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Chat Log - 2022 08 05 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The group enters Tradertown just outside of Loosend looking for a place to spend the night.

Trallman 358 will be tomorrow

The beginning of the fertility festival holiday bacchanal

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden, I've written a song, would you like to hear it?

Zayden: Oh yes please!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi and Knotty, best friends forever! Best friends until the eeeeeend. If they try to make me leave you behind, they'll never see me agaaaaain

Zayden: Beautiful! I like the part about you and Knotty together till the end

Indigo: Finally! We're here

Zayden: Thank heaven!

Human, old man, Slip: Hello there young man

Zayden: Me?

Human, old man, Slip: Scowls,

Indigo: Everyone be careful with your belongings. Lots of pickpockets around Loosend

Zayden: Bixi I think he's talking to you

Thistle: She's not a man?

Human, old man, Slip: you look like you dressed up for the ... HEY! Just you wait a minute

Zayden: Who's he talking to?

Human, old man, Slip: Look here, you little one

Indigo: Hello?

Human, old man, Slip: What do you mean to say I have pickpockets in my establishment?

Indigo: I didn't say they were right here

Indigo: But they are around

Human, old man, Slip: You told your friends to be careful

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Oh dear, you have insulted the man's honor.

Human, old man, Slip: Right here!

Indigo: That's because we just got here

Lanek: snorts

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Clearly a duel shall be required to save face.

Human, old man, Slip: Just as I was about to insult this young scamp for pretending to be a Druid

Indigo: If I said be careful after someone got their things stolen it would be too late

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who's a druid?

Human, old man, Slip: Costumes are for parties and festivals

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: How are honor duels carried out in this foreign land?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Isn't there a festival today?

Zayden: Ohh I like festivals

Lanek: rolls eyes

Old Woman, Hold: Tomorrow little one

Old Woman, Hold: Tomorrow

Old Woman, Hold: unless you are the kind who likes to get started early

Zayden: Tomorrow will be a great day!

Old Woman, Hold: the docks are full of your type then

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well anyway my name is Bixi and I don't know what you're talking about. What are your names?

Zayden: I actually have some business to tend to before play

Old Woman, Hold: My name is Hold, why do you ask?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Should we not be on a boat and on our way by then?

Human, old man, Slip: You are looking for a boat?

Zayden: It's bad luck to leave a festival on the first day

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I was TRYING to be polite, but maybe that's now how you're polite in this culture?

Indigo: Ship

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes we wish passage for the 12 of us and one pig.

Human, old man, Slip: See your costumed young man does have some manners

Human, old man, Slip: Why are you sharing a pig?

Old Woman, Hold: NO

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I have no idea

Old Woman, Hold: NO

Old Woman, Hold: Do not tell me

Old Woman, Hold: I do NOT want to know

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I think it is for eating later

Craigh: it's a very impressive pig. More than enough for all of us.

Old Woman, Hold: Some things are just not for me

Old Woman, Hold: Mutters, Every year this festival gets stranger and stranger

Zayden: The older I get, the stranger it all seems

Old Woman, Hold: If you are looking for a boat you should go talk to Jorlaine

Old Woman, Hold: She can help you find one

Indigo: Ship

Human, old man, Slip: If she is sober

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Excellent, where is this Jorlaine?

Human, old man, Slip: and has her legs closed

Lanek: chuckles

Human, old man, Slip: Oh I suppose you can find her down in one of the brothels

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Is there one in particular she prefers to visit?

Human, old man, Slip: Now why are you here in my inn tonight?

Old Woman, Hold: Because they lack funds

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Looking for a boat. We just mentioned. Clearly we are lost.

Indigo: Yup we lack funds

Old Woman, Hold: No one else would stay with you the way you act

Indigo: Ship!

Old Woman, Hold: What is with you and ships?

Indigo: We need a ship. Not a boat

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We need whatever is available that will float us down the river. The name of the thing is irrelevant.

Youtargim: A boat can get you across a stream, or from your Ship to the dock

Youtargim: We need a ship

Indigo: Thank you Youtargim

Indigo: nods happily

Youtargim: Indigo.... Admiral Indigo.... He will assess if what you have is suitable for his needs

Human, old man, Slip: So you are an Admiral? just a kid? and you expect me to just what?

Indigo: Ummm nothing?

Human, old man, Slip: I doubt you will find anything tonight

Indigo: Can we stay here?

