): Pff

Carissa (Raelynn): yes but sword can only talk to him and not others :)

BOB Did you like the small sleeping bags for the gnome and halfling?

Michael (Talwin): And I can choose not to answer if it makes it easier for you :)

Lisa: nice

Michael (Talwin): I LOVE IT BOB

Michael (Talwin): Was going to comment on the sizes :)

Lemon: So small that I can't even see mine behind my face

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Lisa: oh and for watches and encounters in case you don't know - you can fight what comes and not bother the sleepers or you can yell or kick the sleepers awake

Lisa: casters are not in desperate need for sleep tonight but is an issue sometimes

Carissa (Raelynn): But if the sleepers are spellcasters who need to recover their spells, we try not to wake them if we can help it

Michael (Talwin): Unless we are really hurting, maybe don't ruin the spellcasters sleep though. What is it lisa? Two full rests for their spells?

Shislif (Zayden): cool

Lisa: yes but no spells cast so they don't need to make anything up tonight

Michael (Talwin): Ah. Then just saving them unless needed

Lisa: casters will usually say whether they can be woken before they go to sleep

Michael (Talwin): Alright. Bob. Your up bud :) What does my number 1 mean for me tonight. I can start praying, fighting, talking, what. Set the scene and I'll star tiwth Obs :)

Shislif (Zayden): cool

Carissa (Raelynn): So far we have: (first) Talwin, Licornah, ??? (second) Indigo, Rae, ???, and (third) Thistle, Howard, and ???

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Carissa (Raelynn): (or can move Rae to first just in case....)

Lisa: Talwin starts by not seeing anything :)

Carissa (Raelynn): But y'all need ot pick. I ain't always gonna pick for you.

Michael (Talwin): LOLOLOL

Michael (Talwin): A dilemma

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

Michael (Talwin): Well, at least we hit hard

Lisa: alos put yourselves where you want to be - yes? so the encounter if it comes doesn't come to the middle of camp

Lemon: Maybe I'll take 3rd. I'm interested in Thistle, and if Howard isn't interested in talking, at least someone will be there to talk to

Shislif (Zayden): nice campsite!

Carissa (Raelynn): lol Howard will talk

Michael (Talwin): Hm. Good Point. I'll take a spot near the wagon. The barricases might help a bit on that front

Shislif (Zayden): I'll take whatever

Carissa (Raelynn): (toss Rae on first and Zayden on second then since Indigo can talk to anyone easily)

Carissa (Raelynn): (which leaves Yout also on second)

Shislif (Zayden): cool

Lisa: Bixi on 3 then?

Lemon: I'll take whatever watch Yout ISN'T on

Michael (Talwin): Third Base

Carissa (Raelynn): (yep)

Michael (Talwin): (After each watch, we can just announce who's on the for the next)

Lisa: it's a cold windy night - I like the windy effects on the map

Raelynn: Licornah, have you camped before?

BOB and Carissa smoothly avoids Youtargim and Rae being on the same watch

Lisa: lol

Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): (I'm very tempted to toss him on third so he actually does as she asked :P)

Zayden: So I'm 2nd shift is that correct?

Carissa (Raelynn): (because I really want that convo to happen)

BOB Rae Licornah and Talwin GO

Carissa (Raelynn): (Howard, why is Rae sweet on you? Oh, I just nearly died A LOT and now she's afraid i'll die again)

Talwin: Patrolls back and forth every ten minutes or so, but pauses to chat as the watch progresses

Lorie (Licornah): (Sorry, need a moment ... KID here)

Raelynn: And Talwin, is that sword still talking to you?

Talwin: Talking to compatriots

BOB Nice Lorie

Talwin: Grips handle tightly. The leather guard squeeks a bit

Talwin: Indeed he does

Talwin: Smiles

Carissa (Raelynn): okay so she doesn't have that prof but I want to see if it let's me roll what she doesn't have

Talwin: We have fine conversations

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Observation [d20 = 13]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 14]

Lorie (Licornah): (Patrols and ponders animals)

Licornah: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 14]

Raelynn: Is it still... evil?

Raelynn: Because I'm still prettttty sure it's evil.

Talwin: Raises eyebrows

Licornah: (Okay, she says Hi Uncle BOB)

Talwin: Evil?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: I AM NOT EVIL

BOB Michael you should have a box there prompting you to roll

BOB and Hello KID

Raelynn: Um, yes. Didn't you say it wanted to slaughter everything to do... something or another?

Talwin: Mutters "Calm down, calm down"

Michael (Talwin): Oh sorry bob. Id on't see it. One momoent?

Raelynn: Good people don't say that.

Lorie (Licornah): (Yes, after all these years, she still calls you Uncle BOB)

BOB grins

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: If a group of giants attempted genocide against everyone YOU knew, you'd be a little bloodthirsty for them too. Stupid elves.

Raelynn: Er, sword. Or whatever it is. He is? She?

Raelynn: Are you... muttering to yourself?

Michael (Talwin): Bob I'm super sorry. I can't see the prompt. Last week it just popped up, but it's not now. Is there another way to access? Or a keyboard shortcut?

BOB I will resend for you later but roll observation and wisdom

Licornah: (Continues her patroling wishing it was a bit warmer)

Michael (Talwin): OK. Sorry. I'll snip if you need. Rolling now

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Michael (Talwin): looking for wis. sorry

SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>





/dicevolume [0-100|on|off]

/die [NdN+N] <message>

/emote [message]





/gmid [name]

/id [name]




/kick [user]

/mod [N] <message>

/mood [mood] <message>

/mood ([multiword mood]) <message>

/ooc [message]

/option [option_name] <option_value>

/r [message]


/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide>


/scaleui [50-200]

/story [message]

/timer [start|stop]


/vote [message]

/w [character] [message]

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Keep an eye on the other elf, friend. She is a shifty one

-> Raelynn: Look at that pile under the barricade

Michael (Talwin): OK. where the F is wis

Michael (Talwin): Which tab

Lorie (Licornah): Skills

Carissa (Raelynn): character sheet

Carissa (Raelynn): for wisdom

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): main

Michael (Talwin): I don't see wis on that

Michael (Talwin): all my other

Michael (Talwin): but not wis

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Mine is on the main tab... str, dex, con, int, then wis

Lisa: main tab

Talwin: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 14] [d20 = 19]

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): ouch

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I think Talwin's sword is REALLY distracting lol

Michael (Talwin): Holy smokes. Thanks guys. That was painful. And bob, the Manual Dice Entry tab popped up for Wis. It that's similiar to what you were looking for

Raelynn: leans over to Licornah, "Do YOU think that sword is evil?"


Michael (Talwin): Then no idea what was up with that. Sorry still. Maybe needed to load?

Licornah: :: shrugs thoughtfully :: Swords usually have a mind of their own and sometimes people get trapped, but mostly, yes, I think they are evil

Talwin: Rolls eyes

Raelynn: All swords or just that one?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Idiot elves

Talwin: Bloodthirsty maybe, but not necessarily evil

Raelynn: Er, how can bloodthisty be NOT evil?

Licornah: :: whispers :: that one for sure... I don't think every sword is

Raelynn: Unless you're a leech?

Raelynn: No offense.

BOB Also for Rae and Licornah one thing to ponder "why is there a set of barricades out here along the roadway and what is that pile under them?"

Raelynn: nods in agreement to Licornah

Michael (Talwin): (Apparantely not foe Talwin though, who is a moron and didn't make a single save LOL)

Raelynn: So... um, are there usually barricades already... set up when you camp?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: We know nothing about the sneaky purple one. Perhaps she is evil and deflecting?

BOB also for Talwin he is distracted and at any time they might slip in an Elven idiom etc

Carissa (Raelynn): (if you zoom in it looks like skulls, but ya know, details)

Licornah: Where I come from, the only thing set up is the altars

Licornah: :: points for Talwin :: Are you used to seeing these along this road?

Raelynn: There's.... something piled under them...

Michael (Talwin): "Sneaky purple one?" Guffaws despite himself, choking off the words only after they leave his mouth

Talwin: "Sneaky purple one?" Guffaws despite himself, choking off the words only after they leave his mouth

Raelynn : [Translation] I'm starting to question if HE'S right in the head now.

<font color="#000000">I'm starting to question if HE'S right in the head now.

Licornah : [Translation] He does seem to be quite cozy with the sword as his companion

<font color="#000000">He does seem to be quite cozy with the sword as his companion

Michael (Talwin): Sorry Licornah. I didn't mean anything by it. My sword said something I dind't think I would ever hear

Talwin: "Sneaky purple one?" Guffaws despite himself, choking off the words only after they leave his mouth

Talwin: Sorry Licornah. I didn't mean anything by it. My sword said something I dind't think I would ever hear

Raelynn : [Translation] Yes, maybe too much so. It's hard to tell if he's talking to himself or the sword, although perhaps it's the same?

<font color="#000000">Yes, maybe too much so. It's hard to tell if he's talking to himself or the sword, although perhaps it's the same?

Licornah [W Comm]: :: shrug :: Your sword can think as it wishes... I'm fine just the same

Michael (Talwin): (The shit talking...I can't wait until chat is posted)

Michael (Talwin): :)

Carissa (Raelynn): :)

Licornah : [Translation] Friendship and madness where swords like that are concerned can happen for sure

<font color="#000000">Friendship and madness where swords like that are concerned can happen for sure

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Does your culture not find it rude to speak in a language one does not understand when they are perfectly able to speak in yours?

Talwin: Er...what was that about a barricade?

Talwin: Ignoring Reven for the moment, trying to salvage the situation

Licornah [W Comm]: :: points again :: This thing... is it normal for this are?

Raelynn : [Translation] As long as he doesn't go completely mad. I'm not sure I can cure that. Can you? You're quite skilled at the healing arts.

<font color="#000000">As long as he doesn't go completely mad. I'm not sure I can cure that. Can you? You're quite skilled at the healing arts.

Talwin: Frown for real.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Are these elves really necessary? Perhaps we should... send them away.

Raelynn [W Comm]: And the things piled under?

Talwin: No that you say that.....

Talwin: Hesitates. "Stay here for a moment would you? I'll check it out"

Human, drummer: RAT A TAT RAT A TAT TAT

Licornah : [Translation] Oh, I do seem to be more healing that I'm used to since I met with this group, usually I'm focusing on talking to animals and making friends

<font color="#000000">Oh, I do seem to be more healing that I'm used to since I met with this group, usually I'm focusing on talking to animals and making friends

Shislif (Zayden): are we still on the 1st watch?

