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Chat Log - 2022 09 17 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat - Birthday Game 2022

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So the group searched the dead and drowned bugbears, looted both boats, you are towing the one that is still floating behind the knarr, that you then sailed farther downstream to get away from this area, then put in for the night to go over what you found.

375 CP

275 SP

150 Platinum

45 Gold

and no magic items, etc. but an additional 2,000 GP in the hold of the boat

You can expect to get 300-350 Gold for the boat also if you choose to sell it

Add 20 spears, 4 battle axes to the mix

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: dries off her new soft skirt.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: will probably use it as a blanket given how large the previous owner was.

After sorting the loot, the group takes its watches for the night. The first two watches go by uneventfully. The story takes up at the third watch.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: This watch seems particularly dangerous. Almost as if something is going to attack us, do you not all agree?

Thistle: Something worse than pirates?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I did not say it was necessarily worse. Simply more than nothing.

Thistle: I just y'all couldn't sleep either

Thistle: Maybe it's your anxiety telling you that.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Should I be feeling anxiety? Why is it that we come to this town anyway?

Thistle: I dunno. Some people feel it in places they've never been.

Thistle: I gotta save someone from my clan.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Perhaps if one drinks too much coffee.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Save from what?

Indigo: We better be good at jailbreaking or we'll all be in jail

Thistle: Jail, corruptin, you know. Typical city stuff.

Indigo: I was in jail once

Indigo: They broke my arm

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Jail? We have come to commit crimes, have we? One should perhaps start with that.

Indigo: They cut off Esmerelda's hand

Indigo: And cut Sarangar's ear off

Indigo: I don't want to go to jail again

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: From what I am hearing, you are going about that goal the wrong way.

Thistle: Maybe we should have taken the lawyer with us....

Thistle: I dunno why they're in jail to begin with

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We have travelled all this way to see someone in jail and you do not know anything about the circumstances?

Thistle: Kinda like you and the Mist, ya?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I did not plan to commit a crime in my investigations of the Mist.

Thistle: I'm not saying I am, either.

Indigo: So after we dock we can ask where the prison is and find out what's happening

Thistle: Craigh says he may know some people. Maybe once he wakes up.

Indigo: Sheriffs sometimes arrest gypsies for being gypsies

Indigo: Or run them out of towns

Indigo: It's not fair sometimes

Thistle: nods

Talwin: We'll make it work. There are always options

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Let us then find someone who knows what the laws are, how best we can deal with them, and avoid any law breaking of our own

Talwin: Sounds like a solid plan

Talwin: We can hire a legal representative, and find out what reparations must be make for a release order

Talwin: Good call Akilah

Indigo: We don't even know why they're there

Talwin: Exactly

Indigo: We should find out before we hire a lawyer

Talwin: If it's serious, that's a different ball game.

Talwin: How do you suppose we figure out what they are in for?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It may be easier to find out if we have a lawyer. The guard may not wish to speak with random foreigners.

Indigo: Maybe they'll be a regatta and everyone will be busy

Talwin: laughs

Indigo: And we can watch boat races

Voice in the water: Softly - come on in, trust in me

Thistle: Boat races? Dunno if it'll be more fun than an arena, but guess we can find out.

Thistle: calls out, “No thanks!”

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Again? Go away.

Voice in the water: Come in

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We have better things to do than drown.

Thistle: Nah, I already took a bath.

Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+4 = 18]

Save [18] [Target 10] -> [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]

Thistle: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +1] [d20+1 = 17]

Save [17] [Target 13] -> [for Thistle] [SUCCESS]

Thistle: sniffs armpit

Thistle: Yep, I still smell fine, but thanks!

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +1] [d20+1 = 16]

Save [16] [Target 13] -> [for Talwin] [SUCCESS]

The Voice in the Water is calling but no one in the group becomes mesmerized.

Voice in the water: Why are you here?

Thistle: We got places to go, people to see.

Thistle: Why do you care?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Why are -you- here? We are just travelling and have no time for strange women in bodies of water unless they are handing out swords.

and Thistle can now see a handsome male swimming there next to the knarr

Thistle: Huh, well at least you're nice lookin'

Thistle: Bet Rae would hate missing this

Voice in the water: You seek swords? I can take you to more swords than you can imagine

Talwin: Go away.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I doubt that.

Thistle: Nah. Who said swords?

Thistle: Unless those swords come with lawyers?

Voice in the water: Kill all the lawyers

Talwin: Wow

Indigo: Huh?

Talwin: That escalated quickly

Thistle: Oooh didja try to kill the last one?

Talwin: Why would we kill all lawyers?

Thistle: WAIT you have lawyers were you live?

Thistle: Because now I'm even less interested.

Talwin: mumbles to thistle: “You weren't interested before were you?”

Thistle: shrugs

Voice in the water: You are traveling through our domain

Thistle: I mean, I can't hold my breath that long, but who knows? Maybe one of those fairytales is real and he's actually really nice.

Thistle: Oh. Sorry. Do ya mind? We can't really travel around it.

Voice in the water: I can give you breath

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We are not.

Thistle: Hmm, tempting, but I gotta save a friend first.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We are currently anchored

Talwin: Actually, I have to agree with that one

Talwin: That's an interesting technicality

Thistle: See, but you'd kill me in the end, right? At least Rae knows to not use her charm for evil. Mostly.

Thistle: But you, I dunno....

Voice in the water: You will need to be alive to please me

Thistle: Ewww

Thistle: Please you like a puppet? Because definitely no thanks.

Talwin: If I dump a gallon of ale into the river, would that satisfy you?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Who would want watered down ale?

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Maybe a small amount is all it takes for their kind

Thistle: Someone desperate for alcohol?

Talwin: It's an offering nonetheless

Talwin: No reason to not be polite until actively trying to harm us

Thistle: Oh, are we doing an offering? He didn't ask for any. He's just stating facts right now.

Thistle: Fact one: We're in his people's domain

Talwin: Ah, but we are anchored

Thistle: Fact two: He needs whoever he takes alive to please him whatever that means

Thistle: Fact three: he thinks all lawyers should be killed

Talwin: rolls eyes

Thistle: ...actually those could all be lies

Talwin: So, what exactly do you want? Besides us of course, we're taking ourselves off that wish list

Thistle: HEY! Dude, what's your name anyways?

Thistle: Yeah, you'd have to come up here, on neutral terms, if ya wanna hang out with us in a different manner.

Thorindaall: My name is Thorindaall what is your name?

Thistle: Thorindall? Huh, that's a new one. I'm Thistle.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: And I am Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal

Thorindaall: Swims closer to the knarr

Thistle: But they gotta tell you their names in case ya actually steal names or something. They'll learn from me first.

Talwin: Talwin watches

You can see he is a merman

Thistle: You can call that one Overly Cautious.

Thistle: points to Talwin

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20-1 = 1]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not believe name stealing works that way

Thistle: Ooh you really are a merman? That's cool.

Talwin: Cautious yes, rude, not necessarily. Still have a gallon of Ale if you are into that

Thistle: It's okay OC. Someone's gotta be.

Thorindaall: I appreciate the offer of ale

Thorindaall: It is not often we have that

Talwin: Nods. It's in a sealed casket. Would you like me to drop it down?

Talwin: Should theoretically be waterproof

Thorindaall: That would be nice

Thistle: Wait does that mean you drink it on land or use a straw or.... how does this work?

Talwin: Keeping within reach of compatriots, Talwin gently rolls the cast towards the Merman.

Talwin: With our compliments at the very least

Zayden: I was wondering that myself

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: If you wish a haircut, I can arrange it, if you wish to come aboard.

Talwin: Supposedly it's the finest of the inn we purchased it from

Talwin: Although, I hesitate to speculate on such things.

The cask slowly falls with a SPLASH then bobs back up to the surface

Thistle: Inn quality is, ya know, varied.

Talwin: SO how has the river been lately. Get many visitors?

Talwin: Weather has been somewhat nice

Thistle: We killed some pirates!

Thorindaall: Throws out a rope made of woven weeds to capture the cask

Talwin: Although, we did have some trouble with pirates

Talwin: nods at thistle

Thistle: Ooh nice rope work.

Thistle: Hmm, never thought of doing that with weeds...

Talwin: It is pretty cool

Thorindaall: We have not had many visitors this spring

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: None that pass, or none that come down to visit?

Thorindaall: The unusual rains have kept many on the lake

Talwin: It's been raining heavily?

Thistle: Unusual? As in more than normal or as in something weird about 'em?

Thorindaall: They do not move on

Talwin: I'm sorry to hear that. Well, depending on what becomes of them of course. What is the general custom of people who pass through these waters.

Thistle: Sounds like jumping into the river never to be seen again.

Talwin: or rather, your waters

Thorindaall: Those that pass through quickly we leave alone

Talwin: Ah sorry. The pirates delayed us significantly. We meant no offense

Thistle: How many have ya lured away with your voice? I mean, it IS nice, but not enough to jump into the water for, ya know?

Thorindaall: I often find I can bring one or two young ladies to visit me

Thistle: nods to herself

Thistle: A player, as I thought.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: In my experience, men who need magic to get women to visit are not worth visiting.

Thorindaall: Not that the others in our clan always appreciate the visitors

Thistle: What happens to those ladies?

Zayden: I don't know about that, magic can be very appealing

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Nothing pleasant, for sure.

Thistle: Yeah! Like the magic tricks Howard does!

Thorindaall: Some go home again, sometimes those in our clan take more exception to them and they do not leave us

Thistle: So hostages?

Thistle: Oh wait. Or do ya feed them to sharks?

Thorindaall: What is a shark?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Are there many sharks in rivers?

Thistle: shrugs

Thistle: I don't think every story I've read was accurate.

Thorindaall: The Aboleth feed on any they can find

Thistle: Aboleth?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Aboleth? I though those were more deep dark sort of creatures.

Thistle: Does it live in the lake?

Thorindaall: Describes what an Aboleth looks like

Thistle: Well that sounds a bit terrifying. I'd rather not be fed to that, thanks.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: what would aboleth be doing out in a river?

Zayden: Yowsers

Talwin: So, we would prefer to pass on peacefully. Although our conversation does not have to end of course, but Is there a small token we could provide to earn some time before we move onward? We unfortunately need to resupply at our next destination. Do you use money at all? I'm afraid I know not much about what would make you happy. Other then letting our ladies visit of course.

Thistle: It's probably in the giant lake that no one sane crosses directly.

Indigo: goes to sleep

Zayden Goes back to sleep

Thorindaall: This ale will suffice as an offering

Thistle: We gave 'em ale. That works, ya? We'll be gone by morning. And then we can say hi again when we come back this way later on.

Talwin: A small bow

Talwin: Thank you

Talwin: When we pass back through, if you notice us feel free to stop by. I'll have another cask for you

Thistle: It was nice talkin' to ya, handsome merman! Even if ya wanted to drown me and keep me prisoner!

Thorindaall: I will watch for your hull

Talwin: Nods deeply

Thistle: Bye Thorindaall!

Talwin: Safe Travels and Kind waters

Thistle: Oh! What is it? Sweet waters and light laughter!

Thistle: Or something like that....

And it is morning

The time is 7:00 AM

The date is Fin____de, 10th Man (Early Spring), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is First Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

Talwin: Happy Birthday Indigo!

Talwin: Oh, Sorry Indigo, I may have my dates mixed up. Sorry. I rely on my calendar to keep track of those days

Talwin: Face Bright Red

Indigo: Thank you though!

Talwin: Chuckles slightly embarrassed

Licornah: :: begins daily mediation ::

Zayden plays a little morning time music with his yet to be determined instrument

Thistle: Oh man, Rae. You missed it! We met a super handsome merman last night. He was charming, like you, but you know, with fins.

Thistle: I wonder if fins would make Yout more charming...

Thistle: Hey Craigh. You said you know people, right? So you know where we can start once we get to town?

Talwin: Intently paying attention to Craigh

Craigh: thinks for a moment.

Craigh: I do know some folks who can at least get us more information. An actual jailbreak would cost. Depending on what they're in for, it might just be easier and cheaper to get the charges dropped.

Indigo: The people at the docks probably know at least where it is. I bet plenty of people get thrown in prison at the docks

Talwin: I agree Craigh. Until we know the nature of the holding, we may be able to simply pay a fine and claim responsibility

Talwin: Too true

Talwin: Nods at Indigo

Thistle: Ya, we just need information first.

Thistle: So docks while Craigh finds his people?

Talwin: That sounds reasonable. We can pay the docking fee and have a good place to await further instructions

you are rowing/sailing into the lake

so sailing/rowing into the lake you see what Thorindaall meant, there is a band of rain showers that seems to hover over the city

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Craigh: That seems completely normal to me.

Raelynn: Did you want your spyglass back, Indigo?

It is not a drenching rain, just a steady drizzle

Talwin: Looking to see if the rains are moving around, or just hovering in one perpetual place

Zayden: Hmm, I’m not expert, but that looks like rain

Indigo: Yes thank you!

The do not seem to be moving, even with the occasional gust of wind

Raelynn: hands it back

Talwin: Hey Guys?

Talwin: Normally storms move around

Talwin: These are holding place

Thistle: nods

Talwin: See, even with a wind, they aren't moving on

Thistle: Gypsy curse.

Talwin: Taken aback

Thistle: grins and laughs

Indigo: Maybe someone is trying to cheat on a regatta

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wouldn't really call it a storm... but I see what you mean

Thistle: Nah, don't really think it is, just like sayin' that even if I'm not supposed to.

Zayden: I’m sure there are some storms that like to stay still

Talwin: I'm not one for superstitions, but I think Thistle might have a point

Craigh: Lazy rains? Staying mainly on the plains?

Talwin: Then again, we know nothing yet

Thistle: We'll find out, won't we?

Thistle: grins

Talwin: Nods

Thistle: If only ya had a good rhyme to end that with, Craigh.

Talwin: Hopefully something that won't impact us too much. We can deal with it as necessary

Bixi Fizzlebang: Knowing our luck, it's some kind of idiot mage being a bad guy

Zayden: haha

Howard Plum: Hey!