Human, old man, Slip: NOW you are talking my language!

Indigo: Then we'll look in the morning

Old Woman, Hold: Shakes her head

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Do you have rooms for 12 and a pig ahead of a festival? Sounds promising.

Human, old man, Slip: How many rooms?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: How many beds are in a room?

Human, old man, Slip: Looks like 7 men and 5 women?

Human, old man, Slip: So you need 5? or 7 beds?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: 12 beds

Zayden: I think I'll have a good nights rest as well, then gather info in the morning

Human, old man, Slip: Nope

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: how many beds do you have?

Human, old man, Slip: I have three rooms, one is taken

Human, old man, Slip: So you need 5? or 7 beds?

Human, old man, Slip: I can put down 7 mattresses on the floors for you in the two rooms

Indigo: That would be great

Human, old man, Slip: That way you do not need to worry about falling off and hitting the floor

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: then if you have 7 beds we require all of them.

Indigo: Do you have a place to keep the wagon and horses for the night?

Human, old man, Slip: Can't fit 7 beds in one room, can just drape the mattresses over each other

Human, old man, Slip: sure, the courtyard can handle the horses, the wagon will have to stay on the street

Lanek: I’m good to sleep in the wagon

Indigo: Lanek, you should take a mattress

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Spread them as space allows. Come man, do you truly run an inn or do you just generate needles issues?

Old Woman, Hold: You can come with us, looking at Lanek, you look strong enough to handle it

Human, old man, Slip: You want to sleep inside? or on the street?

Lanek: I prefer to guard the wagon. you know, just in case

Human, old man, Slip: They are bedding people in the arena tonight if you want to sleep on the stones

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Do you want to be paid money or are you going to be a smart ass all night?

Lanek: bedroll on creaky wood'll do just fine

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I have met camels that are less stubborn.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I think I might sleep in the wagon too, if you don't mind some company, Lanek. Keep an eye on Knotty.

Old Woman, Hold: Come on sweety, I can help straighten that wood (to Lanek)

Lanek: considering

Zayden smirks

Lanek: scratching the back of his head while he ponders

Lanek: mmm no thank you, prolly better not, but maybe I’ll ask ya another time

Youtargim: quietly to Rae... This looks to be ..... troublesome? Did you say you have family here?

Zayden: whisper to Lanek: She wants to help straighten your wood dude

Indigo: Okay two rooms with lots of mattresses. Thank you

Human, old man, Slip: That will be 2 gold

Indigo: I'll go tie up the horses in the courtyard

Lanek whisper to Zayden: and she's prolly got experience too

Zayden whisper to Lanek: haha

Indigo: pulls out 2 gold to pay

Craigh: How can I help?

Raelynn: Well, my temple family, but my actual family is in Dryads Lair. Some of them, at least.

Indigo: Do we get dinner too?

Youtargim: Would you feel safer with the temple? (to Rae)

Zayden: A Bard's work is never done

Human, old man, Slip: We can find you a stew

Indigo: I like stew

Indigo: Thank you

Lanek: nodding

Human, old man, Slip: Spots Zayden heading out

Human, old man, Slip: You be back before Midnight!

Zayden: Nods

Raelynn: Well... probably but I feel bad leaving everyone...

Human, old man, Slip: The ferries stop then

Zayden: Sure thing Dad!

Zayden: Oh ok thanks actually

Indigo: laughs

Zayden: what time is it again?

Zayden: 6am? that right?

Youtargim: I could escort you there, if you like, seems like you looking.... You just naturally looking.. I mean it is a festival and all

Indigo: Is Craigh going with you Zayden?

Zayden: Not sure, you wanna come along Craigh?

Zayden: should be fun times

Craigh: Sure, if I can help.

Raelynn: Well we can join this bunch going to town and I can at least stop by and say hi...

Zayden: Great! Let's do it, you're always helpful Craigh

Licornah: listening

Youtargim: Is it an Elven temple?

Raelynn: nods

Youtargim: Looks over at Licornah

Zayden: Let's check out what Loosend has to offer!

Youtargim: Are you coming with us?