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): wtf, jumanji

Licornah : [Translation] Stay here? For a moment? Where are we going to go?

<font color="#000000">Stay here? For a moment? Where are we going to go?

Michael (Talwin): (Yes)

Licornah [W Comm]: Okay

Raelynn : [Translation] Oh yes I... oh what was that?

<font color="#000000">Oh yes I... oh what was that?

Talwin: "Do you hear that?"

BOB Yes to first watch, the rest of the group is sleeping except for these three

Michael (Talwin): Smack talk me later. Do you hear that....odd noise?

Shislif (Zayden): thx just checking :)

Human, drummer: RAT A TAT RAT A TAT TAT

Talwin: Smack talk me later. Do you hear that....odd noise?

Raelynn: looks around without proficent observation

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Human, drummer: Talwin spots two humans walking up the road

Licornah [W Comm]: :: pauses to listen ::

BOB Talwin spots two humans walking up the road

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Does a talking sword get any skills? I feel like the sword would roll better than Talwin's first try...

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol)

BOB LOL with Lemon

Talwin: Gestures to Licornah

Talwin: Gestures to Licornah

Talwin: That way. Two humans

Raelynn: Do they look nice?

Licornah [W Comm]: :: turns and tries to look in the distance around the campfire ::

Human, drummer: RAT A TAT RAT A TAT TAT

Talwin: I have no idea. I'll head them off. Be ready for anything though

Raelynn: Are they heading this way? You don't want to get too far.

Talwin: I won't attack unless I have to. But be wary in case they fell me

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: caution friend... they would not be making such noise if they were afraid of our group of brave people and raggedy elves

Raelynn: And maybe... um, I can come with you. You aren't, mmm, always great with words.

Talwin: shakes head to both

Licornah [W Comm]: :: readies her lance ::

Talwin: I"m not leaving the area, just keeping an eye out.

BOB They are about 1 round away now, just over 120 feet from your wagon

Licornah [W Comm]: :: stays in the campsite radius to guard the sleeping ::

TMO: (gotta keep an eye on this guy - he once choked a pheasant)

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I hope Reven didn't used to be an elf lol.

Talwin: Nods to Licornha

Human, drummer: RAT A TAT RAT A TAT TAT

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol)

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Did the pheasant at least deserve it?

Talwin: Thanks. We'll see what's going on. We'll run back if you shout

Raelynn: Oh we should head them off. They'll wake everyone at this rate!

Youtargim: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 3]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Indigo: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Talwin: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 14] [d20 = 19]

Talwin: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Carissa (Raelynn): ( that?)

TMO: (I've always found it crucial to the element of surprise to have my personal drummer accompany me)

BOB Yeah

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Indigo: lol

Lisa (Indigo): why is Indigo waking up?

Lorie (Licornah): John and Jason Bonham out for a walk

Carissa (Raelynn): (if he made his save doesn't he get to keep sleeping?)

BOB So the drumming wakes everyone up in the camp

Lisa (Indigo): He likes a parade and all but not during sleep time

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol)

Shislif (Zayden): does this manual dice entry mean something?

BOB Yes roll that die

Indigo: What is happening??

Thistle: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

BOB It is a Con check to see if you wake up

BOB and yes you do

Indigo: sits up and looks around

BOB many times you want to, this time, who knows

Thistle: Ah darn. Sorry, Indigo! Some drummer is coming... we're about to head him off.

Talwin: Some dumbass human is walking down the lane and drumming a drum. Two humans. I dind't want to confront them and leave the confines of the camp

Raelynn: Ah darn. Sorry, Indigo! Some drummer is coming... we're about to head him off.

Zayden: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 9]

Human, drummer: RAT A TAT RAT A TAT TAT

Raelynn: Come on, Talwin.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden, why are you playing drums in the middle of the night?

Raelynn: HEY! You two! Stop that!

Talwin: No. Not so far

Talwin: STOP Raelynn

Carissa (Raelynn): (too late)

Farmer, Human: Hello there,

Farmer, Human: You are out late

Raelynn: As are you, good sir. Why are you drumming up a storm?

Talwin: Grunts

Human, drummer: Told you it was a good idea to make noise so we would not surprise anyone

Human, drummer: Never know what someone will do when they are surprised

Talwin: Cocks head

Indigo: Two people? I'm going back to sleep

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Careful, it might be a trick

Human, drummer: We are searching for a good spot to set up camp

Raelynn: Mm, true, but some of our companions are unhappy and you never know what unhappy people do, either. Not that they'll do anything if you're not bad people!

Indigo: puts his cloak over his head to try to stop the noise

Human, drummer: We are with Voldomer's Fabulous Circus

Farmer, Human: Everyone is surprised to see the Circus

Raelynn: A circus! Oh how wonderful! Is it just... you two?

Zayden Sleeps soundly

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: VOLDOMER definitely sounds evil

Farmer, Human: Oh no, we are getting things set up

Talwin: Talwin is clearly at a lost at what the fudge to do with these two idiots

Raelynn: Set up where?

BOB Zayden definately wakes up, he can try to ignore the goings on

Talwin: Examines the surrounding areas carefully, as Raelynn speaks. Watching for signs of trickery

Zayden ignores what's going on

Human, drummer: Yes it is a wonderful Circus, maybe you should join us tomorrow

Licornah [W Comm]: Voldomer's?

Talwin: Mentally "Reven, don't suppose you can sense anything...cause I got nothing other than a desire to strangle a peasant"

Bixi Fizzlebang: sits up and listens to make sure everything is ok

Human, drummer: They are following along behind, we will scout out a campsite to set up in

Raelynn: Where is your destination?

Human, drummer: The Open Road!

Human, drummer: DUM DUM DUM DUM

Raelynn: HEY!

Raelynn: Shhhh!!!

Raelynn: You'll wake everyone!

Michael (Talwin): "This is the Dry Road..."

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 3]

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: I sense nothing in particular, but if there is a whole group coming up behind them... well... reinforcements...

Talwin: "This is the Dry Road..."

Human, drummer: We want to make sure no one is surprised by us coming

Human, drummer: Cannot be too careful out here in the wild lands

Raelynn: Yes yes, but you need sleep. And my companions need sleep.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: They may be trying to lull us into a false sense of security

Farmer, Human: Hefts his pitchfork, We need to move along, they have this spot already claimed

Raelynn: And they cannot sleep if you keep drumming. Shouldn't you have made camp by now?

Farmer, Human: Thank you!

Farmer, Human: That was my point two hours ago!

Farmer, Human: points to Raelynn, Listen to the nice lady

Michael (Talwin): On the opposite end of that logic, we've passed several highway trolls that would be on the lookout for loud noises. I won't of course bother you good folk, but there might be more.

Talwin: On the opposite end of that logic, we've passed several highway trolls that would be on the lookout for loud noises. I won't of course bother you good folk, but there might be more.

Raelynn: You could, um, maybe camp here? If you keep drumming, you'll attrach something.

Raelynn: And if you attract something to you, you might to us as well.

Farmer, Human: Yes please

Talwin: (Mentally slaps hand to forehead)

Talwin: (In painful agony that she offered)

Farmer, Human: We can camp over there under the trees, away from your group

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol of course she did)

Human, drummer: I could continue for a while

Michael (Talwin): (We work so well together :) )

Raelynn: Yes I think that'll be okay. Right Talwin?

Raelynn: NO! No drumming!

Human, drummer: to make sure we drive off any remaining animals in the area

Talwin: Grits out. "Delighted"

Raelynn: Talwin will scare them away himself!

Licornah [W Comm]: :: squints :: We want to talk to the animals

Licornah [W Comm]: So no need to scare them away

Zayden: whispers are these guys gonna keep yappin?

Raelynn: Yes! The nice ones Licornah can talk to and the mean ones Talwin will scare away.

Raelynn: OH!

Farmer, Human: Wow, you two are Elves aren't you

Raelynn: I'm Raelynn, by the way. What's your nanes?

Michael (Talwin): "Farmer, Human"

Farmer, Human: I mean I have heard of them, but never thought I would see one

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: This elf has no shame

Michael (Talwin): (PhD)

Farmer, Human: Unlike dwarves, everyone knows they are a myth

Raelynn: Well we aren't too common in this area, but we DO exist.

Licornah [W Comm]: Yes, I am an elf

Farmer, Human: WOW

Raelynn: Oh! I met a dwarf before! Not sure what he's up to lately, though...

Licornah [W Comm]: :: squints again :: A... myth?

Farmer, Human: Say something please?

Talwin: Mentally. "Yes, but neither do we when the situation calls for it."

Licornah [W Comm]: Where do you hail from?

Farmer, Human: No no I mean like an Elf

Talwin: "Wut"

Raelynn: If we do, will you stop that incessant drumming so we can all sleep?

Farmer, Human: I promise I will not drum at all

Raelynn : [Translation] You better keep that promise.

<font color="#000000">You better keep that promise.

Farmer, Human: dreamy smile, that is beautiful

Farmer, Human: What did you say?

Licornah : [Translation] These two are nutters

<font color="#000000">These two are nutters

Raelynn: That you better keep your promise.

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: Licornah said similar.

Farmer, Human: Oh promise

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: this is stupid. Perhaps we should see what is over near that barricade. Perhaps a wild animal is stuck there that would make a good dinner. Aren't you hungry, friend? I remember how good food used to be...

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Farmer, Human: smile and shivers

Talwin: Mentally to Reven. "Don't suppose in your wonderful batch of skills you can translate this for me? I despise not knowing what other people are saying."

Raelynn: Well go ahead and make your camp. Will your friends be too far behind? You haven't told us your names yet.

Farmer, Human: We can go camp in the trees over here on the opposite side of the road, just until we need to move along,

Farmer, Human: I am Fredrick, this is Bongo

Licornah [W Comm]: Sounds good ... .pleaseant dreams

Raelynn: Very nice to meet you.

Human, drummer: Tap Tap Tap

Human, drummer: Nice to meet you

Talwin: Eyes the Dummer Sticks, as if fantasizing sticking them....

Talwin: "Nice to meet you too."

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Sorry, friend, I am nothing but a sword right now. If ever you can find a release me, I might have skills I have forgotten and would be glad to lend you any aid I could. You have been loyal and true, and I will always return that.

Raelynn: We'll let our friends know you're here when they take over watch. If you need anything, let us know.