Talwin: Not you Howard, you are great!

Talwin: Calls back

Howard Plum: Priests can cause weather calamities too

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I was talking about like that Orkin guy we killed

Thistle: But why'd ya call out?

Howard Plum: Not every bad thing that happens is a mage's fault

Thistle: I mean if it doesn't apply to you... wait, sorry. Gonna shut my mouth.

Bixi Fizzlebang: And then the ringmaster...

Thistle: tries hard to not counter that

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not saying it is, Howard, I'm just saying that tends to be our luck

Talwin: Raises hands in peaceful offering. “We meant nothing by it Howard. She just means that on occasion, Mages like to be assholes, just like me sometimes”

Indigo: It's okay Howard. they are quick on the dislikes but they'll learn that people can be good too

Talwin: I just use a sword instead of fireballs

Thistle: Ya, but assholes with access to magic are just more... noticeable.

Talwin: Smiles warmly

Talwin: Mutters out side of his mouth “You aren't helping Thistle”

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Magic provides increased capacity for trouble when one has the will for it.

Thistle: You got a magic sword so I'm including you.

Thistle: grins

Talwin: Shrugs. I never pretended I wasn’t an asshole. You put up with me because we are friends, not because I have a charming personality

Howard Plum: I need to get my things

Thistle: laughs

Howard Plum: goes to get ready for the city

Bixi Fizzlebang: Look, if we weren't here, it could easily be anything. But since WE are here, and WE tend to run into a lot of random mages who want to use their magic for sketchy purposes, there's a good chance that's what's happening. WE'RE the common denominator here, not the mages

Craigh: Craigh stays firmly out of this discussion, instead flipping through his notebook.

Thistle: Cheers to that, mate!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Much like one can shovel more dirt when properly equipped with a shovel than not.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm offending all of us equally, not mages

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is what I'm saying

Indigo: How many “sketchy” mages have you run into?

Indigo: Other than the one you killed

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well that time traveling one and that ringmaster

Zayden: Sheesh, lets just grab an umbrella and get on with it it's just rain

Bixi Fizzlebang: So already two, and I haven't been here that long

Indigo: Exactly Zayden

Talwin: Oh and Dark Cloak

Talwin: Does he count?

Craigh: Craigh puts away his notebook as they approach the rain so it doesn't get wet.

Indigo: The ringmaster just ran a circus

Talwin: Oh! And jennevive that one time

Zayden: Maybe one of those nice hooded things that keep you dry

Indigo: Jennevive is a priestess

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, but he gave himself a mage title

Talwin: Snaps fingers

Indigo: Branwyn and Howard are mages

Bixi Fizzlebang: So he wanted us to THINK he was a mage

Zayden: can't spell mage without age

Talwin: Shoot. We'll cross Jennevive off the list Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know Jennevive?

Indigo: Why do you have a list?

Talwin: Are necromancers Mages?

Talwin: Mages have nice libraries....

Talwin: Defensively

Talwin: I like to read

Bixi Fizzlebang: And then that lady with the locket and the marid... wasn't she a mage? She turned out to be ok, but at first that was a sketchy situation

Indigo: Do you want me to put you on a list for choking that citizen? Just try to be nice please

Bixi Fizzlebang: No offense Yout

Talwin: Wait? What did I do! I came to Howards defense!

Talwin: And I should be on a list!

Indigo: Don't make lists is all I'm saying

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, you really should Talwin

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not sure what kind, but you should definitely be on one

Talwin: Snorts

Indigo: I'm going to make sure Howard is okay

Indigo: goes into the hold

Arriving at the docks

Zayden: There's a list?

Talwin: Well we touched a few nerves.

rowing through the rain

Talwin: Don't bring up lists!

Talwin: Apparently they are bad

Indigo: Come on Howard. Stick with me

Bixi Fizzlebang: Easily offended group

Raelynn: That's why you're supposed to burn them if you make one.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Lists provide convenience. I am quite the fan of lists.

Talwin: Burn after reading makes no sense! Why make the list?

Zayden: So this is Rivers Bend huh?

Raelynn: It gets it out of your system without offending anyone.

Talwin: How do I remember all my groceries without them? And my contact list at the manor! Will Indigo make me burn that one? We have to hide it. I can't remember all those addresses

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm part mage! I'm not saying mages are bad... just that we have happened to run into a noticeable amount of bad ones!

Talwin: Clearly agonized over having to hide all future lists

Talwin: We have to work on memory games Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: Talwin... you can write enough to make lists?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Mage is a profession. One either is or is not a mage. There are no fractions of mage.

Raelynn: Well yes, because those stick out in your mind more easily than the goods ones. The good ones are constant and comforting, and we're good at falling into that comfort and forgetting it.

Zayden: Maybe there's a spell that can recognize your fingerprint or your face, so it only shows you the list but not others?

Talwin: Offended

Talwin: Yes I can write lists! I write in a journal every night!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, but I'm not like DEDICATED to it 100%.

Raelynn: rolls her eyes

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh really? Thistle! Did you hear that!? Talwin has a journal! Let's make a mental note

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It only makes you an unskilled mage.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I AM an unskilled mage

Raelynn: You can make lists about groceries and the like. You just have to be more careful when you're talking about people. Groceries do not have feelings. People do.

Talwin: You know.......

Talwin: Mischievously

Talwin: We could leave stupid lists lying around

Talwin: Whispering to Bixi

Thistle: Uh, ya. Remember he tossed it at us when he was REALLY angry?

Talwin: Just to irritate people

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Why are we talking about lists?

Talwin: Like, a list of holidays\

Talwin: Don't bring up lists Akilah!

Talwin: Bursts out laughing

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ohhhh, I like that. That's a good trickster move. My god would approve.

You are chatting as you row into the harbor

Raelynn: Talwin, if you're going to purposely antagonize this crew, I'm going to find someone to buy that sword off you.

Craigh: I can help with that.

Indigo: That's what I'm saying. You sometimes seem to want to be mean to people. I don't understand it

Talwin: Hey it's not me! Bixi will be the one to take it from here! I can't get away with shit!

Raelynn: Thank you, Craigh.

Talwin: For the love of God!

Raelynn: I still think it's his sword. Was he always this... well, like this before it?

Talwin: Outraged

Indigo: I'm going to talk to the Dock Master when we get in. Don't be mean to him

Talwin: I love Howard! I said nothing mean to him!

Talwin: I came to his defense!

Raelynn: That doesn't mean we're still not capable of hurting those we love.

Talwin: Grumbles but moves off, sulking

Indigo: I'm talking to everyone

Craigh: There, now everyone's upset.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I also love Howard!

Raelynn: sighs

Craigh: Welcome to Rivers Bend, gang!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I fear I shall never understand any conversation this crew has.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't understand how saying we have bad luck with meeting mages who are jerks is somehow offending everyone on this ship?

Raelynn: I think we're all getting a little antsy being stuck on a boat. It'll be good to be in the city.

Craigh: That's a fair point, Raelynn. Too much time all cooped up together can be rough.

Talwin: Oh my god our parents are so glad we have arrived and are no longer confined to a swaying vessel! So, Craigh, did you want to do your thing first, or have us accompany you?

Zayden: What's Craigh gonna do?

Thistle: I thought we were gonna ask at the docks first about the prison?

Talwin: Correct

Thistle: While Craigh finds his friends or whoever.

Rowing past Hern Island (#4 on your overview map) an then between Derry Point (5) and the prominent Gallows with two bodies hanging off of the three ropes (15) as you approach Bay Landing to bring in the knarr

Talwin: As Craigh moves off. Just asking if he wanted someone to accompany, while we take care of the Docks

Thistle: Umm.... hmm, ya, let's avoid that ending.

Craigh: I'll go out looking for my contacts on my own, but you all can be getting information in other ways too. More hands make light work, after all.

Talwin: Well, it's better than the Bug Bears ending me thinks

Thistle: You would know, wouldn't ya, Craigh?

Thistle: grins and shrugs both shoulders

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Fair enough Craigh

Zayden: I could do some information gathering!

Talwin: We'll start at the docks

Zayden: Talk to the local bards and barkeeps and such

Talwin: Zayden, do your thing.

Thistle: Whatever anyone can pitch in would be good.

Craigh: nods to Thistle in agreement.

Zayden: Sounds good to me

Indigo: Jumps in the boat

Talwin: Climbs in gently

Indigo: Be back when we get our berth

Indigo: [SKILL] Boating [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]

Craigh: Thistle, if you want to, you can come with me. Maybe we can also find something about your friend.

Thistle: Ya, if you don't mind, sure.

Craigh: No problem if not though.

Craigh: Not at all.

Thistle: Thanks, Craigh. Ya ain't bad, even if sometimes I make fun of ya.

Indigo steers the boat over to the dock master

Dock Master: Looks up from his paperwork

Indigo: Good morning!

Dock Master: Hello?

Indigo: We need to dock a knarr and this boat for a couple of days

Dock Master: Master Halfling, how are you this wet day

Indigo: See that one out there?

Indigo: I'm good. I'm Admiral Indigo

Dock Master: Gestures to a young clerk to go check on the knarr

Dock Master: Getty, go follow these to their ship

Dock Master: Looks back at Indigo

Dock Master: Admiral Indigo?

Indigo: For you logbook

Indigo: Yes

Dock Master: Yes, just seems

Dock Master: Hmmm

Indigo: I've been gone for some years

Dock Master: I have to say not many halflings around these parts

Dock Master: I have only been in my position for 3 years

Indigo: nods

Dock Master: was lucky when old Polkik fell off the dock

Indigo: Is there a regatta today?

Dock Master: Who knew fish had such large mouths

Dock Master: BAH

Raelynn: Aboleth?

Indigo: laughs

Dock Master: This cursed rain has drowned out all of the joy in the city

Indigo: Why is it raining?

Dock Master: Has not stopped for 6 weeks

Indigo: That's strange

Dock Master: It has to be a curse

Dock Master: Damn gypsies I bet

Talwin: Six weeks?

Indigo: There are gypsies here?

Dock Master: They say if you go up on the Nest you can see down over the clouds

Dock Master: They are not natural

Dock Master: The gypsies must have done this

Raelynn: But why would they?

Dock Master: Who knows

Indigo: Are they camped somewhere?

Dock Master: How can anyone tell what they are scheming

Dock Master: Not in our city they are not!

Raelynn: By asking them and treating them like regular people...?

Talwin: Ah, a prison then?

Indigo: If they aren't here how can they curse the city?

Dock Master: Maybe out past caravan landing there might be some in the strangeness out there

Indigo: Ohhh

Talwin: Looks to Caravan's landing

Indigo: Do you know where Alexandria prison is?

Indigo: We took someone on board we might want to drop there

Dock Master: Hmmm

Dock Master: I can get the guards for you

Indigo: Ehhh ... haven't decided yet.

Indigo: I'll see when we get docked, but thank you

Dock Master: Fair

Indigo: So two days?

Dock Master: For the knarr and your boat for two days it will be 3 gold

Indigo: hands him 3 gold

Dock Master: Not much movement out there right now

Dock Master: Writes in his log book, The name of your ship?

Indigo: The Buttercup

Indigo: sighs

Dock Master: and the name of your boat?

Indigo: I didn't name it

Dock Master: Looks up

Dock Master: There are much worse names I have seen

Raelynn: Like what?

Indigo: Bugbear Disaster

Indigo: for the boat

Dock Master: Can you believe someone called theirs the Holy Wind

Raelynn: Well, yes.

Indigo: laughs

Dock Master: Well that is a nice descriptive name, Bugbear Disaster

Dock Master: You go hunting pirates do you?

Indigo: We did yesterday

Dock Master: Stay away from the fire marshes

Talwin: Rodents of Unusual Size?

Indigo: Well they were hunting us but they won't be bothering anyone any time soon

Dock Master: Good to know

Raelynn: Fire marshes?

Dock Master: I will pass this along to the harbor master for you, if you stay longer let them know right away

Indigo: I will

Dock Master: The fire marshes on the other side of the lake

Indigo: Thank you

Dock Master: Getty, where did you get to boy, take this note

and the boat group goes back out onto the dock

So you have a space to keep your two vessels

The Knarr stays out at Bay Landing

Zayden: Anybody feel like joining me in a little town time?

The time is 10:00 AM

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It is better than tempting sea sickness.

Zayden: Hey Akilah, looks like it's gonna be you and me

Zayden: do you have a bottle?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: A bottle?

Zayden: Yea you know, a bottle

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I have a bottle of perfume and a couple of holy water.

Zayden: very nice, so you me, and a bottle makes three

Zayden: just one bottle though

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I feel like this is a western joke that is going over my head.

Zayden: Eh it wasn't that great a joke anyway

Zayden: just rhymes

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Then it is a fair poem.

Zayden: I went through a swing period, in my youth you know, it's not a proud memory

Zayden: Think Yout should join us?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: You need not tell me of your sexual past.

Zayden: Ha

Zayden: This is gonna be fun

Zayden and Akilah

Zayden: City Time!

Zayden and Akilah go off into the city wandering the neighborhoods going over bridges, spending time in parks

Zayden: hey nice parks

listening to people complain about the rain

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 13]

Zayden: [SKILL] Information Gathering [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 16]

Zayden: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 14] [d100 = 6]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 4] [d100 = 66]

Zayden: [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Zayden: [SKILL] Pick Pockets [PERCENT:Pick Pockets] (vs. Target 45) [SUCCESS by 38] [d100 = 7]

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [FAILURE by 23] [d100 = 53]

Zayden and Akilah find out:

The rain started after two young men who were carousing in the camps at Caravan Landing drown returning back to North Bank. The gypsies were blamed because the two young men were found with a package of tarot cards in one of their pockets, expensive and useful for fortune telling.

Alexandria Prison is in the Palace District, where they can take the prisoners off on skiffs to clean the canals and return them there. Or a quick trip to the gallows.

