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Chat Log - 2022 07 15 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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After the circus, the group is staying the rest of the night in the inn, then in the morning heading back north

Raelynn heals Youtargim and Indigo fully before they go to sleep.

Indigo: Thanks Raelynn!

Raelynn: You look more handsome healed! Well put together and elegant!

Indigo: laughs

Raelynn: And your cuticles just shine!

Indigo: Cuticles?

Indigo: looks down at himself

Raelynn: holds her hand out to show off her nails

Raelynn: See? They don't look like scaly claws or anything because of good cuticle care!

Indigo: Ohhh I thought you meant something else

Indigo: Did mine look like scaly claws?

Indigo: looks at his hands

Raelynn: Well... they didn't look great.

Indigo: Thank you then.

Indigo: smiles

Raelynn: You're very welcome!

Youtargim: Rae's fingers are very delicate and pretty

Youtargim: Hard to believe she does all that other stuff with them

Raelynn: I've learned how to not break a nail.

Raelynn: I don't want to ruin them.

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's only slightly creepy

Raelynn: You two are welcome to join Bixi and me whenever we have a makeover party.

Youtargim: What do your fingers look like Bixi?

Youtargim: you are always digging around in the ground

Bixi Fizzlebang: hides fingers behind her back

Bixi Fizzlebang: None of your concern

Youtargim: Maybe Rae has a spell for that too

Raelynn: Oh no, I don't do any of the elemental magic.

Youtargim: I meant for her fingers

Raelynn: Bixi does, I think. Oh! Do you have wind spells, Bixi? It might help us sail.

Raelynn: It's okay, Bixi. I know what color we can paint them at the party.

Youtargim: OH really!!! Bixi that would be amazing

Youtargim: I mean the wind not the colors

Youtargim: What sort of wind can you do Licornah?

Youtargim: Indigo, how many sails are you looking for?

Thistle: I know some good wind spells.

Youtargim: really?

Indigo: Knarrs only have one usually

Indigo: You don't know spells Thistle!

Thistle: Yeah! So night before you wanna sail, you get a BIG bowl of beans. I mean big, you eat it all up.... Next morning, you can make all the wind you want.

Thistle: grins

Youtargim: I think she meant she can pass wind really well

Licornah: I don't really have wind spells... I have wyvern watch

Youtargim: See

Youtargim: Umm what is a wyvern watch Licornah?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think I know anything useful. My spells are the more tricksy kind, not the more useful kind

Thistle: Shoulda guessed a sailor would know that trick.

Licornah: It's a flying creature that keeps watch

Youtargim: Can you summon something with wings like the Manticore Bixi?

Youtargim: Could they pull the ship?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No, they are just an illusion, not real

Licornah: No, they just watch

Youtargim: That is disappointing

Bixi Fizzlebang: I might be able to help with lighting on dark nights, or maybe with some minor weather issues, but yeah, that's probably it

Zayden: Oh I'm pooped eh?

Youtargim: How minor of weather Bixi?

Youtargim: Can you push wind to something?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can make sort of a bubble to protect a person from the weather and make them comfortable for a short time. So... very minor.

Youtargim: That can be useful,

Zayden Goes to bed

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can sometimes use animals to see through their eyes, might be able to use some fish for scouting or something

Bixi Fizzlebang: But... minor usefulness all around

Lorie (Licornah): :: finishes her conversation with the animals and heads for the wagon to sleep ::

Everyone goes to sleep and then is back on the road in the morning.

Licornah: :: rises, prays / chants and prepares for the day ::

the morning passes uneventfully

as the group is trying to make good time they pressed forward, and towards evening are traveling through the farmlands of the Mosskin Estates

and everyone comes up upon a farmer waving on the side of the road

Indigo: waves at farmer

Thistle: waves

Farmer, Human: Hello

Zayden: Making great time eh lads?!

Talwin: Good Afternoon

Zayden waves

Zayden: Hello fellow human

Talwin: Looks at Zayden oddly

Talwin: Yes...human

Zayden shrugs

Talwin: Anyhow, Afternoon Sir.

Farmer, Human: I wanted to warn you away

Raelynn: From what?

Farmer, Human: We have had a terrible time here

Farmer, Human: This is Elsiver's farm

Indigo: You have a lot of pumpkins it looks like

Raelynn: Elsiver?