BOB They both retreat over to the shelter of the trees

BOB They are far enough away they cannot hear what you are talking about in a normal tone of voice

Talwin: Mentally Chuckles: "No worries. Besides, you are perfect just as you are. Unless of course you want out. We could always make that work. I'm not that big a bastard. Yeah...let's go check out the baricade. Now it's goint to bother me until I look"

Carissa (Raelynn): (that's fine, figure it's about time for second watch...?)

BOB Not yet

Carissa (Raelynn): (oh yeah the barricade)

Michael (Talwin): (Also sorry bob. I think this is an insane amount of internal monoloughing with the sword and this stuff. Doing my best to keep it straight)

BOB you three can continue

Carissa (Raelynn): (go check it out Talwin)

BOB among other things to discuss

Carissa (Raelynn): returns to camp

Licornah [W Comm]: :: lets out a low whistle :: Whew, that was an interaction

Raelynn: returns to camp

Michael (Talwin): Nods. "Call if you need anytthing. We don't know anything yet"

Michael (Talwin): LOL Lorie

Raelynn: Oh, they seem harmless. Maybe not smart, but harmless.

Michael (Talwin): Now what the hell do we have here?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: And don't forget about the purple one. I suspect she is hiding something

Talwin: Begins pawing through the clumps with his gloves

BOB Talwin quickly finds several human skulls

Licornah [W Comm]: :: pauses :: Umm, if that's a grave site, is it wise to dig those remains up

Talwin: Mentally: "Everyone is hiding something. I wouldn't worry to much about ....what the fuck?"

Lorie (Licornah): (I've seen Poltergeist, I know how this goes)

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Talwin: Turns to Lorie

Michael (Talwin): Sorry. Habit

Talwin: Turns to Licornah

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: This is not good. I recommend questioning that Bongo to see what he knows about it. I suspect they are playing dumb

Raelynn: Ummm are they.... fresh?

Talwin: Wake everyone up, we're moving. Keep them quiet please. I'll help get the wagon hitched. We can see if Rae wants to warn their friends

Talwin: Shakes head

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: separate the two. Do not let them get their story straight before you can question them

Michael (Talwin): It odesn't matter. I've purged one necromancers work, I have no desire to ever see one again

Talwin: It odesn't matter. I've purged one necromancers work, I have no desire to ever see one again

Talwin: Indigo might be annoyed at me, but he won't judge to harshly. Let's move

Raelynn: We can't move now. The horses are asleep, we have the circus act nearby.,

Licornah [W Comm]: But our spellcasters...

Talwin: Rae, do you want me to run and warn your new friends?

Talwin: Grumbles in frustration.

Raelynn: We don't know WHY they're there.

Talwin: Sigh

Bixi Fizzlebang: Everyone is already awake, those darn drums could have woken the ghosts

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: OK. Then you can weigh in

Talwin: Heres' a large amount ofhuman skulls here. Want to move on or go back to sleep?

Thistle: LET ME SLEEP.

Thistle: rolls over and attempts to fall back asleep

Talwin: Eyes Rae

Licornah [W Comm]: :: pauses to pray for those in the grave and hope they were sent to a restful destination ::

Talwin: Shrugs. "Fine by me. ONe of us should keep an eye on this area though periodically. I'll take a double shift tonight"

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would also like to go back to sleep. What kind of circus did they say is coming? And how far behind? Maybe we could make friends with some animals before we take off tomorrow

Raelynn: I think we keep watch like we are. We don't know their story. Maybe it's a grave. Maybe some hobgoblins will try to attack you.

Raelynn: You can go on watch with Thistle if it makes you feel better. I'm sure Indigo can take care of himself.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: The little one is almost as stupid as the elves

Talwin: Oh dear god. Please don't ever say that within his earshot. He might get ideas

Raelynn: shrugs

Raelynn: But he can. Mostly. Not his appearance, but fighting, sure!

Talwin: Grumbles one last time in frustration, but at a loss, just decides to walk away and keep patrolling

Bixi Fizzlebang: After we've been here for awhile, we will all need your help with appearances Rae

Talwin: [d20 = 4]

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: And I'll be happy to help!


Raelynn: Oh, I actually meant to give Howard some wrinkle cream I made him. Six years was rough on his skin.

Carissa (Raelynn): WOOO!!

BOB And so passes the first watch, who is on second?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We can swap braiding techniques

Lisa (Indigo): Indigo

Michael (Talwin): Talwin is because now I'm paranoid as Fudge

Lisa (Indigo): ohh sleep

Bixi Fizzlebang: lol, you're welcome Michael

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Carissa (Raelynn): (Indigo, Zayden, Yout)

Michael (Talwin): You sure LIsa? This is so weird for a camping spot with the circus and all....

Talwin: and skulls

Indigo: gets up and grabs his weapons for watch

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when it's my turn.

Raelynn: Indigo, there's some spotters for a circus camping in those trees nearby. And some human skulls under the barricades.

Licornah [W Comm]: :: waves :: Night all -- mind the farmers across the way with the Circus on their drum

Bixi Fizzlebang: glances at Talwin

Shislif (Zayden): Think I'm on 2nd correct?

Talwin: Gives a quick overview to Indigo. Claps his shoulder. "Just kick me when you need something."

Youtargim: So Rae, is all well? Should I watch for anything?

Indigo: It was a circus?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or if I'm not needed, I'm fine with sleeping the whole night through

Raelynn: Talwin isn't happy about the skulls and wanted to move. So you might want to keep an eye on... er, both of them.

Talwin: Drops in bed

Talwin: It was something

Carissa (Raelynn): (Bixi was third)

Indigo: Okay Talwin. Get some rest

Talwin: Grumbles

Zayden: Sleep well

Raelynn: Not a WHOLE circus. Just two to make camp for the rest. Who might be behind them...?

Indigo: Are the skulls moving or talking?

Youtargim: How big is a whole circus?

Talwin: Just falls on the bedroll, too wary to get truly comfortable

Raelynn: shrugs

Talwin: Grips sword and rolls over

Raelynn: Only those two have showed up so far.

Raelynn: The skulls haven't done anything.

Raelynn: Except freak Talwin out.

Zayden: what did you think of them?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Be careful. If this circus is not a true circus, they might cast a spell to turn your friends against you and they will murder you in your sleep. I have no desire to battle wills with a new companion.

Talwin: Mentally: "Sometimes I wonder how we all are still alive Reven."

Indigo: Then we'll probably be fine

Youtargim: That does not seem to be big enough to be a circus, even with the skulls included

Raelynn: Anyways, I need my beauty rest. Good night!

Raelynn: Good luck!

Indigo: Bixi can look for ghost heads on her watch

Bixi Fizzlebang: Goodnight

Indigo: Goodnight!

Zayden: night!

Raelynn: Oh and drummer PROMISED not to drum so if he breaks his promise, um, do something.

Michael (Talwin): Mentally: "You offering to "take watch?" snickers good naturedly to Reven."

Talwin: Mentally: "You offering to "take watch?" snickers good naturedly to Reven."

Bixi Fizzlebang: Gosh, I hope the ghosts aren't disembodied heads... that would be sad

Zayden: Noted

Youtargim: Who promised not to drume?

Carissa (Raelynn): (dunno who slept where)

Zayden: the drummer boys

Indigo: Those guys in the trees I guess

BOB hint to go look up the chat at that

Indigo: I don't see them

Youtargim: Should we go find them?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Yes, put me somewhere safe, where I can see what is going on and protect you.

Zayden: there were 2 of them, woke us all up

Youtargim: I slept through it all

Zayden: with their drums, an obnoxious instrument to be sure

Youtargim: On ship you learn to sleep through noises

Youtargim: except bells

Zayden: what about bells?

Zayden: or what's so special about bells?

Youtargim: When you hear a bell ring you know it is important

Michael (Talwin): Mentally: "I was kidding Reven. But, if you want, I'll just keep you unsheathed on the bedroll"

Youtargim: so you react quick

Talwin: Mentally: "I was kidding Reven. But, if you want, I'll just keep you unsheathed on the bedroll"

Zayden: Hmmm good to know

Youtargim: Have you ever been on a ship at sea?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: you might as well put me away to rest then. I can't see anything from here.

Youtargim: Indigo? You are an Admiral right? have you been to sea?

Zayden: I have! Not under great circumstances though

Talwin: Mentall Chuckles

Talwin: Puts on top of chest and faces upward. Grips pommel. "At least you'll see if I'm about to be stabbed"

Talwin: Drifts off

Indigo: In rivers and lakes yes

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: If I see it about to happen, I will scream as loud as I can

Zayden: This Talwin is a noisy sleeper...

Youtargim: Where were you going Zayden?

Indigo: Yeah he worries a lot

Youtargim: Lakes are good sailing sometimes Indigo

Michael (Talwin): (He's deep in mental conversation :) )

Youtargim: Why do you think Talwin is so worried?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The sword really likes talwin. They are total besties.

Youtargim: Is he afraid of clowns?

Zayden: childhood memories really, in good times when I still had a family, we'd sail the local lake on our days off

Michael (Talwin): LOL Lemon

Michael (Talwin): (It is super fun to talk to the sword. I gott admit)

Zayden: We once had 4 generations on a single sail. it's crazy to think how much of that has passed without me since I've been away...

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And Bixi is so optimistic and cautious, it's kind of fun to be a bloodthirsty jerk

Indigo: Do you want to go home?

Youtargim: It is strange to be gone so long, but not be that long, you know?

Licornah [W Comm]: (AFK to help Tmac)

Zayden: I think there's a part of me that wants to go home, and that's the part I need to let go of

Zayden: and yes, they're older but they're not gone

Youtargim: What do you think of as home now Zayden?

Zayden: where my boots touch the ground, instrument in hand, and free air in my lungs

Youtargim: Grins

Bixi Fizzlebang -> Talwin: I'm so tempted to scream and wake talwin up and just say the sword had a nightmare lol

Zayden: And where do you call home Youtargim, if I may ask?

Youtargim: Indigo is Dragon Fen home for you? I do not think I have seen a halfling living alone before

Indigo: That's a good thing!

Indigo: Oh yes. For a long time now

Youtargim: My Princess is waiting for me I hope

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, also, for TMO... A camp with clowns? This is the worst AirDnD ever, I want a refund :P

Indigo: I went home a while ago and it was nice but didn't feel like home any more

Indigo: Did you write her?

Youtargim: I did write a letter but I know it will take a long time to get there,

Youtargim: unless the Countess takes it herself

Indigo: What was that scroll you got from the elves? Was it magic?