Licornah: It might be nice to see the elven temples

Youtargim: Good to have you along,

Lanek: Zayden, I’ll come with you and Craigh, if I don't cramp yer style too much

Zayden: No worries Lanek happy to have you and your crooked wood

Zayden smiles

Lanek: snorts

The party splits into three groups, Youtargim, Raelynn, and Licornah are heading to the Elven Temple on the north shore

Zayden, Craigh, and Lanek are exploring the city and gathering information

Lisa (Indigo): Thistle, Indigo and Howard stay at The Snickerdoodle Inn and eat stew

Raelynn: It's the Temple of Hanali Cenali, Lady Goldheart, the Elven Goddess of Romance, Beauty, and Love. We get a LOT of artists visitors.

Raelynn: Quite a few sculptures have donated marble statues to us. There's a beautiful atrium with bellflowers, a small concert hall, fountains. It's very beautiful.

Licornah: [SKILL] Religion (Faerûnian) - free prof (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 5]

Raelynn: They'll definitely be preparing for this festival.

As the three continue along you cross the muddy channel here between Tradertown and the City proper

Then a quick direct cut through the island avoiding the ferry to the north bank, the river is flowing here in this channel well, the group of Licornah, Rae, and Youtargim pay for the ferry across, go past the Greek Temple and then over to the shallow waters to reach Eastbend Island and the Elven temple there

Licornah: enjoys the ride and the scenery

Jumping back to the men exploring town

Zayden: Boy this channel sure is muddy

Zayden: Hello Men!

Lanek: we ARE the men, genius

Zayden: shall we start at the town square?

Zayden: Or the Docks?

Zayden: Or the brothels?

Zayden winks at Lanek

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: If brothels are where we will find a ship, that is where we should go.

Zayden: Or the Ferries I suppose is an option

Craigh: Isn't there a docks section?

Zayden: are we looking to buy or rent?

Zayden: yes there's a North Docks

Zayden: and South Docks

Zayden: [TOWER] [SKILL] Information Gathering [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 15]

Zayden tries to gather information once his group gets into the city proper but fails in his endeavor.

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Information Gathering [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

Craigh also uses his skills to try to gather information and promptly runs into a drunk.

Human, drunk: Hey You! I know you! Smag, right? (sways) You got caught up in that murder for hire (HIC) a couple of years back

Human, drunk: What have you been doing Smag

Craigh: grins. “Hey there, guy. Long time no see. You, uh, want to keep it down just a wee bit for me? There's a drink in it for you if you do.”

Human, drunk: Yeah Yeah

Human, drunk: You always were good with a coin or two Smag

Human, drunk: Good Man

Craigh: shrugs.

Human, drunk: Why’d you show up after all this time?

Human, drunk: AHHHHH

Craigh: Glad to be remembered for something rather than nothing.

Human, drunk: you think the new Prince doesn’t know

Human, drunk: HIC

Human, drunk: I bet he does

Craigh: I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Zayden: know what?

Human, drunk: Know who?

Human, drunk: THIS HERE MAN!!!!

Human, drunk: wraps an arm around Craigh

Human, drunk: This man is the best man

Human, drunk: You need someone offed

Human, drunk: He is your man

Human, drunk: Man

Human, drunk: Deep Sigh

Zayden: Oh ok

Human, drunk: What are you here for man?

Zayden: Ships mainly

Human, drunk: Oh

Human, drunk: ahhh

Craigh: Listen, I need a bit of a pointer. I need to get a boat together for a trip. Who's the best person to start with for a quiet discussion?

Zayden: Do you know where we could hire a knarr around these parts?

Human, drunk: Caroline

Human, drunk: Caroline can help you find someone with a ship

Craigh: Where's she docking at nowadays?

Human, drunk: Looks at Zayden, Ignore him, he never knew a boat from a ship even after you hit him with an oar

Human, drunk: Only bad thing about him man

Human, drunk: HUGS Craigh

Human, drunk: THIS MAN

Craigh: chuckles.

Human, drunk: [d100 = 99]

Human, drunk tries to pick Craigh’s pocket unobserved.

Craigh: So where can we find Caroline?

Craigh: carefully lifts the drunk's hand away from his purse.

Human, drunk: Caroline is down in slavers bend now man

Human, drunk: She is looking for crew

Craigh: Well, we are looking for a boat.

Human, drunk: Ship,

Human, drunk: wags his finger

Craigh: Sure

Human, drunk: You need to watch this man, (looking at Zayden)

Zayden: me?

Human, drunk: I will be at the arena tomorrow, I have a match

Human, drunk: might even win

Human, drunk: Look for me

Craigh: Good luck, Jeston.

