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Chat Log - 2022 09 23 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The time is 6:00 AM

The morning after rescuing the gypsies and visiting the Greek temple, the group decides how to the return the gypsies safely to their caravan.

Thistle: Hey Zayden. You can do disguises, right?

Zayden: I do!

Thistle: Can ya help these three out? Just for a bit 'til we get them to safer grounds.

Thistle: I suppose maybe a cloak could work, but ya can't be too careful.

Thistle: Right Craigh?

Zayden: What do ya need a disguise for?

Thistle: Oh unless you can work that fancy disguise magic on them, too?

Thistle: nods towards their three gypsys

Craigh: Hmm.. cloaks at a minimum, but that probably won't get them out the gate unlooked at.

Thistle: Well that ain't supposed to be away, right?

Thistle: Yeah, 'xactly Craigh.

Craigh: Can we take them around by land?

Howard Plum: I could use magic to get them past the gate if I don't have to take them far

Raelynn: I could maybe do their makeup to throw off their appearance a little...

Raelynn: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Raelynn successfully uses her artistic ability on makeup for the disguises.

Craigh: I'm all out of magic for today. I might be able to disguise them some though.

Thistle: That's a good start, Rae. Can ya add anything more, Zayden?

Zayden: I'm not sure if I can disguise others, but I can disguise myself if that helps

Thistle: Er, well, can ya try?

Thistle: Disguising them, I mean.

Craigh: None of my spells can change them. Best I could do is maybe distract the guards so they don't look too closely at the others.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can do an invisibility circle but... the guards would have to be distracted and... far enough away that no one would bump into them and um... also we'd have to be pretty quiet inside the circle

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's risky

Craigh: Let's try mundane disguises first, I think.

Thistle: Ya. Maybe between you and Rae, you can distract them after.

Craigh: Then see how hard it will be from there.

Zayden: Oh sure, to disguise the gypsy friends?

Thistle: Oh! And if we need, Howard can be imposing again! Demand he's going back to the caravan to... get more or somethin'?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I could also cast a darkness circle but that's... super suspicious

Raelynn: Oh here, let me help.

Raelynn casts Bless on those trying to make the disguises for the gypsies.

Zayden: Thanks Rae!

Zayden: I feel very blessed

Raelynn: smiles

Craigh: [SKILL] Disguise [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 19]

Craigh is not able to create a successful disguise.

Craigh: My supplies got wet...

Zayden: [SKILL] Disguise [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

Zayden: [SKILL] Disguise [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Zayden: [SKILL] Disguise [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Zayden, however, uses his skills successfully to make three disguises.

Zayden: Yall look great, hardly recognize thee

Thistle: Dang, you're good.

Zayden made all three look like elves

to match up with Akilah and Rae and Licornah

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 5]

And then Raelynn is able to help all three look and act like Elves

so in the morning you have three new Elves in your party

Craigh: Nicely done. So, silent elf acolytes, following their leader as they go to inspect the gypsy camp?

Craigh: How will we explain that they don't come back with us?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Hope Guards can't count.

Craigh: Usually best not to base all your plans on 'hope'

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It's a reasonable hope.

Bixi Fizzlebang: They did say we could stay out more than a day, we would just have to pay again

Raelynn: Elves can be unreasonable. I don't think you'll need to explain much.

Bixi Fizzlebang: We just tell them they're coming later

Zayden: We could offer the guard a few beverages, they probably love to have drink standing there in the hot sun all day

Zayden: or the pouring rain

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, yes, Zayden.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Fresh socks.

Thistle: Y'all can do that if ya want while some of us go into camp. Maybe less of us in camp the better? Claim you're here to make sure we return?

Zayden: something hot then, warming the body, perhaps a less scrupulous person would put a little something something in there as well

Zayden winks

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Nothing like fresh socks after a day in the rain.

Craigh: Well, if we don't mind expending it, we can split in two. The 'elves' go through, then some of the rest of us use Dimension door to teleport ourselves outside, then we come back in the gypsies' place.