Youtargim: (hugs grin) It is a boat

Zayden: Post service isn't what it used to be

Youtargim: Well sort of a boat

Indigo: Huh???

Michael (Talwin): I mean...After a solid minute of thinking about it, it would be pretty effing funny Lemon.

Indigo: A paper boat?

Youtargim: Yes

Youtargim: only for two but still a boat

Youtargim: that folds up into your pocket

Zayden: Sounds like a handy boat

Indigo: Maybe you can take Raelynn for a boat ride

Youtargim: That is a very good idea

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross

Youtargim: when we get to a lake

Youtargim: maybe some music

Youtargim: percussion,

Zayden: I mean there could be other people who like boat rides too you know...

Youtargim: wind

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lollllllll

Michael (Talwin): lol

Zayden: Plus I come with music

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): theeeeere you see her

Indigo: laughs

Michael (Talwin): sitting there across the way....

Youtargim: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: Take Zayden for a boat ride too!

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo that is a very good idea

Shislif (Zayden): nice choice!

Youtargim: But Zayden, who did you leave behind?

Youtargim: It must be really hard for how long you were gone

Youtargim: How many years was it?

Zayden: Yes...

Zayden: it IS hard

Zayden: one makes plans

Zayden: and god laughs

Indigo: Maybe that's why Branwyn hates planning

Indigo: What plans did you have?

Zayden: The usual really

Zayden: to get on that boat and to kiss the girl

Zayden: to have the little ones run around while I play my music in the back, something smelling good out the kitchen

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

Youtargim: Grins the salt air, the wind at your back, and a fat merchant ship on the horizon

TMO: don't forget your dinglehopper!

Zayden: but turns out that was my brother's destiny, not mine

Indigo: lol

Youtargim: OH

Youtargim: That is not where I thought you were going

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You want a thingamabob? I've got 20

Zayden: I was gona for so long

Zayden: gone

Zayden: excuse me i get emotional

Michael (Talwin): lol


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: I'm sorry. You could still do that some day with some one

Licornah [W Comm]: (Sorry, back)

Youtargim: Yes, it must be hard but we all start over

Zayden: It just seemed to happen so quick, to see their children so grown

Zayden: But yes you are right

Zayden: each day the sun rises

Youtargim: Indigo? Are you married?

Zayden: AND I look way better than they do right now

Youtargim: Do you have kids?

Youtargim: Laughs with Zayden

Indigo: We'll be on a boat with a bunch of girls soon so I am sure you could kiss one of them if you wanted to

Indigo: No I don't have any.

Zayden: Only if you'll be my lobster

Michael (Talwin): oh jesus

Indigo: I had a girl friend for a long time but she was human so that wasn't going to happen and then she died

Youtargim: I am sorry

Indigo: I don't know if I'll have a girlfriend again

Michael (Talwin): ("So that wasn';t going to happen" The worst kind of post-breakup contemplation

Youtargim: How long do halflings live? Is it like Elves that live past several human wives?

Indigo: It's okay. I'm better about it now

Zayden: It sounds like you had some nice time together, though

Indigo: Longer than humans but nowhere close to as long as elves


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: Yes I'll miss her on the ship. She used to chant to keep the rowers in time

Indigo: Everyone loved it!

Indigo: laughs

Youtargim: Do you remember what she would chant? I could do some of them

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The links keep coming and they don't stop coming

Michael (Talwin): They good though

Indigo: I'll try to remember some

Shislif (Zayden): yea

Youtargim: Do you think we should check on those two people from earlier?

Youtargim: do you really think they are from a circus?

Zayden: I don't, I subscribe to the school of it ain't broke...

Indigo: Nah! Why bother them if they aren't bothering us?

Zayden: I don't know I meant to say duh

Indigo: Yup Zayden!

Indigo: grins

Youtargim: I like being near the fire

Zayden: Me too

Indigo: Wanna play dice? I have some coppers from the hobgoblins. We could bet

Zayden: Firelight makes people look more attractive you know

Zayden: bet what?

Indigo: Does it?

Indigo: coppers

Indigo: digs in his pockets and pulls out a handful

Zayden: Sure, if money is your thing?

Zayden: Or we could truth or dare it...

Indigo: It's not worth much

Indigo: Never played that

Youtargim: I am .... hmmmm what do you have to dare?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ohhhhh, truth or dare, that brings back memories

Shislif (Zayden): lol yea

Youtargim: Tell me how you play that Zayden

Zayden: Well back in school we'd usually dare kisses...

Youtargim: I always did it with a knife

Zayden: But it could be anything obviously, not sure it's as fun though

Indigo: I don't want to kiss you

Zayden: And truth is truth, we reveal all our secrets

Youtargim: Are you sure Indigo? He looks better by the firelight

Indigo: laughs

Zayden: Then go for truth

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

Indigo: Okay

Indigo: Truth?

Zayden: This is some good looking firelight yall

Michael (Talwin): (After all this, my "1" better be turned into at least a 10 by now)

Shislif (Zayden): firelight bonus :)

Youtargim: You go first Zayden ask away

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And don't underestimate the importance of the body language

Zayden: Ok Indigo, out of the group, who do you have a secret crush on?

Michael (Talwin): Snort

Youtargim: Huh

Indigo: Ummm no one

Michael (Talwin): So, Lion King ref next week?

Michael (Talwin): Maybe lion in the circus...

Zayden: Ah mr cool doesn't have a crush on anybody?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, I'll have to rewatch it, but I'm in

Youtargim: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: I used to kind of like Jilly but then she went and got married and had 4 kids so I guess that's not ever going to happen

Indigo: But she isn't here anyway

Michael (Talwin): ("So thats not going to happen")

Zayden: Cool cool

Youtargim: I can see that Jilly is cute

TMO: (way to the heart is thru the stomach)

Zayden: Do you think crushes ever fade?

Zayden: Yea I heard good things about Jilly

Michael (Talwin): (If you have a really sharp knife, its through the fourth rib)

Indigo: They can change I think

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, I was going to say I think he's confusing loving the food with loving the cook

Zayden: The other Bards were saying

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol michael

Zayden: Is it the same crush that changes?

Indigo: Saying what?

Indigo: Well when you know for sure that Jilly only whacks you with a spoon because you aren't eating enough vegetables and not because she like you I think the crush changes

Youtargim: Violence is not a way to show affection

Indigo: Not for Jilly

Indigo: grins

Michael (Talwin): (Reven disagrees)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol!

Zayden: From what I hear, Jilly could whack me with a spoon anytime she likes

Indigo: She only hits people with a spoon that she likes

Youtargim: OK so Zayden.... Have you ever robbed someone?

Zayden: Of their better judgement? Absolutely

Zayden: of their belongings? Never

Michael (Talwin): (Have you ever been in a turkish prison?)

Youtargim: Laughs

Indigo: laughs

Indigo: Have you Youtargim?

Indigo: You're a pirate?

Youtargim: Certainly, I am, or was, a pirate

Youtargim: It is, or at least was my job

Zayden: How is that possible? I've yet to hear once go "Arrrrgh"

Indigo: Did you ever kidnap people and sell them?

Zayden: I've been on the wrong side of that equation

Indigo: Me too

Youtargim: I have never taken slaves

Zayden: Hey you think those drummer boys are making out right now?

Youtargim: That is wrong

Indigo: Yes it is

Youtargim: Hmmm, do you think that we would hear them?

Zayden: It's for sure a party foul

Zayden: the kidnapping/enslaving people, not the making out

Youtargim: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: laughs again

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, both, depending on what kind of party

Michael (Talwin): This night is so damn funny

Youtargim: I think making out is a pretty nice thing

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Zayden: Good way to pass the time

Youtargim: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Indigo: sighs

Shislif (Zayden): yea

BOB Ok so that is a very nice passing of time

Indigo: Not sure when that's gonna happen again

BOB give me a roll please Lisa

Indigo: [d20 = 10]

Raelynn: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Carissa (Raelynn): (because I was afk for lots of that)

Shislif (Zayden): I feel like we built up a lil sexual tension there

BOB and the second watch passes without further incident

BOB yes is a good thing Sharif

Shislif (Zayden): This prince is gettin it thx :)

Indigo: Time to sleep again!

Zayden: Night folks, sweet dreams

Indigo: wakes Bixi for watch

Michael (Talwin): (And sorry for inserting so many comments. Just really into this week for some reason)

Michael (Talwin): (Really funnd)

Indigo: Time to wake up Bixi

BOB Very glad for that Michael

Shislif (Zayden): no apologies needed :)

BOB Bixi, Howard and Thistle

Lisa (Indigo): it's good!

Zayden: Quick note for the next watch

Zayden: we think the drummer boys may be making out, just fyi

Indigo: Howard, get up!

Howard Plum: I'm up!

Zayden: gets into his sleeping compartment area

Howard Plum: Anything to know?

Bixi Fizzlebang: ugghhh

Zayden: Drummer boys may be making out

Zayden gets comfortable in sleeping area

Thistle: That's a weird thing to wake someone up with.

Zayden: you're telling me

Bixi Fizzlebang: what

Indigo: Stay away from the pile of skulls and there are two circus people sleeping on the other side of the road

Bixi Fizzlebang: I thought only one was a drummer. Are there more?

Thistle: Okay that sounds more reasonable.

Howard Plum: Skulls?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm sorry, what about that sounds reasonable?

Howard Plum: Goodnight!

Zayden: night folks, good luck

Howard Plum: goes back to sleep

Thistle: shrugs

Thistle: HOWARD!

Shislif (Zayden): gonna refill brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Thistle: No. You're on third watch.

Indigo: goes back to sleep

Bixi Fizzlebang: I was going to suggest checking on the visitors but... kind of sounds like I might not want to interrupt

Carissa (Thistle): (assuming that was by accident but still gonna pretend it wasnt)

Howard Plum: Sorry sorry

Howard Plum: I am very tired. Getting up now

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Thistle: Maybe run in place a bit. That'll wake you up.

Thistle: Oh! Or juggle some skulls. Can you juggle?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well, I guess it's hard to see plants when they're covered in snow

Howard Plum: I cannot juggle!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thistle you're a little more... macabre than the other elves

Howard Plum: I can whistle

Bixi Fizzlebang: I like it.

Carissa (Thistle): (she's human)

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, whoops

Thistle: Okay so whistle while *attempting* to juggle.

Carissa (Thistle): (lol no worries)

Thistle: You have magic. You can cheat.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm going to say she said it anyway. Maybe she never bothered looking at the ears

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Thistle: Oh that's good Howard!

