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Chat Log List - 2023 01 13 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

[10000 XP] -> N'laea

[5000 XP] -> N'laea

'N'laea' applied '15000' experience to Ranger.

[10000 XP] -> Branwyn

[5000 XP] -> Branwyn

'Branwyn' applied '16500' experience to Mage.

'TMO' connected

TMO: looks like I'm in. Do I get XP for being first? If I *am* first, of course

BOB Grins

BOB you are in first but have to wait for no one else to log in then you start the adventure, then you get the bonus XP

TMO: I say we go home!

TMO: done!

TMO: gimme! gimme! gimme!

TMO: and I finished the campaign arc too! more bonus xp!


BOB How is the new house?

TMO: this is the inlaw's rental

TMO: IF we're able to sell our old house and buy the new one, it'll be ready in April


TMO: I got home to old house on new year's to a flooded basement and crawl space. been dealing with that and work for the last 2 weeks

BOB crap sorry

TMO: yep, me too

TMO: I did start to try to make the Update for last session, I just couldn't make myself finish it. :)

'Lorie' connected

BOB chuckles

BOB you have Zero minutes to accomplish that before anyone else is in

BOB Hello Lorie

TMO: not even going to try Bob. :P

Lorie: Hey there Gents

Lorie: I can go AFK if that helps with whatever you want ed to do

TMO: about the only thing I had energy for was barely finishing a fairly simple Minecraft room decoration and playing around a little bit with ChatGPT


TMO: Hi Lorie! We're just waiting on everyone else

BOB I did do one quick test at doing a summary with ChatGPT but it did not work

[5000 XP] -> Lanek

[5000 XP] -> Talwin

[5000 XP] -> Zayden

TMO: I forget you can't see prior chats - I was supposed to do the update for last session, but for a variety of IRL reasons I didn't have the energy

[5000 XP] -> Craigh

[7500 XP] -> Bixi Fizzlebang

[7500 XP] -> Licornah

TMO: how did you feed it the info? Just copied the whole chat log in and paste?

BOB YEap and it failed for too much

TMO: yeah. I tried to start a chat for my campaign world, which was interesting results, but when I went back the next day it had forgotten HUGE chunks of the info

'Carissa' connected

TMO: makes sense they wouldn't want to burden their servers with billions of chats

TMO: what is the XP for Bob?

BOB Hello Carissa

Carissa: Hello!

'Spring' connected

BOB and the XP awarded was for the End of Year awards

Craigh: so now we have Lor-Lor and Car-Car

BOB That is all distributed now

BOB and Hello Spring

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

TMO: .... Spr-Spr?

Lorie: Evening Carissa and Spring!

BOB There is still a BUNCH of XP to award for all the encounters etc for this story arc

BOB I am waiting on that until you get back to Drakeshead

Spring: hi hi hi!

Carissa: figured it was but still nice!

Spring: i am thrilled to discover the History section of the login page!

Carissa: TMO broken?

Spring: no more digging around for the right server

BOB smiles

TMO: I think that's a valid assessment


BOB Are you almost kittenless now Spring?

Spring: entirely kittenless

Spring: this is the clean and disinfect phase

BOB grins

Spring: and also the take a damn break phase

BOB Laughs

Spring: Carissa, my uncle was just talking to me this morning about chickens and avian flu

Spring: he put up some net to keep the starlings away from his flock

Spring: i told him i wish i hadn't missed the registration deadline for your workshop

BOB Also Carissa they extended the Exo-Biologist posting at NASA this week, you still have time to apply

Spring: ooooooooo

Carissa: lol still doubt I'd qualify

BOB Go for it!

Carissa: if he still has questions, Spring, very happyto answer them!

Carissa: and should have told me you missed registration; think I could have sent you link anways

BOB I am on a kick at work about men apply if they feel they have 60% of the qualifications, women apply if they feel they are at 100% - SO we need to make it easier/more likely for women to apply

Carissa: (got food and drink I'm good to go now)

Spring: aw heck

Spring: right you are BOB

Carissa: lol I mean true, fine fine I'll look at the listing again later and see

Spring: i tell women that all the time. and also that familiarity is not the same as expertise, so you can claim way more familiarity than women often do

BOB I am going to be hiring a Creator in Residence for the Creation Station Music space at the Collier City Library, I want to make sure we get a good selection

TMO: I want a job managing Dragonslayers for $120k a year.

Carissa: I'll be your reference!

BOB I would be glad to pay you $150K a year if you can actually manage to pull that off TMO

BOB Grins

Carissa: Wait no I won't. I didn't blackmail you well enough to do summary, TMO.

