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Chat Log - 2022 07 01 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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You are moving along the road

Youtargim: (speaking up so Rae can hear) So Indigo, I heard that people say you are more handsome after a combat?

Indigo: Oh ... that's a ... something someone used to say and it became a little joke

Youtargim: Are you sure it was a joke?

Youtargim: Who was it that said it about you?

Raelynn: Nearly dying does NOT make you more handsome!

Indigo: That was Penelope. My girlfriend

Youtargim: Well then Indigo I think she meant it

Indigo: She said I looked dangerous and handsome

Youtargim: You do

Indigo: smiles ruefully

Youtargim: I can easily imagine many women thinking you are handsome

Indigo: Not so dangerous riding in the back of a wagon this afternoon

Youtargim: right Raelynn?

Raelynn: I already told him ... ugh! Just stop putting yourselves in unnecessary danger. There are much better ways to look better!

Youtargim: I am glad you think we look handsome

Youtargim: nudges Indigo with a smile

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yout, you claim to be good at languages but... you're kind of not

Youtargim: We will have to try harder next time

Bixi Fizzlebang: At least not this one

Youtargim: Bixi, there is being good at speaking, and good at understanding

Youtargim: Not everyone is good at both

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm glad you understand your shortcomings. That's a good quality in a person.

Indigo: yeah not getting blasted with beetle butt flame next time

Thistle: Are you saying he needs to work on his ...inner Youty?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean... it can't hurt to try

Youtargim: I am going to work at being handsome and appreciated by Raelyn

Bixi Fizzlebang: That will take a lot of work

Youtargim: Only good things are worth the effort

Bixi Fizzlebang: Would you like some advice?

Raelynn: He has better ideas now...

Youtargim: Of course

Raelynn: Yes, like asking advice!

Bixi Fizzlebang: The first thing you should do is stop making it worse.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Because that's your tactic now and it's not working

Youtargim: Making which things worse?

Youtargim: Looks down at his wounds

Youtargim: Hard to be worse than this I think

Bixi Fizzlebang: Your relationship with the elf ladies

Bixi Fizzlebang: Good flirting is WAY more subtle than whatever it is that you're doing

Youtargim: I did not think I was flirting

Youtargim: I thought I was appreciating

Youtargim: Flirting leads to courting

Youtargim: at least in my culture

Bixi Fizzlebang: Then you are appreciating badly because it comes across as aggressive flirting

Youtargim: I did not think Raelynn wanted to be courted

Indigo: I don't think Youtargim is nicer to Raelynn than he is to me. He appreciates me too

Youtargim: Miss Raelynn, are you interested in being courted?

Youtargim: Exactly!

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I thought he was flirting with you, too.

Indigo: laughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: You just seemed to like it more

Indigo: Think he is just trying to be nice

Youtargim: Bixi, are you looking to have more men flirt with you? I can do that if you like

Youtargim: I admit I am not sure what young gnome women like

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh absolutely not

Youtargim: Large noses? from the jokes I have heard?

Youtargim: Or is that only a .... metaphor?

Youtargim: A ... how do you say that in your language?

Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly distressed

Bixi Fizzlebang: You know what, just go back to flirting with Indigo

Indigo: Maybe if you appreciate Bixi she would like you more

Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank you

Youtargim: What is the word for that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I feel appreciated MORE than enough if this is how it's shown

Raelynn: I am very confused. What IS your intention then, Youtargim?

Youtargim: My intention is to be a valuable member of the group as Branwyn requested me to be

Youtargim: I am very glad to be with you Raelynn, you are very pleasant to be around and it makes life better

Youtargim: I enjoy everyone's company here

Youtargim: I thought I was joining your group for a short excursion then heading back home,

Youtargim: Now it has been several years, I have no idea if anyone back home knows I am actually alive

Youtargim: so I should enjoy the people I am with

Indigo: We're glad you're with us

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo

Youtargim: It is interesting to see a very different part of the world

Zayden: Hey yall! Finally up from my nap

Zayden: smiles

Indigo: You missed the vultures and fire cloud beetles!

Indigo: Maybe I should take a nap. Wait. I already did when they blasted me

it is now just past noon as you move northward along the road

Zayden: Fortunately laying about is my specialty

Thistle: No THEY get to lay around. We have to make sure nothing else gets us while they lay around.

Zayden: So what's with this Knotty business I hear about? sounds like fun...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Licornah, you've been so great helping me out with Knotty here... I hate to ask more of you after you've already done so much for me, but I'm wondering how he's doing. Is there a way you could teach me how to talk to him?

Zayden: Is Knotty the name of the boar?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It is!

Zayden: Cool name for a boar!

Bixi Fizzlebang: He was terribly mistreated by a man in a top hat and now he's coming along with us and I'm going to take care of him... despite objections about food concerns.

Licornah: :: ponders :: I can try, but I was taught by an elder in my temple over a few years... you have to learn to sense their emotions and thoughts.

Zayden: Never trust a man in a top hat, that was a common refrain in my childhood

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmmm. I wonder if we might be able to teach him things I can understand? Like to paw at the ground three times when he's hungry or something?

Youtargim: How many top hats did you see in your childhood?

Zayden: Well it's not really something I kept track off to be honest, I'm not sure the number of glasses or shoes I've seen as a child neither

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm inclined to agree with you Zayden. Feels like they're trying too hard

Licornah: :: looks at Knotty :: She's proposing non-verbal communication to make it easier on both of you, is that possible ?

Youtargim: Can I ask what is a top hat?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's a hat that goes on your top, silly

Zayden: But to be fair I'm sure there are perfectly fine people who wear top hats, who knows how these things get started

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I know how to count to five

Zayden: I think I was just trying to make Knotty feel better about his encounter

Zayden: he or she?

Bixi Fizzlebang: He

Zayden: Or They?

Licornah: :: turns to Bixi :: He can count to five if that helps?

Zayden: Nice

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I can swallow three balls at a time and spit them out one at a time

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, that does help!