Howard Plum: It's too hard to concentrate on magic and hand eye coordinaton

Thistle: And I was raised, kind of sort of partially? By an elf. But I'm not an elf. Although I know Elvish! Sort of.

Thistle: Shi says I don't but I do.

Thistle: Sigh. What are going to do with you Howard? How are we going to impress the circus guys then?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh! Maybe it's just an accent or something, elves seem like they would be nitpicky about something like that

Howard Plum: Say something in elvish

Thistle: Nah I don't feel like it right now.


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sorry for thinking you were an elf. You're just as pretty as them so I assumed.

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Thistle: Aww thanks!

Thistle: OH WAIT!

Michael (Talwin): Been awhile since CSI bob

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do we need to impress the circus guys?

Thistle: Munedhis!

Howard Plum: You're a gypsy. You should be able to impress circus people

Thistle: See? I know elvish!

Howard Plum: You can read their fortunes


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sounded elvish to me!

Thistle: Yes, I can, but I shouldn't be the only one.

Michael (Talwin): LOL Bob.

Thistle: Shi says I shouldn't say it, though. Apparently it's crude. But I remember those words best.

Thistle: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Howard Plum: Can you read my fortune?

Thistle: Of course!

Bixi Fizzlebang: OOooh, yes, would you read mine too?

Thistle: I can anyone's fortune. Except Brer. Once. His hand was WEIRD.

Howard Plum: holds out a hand


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Thistle: Sure. I mean it won't be anything too in-depth but let's see...

Thistle: [SKILL] Fortune Telling [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

Thistle: squints

Bixi Fizzlebang: But SHOULD we check up on our visitors first? I don't want to... interrupt whatever they're doing, but wouldn't it be polite to make sure they haven't been eaten by a giant or something?


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Thistle: Howard, I see you asking Raelynn for hand cream in your future.

Thistle: You hands are... er, a bit... well they need better care.

Howard Plum: hand cr ...?

Michael (Talwin): (Gotta be nearing a record on links at this point. Haven't had a bad one yet)

Howard Plum: Hmmm

Howard Plum: All right. Thank you

Thistle: Yeah yeah sure.

Howard Plum: You want to talk to the circus people Bixi?

Thistle: Uhhh, feel free to ask me again. Maybe once we're out of the Mist. You know, sunlight and angles of light and all.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, not really...

Howard Plum: Oh I thought you wanted to

Thistle: Are they still alive?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No, I don't WANT to, I just wondered if we SHOULD

Bixi Fizzlebang: Very different things

Howard Plum: I don't know. You could sneak up on them and check maybe

Thistle: I mean one way to find out, right?

Thistle: walks off

Howard Plum: You are good at sneaking

Bixi Fizzlebang: I've never been in a group and had a watch before. I'm not sure what our responsibilities are here?

Thistle: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 16] [d100 = 24]

Thistle: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 5] [d100 = 35]

Howard Plum: Make sure no one attacks the camp is all

Thistle: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 35) [FAILURE by 34] [d100 = 69]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, well that seems easy enough

-> Thistle: Sneaks over to where they gestured "that a way" for where they are supposed to be but no one there

Bixi Fizzlebang: Would you mind if I try to talk to any ghosts that might be hiding around here?

Thistle: returns

Howard Plum: Go right ahead

Thistle: Well, cool. Nothing there. You think they were actually ghosts?

Bixi Fizzlebang: perks up

Howard Plum: Indigo said there was a pile of skulls so maybe they would be there

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe!

Carissa (Thistle): (she probably just kind of reappears I suppose)

Carissa (Thistle): (guess you can cancel movement then)

Howard Plum: The circus people?

Howard Plum: Ghost circus?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you there ghosts? It's me, Bixi. If any of you know why your skulls are here or know anything about the circus and would like to share, I'm here and ready to listen.

Thistle: I dunno. I went to where y'all keep point to and no one was there.

Howard Plum: watches

Thistle: [SKILL] Animal Noise [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]

Thistle: (tries to make ghostly noises)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 7]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Trying to persuade the ghosts

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Carissa (Thistle): (Thistle is attempting to prank Bixi)


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Thistle: (LINK)'

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That is MY FAVORITE song from that movie

Michael (Talwin): Great movie, even if I thought it was somewhat historically inaccurate :)

Michael (Talwin): Great soundtrack

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, but the music was so good

Michael (Talwin): Right!

Carissa (Thistle): (agree on all those accounts)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And the choreography in that scene

Shislif (Zayden): which movie?

BOB Carissa beat me before I could add that one in the next part

Carissa (Thistle): :)

BOB what is Bixi doing to summon the ghosts?

Carissa (Thistle): also fantastic music movie)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, I used my persusasion and said what I said

Thistle: I don't think that's how you summon ghosts, Bixi.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is calling herself a ghost hunter but she literally knows nothing lol

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well how do you summon ghosts?

BOB would need more than just Persuasion, a bit of a spell for something

BOB but please explore it out

Thistle: I dunno. You should ask Rae or Branwyn. They can talk to ghosts.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, I will ask Rae tomorrow then

Michael (Talwin): Oh sorry Shislif. Just in case "The Greatest Showman"

Thistle: Branwyn has her crystal ball. Rae has... um, I dunno. She was bragging about it... six years ago?? I don't know if she's actually done it before.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, yeah, I'm trapped watching this now, thanks

Howard Plum: Branwyn has hosted seances before

Thistle: But in the Mist...

Shislif (Zayden): oh no worries but thanks, never saw that one

Thistle: OH! Have you been to one, Howard?

Shislif (Zayden): Love me some Hugh Jackson though

BOB Bixi should perk up at that

Howard Plum: We used to have them in Dryads Lair when we were trying to find a murderer

Bixi Fizzlebang: Really! Who did she contact?

Howard Plum: Some people that used to live in the mansion we were staying at

Howard Plum: And some Buttercup lady who died at our fountain I think

Bixi Fizzlebang: The mansion Branwyn lives in now?

Thistle: Buttercup? Was she a horse?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, Buttercup is a lovely name

Bixi Fizzlebang: nods at Thistle

Howard Plum: No the one in Dryads Lair. We'll probably be there again when we get there

Bixi Fizzlebang: I knew a Buttercup horse once. She was a very nice horse.

Howard Plum: No this was a girl

Thistle: Huh, maybe a gypsy girl?


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Howard Plum: I think she was lost. She died and was teleported to our house. It was strange. You never know who you will contact with those seances

BOB and an encounter check please for Lemon

Thistle: Maybe we can hold one again once we get there?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I hope next time I will be invited! I would love to learn that!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): a d20?

BOB yes

Bixi Fizzlebang: [d20 = 14]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is it because of my song choice?

Thistle: We should bug Rae about it unless Bran joins us once we get there.

Michael (Talwin): I liked it

Thistle: Although she might just cut and run

BOB and for Sharif and Lemon and Lorie, that was when they were there to find out who murdered the previous ambassador, you might want to ask about that in character as you get closer to Dryads Lair

BOB Stabbed, Poisoned, Set on Fire

Bixi Fizzlebang: I will definitely ask!

Carissa (Thistle): (right before I joined so don't ask me)

BOB Branwyn was her replacement

BOB so you can have fun

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB oh and by the way that is Howard's home city

Lisa (Howard Plum): serious case of overkill

BOB BUT it is morning

Shislif (Zayden): Cool thx GM

Lisa (Howard Plum): wagons ho!

The time is 6:00 AM

Zayden Yawns and stretches in his sleeping area compartment thingy

BOB and smiles I do have the clock right now, only shows here the time, but advances the day and moon phases correctly

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: NO NOT THE CLOWNS!!!!

Thistle: Hey! I thought y'all said there were circus people in the trees?

Zayden: I said there were two drummer boys making out

Talwin: Jerks awake. "Clowns, what, what?" Grips Sword.

Thistle: Which is still a weird thing to say.

Thistle: Anyways, either you all lied or they aren't where you said they'd be.

Zayden: One must embrace the weird

Zayden: especially before coffee

Thistle: Nah, I get enough of that in life already.

Talwin: Looking like a herion addicted badger who hasn't slept well

Zayden: such hostility, why would we lie?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): What's coffee?

Carissa (Thistle): (well I wasn't going to type that out loud but...)

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): shoot, supposed to be bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: What's coffee?

Zayden: Something I heard in a dream once

Shislif (Zayden): Sorry I guess coffee doesn't exist in this world?

BOB Tea over coffee

Raelynn: Oh no! They didn't get eaten, did they??

Zayden: In some other land, it was like tea

Licornah [W Comm]: :: spends time preparing for the day and giving thanks ::

BOB Youtargim would know coffee

Zayden: but dark and gross

Raelynn: We should go check on them!

Zayden: the circus folk?

Raelynn: heads over towards the trees

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): From my understanding, it does, but not around here, and Bixi has been here always, until joining up with this riff-raff

Zayden follows

Raelynn: HELLO? Are you still there??

Zayden follows Raelynn

Raelynn: (insert names I forgot)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, Rae!

TMO: (my L key is really flaking out over here typing in Prince Levistus, Lord of the Fifth Layer of Hell's details.)

Zayden: Hi there I'm here too, just don't want anybody to be surprised

Carissa (Raelynn): (and cannot scroll up to see because chat cut off)

Bixi Fizzlebang: After we check on these guys, I need you to tell me about seances, because I'm wonderign what happened to all the people whose skulls are here

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol it wants to make sure it still exists)

Zayden: besides circus folk like bards, good to have me come along

Zayden: I hear

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm sure they do, you're very likable!

Carissa (Raelynn): (Bob tossed us on another map so not sure we'lll find them...)

Bixi Fizzlebang: follows Rae

Zayden: Thank you Bixi, I like you too

Zayden smiles

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Why do you travel with these idiots.

BOB There is no sign of anyone in the trees

Zayden: Thing they were ghosts?

Zayden: If I'm being totally honest

Raelynn: Ohh I hope they're okay... we'll have to keep an ear out for their circus.

Bixi Fizzlebang: IT WAS A GHOST CIRCUS!!!!!

Zayden: I didn't see anybody making out, I was just making conversation...

Bixi Fizzlebang: We should have checked on them I knew it!

Youtargim: They were fairly loud for ghosts

Raelynn: Oh, and yes, Bixi, but it's hard to talk to anyone in The Mist.

Raelynn: No no they looked quite real to me.

Talwin: Grumbles under his breath "Same reason I travel with you. Loyalty and a damn good time."