BOB See!

TMO: I haven't told you my last 2 weeks Carissa. I started, couldn't force myself to finish

BOB He cannot even manage to pull that off for himself

BOB and yes we do fully understand and appreciate it TMO

Carissa: I need better blackmail material

Carissa: (and blackmail material I remember...)

Spring: :-D

GM: [d20 = 1]

Springity Thingity: [d20 = 17]

BOB Yeap Carissa did not remember

TMO: you needed to have been here managing the plumber, the carpet tech folks, the insurance company, my job, and my family.

Spring: hahahahaha

BOB by the way one of the updates is you can change the size of your dice now

BOB If you want them a bit larger or smaller

BOB Only effects your screen realestate

GM: [10d12 = 75]

Carissa: I *was* there the last week of December. You just didn't ask

GM: [20d4 = 52]

Carissa: Well technically Dallas but close enough

TMO: oh no, that was all since Jan 1

GM: [d6 = 3]

Carissa: Clearly your fault for not scheduling it earlier then, duh ;)

TMO: I got home the evening of Jan 1 to a flooded basement and crawl space

'Michael' connected

Carissa: have a basement?

BOB Also by the way starting on Sunday I am playing in a bi-weekly Traveller game

TMO: storm cellar

Carissa: Ah that makes more sense

BOB and Hello Michael!

TMO: nice!

Carissa: I do not know what a traveller game is but have fun!.../

TMO: Space RPG

TMO: old game system, although may have newer version.

Talwin: I am sorry, but I am here now

Talwin: Let's do this

TMO: Character creation is "pick a career, roll randomly to see what happens to you, repeat for years at a time, until you die, or end and become a PC"

BOB Very old system, I first played in 1981, but only playing 2nd edition there too

BOB and yes to TMO, it is one of the few game systems were you can die during chacter creation

Carissa: Hi MIchael!

BOB So I will leave it up to the group to recap where you are, what you did last session, and how you want to proceed

BOB I pinged our missing three

Carissa: Fascinating

Carissa: No clue here since I wasn't barely playing last two sessions so I'm just here.

Michael (Talwin): And I have semi-issues with something something influenza. But I'm functional now, and mentally sound....kind of

BOB Avian Flu Michael

Michael (Talwin): Basically, we left off with me frustrated about not knowing where combat characters were. But we have

Michael (Talwin): not that

BOB and we know someone who can help with it

Michael (Talwin): I woul dhave remembered that

Talwin: but we just got the magic gem

Carissa: my go-to with positive Avian Influenza cases is euthanasia soooooo

Spring: :-( hope you feel better soon

Michael (Talwin): Perfect recap :)

Michael (Talwin): euthanasia!

BOB You just got the MAP to find out where the FIRE GEMS are

Michael (Talwin): that escalated quickly!

Michael (Talwin): Yes sorry Bob

Carissa: lol

BOB and LOL with Carissa

Michael (Talwin): We got the thingy that will supposedly lead us to the thingy

Michael (Talwin): If we are lucky

Carissa: Who can read a map? Is it readable? How we gonna not die in the fire?

Michael (Talwin): "And there was much rejoicing" - Monty Python

BOB Carisssa bring up good points

Michael (Talwin): Frankly, we haven't even looked at it yet. So we'll need to do that

Carissa: I'm mos5ly repeating your points

BOB it is effectively a stone tablet

Michael (Talwin): Can we do that while waiting on the others bob? Just look at it?

'Lisa' connected

BOB There is Lisa

Michael (Talwin): Oh sorry! Hi lisa! :)

Michael (Talwin): I'm so sorry!

BOB and yes to Michael

BOB She logged in as you asked taht

Carissa: Hi Lisa!

Carissa: (nice summoing skills!)

Lanek: hi Lisa

Lorie: Okay I'm back - BOB I'm so excited for you to play Traveller, that's one of your favorites

Spring (Lanek): hi Lisa

TMO: Mic-Mic and Lis-Lis?

Spring (Lanek): hahaha

Talwin: No

Lorie: Michael -do you have Type A or Type B flu?

TMO: well, it started with Lor-Lor and Car-Car, but the rest of you have terrible names for it

Michael (Talwin): My friends call me Mike, Michael, and hey you. My enemies call me mister Harmon, and my nemesis calls me Mic-Mic. Don't be my nemesis TMO :)

Lorie: do you prefer Michael or Hey you?