Licornah: :: looks at Knotty :: is that a trick they made you do? Does that hurt?

Zayden: Did Knotty leave any friends or family behind?

Zayden: If he doesn't mind my asking?

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] It is a trick, they make me take all three and then I spit out 1 2 or 3 as they command

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh no, if he doesn't want to count, I don't want to make him. I just want to make sure he is well taken care of to the best of my ability

Zayden: I once knew a Knotts, I believe they ran a Berry Farm

Zayden snicker

Licornah: :: ponder :: I'm not sure Bixi will want that, but let me ask her

Licornah: Bixi, he says he can also take three balls in his mouth and spit them back out. They taught him this trick. I told Knotty you'd want to decide about doing that

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... that seems unnecessary

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] Oh, they would like to know if you have friends or family that you left behind to worry about?

Zayden: Impressive

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I have not had a sow in many many moons

Bixi Fizzlebang: I was just thinking something like, if he can lightly paw at me, and then stamp once to tell me he's tired, twice for hungry or thirsty, three times for too hot or too cold, and then four for some other kind of distress? That way I can make sure all his basic needs are covered

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: nods :: I see, this group genuinely seems to care about your well-being

Zayden: Sounds like a good system Bixi

Licornah [W Comm]: No family and I think he's an older Boar, he referenced “many, many moons”

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] That is good, I do not want to go back to the man in the top hat

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: takes Bixi's request about pawing and offers to Knotty ::

Zayden: That's cool Knotty, I know what it's like to outlive family

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: reconfirms that the group doesn't like top hatted folks ::

Bixi Fizzlebang: And if he doesn't mind taking a bath next time we find some clean water, he's welcome to sleep on a comfortable bed with me! They are usually way too large for me, should be plenty of room for Knotty, and then he will be sure to be as comfortable as possible!

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I will have to be careful, the little rag doll is easy to knock over

Indigo: laughs

Indigo: where do you think is going to let you bring a boar in to bed with you?

Indigo: He is huge and looks dangerous. Tavern people are going to freak out if you try to bring him inside

Bixi Fizzlebang: People will get used to him!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'll explain that he's well trained. I'll tip them well

Bixi Fizzlebang: Most tavern keepers seem open to bribes

Youtargim: Bixi, I think that whole Tip them Well is a euphemism

Indigo: Okay. I'll watch you

Thistle: But does HE want to be in the taverns?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know about where you come from, Yout, but here, I think most tavern keepers will welcome some extra coin

Youtargim: I know they will, everyone, well almost everyone, wants extra coin

Indigo: They also don't want everyone to run from the inn

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know... if he doesn't, he certainly doesn't have to in

Youtargim: and that is NOT a euphemism

Thistle: Shi always had to sleep outside the city with the wolves because the taverns didn't like the wolves and the wolves didn't like the taverns.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah well wolves

Indigo: You'll see

Youtargim: Wolves?

Thistle: I mean I don't think she did either so it kinda worked out...

Thistle: YEAH!

Youtargim: You travel with wolves? or you did?

Youtargim: How in the world did you feed them?

Youtargim: With what?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Anyway, if I need to sleep in the barn or whatever, that's fine too. I used to spend most of my time outdoors before joining up with you. I just want him to know he's important to me and I want him to be happy

Thistle: Well Shi already had them when I met her but she said they travels quite aways? They kinda feed themselves.

Youtargim: I am sorry Bixi, I think that this Shi might be happy to have Knotty travel with her for one or two nights, but then........

Thistle: Um, I dunno about that. She really loves her wolves but the wolves... um, they might not like Knotty. I mean, they might LIKE LIKE him but I don't think Bixi wants that.

Youtargim: Exactly Thistle

Youtargim: you get it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why would Shi need to travel with Knotty?

Thistle: But Shi isn't here and Knotty isn't going to live in the forest?

Youtargim: You said you were never going to give him up

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm never going to let him down

Bixi Fizzlebang: And no, he will not live in the woods. I've been thinking it's time to get my own house... maybe somewhere near the inn, if Gerry will let me have a little garden there. I want to start growing useful herbs, and there are some that I've heard about that don't grow in the mist

Bixi Fizzlebang: We found so much gold on those giants, I must be able to get a house now. And maybe build a little addition on for Knotty

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

the group is surprised when suddenly three arrows go THUNK THUNK THUNK into the wagon from the rear

Zayden: Uh oh

Zayden: Think those are friendly arrows?

Thistle: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 35) [SUCCESS by 28] [d100 = 7]

No loud sounds for Thistle to hear, but she does hear the arrows hit the wagon

and looking around you spot some archers and other figures about 300 yards away back down the road the way you came

Zayden: Think we can outrun them?

Zayden: Or maybe they just want to talk?

Thistle: With the horses? I dunno.

Thistle: I wonder if Indigo has his spyglass...

Zayden: I could try using my persuasion on them?

Zayden: Maybe they just want us to pay a toll or something

Indigo: What's going on?

Indigo: takes out his spyglass and looks down the road

Indigo: It's the circus!!

Indigo: The man in the top hat

Indigo: Archers, a bear, a lion and ... a snake???

Bixi Fizzlebang: Makes sense... circus animals

Indigo: There are snakes in a circus?

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: There could be anything in a circus, that's kind of the point


Zayden: Perhaps the circus is unaware of Knotty's sentience

Raelynn: OH! Do you think it's Voldomer's Fabulous Circus??

Raelynn: listens for drumming

Zayden: Should two of us walk towards them?

Zayden: see what they have to say

Indigo: looks again

Raelynn: It's better to meet them halfway if you plan on that. You don't want to get too far from the group.

Bixi Fizzlebang: (to Knotty) &gnomish% If anything happens, stay as close to the group as you can while it's safe. If it's not safe, it's ok with me if you need to run away, but please try to find me again. I just want you to be safe.

Indigo: There's a drummer

Indigo: Maybe it's the ghost drummer you saw the other night

Zayden: let's meet them halfway

Indigo: Bongo? Bingo?