Raelynn: nods

Talwin: Grunts

Carissa (Raelynn): And definitely sounded real.

Raelynn: And definitely sounded real.

Talwin: Walks back to camp

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: THIS is your idea of a good time?

Zayden: They could be the real looking type of ghosts

Zayden: plus it would explain all those skulls, they're the skulls!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Yeah!

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): dang, bixi again

Youtargim: Bixi do ghosts sound like people too?

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): dang, bixi again

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah!

Talwin: Grumbles "No. We deal with these parts to get to the good ones."

Raelynn: Well at least we were able to camp overnight near some skulls without any misfortune.

Raelynn: glances at Talwin

Youtargim: ANd the banging, drumming, do you think it could be someone beating on the skulls?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... some of them probably do!

Raelynn: Umm, no, he had a drum with him.

Zayden: I once heard about this ghost that didn't even know he was a ghost! He'd just follow this kid around all over the place, it was pretty weird

Youtargim: Huh

Zayden: Sorry I'm just thinking out loud

Youtargim: I would think that if I walked through walls, I would notice and wonder if I was a ghost

Zayden: So what do you guys want to do?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Rae, are you trying to tell me you know everythign about EVERY type of ghost? Because if so, we need to talk more.

Talwin: Sighs. Walks over to the skulls in the daylight and examines them carefully. Pokes around the piles, looking for clothes, identification, weaponry, anything really

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 13]

Raelynn: Ummm no. I only learned recently how to talk to them without the magic of my goddess.

Zayden: Find anything Tal?

Bixi Fizzlebang: But Yout, if you didn't know you were a ghost, you wouldn't try to walk through walls, would you? Be logical.

Talwin: I'm looking I"m looking. Sorry, slept bad last night

Zayden: Good point Bixi!

-> Talwin: Talwin can tell that these were piled here alone, no other bones, seems like a dozen or more, some look like maybe they were on spikes?

Zayden: No rush buddy!

Talwin: Huh

Zayden: Rather the job be done right than fast

Youtargim: But Bixi, If I did not know I was a ghost I would try to open the door and it would not work, my hand would go right through right?

Talwin: Well, I see no clothes or anything. Just skulls. Looks like from a couple of them they were mounted on pikes some time ago. Nothing else though

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is there a right way to dig through a pile of skulls?

Youtargim: OH maybe if they had chains on them

Talwin: Don't see any circus stuff, just skulls

Youtargim: We could hear them rattling

Youtargim: so then it would be like drums

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or maybe if you live somewhere where it's a loot of doorways and not a lot of doors

Youtargim: maybe these had drums instead of chains?

Zayden: Anybody else getting hungry over here?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who knows!? There are infinite possiblities, considering the amount of possible ghosts in the worlds

Bixi Fizzlebang: Definitely hungry

Youtargim: Who is cooking this morning? I thought it would be the last watch

Bixi Fizzlebang: Breakfast is when I miss Jilly the most

Youtargim: Looks over at Rae and Bixi

Zayden: Unfortunately, coming across a pile of skull is not an uncommon occurence in this world

Raelynn: You can.

Youtargim: Howard? Can you magic up something?

Talwin: Grunts: "Yeah, whatever." Louder. "Alright everyone. Let's get fed up and move out." Pops open a water pouch and handes to Indigo. "A little honey flavor. I ran out though. No more after today"

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, I was told my job was to make sure nothing attacked the camp. No one said anything about cooking

Indigo: Not for 9 people

Howard Plum: Not for 9 people

Bixi Fizzlebang: I could try to whip something up though, if we have a little bit before we want to move on

Thistle: Oh come ON! I left so I wouldn't HAVE to babysit here! Can noen of you cook??

Howard Plum: there are provisions in the wagon

Talwin: I brought a wheel of Cheese for Bixi. We can slice some of that up

BOB grins somethign to think about for tonight and tomorrow

Shislif (Zayden): anyplace for me to fish nearby?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have cooking!

Talwin: Courtesy of the Inn

Carissa (Thistle): (wooo! Bixi can do it)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Carissa (Thistle): (Thistle was "taught" by Jilly but has no prof)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, or not

BOB No need to make a check when doing things normally Lemon

BOB only if you are trying to cook in a rain storm for example

BOB Or make something very special for guests

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, but I like the idea of cooking something not great for everyone lol

Howard Plum: We asked Penny for food and Jilly always gives us stuff. We should be good to Loosend I think

Thistle: It's not Jilly cooking, but this'll work. Because it's also not ME cooking.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Now I can watch them all pretend to like it

Zayden: I don't have any cooking skills, otherwise I'd be happy to, but I can fish if there's a body of water nearby

Talwin: Ignores them all and packs up the Wagon while they sort out food. Hums to himself

Bixi Fizzlebang: Fishing sounds nice but it's so cold I think if there were water nearby it might be frozen

Zayden: That's pretty cold!

Zayden: I'm sorry for yelling

BOB and sadly for Zayden, in the Kingdom of Drillian called sarcastically "two hills in a swamp" you happen to be on the one place....

Zayden: I'm not good with morning

Zayden: s

Thistle: We'll be stuck on a ship soon enough where we'll probably eat a lot of fish. No need ot start now...

BOB It is called the Dry Road for a reason

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or maybe it just feels cold from sleeping on the side of the road

Shislif (Zayden): huh?

BOB Drillian is 80% swamps

Shislif (Zayden): Oh ok I getchya lol sorry

BOB you happen to be on the ridge that leads down into the middle of the Kingdom

Shislif (Zayden): And you can't fish swamps which is something I know for sure

BOB OH you can fish in the swamps

Shislif (Zayden): oh lol nvm :)

BOB Lots of fish, eels, snakes, frogs, alligators, etc.

Shislif (Zayden): ah stuff that could be dangerous you mean?

BOB grins

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Suspiciously like Florida

Michael (Talwin): Swamp Dragons, Krackens, nothing to big a deal. Just ask bob

Shislif (Zayden): yea lol

BOB so making good progress

BOB moving northward on the roadway

Zayden: Do we have time for some yoga exercises? Get a good stretch on before we move out?

Youtargim: Stretching is good

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Zayden: Especially while travelling

Talwin: A look of absolute longsuffering crosses darkly over Talwins face.

Indigo: Walking next to the wagon all day isn't stretching enough?

Zayden: I suppose it depends on your lunge

Youtargim: That is exercise

Talwin: Echanchges glance iwth Indigo, as if pleading desperately for the sweet releif of a deth

Talwin: Echanchges glance iwth Indigo, as if pleading desperately for the sweet releif of a deth

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Youtargim: Stretching is for before and after

Zayden: ah but is exercijse the same as stretching

Zayden: ?

Youtargim: When you are doing your sword training, don't you stretch?

Youtargim: loosen up your arms

Talwin: I'll tell you what. We'll get a headstart and scout the way. You'll be able to catch up in no time!

Zayden: Well what do you do during your sword training?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: with our natural talent you have no need for stretching, I'm sure

Indigo: I guess. I'm pretty loose as it is

Youtargim: Thistle wiggles her fingers when she is getting ready to do things

Zayden: I thought we were already heading northward?

Youtargim: Nods, I think Talwin is just afraid of the clowns

Zayden: Well it's about finding what's right for you, so if you don't need a stretch certainly don't feel obligated to stretch

Youtargim: stage whisper to Bixi, the Ghost Clowns

Talwin: Mentally to Reven: "No I stretch, just not at pointless times. I'm not THAT old"

Bixi Fizzlebang -> Talwin: chuckles

Zayden: Mentally, I ONLY stretch at pointless times...

Bixi Fizzlebang -> Talwin: pretend that's the sword lol

Talwin: Hikes up pack, tosses last of supplies into Wagon (and will do Lemon lol) and begins leading the horses.

Youtargim: So Licornah

Youtargim: You saw these ghost clowns?

Zayden follows along

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think we should head out as well. Maybe we will catch up to the ghosts

Zayden: Well we don't know for sure they were ghosts?

Youtargim: I did not see anything

Youtargim: Thisle did not find anything

Raelynn: You all were too busy sleeping.

Zayden: It's just a theory, like the planet being round

Michael (Talwin): Bixi! I cannot believe I"m saying this, but talk. About anything, I don't really care. Use your gift of gab!"

Talwin: Bixi! I cannot believe I"m saying this, but talk. About anything, I don't really care. Use your gift of gab!"

Bixi Fizzlebang: If they weren't ghosts then maybe we will catch up to whatever they were

Talwin: About something else!

Youtargim: Oh the world has to be round

Bixi Fizzlebang: A circus certainly didn't come through here, we would have heard it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you ok Talwin?

Youtargim: I heard drums, but then there was nothing else

Michael (Talwin): A blood vessel pulses in Talwins forhead

Raelynn: It wasn't a circus. It was two members of a circus. The rest was behind them.

Talwin: A blood vessel pulses in Talwins forhead

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you scared of ghosts?

Youtargim: so I cannot imagine

Zayden: What if "The Circus" is just like it's street name?

Zayden: like a gang or something

Zayden: or a cult

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooooh a circus cult!

Youtargim: See Raelynn is not convinced

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's almost as good as ghosts!

Zayden: Now that would be scary

Bixi Fizzlebang: gets out notebook and writes it down

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Raelynn: They were real. I saw them. I'm not a liar.

Youtargim: Did you ever want to join the Circus Licornahs?

Zayden: Oh nobody is saying that Rae

Raelynn: Hmph.

Youtargim: I believe you

Bixi Fizzlebang: I believe you Rae, I just thought maybe it was possible that you were mistaken about what they were

Zayden: Even if they were ghosts they would still be real

Bixi Fizzlebang: It was late and everyone was tired from traveling

Bixi Fizzlebang: And ghost clowns might be tricksters


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Raelynn: Well that's too bad if that's true. I wanted to see a circus.


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Zayden: Circuses are cool

Raelynn: And I hope it's there.

Zayden: or is it circusi?

Raelynn: *theirs

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would like to see the animals if they had any, but I would feel sad if they were not nice to the animals

Shislif (Zayden): ay yeahhh

Talwin: Grips sword. Mentally trains with Reven in his mind. Moving through movements and new combinations with Reven's sword attributes, questioning about particular methods and movements. Before long, the traning session has dulled the babble as Talwin runs through the training regimin in his head.

Youtargim: Circusisis?

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Raelynn: rubs forehead

Zayden: sounds like a disease!

Raelynn: I think I know how you feel now, Talwin.