Human, drunk: staggers off

Zayden: Good Luck!

Zayden: think he was a fan?

Craigh: Of someone.

Lanek: now I’m thirsty

Craigh: So, Slavers Bend? Shall we?

Zayden: we shall

jumping back to the Elves

Youtargim: This is an interesting place to put a temple

Youtargim: This is more like that area in the woods at Dragon Fen

Raelynn: Solonor's Temple? Or that little patch N'laea made?

Raelynn: I mean they're all for different Elven gods so they would have some similarities.

Youtargim: Ummm, which is the one deep in the woods?

Raelynn: ....both?

Youtargim: There is some male elf?

Youtargim: Not a friendly person

Raelynn: ....could still be both

Raelynn: OH!

Raelynn: Solonor's Temple.

Raelynn: Kel is... um, I haven't talked to him much but but Nieven is an absolute sweetheart!

Youtargim: Can I come onto the island with the two of you?

Raelynn: To the temple? Anyone can visit as long as your respectful.

Raelynn: If you make some joke about it being a brothel, though, don't expect me to save you.

Youtargim: warm smile, tell me have I been respectful?

Raelynn: Well you DO have a bad habit of putting your foot in your mouth sometimes.

Youtargim: I could work on putting.... I think this is where I should keep quieter

Raelynn: See? You're getting it now!

Raelynn: smiles

Youtargim: Tomorrow will be hard

Youtargim: winks

Raelynn: Mmhmm so consider this a practice run.

Youtargim: Glad to explore with you

Youtargim: It is rather nice to not have that Mist all around

Youtargim: does it give you a bit of a boost too?

Raelynn: Oh, it's horrid, isn't it?

Raelynn: I much prefer sunlight. I like visiting the inn when I can but then you have to deal with Mist Sickness half the time.

Licornah: I don't miss it at all... we don't have it in the North. I don't know who you angered for it. The group should atone to make it go away

Youtargim: Well hopefully we will not be back there for a while

Raelynn: nods

Youtargim: I heard Branwyn was researching it, but I am not sure what about

Raelynn: Thistle said they learned something about it at a wedding? Apparently it's been around longer than them.

Youtargim: I will follow you two onto the island

Raelynn: Come on, then.

back to Akilah, Bixi and the Men

The men heading to the slave quarters and the women splitting up and heading to the brothels

and back to the men up in the slave quarters

Human, Gentry: Hello there gentlemen

Lanek: harrumphs

Human, Gentry: Here for a more satisfying choice for tomorrow?

Human, Gentry: Many people ignore the idea that you can own the cow and sell the milk, if you like the husbandry similarity

Zayden: Hello Gentry

Zayden: So you sell slaves here?

Human, Gentry: I am happy to provide you with the right service for your needs,

Human, Gentry: I run a clean establishment

Zayden: Whisper to Craigh: Should we just ask about Caroline?

Craigh: nods

Human, Gentry: I have people who have either chosen to pay their debts in a physical manner rather than coin

Zayden: Thank you Gentry, I appreciate your kindness and the great service you provide

Zayden: Tell me, do you have a female who goes by the name “Caroline?”

Human, Gentry: or some people who have been caught up in a path that does not allow them to choose their life like us

Human, Gentry: No, I do not,

Human, Gentry: Or do you mean one of my buyers?

Human, Gentry: I do try to be careful

Human, Gentry: not everyone understands

Zayden: Yes one of your buyers, thank you

Human, Gentry: Why do you ask?

Zayden: I certainly understand what you mean

Zayden: Apparently she has information on a sea-worthy vessel needed for our voyage

Zayden: One with the appropriate this and thats

Human, Gentry: I would guess she does

Human, Gentry: She has seen me to find crew occasionally

Human, Gentry: Are you looking to round out your crew?

Zayden: Where else would one go?

Human, Gentry: I do have a young man who is a decent cook

Zayden: I think that's very possible, we could certainly use your services at that point

Human, Gentry: and of course many strong hands for the oars

Zayden: Gotta have strong hands sure

Craigh: We'll have to think about that carefully. We're in a situation where appearances could be important.

Zayden: Oh there goes my better half again, always urging caution

Human, Gentry: I pride myself on using the most gentle of restraints

Zayden: Still, how could we reach this Miss Caroline?

Craigh: I'm sure you do. The problem is on our end, not yours.