Carissa: We broke TMO again

Michael (Talwin): Hey you seems to happen a lot because my group of friends has 3 Michaels :)

Spring (Lanek): aw it looks like 120% is the biggest the dice can get. i wanted like 400

Lorie: Ahhh, I remember when we had two -- Mike and Michael is where we landed - then there is BOB, Rob, and Robert

Michael (Talwin): Only for those who are family or sleeping with him as I recal

BOB grins

TMO: one of the reasons I really like TMO. No duplications

Lorie: Oh those are different people

Lorie: His family calls him something else entirely :: laughs ::

Michael (Talwin): Ah!

BOB grins

Spring (Lanek): hahahahaha

TMO: if I start calling him Bobby, y'all will know what happened.


Lorie: I'll offer an alibi

Lorie: You were with me 2-4 ET :)

Michael (Talwin): Snaps Finger! That's right TMO thats what it was!

Michael (Talwin): So, in the spirit of bob not thinking I didn't care, I had a list of things I had hoped to accomplish this session.

Michael (Talwin): Going to lay them out. They really boil down to three different things that we can get done in one session

Image: Firenewt Hatching temple

Michael (Talwin): 1. Use the map and figure out how to get there

Michael (Talwin): 2. When we arrive, assess the situation and either get a gem, or die

Lisa: Hello all :)

Michael (Talwin): 3. Assuming we get the gem, attempt to escape hopefully not dead and get back

Lorie: (Evening!)

Carissa: Hi Lisa! (in case you didn't see the first)

Michael (Talwin): Everything (HI LISA!)

Michael (Talwin): Everything else is a facet of those top level headers

Michael (Talwin): Any comments?

Michael (Talwin): (Bob is happy I put some thought in I'm sure. lol)

BOB I think Carissa's addemdums from earlier round it out well

Lanek: hi Lorie!

BOB It is a very nice summary Michael

Spring (Lanek): dammit

Lisa: Indigo did not get 9K xp in the past year to level?

Lisa: only Branywn?

Lorie: (Hey Spring! Glad to hear you're fancy free and kitty free too)

Lisa: thank you for checking her though

BOB I did not award any XP to anyone other than Branwyn and N'alea

Michael (Talwin): Right. Also reading the map is hopefully simple. To be fair, I didn't even think about IF we could read it. I feel kinda dumb now LOL

Michael (Talwin): But we'll burn that bridge when we cross it

Lisa: it's not about awarding any - it's about Indigo only needing about 9K to level in November 2021 and he hasn't leveled

Carissa: ....but we might need to recross it so don't burn it

Lisa: but I can argue with you about that out of session

BOB grisn with Lisa

Carissa: (only end of year XP, not other XP yet apparently)

Michael (Talwin): grins with Carissa

Carissa: (cause also hoping for a Rae level-up, lol)

Lisa: I can go through the chat logs and make a case for your negligence in regard to Indigo

BOB Everyone who survives and is back at Drakeshead

BOB will get their XP

BOB and LOL with Lisa

Carissa: lol

Lorie: (Well that's omnious ... )

Michael (Talwin): Knowing Lisa, that's a serious threat bob. You should give that XP!

BOB a giant carp swims by and swallows Indigo

BOB That solves that math problem

Lisa: what else is new?


Michael (Talwin): LOL to both

Carissa: it's okay, Zayden's oiled rods will help us get him backl

Lorie: (BOB doesn't give XP... it's like Whose line is it anyway...)


Spring: hahahahaha

User has gone AFK. (Lisa)

BOB actually prior to story arc award there is about 2,000 XP per share in the backlog right now

User is back. (Lisa)

BOB not including roleplay XP


BOB focusing on Talwin and the map

Michael (Talwin): We all good?

BOB Indigo jumped into/onto the rocks

Lisa: do we have a map?

Lorie: (can we rob a gold dragon in hell, a priest is saving for an imaginary temple ;O) )

BOB to retrieve the map

Raelynn: (Howard?)

Lisa: Howard

Carissa (Raelynn): (man even the DM is forgetting him)

Lisa: LOL


Michael (Talwin): LOL

BOB Yes sorry

Lisa: yes Howard handed Talwin the map at at the end of last session

BOB and did anyone look at that firenewt hatching temple map?

Lisa: what map are we on?

BOB No map right now

Lisa: no

Michael (Talwin): I did not.

Lorie (Licornah): The black map, yup, looking at it now

BOB I shared it

Lorie (Licornah): It's great...

BOB ahh ok sorry totally black is not the right thing

Lorie (Licornah): :)

Michael (Talwin): Wow. A marvelous map!

Michael (Talwin): Oh sorry. Joke alreadhy happened :)

Spring: hehehe yes i have the map of a raven in a coal mine

Lisa: lol

Carissa (Raelynn): I just have the background map...