Zayden manages to steal a list of the next bridges and canals that are to be cleaned by which prison crew.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: Not that I advocate crime as our first solution, but kidnapping our target while they are cleaning a bridge seems relatively low risk

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I mean when an opportunity presents itself, who are we to deny it?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: Perhaps we might observe some of these cleaning routes to see what kind of security they have, just for educational purposes.

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That is an excellent idea Akilah... for education of course

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: One must not deny one's education

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: it's really the most important thing when you think about it.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: It would be criminal to neglect it in fact.

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: And irresponsible! Imagine all the people that could maybe get hurt if we weren't appropriately educated. This way, everybody wins

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: We are practically performing a public service.

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We SHOULD get an award, but of course those most deserving often go unnoticed

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: Do 20 good deeds and people will only ever notice the 1 bad thing you did.

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That is a truth to be sure, I even do it to myself mind you! I can play 19 perfect songs, but I'll always dwell on that one messed up one

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: Exactly the same thing. I give 100 perfect shaves and all anyone can talk of is the one time I nick someone's artery

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: People! So do you think we should scout these locations first thing or regroup first then scout?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal to Zayden: We can scout one out first and have information for the others when we return. Then we can all see how to proceed from there.

Zayden to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: sounds good to me

Craigh, Licornah and Rae

Licornah: :: meanders through the town keeping an eye open ::

Licornah: So, is this your first time here? This feels the farthest south I've ever been in the world

Craigh: I've been here once or twice before, a few years back. Just running errands and messages, that sort of thing.

Craigh: We can start by looking up one of the people I dealt with back then. They tended to know a lot of people in convenient places.

Licornah: :: nods :: sounds good

Craigh: What about yourself? Are you enjoying these trips, or just going along?

Licornah: :: ponders :: I'm to learn what I can but enjoying time away from that mist you call home. It has made me so ill. It's eye-opening venturing out like this

Craigh: I grew up in the Mist. The open sky actually feels weird to me sometimes.

Craigh: I have to be careful too. I burn very easily out here. Way too much sunlight.

Licornah: :: nod :: I hadn't thought about that. I enjoy the open-air myself, so have to remember this is different for you

Craigh: Well, compared to the Elf Lands, this is almost normal.

Craigh does find his old hangouts

Licornah: :: ponders :: Elflands? Where is that?

Craigh: With the goddesses, and the giants.

Licornah: Oh, :: nods :: I see. That was a really nice place :: pauses :: despite the lost time

Licornah: and the giants...

Craigh: True, but then again... goddesses.

Craigh: Craigh grins.

Licornah: :: smirks :: they have their ways, don't they

Craigh: Trust me, Licornah, that was not an encounter I'll be forgetting any time soon.

Licornah: :: nods :: No unicorns, but memorable just the same. I feel for Branwyn missing time with her family.

Craigh: Alright, Ganjier should be somewhere around here. He tends to know all the local useful people.

Licornah: :: bobs her head ::

Craigh: I was maybe lucky in that regard, no family to miss out on.

Licornah: I am sorry or thankful for you - which ever is appropriate for you

Craigh: Craigh follows the invisible clues marked on posts and signs around corners and down streets until he ends up at a specific door.

Craigh: Either way, thank you.

Craigh opens the door and ushers Licornah inside. It's dim, but not dark, with just enough light coming through a window to light up a desktop. Behind the desk is a wide, bald, human man, reading a note.

Craigh: Ganjier. Regor sends his regards, although this is personal business, not his.

Ganjier looks up and squints at the two of them.

Ganjier: Regor, eh? Alright den, what you wanting? And make sure you gives him my regards back, unnerstand?

Craigh: Definitely will pass those on, Ganjier. First of all, we need to know about Alexandria Prison. There's someone inside that we might not want to have stay inside.

Ganjier: Got somebody in Old Alex, do yah? Friends of yours, Miss?

Ganjier looks at Licornah

Licornah: :: looks at him :: Good afternoon, I'm just visiting River's Bend. Hoping to see the sights. Shame about your rain

Ganjier: spits into the corner. “Pfah. Gypsy Rain, it is!”

Licornah: Gypsy Rain - :: thinks :: oh, this is a curse on the city? You've made them angry?

Licornah: Did the city imprison someone they shouldn’t have and they cursed in retaliation?

Ganjier: Can't help it if the Wagon Folk don't know how to swim right, and come to a place with rivers for roads, and maybe one or two of 'em fall in, now can I?

Licornah: Oh dear... :: tries to make sense of Wagon Folk ::

Licornah: Not unless you pushed them in I suppose

Licornah: Do you have a city protector or a deity you claim for Rivers Bend?

Ganjier: Well, there's stories, but I wasn't personally no part of it, nor does I know for sure who was and who wasn't there.

Ganjier: Lord Poseidon is who most folks round here call on in need, if yer into that sort of thing.

Licornah: I see. Shame really then. I hope whomever needs to atone does so soon

Ganjier: Ganjier chuckles. “I'm not much in the business of atonement. Revenge pays well though. What else do yah need to know about Alex?”

Craigh: Is there a way to get in or out? And what's the best way to get someone out?

Ganjier: Hmm... well, legit's usually the easiest. You make an appointment to go in and see who you want. Gotta go through the jailer for that, they don't usually never mind, specially for a little tip. Gettin' out's harder, of course. You can get a barrister and go the legal way, or a hefty bribe to go the back way.

Licornah: Is the prison magically warded? Are there many guards?

Ganjier: Old Alex is usually for the small-timers. Debtors or thieves. It's gotta couple heavy cells, but most are simple in-and-outs.

Ganjier: Lotta the prisoners are used in work crews, so the guards watch over them there too. That's usually the easiest time to get someone off the line and out of sight.

Craigh: Thanks, Ganjier. Another question, not related, I'm looking for someone who knows something about devils, or extra planes, that sort of thing. Know anyone?

Ganjier: Huh, that's a weird one. Don't get much call for that. What're you into boy?

Licornah: Thank you for your time. :: bows ::

Craigh: Just needing to do some research.

Licornah to Craigh: Maybe we could check with the temples. Historically, the Greeks don't get up to nonsense, but they know people who do

Ganjier: Miss, for you, anytime. You want to know anything about this town, you just come see me, I'll make sure you get it.

Licornah: :: smiles :: I'm honored by your kindness

Ganjier: Anyways, only one guy I know is rumored to deal with that stuff. Goes by the name Fives, usually found down in Harlen.

Ganjier: Check the Spotted Trout

Ganjier: Unless you want wizards or priests. They usually know more, but I wouldn't know who to send you to.

Craigh: Absolutely not. We'll go check out Fives.

Ganjier: Ganjier extends his hand across the desk, palm up.

Craigh: Craigh drops some coins into it.

Ganjier: Ganjier squints into his hand, then extends it again.

Craigh: Craigh drops a few more coins in.

Ganjier: Ganjier nods and motions to the door.

Craigh and Licornah learned:

Alexandria Prison is for people who cannot afford to pay their fines or need to do time for crimes like theft.

Piracy is the worst crime in the city as they pride themselves for stealing people's money the old fashioned way. With bribes and gifts.

Everyone dislikes the gypsies because they are associated with traveling by wagon. The culture here is all water all the time except for walking. Anything large needing to be moved is by small boat.

The rain is blamed on the gypsies cursing the city for being punished for drowning two people.

There are barristers for hire in the city in several places, many of the noble houses have their own to handle disputes,

No one has heard of Silvermoon

Hmm... well, legit's usually the easiest. You make an appointment to go in and see who you want. Gotta go through the jailer for that, they don't usually never mind, specially for a little tip. Gettin' out's harder, of course. You can get a barrister and go the legal way, or a hefty bribe to go the back way.

Some specially magically warded cells but not the full thing

Guards both for the prison and for taking work crews out

Talwin’s Bank Trip and Gypsy Camp Visit

Moving through the city and asking about where a reputable bank is

Indigo is directed to a Greek Church of Delphi to get his fortune told

Indigo: looks disappointed

Indigo: Okay ...

Talwin does find a bank next to the Garden of Persephone

It is in the West Marketplace

Talwin deposits his arena winnings into a bank in Riversbend.

Raelynn: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Dancing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 20]

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 5]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Spirit Lore [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 6]

Thistle: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 35) [SUCCESS by 7] [d100 = 28]

Thistle: [SKILL] Bribery [PERCENT:Bribery] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 70] [d100 = 95]

Indigo: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

Thistle: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 28] [d100 = 68]

Thistle: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 56] [d100 = 96]

Thistle: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 3]

Thistle: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 2]

Howard Plum: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 20]

Thistle: [SKILL] Pick Pockets [PERCENT:Pick Pockets] (vs. Target 75) [SUCCESS by 49] [d100 = 26]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 5]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Thistle: [SKILL] Fortune Telling [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Statecraft [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 8) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 4]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Astrology [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Thistle: I didn't know Yeniche came out this way.

Howard Plum: The De la Veraci family. the one the nobles were from that robbed and and killed the Wisewoman. They are a very powerful family. The recently took the title of Duke after taking the possessions of the Luria family. It is no wonder a member of the clan is imprisoned

As you move through Newtown

Talwin: Apparently they just take what they want too

Talwin: Robbed a gypsy because of a bad fortune?

Talwin: And stole from the Luria family?

Talwin: The fortune was probably something like: “What goes around comes around”

Howard Plum: The Luria family had been demoted so they were vulnerable

Talwin: Doesn't mean they are necessarily weak though. Out of favor doesn't mean helpless

Talwin: What caused their out of favor state?

Talwin: You know?

Talwin: Do you think they have caused the rains? If the gysies aren't behind it, who might be trying to destabilize the current leadership?

Gate Guard: Who wants to leave the city?

Indigo: We do

Talwin: Nods

Indigo: We just want to see the sights

Gate Guard: Do you have your gate pass to return in? You have to be in by sunset

The time is 1:00 PM

Indigo: Ummm ... where do you get a gate pass?

Gate Guard: We can sell you a temporary one

Gate Guard: 2 silver per person,

Indigo: A temporary one?

Talwin: Do you issue permanent ones for any time day or night?

Talwin: Sir

Indigo: What happens if we don't make it back by sunset?

Raelynn: How long does a temporary one last for?

Gate Guard: You can return today

Gate Guard: If not you will have to pay again tomorrow

Raelynn: So if we pay today, return today, we won't have to pay for one tomorrow?

Gate Guard: Unless you are foolish and want to go dangling in the gutter trash again

Gate Guard: Anyone with sense would go to the market for what you need

Gate Guard: nothing good out there

Talwin: Understood Sir. Do you issue Permanent Passes

Gate Guard: Your House would have one

Gate Guard: If they needed such a thing

Indigo: hands over a gold piece

Talwin: Shakes head regretfully. Alas, I didn't realize we need to obtain one. Thanks Indigo

Gate Guard: Takes it

Indigo: This should cover all of us

Gate Guard: Thank you

Indigo: Thanks. Can we have the pass now?

Gate Guard: I hope you find what you need quickly and get back safely

Indigo: In case you aren't here when we get back

Indigo: Me too!

Indigo: smiles

Gate Guard: Scribbles a note with each of your names, frowns at Thistle, looks with disappointment at Talwin and Rae

Gate Guard: Hands it back to Indigo

Talwin: Nods Politely

Talwin: Thank you

Indigo: puts it in his pouch

Indigo: We better get going so we can get back in time

and you walk through the first places where large heavy goods that come in from Drillian are kept

a handful of houses and warehouses

Then farther out into an open area where there are two sets of circled wagons

for gypsy camps

There are armed guards walking back and forth

Some from the City, pointed at the camps, Some gypsies watching those guards

and the rain continues to come down

a grey scene

Talwin: Walks up to the guard

Talwin: Is the entrance open for those seeking fortunes?

City Camp Guard: Shakes her head

Talwin: Camp is sealed then?

City Camp Guard: You know they are just trying to take your money?

Talwin: It's actually a ridiculous bet I lossed actually

City Camp Guard: There are so many other better ways to enjoy yourself

Talwin: I have better things to be doing today, trust me

Talwin: But no one will sully my name that I lossed a bet

Raelynn: Oh but there's such novelty to it!

Talwin: And didn’t get the damn fortune

Talwin: Grumbles

City Camp Guard: Shakes her head

City Camp Guard: go waste your money,

City Camp Guard: you have your gate pass?

Talwin: Yes Ma'am,

Raelynn: nods and shows it

City Camp Guard: I will not come save you

City Camp Guard: But if you give me a note I will take it to your family

Talwin: Sigh.

Raelynn: Well that's why I brought this strong man with me.

Raelynn: giggles

Talwin: Stupid bets. Indigo you asshole

Talwin: I want double or nothing next time

Talwin: No note for me, my will is on the ship

City Camp Guard: It is your own bridge to cross

Talwin: But thank you for your generosity Ma'am for delivering to my family.

City Camp Guard: Waves you through

Talwin: Bows deep and passes a silver

Raelynn: Come along now, no need to linger.

Raelynn: grabs Talwin's arm and drags him along

Talwin: Fine fine

Gypsy Camp Guard: Looks you up and down,

Gypsy Camp Guard: You can come in my little nugget, pointing at Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: Nugget!?

Thistle: Hey be nice to her. She ain't use to that.

Gypsy Camp Guard: Looks at Rae, approvingly

Talwin: Puts arm protectively around the hellion

Talwin: Hand on sword

Gypsy Camp Guard: Glances back over at Thistle listening

Gypsy Camp Guard: Raises an eyebrow

Thistle: raises and eyebrow back

Gypsy Camp Guard: You taking them under your wing? showing them a good time?

Thistle: Me? Pfffft, they make their own good time.

Gypsy Camp Guard: Hah

Talwin: I don't get the innuendo, but they are my friends that's for sure

Thistle: Not up to my speed.

Thistle: But ya, good people.

Gypsy Camp Guard: Shrugs, you are a mixed lot,

Gypsy Camp Guard: Who are they?

Thistle: Friends here to help.