Zayden: see what they have to say

Zayden: If there's no hope for Knotty, I'll give a signal so that he can get a head start and run

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do we have a white flag we can wave while we walk towards them or something?

Zayden: I'll scratch my left ear with my right hand

Indigo: We don't have a white flag

Bixi Fizzlebang: What else can we do to show we just want to talk?

Zayden: If it's a circus I don't think they'll murder us in the streets, if all they want is Knotty and not a murder charge, bad for business that is

Raelynn: Bongo and Fredrick! Oh I hope it's them although I worry about the arrows...

Zayden: We'll wave our arms, left our tops to show we're unarmed

Indigo: I'll stay in the wagon

Zayden: Keep an eye if I scratch my ear

Indigo: What does that mean?

Zayden: that's a signal for Knotty to run, worst case scenario

Raelynn: Well he'll have to be able to see it...

Zayden: Well one of you behind can keep an eye and tell Knotty, should the need arise

Indigo: Uh-huh

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] You should probably be ready to flee if things with this group behind us go the wrong way. They want you to be safe

Zayden: the one with the spyglass perhaps, so you can keep a close eye

Raelynn: You mean Indigo?

Indigo: Youtargim and I are too hurt to run at arrows. That's why we'll stay here in the wagon

Mammal, Boar, Wild [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] Grunts, they are up to no good if it is the man in the top hat

Zayden: No worries

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: nods at Knotty :: Understood. Just be ready Bixi is concerned

Raelynn: Hmm, well they did shoot at the wagon not us so maybe they just wanted us to slow down...

Indigo: Or did you mean you want to turn the wagon around and ride back at them?

Raelynn: Come on, let's walk out a bit and see if they want to catch up to us and talk to us.

Zayden: that could've just been to get our attention

Indigo: Got my attention

Indigo: grins

Zayden: Let's go, you and me Rae?

Howard Plum: Do you want the rest of us to follow Miss Raelynn?

Zayden: Somebody needs to stay behind to keep Knotty safe, and to tell him to run should the need arise

Raelynn: You can come if you want to, Howard! As long as someone stays with the wagon.

Thistle: Ugh, I can wait. Unless you need someone to impress the circus. Howard canNOT do that.

Licornah [W Comm]: :: turns to Bixi :: He's ready to go if you say so ... he's concerned if it's the man with the Top Hat that they are evil

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'll go with you, Rae. Please keep an eye on Knotty, friends

Howard Plum: Indigo and Youtargim are in the wagon

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] (to Knotty) stay safe!

Zayden: Let's go see who we're dealing with then...

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] (to Knotty) If you want to fight, or run, or stay here, it's up to you. I'm not interested in controlling you. Just know that all I want is to keep you safe and happy to the best of my ability

Zayden: If knotty was unhappy with the man in the top hat, it's possible the other animals are unhappy with him as well

Zayden whispers

Raelynn: Bongo! Fredrick! Is that you?

Licornah [W Comm]: I'll go forward...

Zayden: Yes talk to the animals if you can

in front of you is the Drummer, then behind him is a Bear, a Snake and a Lion,

then the Man in the Top Hat

Zayden: Nice drums drummer

Zayden: My brother was a drummer, we used to run duets, during simpler times

Drummer: What sort of drums did he play?

Man in Top Hat: Do not let them distract you

Zayden: I believe they were bongos

Licornah [W Comm]: Why are you shooting arrows at us?

Drummer: Those are things for a child

Zayden: Well we were children

Man in Top Hat: to Licornah, You have something of mine

Man in Top Hat: I would like it back

Zayden: Drummer, how long have you drummed for this man in the top hat?

Man in Top Hat: Thank you for stopping and making this easier for us all

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Licornah nervously

Drummer: I have been with the Circus for 7 years now

Licornah [W Comm]: :: ponders :: Interesting that you think that

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it fun? It seems like it might be a fun job!

Drummer: I like it

Drummer: I get to make the crowds excited

Licornah [W Comm]: Are you looking for dead people, those were back down the road...

Drummer: bring them all in

Zayden: That's good, that's what we as musicians live for

Man in Top Hat: You know what I am missing

Raelynn: Where's Fredrick?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is your circus nearby? Will you be doing a show soon? Many of my group would love to see it!

Man in Top Hat: You are trying to hide it right there, points

Zayden: Tell me drummer, could you leave the circus if you wanted?

Drummer: We are supposed to do a show tonight

Drummer: but we got delayed because of some hobgoblins, they messed up our camp

Licornah [W Comm]: :: tilts her head :: hide?

Man in Top Hat: STOP that to the drummer,

Raelynn: Ummmm but we didn't hear any hobgoblins?

Man in Top Hat: It is not important for the why, but it is important for the fact you owe me

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ugh, hobgoblins are terrible

Raelynn: Bongo, you were in the trees. When did the hobgoblins attack you?

Man in Top Hat: You will give me my pig and then be on your way

Raelynn: And where's Frederick?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Knotty?!?

Licornah [W Comm]: :: frowns in her burn the patriarchy face :: Pig? We don't have a pig.

Licornah [W Comm]: And, I'll go where I like

Man in Top Hat: {gestures to the archers behind him} I do have a way of persuading you

Howard Plum: wonders why people keep calling the boar a pig

Man in Top Hat: We do not need to make this messy

Raelynn: Hey now, you haven't answered our questions yet.

Licornah [W Comm]: Oh, violence, yes, the rational, way of negotiating ...

Man in Top Hat: Simply give me what is mine then go on your way

Raelynn: And we can talk this out, can't we?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Licornah [W Comm]: :: shrugs :: Sorry, he's not interested in your company ... :: pauses :: sir

Zayden: And what kind of circus that murders people is allowed to perform in civilized locales?

Bixi Fizzlebang: If you're talking about Knotty, we can definitely work something out.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 17]

Man in Top Hat: Oh? How do you mean work something out?