Michael (Talwin): Ah, I can see parts now.

Michael (Talwin): Had to zoom out

Licornah: For what it's worth... Entry into the Swamps also is fairly dark

Michael (Talwin): Also bob keeps moving characters around, so shades of grey as parts light up and geyt dark again

Lorie (Licornah): I see a tiny speck of something in the middle of the Temple now

BOB I put Youtargim on the map

Lisa: you changed his icon

BOB I did a top down one for him for maps

Lisa: trying to make him more attractive?

Michael (Talwin): stop making me laugh so hard. It hurts

BOB grins

Raelynn: lol

Spring: hahahaha

Michael (Talwin): ...would it be an improper guess to say this temple looking image is what we roughly see sketched on a certain stone tablet....?

Michael (Talwin): :)

BOB That is exactly what I am trying to show everyone

BOB I hid all the tokens on the map except Youtargim and now it is all dark for some reason

Michael (Talwin): Ah

Michael (Talwin): Unfortunately I can't help with that, but I'd imagen we need to roll for encounters on the way to this Temple?

Lorie (Licornah): (I don't see Yout at all... I've scrolled in and out, but carry on, it's a me problem)

Michael (Talwin): maybe we could start with those?

Spring: i can now see some green areas

Michael (Talwin): It's all of Yout's sightlines that we can see

BOB In summary, you have a map that shows a path through the jungles, it arrives at a small hill, at that hill is a path where you will arrive.

Spring: i had to close and reopen

Talwin: Alright, who wants to climb a tree and look for a hill?

Talwin: Any takers?

Michael (Talwin): (IC)

Talwin: Clearly joking, but semi-serious

Lanek: what the hell

Talwin: Where's illero when we need his climbing skills?

Talwin: Chuckles

BOB The map is not precise, it shows, a pyramid temple, a spiral, a set of dots for huts (?) and a set of dots for fires/nesting (?)

Lanek: i aint climbed nothin in a while

Talwin: Hesitates

Indigo: We;ll catch you if you fall

Talwin: You sure Lanek? I'm not questioning your judgement or anything, but

Lanek: caint be that much differnt than a wall right?

Talwin: Nods at Indigo

Talwin: We can do that

BOB You know you want to get to the fire areas

'Lemon' connected

BOB Your map does have notation for how to get there from here

Licornah: (isn't there a helpful bird we could ask... :: in her best Snow White voice)

Spring (Lanek): i mean is Climb Trees even a skill?

Michael (Talwin): Ah. Then this was a dumb conversation. Sigh. Sorry guys

Talwin: Oh wait!

Carissa (Raelynn): (lol you're fine)

BOB It is at least 2 to 6 hours away, with your best guesses at scale

Talwin: Lanek!, I think if this map is correct

BOB Not at all Michael

Talwin: We can navigate along this route here

Talwin: No need to climb

BOB Welcome Lemon

Talwin: Smiles Warmly

Raelynn: (hi Lemon)

Talwin: Although thank you for your offer

Michael (Talwin): (Hi Lemon!)

Raelynn: Oh darn, and I was looking forward to it.

Spring (Lanek): hi Lemon

Lanek: oh, well, okay

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hello!

Talwin: Don't worry Lanek

Talwin: Winks

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No idea why we're talking about climbing trees, but I have a spell for that if we need it

Talwin: If there is a wall around this temple, you can climb it

Talwin: Smiles

Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Lemon)

Michael (Talwin): Of course you do Lemon. LOL

Michael (Talwin): :)

Michael (Talwin): Magic sure is a heck of a thing

Talwin: So

Talwin: Nods to himself

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can make people be able to climb trees like squirrels

Talwin: We have a route, and a plan. This will take some hiking, so let's gear up and get ready

Talwin: Is everyone doing okay? Any injuries or prep work you could need?

Raelynn: Is it going to get hotter?

Talwin: Raelynn, I'm sure it will

Lorie (Licornah): (Everyone looks at full health)

Raelynn: sighs

Youtargim: If I might ask? Along those lines with Rae, these are Fire gems? as in burning?

Talwin: The Tablet Inscription says "Firenewt Hatching Temple"

Talwin: I have a feeling it will very warm

Looks at his hands

Talwin: Points to Yout

Talwin: I sure hope not

Talwin: We just don't have that kind of detail to go off of

Youtargim: Do we have any way of carrying them?

Raelynn: Bucket of ice?

Talwin: If we need to however, we can fashion a stone box with earthern spells

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Didn't someone (Lisa?) already bring this point up?

