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Chat Log - 2022 10 07 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The group camped on the shore the night before as they had entered the Dark Shire.

Lanek and Youtargim are on the ship; the rest are on the shore

for the reason the group cannot get the boar out of the ship without a crane

Or other way of lifting it up and out

and the group just has to wade back across the shallow waters to get back on the ship

In the morning as breakfast was being organized, Zayden decided to go fishing.

Zayden: [SKILL] Fishing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 5]

Zayden brought up three fish, all of them coated in spider webs.

Zayden: looks we gotta give these a wash in the water!

Zayden: spider webs add flavor... maybe?

Zayden: Well if we grill the fish perhaps the web will be burned away?

Raelynn: But where did they come from? Fish aren't usually covered in webs...

Zayden: Hmmm... I don't know...

Zayden: I just catch the fish, I don't ask them their life story

Akilah: I am wondering why we are worrying about webs and not continuing on our journeys.

Zayden: we could just dump the fish, but then what for breakfast?

Raelynn: Oh I think the fish are fine. It's getting back to the boat.

Raelynn: Ship.

Raelynn: Whatever.

Zayden: shall we head back to the ship and we can check with Bix about the fish?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We are spending much of the time speaking here that we could otherwise be spending speaking on the boat as it goes away from this likely cursed place.

Raelynn: gestures for them to go ahead

Zayden: True, fish covered in spider webs can't be a positive sign

Lanek: calls up from the hold

Lanek: it ain’t nacheral!

Raelynn: Just be ready to toss the fish for the spiders if there are any.

Zayden: fair point Rae

Zayden: we have three, I can hold on to one, anybody else for the other two?

Zayden: spread out the throws

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Let us not dally or dilly. Spiders are not a thing I want to be encountering. Scrags are fine, but spiders, no thank you very much.

As Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal, Zayden and Raelynn get ready to wade over to the ship, they see a Giant Spider in the water.

Zayden has three fish dangling from his right arm

Zayden: we could make a raft?

Zayden: I got a baaaad feeling about these waters guys

Zayden: Perhaps we could attract them to the land? Must be better to fight here than in the water?

Craigh: I'll just stay on the shore for now...

there is 60 feet to cross through the water to get to the Ship

and there are multiple spiders that are blocking the path

Zayden: Maybe camping on the shore wasn't the best idea

Indigo: There's stuff everywhere. We just ran into a bad spot

Raelynn: I can create a warded path to the ship that I don't think they could enter.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I dd... but... not sure that's the best option, with our ship right there...

Zayden: That sounds like a great idea

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That is sounding like a beautiful idea

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Meanwhile, it would be a good time for you to be doing your singing, Zayden.

Zayden: oh fair point Akilah

Zayden: ahem ahem.... ahem

Zayden: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

Raelynn: so someone with more poison resistance (Indigo?) might wanna lead?

Zayden: would throwing the fish back in the water distract them you think?

Indigo: I would think so

Zayden: Well I suppose I could throw one back in and see how they react, I have three, not to brag

Raelynn: Indigo, if the fish don't distract the spiders, I can try this ward back to the ship. Would you be up for going first?

Indigo: Sure. I can kill it too if you want as long as it doesn't kill me first

Raelynn: I can watch your back!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think I'll try to scare it away, if you don't mind...

Indigo: Oh well

Bixi Fizzlebang: I really don't want to kill that if I don't have to

Zayden: well if they're ghosts they may already be dead

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not because I want a pet, just because I don't want it to come near us

Raelynn: The ward should keep them away, but if your spell scares any others that might be lurking away, that could work. But there may be others.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: How about you make the ward and I test by sneaking across quietly? Maybe it will not bother us if we do not bother it.

Zayden: Good luck Bix!