Human, Gentry: If you need a firmer hand then I would suggest asking elsewhere, I like to think of my shop as a cruelty free one

Zayden: Some times I like the restraints to be a little painful

Zayden smiles

Lanek: startles abruptly awake, leaning against a post

Human, Gentry: Then you are here at the right time my friend,

Zayden: Should we need a crew, you will be the man we see

Zayden: But we certainly won't need a crew if we don't find Caroline

Human, Gentry: I would be glad to assist you

Zayden: Thank you Gentry!

Human, Gentry: I do wish I could tell you where Caroline was this evening

Human, Gentry: I will put out word for you and have her leave a message here for you

Zayden: Thank you, that would be great

Craigh: Thank you. Would you accept a small fee to cover your trouble on our behalf?

Human, Gentry: OH no

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Bribe [PERCENT:Bribe] (vs. Target 50) [FAILURE by 16] [d100 = 66]

Zayden: You sure? Craigh is happy to pay

Human, Gentry: No need for that my kind sir

Human, Gentry: I would never accept a finders fee until I provide the proper service

Zayden: Ah thank you Gentry, for a slaver you're really a cool guy actually

Craigh: You're very kind.

Human, Gentry: Bows

Zayden also bows

Human, Gentry: we all have our place in a gentle society

Zayden: What should we do while we wait Craigh?

Lanek: drink

Zayden: I think we've earned a beverage or two!

Craigh: Well, first of all, I need to give you a tiny bit of information on your friends

Lanek: well I should drink. you two babyfaces may not last

Craigh: If my information was correct, Countess Branwyn rescued Indigo from slavers. I don't think crewing our ship with slaves is a very good idea.

Zayden: Let's do it Lanek!

Zayden: Well what if they're just the debt kind of slaves?

Craigh: Right, of course.

Lanek: oh ho!

Lanek: turns and scrutinizes Zayden in full

Zayden: I mean that seems more reasonable right?

Zayden: Well anyway, that's another bridge for future us, it won't matter if we can find a ship no?

Zayden: Well if we pay them, then they won't be slaves anymore, bad bing bada boom problem solved

and jumping back to the Brothels now

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: observes the various brothels and looks for which ones are more likely to serve female clientele.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Human, mage: Hello Ladies

Human, mage: How are you this evening? trying to get a jump on the festivities?

Human, mage: We have the finest young women in town

Bixi Fizzlebang: Umm

Human, mage: I promise we have the priests in every morning

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We seek one of your patrons, actually.

Human, mage: OH? I thought you might want to work

Human, mage: I can give you double the regular rate for you, (looking at Bixi)

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Oh no, we have other work.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, sorry, REALLY don't have time

Human, mage: I know that I can get so many humans.....

Human, mage: That is a pity

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We seek a woman who partakes of such establishments by the name of Jorlene

Human, mage: Ahhhh the ship merchant

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That would be the one

Human, mage: Yes she is known here,

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Is she here?

Human, mage: It has been a bit of a lean season for her

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: So is that a no?

Human, mage: Raises an eyebrow

Human, mage: Smiles and waits

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: offers a suitable bribe

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: offers 10 silver, more than enough for a courtesan.

Human, mage: I can make sure that if you return in the morning that Jorlene will see you

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sounds good to me!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I thank you for your assistance.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Shall we head back to the inn, see if the others found anything?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That sounds as good a plan as any.

go with the Elves

Licornah: :: looks for the nearest courtyard ::

Licornah: :: looks around :: Fascinating art

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Many artists donate their works as tribute.

Licornah: It needs some tapestry... or a statue to Lurue, but really lovely work ...

Raelynn: Oh, maybe she has a temple elsewhere, but she's not one of the Seldarine. Not sure why she'd have a statue here...

Licornah: Oh, Lurue has no formal temples... only statues

Licornah: She's not really into formal gatherings for her followers...

Raelynn: Loosend has many different religions here. Maybe her statue is wherever... um, your religion is?

Licornah: :: nod :: Since I haven't ventured this far from home, I didn't know how far she's traveled

Licornah: It's very nice... and nice to see so many honored and enshrined -- I mean it kindly

Licornah: In Silvermoon, there are acolytes who usually greet for the different deities, not sure if works the same here.

jumping to Indigo

Old Woman, Hold: So you are a Hin right? Not just a short person or a kid?

Indigo: Yes. I'm not a kid

Indigo: I am short though

Indigo: smiles

Old Woman, Hold: What did that person say about you being an Admiral?