Michael (Talwin): (And probably suffers a huge penalty to Obs, but worth it for Talwin :) )

Zayden: Well ghost or real, either way they're gone, should we eat?

Talwin: Mutters. "We all have our peculiarities"

Talwin: "I won't complain the entire time about it."

Zayden: I once had an omellette with the bacon inside! can you believe it, what a world...

Talwin: Grins

Bixi Fizzlebang: I already ate, help yourself

Talwin: Wut

BOB Lorie you can make an encounter check please

Zayden: help myself to...

Talwin: Turns to Zayden

Talwin: I've heard many things. BUt repeat what you just said about an omelet please

Zayden: Turns to Bixi

Zayden: oh

Zayden: Bacon INSIDE!

Licornah: [d20 = 15]

Zayden: Like you cannot believe!

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's not my best work but... it's hard on the road with all these traveling foods and none of my fresh herbs

Talwin: Talwin ins't sure what he should respond to this statement. He just stares as it appears his soul might be leaving his body. Shakes his head, and continues walking after a moment

Zayden Graciously accept the food from Bixi

BOB the morning passes ...... not quietly... but you move along north on the road

Michael (Talwin): LOL BOB

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Zayden Humbly eats at the hot breakfast

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: WE SHOULD LOOK FOR WILD PIGS TO SLAUGHTER

Zayden: Thank you Bixi, this was a lovely breakfast, I hope one day to repay the kindness

Michael (Talwin): You should see me on an airplane next to the crowds

Michael (Talwin): I look like i'm physically dying

Licornah [W Comm]: :: thanks Bixi for the breakfast and says a last prayer for the dead ::

BOB I will need two more encounter checks please as the day passes along

Shislif (Zayden): Not quietly, what's that supposed to mean bud?

Talwin: Perks up at the Suggestion. "Sure! That might do us some good. And then, we can somehow shove it into an omelet, you know, like a normal person."

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What are you even talking about Michael? I feel like I missed the most important part of those statements

Talwin: Mentally

Licornah: [d20 = 2]

Licornah: [d20 = 6]

Shislif (Zayden): how do I do an encounter check?

BOB Roll a D20

Zayden: [d20 = 15]

BOB exactly

Michael (Talwin): (Oh sorry Lories haha. I absolutely hate loud environments and travelling and people badgering me when I want to be left alone. This is a parady of that really :) ) (Unless a different set of stateements?)

Shislif (Zayden): bueno?

BOB so we take those two first for Lorie, then later on with Sharif's

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ohhhh, I see

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok lemme know when you need me to roll

Michael (Talwin): (lemon. Sorry. Losing track of people :) )

BOB right now your key problem is .... (a d8 please from Lemon)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [d8 = 6]

Michael (Talwin): (What's in the box!!!!?)

Shislif (Zayden): haha!

Michael (Talwin): (He's making me nervous...)

BOB and so We have Odds or Evens from Carissa

Raelynn: Hmm...

Carissa (Raelynn): Odds

BOB So Licornah, Rae and Youtargim

Shislif (Zayden): Evens!

Carissa (Raelynn): No there are more odd numbers that are good luck

Zayden: Living or dead, I hope those drummer boys live happily ever after together

Zayden: So what's the deal with this dead ambassador you guys went to go investigate or something?

Zayden: I may have overheard while we were camping

BOB That is interesting,

Carissa (Raelynn): .....?

BOB now that I added the Facing indicator I cannot rotate the icons

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden, I would have thought you wanted to talk music with them

Shislif (Zayden): Hmmm

Michael (Talwin): (Was about to log off at the "INteresting" Part)

Carissa (Raelynn): I suggest ignoring those icons and this encounter and moving on.

BOB and so

Zayden: It's a long trip Bixi, and my interest are a wide spectrum, but I'd be delighted to talk music

Michael (Talwin): LOL Agreed

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He just keeps reeling you back in!

Carissa (Raelynn): unless it's the circus

BOB Rae and Licornah get to make surprise checks

BOB as you are elves

Raelynn: [d20 = 9]

BOB is a d12

Carissa (Raelynn): FRIEND!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, I don't know anything about music, but the drummers must have

Raelynn: [d12 = 7]

Carissa (Raelynn): (yeah realized that after)

Zayden: So what do you think about these drummer boys Bixi? If I may ask?

Lisa (Indigo): in the old days this encounter would be all about making lunch ...

GM: [d12 = 6]

Licornah: [d12 = 10]

BOB chuckles with Lisa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'd take that encounter

Zayden: As far as music goes dear Bixi, there's nothing to know, there's simply the music you like, and the music you don't. You music you can dance to, and the music meant for another type of dance

BOB so no one is surprised

TMO: I know I'm not

Bixi Fizzlebang: grimaces

Lisa (Indigo): we never thought about bringing food

Shislif (Zayden): I love lunch

BOB by the very large wild boar that is rushing at Youtargim

Lisa (Indigo): lol TMO

TMO: I knew that was there.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: NOW'S OUR CHANCE

TMO: You couldn't hear me, but I was warning you about the piggy in the weeds

Talwin: Thank gods for action!

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [ATTACK (M)] Gore [THACO(17)] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 10 ] [AC: 5 ] [Location: Neck, side] [HIT]

Zayden whispers: kill it?

Talwin: Winces

Licornah [W Comm]: :: looks at the boar :: Hey, what are you doing? Do you know him?

Talwin: Ooh

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [DAMAGE (M)] Gore [TYPE: slashing (3d4=8)] [3d4 = 8]

[8] -> [to Youtargim] [STATUS: Light]

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: FATE

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [DAMAGE (M)] Gore [TYPE: slashing (3d4=9)] [3d4 = 9]

[9] -> [to Youtargim] [STATUS: Heavy]

Michael (Talwin): (Roll init?)

BOB and now Init

Talwin: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+10 = 19]

Raelynn: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+10 = 11]

Thistle: [INIT][Reaction Adj: -1] [d10+9 = 12]

Youtargim: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10 = 2]

Indigo: [INIT][Reaction Adj: -1] [d10-3 = -1]

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+3 = 5]

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10 = 10]

Howard Plum: Howard Plum tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Howard Plum: Howard Plum tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Carissa (Raelynn): (boars are jerks)

Talwin: Mentally: Fate indeed. I thought I would have to glaze over my ears with Beeswax befor emuch longer

Howard Plum: Howard Plum tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Howard Plum: Howard Plum forced re-roll of initiative.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10 = 10]

Howard Plum: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+10 = 12]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): whoops, forgot I was the sword

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Didn't matter I guess

Licornah: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+10 = 15]

Carissa (Raelynn): Oh it disappeared! Wow that was easy. GOod job, gang!

BOB and DOH I just deleted the boar bringing it right back

Lisa (Indigo): so we are assuming the bar ignored Licornah?

Michael (Talwin): Was so confused LOL

Lisa (Indigo): boar

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol Carissa

Lisa (Indigo): that is what is hard with animal talkers with high initiative numbers ... wait or just kill it?

TMO: foof. 3 more of these fippin baatezu royalty to enter. this is surprisingly time consuming to do. I'm going to call it for the night, see if I can find some cough syrup, and go to bed

Shislif (Zayden): feel better!

Lisa (Indigo): Goodnight TMO

Michael (Talwin): (When Talwin saw it gore Yout, he pretty much falls back on Kill)

Shislif (Zayden): have a good night

Michael (Talwin): (Night TMO!)

Lisa (Indigo): yes

Carissa (Raelynn): (night tmo!)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Goodnight TMO

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Plus bacon.

Carissa (Raelynn): (Rae isn't really the animal talker, Nlaea is)

BOB There we go fixed

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [INIT][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+3 = 12]

TMO: g'nite!

'TMO' disconnected

Lorie (Licornah): (Night)

Carissa (Raelynn): (oof and Licornah is towards the end, but uh, the boar attacked and speaking from experience... I don't think it'll listen to her but could be surprised)

BOB Ok so now it is the first round after the surprise

Lisa (Indigo): does Youtargim get a first whack at it since it hit him?

-> Licornah: She does notice that the boar has a saddle on it

Carissa (Raelynn): (.....I think that's actually a horse, lmao)

BOB Indigo first

BOB then Youtargim

Shislif (Zayden): the surprise boar?

BOB then Bixi

Carissa (Raelynn): (unless someone is riding a boar)

BOB Indigo is in the wagon and can jump out

Indigo: jumps down from the wagon and runs to the boar

BOB same with Bixi on her turn if she wants

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi could probably ride a wild boar.

Lisa (Indigo): gets any attacks?


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): NO INNUENDO INTENDED

Michael (Talwin): lol

Michael (Talwin): jeeze

BOB chuckles

Shislif (Zayden): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Lisa (Indigo): looks like no attacks with that distance

Carissa (Raelynn): (really? that scale is weird)

Carissa (Raelynn): (you'd think you'd make it just from glancing)

BOB It is the correct scale

BOB five foot squares to make it easier

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So you gotta get right up in that boar's business

BOB so Indigo can click next

Lisa (Indigo): trying to and it's not doing anything

[TURN] Indigo

[TURN] Youtargim

BOB Not sure why Lisa

Youtargim: [ATTACK (M)] Scimitar +1 [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Mammal, Boar, Wild] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 7 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I still sling a sling if I move there?

Lisa (Howard Plum): yes

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Do I need to be/can I get closer and still attack?

BOB yes you can and it should take into account how far away you are when you use it as a missle weapon

Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (R)] Sling (Stone) [THACO(20)] [d20-3 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Mammal, Boar, Wild] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 7 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

BOB Yes it did

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I expected as much, but not going to waste a spell on a pig

BOB you had a minus 3 for range

BOB so click next please

[TURN] Raelynn

BOB Ok good we are back to regular now

Raelynn: [CAST] Calm Animals [at Mammal, Boar, Wild]

Carissa (Raelynn): (says no saving throw for normal animals)

Calm Animals

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 9]

Save [9] [Target 16] -> [for Mammal, Boar, Wild] [vs Raelynn] [TARGET-FAILED]

Carissa (Raelynn): (good because he would have failed anyways :P)

[TURN] Thistle

Raelynn: There. If you don't attack it we should be able to just walk away...

[TURN] Howard Plum

Carissa (Raelynn): (actually Thistle can just hold rather than move)

[TURN] Mammal, Boar, Wild

[TURN] Mammal, Boar, Wild

Howard Plum: Moves to the end of the wagon so he can see what is happening

BOB The boar starts to root around and dig in the ground for food

[TURN] Zayden

[TURN] Licornah


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The pig rn

Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Shislif (Zayden): hey sorry i'm back what's up

BOB Nice Lemon

Shislif (Zayden): we still dealing with this boar business?