Raelynn : [Translation] FREDRICK! Where are you??

Man in Top Hat: reaches down to stroke the head of the very large snake next to him

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'd be willing to pay for his freedom if you'll leave us be

Man in Top Hat: Oh really?

Raelynn: tries to see if anyone reacts to the Elvish dreamily

Focusing in on Bixi now

Bixi Fizzlebang: whispers to Rae “What's a reasonable price for a well-trained circus boar?”

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: turns to the animals, you know, you don't have to stay if you're being mistreated ::

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: continues :: Knotty told us how he treats you.

Raelynn: whispers back, “Always start low.”

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] Thissss issss a nissse liiiiffffff

Raelynn: Well he's an old, old boar, isn't he? I'm sure he can't be worth much to you. Arthritis and all that.

Raelynn: I'm sure if you told me where FREDRICK was, he'd give more insight.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, let's get our facts straight then we can figure out a price after that

Man in Top Hat: What facts are you in doubt of?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, Rae wants to know where Frederick is

Man in Top Hat: I am not sure why that is relevant, I could tell you anything and you would have to believe me

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I would have until you said that and made yourself seem untrustworthy

Man in Top Hat: He flew away on wings of the softest down to revisit his mother

Raelynn: You killed him?!

Man in Top Hat: Or he is simply one of the archers there

Man in Top Hat: Or he is back at the camp while I am otherwise engaged

Man in Top Hat: Which story makes you feel more at ease?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I thought your camp was destroyed

Man in Top Hat: Who told you that?

Raelynn: Where did you say you camped again?

Bixi Fizzlebang: We don't want a story, we're just trying to talk to you, sir

Bixi Fizzlebang: The truth will be fine

Man in Top Hat: I do not want to talk with you I want my property back,

Man in Top Hat: you can hand it over and then leave on your way

Man in Top Hat: What problem do you have with that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why do you want this boar so badly? You already seem to have plenty of entertainers. What's one less?

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I wasssss promissssssed a good meal

Zayden: Listen, the boar doesn't want to be with you, I'm sure we can reach an arrangement where everyone walks away happy. Bloodshed is bad for business, forced labor is bad for business

Man in Top Hat: I value all of my entertainers

Man in Top Hat: What kind of arrangement would be good for me?

Man in Top Hat: Loosing a valuable act in my show?

Zayden: How about a spell? Knowledge is priceless

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: turns to the snake, sorry, what's your name? We have food and there are creatures on the road that you might prefer ::

Zayden: one that could be of use to a man in entertainment

Bixi Fizzlebang: How valuable of an act could a boar be? What can he even do that's entertaining?

Zayden: You started this day a regular human, you can end it as an extraordinary one

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I am Sssssnatthhhhh

Man in Top Hat: Laughs

Man in Top Hat: I am extraordinary, you have heard of our circus already

Bixi Fizzlebang: Only because of Bongo and Frederick

Zayden: Well that magic we can give you would surely out profit the boar

Man in Top Hat: If you are proposing to be part of an act

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: continues :: I'm Licornah, nice to meet you. I like spending time with animals

Man in Top Hat: You can audition, we are always looking for new interesting ideas

Man in Top Hat: but simple spells are not interesting, too predictable

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bongo is a good advertiser

Raelynn: He was a lot nicer when you weren't with him...

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] You sssssshould ssssstay withhhh ussssss, many creaturessssss to ssssspeak withhhhh

Zayden: any ideas on how the other animals feel?

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: nods :: I appreciate that, but I like my friends. You might come with us and see new lands and meet new friends

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] landssss are dry, need water, the sssswampssss are niccccccce

Howard Plum: You realize that if you kill us you will be killing Countess Branwyn of Dragon Fen's aides and friends?

Man in Top Hat: What could you possible offer in exchange for one of my most popular acts

Bixi Fizzlebang: Look, I doubt anyone is that impressed with a boar, especially in comparison with these animals you have with you now. I will give you 7 silver for Knotty


Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] ::bobs head :: Ahhh, our group lives in a swamp

Man in Top Hat: 7 Silver!!!!

Man in Top Hat: You hear that everyone! 7 Silver!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well how much is he worth to you?

Zayden: Give us the price then

Man in Top Hat: We make three times that in a show my little gnomish priest

Man in Top Hat: 50 gold

Zayden: whispers we have that?

Howard Plum: mutters

Howard Plum: Highway robbery

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: turns to the bear :: What about you, are you happy performing for others?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well that's just crazy. If you're making 20 silver a show, and you have four animal acts, and a bear and a mountain lion and a snake are way more impressive... there's no way he's making that much profit for you

Snake, Constrictor Normal [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] You are not in a ssssswamp now,

Zayden: I can use persuasion to lower the price perhaps?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Now if it was the bear, that might be convincing.

Howard Plum: No boar is worth that. We remodeled a tavern for less

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: sighs :: Sadly, we are not in the swamp ... we're headed to the water now

Black Bear [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I am happy to have my food and sleep, it is easy to roar and scare the little ones

Man in Top Hat: You are saying that you will not pay for a quality act

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: laughs :: I'm sure you are great at scaring - do you not miss the fresh fish?

Man in Top Hat: that can perform twice a week for years

Bixi Fizzlebang: NO ONE would pay that much for a boar

Man in Top Hat: That pig can earn me easily 5 or 6 gold a month

Bixi Fizzlebang: By doing WHAT?

Man in Top Hat: HAH, that is quite a pig

Man in Top Hat: You do not appreciate it at all

Bixi Fizzlebang: I feel like you're bluffing, just trying to raise the price, but my offer was very reasonable

Zayden: Well that pig has no desire to continue on with you

Black Bear [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] Fish are good, honey is better

Zayden: perhaps this is the act, you have people obtain your boar so you can shake them down?