Indigo: The Queen made me an admiral in the civil war

Old Woman, Hold: Was she just being kind?

Indigo: But I haven't been active for her in many years

Indigo: Huh?

Indigo: No! I was in charge of getting ships for the navy

Old Woman, Hold: treating you like one of those poor people on the street who just needs a handout

Old Woman, Hold: Oh really? did you find any?

Indigo: You give poor people a couple of coppers. You don't make them admirals!

Indigo: You're a silly person

Old Woman, Hold: What sort of ships did you bring back then?

Indigo: I arranged for the purchase of many ships and they all sailed to Drillian to help with the war

Old Woman, Hold: I do not remember any battles mentioning a halfling

Indigo: Well I was in Dryads Lair with the Ambassador

Indigo: Otherwise I would have been fighting. But being there let me find the ships

Old Woman, Hold: Oh so you were not even there

Old Woman, Hold: I am glad you did not die

Indigo: Me too

Old Woman, Hold: so many young men did

Indigo: grins

Indigo: I know. I am sorry for that. It was a stupid war

Human, old man, Slip: Yes it was

Human, old man, Slip: Plops down a large pot of stew with several bowls

Indigo: The Queen is the queen. Fighting over that was stupid

Indigo: Thank you

Human, old man, Slip: That Queen has been decent I admit

Human, old man, Slip: She has not tried to come after us

Indigo: Why would she come after you?

Human, old man, Slip: The last one tried to say we owed taxes

Indigo: But Loosend is independent I thought

Human, old man, Slip: The Prince told her to go suck it

Human, old man, Slip: starts laying out cards

Indigo: This is good stew

Human, old man, Slip: Thanks

Human, old man, Slip: The trick is to not serve it on the first night

Indigo: Do you read fortunes?

Human, old man, Slip: No I take people's money

Human, old man, Slip: You want a chance?

Indigo: laughs

Human, old man, Slip: Do you have much to lose?

Lanek: industriously stuffs his face

Indigo: Sure

Indigo: puts a silver on the table

Indigo: [SKILL] Gaming [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 3]

so after several hands of cards Indigo has a large pile of coins in front of him

Old Woman, Hold: You better not

Old Woman, Hold: NO

Old Woman, Hold: I can see it

Old Woman, Hold: NO

Indigo: What's the matter?

Human, old man, Slip: I can win the next hand!

Human, old man, Slip: He cannot stay this lucky

Indigo: Oh I'm tired. We should stop.

Human, old man, Slip: No no no

Human, old man, Slip: I need to get some of my money back

Old Woman, Hold: Don't you dare

Indigo: It was just fun. You can have half back. I don't want you to be hurt because we played cards.

Human, old man, Slip: One last hand

Indigo: Okay for this stack

Indigo: pushes a stack towards the man

Human, old man, Slip: If I win I get all the pot

Human, old man, Slip: if you win you get ... my ship?

Indigo: raises eyebrow

Lanek: looks very interested indeed

Indigo: your ship?

Human, old man, Slip: Buttercup

Indigo: You have a ship? What kind?

Human, old man, Slip: She is not a lot but she brings in a nice income

Indigo: All right

Indigo and Slip go all in, for one last hand

Indigo: Deal it up

Indigo: [TOWER] [SKILL] Gaming [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 13]

and on the fourth card, Slip wins

Lanek: snorts

Indigo: Well you get your coins back

Human, old man, Slip: Breathes out a sigh

Human, old man, Slip: You are a good player Sir Indigo

Indigo: I didn't want to take your ship

Old Woman, Hold: NO

Human, old man, Slip: Oh give it up he must know

Human, old man, Slip: It is an honor to host you Sir Indigo

Indigo: Thanks. It's good to be here in a safe place

Human, old man, Slip: It was worth seeing if we could slide a few extra out of it

Human, old man, Slip: Tomorrow I will see if I can help you hire out a ship,

Human, old man, Slip: if not you can hire Buttercup

Human, old man, Slip: she is not the fastest but she is sturdy

Old Woman, Hold: NO discounts!

Indigo: That would be great. We need a knarr. We can't do with something smaller for all of us

Spring (Lanek): Lanek has several drinks before bedding down in the back of the wagon

Indigo lost 9 gold

The group goes to sleep for the night ready to obtain a ship, get into some fights, and have some fertility fun at the festival tomorrow.