Zayden: Dimension door?

Thistle: Oh, you can do that?

Thistle: Ya think the wall ain't protected against it?

Craigh: If Howard can't, I have a scroll.

Thistle: nods

Thistle: You're the criminal mastermind here, Craigh. Whatever you think will work best.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmm, do we have any berries? I might be able to, er... make them a little sick

Howard Plum: I offered to use magic. I have two spells memorized

Thistle: Um, let's not get too hasty. We ain't wanting to give them more reason to bother the caravan.

Thistle: With the poisonin' and such.

Thistle: Magic is fine. As long as it ain't poisonin'

Craigh: I'm sorry, Howard. I didn't hear you. What have you got today?

Zayden: maybe not a poison, just something that makes them need to go to the bathroom

Howard Plum: The same as I have most days

Raelynn: Oh! Glitter?

Raelynn: I like that one.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Good point, Thistle

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, yes, Howard, I meant to ask you about the glitter spell. I want one. How did you get it?

Howard Plum: Yes and an alarm, dimension door, and others

Howard Plum: You learn it. I learned it from Branwyn

Bixi Fizzlebang: I will have to ask her next time we see her

Raelynn: Can't you learn it from Howard?

Bixi Fizzlebang: The guards last time seemed to think we could get murdered. Maybe we just pretend our friends got murdered

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know... can I?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Howard

Raelynn: Or we just go, say we have some friends visiting, and wanted to show them around? I don't think it needs to be that complicated.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, ghosts! We tell the guards they were ghosts!

Bixi Fizzlebang: makes a note in her journal

Howard Plum: I do not believe guards care much considering how easily it was to get the gypsies free

Zayden: I could try to use persuasion to talk to the guards, if they risk blocking our way

Howard Plum: And yes if you have a few days of doing nothing except wanting to try to learn a spell you could learn it from my book as easily as Branwyn's

Raelynn: Yes, I think between Zayden and I, we could get us all by if they give us a problem.

Butler: Good Morning

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, considering how easy it was last time, disparaging remarks aside, I wouldn't think it would be THAT difficult

Butler: I trust the breakfast was suitable for you?

Zayden: There's breakfast? Lovely!

Indigo: It was great!

Craigh: It was very good, thanks.

Butler: I am pleased you enjoyed

Bixi Fizzlebang: mumbles “Someone wake up Talwin, I think this guy is looking for a tip”

Raelynn: Yes, thank you! Much better than... well, better than it has been the past week.

Butler: Will there be any needs during the day?

Butler: And will you will be staying the evening?

Zayden: will we be staying the evening?

Raelynn: Oh, I don't believe so....?

Raelynn: Well, hmm...

Raelynn: I'm not sure.

Butler: It would be helpful to plan for supper

Indigo: Depends on if it's raining I think

Butler: Just how many are expected?

Butler: I was thinking that the cook might prepare stuffed quail this evening but it would be nice to know how many

Raelynn: Oh, we can always go to that other inn if we need to stay the night.

Butler: IF you were staying the night

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we could just eat at a tavern tonight? Give the staff the night off?

Indigo: Should we stay tonight and sail in the morning?

Zayden: Quail sounds amazing

Butler: The Count is not expected back for two more weeks, the Palazzo is available as you need

Indigo: Unless anyone objects I would like to stay one more night here and have quail for dinner

Zayden: I do like Quail, no objections here

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sounds good to me

Indigo: pays 10 gp for another night

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sorry... er, what was your name? (to the butler) looks like you don't get the evening off after all

Holpbert: My name is Holpbert Mamn

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thank you, Holpbert. Your service has been fantastic. When Talwin wakes up, I will make sure he tips you well.

Holpbert: Thank you

Holpbert: I am glad to set the table for you

Zayden: Thank you Holpbert!

Holpbert: Will you need anything else during the day?

Zayden: I think we're good Holp, is there anything we can get for you from outside?

