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Chat Log - 2022 10 14 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The time is 8:00 AM

After the encounter with the Lich, the group is sailing/rowing eastward into the sun

Indigo: rows happily now that he is no longer on fire

Zayden rows and hums enthusiastically

Raelynn: rows.

Youtargim: Hey is everyone feeling better after that thing?

Lanek: rows

Zayden: I suppose, at least until we run into the next thing!

Indigo: Better knowing we're all not dead and still have the ship!

Lanek: garrumphs

Raelynn: The sooner we're out of this area, the better.

Zayden: always good to know

Indigo: I'll have to check the damage the next time we stop

Youtargim: There is something up ahead there Indigo

Youtargim: Can you check that out?

Raelynn: sighs

Zayden: uh oh, something?

The time is 11:00 AM

Indigo: looks through spyglass

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Waving as you approach

Indigo: Someone is waving

Zayden Waves back with a smile

Indigo: waves back

Raelynn: Is it something normal?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: HELP

Indigo: Slow down for the boat please

Zayden: whoaaaaa!

Zayden slows rowing

Zayden then stops

Indigo: Hello!

Zayden: Ahoy matey!

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: STOP

Indigo: What's the matter?

Zayden: We'll stop, but because we choose to stop

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: We lost a crewmember

Zayden: where's the last place you remember putting him?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: He went under when the lines got tangled

Zayden: oh dear

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: He must be dead

Zayden: did you try to save him?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: But you need to be careful before you tangle into it

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Of course

Zayden: That is unfortunate sir, this fishing life isn't an easy one

Indigo: Why do we need to be careful?

Raelynn: And why are you fishing here?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: So that you do not catch on our lines

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: There is good fishing here

Indigo: looks at Zayden confused

Zayden: Oh well that's fine sir

Indigo: Don't you just want us to go down there, cut the lines and get your friend?

Zayden: We are travelling through here, not fishing

Raelynn: Is there...? I feel like we didn't have as great of luck without, you know, other things attacking us.

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Can you dive? and breathe? that would be great!

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: We can pay you

Indigo: We can do that

Zayden: Did you see any dangerous sea creatures down there?

Zayden: was it just the tangled lines that took him?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: We do not know

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: He went down and did come back up

Zayden: to the side: who's our best swimmer again?

Indigo: So maybe a couple of us could take a water breathing potion and go down and check it out

Licornah: That is not me...

Zayden: oh that sounds like fun

Indigo: That way we could explore and not worry about having to resurface all the time

Zayden whispers to the group: Can we be sure it's not a trap of some kind?

Indigo: Think should be at least 2 people in case someone gets in trouble

Raelynn: If you plan to do that, let me give you a bless before you jump in. These currents have been.... rough on you, Indigo.

Indigo: Things can always be a trap

Lanek: it sounds exactly like a trap

Indigo: But what if it's not?

Zayden: if it's not dude's probably already dead, are we just trying to find his body?

Raelynn: Have the swimmer back up the swimmers so someone can jump in to save you if you plan to go in.

Zayden: Well that's a good idea I suppose

Zayden: I have some skill in swimming

Zayden: but just some

Raelynn: And Lanek is apparently good at rope if he needs to untie you.

Indigo: So you and me and then Lanek and Howard can back us up?

Indigo: Or do you guys want to come to?

Zayden: sounds good

Zayden: should we consider tying some rope around our waists?

Howard Plum: I think I shall serve as ... the back up

Indigo: If you have a water breathing potion it will be like you're a fish

Zayden: ok, let's do it

Lanek: er I ain't actually good at rope

Lanek: I swim tho

Indigo: picks up the extra water breathing potion

Indigo: Youtargim, can Zayden use your water breathing potion?

Youtargim: Of course

Zayden: Thank you Yout

Indigo: Thanks!

Zayden: picks up breathing potion from Yout

Raelynn casts Bless on the group.

Indigo: drinks the potion

Zayden does predive breathing exercises

Indigo: It's under your ship right?

Zayden stretches a little

Indigo: to the fisherman

Licornah casts multiple healing spells on Indigo to bring him to full health.

Indigo: Thank you Licornah!

Zayden drink water breathing potion

Indigo: See you soon!