Farmer, Human: They all disappeared

Raelynn: When?

Farmer, Human: and the priest who went to investigate disappeared too

Farmer, Human: two nights ago

Talwin: Two? And nothing?

Farmer, Human: We asked the our village priest Polina to investigate and she never came back

Bixi Fizzlebang: Terrible time in what way?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we can help!

Talwin: Any signs of struggle? Or just like they up and vanished?

Raelynn: When did she leave?

Farmer, Human: Two nights ago Polina disappeared

Raelynn: Has anything happened last night?

Farmer, Human: three nights was when the Elsiver family disappeared

Farmer, Human: I do not know, I have not gone in to see what happened

Farmer, Human: It would be very good if you could help, we need our priest

Farmer, Human: and the Elsiver family was nice

Farmer, Human: Jorge went to see if he could find a priest that would come help

Raelynn: Where's Jorge now?

Farmer, Human: but we are a small hamlet, we only have Polina here every other week

Farmer, Human: He is off trying to find someone to come save Polina at least

Farmer, Human: maybe they will care about a priestess if the do not care about us farmers

Raelynn: Hmm....

Zayden: So what are you asking again Farmer Human?

Talwin: Frowns

Raelynn: Well we do need to make camp soon....

Bixi Fizzlebang: What is your name?

Talwin: I would hope that all the farmers would be well considered

Talwin: not just the priests

Farmer, Human: I wanted to warn you from the danger

Raelynn: You did and do thank you for that.

Zayden: Thank you Farmer Human

Farmer, Weldin: My name is Weldin

Talwin: Nods gravely

Zayden: Nice to meet you Weldin, I'm Zayden but you can call me Zay for short, saves time

Farmer, Weldin: Nods

Raelynn: Raelynn.

Talwin: Talwin

Raelynn: So you're hoping we might find out what happened? They disappeared from here, yes?

Farmer, Weldin: IF you could find out that would be amazing, I was just making sure no one else suffered the same fate

Talwin: Turns to Raelynn. We already offered...but we should probably check out the farmhouse first. I want to see if there was any sign of struggle

Raelynn: That's a good idea. You're pretty observant.

Raelynn: Anything else you think we need to know, Weldin?

Zayden: Sounds good to me as well

Raelynn: Oh! Like what kind of priest Polina is?

Indigo: If they disappeared going into the house we'll disappear too

Bixi Fizzlebang: You haven't seen any yellow mold around, have you?

Zayden: Should we send in the boar first?

Talwin: Snorts but cuts off

Zayden: If he doesn't mind of course

Farmer, Weldin: I have not walked on their farmstead

Bixi Fizzlebang: Aaaabsolutely not. I was thinking maybe Weldin would keep an eye on him for us

Indigo: But the priest did and that's why she disappeared?

Farmer, Weldin: the house and barn are here, but they have several fields beyond the homestead here

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, well if we're heading up that way, Knotty will just stay with me

Farmer, Weldin: Yes Polina went into the barn, I saw that before I left to my own home

Farmer, Weldin: When she never came back we started standing watch

Raelynn: So you don't know if she ever left the barn?

Indigo: That's helpful

Zayden: Fine

Farmer, Weldin: tonight Glop is taking over

Zayden: smirks

Indigo: Maybe it's like the werehouses

Howard Plum: You are correct, Indigo. That is quite a lot of pumpkins

Thistle: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 35) [SUCCESS by 19] [d100 = 16]

Thistle: listening for anything odd

Howard Plum: And Bixi would like all the plants here I think

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Licornah: :: looks to see if there is anything unusual about the grounds she can view or movement ::

From outside of the area Bixi does not notice anything unusual

Talwin: All clear so far! I'm going to go up some more

Howard can see the path up to the scarecrow there

Howard Plum: The scarecrow looks safe

Bixi Fizzlebang: oooh, a garden!

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Talwin: Knock Knock! Wellness Check

Talwin: This is Knight Talwin, and for now I am the law

So now Talwin moved inside of the barn

Talwin: I do not have a warrant, I simply want to ensure you are safe. Please come out if you are here

Licornah is in the family cemetery area and sees those are real gravestones, the Elsiver family name on all of them

Licornah: :: takes note of the stones and says a word for them and she moves through ::

Rust Monster 1 hits Talwin in the forearm with its antennae.