Holpbert: The house can always use more cheese

Holpbert: We will be glad to pay fair market value

Zayden: Noted, we'll try to pick some up for the house

Holpbert: A half ton will work

Bixi Fizzlebang: Holpbert, you are a man of good taste

Indigo: laughs

Holpbert: It is good to have people in the Palazzo again

Holpbert: A servant who is not serving is not a good thing

Holpbert: Be our Guest

Bixi Fizzlebang: A dinner here is never second best

Holpbert: Thank you Miss Bixi

Holpbert: The Regatta season starts next month

Zayden: So shall we get going?

Indigo: We should probably

Indigo: Not sure we can get 1000 pounds of cheese though

Bixi Fizzlebang: We can definitely try though. Maybe like 1005 pounds. I wouldn't mind a cheese refill.

Zayden: Something that pairs well with Quail

Heading off to Caravan Landing

Most of the group heads out to Caravan Landing to return the gypsies. Indigo, Bixi, and Youtargim head out to go shopping and buy supplies.

City Guard: You again!

City Guard: Are you sure you want to go out there? Once is enough for most people

Zayden: Well we're not most people Guard

Zayden smiles

Raelynn: Well yes! Talwin wasn't very happy with his fortune so I'm going to see if I can get a better one for him.

City Guard: Really?

City Guard: You can change fortunes?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I keep telling him it will cost him a fortune to get a good fortune.

Raelynn: shrugs

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That's why they call it a fortune.

City Guard: I can believe that

Lanek: chuckles

Raelynn: Wish us luck!

City Guard: I will not be here when you come back

City Guard: HAH

Zayden: Thanks Guard, there anything we can get for you?

Raelynn: Shift change?

City Guard: Those gypsies will take your money and rob you blind

City Guard: I am retiring

Raelynn: Oh, wow! Happy retirement!

City Guard: 18 years in this job

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Why would they rob us blind if they already have taken our money?

Zayden: Wow nice happy retirement

Raelynn: That is too many years in this job

City Guard: I am going to start up a skiff resurfacing office

Lanek: mutters “don't let the doorknob hit ya”

Raelynn: You should do something fun. Take up dancing, maybe?

City Guard: I have a special wax

Raelynn: Oh, that's nice, too!

Zayden: Sounds like a nice retirement plan

Raelynn: A special wax?

Howard Plum: What kind of wax?

City Guard: The first person who signs on with me will win a regatta

City Guard: and then the offers just pour in

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It allows one to learn how to fight, I suspect.

City Guard: It is a secret of course! (to Howard)

Raelynn: Where is Indigo? I feel like he'd want to know this ...boating? shipping? stuff.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Put it on the boat, take it off the boat.

Howard Plum: He's buying supplies. I was curious for waterproofing spell books

Howard Plum: I assume that is what the wax is for

City Guard: OHHHH

City Guard: Huh

Zayden: Wax on, Wax off

City Guard: WOW

Raelynn: Hmm, will you be at a tavern once you're off? If this is something Indigo is interested in, we could send him your way. I haven't a clue, of course...

City Guard: that is a good idea there

City Guard: What is your name? Maybe we can work together

City Guard: that might sell well

Howard Plum: I'm Howard but I am leaving soon on holiday

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Do so many people have books that need waterproofing that it is such a big seller?

City Guard: When you get back come talk to me, everyone knows Olin, we can talk about a side business

Howard Plum: Not just books, but the edges of chests on board and the like

City Guard: Mages spend money on EVERYTHING,

Raelynn: So we just need to ask for Olin?

Raelynn: That's your name?

Howard Plum: Thank you. That sounds very interesting.

City Guard: I hope you survive that cesspit out there

Zayden: Thanks, I hope so too!

Howard Plum: We shall call if we need assistance

City Guard: No one will answer

Raelynn: Oh, we'll be okay. We have good fortune coming our way.

City Guard: That is good

Gypsy Guard: Hello there!

Gypsy Guard: Coming for more fun

Thistle: How'd that work out for ya last time?