The group has spotted Ghost Spiders in and out of the water, but hard to pin point where they are

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, it only works on one, but I have two tries... so maybe two if they fall for it

Raelynn: It's morning, Bixi. I'm sure you'll have other things you can scare away, or if one sneaks past the ward, you can scare it away.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, sounds good

Raelynn casts Efficacious Monster Ward to try to create a safe route from the shore to the ship

Bixi Fizzlebang: If you think it's a good time for it, let me know. Sometimes my thinking gets frazzled in the moment

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: quietly tests the ward and makes her way back to the ship

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 58] [d100 = 12]

so Akilah goes forward

So Akilah goes into the water towards the ship and the Giant Spider apparently is not affected by the ward and is attacked

Giant Spider bites Akilah in the shoulder with a Poisonous Bite. She succumbs to the poison and falls down.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: SPIDER!!!!!! GYAAAAAAAA!

Akilah calls back that the ghost spiders are not near her they seem to be held back, but the Giant Spider ignores the Ward and is happy for breakfast

Zayden: uh oh

Zayden tries throwing a fish to distract the giant spider

Raelynn: Someone get her back here, quick!

Indigo: runs to Akilah to grab her and bring her back to shore

The spider is latched onto her

Zayden: uh oh

After a bit of a tug o’ war, Indigo manages to YANK Akilah out of the spiders legs and hauls her back towards shore

Zayden: Nice job Indigo!

Indigo: drags her over to Bixi and stands in front of them in case the spider comes

Ghost spider 3 bites Bixi Fizzlebang in the shoulder, lightly wounding her and making her unable to cast at the moment.

Ghost spider 1 bites Craigh in the back of his hand, lightly wounding him.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]

Bixi Fizzlebang: *flexes*

So Bixi HEAVES Akilah up and brings her to Rae

Ghost spider (Ridiculing legwork) bites Zayden in the thigh, lightly wounding him.

Zayden: ouch!

Giant Spider bites Indigo in the shoulder with its Poisonous Bite

Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Poison [CON +3] [d20+3 = 7]

Save [7] [Target 6] [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]

Indigo seems to be able to resist the spider’s poison.

Raelynn casts Slow Poison on Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal

So Akilah is not dead, but remains unconscious

Zayden: here we go

Zayden tries to stab Ghost spider (Ridiculing legwork) with his Dagger but misses.

Raelynn: The ward should hold them back if you get in there!

Zayden: where is it?

Raelynn: Just run towards Lanek!

Craigh lassoes the legs of Ghost spider 1 and tangles it legs, causing it to curl up into a ball.

Youtargim: Hey, If I raise the anchor the ship will drift away, I can defend the ship but what else can I do?

Raelynn: Help everyone get back on quickly!

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Giant Spider, heavily wounding it.

Indigo hits the Giant Spider with his Short sword, killing it, and then does the same to Ghost spider 3.

Ghost spider 1 tries to bite Bixi even though it was lassoed but misses.

Bixi Fizzlebang tries to hit Ghost spider 1 with her Spear but misses.

Ghost spider (Ridiculing legwork) tried to bite Craigh but missed.

Ghost spider (Powerful laughter) tried to crawl onto the ship and attack but missed

Raelynn: Zayden, grab Akilah and help get her over here.

Zayden: oh ok

Raelynn: I need my hands free for spells.

Zayden: There we go Akilah, we got this

Raelynn: Thank you.

Craigh: detaches his rope and runs to follow the rest of his group into the water.

Youtargim: Be SAFE!!!!! Get here fast!

Howard Plum stabs Ghost spider 1 with his Dagger, killing it.

Indigo hits Ghost spider (Ridiculing legwork) with his Short sword, killing it.

Ghost spider (Powerful laughter) tried to crawl onto the ship and attack but missed

Zayden Drags Akilah with him to the ship

Everyone makes it back on the ship

Zayden: Save her with your magic!