Talwin: Muscle

Gypsy Camp Guard: We don't need no city folk

Bixi Fizzlebang: A stew with only one ingredient isn't a very good stew

Talwin: Oh trust me, we are far from that

Gypsy Camp Guard: Laughs, I like that nugget

Thistle: I can't speak for all them, but Gramma likes Indigo.

Gypsy Camp Guard: You sound like good people

Gypsy Camp Guard: Indigo?

Gypsy Camp Guard: glances over at him

Thistle: points to Indigo

Indigo: Me

Gypsy Camp Guard: Who are you ?

Talwin: Him?

Indigo: Indigo

Thistle: Admiral Indigo. Helped us out in Ghostwood.

Gypsy Camp Guard: You have the right name but you do not look like......

Thistle: OH!

Indigo: I'm betting I meet an Indigo inside too

Thistle: Tall Indigo?

Indigo: grins

Thistle: Man I haven't seen 'em in ages.

Talwin: I'll take that bet Indigo! We are good at betting

Talwin: I lose

Thistle: Nah, they're Yeniche. Unless Indigo hitched up here.

Indigo: I think you will!

Gypsy Camp Guard: I wonder just where you came from

Thistle: Ghostwood. My Gramma's Wisewoman Sunflower, but been hangin' around Branwyn lately.

Gypsy Camp Guard: Impressed

Talwin: We came from Branwyn’s Domain

Thistle: Er, well lately minus six years.

Gypsy Camp Guard: Branwyn the Mysterious is a good friend to the folk

Gypsy Camp Guard: You come in and take care

Indigo: Thanks!

Gypsy Camp Guard: I will be off duty in a couple of hours Nugget, looking forward to it

Thistle: You don't gotta.

Thistle: quietly to Bixi

Talwin: Thanks

Talwin: Warm smile

Bixi Fizzlebang to Thistle: I don't know what he wants, but he's not getting it from me

Thistle to Bixi Fizzlebang: They can be... overly flirtatious sometimes. So probably whatcha think he wants.

Bixi Fizzlebang to Thistle: Gross

Thistle to Bixi Fizzlebang: Ya. Men, am I right?

Thistle: grins

Editor’s Note: The Gypsy Camp Guard’s pronoun was her

and you wander into the camp

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thistle, do gypsy clans have ghost hunters? I'd love to find someone who shares my interests to talk to. It's been awhile.

Thistle: Mmm, maybe one of the storytellers has some for ya.

Raelynn: Do you want me to go with you, Bixi? Or do you feel comfortable going alone?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would definitely like some company, whoever is interested in hearing a story. I'm sure it will be good!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Even if it's not about ghosts!

Talwin: I can go with you Bixi before I get my fortune if you want?

Talwin: Hesitates

Raelynn: Oh there. Yes, go with her Talwin.

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I'll follow your lead

Thistle comes over to the one circle to see Jade, the presumed next Wisewoman

Jade: Soft smile, Welcome

Thistle: smiles back

Thistle: Hi. Ya got a moment?

Jade: soft chuckle

Jade: At least you are to the point

Jade: What can I do for you

Thistle: Gramma always said it was a blessing and curse.

Thistle: Well, see. I got a vision, uh, I dunno, awhile go, and I gotta save someone, but it was all fuzzy, ya know? And I'm trying to work it out and I feel like this is where I should start?

Jade: Who do you want to save?

Thistle: Someone in my clan is in prison here, but I don't know why, and I'm a little fuzzy on who even. I just know they gotta be saved.

Thistle: And rumors we heard in town make me think y'all are somehow connected.

Jade: We do have troubles

Jade: I am not certain it is your clan

Thistle: Oh. Are ya sure? That one I thought I got right...

Jade: Young Lodesir was taken away

Jade: He was hung two weeks ago

Thistle: frowns

Thistle: Because of the nobles being, well, nobles?

Jade: Glow and Willow were both taken and hung last week

Jade: They are thinking that we caused this rain

Thistle: How long ago did your Wisewoman, er, pass?

Jade: just over 6 weeks

Thistle: nods

Thistle: Easy stone to throw.

Thistle: But whoever I saw I'm pretty sure is still alive...

Thistle: And in the prison. But I dunno for how long.

Jade: There are three of our clan in the prison now

Jade: I only know of Indigo by name

Thistle: OH! So it IS Indigo?

Jade: He is a good young rambunctious child

Thistle: Wait... do we mean the same Indigo? Is there a third Indigo?

Jade: There are many Indigos

Thistle: Yeah.... it gets a lil' confusin'

Jade: I would speak with Sapphire to see who of her family is there

Thistle: Well... if I can help ya, I'll help ya, too. I just know why I was drawn here.

Thistle: Well, your clan.

Thistle: nods

Thistle: I was gonna next.

Jade: You can talk with her, convince her to take up her rightful position

Thistle: Why her and not you?

Jade: I am not worthy of it

Thistle: Why's that?

Jade: I enjoy my peace, my weaving, I am willing to hear others and let them lead

Jade: Someone needs to be forthright, to take charge

Thistle: shakes head

Thistle: Sometimes the best leaders are those who don't wanna be

Thistle: But I'll talk to her.

Thistle: Thank you.

Fortune Teller: Fortunes Told, Lucky Charms

Fortune Teller: Come right up

Fortune Teller: You there, you look like a lucky young man

Fortune Teller: Looking at Indigo

Indigo: Hello!

Fortune Teller: Tell me what is your favorite number

Indigo: 4

Fortune Teller: Because that is the number of apples you like in your tart

Indigo: grins

Fortune Teller: What are you in search of lucky man

Indigo: That's a big tart!

Indigo: Ummm nothing at the moment. I'm just helping friends

Fortune Teller: Friends are good, helping is good

Indigo: I stopped searching for things a while ago

Fortune Teller: A good young man as well as lucky

Fortune Teller: content is a nice place to be

Fortune Teller: Are you looking for a future?

Indigo: Yes please

Indigo: holds out his hand to be cut

Fortune Teller: Pulls out a silver bowl and pauses then smiles seeing he knows

Fortune Teller: You are an interesting young man

Indigo: Think so?

Fortune Teller: Pulls out some herbs and a vial of liquid

Fortune Teller: starts to mix in the bowl

Fortune Teller: takes Indigo's hand and gives a small nick and three drops of blood

Indigo: watches the bowl

Fortune Teller: bends over to kiss the cut

Fortune Teller: blocking his view

Indigo: smiles

Fortune Teller: when she leans back up there is a small clover shape in the bowl

Indigo: It's okay if it's a bad fortune

Fortune Teller: Three leaves

Fortune Teller: She looks over and swirls

Indigo: What does that mean?

Fortune Teller: I would have thought it would be four for you

Indigo: So is it bad?

Fortune Teller: I feel that you are right that you are not searching for more, that you are content with your fortune

Fortune Teller: That is a rare thing

Fortune Teller: It would only be bad if you aspire to be more

Indigo: okay

Indigo: Thank you

Fortune Teller: Have a safe journey over the bridge

Fortune Teller: She smiles

Indigo: smiles

Indigo: Thanks!

Story Teller: Hello there young gnome

Story Teller: what brings you to our clan today?

Story Teller is a middle aged male, gold hair, wet from the rain, sitting out without a covering

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello! I'm just here to help my friend, but I've heard there are good stories to be heard here! My interest mostly lies in ghost stories, but I'm happy to hear anything, and glad to pay, either with coin or if there is something that would help your clan more that I can do

Story Teller: Whoa whoa

Story Teller: take your time

Story Teller: Of course there are stories for anyone who takes the time to listen

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm short, time goes faster for us

Story Teller: smiles,

Story Teller: Listen to the rain,

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, I can take time to listen. Harder to take time to talk

Story Teller: hear that patter on the tent

Bixi Fizzlebang: nods

Talwin: Aren't you cold?

Talwin: Looks a little worried

Story Teller: Listen as it drums out the tune of the mourning

Story Teller: Sadly we all grow cold in the end

Story Teller: I intend to have many more warm summers ahead

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it drumming out the mourning or reflecting it?

Story Teller: but in the end winter comes

Talwin: Puzzled, but stands next to Bixi showing support

Story Teller: Smiles with Bixi

Story Teller: I hear the rain trying to wash out sorrow

Story Teller: to cleanse for a new day

Story Teller: But I can tell you a happier story

Bixi Fizzlebang: patiently listening. Super patiently.

He gives a story about a clan traveling from the swamps all the way to the mountain passes and into a strange land of wild horsemen and strange blue skinned priests

Bixi Fizzlebang: the most patient Bixi has ever been in her entire life

with giants and walking snowmen

Bixi Fizzlebang: shudders a little at the giant part and glances at Talwin

Talwin: Watching with Rapt Attention

He wraps it up with a huge meeting of clans exchanging children in a happy sharing as young folk grow and travel to new places with new people

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Perhaps this storyteller knows where we can find more giants to rid the world of.

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Shh, he's at the good part!

and while that is going on we go back to Thistle with Sapphire

Sapphire: Hello my curious visitor

Sapphire: grins

Thistle: Hey, how are ya? Er, all things considered?

Sapphire: I am curious about your visit and your friends

Sapphire: It is not often that we have courteous visitors and of late even fewer

Thistle: Well, I was talkin' to Jade about that, but also wanted to talk to you. I got a vision of someone in prison here I need to save? I thought it was one of my clan, but ya know how visions get all fuzzy and stuff.

Thistle: She said you might know who's in jail needin' saving?

Sapphire: anyone in jail needs saving

Sapphire: We do have three of our clans being kept away from freedom

Sapphire: Indigo, Woundwort, and Cast

Thistle: Huh. Is Indigo, like a kid, or is he a tall man?

Sapphire: He is a young man

Thistle: I'm happy to help 'em all if I can. I'm just tryin' to figure out who was in my vision.

Sapphire: not much older than 10?

Thistle: Nah, ain't the same Indigo then.

Thistle: Hmm, almost was lookin' forward to seein' him.

Thistle: Were they takin' 'cause of this noble nonsense?

Sapphire: It seems so

Thistle: And the rains an' all?

Thistle: Any idea what's causin' them? 'Cause it ain't y'all.

Sapphire: It feels they are trying to cleanse the city

Thistle: The rains?

Sapphire: It is a sad thing

Thistle: Bet a city like this has a lot to cleanse...

Sapphire: When Wisewoman Agate was murdered

Sapphire: It was a very sad stain

Thistle: What was the fortune she gave the murderers?

Sapphire: I do not know

Thistle: Does anyone?

Sapphire: None that I am aware of

Sapphire: perhaps if there was something from them it could help

Thistle: nods

Thistle: Why y'all still here if they keep pickin' you off?

Sapphire: We need a decision

Sapphire: I want Jade to take up the mantel so we can move along

Sapphire: She will be best to lead us

Sapphire: I want things too much

Thistle: Why not you?

Sapphire: to take and do what I want

Thistle: Well ya both gonna get more kill if ya can't figure it out.

Sapphire: A wisewoman needs to have seen the world

Sapphire: to know what others think and take that into consideration

Thistle: I mean, I guess. But dithering ain't helpin' either.

Sapphire: nods sagely

Sapphire: Perhaps you can help her find a way

Thistle: Well, we'll see if we can at least help ya with those stuck in jail.

Thistle: Anyone in the city I gotta know about?

Sapphire: None that I know of

Thistle: No one specific who comes here or anythin'?

Sapphire: Nothing from anyone that is part of our clan

Sapphire: We are trying to keep out of the city now

Thistle: Hmm, alright. Well if ya got anything else useful to help me break 'em out of jail - legally preferably - let me know.

The Gypsy Camp Group learned:

The person missing is from the Helow Clan, Wisewoman Agate lead them here but then died during a robbery by two young nobles who robbed her after a bad fortune was foretold.

There is not a current Wisewoman to lead them, there are two who are equal (Sapphire and Jade) but neither wants to take the spot away from the other.

The two young nobles were from a powerful house, the De la Veraci Noble Family

The gypsies are at a loss as to why the rains are here but are glad that the earth is in mourning for them

Three in prison: Indigo, Woundwart, Cast

Thistle: Thank ya.

The entire group gathers back together on the docks

Talwin: Well everyone, shall we compare notes?

Talwin: I heard an interesting story from a gypsy storyteller, but other than picking up some tidbits about how the city operates, nothing too useful

Talwin: If you leave out the gate, you must obtain a pass and be back by nightfall

Talwin: There are guards keeping watch on the Gypsy Camp, but not sure why

Thistle: 'Cause they're dicks.

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: I'm not so sure

Licornah: It seems we're going to need to research more for information about traveling to the lower planes

Thistle: You're not sure they're dicks?

Talwin: No not that

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We have a lead on how to liberate our gypsy friend, but it is less than legal and therefore carries some level of risk. If you have no other options, I can elaborate.

Talwin: Did anyone discover a or ....expensive option?

Licornah: Based on what we learned about the prison, can't we just fork over coin and free him?

Thistle: Well, see, there's three of 'em.

Talwin: What did you learn?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: What exactly is the charge though?

Talwin: Shrugs

Thistle: Who evers got coin.

Craigh: They hate piracy here. They pride themselves on stealing money the old-fashioned way: bribes and gifts.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: If they were simply arrested for making it rain, what prevents them from not getting arrested again for the weather?

Talwin: Yes...that's why I suggested it

Thistle: Good thing the pirate's back with the boat then.

Talwin: to Craigh

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We cannot be paying their fines for eternity.

Talwin: So we either pay the fine, get them to elect a leader and move on, or find a way to prove them innocent.

Thistle: Or get rid of the rain

Talwin: I'm fine paying to have them extracted, but they need to be able to move out quickly.

Talwin: Nods to Thistle

Talwin: Or do that. It's a matter of what we think is a better option. I've learned very little about the rain other than it started after two boys got murdered

Thistle: I mean, even if we get 'em out, if it keeps rainin' then they'll still have problems.

Talwin: Either someone is framing the gypsies by planting tarot cards

Thistle: Aren't there people who, like, make a livin' reading about weather?