Thistle: grins

Gypsy Guard: you really should come in the evenings, that is when the dancers are out

Raelynn: Ohh I love dancing!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Here we go. Now with the more dancing...

Gypsy Guard: I would be happy to dance with you

Raelynn: I look forward to it!

Raelynn: smiles

Gypsy Guard: growls

Gypsy Guard: I cannot wait

Thistle: Come on, don’t encourage 'em right now.

Thistle: pulls Raelynn along

Gypsy Guard: Wait

Thistle: Ya?

Gypsy Guard: Why are you here?

Thistle: 'Cause y'all need help.

Gypsy Guard: True

Gypsy Guard: But why are you there?

Thistle: And maybe more...

Thistle: There?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We are, as they are saying, suckers for lost causes.

Thistle: Oh! Ya. Zayden did a good job, right? Ya can't even tell they're yours can ya?

Thistle: nods to the “elves”

Gypsy Guard: Yeah, If you are saying you are here because we need help why are you there? points to the city and not Here, points to the open land in a wide gesture

Thistle: Well, 'cause ain't all of you were here.

Gypsy Guard: HUH? baffled by Thistle

Thistle: So now I got all you here now. And not there.

Zayden: Thanks Thistle

Gypsy Guard: Come on in

Thistle: Look. Y'all can't keep waitin' to be killed. So I got yours back before they got killed again. Now I'm gonna have some words with Sapphire and Jade.

Gypsy Guard: we need the puzzles

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We have come to return your lost lambs, if only for the shortened time should this rain not come to an end.

Thistle: The others can do whatever. But I got words.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The returning of the lambs?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We could always have them fight to the death.

Thistle: Ya that ain't much helpful when they're already dying off.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I have seen no shortage of gypsies.

Thistle: Now ya both gotta first tell me why you're the only ones who qualify here 'cause I'm gonna be honest, I ain't impressed. I got some thoughts.

Thistle: frowns

Thistle: You were too busy doing other things to realize they've been dying so maybe ya gotta stop suggesting that's okay 'cause that's why we're here.

Sapphire : I told you yesterday that I am not qualified to be a Wisewoman, I want things for myself too much

Thistle: Nah, I ain't asking why you don't think you are. I'm asking why they think you are.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Then the other woman shall be the wise woman. Problem is solved.

Jade: I am not sure I can tell others what to do, how to lead

Jade: No one thinks I am ready to lead

Zayden: Sometimes, the best wise person is the person who doesn't wish to be the wise person. Which is better than the person who want to be the wise person, that person is not so wise

Sapphire : No one thinks I am ready to lead

Thistle: Well someone's thinkin' that 'cause they say that you two are the only one qualified in camp. Ain't you got better choices?

Zayden: Since neither of you think you are able to be the wise person, you are both perfect to be the wise person. We can leave the rest to fate, flip a coin or something

Thistle: I'm a bit more lukewarm 'bout Jade 'cause she's willing to listen, and maybe she'll listen if Sapphire tells her to do stuff BUT ya both are tryin' so hard to be selfless in not taking the spot that ya both got too selfish to where others got killed. That ain't good optics.

Sapphire : I am happy to say I am the best available to lead, but I am not the best candidate to be the wisewoman

Zayden: who do you think is the best candidate to be wisewoman Sapphire?

Jade: I am sorry that we had three of our kin taken

Thistle: Well neither of ya are! How many died? I got three of yours back trying to find whoever mind was, and I ain't succeeded there, but at least I did more than sit here and tell others all the reasons I can't do nothin'!

Thistle: Ya and two more killed last week? And how many before that?

Jade: Three back!

Jade: How!

Howard Plum: whispers to Lanek, “If both of them would let their clan get into so much trouble, maybe it would be best to have neither”

Sapphire : What!

Thistle: By usin' my brains and help from me friends!

Sapphire : How did you manage that!

Thistle: By doing more than sittin' here not doin' nothing!

Thistle: But ya gotta get moving soon or ya gonna just keep being murdered by a buncha no good dumbasses who don't know nothin' about how to treat people like people!