Lisa (Indigo): goes to the potion chest and gets a potion of health and takes it to Akilah

Indigo: Here Raelynn, pour this down her throat

Raelynn: grabs potion and pours it down her throat

and so Akilah is saved

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: coughs and shivers

Raelynn: There you go. Just rest for today.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: You have spiders THAT BIG in this land? Let us agree never to leave the boat until we are arriving at our destination.

Zayden: agreed

Indigo: You look much better!

Raelynn: Well you missed the one coming on the ship. I don't know if staying up here makes too much difference.

Indigo: I've never seen one in the water before

Indigo: Only in caves and stuff

Raelynn: Or those smaller ones! Were they really ghosts? They looked like it.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: They are big enough to make US ghosts.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think they might have been poltergeists.

Indigo: I got bit too but I feel sort of okay. Can someone check me out and see if I got half poisoned or something?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Healing [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 12]

Raelynn and Bixi try to see if Indigo’s spider bite affected him at all.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, you seem fine to me!

Raelynn: I think you're okay, but let me know if you start feeling a bit off!

Indigo: Thanks!

Indigo: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 16]

Indigo: Do you like my new haircut?

Raelynn: Umm, well I didn't want to say anything... You got some webbing in it.

Raelynn: I didn't know if that was on purpose?

Indigo: Yuck

Indigo: brushes his hair with his fingers

Raelynn: Maybe after some good care that haircut will grow on me.

Indigo: I like it

Raelynn: As long as you like it, that's what matters!

Raelynn: quietly, “Mostly.”

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, Rae, that reminds me... Howard and I were wondering if you can suggest any face creams for us... out on the water for so long isn't doing us any favors

Raelynn: Oh, certainly! But what's your skin type?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... face type?

Raelynn: Oily? Dry? Any issues with blemishes?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um...

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Howard

Bixi Fizzlebang: Just like... regular?

Raelynn: looks skeptical

Raelynn: Here, let me take a look at your faces.

Raelynn: gestures to Bixi to come closer

Bixi Fizzlebang: warily approaches

Raelynn: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Raelynn: Hmm, a bit mixed, but I think I have the perfect cream for you. Remind me when the day is over. It's best to apply at night anyways.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Your turn Howard!

Raelynn: Howard, did you need face creams, too?

Howard Plum: Ummm ... maybe? We discussed certain redness

Raelynn: Just something for redness? I know I have something for that.

The group is now trying to row/sail east

and the Hobart Rivulet is coming up on your western (Port) side

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

Craigh, Akilah and Talwin are watching up front. They spot a raft out in the waters, there are three figures on the raft covered in a cloaks. The cloaks have holes SLASHED in them.

Talwin: Those robed figures have long slash marks in them. I'm not liking the looks of this

Raelynn: Robed what?

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: Just figures, I can't make out details

Talwin: But they are wearing slashed black robes

Raelynn: Indigo has a spyglass.

Bixi Fizzlebang: More poltergeists?

Talwin: I mean, what good can come of that?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not think they are among the living

Talwin: Oh jeeze. OK

Raelynn: Ummm.... can we row...faster then?

Craigh: I think you might be right, but I've never heard of zombies rowing before

Talwin: Indigo? Can you take a peek by any chance?

Indigo: hands Talwin the spyglass

Craigh: Are they rowing? Or just lying there?

Talwin: Nods in gratitude

Talwin: Slides open the hourglass with care and holds it to his eye, peering intently

Raelynn: No. Pass. Thank you, but no thanks.,

One of the figures on the raft is trying to cast a spell

Lich, Drow (Priestess 11): [INIT] [MOD:Call Lightning][Reaction Adj: 0] [d10+99 = 107]

Lich, Drow (Priestess 11): Call Lightning - Range: 360 yds., AoE: 10-ft. radius, Duration: 1 turn/level, Cast Time: 1 turn, Save: 1/2

The Lich, Drow Priestess is making the motions to cast a Call Lightning spell at the knarr.

Talwin: Holy Shit! It looks like a Lich!