Indigo and and Zayden dive into the water and find the anchor and several fishing lines are tangled up under the fishing boat

there is a human there with one arm caught in the lines

and two giant carp eating his leg

he is bleeding extensively

Indigo: sees if ignoring the fish will work and swims toward the man; waves at Zayden and points at man

and the five giant carp circling you

Zayden with dagger between his teeth, Zayden signals to indigo to swim towards the tangled human

Indigo: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20-1 = 16]

SO yes Indigo makes it over to the trapped fisherman

Giant Carp 2 tries to bite Indigo but misses.

Giant Carp (Zealous frown) bites Zayden in the shoulder, moderately wounding him.

Zayden: ouch!

Giant Carp 5 bites Indigo in the face, lightly wounding him.

Giant Carp 3 bites Zayden in the chest, heavily wounding him.

Zayden: ouch!

Zayden swims back towards the ship

Zayden: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20-1 = 3]

Zayden breaks surface

Zayden: Help! Dangerous Crap argh!

Zayden: danger!

Zayden: Carp!

Lanek: whaddya need?

Zayden: something carp eat that isn't me or indigo please!

Lanek: where's the bait bucket ?

Raelynn: Where's Indigo?

Lanek: looking

Howard Plum: Zayden, keep an eye on things and tell me if you need me to go down there

Craigh: gets his lasso ready in case he needs to help pull anyone out with it

Indigo has a flashback as the carp LUNGES forward and SWALLOWS up the man there tangled up, leaving only a wrist with fingers behind

Indigo hits Giant Carp 5 multiple times, critically wounding it.

Zayden: help! gulp!

Zayden: Indigo in danger!

Giant Carp 2 tries to bite Indigo but misses.

Giant Carp (Zealous frown) eats the critically wounded Giant Carp 5.

Giant Carp 3 bites Zayden in the side, rendering him unconscious, bleeding, and dying.

Everyone on the ship sees Zayden suddenly JERK and then disappear under the water

he is sinking

a carp has him and is feeding

Raelynn: Someone get Zayden and bring him up here!

Craigh: Craigh pulls out a potion of water breathing for Talwin if he chooses to get it

Spring (Lanek): Dumps Zayden's bait bucket overboard

no visible effect on the surface

Talwin: Looking for Zayden, Leaps overboard!

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +3] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20-3 = -1]

Talwin: Frantically dives to rescue Zayden

Talwin: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] [EFFECTS +3] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20-3 = 4]

and so Talwin DIVES in, snags Zayden and then YANKS him back to the surface

Howard Plum: grabs a rope from the deck and throws one end down to Talwin

Howard Plum: holding on to the other end

Raelynn lassoes Zayden.

Raelynn: Someone help me pull!

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Strength [EFFECTS +2] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20-2 = 8]

Bixi helps Raelynn pull Zayden back onto the ship.

Zayden FLOPS onto the deck unconscious

Indigo has one carp by him

and can see two others still out there

Indigo hits Giant Carp 2 multiple times, killing it.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Healing [2] [MOD:WIS] [EFFECTS +2] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20-2 = 3]

So Bixi rushes over and does a quick healing and binding of wounds, she stops Zayden from bleeding anymore. Not enough to bring him back to consciousness but he will not die now

Howard Plum: pulls back the rope he threw down, looking sheepishly and hoping no one noticed

Giant Carp ATTACKS the dead carp that Indigo left behind

Giant Carp 3 bites Talwin in the lower side, lightly wounding him.

Raelynn: You two better get back on the ship soon! I'm almost out of spells!

Raelynn casts Cure Light Wounds on Zayden to bring him back to consciousness. Zayden is now walking wounded.

Zayden unconsciously moans!

Talwin hits Giant Carp 3 and the remaining carp swim away.

Indigo: dives to try to retrieve the wrist and fingers

Indigo: also cuts the line tangled up in the anchor

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: There was so much blood

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: What happened?

The time is 11:10 AM

Indigo: I'm sorry. We were too late and there were 5 giant carps down there.

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: OH!

Indigo: We did free your anchor and ...

Indigo: This was all that was left of your friend

Indigo: frowns and hands over the parts

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Looks horrified, and Sad, slowly takes the hand from Indigo

Indigo: I'm sorry

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: He was a good friend

Raelynn: I'd be happy to offer rites if it'll help.