Thistle: Maybe we can stop the rains soon, but ain't much good to remain where they don't want ya.

Sapphire : Looks at Zayden, if someone has to lead then she (points at Thistle) has done more than she has (Points at Jade)

Jade: I cannot think that She (points at Sapphire) could accomplish so much so fast as she has (points at Thistle)

Zayden: Thistle outshining the bunch!

Jade: We cannot go without a Wisewoman to lead us

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Hooray, the spined one has been selected

Zayden: Could you not learn from Thistle? Follow her example?

Thistle: Ya, well, I got lots of ideas besides gettin' ya outta here. Gramma liked sittin' in one place and it ain't done her much good.

Jade: Where did you come from?

Thistle: Ghostwood for a few years. Dragon Fen for a few more years. Areas 'round that for a bit.

Thistle: Then I got that vision like I said and I knew I had to get going out here.

Sapphire : Have you kept your people fed and happy?

Thistle: Well, the wolves were happy and fed. And the kiddos. So, yeah? I suppose so.

Sapphire : Wolves are good

Thistle: Oh they're the best!

Zayden: Better to be fed than not fed, I always say

Jade: Kids are good

Jade: Did you try the ring?

Thistle: What ring? Only one I got is this fancy one.

Thistle: shows her fancy fire ring

Sapphire : Shows her a blue metal ring with dancing clouds on it

Sapphire : This ring

Sapphire : try it on

Thistle: shrugs and tries it on

Thistle: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 3]

Save [3] [Target 13] -> [for Thistle] [FAILURE]

As she slips the ring on the magic overpowers her and …

Thistle is consumed by water, rain is soaking her being, drowning her

Thistle: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 14]

Save [14] [Target 12] -> [for Thistle] [SUCCESS]

But …

because of the Fire Ring and the Water Ring on the other hand it takes a few moments to bring the two into balance and feel the control over both

Thistle: claps her hands together so the rings touch each others

Thistle feels the extra power of the two rings

Thistle: glances outside to see if there is any change in weather

The rain seems to falter

Howard Plum: It's working Thistle. Keep going!

Thistle: nods and holds her hands clasped together tightly

Thistle: Like this?

Howard Plum: Yes. Let the magic flow and direct it to your will

Thistle: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 20]

Save [20] [Target 13] -> [for Thistle] [SUCCESS]

Thistle: pushes rings together super hard

Thistle clasps her hands together and suddenly she GLOWS and the rains BREAK into a soft normal weather pattern and the clouds feel lighter

Thistle: Wow. That was fun.

Howard Plum: claps

Thistle: shields her eyes and glances at the sky

Thistle: Glows

Jade: That is .... powerful

Thistle: squints her eyes as her glowing hands make it hard to see

Lanek: huh

Sapphire : I could not do that

Thistle: Maybe ya gotta clap harder next time?

Howard Plum: That was powerful magic

Sapphire : I am humbled

Howard Plum: You saved everyone

Thistle: grins

Thistle: Well that was the goal, ya?

Jade: How did you do that?

Howard Plum: smiles

Craigh: So what does this mean now?

Thistle: Magic! And, ya know, with purpose.

Thistle: What's that word Branwyn likes usin'.... intention?

Howard Plum: Yes. Concentration and intent

Thistle: nods and points to Howard

Jade: I will follow Thistle

Sapphire : I will accept Thistle

Thistle: Oh, huh. Is this why my vision showed my clan? Well that ain't at all confusin' but I suppose they usually are.

Lanek: I will stop bitchin' about Thistle

Thistle: laughs

Thistle: claps her hands together in a non-magical way

Thistle: Well, okay then. But we gonna have to make some changes, ya? And get goin' 'cause ain't nothing in this city that's worth us. We're worth more than them and if they ain't able to figure that out, we need to make them figure it out.,

Thistle: 'Cause we saved three, but I ain't sure they ain't gonna come looking for them still even if we stopped the rains.