Man in Top Hat: So you think you can give that pig a better life? then pay me for it's freedom

Man in Top Hat: 40 gold

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's what I'm trying to do, and you're making it extremely difficult with these outrageous numbers

Man in Top Hat: you are obviously trying to find a way to convince these acts to defect to you too, waves at Licornah, it will not work

Howard Plum: Who carries 40 gold with them anyway?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can go up to 2 gold, and honestly that's ridiculously generous for a boar that you're pretending is amazing

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 8]

Howard Plum: Do you have 40 gold on your person?

Man in Top Hat: 40 gold or you give me my pig back

Howard Plum: looks him up and down

Licornah:: ignores the top hat man ::

Bixi Fizzlebang: If you're looking for a PIG, on the other hand, we don't have one

Man in Top Hat: I do have archers

Man in Top Hat: I can use them to get the gold from you

Licornah [W Comm]: You're a bully... and you deal in fear and intimidation to get your way.

Man in Top Hat: You claim to have the backing of the Countess of Dragon Fen? I bet she will pay more than 40 gold for your group to be home safe

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hah, if we had that much gold do you think we'd be travelling in this rickety wagon and camping on the side of the road???

Howard Plum: looks at Licornah

Man in Top Hat: I deal with reality

Howard Plum: No she would just fireball your whole camp most likely

Man in Top Hat: It is a simple thing, give me back my pig

Howard Plum: Clearly you do not know the Countess

Man in Top Hat: That you stole from me

Licornah [W Comm]: :: looks at the man evenly :: Great, show us your paperwork that verifies ownership.

Man in Top Hat: I am certain that no matter who she is, she does believe in the law

Bixi Fizzlebang: So do I. And the reality is that your pig is worth maybe 2 silver, tops, and I have offered you well above that. And we did not steal anything, the BOAR made his own choice

Licornah [W Comm]: We have stolen nothing.

Zayden: We found a boar in the wilderness, that is hardly stealing

Zayden: we have rescued an entrapped being

Bixi Fizzlebang: You are looking for a PIG which we do not have, haven't seen

Man in Top Hat: You speak with the animals, you can tell me your self, does the pig admit that it belongs to me?

Zayden: He admits to escaping you

Man in Top Hat: I can travel with you

Man in Top Hat: AHHHh so you do admit that it is mine

Man in Top Hat: see

Raelynn: You know, there's an easy way to solve this. If he's really your pig, when you call him, he'll come to you, yes?

Zayden: A prison doesn't own the prisoner

Man in Top Hat: Oh really?

Man in Top Hat: lofts his wand in his hand and twirls it a bit

Man in Top Hat: You think I cannot make that pig come to me?

Raelynn: NO

Raelynn: When you CALL him.

Raelynn: N'laea can command any animal she wants to her. It does not mean they belong to her.

Man in Top Hat: savage grin, Or I could add an Elf to my list of acts

Man in Top Hat: I bet you can dance very pretty

Man in Top Hat: Warmer smile

Howard Plum: You do not threaten Miss Raelynn!

Raelynn: I do, thank you, but your circus doesn't seem to be one I'd want to join.

Man in Top Hat: Now we can get over this,

Zayden: Men in Top Hats, they're always like this

Man in Top Hat: My pig ...... please

Raelynn: Call him by his name.

Man in Top Hat: 40 Gold is a very reasonable price for you to pay

Man in Top Hat: You are the one's that said you had such high and valuable connections

Man in Top Hat: I have no doubt you can come up with the money

Howard Plum: starts walking forward

Man in Top Hat: If you do not have it with you I understand, you can give me back my pig and then pay me later for me to give it back to you

Zayden: Ok Man in Top Hat, how about a realistic offer for this old boar, we'll give you 25gp, everybody walks away happy and we go about our business

Raelynn: [CAST] Friends

Zayden: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 4]

Bixi Fizzlebang: nudges Zayden

Man in Top Hat: Look I am tired of this back and forth, so let us say ..... fine with the 25 gold and you agree to post flyers for me in the next towns saying that you endorse the circus

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not sure we can afford that (whispers)

Zayden: whispers let's give him the 25gp and be on our way, Knotty alive and well with us...

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] I hope you all stay safe. If you change your mind, come find me. I'll help you find another home away from people

Zayden: I contribute

Bixi Fizzlebang: whispers “I only have 9 gold”

Black Bear [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] Do you have honey?

Howard Plum: I can give you mine

Zayden: I unfortunately have nothing haha

Licornah [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] :: checks my pack and shakes her head :: I have some field rations right now...

Zayden: but I would give if I could

Black Bear [Speak with Animals]: [Translation] It is ok, I will get some at night

Raelynn: Bixi, you'd really want to... endorse his circus?

Howard Plum: How's he going to know if we endorse him or not?

Bixi Fizzlebang: quietly “No, not really. He seems to mistreat his animals.”

Raelynn: True. He never gave us his name and he sure doesn't need mine.

Zayden: So we put up a few flyers, if it means Knotty gets to live free, seems like a small price to pay

Raelynn: [CAST] Friends

Raelynn: [2d4 = 3]

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, the flyers, well... I wouldn't feel great about it but yeah. But the flyers AND an outrageous amount of gold? I don't want to reward his atrocious behavior.

Raelynn: Come now, friend. You want us to pay you 25 gp for an old boar like him? You'd be better off getting a new one. Say... 5 gp? And we can give word of mouth about your circus.

Zayden: Well I'm all for alternatives that don't involve us getting killed or beaten up

Zayden: what if he takes back the whole thing though?

Zayden: Why don't we ask Knotty what he thinks about this deal?

Zayden: I'm cool with the current offer, but if the majority want to negotiate further that's fine

Rae cast the spell and is using that to seal the deal, convince him that the 25 gold and the endorsement is good for both sides

Zayden: I think this is the deal we got with our persuasion stuff

Bixi Fizzlebang: hands Zayden her 9 gold

Zayden: okey doke, hand over the gold!

Howard Plum: hands Zayden 10 gold

Zayden contributes 6gp

Zayden: Ok so I got the cash

Zayden: Alright Man in Top Hat!