Talwin: Horror struck to Indigo

Talwin: We gotta nuke em quick or flee

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um.... what is that? Any tips?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [TYPE: piercing (1d6=1)] [d6 = 1]

Raelynn: Don't let it cast.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal shoots arrows at the Lich, Drow Priestess, but they cause no damage to her.

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at the Lich, Drow Priestess, moderately wounding her.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal shoots more arrows at the Lich, Drow Priestess, but they cause no damage to her.

Indigo: Doesn't look like the arrows are doing anything. Do you have magic arrows?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: My magic only works at night.

Indigo: Huh ...

Bixi Fizzlebang: What would scare a lich?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Possession of their phylactery?

Raelynn: No that might bring it closer.

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Blindness at the Lich, Drow Priestess.

Save [14] [Target 10] -> [for Lich, Drow] [vs Bixi Fizzlebang] [TARGET-SAVED]

Lich, Drow: [MR 72][MAGIC-RESIST FAILED] Attack penetrates magic resistance. [d100 = 84]

Bixi’s spell penetrates her magic resistance, but somehow the Lich Priestess manages to avoid the effects of the spell and is not blinded.

Raelynn casts Bless on the group.

Youtargim: Do you want me to ram them?

Indigo: Can we ? That would be good. I'll row harder

Raelynn: If we get closer, I can try to sink the raft, too.

Raelynn: Maybe between ramming it and sinking it...

Raelynn: As long as it doesn't cling to our ship.

Indigo: rows as hard as he can

Indigo: [CHECK] Strength [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 16] [d20-1 = 1]

The Lich, Drow Priestess casts Flame Strike at the Knarr

The knarr is now on fire.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal shoots more arrows at the Lich, Drow Priestess, but they cause no damage to her.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, what should I do

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Watery Fist to gently grab the fire burning up the knarr and put it out

Raelynn casts Chant

Talwin tries to row harder so Youtargim can ram the raft.

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20-1 = 12]

Craigh: Craigh will attempt to stomp out any small flames

Youtargim: Howard! Cast before I try to hit them!

Howard Plum casts another Magic Missile at the Lich, Drow Priestess, further wounding her.

Youtargim tries to steer the Knarr directly into the raft to at least push the lich into the water

Youtargim: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20-1 = 16]

Raelynn’s chants aid Youtargim’s efforts and he is successful.

The Lich is critically wounded

Lich, Drow: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 4]

But stays above the surface of the lake

The Knarr has RAMMED into the raft

the raft is still down below the deck line

Michael (Talwin): prepare to be boarded!

Indigo: tries to jump onto the raft to hit the lich

Indigo: [CHECK] Dexterity [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20-1 = 5]

Indigo hits the Lich, Drow Priestess repeatedly with his Short swords, but does no damage.

Lich, Drow Priestess casts Flame Strike at Indigo.

Indigo resists some of the effects of the spell and is only moderately wounded and on fire.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal throws a vial of holy water at the Lich, Drow Priestess, hitting her in the arm and further wounding her.

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Summon Insects at the Lich, Drow Priestess.

Lich, Drow: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 18]

Save [18] [Target 10] -> [for Lich, Drow] [SUCCESS]

The Lich, Drow Priestess resists the effects of Bixi’s spell.

Talwin: Talwin tries to jump on Raft, Magic sword at the ready.

Talwin: [CHECK] Dexterity [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20-1 = 10]

Talwin: Hee hee hee

Talwin hits the Lich, Drow Priestess with his Giant-kin, 2-handed sword and kills her.

The battle is over, fires extinguished, and raft is looted. The group finds:

Topaz: Golden yellow

Chalcedony: White

Citrine: Pale yellow brown

Garnet: Deep red to violet crystal

Carnelian: Orange to red-brown

Azurite: Opaque, mottled deep blue

Moonstone: White with pale blue hue

Ring of Mind Shielding