Thistle: I'm thinkin' first we're gonna go back to Dragon Fen 'cause they know our worth, then we gotta start talkin' to other clans, and get some allies, and changing fates...

Thistle: These dimwit won't know what's 'bout to hit them.

Thistle: grins

Sapphire : I am happy with a goal

Craigh: You're going to bring them back with you, instead of stay with them here?

Jade: I will be glad for a destination

Thistle: Can't stay here.

Craigh: Well, I didn't mean this city here, but more this region here.

Howard Plum: I am glad. Branwyn and Shi, especially, would be so sad if you did not see them

Thistle: Craigh, Craigh, Craigh..... how ya gonna start a rebellion if ya stay in one region?

Craigh: You're going to rebel against the Marquessa?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Isn't that exactly what one would do to start a rebellion?

Thistle: Nah. Just those who keep tryin' to kill us.

Jade: A rebellion sounds good

Howard Plum: murmurs

Howard Plum: Countess

Sapphire : Every rebellion starts with hope

Craigh: Obviously I missed a key piece of history somewhere...

Thistle: Ya see, Shi told me this old elvish story 'bout some empress who used fortunes to rebel against those who hurt her. It gave me ideas, ya?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It would be hard to travel around the world and start a rebellion at the same time

Thistle: It ain't right for gyspsies to be killed or looked down on, so ya gotta change that fate. Make new friends, start a union, and make cities like this WANT us to be here. But ya gotta start somewhere first.

Thistle: Yeah, so we gonna go back. We'll talk to Branwyn 'cause she can maybe help. And then we talk to Shi 'cause she can maybe help. OH! Maybe she'll finally take me to the Wildlands! And then we make other connections and stuff.

Thistle: I got plans, but FIRST we gotta leave. Okay?

Thistle: For Dragon Fen.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I must admit, I am somewhat feeling the conflicted. We saved the gypsies because we thought they were unjustly blamed for starting the rain, but it turns out they were the reason for the rain. So what is the moral of the story here?

Thistle: That ya try to make things too simple?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: There is nothing wrong with simple

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Should we be returning them to the prison?

Zayden: Maybe they had good reason to start the rains?

Thistle: Ya there is. Ain't everything black and white, and when ya try to make it so, ya cause pain that can be avoided.

Howard Plum: But did the gypsies cause the rain on purpose? It did not seem so and they did not seem to know how to stop it on their own

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Pain is rarely avoided through shades of gray.

Thistle: shakes head

Thistle: But yours thinkin' like them city folk who thought ya just had to kill off to solve a problem, but that ain't solving anything.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: In this case, it may have.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: They just arrested the wrong gypsy.

Thistle: Well if ya wanna be a soulless murderer, sure.

Craigh: But, is it that no one was wearing the ring that caused the rains? And when she put it on, she was able to stop them?

Thistle: They killed first and cause this rain through murder. Murder is what got us here.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The rain was caused by the gypsies having power they did not understand.

Thistle: No. It was caused by nobles who didn't understand what they were messing with here.

Howard Plum: I think the rings will be in good hands with you Thistle

Thistle: Thanks Howard!

Zayden: Does that mean we have to leave Thistle behind?

Thistle: My hands are even better than normal 'cause of Raelynn's hand cream!

Howard Plum: And going back to Dragon Fen, Shi can offer you her wisdom

Howard Plum: Hand cream?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: So does this mean you now can control the weather? What does this mean?

Thistle: I can't wait to tell her what I did! And introduce the wolves to my new clan!

Thistle: Ya! You should ask her for some. It's great for makin' your hands soft and smell nice!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Actually, do you mind if I examine the ring briefly?

Thistle: I ain't takin' them off.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That is fine

Howard Plum: looks at his hands thoughtfully

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I just need a close look at them

Thistle: Why? Ya ain't convincing me ya got good intentions lately here, Akilah.

Thistle: Ya wanted to have them all murdered. Ain't a great way to talk to someone.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: What harm can I cause by looking?