Talwin: Er

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Do we have the magical means to control the weather ourselves? That sounds like priestly magic.

Indigo: Yeah just remove the curse or dispel magic

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That is assuming it is a curse. It does not feel like one.

Raelynn: We'd need to know where the spell was centered if it was a curse.

Indigo: What does it feel like?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Curses tend to have some thing more severe to them than making everyone wet. I would expect flooding and the like at least

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I've heard nothing of flooding, just rain.

Thistle: Ya don't think causin' a rain that gets people murdered is severe enough?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The rain is murdering people?

Thistle: Indirectly. Could be a clever curse.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It reminds me of the type of trickery marid might get up to, though I would not expect one to be in the area. Could be some similar being causing the trouble.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Are there any churches in the area that worship a god that might be associated with weather or water?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Type of folk that might be in charge of keeping the weather in check.

Licornah: No one here follows the Greek Pantheon? Could we appeal to his avatar to turn the rains? Could we visit his temple for aid?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Might be worth a look.

Talwin: I'm happy to help

Talwin: I'm not of the Greek faith, so am unsure if they would attack me on site, but I can go and ask

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It would not be the first time that some god was offended and decided to have a hissy fit at the cost of their followers.

Raelynn: It's worth checking, although we still need dinner and a place to stay.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That was not among the list of things we looked for this day, is it

Raelynn: Oh! Maybe tonight we could try a seance for those nobles or the Wisewoman! Although I don't know if we have what we need...

Raelynn: Talwin wanted nicer this time if we can find a good deal

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: We could use a good rest in a quiet area

Talwin: Sighs

Raelynn: Maybe between Zayden and I, we can get a good deal somewhere.

Talwin: Lots of options and much to do

The group decides to stay at an older palazzo, the family is away bringing a new racing ship back from Terraguard

Craigh: Where else would Lords stay the night?

Craigh: You're not mercenaries anymore.

You have the full place to your self except the servants of course, and on a canal

Zayden: So where are we staying for the night?

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: The nice place

Talwin: But I reserve the right to bitch about it

Zayden: I like nice places

Raelynn: Oh, it's good to splurge on yourself every now and then.

Craigh: Besides, remember how grumpy we got after too long stuck together on the boat.

Raelynn: Yes, let's get some better sleep so we don't have that again.

Zayden: Did we get grumpy? I had a great time on the boat, and my shoulders look AMAZING

Talwin: Laughs

Talwin: Yeah I know. Just startled me. You be poor once, and you never quite forget it

Talwin: Took me aback, that's all

You are all sitting around the very large indoor plaza

Lorie (Licornah): :: lingers by the after dinner fire to work on her weaving and ponders the source of the rain ::

Zayden: This is a nice indoor plaza eh? Pretty large

watching the drops in the canals

three servants to bring out refreshments after dinner

Zayden: Rain is quite pretty, I like the sound of it too

Zayden: so long as you can stay dry of course

You have 7 bedrooms on the upper two floors

Raelynn: Yes although it does make my hair frizz.

Zayden: Ha, well maybe every once in a while it's good to frizz you know

Bixi gets a note back from Youtargim that he bought more food stores for Knotty and had someone clean out the hold

Zayden: That was nice of Yout

Indigo: We should go get Youtargim!

And he wants to know what to do with your person there

Indigo: he shouldn't be on the knarr by himself

Zayden: he still on the Knarr?

Craigh: So, before we try to break these three out of jail, legally or otherwise, I'd like to borrow at least Indigo and Talwin to go meet someone. He supposedly knows devil stuff, and I need your opinions on if you think if the Marquessa would want to have his help for a bit.

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I'll grab him. But, we really should have someone keep watch on the Knarr. I can take the first night

Zayden: Devil stuff?

Zayden: sounds ominous

Craigh: I believe she has an overdue library book she's trying to return.

Talwin: If they do, do you trust them?

Zayden: Isn't part of the dock fee keeping our ship safe?

Talwin: Is all of our loot stored away?

Talwin: I'll send Yout Back

also there is knotty in the hold

Zayden: Didn't get to do any fishing

Talwin: I'll take tomorrow night here. I'll meet withy ou first thing tomorrow. I'll figure out what to do with our prisoner too.

Talwin: I'll feed Knotty too

Talwin: Now I'm leaving before we remember more things that we should have a person on the ship for

Talwin: chuckles

Zayden: Stay safe Tal!

Zayden: I'll pass on devil stuff thanks

Talwin: I'll help and head to docks on way back

Zayden: we need to be well rested if we're going to break these three out of jail, legally or otherwise

Zayden: I could play a little night song? Those are best when it's raining

Craigh: It shouldn't take very long, no matter the result. And evening is probably the best time to find this person. That neighborhood doesn't do early mornings much

Zayden: True my granny always used to say the Devil does his work at night!

Craigh: Howard would actually be very good, if he's willing.

Howard Plum: I will attend

Craigh: Thanks.

Craigh: That it?

Looking for a Devil Contact

Craigh: So, we're headed to a place called the Spotted Trout in Harlen.

Talwin: What should we know

Talwin: And are we killing anything

Craigh: I hope not.

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Draws cloak tighter about himself

Craigh: I was told he calls himself Fives, and can often be found around the Spotted Trout in Harlen.

Howard Plum: Is it a tavern or a thieves guild?

Craigh: And he supposedly knows about devils

Craigh: Tavern, probably.

Talwin: If it's a shady spot, I'll try and keep a lookout.

Craigh: They go down dark streets, across bridges, always in the drizzle.

Talwin: Want us to do anything in particular? Look menacing? Add input? Let you do the talking?

Craigh: I want your input. You all know the Marquessa better than me. Would she want this help?

Talwin: .....

Talwin: Honestly I don’t know

Craigh: It may be useless. Maybe helpful.

Indigo: Okay

Talwin: I do try to respect her privacy

Talwin: But I'll see what I can add

Craigh: Craigh grins. “I wasn't asking you to read her diary.”

Craigh: Just to give your informed opinion.

Talwin: Chuckles. As if I could. She probably has it spelled 6 ways from Sunday

Craigh: Indigo, Howard? Thoughts before we get there?

Craigh: This is Harlen, so it should be around here somewhere.

Indigo: We should hear what he says.

Talwin: Is he a information trade kind of guy? Or a bribe kind of guy?

Craigh: Good question!

Craigh: I'll let you know when we find out.

Talwin: With a name like fives, I doubt he'll give it out of the charity of his heart

Indigo: Maybe we could bet for it

Talwin: Yes, but we just establish I lose all bets! Especially when it makes for a great cover story

Talwin: I'll give you two to one odds!

Indigo: I didn't mean for you to

Talwin: Laughs

Talwin: Sorry Indigo. Was just having a private joke

Craigh: That's how eager he is to lose.

Craigh: I see a fish sign. I think that's it.

Indigo: Good

Craigh: We'll be dryer inside the fish tavern

Talwin: Excellent. Should we head on in?

Talwin: Snorts

Talwin: I do see the irony

Talwin: Clever

Inside is just a normal canal-side tavern. Tables, fire, keeper, etc.

People at the tables, talking, drinking, eating.

Craigh: Okay. So, who in here looks like a Fives?

Talwin: Looks at Craigh. Is that a name we just drop around?

Craigh: Craigh shrugs.

Talwin: If so, we can ask the barkeep

Indigo: walks up the bar and orders ales

Craigh: What I was just about to say.

Talwin: You want to? Or would you like me to?

Craigh: Craigh gestures for Talwin to go ahead.

Talwin: Nods

Indigo: Here Howard. You need a drink too

Talwin: Moves to the barkeep

Talwin: Politely waits until the man finishes his current customer

Barkeep: What'll ya have?

Talwin: I apologize for bothering you sir, but I was directed to ask for a ...odd name...a “Fives” and to pay for his and my drink. Frankly I have no idea who this man is, I'm just supposed to speak with him and tip you generously

Talwin: Puts two gold pieces on the counter

Barkeep: He makes the coins disappear.

Talwin: Waits patiently, rain dripping off his cloak

Barkeep: Going to take him away, are you? Eh, whatever. He's over there, the one sleeping at the table.

Talwin: Take him away? That was not in my orders, but would be good to know. Has this man bothered you?

Talwin: Threatened you?

Talwin: Caused you mischief?

Talwin: Eyes narrow

Barkeep: Not really, no sir. Just not the usual kind we get in here.

Barkeep: Makes the others a bit nervous, and they spend less.

Talwin: Then I thank ee for your time Good Sir. To make up for his inconvenience.

Talwin: Puts two more gold on the counter

Talwin: An ale for the three of us

Barkeep: He makes the coins disappear again, and quickly 3 cups appear on the bar, filled.

Barkeep: He also puts a bowl of fish stew up on the counter.

Barkeep: On the house, sir.

Talwin: Nods graciously “Thank ee sir”

Howard Plum: coughs

Talwin: Smiles at Howard

Howard Plum: May I get an ale as well?

Talwin: Easy boyo

Talwin: This was for you

Talwin: Slides Stew and Ale

Indigo: Here Howard you can have mine

Talwin: You've earned it

Indigo: He didn't mean to forget you

Talwin: And as apologies from this morning

Howard Plum: I already ate dinner thank you

Talwin: Shall we go bother Mister Fives?

Indigo: Are you going to bother him or listen to him?

Craigh: Anyways, that's him over there I think.

Talwin: Nah, no bothering. Just ask per Craigh

Michael (Talwin): Sidles up and sits at the table

Talwin: Gently taps a finger on Fives shoulder

TMO (Fives): he's got his head resting on his forearms. Wearing leather armor and a horned helmet.

Talwin: Mister Fives, we'd like to speak with you for a moment. Are you alright? You seem to have passed out at this establishment

Fives: He jolts awake. “Say what? I have not 'passed out'! I was jest resting my eyes.”

Talwin: Resting your eyes?

Talwin: OK. Can we spare a moment of your time?

Fives: It's called 'sleep', maybe you've heard of it?

Talwin: passes an ale

Fives: He takes the ale.

Fives: My time is yours!

Talwin: Gestures to Craigh

Talwin: We were told you may have some useful information for us.

Indigo: We're going to hell soon and we heard you know about devils

Fives: Perhaps, perhaps not. Have a seat, pull up a bench, squat on the floor, whatever you like.

Talwin: I'll just keep...sitting if that's alright

Indigo: sits

Fives: Ah, devils...

Fives: he looks around at the other people in the tavern.

Howard Plum: pulls up a chair

Fives: You wanna talk in public or prefer private?

Talwin: Does it matter to you?

Fives: Abso-damn-lutely not!

Indigo: This is fine

Talwin: Indigo? Do you want privacy for this conversation?

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Okay then

Fives: takes a drink

Fives: What can I do you for?

Indigo: Like I said, we're going to hell soon and we heard you might know stuff about devils that could help us

Fives: He nods.

Talwin: Frankly, anything you think is important, we take to heart

Fives: I do, yessir.

Indigo: So what do you know?

Fives: Well then, what's your reason for heading to Hell? Besides being bad when you was a kid?

Indigo: We have to return a book

Fives: That's one I ain't heard yet.

Talwin: Never piss off an archivist

Talwin: Let me tell you

Indigo: So you can't help us?

Fives: Of course I can.

Indigo: How?

Fives: Well, first off, lotta devils can't be hurt by normal weapons. You ready for that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Talwin

Indigo: Yes Branwyn said we needed magic weapons

Talwin: So Silver or Magical?

Fives: Magic's best

Indigo: We know that

Fives: Silver is more a werewolf thing.

Fives: Good. Then you're not hayseeds.

Fives: You ready for the heat too? Obvious thing, but folks tend to overlook it.

Fives: Wait, actually, you know which layer you're going to?

Talwin: Specific protections you might recommend? Earmuffs for pandemonium was a good idea, but any specific recommendations?

Indigo: I figured there'd be lava

Talwin: We won't be doing Pandemonium

Talwin: We just like to prepare for this shit

Talwin: So heat protection

Fives: Pandemonium ain't in Hell anyways.

Talwin: Close enough

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you have recommendations for heat protection?

Talwin: Deadpanned

Fives: It's right there in the name. “Demon”

Indigo: Not sure. Branwyn needs to get the book back. I think it has his name in it so we would look for that guy

Fives: Well, I'd figure out right quick which layer your librarian is on, because at least one layer of Hell is solid Ice.

Fives: Be a shame to show up in your beach shorts and freeze to death.

Talwin: Sighs. Of course it is

Indigo: I don't think it's a librarian

Indigo: laughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: We know what kind of hounds come after it, no? Would that be a clue?

Indigo: Huh?

Fives: Could be, could be. Fill me in, miss.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know really... but I've heard that occasionally a visitor comes after the book

Indigo: Oh that's the hunt

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we could figure out what layer they're from?

Indigo: Branwyn got marked by the book for a hunt. The book belongs to a devil so I think and they send demon like creatures as part of it

Indigo: The book doesn't belong to a hellhound

Fives: Maybe so. Your more common devils come from almost all of them. Easiest thing would be to eliminate the ice layer.

Bixi Fizzlebang: But I mean... if it's not ice monsters coming after it?

Fives: Devils wouldn't send demons

Fives: Two completely different grade of being.

Talwin: We seem to not have the right questions to ask it would seem. What do you think we are dealing with from what we've told you

Fives: He shrugs.

Talwin: Never heard of demons chasing down someone to recover lost property

Fives: Best guess, a devil wants his book back. Ever thought about just letting the hounds take it?

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: I mean

Talwin: Looks at Indigo

Talwin: Did you ever try that?

Indigo: Wait

Indigo: thinking

Indigo: Jennevive thought this. I suspect that a demon has been sent to hell for a reason and he is trying to get out. He needs his book that is here in the library. We will need to find the reason he is in Hell, where in Hell he is, and how or if we should return his book.

Fives: He leans forward.

Indigo: So there's a demon in hell we need to find.

Fives: A demon, trapped in Hell?

Bixi Fizzlebang: And probably how to stop the hunt, if we don't give the book back

Fives: Wonder why they didn't just kill it?