25 gold, he hands you a fist full of flyers to post

Bixi Fizzlebang: What is your name, Mr. Top Hat?

Zayden: We have your gold and our word to post your flyers, let's be on with it

Man in Top Hat: My name is Clever the Interesting

Bixi Fizzlebang: grumbles quietly “Oh gods, he's just as bad as that mage from the inn”

Clever the Interesting: I am happy to invite you to a free showing if you are staying in Penissa

Clever the Interesting: We will be there tomorrow evening

Howard Plum: Really?

Howard Plum: sighs

Bixi Fizzlebang: We'll stop by if we have time

Zayden: Are there tickets or do we just stop by the box office?

Clever the Interesting: I will be certain to see you and let you in

Zayden: I mean according to these other animals right here it seems alright

Zayden: the bear and the snake and such

Bixi Fizzlebang: You understood them?

Zayden: Although those animals may have already been inclined towards a negative environment

Howard Plum: Let's just go. We can talk at the wagon

Zayden: No but when what's her face talked to them they didn't want to turn on the man in the hat

Bixi Fizzlebang: Agreed, Howard.

Zayden: sounds good to me

Howard Plum: starts heading back to the wagon so they can leave

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, maybe they were just too stupid to understand what she was trying to get them to do

Zayden: Also heads back to the wagon

Bixi Fizzlebang: also heads back

Howard Plum: What did they say Licornah?

Zayden: Well we can't assume one animal is smart and the rest stupid...

Zayden: either we take them at their words or we don't

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wasn't assuming anything

Zayden: Oh yea didn't mean to imply anything

Bixi Fizzlebang: If you ask someone “Do you want to get away from this guy?” and they answer “I like scaring children” I'm going to assume that person is stupid. Same goes for animals.

Licornah [W Comm]: The bear only said he liked scaring children and sleeping ... he didn't comment on treatment

Bixi Fizzlebang: Nothing against them

Zayden: Well perhaps sadistic

Zayden: Could be the circus attracts a sadistic group type of folk

Bixi Fizzlebang: It was just a thought that maybe those animals don't have brains that can comprehend insurrection

Zayden: Not in the case of Knotty though

Zayden: which is prolly why he escaped

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know... I mean I love Knotty, but he's not the brightest star in the sky

Zayden: But anyway, Knotty is free to travel with us, and we are alive, that's pretty cool in my book, where I write down cool things

you are all back in the wagon

Bixi is mounted on her boar

as you are moving through your afternoon

Greeter: Waves a yellow flag

Zayden: somebody waving a yellow flag?

Indigo: What's a yellow flag for?

Zayden: Somebody need to pee?

Indigo: Hope it's not another circus

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh jeez, no more bathroom breaks please. That almost killed us in the fortress.

Greeter: Toll Booth

Greeter: waves the yellow flag

to be clear that is someone (human) yelling into a megaphone, several hundred yards away, you noticed the waving flag before hearing the faint voice

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Indigo: sends the wagon forward to the yelling guy wearing a turtle

Zayden: Hey Toll Booth, how's your day going?

Indigo: looks for his insignia

Indigo: Where are your colors saying who you serve?

Greeter: If you want to pass you have to pay the toll

Greeter: We keep this part of the road safe

Indigo: Yes but a toll to who?

Greeter: To us

Greeter: Gestures back to the group by the barricades

Indigo: looks at group by barricades

Zayden: Is this a shake down?

Indigo: You can't collect a toll on estate lands unless you work for an estate or the Queen. And you have no colors

Howard Plum: So who do you collect tolls for?

Greeter: We collect tolls from everyone who wants to go along the road

Howard Plum: For?

Greeter: To make money

Zayden: We're with the circus!

Howard Plum: so you are highway bandits are you?

Greeter: That is fun

Greeter: You still have to pay the toll

Howard Plum: What is the toll?

Zayden: damn that didn't work

Greeter: We are not bandits

Greeter: We are not stealing from anyone

Greeter: we are just charging a toll to pass here on the road

Howard Plum: If you do not work for the Mosskins or the Queen and are charging for passage on an open road you are bandits

Greeter: No you can go around if you do not want to pay the toll

Howard Plum: What is the toll?

Zayden: Oh should we just go around guys?

Greeter: There is a path through the trees over there, and across a couple of gullies

Howard Plum: And how many men are in the trees waiting in ambush?

Greeter: Be careful of the hobgoblins over in that area

Howard Plum: Don't think that you are better than you are

Greeter: We do not

Howard Plum: Good. thugs you are. I am glad we agree

Greeter: We just collect a toll so that it is easier for everyone to travel here

Howard Plum: I repeat. What is the toll?

Greeter: 1 silver per two feet

Howard Plum: I have 2 feet

Howard Plum: 2 silver then

Greeter: So you pay 1 silver

Howard Plum: the boar pays double

Greeter: You can do math that is very good,

Greeter: Your horses pay 2 silver each too

Greeter: We try to be very reasonable

Zayden: how many silver to a gold coin?

Howard Plum: 10

Zayden: oh ok, well yea that works for me

Greeter: Pauses then nods with Howard, not sure if that was a trick question

Howard Plum: Let us pay him and be done with him

Greeter: Thank you

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can you guarantee our safety on the road if we pay you?

Zayden: yea seems very reasonable! Plus capitalism you know...

Howard Plum: hands over 2 gold pieces from Indigo

Howard Plum: This should cover us

Greeter: Thank you

Greeter: I can give you back your change, just a moment

Howard Plum: now wave a green flag or whatever will call off your henchmen

Greeter: Hands back 2 silver to Howard

Bixi Fizzlebang: This is a very expensive trip.

Greeter: You said you were with the Circus?

Howard Plum: takes the coins

Zayden: Want a flyer?

Greeter: What kind of animals do you have?