Thistle: Whatcha gonna gain from it? I mean I kinda want Branwyn to look at 'em 'cause she knows all sortsa things and I trust her.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I might be able to understand how they work and thus explain it to you.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: So we do not end up with another cursed rain on our hands.

Thistle: Nah, ain't no rush there. I'm sure Bran can help me out. But I do gotta get my new clan up and moving. Hmm, although they may want one more celebration before we up and leave....


Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Given the trouble the ring has cause until now, I would think you would want to know as much as possible about it as soon as possible

Craigh: I'd lean towards moving sooner rather than later. They are missing 3 prisoners after all.

Gypsy Guard: YEAHHHHHH

Thistle: Oh damn, ya I guess your right, Craigh.


Gypsy Guard: YAHA,, AHHAAH yeah?


Talwin: Smoke em if you got em!

Thistle: I trust you can distract the guards if we need, Craigh.

Thistle: winks at him

Craigh: Depends on what we need.

Talwin: Seduce them!

Thistle: Oh good point.

Howard Plum: The city will likely be in their own celebrations since the rain stopped

Talwin: Grins

Thistle: turns to the three “elves”

Craigh: Very good point, Howard.

Thistle: Ya gotta keep that on 'til we hit the road, got it?

They agree

Thistle: And ya gotta use code names if anyone asks. You can be.... hmm....

Thistle: turns to Craigh for name ideas

Dathlue Moonglamaer: Hello

Maith Yeschant: Hello

Craigh: Blaize, Ember, Cinder.

Thistle: nods

Nesterin Windrunner: Hello

Thistle: Hi?

Thistle: Ya, alright. I guess Dathlue, Maith, and Nesterin work for now, but your nicknames can be Blaize, Ember, and Cinder. For us human who ain't speakin' elvish.

Thistle: grins

Thistle: Now that's outta the way....

Thistle: LET'S PARTY!

Howard Plum: smiles watching Thistle and remembers to tell Branwyn this story as he saw it

Raelynn: Howard! You said you can dance, right? Come dance with me! Just one dance!

Howard Plum: I ... can't ... very well

Raelynn: Oh, here I'll lead!

Raelynn: [SKILL] Dancing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 5]

Zayden: Go on Howard, dancing is easy, you just need to believe!

Howard Plum: gulps

Howard Plum: follows Raelynn

Raelynn: pulls him over to twirl and dance and all that stuff

Howard Plum: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Raelynn: Oh, see! You're very good at this!!

Howard Plum: blushes

Raelynn: makes him dance for more than one dance since apparently he's really good at it

Thistle: grins and watches, but goes around to get to know her new clanmates

Talwin: Give thistle a big hug

Raelynn: speaks with Thistle quietly before catching up with the group

Raelynn: gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye

Talwin: I'm going to miss you knucklehead

Talwin: You'll do great

Thistle: Back atcha, but ya know I'll be waitin' in Dragon Fen when you return, right Knucklehead?

Thistle: grins

Lanek: grunts

Lanek: ya done good, kid

Talwin: Grins widely

Thistle: Don't let that sword drive ya too mad, okay? And make sure that master knows who the real master's gonna be when ya meet him!

Thistle: Thanks, Old Man!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: This is unfortunate. I almost liked the sassy one.

Talwin: Do you plan on being a pest when I return? I don't know what I'll do without you and Bixi constantly pestering me!

Talwin: Grins Widely, as if hearing something

Thistle: Ya know, I'm not gonna ever admit it, but ya maybe sometimes good at things more than me. So ya better keep all 'em safe, k?

Talwin: I do think Reven will miss your sassiness Thistle

Talwin: Grins broadly and cackles

Thistle: Just 'cause I'm now apparently a Wisewoman ain't meaning I can't still be a pest.

Talwin: Never thought I’d see the day

Lanek: deal. keep yers safe too. I’m sure ya will

Talwin: Sobers

Talwin: Oh I wouldn't change anything about you. And I'll take all the hits I can for them

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I said almost.