Indigo: She thought all the hellhounds and imps and stuff so those might be welcome advances to a Devil. Gifts so to speak

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Punishment?

Fives: Devils're tricky. Well, demons are too, but they're two different kinds.

Indigo: Maybe they all want the book

Fives: “The devil's in the details.” Remember that. The big ones like to make deals, and they will abso-damn-lutely screw you on every point they can.

You notice, by the way, that there's now a clearing two tables deep where no one is sitting.

TMO (Fives): they've all moved away

Bixi Fizzlebang: We should have kept the barrister

Indigo: I don't want to make a deal

Indigo: We just want to give the book back

Talwin: Speaking of deals...

Fives: So whatever you do with this book, make sure you don't put yourself into the devil's debt to do it.

Talwin: Taps indigo once on the shoulder

Indigo: But knowing us, we find the demon in hell and we have to rescue him or something

Talwin: Gestures to the room

Indigo: looks around

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Indigo: Okay

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 17]

Barkeep: The barkeep comes over with small cups of ale for everyone.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Have you been there before, Fives?

Indigo: So if Branwyn gets the book and comes back here, would you look at it with her?

Barkeep: One for the road, gents, against the rain, before you head out?

Indigo: Yes please

Indigo: to the barkeep

Talwin: No thank you, but appreciate your hospitality this fine evening

Talwin: We are grateful for your tolerance

Barkeep: He puts the small cups down in front of each of you, rubs his hands nervously together, nods and walks away.

Talwin: Pushes cup to fives

Fives: I'd love to look at that book. I'd like to start a collection of my own, actually.

Talwin: Tomorrow perhaps? We can meet in more private accommodations and have a meal prepared for you

Indigo: No you don't get to keep it

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: The book is far beyond any of our mortal reaches

Talwin: We simply serve as information gatherers

Fives: If you say so.

Indigo: Okay I'll see if she wants to see you

Fives: As I said, my time is yours. Where y'all from?

Indigo: Have you heard of Branwyn the Mysterious?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Fives, before we get any further, is there anything I can do for you? How are you feeling? Need healing or anything?

Fives: Well, thank you for the offer, miss, but I believe I'm feeling alright.

Fives: to Indigo, “Can't say as I have, sorry.”

Howard Plum: Bixi asked if you'd been to hell but you didn't answer

Fives: Well shucks, I'm very sorry. I guess I missed that question. The short answer is 'No'.

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Know Alignment on Fives

Bixi Fizzlebang receives this message from casting: He is neutral, but because good and evil are both in him, not because he's apathetic

Indigo: Then how do you know so much about it?

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Detect Poison on the last round of drinks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Indigo, could I talk to you privately for a second?

Fives: to Indigo: “Personal interest, I've studied it a lot.”

Bixi Fizzlebang: winks at Fives

Indigo: okay. I'll be back in a second

Fives: He nods and takes another drink.

Indigo: gets up to talk to Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang to Indigo: I'm detecting both good AND evil in this guy. Haven't experienced that before, I'm not sure what it means, but wanted you to know in case we try to make a deal with him

Indigo: That's weird

Indigo: I don't think we should make a deal. I think we should tell Branwyn and she can find him if she wants

Indigo to Bixi Fizzlebang: Okay. Thanks for telling me

Fives: to Talwin: “How about you, sir knight, any more questions for me?”

Talwin: Guarded expression

Fives: He looks at Howard, “I haven't pegged you yet. You got any questions for me, sir?”

Talwin: Mister Fives. It has been a pleasure

Fives: That's it? A few rounds, a half dozen questions, and you're through?

Howard Plum: Have you worked for a devil before?

Fives: 'For'? No.

Howard Plum: Made yourself a deal with one?

Talwin: How about, Are you one?

Howard Plum: You just seem to know more than most readers would

Fives: No deals, not really. A few questions here and there, a little blood here and there.

Howard Plum: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 14]

Fives: It's a personal thing of mine.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bloodshed or blood pact?

Howard Plum: You gave your blood to a devil?

Fives: Oh, no sir.

Fives: Took a bit from one once or twice though.

Howard Plum: You took blood from a devil ...

Fives: Fortunately they're rare, don't come here too often.

Fives: With a sword, fella. With a sword.

Fives: Sorry, I was trying to be clever with my words.

Howard Plum: Where did you get into a sword fight with a devil?

Fives: Well, like I said, they're rare, but they *do* come here sometimes. And I'm a hired hand. I was hired to take care of a problem, and I did.

Talwin: Murmurs to Indigo “Pull the plug. We're leaving”

Talwin: Now

Indigo: Devils come into this ... this establishment on occasion?

Indigo: I find this hard to believe

Bixi Fizzlebang: Mister Fives, if we wanted to contact a gentleman such as yourself in the future... what would be a good way of doing so?

Fives: Same way you did tonight. Find me wherever I am. I don't have an office.

Howard Plum: Okay. I think we're going to leave now.

Fives: to Indigo: “No sir, not here. This is just a tavern. An unnamed noble family had a black sheep in it who made an unwise friend.”

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thank you for sharing your information with us

Howard Plum: May we have a token to aid us in finding you?

Fives: All I did was a few easy answers, and I got some ale out of it. And kicked out of my tavern too, by the looks of it.

Fives: He looks suspiciously at Howard.

Howard Plum: It would lessen the need for questions

Fives: What kind of 'token' you wanting?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Talwin. “Hopefully it was worth it, for him to get kicked out of his tavern.”

Howard Plum: Nothing of great value. Just something that belongs to you

Howard Plum: a handkerchief?

Fives: He is looking at Howard very suspiciously now.

Howard Plum: That is fine. We can always ask for you on the street

Fives: I'm willing to trade tokens. You give me something, I'll give you.

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Talwin again

Howard Plum: I always carry a handkerchief

Talwin: Shakes head

Howard Plum: hands him a handkerchief

Talwin: Sighs

Howard Plum: Your turn

Fives: 'kay. You try any sendings against me, and I'll make sure you regret it. Messages only, understood?

Howard Plum: Of course

Talwin: Why on gods earth would we do that for someone we needed advice from?

Talwin: I imagine the same rule applies backwards Mister Fives?

Fives: He takes off a bracelet, it has some good luck and basic protection glyphs carved into it (not actually magical) and hands it to you.

Howard Plum: Thank you

Talwin: Mister Fives? Only messages and not “sendings” correct? For Howard as well?

Fives: My word is my honor, sir knight. No harm shall come to you from me unasked for.

Howard Plum: Branwyn will return it to you when she finds you again

Talwin: Bows

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can I give you an aura of comfort to ease your way home, Fives?

Fives: Y'all take care now!

Fives: Thank you miss, that's very kind.

Howard Plum: You as well. Good evening

Bixi Fizzlebang casts an Aura of Comfort over Fives

Bixi Fizzlebang: A little break from the rain, if nothing else

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Talwin again

Fives: I'll take it.

and you head back to the Palazzo

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): After we're out of earshot, to Talwin

Bixi Fizzlebang: You need to be nice to him in case we need him later!

Talwin: I was perfectly nice. I even paid for a drink. I said nothing insulting to him at all

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, but he was clearly looking for some cash, mister moneybags

Bixi Fizzlebang: And maybe Howard wouldn't have had to give up his perfectly nice handkerchief

Bixi Fizzlebang: Where's he going to sneeze now?

Talwin: You think I wanted Howard to give that up? He's more trusting than I am

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's why I kept trying to get you to give him some cash!

Talwin: Then just straight up say it next time!

Talwin: I didn't even think about it. I was more worried about his focus on the damn book


Bixi Fizzlebang: I can assure you it's not your good looks


Bixi Fizzlebang: WHAT!


Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls eyes

Talwin: Pats shoulder

Talwin: But I wouldn't have it any other way

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: I'll see if I can't find him tomorrow

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well anyway, I did get a reading on him. Mostly lawful, but full of good AND evil. I think he'll try to keep his word but... who knows

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not terribly experienced with these things... never had such shady dealings back home, so I can't really say

Talwin: Talwin relieves Yout from Ship Duty

Talwin to the Knarr and Youtargim comes back to the Palazzo

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks for taking care of Knotty, Yout.

Zayden: Hey guys how did your dance with the devil go? Any pale moonlight?

Zayden: I been watching the rain, it's been great

Craigh: Can't see the moon. Too many clouds.

Indigo: Youtargim, you did some great steering on the knarr during the pirate fight. Thanks for that

Zayden: And yet, the moon is still there, isn't that nice?

Craigh: True, true. I hope.

Bixi Fizzlebang: We didn't get poisoned, so there's that at least

Zayden: Always something to be grateful for

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo

Craigh: The moons haven't ever been a big thing where I grew up. Couldn't ever see more than a dim glow of them.

Zayden: Huh, that sounds... interesting

Craigh: Deep Mist.

Zayden: Get much sunshine?

Craigh: Nope.

Thistle: How deep?

Youtargim: It must be hard to navigate with so few stars and little moonshine

Zayden: Does sound and noise travel different across the Mist?

Craigh: Best to stick to the roads down there if you don't know where you're going. And yes, it muffles or distorts it a bit sometimes, especially when the wind is blowing.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh there was plenty of moonshine... Gerry had a nice batch, if I recall. Although that wasn't technically in the mist

Youtargim: Bixi I need to drink with you more

Zayden eyes Yout

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, well, you know, trying to keep my head clear these days.

Craigh: But, as they say, there's no place like home.

Youtargim: This is a nice place you picked to stay

Bixi Fizzlebang: actively seeking out excuses to NOT drink with Yout

Raelynn: Talwin insisted on somewhere nice for tonight.

Youtargim: You deserve it

Youtargim: we deserve it

Bixi Fizzlebang: And then he ended up on the ship

Youtargim: Chuckles

Craigh: Which is why he's out there on the boat.

Craigh: Alone.

Raelynn: shrugs

Craigh: I think that was his plan the whole time.

Raelynn: He has to find better ways to handle his guilt.

Youtargim: He has knotty

Raelynn: There are guards there.

Youtargim: Knotty was grumbling

Youtargim: He has been in the hold quite a while

Bixi Fizzlebang: Knotty is good company

Youtargim: not that I understand him

Youtargim: just loud rumbling noises

Youtargim: That is why I had them clean the hold out

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, I'd like to be able to get him some time outside to stretch his legs and get some fresh air

Youtargim: had to explain that to the guard

Bixi Fizzlebang: Just not sure when I'll have an opportunity

Licornah: :: glances at Bixi :: I could try to chat with him

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, that would be so nice, Licornah, thank you!

Thistle: Shi says they stopped often with the wolves to let them run around. We haven't really done that with Knotty. Not sure how much runnin' and huntin' he needs in comparison.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I just don't want to get him into a situation where he could be harmed

Craigh: Or wind up as someone's dinner.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I doubt he needs as much as wolves, but it must be hard to be stuck down there for so long

Youtargim: Points to Criagh

Bixi Fizzlebang: Exactly, Craigh

Craigh: Anybody got an illusion spell that can make him look like a large dog?

Thistle: Well if it's somethin' that can take down him, we'd have to worry about it, too. Unless it's a human. Maybe.

Youtargim: And a smell spell?

Craigh: I only can change my own looks, not someone else's.

Raelynn: Mmm I can hide tracks for people. I've never tried it on animals, but it stops smells and footprints.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can make him look like another animal, like a dog, but it would only be believable to other dogs

Licornah: :: stands to go talk to Knotty ::

Craigh: Can you make him look like a guard to the guards?

The time is 7:00 PM

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmmm...

Zayden: hmmm

Bixi Fizzlebang: You know Craigh, I just might be able to do that. He wouldn't be able to talk to anyone though...

Bixi Fizzlebang: And it only lasts for a few hours...

Zayden hums; oPalazoooooo

Craigh: Might be best to just go in the morning, if it's that much trouble.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, and he's got Talwin to keep him entertained tonight

The time is 10:00 PM

Bixi Fizzlebang: Even if just by annoying him

Craigh: Can knotty play checkers?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, that entertains me

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not sure. I never asked him what else he learned at the circus. Figured if he wanted to show us, he would

Bixi Fizzlebang: But maybe he just hasn't had a checkerboard around

Zayden: Quite a day eh quite a day

Bixi Fizzlebang: yawns

The time is 6:00 AM

In the morning

Zayden: So what's the plan for today gang?

Zayden: We have any breakfast?

The staff has a nice simple breakfast on the sideboards for you

Zayden: Ohhh a nice simple breakfast! My favorite

The rain just drizzling away

Zayden: This is quite good porridge, a little runnier than I’m used to but still quite good, and these eggs are lovely really. Is there any bacon?

Zayden: So who are these people we're try free from the prison system?

Zayden: Akilah and I got the cleaning crew list but we have no idea who we're looking for

Zayden: But if the people we're looking for are on the cleaning crew, that could come in handy, like an opportunity type of situation

Zayden: Without being rude or anything, is anybody taking the lead on this project?

Zayden: if we're lucky, maybe those names are on cleanup duty

Zayden: Another Indigo?

Zayden: Well how about that

Zayden: Who's good at breaking people out of places?

Zayden: so we'll have to split up into groups

Zayden: are they all on at the same time or at different times?

Craigh: Well, anyways, I can change my appearance, corner a guard, and bribe him into letting one of “them gypsies”; into my care for a job, and they won't be heard from again, if he knows what I mean.

Craigh: I'm assuming the gypsies are as unpopular with all the people as we've seen so far.

Zayden: I could try using some persuasion or fast talking, what's a good con?

Craigh: Are they on 3 different gangs?

Craigh: We could split into 2 groups, one for each gang, and each gang go about it their own way?

Craigh: 3 groups, gang, gang, temple

Zayden: seems like a good way to go about it

Craigh: at least we're not running through a giants' keep's basement

Zayden: Craigh you feel good about going for the single or the double?

Craigh: I could probably handle the double if you'd rather the single.

Zayden: I don't mind that sounds good to me

Zayden: So Craigh takes the lead with the double, I'll lead on the single, who wants to come with us?