Greeter: Yes that would be nice

Zayden: here ya go buddy

Zayden hands over a flyer

Greeter: OOOOO a snake

Zayden: Don't forget to charge em, that's a lot of feet

Greeter: Hmmm I wonder what the tax is on that

Howard Plum: Snakes have 4 hidden feet I read somewhere

Greeter: Do you think she does things with the snake?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, they should be coming along soon. They definitely have the money to pay

Greeter: I guess it will be interesting

Howard Plum: We shall be on our way then

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bunch of archers too. I'm sure they'll be happy to have safe passage

Greeter: Who are you by the way?

Greeter: Ahh thank you for that,

Howard Plum: looks at Zayden

Greeter: Will see if they try to threaten us

Zayden: Yea let's go, good chatting with you Greeter

Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank YOU. I appreciate the service you're providing. We had a run in with hobgoblins before, it was pretty unpleasant

Zayden: Also, there's a Man in a Top Hat who could do with a stern talking to

Greeter: It is a lot safer here on the road

Greeter: a top hat sounds like a circus alright

Zayden: That it does har har

Zayden: Wanna get going Howard?

You can see the small house to the side of the road there

Howard Plum: Yes please

Zayden: hey check out that small house to the side of the road guys

Greeter: Walks over to the house to deposit the funds

You pass by someone standing casually there at the front of the barricades dressed in a noble's finery

Zayden: Here we go!

Zayden: check out the garb on this guy...

Zayden whispers

Leader: Hey!

Leader: Are you Talwin?

Howard Plum: Sir Talwin

Talwin: Wary

Leader: Really?

Howard Plum: looks over at Talwin

Leader: Sir?

Talwin: Aye. How may I help you?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I am ready for wherever this takes us, friend.

Leader: Who got you so up in the world?

Talwin: Snorts

Talwin: Fate

Leader: You threatened us the last time you were here

Talwin: and Lady Branwny

Talwin: Don't take it personally

Talwin: I threaten a lot of people

Leader: Chuckles

Talwin: May I ask which one you are precisely?

Zayden: It's true I once saw him threaten a baby

Talwin: Bows

Leader: I am Lord Olgith

Lord Olgith: Countess Branwyn the Mysterious made you a knight?

Talwin: Nods Gravely

Talwin: After a few near death experiences

Talwin: Yes

Lord Olgith: What did you do to deserve that?

Zayden engrossed, munches popcorn

Talwin: Well

Talwin: There was a Necromancer

Lord Olgith: Dying is easy son, living is harder

Talwin: Bursts out laughing

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: AGREE TO DISAGREE

Zayden: whispers, that his mom?

Talwin: Aye. It still beats the free cities though

Lord Olgith: Eh, the road makes us decent money

Lord Olgith: We can afford what we need

Bixi Fizzlebang: whispers back to Zayden, “I have absolutely no idea what's going on here”

Lord Olgith: If you ever need a new group

Howard Plum: Ahem

Howard Plum: The Mosskins allow this?

Zayden: whispers to Bixi, seems juicy though

Lord Olgith: The Mosskins are that a way, points north

Lord Olgith: We stay clear of their lands

Talwin: Casually glances back. Sighs

Talwin: I suppose we just paid your toll did we?

Howard Plum: Yes but anyone coming to their lands would have to go through you

Lord Olgith: And we always keep our bargains

Howard Plum: shakes his head

Talwin: Cocks head

Lord Olgith: No one has to take the road, it is just easier

Talwin: Okay. I gotta hear this

Zayden scratches head

Talwin: I must admire that no one has sent any forces out to stop this. How did you do it?

Lord Olgith: We are honest

Talwin: Snorts

Lord Olgith: You can pay us and travel the road,

Zayden: I've got to say the Greeter was quite cordial

Lord Olgith: you can not pay us and go around, it takes a couple of extra hours and maybe a broken wagon axel if you are not careful

Talwin: Are you honest in the way that you and I have a loose definition of honesty dependent on circumstances? Or in the saintly vows version of honesty

Bixi Fizzlebang: Talwin, how does this guy know your name?

Talwin: Shrugs

Zayden: Do you guys wanna get a room?

Lord Olgith: Talwin here, Sir Talwin, with a cocky bow, he was through here twice before and threatened us

Bixi Fizzlebang: snorts

Talwin: And yet, I still cannot remember. I must be going senile in my old age

Bixi Fizzlebang: So are we free to go or do you have some unfinished business or something?

Lord Olgith: Oh you are free to go, I am just glad to see my old friend here

Zayden: Yea do you guys need to finish each other off?

Talwin: Grins

Lord Olgith: Pleasure doing business with you again

Talwin: Which company are you from

Talwin: If you don't mind my asking

Talwin: Ahem

Lord Olgith: Nah we do not hold to any of those oaths

Bixi Fizzlebang: yawns

Talwin: Snort

Talwin: Figures

Zayden: sniffs

Lord Olgith: the Mercenary Guilds take too much of a cut

Talwin: Glares at him

Talwin: We still have SOME scruples

Lord Olgith: We do too!

Talwin: They haven't sent their ahem cease and desist warnings to your group?

Talwin: I'm impressed

Lord Olgith: and your Countess Mysterious was a mercenary, rumor has it

Talwin: Yes, but she didn't answer to the Guild of the Cities.

Talwin: You pay the tithe, or they send a message. You know that

Talwin: Is that why you decided to move along?

Talwin: Everyone knows they Price Gouge the shit out of the Free Nobles. That's the game

Lord Olgith: We have been here on the road for at least a decade

Lord Olgith: Glad to have you join in if you ever need

Talwin: Wait...THIS ROAD?

Lord Olgith: But you serve your Countess Sir Talwin

Lord Olgith: Certainly,

Lord Olgith: We met here twice before

Lord Olgith: Where is the Countess?

Lord Olgith: I heard she disappeared

Talwin: I'm afraid that information is not even entrusted to me Lord Olgith. She's mysterious for a reason after all

Talwin: Grins

Talwin: Although

Talwin: I do have a question for you if you are interested. When you travelled down here

Talwin: Did any of the sword masters escape the cities as well?