Thistle: gives Lanek a hug half to annoy the grumpy old man

Talwin: I can almost take them all

Thistle: Good! They're in good hands.

Lanek: squirms and then tousles her hair

Talwin: Mutters to himself “Hell from you Reven that was practically a declaration of love”

Thistle: salutes them both and gives another grin.

Talwin: I expect much jokes and sassiness when we get back. Don't let them raid all the storehouses

Thistle: Tell Indigo and the others I'll see 'em back home! And sorry they missed the party! We'll have one in Dragon Fen!

Howard Plum: Take care Thistle. Indigo will be sorry he did not get to say goodbye. I hope you are all still in Dragon Fen when we return

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: She was one of the few who wasn't afraid to call the others idiots when they were

Thistle: nods

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Yeah...even me when I deserved it.

Zayden: Take care Thistle, it's been a wild ride

Thistle: I gots lots of plannin' to do. I ain't leaving Dragon Fen before you return.

Thistle: Ya! You've been awesome, Zayden! Thanks for everythin'!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: And by “one of the few”; I mean “only”

Zayden: Thank you

Zayden smiles

Craigh: gives her a bow and a salute flourish with a smile. “Congratulations on your appointment, Wisewoman. Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you. Fare well.”

Thistle: Hey Craigh. I'm gonna need a list of contact when ya return. You can help me with my plans.

Thistle: winks

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Bixi does all the time, but she's just mean, not really helpful

Craigh: nods.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: The short one is more of an idiot than the rest

Thistle: I'll see ya on the other side!

Thistle: OH!

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): comment at this time. She has her moments....sometimes

Thistle: And if ya see Thorindall when ya return, tell 'em I said hi!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Her pig might be smarter than she is

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): ..................

Thistle: waves

Talwin: Desperately trying to hold in a guffaw at something the others can't seem to understand

Howard Plum: waves

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Next time there is a vote, we should ask the purple one what the pig thinks

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Stop, I can't keep in the laugh. Just in tell we get clear...

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Everyone is drunk, and they already think we are crazy

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): You're not wrong

In the late afternoon after celebrating Thistle’s new achievement, the rest of the group tired and happy wanders back to the palazzo

a warm sad happy farewell

The rest of the group reenters the city

Talwin: I need to bring her back a present of some sort

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: I left her some hand cream, but I wish I had more... I'm sure we can find something by the time we return, Talwin!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Licornah, when we get back to the ship, would you please let Knotty know that as soon as we're somewhere safe, we will stop and let him get some exercise? For now I brought him some toys, so at least he'll have something to do without the prisoner to snuggle up with

after spending a warm happy night with quail and comfortable beds


The time is 6:00 AM

The date is Ced____tre, 13th Man (Early Spring), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

Indigo: Here's some breakfast Youtargim

Indigo: hands him some food wrapped up

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo

Youtargim: I am sorry to see Thistle leave us

Youtargim: She was always good for a conversation

Bixi Fizzlebang: I was really starting to enjoy her company

Youtargim: I am glad though that we got rid of that last captive

Indigo: Yes it is sad

Raelynn: We'll see her again once we return to Dragon Fen. But I'm not sure who'll replace her chanting...

Raelynn: Oh, but she did throw a wonderful party! There was lots of dancing! And apparently Howard is very good at it!

Youtargim: Sail North my friends, hope the wind never ends

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wow, nice Howard! You never told us!

Howard Plum: I think it's because I had a good partner

Howard Plum: blushes

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: We'll have to dance again next time we have the opportunity!

Howard Plum: I would like that

Youtargim: Sad grin

Raelynn: Oh, don't be like that. There'll be a chance for you, too, Yout.

Indigo: Try to keep us away from the middle of the lake if you can. Very dangerous that way

Raelynn: At the very least, Thistle promised another party when we meet up again.

Indigo: I don't mind if it takes us longer to avoid being stuck in the middle

Youtargim: I can do that Indigo

Ok so sailing north to take the northern edge of the Lake

then around to Dryads Lair