Zayden: Craigh I forget are you good at fighting? In case it comes to that?

Craigh: Not particularly. I have a delicate build.

Zayden: Same here

Zayden: It'd be nice if we could each get a fighter of some sort, that an option?

Craigh: For my plan I should have someone tough looking along.

Zayden: Tal and Rae you guys are on group 3?

Craigh: Probably not Indigo on mine. Halfling's are too rare.

Zayden: Which group is the other Indigo on?

Craigh: I can hire someone from Ganjier if I need to.

Zayden: That may be a good call

Zayden: But anyway, that's a backup if plan A doesn't work, ideally without violence

Zayden: This and Yout you guys have any preference?

Craigh: Ooh, I got Howard! That expands my options a lot. What spells did you prepare today?

Zayden: Never mind Yout

Zayden: Thistle do you have any preference between our two groups here?

Howard Plum: I have an alarm spell and detect magic and missiles and dimension door and my glitter and some irritation spells

Craigh: Come, Sir Mage, let us Plot and Scheme.

Howard Plum: I think I have some good distraction spells today

Craigh: How's your acting ability?

Howard Plum: I ... have not really tried

Zayden thinks to himself “First rule of heists, never fall in love”

Zayden: Pretty good!

Craigh: Thistle, think you could pick any shackles they have on them if Howard distracts the guards with glitter and irritation?

Thistle: Ummm.... I can try, but it's not my forte.

Craigh’s Group is heading to Ponte Sesto Punto

Craigh: So, picking locks isn't option 1. No worries.

Thistle: nods

Howard Plum: If they are very simple locks I can try to cantrip them free

Craigh: Oh, good thinking!

Howard Plum: But it is also not assured

Craigh: I'm thinking bribery is our best shot as Plan A. Magic and trickery is Plan B?

Howard Plum: That sounds good

Craigh: Ah, Thistle, you're a good pickpocket though, I hear?

Thistle: grins

Craigh: How does this sound? You go first, try to get a set of keys off the guard. After you make your run, I'll act and bribe the guard to give over the gypsies into my patron's tender care, with Howard standing in the background as the angry patron.

Craigh: Once we get your cousins into our care, you use the key to get the shackles off.

Thistle: Okay but how ya gonna make sure I don't... ya know, end up like you if I mess up?

Craigh: Craigh points to Howard.

Craigh: He has mega magic

Thistle: I mean he's got some good tricks, sure...

Craigh: And besides, I'm far too handsome. You couldn't possibly end up like me.

Thistle: laughs

Craigh: He can set Alarm somewhere to go off as a distraction.

Thistle: All right, all right. I'm gonna trust ya, Craigh. You seem to know what you're doing.

Craigh: He can use glitter to distract them

Craigh: He can irritate them, although I think you could do that too if you wanted.

Craigh: Or he can blast them with magic missile.

Thistle: Easily.

Craigh: Let's avoid the lethal methods if we can though.

Thistle: Ya we're not trying to also end up in jail.

Thistle: So I'm guessing no lawyer?

Craigh: It's best if the day ends up with no one suspecting anything.

Craigh: I'm an honest criminal. What would I want with a lawyer?

Thistle: shrugs

Craigh: Alright, before we begin, any questions? Howard?

You are at the bridge

Howard Plum: I wait until Thistle gets in trouble before casting anything

Howard Plum: I look angry and want workers, right?

Craigh: Sounds good. The angle I think I'm going to play, although it may change depending on the guard, is that you're a relative of one of the drowned men, and want to get even.

Craigh: If the guard seems too noble for that, we'll just go the straight worker ploy.

Craigh: and bribery. Can't forget that.

Howard Plum: takes a deep breath and follows Craigh

Craigh: Alright, let's actively wait for the prisoners to show up.

Prison Guard work detail: Get that spot there, you wanted out in the sun, this is the best you get

Prison Guard work detail: YOU! Lower him down into the water, get that bucket down there

They see 8 prisoners total on this detail with 3 guards

Prison Guard work detail: If he cannot swim that is just better

Prison Guard work detail: He won't go anywhere

Craigh: Craigh notes which guard that was.

Prison Guard work detail: pauses, nods to a passing person on the bridge, Morning Mamm

Howard Plum: puts his hands on his hips so he can grab spell components easily from his pockets and watches

Prison Guard work detail: Looks over to the other guards on either end of the bridge

All three guards with crossbows

Craigh: You're up, Thistle. Whenever you're ready.

Thistle: Sure sure and I'm gonna...?

Yes to shackles on their ankles

Craigh: Keys.

Thistle: But which one ya think?

the ones dangling into the water have the extra weight on them also,

Craigh: Observe. My guess is the one giving orders, but watch the other two also. Pick your target. We have time, there's no rush.

Prison Guard work detail: Clean that pillar

Thistle: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 35) [SUCCESS by 4] [d100 = 31]

Thistle: listening for keys

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Craigh: The one in the middle calling out the orders, keys on his belt.

your two gypsies are cleaning on the surface, they are not allowed to go over the edge out of sight of the guards

Thistle: Ya ready, Craigh?

Craigh: It's all yours.

Thistle: [SKILL] Pick Pockets [PERCENT:Pick Pockets] (vs. Target 75) [SUCCESS by 14] [d100 = 61]

Thistle walks down the bridge and stumbles, catches herself on the guard, and then walks away

pocketing his keys

Craigh: Craigh steps back into a shadowed area

Craigh casts Change Self to alter his appearance

Craigh: Craigh makes himself look like a noble functionary/assistant, with two arms, although his left hand is always tucked in at his belt.

Craigh then casts Janne's Impressive Demeanor on himself

Craigh: Craigh then makes himself look impressive.

Craigh: Craigh strides down to the head guard. “Excuse me, sir. A quick moment of your time, if I may?”

Prison Guard work detail: Looks up

Howard Plum: watches Craigh closely

Prison Guard work detail: Oh, Yes Sir, what is the problem sir?

Prison Guard work detail: Hey get those two out of the way

Prison Guard work detail: Clear the way

Craigh: says quietly to the guard, “Do my eyes deceive me, or are two of your ... “workers” ... some of those horrid gypsies?”

Prison Guard work detail: Nods Yes Sir, putting the scoundrels to honest work for once

Craigh: As I thought, as I thought.

Craigh: Well, my patron and I were walking by when we spied them out here. As it turns out, my patron is distantly related to one of the poor men drowned by the gypsies. Would it be possible to, er, 'release' the gypsies into his care for a 'special' job, without anyone being any wiser? For a suitable fee, of course?

Prison Guard work detail: Well I don't know about that

Craigh: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 16]

Craigh: [SKILL] Bribe [PERCENT:Bribe] (vs. Target 50) [FAILURE by 49] [d100 = 99]

Craigh tries to be persuasive and bribe the guard but is unsuccessful.

Prison Guard work detail: I can't just let them go

Craigh: I was afraid of that, I really was.

Craigh: Are you sure?

Prison Guard work detail: Your patron could request a detail for cleaning

Craigh: I mean, he does come from a wealthy family.

Craigh: Yes, exactly!

Prison Guard work detail: Would not take more than a week to get you onto the schedule

Prison Guard work detail: You have a latrine to be cleaned?

Craigh: Unfortunately, I'm afraid he has important family business to attend to starting tomorrow.

Craigh: That's why we're out running errands today in this dismal rain.

Prison Guard work detail: Filthy rain

Craigh: Indeed

Craigh: That the gypsies caused, did they not?

Prison Guard work detail: That is what I hear

Howard Plum: taps his pockets impatiently trying to act annoyed

Craigh: If I say I know of a latrine that needs to be cleaned immediately, could you loan me our two gypsies for about, oh, an hour?

Prison Guard work detail: Would be hard Sir

Prison Guard work detail: I understand your need

Prison Guard work detail: but we have a schedule

TMO (Craigh): double the coin offer

Craigh: [SKILL] Bribe [PERCENT:Bribe] (vs. Target 50) [SUCCESS by 43] [d100 = 7]

Craigh doubles his bribe to one gold piece and the guard becomes amenable.

Prison Guard work detail: Look, If you promise to have them back here in two hours, then you can take them

Craigh: You sir, have made it onto my Good Books. My patron will look very favorably upon both of us for this.

Prison Guard work detail: Nods,

Prison Guard work detail: Walks over to the two prisoners to unlock them

Prison Guard work detail: reaches down for his keys

Craigh: No, no, leave the shackles on please!

Craigh: We wouldn't want to risk them escaping, would we?

Prison Guard work detail: Oh

Prison Guard work detail: Ok

Prison Guard work detail: Yes that is a good idea

Craigh: Come along you two! We have a very, very important latrine that needs to be cleaned!

So the two gypsies head off with Craigh and Howard

Craigh: And don't try anything, or the guard there is going to be *very* unhappy with you!

Howard Plum: turns away from the guard so hopefully he doesn't look to hard at him

Howard Plum: whispers

Howard Plum: Nicely done Craigh

Craigh: Thought we were going to have to start blasting there for a second.

Zayden’s Group heads to its bridge

You are up in the northern part of the city

Cleaning the Cantare Bridge

that is the Theatre district

there are gardens nearby

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey Bix, do you have any spells that like, could inebriate a guard lets say maybe?

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: um... I have one that causes allergies

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Like, how bad allergies we talking about?

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: Not sure, it's never worked

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: huh, well worth a shot either way, I know allergies can be very distracting

Zayden to Indigo: Hey Indigo, was just wondering if you have any special skills that may be helpful, like fighting or magic or stealing or something, with this upcoming jail break situation

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: I can also call lighting, but that's pretty dangerous depending on how close we are to the target

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmmm, I bet that would be pretty distracting though, you could just try lightning an area without people

Indigo to Zayden: just fighting. I have a gaming skill for possible distractions, betting etc.

Zayden to Indigo: Fighting is great thanks, although hopefully we won't need to fight

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: When we get there we'll have to see what the specifics of the guard situation is, like how many and such,

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: I could try using some of my fast talking and persuasion skills, if the guards are distracted by allergies may make them more amenable to our truths

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: I have a few possible ideas, but yeah, it will depend on what it's like when we get there

Zayden: who is the most impressive to offer the bribe you think?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, I can be persuasive... but... it doesn't always work

Zayden: well nothing always works

Bixi Fizzlebang: Let me rephrase that

Zayden: They may be more susceptible to a pretty lady, though

Bixi Fizzlebang: It hardly ever works

Zayden: oh hardly ever huh?

Zayden: Well I could give it a try

Bixi Fizzlebang: Need info. Any plants around? What is the bridge made out of? Stone, etc.?

Zayden: or we could both go, we could part of an acting troupe

Indigo: What do you want me to do?

Zayden: Chill with us for now Indigo

Indigo: Okay

there are only 6 prisoners here but four guards

everything needs to be clean, nobles all around the area

the spring season is in full bloom

flowers everywhere

the Theaters are gearing up for performances

the Opera houses are buzzing

Zayden: do we have enough money for a bribe?

Zayden: We could both approach and say we from the Theater, and that we need a Gypsy for some Theater stuff

Zayden: And offer to compensate them for their troubles

Zayden: priestess and her two acolytes need a sacrificial Gypsy to cure the rain business happening as of late

Bixi Fizzlebang: approaches the guard

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello sir. How are you today?

Zayden follows

Prison Guard work detail: Looks at Bixi

Prison Guard work detail: Grunts

Prison Guard work detail: Evening Priestess

Prison Guard work detail: Sorry do not recognize your insignia

Bixi Fizzlebang: Must be awful to be out in this rain, all the time. Can I offer you an aura of comfort to make your job a little more comfortable this evening?

Prison Guard work detail: What do those lozenges mean?

Prison Guard work detail: Oh well that would be nice, thank you

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Aura of Comfort on the guard.

Bixi Fizzlebang: The lozenges mean I am an Aunt

Prison Guard work detail: An Aunt?

Prison Guard work detail: Like an Uncle?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sir, I wanted to ask you a question. My order thinks they may have gotten to the bottom of this rain business, but we still have some testing to do

Prison Guard work detail: That would be very good

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, it means I am over 5th level, but you can think of it however you like

Prison Guard work detail: I had no idea Aunts and Uncles were looking into it

Prison Guard work detail: I wish my uncle cared so much

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, we're all very tired of the rain, I'm sure

Zayden Nods head

Prison Guard work detail: We have had to clean more with all this rain

Prison Guard work detail: the spring is always hard but now it is crazy

Prison Guard work detail: the mold keeps growing all over

Indigo: Yuck

Prison Guard work detail: scrubbing it off takes work

Indigo: coughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: In order to complete this testing, we just need a gypsy to... let's call it helping out. (wink). I was wondering if we might be able to talk to someone about borrowing someone from work detail. Even if it doesn't work, it would get the criminal off the street for a bit, at least make a more sightly picture for people passing by the bridge

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 15]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Bixi Fizzlebang tries to persuade the guard but fails and then tries to identify some mold but has trouble with that as well.

Bixi Fizzlebang: My acolytes here can attest to my mission, if you care to question them

Zayden: Hello Mr. Prison Guard, what should we call y ou if you don't mind my asking? I am Zayden

Prison Guard work detail: Good Morning Acolyte Zayden

Prison Guard work detail: Why don't you have any lozenges

Zayden: Good morning sir

Prison Guard work detail: Looks at Indigo too

Indigo: We're new. We haven't earned any yet

Zayden: I justa forgot to wear mine today, I've been getting hell all day

Prison Guard work detail: Ahh

Prison Guard work detail: How hard is it?

Prison Guard work detail: Looks over at Bixi examining the mold on the bridge

Zayden: If you're serious about it's challenging but doable, takes discipline you know

Zayden: But I'm sure you know about discipline, you seem to run a very tight ship here

Prison Guard work detail: Nods, we have to pay attention to details

Indigo: It's really hard. We have to follow everywhere and clean the censors and light candles and pray 15 times a day and ... and ...