So with Talwin in the barn an antenna WHIPS out of the darkness and suddenly his ring mail rusts and falls off of him

Talwin: Yelling Commences about a rust monster in the barn.

Talwin: Rust beast!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: RUNNNNNNNNN

Talwin: Don't let it touch your metal!

Talwin retreats out of the barn.

Talwin: Again, rust monster. I'm saving my sword!

Talwin: Sheathes Reven

Zayden: How do you treat rust normally?

Talwin: Unsheathes Two-handed

Talwin: Acid

Youtargim: Bixi, is that a magical scarecrow?

Talwin: Or blunt force trauma

Talwin: Or bury it under rocks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, I don't know, what do magical scarecrows look like?

Zayden: what we doing here gang?

Talwin: Killing it with fire, ice, acid, I don't care, but I just lost my favorite Scale Mail gods dammit!

Talwin: Stupid rust monster

Talwin: As soon as my sword is safe, I'm heading back to beat the ever-living crap out of it!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): heads towards Talwin in hopes to be ready when I know what to do

Indigo: Howard go kill the metal monster with the magic users!

Rust Monster 1 hits Talwin in the face with its antennae.

The rust monster tried to destroy Reven, Talwin’s giant sword, but failed and so the sword survives.

Zayden: Talwin may be in some trouble no?

Indigo: Yeah running away should be more away maybe

Zayden: Run Talwin Run!

Zayden: Talwin!

Raelynn: asks Youtargim, “Why do you need to know if it's magical? Do you think it may help?”

Youtargim: I was worried this scarecrow could be attacking the farmers

Talwin: Still retreating

Talwin: Throws Reven as far as he can

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: OUCH! DON'T ABANDON ME LIKE THIS!

Talwin: You'll thank me later

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS

Talwin: Grumbles

Talwin: Asshole ate my Scale Mail!

So Reven lands over in the family cemetery

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] Knotty, we're in danger! Do you think you can do something about this monster?

Knotty tries to gore Rust Monster 1 but misses.

Howard Plum: wishing he could see this monster from where he is, he instead drops his weapons and moves into the monster's line of sight

Licornah waits behind the outhouse.

Zayden: moves closer to the barn past the well with the others

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe you can try to play a song. Maybe a certain frequency of sound will destroy it

Zayden: Sure what kind of song would you like Bixi?

Zayden: I take requests

Bixi Fizzlebang: No idea my friend, I'm just taking guesses here, I've never seen something that destroys metal with a touch

Zayden: Well I'll play a song, worst case scenario we get to play a nice song

Zayden smiles

Zayden: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]

Youtargim: goes behind the barn and looks in the corral for rope or anything non-metal

Bixi Fizzlebang uses her sling to attack Rust Monster 1 but misses.

Indigo: moves his metal covered self out of the way so others can move forward

Rust Monster 1 tries to hit Knotty with its Antennae but misses.

Knotty gores Rust Monster 1 in the back of the head, moderately wounding it.

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Rust Monster 1, killing it.

Howard Plum: Ohhh I think we killed it!

Thistle: runs over to see

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wow, Howard!

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] Good work, Knotty!

Licornah: :: points at the sword :: Talwin, it's over there...

Raelynn: pulls on her cloak and looks around cautiously

Zayden: where even is the monster?

Zayden moves up for a clearer view

The boar is blocking the way in right now

Zayden I'll let Knotty get at it, Zayden abides

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just gonna go up to my boar and give him a snack

Rust Monster 3 tries to hit Knotty with its Antennae but misses.

Indigo: waits around

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Rust Monster 3, killing it.

Thistle: Wow, Howard. I didn't know you had it in you!

Thistle: How many more you think are inside...?

Thistle: Should we burn the whole barn down? Not sure this farmer is comin' back

Zayden: Nice job team

Youtargim: There is nothing in the corral, like all of the gear is gone but the bales of hay are there

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] Do you want some hay, Knotty?

He noses in the direction of the barn for the hay in there

Indigo: waits to hear all is clear

Howard Plum: walks all the way into the barn looking for more monsters

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Howard Plum: All clear in here!

In the bar Zay and Howard have not found any bodies in the barn

Thistle: waiting for someone with less metal to open the door

Talwin: I'm going to retrieve my sword

Thistle: waiting for someone with less metal and more mettle to open the door.