Indigo: It's terrible to lose a good friend

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Nods, Thank you

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I will take this back to his wife

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: So she will know what happened

Indigo: nods sadly

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Thank you for trying to save him

Indigo: You're welcome. Wish we could have done better

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: You saved me

Indigo: Be careful in these waters

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I would have had to go down there to try to free things

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I owe you my life

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Who are you?

Indigo: That would have been bad. We almost lost our friend Zayden

Indigo: I am Indigo from Dragon Fen

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Indigo of Dragon Fen

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Thank you

Indigo: smiles

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I have not heard of that village, what Shire is it in?

Indigo: Dragon Fen is in Drillian.

Indigo: I have not lived in the shires for years

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: OH, you are very far from home

Bixi Fizzlebang: And what is your name, friend? (to the merchant sailor)

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I am Halgert

Indigo: We're going to Dryads Lair. Where are you going?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: I have a family in Bywater

Indigo: I'm originally from Crickhollow!

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Aye?

Indigo: The Bolger family

Indigo: I will visit the next time I make it to Gold Hills

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Crickhollow Bolgers

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Old Manny's family?

Indigo: grins and nods

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Where are you going now?

Indigo: Dryads Lair and maybe Bort's Beach

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Well if you are going into the dangerous lands like that you should stay with us first

Indigo: Dryads Lair isn't very dangerous

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Aye, maybe for a fine fighter like your self

Indigo: But it would be nice to stay at a real place before we get there

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: But when the Terraguard Navy goes a raiding

Indigo: turns to the group

Indigo: Would you like to stop at Bywater before we get to Dryads Lair?

Indigo: The Navy is raiding people?

Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman: Stealing men for their ships

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wouldn't mind a stop. It's probably a nice place for Knotty to get out and stretch his legs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Licornah, do you think you'd be able to teleport Knotty out?

Indigo: Is Terraguard at war or something?

Indigo: I think we would like to visit Bywater and then we can talk and share stories and news!

Raelynn: If it involves a real bed, yes please.

Raelynn: Or at least getting off the water.

Lanek: i could use a night of not tippin an rollin

Lanek: nor critters in the dark

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: I can help you get there,

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: We can tie my boat to the back of your ship?

Indigo: We would like that. Of course!

Indigo: Craigh can you help with tying up Halgert's boat please? You are great with ropes

Craigh: Consider it done.

Indigo: Thank you!

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: We came out fishing trying to find something big

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: near the edges of the lake, sometimes you can get a nice haul

Craigh: Craigh murmurs to whoever is nearby, “I'd guess they found it.”

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: right where the river flows out of the darkness

Indigo: You should fish with Zayden on our way. He's a great fisherman

Indigo: Not with big nets but maybe you can bring something back

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: I am certain you and your crew are great heroes

Indigo: Yup. Many brave people on this ship!

Zayden: argh ugh, I dislike carp...

Zayden: But thank you for saving me friends

Halgert, Human, Sailor/Fisherman: Carp are dangerous, they swallow the Halflings

Zayden: vicious creatures

The group is about to row/sail across the dark river then along the northern shore to Bywater

42 miles past the river is Bywater

The group is moving along

talking to our new crew member

Zayden: I'm so weak from the carp attack!

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Lanek: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Zayden: I always thought I would catch the fish, I never thought the fish would catch me!

Zayden: ohhh there's a song there for sure

Youtargim: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

So you are moving along and Lanek and Talwin both yell out that there is something up ahead

but Youtargim cannot change course fast enough

Zayden: I alwaaaaaays caught the fish!

Zayden: But thennnnnnnn

Zayden: The fish Caught meeeeee

Lanek: up ahead!

and you push into the marshy mess of something

Zayden: I thought it was the enddddddddd!

As the knarr is pushing through it

Zayden: But thennnnnn my friennnnnds saved meeeee!

from the port side

50 foot long giant slug

able to swallow small boats

The knarr pushed into the slime and muck around it

Indigo hits the Giant Slug multiple times, but all damage from his blows are absorbed except a tiny bit, barely wounding it.

Indigo: It's not doing anything!

Raelynn: Ewww it's so.... squishy.

Zayden: I'll give you guys background music while you fight

Zayden: oh anybody need some inspiration?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden just rest, we need you alive

Zayden: just playing music

Bixi Fizzlebang casts Watery Fist.

The watery fist SLAMS into the side of the slug and does damage

The combat will continue …