Talwin: Or have they been whittled down to nothing by now

Lord Olgith: I imagine so

Lord Olgith: It has been more than a decade so I do not know for certain

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: For me too

Lord Olgith: Why do you ask?

Talwin: Well. I enjoy my life Lord Olgith. But the call for battle still rings. I'm sure it does for you to eh? But, I miss the competition and the sparring.

Talwin: Magic and Bows, we have that in abundance

Lord Olgith: Toll collecting is easier on the back

Talwin: Chuckles ruefully

Talwin: I'll bet

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Toll collecting is for cowards.

Talwin: Sigh

Lord Olgith: If you are heading into Penissa, make some haste,

Talwin: Cocks head

Talwin: Heard anything?

Lord Olgith: Last I was there last month the Upside Down Bucket was serving nice food at a good price

Bixi Fizzlebang: pats Knotty and feeds him a little snack

Talwin: Chuckles. Bends down, and in a clear maneuver of a Mercenary, dislodges two more gold pieces. A maneuver of solidarity between two professionals who routinely size up the other party.

Lord Olgith: Good seeing you again Sir Talwin

Talwin: Flips them to Lord Olgith

Talwin: If you hear anything about a good swords master, I'd be appreciative

Howard Plum: eyes widen

Lord Olgith: Catches them and tosses them back to Talwin

Howard Plum: shakes his head

Lord Olgith: I'll not take your gold, you will need it for drinking

Lord Olgith: laughs

Talwin: Catches them and rotates them between fingers

Lord Olgith: Looking forward to you threatening again on the way home

Howard Plum: Just give him a circus flyer

Talwin: Grins. Repeats an old saying from the Free Cities Companies. “Not friends, not enemies. All in the work....It' just business”

Talwin: Pulls out a flyer

Talwin: Hands it to him.

Talwin: Maybe up your price for the ringmaster

Talwin: He can afford it

Lord Olgith: Takes it and bows your way through

you make your way through the barricades as Talwin is talking

Talwin: Good naturedly flips Olgigh the bird (clearly in camaraderie) and keeps walking

you see several archers

They nod as you pass by

Talwin: Nods back

Talwin: Good naturedly chuckles

Talwin: We'll kill him

Talwin: Maybe

Talwin: It's been so long since I've seen someone from the Cities

Talwin: Sigh. I never regret my life’s choices, but I do miss the battles

Talwin: Passes the two gold to Howard. “This one was on me.”

Howard Plum: We just had a battle this morning!

Talwin: It was worth it

Howard Plum: You almost died!

Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls eyes

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: You’re right...

Talwin: But its...

Talwin: Different

Howard Plum: I suppose fighting archers is different than beetles

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: They are going to think this is my fault!

Talwin: I wonder if companies are leaving because they've finally bankrupted the cities? If so, there's going to be a lot more dangerous people coming down into the kingdoms looking for

Talwin: Looks at Sword. It is most definitely not your fault. Stop that.

Howard Plum: Of course it is not my fault!

Talwin: Not you Howard

Howard Plum: And frankly I have no idea

Talwin: Sorry. Said that a bit louder to my sword then I intended

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: They think I'm evil.

Talwin: Your not totally all consuming evil. Just blood thirsty, and hey, I can definitely work with that

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I did not suggest making friends with the extortionists or wanting to kill them on the way back!

Howard Plum: All right. I suppose I will leave you to it then

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Although I wouldn't pass that opportunity by if it was offered.

Talwin: Sorry Howard

Talwin: Having a couples argument here

Talwin: Grin

Talwin: Anyways

Howard Plum: It's all right. I'm sure your sword is much more entertaining than humans

Talwin: The Cities are beautiful, but long after the ruling monarch died, the kingdom fractured

Talwin: Each city specialized in a different sort of wealth beyond measure

Talwin: Magic Artifacts

Talwin: Silks, Gems, Foods

Talwin: But as you know, everyone wanted to consolidate the wealth

Talwin: Each city, a bolstered gem in the kingdom was already a fortress

Talwin: The true cost was in the lives of the militias, standing armies, and navies

Bixi Fizzlebang: yawns again

Talwin: After they all died, and the old men were gone, and the young men were dying off

Talwin: Instead of using the wealth for the good of the people in the past, they hired mercenary legions. Men beyond count. More then I have ever seen in one place

Talwin: Not a single one of the cities has been able to gain a significant foothold

Talwin: It's my personal opinion, that while the nobles believe there is true fighting ongoing

Bixi Fizzlebang: So you're a... really into history huh

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Talwin: That the mercenary companies put on a few small battles, maybe even a big one once every generation, but in the end, a mercenary guild rakes in the money

Talwin: Fall silent. Contemplating the past

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmmm, look at that grass. Looks cold.

Talwin: A look of profound sadness on his face

Howard Plum: What you are talking about is very very far from the lands you are living in now.

Talwin: Shrugs

Youtargim: Talwin that sounds like a sad tale

Howard Plum: I'm sorry that you are missing your home

Talwin: What I'm talking about just charged us a toll

Talwin: So you better start believing that it's affecting you too

Youtargim: He said he has been here a long time, when did you leave where ever and come here?

Talwin: I don't miss it all that much. Just bits every now and then

Talwin: I like the life I've built here

Bixi Fizzlebang: Pretty tall for grass. I bet it will be really nice when it gets warm again.

Talwin: I think it must be twenty years since I left, and one of that was searching for Bran

Talwin: Anyway, I'm gonna take some quiet time

Talwin: Grins

Howard Plum: nods

Talwin: Need to think about how they have not been stopped by the lord and ladies of the land

Youtargim: Bixi, did you find any truffles for your Boar?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No, we've kept on the road so far. Not trying to attract any of those hobgoblins

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't imagine they grow too well in the middle of the road

Bixi Fizzlebang: That is, however, the most considerate thing you've said so far. Thanks for that.

Youtargim: Glad to help Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, it didn't help. It's just nice conversation.