Thistle: Hey you wanna open that door first?

Talwin: Sorry buddy. I couldn't take the risk

Talwin: Better stay in your sheathe for now

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I TOLD you to RUN

Talwin: Whispers: “Not in the mood”

Thistle: Ya know you mutter to yourself a lot, right, Talwin?

Talwin: Grumbles

Thistle: I think your head got a little ....ya know in Elflands.

Thistle: makes the crazy sign

Michael (Talwin): Kicks open farmhouse door and back away quickly

Thistle: But uh, you probably want to drop the sword again. I bet another monster is in there.

Michael (Talwin): It's sheathed and wrapped in a cloak

Michael (Talwin): I have my emergency two-handed for now

Talwin: Examines house

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Talwin: Backs away quickly “Rust Monster!”

Talwin is there in the doorway, he kicks it in and spots the rust monster

Talwin takes a step back so others can go past him if they want

Bixi Fizzlebang uses her sling to attack Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) but misses.

Indigo: tired of waiting he goes over to check the well and tosses the bucket into it

Michael (Talwin): Drops sword and ring. Going to try and sacrifice broadsword to keep this moving

Talwin attacks Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his Broadsword, hitting it in its side and moderately wounding it.

and the broadsword disintegrates.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm starting to wonder if I would have been better off with the little one after all

Talwin: Fine, go be with Bixi then. Here's what happened to the last blade

Talwin: Snarls

Talwin: Tosses hilt at Reven

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: That's exactly why I'm worried about sticking with you

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Look at you just carelessly tossing good weapons aside, and ruining adequate ones!

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Okay. Be with Bixi

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Aww, our first lovers spat. (chuckles slightly maniacally)

Bixi Fizzlebang uses her sling to attack Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) but misses.

Zayden tries to attack the Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his Dagger but missed.

Indigo: pulls the bucket back up from the well that he dropped

It is heavier, full of water

Indigo: Well looks all right

Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) tries to hit Zayden with its Antennae but misses.

Michael (Talwin) tries to punch Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists but misses.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Knotty goes and stares at Indigo and hope to get offered a drink of water

Howard Plum: wanting to save his spell he goes over and tries to punch the monster too

Howard Plum hits Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists causing minimal damage.

Raelynn: Find anything interest, Indigo?


Zayden hits Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists causing minimal damage.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Summon Insects [at Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter)]

Zayden: Get em Bixi!

It curls up on itself trying to get away from the swarm of cockroaches that heavily wound it.

Indigo: Just water Raelynn.

Indigo: puts bucket on the ground for Knotty

Zayden: how many dang rust monsters are there?!

Talwin hits Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists causing more damage.


Talwin: Pushes thumbs in eyehole!

Howard Plum: Ewwwwwwww!!!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Knotty drinks the water

Howard Plum: wants no part of the roach covered monster and backs away

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: How dare you. YOU'RE the one driving me mad.

Thistle: They're following you, Howard!!

Thistle: Just step on them.

Thistle: let's the insects kill off this monster

Licornah casts Spiritual Hammer and tries to hit Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with it but misses.

Raelynn: Hopefully the water isn't poisoned. I wonder if anyone else found anything?

Zayden tries to hit Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists, but misses.

Bixi Fizzlebang’s cockroaches keep attacking Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter), critically wounding it.

Indigo: getting bored opens the door to the outhouse and checks it out

it does not smell like anyone has used it recently, in the last few days

Indigo: Looks okay over here

Talwin hits Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists causing more damage.

Talwin: Where do you think you are going??? I need to get your other eye!

Talwin: RAGE

Talwin: Gauges other eye!

Howard Plum: goes out to explore more

Raelynn: follows Howard

Licornah tries to hit Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with the Spiritual Hammer but misses.

Raelynn: decides to see what Thistle is doing

Zayden Attacks with fists of musical fury!

Zayden tries to hit Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) with his fists, but misses.

Bixi Fizzlebang’s cockroaches keep attacking Rust Monster (Thoughtless titter) until it is dead.

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Rust Monster 4, killing it.

Thistle: Wow, good job, Howard!

Thistle: Blast them all to smithereens.

Howard Plum: Why thank you

Thistle: smacks him hard on his back as congratulations

Howard Plum: stumbles forward a step