Indigo: we carry things

Prison Guard work detail: Wow 15 times seems like a lot

Prison Guard work detail: I maybe pray once or twice a week

Prison Guard work detail: if you do not count cursing

Indigo: It is! I need to pray more than most people

Zayden: ha ha

Prison Guard work detail: But who counts that right?

Zayden laughs

Zayden: I always count them!

Zayden: really helps keep those numbers up if you know what I mean

Prison Guard work detail: I wish that worked for me

Prison Guard work detail: you almost done here?

Zayden: You gotta keep your number up Prison Guard?

Prison Guard work detail: She said something about working on some project

Indigo: Aunt Bixi says if we could just strap a real live gypsy to a table and cast stuff on him or her then we can make the rain go away

Prison Guard work detail: We have to clean this bridge then move onto the next one

Prison Guard work detail: That sounds weird

Prison Guard work detail: Like a thing a priest or a wizard would do

Indigo: Well you don't want them to run away

Zayden: Yes, we really need us a Gypsy, to help with this horrible rain, and I'm sure we can compensate you (does hand signal) for any loss in productivity this may incur upon you and your good men here

Indigo: Aunt Bixi is a priestess

Bixi Fizzlebang: No harm would come to them, we would be able to return them in working order. The gods are fickle, though, they aren't fond of dead offerings

Zayden: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Zayden: [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]

Zayden: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 20]

Zayden: [SKILL] Disguise [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Indigo: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 14]

Bixi Fizzlebang: If you could just tell us who to speak with about this?

Indigo: Can we play for him?

Indigo: I have dice

Prison Guard work detail: Play for him?

Prison Guard work detail: like gamble with him?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, gosh, Indigo, what a clever acolyte! I hadn't even thought about taking this gypsy here, but that would certainly be more convenient...

Indigo: well if I win we get to borrow a gypsy and if I lose I give you a coin

Prison Guard work detail: Do I get the gypsy back?

Indigo: Yeah. We don't want them forever

Indigo: Aunt Bixi just needs to test a spell

Prison Guard work detail: Ummmm sure if you win you can have him for an hour

Prison Guard work detail: and if I win I get a silver piece

Indigo: Okay

Indigo: Here you can even look at the dice to make sure they are real

Indigo: takes a deep breath

Prison Guard work detail: mutters, this is a win win, I get his silver no matter what

Indigo: [SKILL] Gaming [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 17]

Prison Guard work detail: See easy money

Indigo: Here's a silver

Prison Guard work detail: Thank you

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Charm Person or Mammal on the guard

Save [4] [Target 19] -> [for Prison Guard work detail] [FAILURE]

Zayden: whispers to bix: Should I pick his pocket?

Prison Guard work detail: Again

Prison Guard work detail: I bet I can beat you again

Indigo: Double or nothing?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sir, do you really want to risk angering the gods and not giving the city a chance to finally be rid of this rain? Before the rivers rise and the floods begin?

Prison Guard work detail: Sure

Indigo: [SKILL] Gaming [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

Prison Guard work detail: DaMN

Bixi Fizzlebang: Goodness, acolyte, I'm not sure this is befitting of your order

Prison Guard work detail: You need him back here in an hour

Indigo: I'm sorry Aunt Bixi. If I guard the gypsy and promise never to gamble again will you forgive me?

Prison Guard work detail: we have to go clean two more bridges today

Indigo: Okay

Bixi Fizzlebang: You will need to pray 16 times a day, most likely.

Indigo: Yes Aunt Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thank you, guard. I will put in a good word for you in my prayers, and the whole city will celebrate you when the rains end. And if the experiments do not work, you shall have your gypsy back, and no one will be any the wiser

Licornah and her group visits the knarr and the Greek Temple

Licornah: :: makes her way to the ship ::

you talk to Knotty

before you head to the Greek temples

Knotty is unsatisfied with his lodgings, being stuck in the hold for over 12 days

But he has had lots of food to eat

and the person you have down there with him has scratched his back

and used him to sleep against

Licornah: :: sympathizes with him and takes note for Bixi ::

Talwin: Oh Knotty. I'll bring you a treat back too!

Arkady Bulygin: What are you going to do with me

Talwin: Frankly I have no idea.

Talwin: I'll turn you over to the guards.

Arkady Bulygin: Why!

Licornah: :: frowns :: I would have tossed you overboard days ago

Talwin: Hopefully they can direct you to social services

Talwin: I would have as well. Take it or leave it

Arkady Bulygin: I just want to be free

Arkady Bulygin: my landlord is dead

Talwin: I wanted a barrister today! But we can't always get what we want!

Arkady Bulygin: that barrister is dead

Raelynn: Er, we were just going to let him go at this point. We don't want to interact with the guards... more than necessary right now.

Arkady Bulygin: I am free to start a new life

Talwin: Grunts

Licornah: :: motions :: Be gone

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: That fluffy one is always ruining our fun

Talwin: Unties Him

Talwin: Be Free, here’s some rations

Raelynn: Make smarter investments, too. Maybe look into priesthood to atone. Or at least a better business partner.

Talwin: Can you swim by any chance?

Licornah: :: unties him ::

Arkady Bulygin: No

Raelynn: Oh come now, he can go back with us. We're going to the temple anyways.

Arkady Bulygin: I am a tanner

Talwin: Grunts

Talwin: OK. Come along.

Arkady Bulygin: Heaves up

Arkady Bulygin: Woah

Arkady Bulygin: OK that is hard

Raelynn: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Rae can tell he has just been down here in the dark for three days, first time standing and it is on a boat on the water

Arkady Bulygin: Grabs onto Talwin

Talwin: I would recommend latching onto another support mechanism

Talwin: Let me put together a care package to get you started

Raelynn: Actually... maybe we should bring him to the temple with us for care.

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: Okay, just let me grab some stuff for him first

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Why do we care if he survives?

Talwin: Takes a knapsack, throws some food and a change of clothes. Take a pouch and drops a couple silvers in it.

Talwin: Rethinks

Raelynn: Thank you, Talwin.

Talwin: Drops another two silvers in

Talwin: Nods

Raelynn: I'm glad your sword hasn't completely twisted your morals yet.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: What the hell man

Talwin: That should get him in and out, or enough time to find work at the tanneries

Talwin: Mumbles: “Oh come on, I'm not that heartless. Remember, you put up with this for the slaughter times later”

Talwin: I'm not always a complete ass

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: But why give him extra money???

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Why not. Not like I need it much. Besides, I might invest in a shop......

Raelynn: eyes him with concern

Licornah: Glad this business is over.

Talwin: OK. Some rations, a change of clothes, and four silver pieces.

The four of you get back on the skiff, Youtargim waves as you leave

Talwin: Turns away from the others. and Writes a mysterious note

Licornah: Shall we head to the temples. Knotty has some improvement suggestions for Bixi

Talwin: Might as well. And we can take tanner here for a checkup

So you get to the docks, dismiss your tanner

Raelynn: nods

the three of you go off to the temples

you find the Temple to Poseidon

Talwin: Passes Note to Tanner as we leave. Stamps a seal at the bottom

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: what did you do

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm in your head, you have to tell me

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Just irritating you

Licornah: Have either of you visited the Temples before?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Tell me

Raelynn: Which ones?

Talwin: I know they like offerings

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: We are supposed to be best friends

Licornah: Any of them?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Secrets don't make friends

Raelynn: Years and years ago passing through. Too long ago to matter.

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): No, but they do make friendships entertaining!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I strongly disagree, and regret telling you that you could hide thoughts from me

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm going to start hiding things from you as well

Licornah: Okay... I don't remember Greek temples in Silvermoon, so I'm not sure I am familiar with the protocols here

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I only hide unimportant stuff. You should be able to have some privacy

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: If it was unimportant, why would you bother hiding it?

As you find your way to the temple

Licornah: Enters the grounds and hope for an acolyte to appear

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): It's a surprise

Human, priestess: Hello

Raelynn: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Unless it involves giant blood coating my blade, it probably is not a pleasant surprise

Raelynn: Good day, priestess.

Human, priestess: How are you today?

Raelynn: bobs the proper whatever for this situation

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Relax. I'll tell you later

Licornah: :: gives a low bow :: Good morning

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm IN YOUR HEAD. There's literally no reason why you couldn’t tell me now. It's not like I can communicate with anyone else

Human, priestess: Lovely weather we are having

The time is 8:00 AM

Licornah: Is it rainy season here?

Raelynn: elbows Talwin to pay attention

Human, priestess: It is always rainy in the spring, this year is very rainy

Raelynn: Do the rains just... stay in one spot? That seems a bit unusual.

Human, priestess: This is very unusual

Talwin: Talwin tries to pay attention, occasionally wincing at mental prodding

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm just trying to be your totally-not-evil bestie sword here

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): OH MY GOD I’LL TELL YOU LATER

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Why are you shouting at me? /sword starts crying

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): You are GROUNDED. Think about what you have done!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I'm always grounded, I don't have legs!

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I'll tell you before anyone else, if you just promise to be quiet for this conversation. Kind of important!

Human, priestess: This is very unusual

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: More important than our friendship?

Raelynn: looks at Licornah to take the lead with her questions.

Talwin: Bows deeply

Licornah: :: tilts head :: do you think all is well with the temples? Might someone need :: ponders :: appeasing? Or do you think it's just a boon for the farmers with all the rain

Human, priestess: Well the farmers might like the rain that is true

Human, priestess: But our God of the waters must be blessing us

Youlish, Centaur: COUGHS

Youlish, Centaur: Not just the waters

Licornah: :: turns to see the new humanoid and bows ::

Human, priestess: Yes, I am sorry Bishop Youlish, Not only the water

Licornah: Why do you say that?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Wow, point taken, ouch. I'm giving you the silent treatment now, until it no longer suits my purposes!

Licornah: I am Sister Licornah

Youlish, Centaur: I am Bishop Youlish, servant of Poseidon

Youlish, Centaur: I have been here in the city for a few years

Youlish, Centaur: out on my rounds I remind that our other key area of concern is horses

Licornah: I hail from lands far from here, and follow a deity that is unknown to you. These rains seem strange and unusual, but I hoped a chat with you might shed light

Youlish, Centaur: Those poor lesser creatures

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Oh.My.God. It was a letter of passage to the tannery in Dragon's Fen if he wanted a job and a writ of credit for 10 GP to get him there. Besides, we can always use more tanners. Now was that such a big deal!

Youlish, Centaur: Where do you hail from fair Elf?

Licornah: Silvermoon

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Not the content, but it WAS a big deal for our trust level

Youlish, Centaur: That must be very far, I do not remember ever hearing of such a place in our teachings

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): IF that was a big deal for trust levels, you need therapy. Oh, I know, we both can go!

Licornah: :: nod :: It seems no one has ever heard of my lands. But I am learning new lands all the time now

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: We probably should not do that. I would be ok with it, however, the therapist would not be able to hear me, and would lock you up for being crazy

Youlish, Centaur: There are lands that stretch to all the distant corners of the world

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I'm sure there's someone just as crazy who would be able to help

Youlish, Centaur: Why are you here in these lands?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Then they should not be a therapist

Licornah: We were called here to assist others. We've heard several concerns about the rains and was hoping to see if you had a source of the troubles

Youlish, Centaur: These are unusual rains, they have stayed for far longer than any I have heard of

Youlish, Centaur: Our God has not called to use to keep them here

Youlish, Centaur: Nor has he asked for us to disperse them

Licornah: Have you asked him or do you suspect it's another deity?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: The only one who would believe you is that idiot short one that had me before I found you

Youlish, Centaur: I do not sense another deity actively opposing Poseidon

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Enough

Lorie (Licornah): :: nods :: I appreciate your insight. Do you have any other ideas about the rain and what we might do to get it to abate?

Raelynn: These rains are causing death of many. They cannot last longer, and they are not natural. There must be something going on.

Youlish, Centaur: If it does continue without relenting with he correct sacrifices We would attempt to stop them

Raelynn: Is your deity unable to call to you?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: grumbles, but obeys

Raelynn: What are the correct sacrifices?

Youlish, Centaur: I have continued to receive my spells so I am certain that I am in good standing

Raelynn: Have you asked him directly? You say you do not sense another deity opposing, so is it yours or is something else trying to impose on his domain?

Youlish, Centaur: I would need to pray to ascertain what will please him

Raelynn: The rains must relent.

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Youlish, Centaur: I can say that He is not at the heart of this rain

Youlish, Centaur: We appreciate the bounty

Youlish, Centaur: But we do not control it's continued stay

Raelynn: Yet you must have an idea of who does.

Licornah: Have there been troubles at any of the other temples?

Youlish, Centaur: No troubles that I know of

Raelynn: Or how to make them stop

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 20]

Youlish, Centaur: the only result from any augury that I have cast is that “They must reconcile with one”

Raelynn: looks to Talwin and Licornah

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Rae can sense that you have all the knowledge you are going to gather here at this temple

Licornah: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Talwin: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Licornah: :: bows :: I thank you for your time and insight. I wish you well.

Youlish, Centaur: Have a safe journey, I hope you enjoy these lands

Youlish, Centaur: Perhaps you should listen to an opera,

Youlish, Centaur: My uncle sang at one many years ago

Talwin: Bows. Thank you for your wisdom. An offering for the temple

Raelynn: Perhaps if the rains let up.

Michael (Talwin): Leaves 5 GP on the Dais (or collection bin, or whatever)

Raelynn: looks at Talwin, “I hope you offer as much if you ever visit my temple.”

Talwin: Shrugs

and everyone can gather again at the Palazzo

Talwin: I don't go to temples Rae

Talwin: But If I ever visit yours, I'll be sure to donate

Raelynn: Hmm, maybe I should drag you out next time...

The time is 12:00 PM

So at Noon at the Palazzo everyone is gathered again

Lorie (Licornah): :: relays Knotty insight and pure miss at temple to group ::

Bixi Fizzlebang: Time is of the essence, I promised to have the pretend experiments done an hour ago

Indigo: We should get them to Caravan Landing before some guards see us