BOB and Zayden is up, the boar was magically calmed by Rae

Raelynn: He's calmed now. If we attack, he'll attack back. If we leave, he'll leave us alone.

Zayden: Nice job Rae!

Licornah [W Comm]: :: continues to try and soothe the boar :: Hey, what's got you spooked? (I realize I'm a bit far away, but ... willing to try and walk towards her and talk)

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2]

Zayden: So should we leave then?

BOB What language are you using Lorie?

Talwin: Desperately wishes the pig would show signs of violence. Any. Anything that could allow him to wreck hog vengence with Bacon omeletes

Raelynn: Licornah can try to talk to it if she wants, but ummm, the rest of us should get out of the way. He has some gnarly tusks.

Shislif (Zayden): So I'm just gonna chill for my turn i guess, boar seems cool

Talwin: Sighs. Holds and Just keeps walking, furiously upset they beat him to the "punch"


Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: We are traveling... we should thank the gods for this obvious gift... even your elves should understand the gift of food

Shislif (Zayden): gotta brb again real quick, need me for anything right now though?

Talwin: Mentally: This is a lecture you do not wish to hear, even from them doing it to me. Trust me on this one.

Talwin: Mentally: Next time, we'll beat them to the punch.

BOB No to Sharif

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: this is no way for a mighty warrior such as yourself to talk about some spooky elves

Talwin: Both sword and man clearly put out that violence has left the immediate poker hand

Shislif (Zayden): Cool brb again

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

BOB want to check on languages being used with the boar

BOB magically clamed but would it understand?

Talwin: Mentally: Spooky....,eh. Friends, I don't know why, but that's what we do. We all share a friendship and I won't smash it for no reason. Besides, I get my own in the end. I always do. What we need is a another necromancer, or OH, something BIG. We'll have fun then. Keep an eye out for boars though. If we ge tthem before the elves, it's fair game! Maybe we'll get luckyt and another troll might show up?

Carissa (Raelynn): (for Lorie or me?)

BOB Both

Michael (Talwin): (I got probably about 15 mor min and then i'm conking out for bed :) )

Lorie (Licornah): (Given that I see a saddle, W. Common)

Michael (Talwin): (Althouth, this has been a hella fun night)

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Sword is singing this to Talwin now

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Carissa (Raelynn): (spell doesn't say language matters so assuming common)

Talwin: Snorts

BOB nods, the spell does not confir understanding

Talwin: Mentally: Anyone ever tell you have some sass?

Carissa (Raelynn): (for Rae she was only trying to calm, not talk to it or understand it)

BOB Ok so you speak quietly and calmly to the board but it does not respond

Carissa (Raelynn): (which is what the spell is to just calm)

BOB to either Rae or Licornah

BOB Yes it is a large boar, yes it has a saddle on it

Raelynn: Maybe it's someone's pet.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: It's a possiblity. I do not remember much from my former lives

BOB Bixi can make an Intelligence check

Lisa (Indigo): freaking circus boar

Talwin: Sigh

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

Raelynn: Do you know animal languages like N'laea does, Licornah?

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol Lisa)

Michael (Talwin): (She's probably right)

Whisper recipient not found.

Usage: /w GM [message] Usage: /w [recipient] [message]

-> Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes that is the right size for a gnome to ride, she has heard of that before

Licornah [W Comm]: :: ponders :: Yes, Raelynn, I have been trained since I was small to speak with animals

Raelynn: Well yes but it didn't understand you right now. Do you know another language to try?

Bixi Fizzlebang: You know, I think this might be a steed... I've heard of gnomes riding wild pigs before, although I didn't know anyone in my village to have done so...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe there are some gnomes nearby!

Raelynn: Oh! Try speaking Gnomish to it, Bixi!

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] Here, pig!

<font color="#000000">Here, pig!

Indigo: It's out of control if it's running around attacking people

Indigo: It gored Yotargim and heavily wounded him

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">(LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Raelynn: Maybe if you speak to it with your spells in gnomish, Bixi?

Raelynn: Otherwise maybe we should continue on our way... and maybe stop that bleeding.

Indigo: Maybe someone should heal him, yes

Indigo: shakes his head

Youtargim: Yes please

Raelynn: Oh yes, I was just waiting to see if we were doing anything with the boar.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ok, hold on, looking for my spell lol

Raelynn: But here...

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 7]

Lorie (Licornah): sorry meant that to target him

Raelynn: Oh. Um, nevermind.

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 1]

Heal [1] -> [to Youtargim] [STATUS: Moderate]

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 2]

Heal [2] -> [to Youtargim]

Youtargim: I can update that Lorie

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, Divine spells don't work in the mist yes? Are we still in the mist?

Carissa (Raelynn): (yes but talk to animals should or friendship)

Carissa (Raelynn): (maybe you can befriend it and get yourself a new ride...)

Talwin: We should kill it unless you plan on keeping it under spell. It might seriously hurt someone else. (Being clearly serious, sword or no)

Raelynn: I think it's someone's pet, Talwin.

Talwin: What if it was a child?

Talwin: Pet or no

Indigo: or at least don't complain about the food. That could have been good

Raelynn: Well I'm not sure why a child would be out on the open road.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): animal friendship is divine type

Talwin: It's one of two in this area. I would highly imagine that children would be on this route.

BOB Bixi can cast that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): so is gift of speech which would let the animal talk

Talwin: Befriend it, or calm. Whichever, but it is a serious situation

Carissa (Raelynn): (think it's more future and seeing divine that's mist affected)

Carissa (Raelynn): (which those are not)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, then I want to do gift of speech if I can

Raelynn: It is calm.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Gift of Speech [at Mammal, Boar, Wild]

Raelynn: Talwin, silly, I already did that. You were too busy talking to yourself to notice, weren't you?

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 3]

Save [3] [Target 16] -> [for Mammal, Boar, Wild] [vs Bixi Fizzlebang] [TARGET-FAILED]

Michael (Talwin): (Er. Sorry guys. I'm heading out. But it has been so lovely and lively the last couple of weeks. Very fun and had lots of laughs. See you all next week :) )

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Goodnight Michael!

Carissa (Raelynn): (night Michael!)

BOB have a great night

Lisa (Indigo): Goodnight Michael!

BOB and yes that works for Bixi

Talwin: Night all! Have fun with the boar

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Hello boar!

'Michael' disconnected

Indigo: gets back in the wagon

Carissa (Raelynn): (gnomish)

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Is your owner nearby?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nah, it says I can gift it with any language I know

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Going with common so everyone can talk to pig

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Gnomish]: [Translation] far enough

<font color="#000000">far enough

Raelynn: (lol fair, but yeah, that I figured, lol - reasons to read chat later)

Mammal, Boar, Wild: Far Enough

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Would you like to go home?

Mammal, Boar, Wild: (unconcerned grunt) {does home have a meaning for a pig?}

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): um, it should

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Are you hungry?

Bixi Fizzlebang: offers breakfast leftovers

Howard Plum: You're giving a boar our food?

Eats hungrily

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around at others

Indigo: You're giving a boar our food?

Lisa (Indigo): not howard

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: It won't be able to say anything complicated but we can talk to it now. I'm not sure what you all want to know

Indigo: I don't want to know anything

Bixi Fizzlebang: frowns at Indigo

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: It's hungry. I'm not going to just abandon it when I can help.

Indigo: sighs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Would you like me to take that saddle off?

Indigo: puts his chin in his hand and waits until they can leave

Mammal, Boar, Wild: Shrugs, scratches

Raelynn: Why's it wearing a saddle?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Rae can ask it directly, yes?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Or do I need to translate?

Carissa (Raelynn): (you have to translate I think)

BOB For ease of chat we have been going with the idea that Bixi is saying all this in Gnomish, then translating to Common also, the pig seems to only be understanding spoken to in Gnomish and you granted it the ability to speak in W Comm

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, ok

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why is that on you?

Shislif (Zayden): cool

BOB I think only Bixi is hearing, but will double check that later

Mammal, Boar, Wild: It is for running

Bixi Fizzlebang: Running from what?

Mammal, Boar, Wild: Running, to, away, far, slow, Running

Bixi Fizzlebang: (To the others) They say they are "far enough" from home and the saddle is for running

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Animal Friendship [at Mammal, Boar, Wild]

Mammal, Boar, Wild: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 16] -> [for Mammal, Boar, Wild] [vs Bixi Fizzlebang] [TARGET-FAILED]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Come with us, you can be my friend and we can run together

Bixi Fizzlebang: I will feed you

BOB There you go

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ha! Got myself a pony!

BOB Bixi has a steed

Carissa (Raelynn): (did Bixi get a new mount??)

Carissa (Raelynn): (lmao that's amazing)

Raelynn: 9

Carissa (Raelynn): pig not a pony but close enough

BOB and I think that is a good way of wrapping up for the night

Carissa (Raelynn): hope you pick a good name for it by next week

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, lol, sorry, in WoW, I started calling all the mounts ponies, even when they were like, dinosaurs and whatever. Language carryover.

BOB we do need to check on that language for how long it lasts, and who can hear it

Carissa: only for a few rounds and I believe only the speaker...

Carissa: what's the name of it?

Shislif (Zayden): yea gonna call it a night and grab some food, see yall next week :)

BOB have a great night everyone

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, it's fine if I can't talk to it forever. It's my pony now. I assume the elves will be able to talk to it or whatever

'Shislif' disconnected

Carissa: yes and no

Carissa: Rae needs spells to, Nlaea probably not

Licornah [W Comm]: (I get what you're saying Lemon... I do the same thing in WoW)

Carissa: (*probably doesn't need spells)

Lisa: taking it on the boat?

Carissa: I mean we did take wolves on the boat before. What's a boar in comparison?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Absolutely I am.

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): ooc

Carissa: anyways, night all!

BOB It was fun

Lisa: goodnight

'Carissa' disconnected

'Lisa' disconnected

Lorie: (Night)

Lemon: Pumbaa, obviously is the name.

Lemon: Unless it has one already

BOB chuckles

Lemon: Can I ask it if it has a name before my spell runs out?

BOB Knotty

Lemon: Yeah, that's good enough, I'll take it

Lemon: Paves the way for knotty and naughty puns

BOB smiles

Lemon: Goodnight!

'Lemon' disconnected