Youtargim: We can?

Talwin: And drag the box behind us if necessary

Raelynn: Mmm, we should probably figure that out before you decide to sneak in and steal them. You might not have time to figure it out.

Talwin: There are other options I've considered, but I'm not going to stress until I've seen one with my own eyes first

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: Unfortunately, I cannot cast magic, so we should go over those details now

Talwin: There are three options

Talwin: At least, that I can think of

Raelynn: What if you balance them on Reven?

Talwin: Grunts

Craigh: I'm enjoying the fact that we left our own perfectly good swamps to go trekking around someone else's icky swamps.

Talwin: Well, since he knows that they can kill him, he will say no

Carissa (Raelynn): (no she is not secretly trying to destroy Reven ;) )

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's a heck of a balancing act

Youtargim: There are good swamps?

Raelynn: Oh.

Michael (Talwin): lol

Spring (Lanek): hahahaha

Raelynn: A warm, sticky icky swamp! I'm not dressed for this!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I do feel like you should maybe stress about it beforehand though... you might not have time to stress about it once you get in there

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Yes, I was getting to that

Talwin: The first few options we have

Talwin: One, we can ustilize the stone box approach and likely carry it or drag it

Talwin: The second option is a little more complex, but should be easy enough with access to water

Talwin: We'll need to layer a sled, with Earth, Gravel, Metal Bowl, and then Water

Indigo: Bredin didn't say we wouldn't be able to touch them ...

Talwin: If it is constantly burining, we will refresh the water steaming out of the bowl

Talwin: Nods to Indigo

Talwin: But they do have a point

Indigo: Yes

Talwin: We can fasion the sled now, but I'd rather do it closer to the Temple. That way, we can use a water filled leather sack to keep it contained until we can secure it properly

Raelynn: Oh! What if you get gather some of the plants here that can clearly survive the heat and use it to make a basket? Or at least wrap them in the leaves?

Talwin: If it's so hot that it burns through that, we won't be able to transport without significantly more magic

Craigh: anybody know how to make a basket?

Talwin: Which I am not sure how

Indigo: I can make a skiff

Talwin: Nods at Indigo

Youtargim: Do we need to keep them warm? like bird's eggs?

Raelynn: It doesn't have to be a pretty basket. Just, like, a giant leaf.

Youtargim: and how warm?

Lanek: not really yer craftsy type

Talwin: That basket is a good idea, but the idea is for the Dirt, Gravel, to keep the skiff from burning

Youtargim: Are these eggs? or gems? I was unclear on that

Raelynn: Oh, but Talwin, HOW are you going to grab one first?

Talwin: Yout, if this gets that complex, I'm going to tell Alexandria that I'm only Mortal for hells sake

Daphene: I can whittle, but not weave

Talwin: Sighs

Lorie (Licornah): (I can weave...)

Talwin: I won't be grabbing one bare handed

Youtargim: Are you sure you are mortal? You have not died yet

Lemon (Daphene): Why not both, Yout. Why not both.

Talwin: I'm going to use this pre-treated leather soaked in water to get it a distance away from the temple, before we secure it to final transport system. Like, an ark of the covenant or something

Craigh: I have a bit of the skin from that fire drake. That might work for temporary insulation while grabbing

Talwin: Well I aint a God Yout, that's for sure. Pretty sure I'd feel different if I was!

Youtargim: That is a nice idea Craigh!

Craigh: or, you know, channel the heat and make it worse.

Craigh: but I think, if anything, it'll insulate a bit

Talwin: Nods at Craigh. It can't hurt. I'll layer it in the leather pouch witht he water satchell

Talwin: It's only needing to hold until we get it to Indigo's small skiff sled

Talwin: At that point, it's easy enough to create the insulation to keep the skiff from burning

Talwin: But if we need to leave in a hurry, I wan't a quick solution to our final extraction point

Michael (Talwin): (Also poor grammar because I get excited and type worse and worse)

Youtargim: Where is that?

Michael (Talwin): Here

Talwin: Points to the map

Talwin: Holds up the Tablet to a larger surrounding map

Talwin: See this point here

Talwin: This is a second much smaller rise that peaks just above the tree line

Youtargim nods

Talwin: it's roughly a mile and a half as the crow flies

Talwin: If something is chasing us a mile and half, we have other things to worry about

Youtargim: Everyone else see that?

'Spring' disconnected

Craigh: Howard, I don't suppose you happen to have telekineses or Bigby's grasping hand prepped, do you?

Talwin: But this rise will give us a good position to both see, get our bearings, and prepare the final transport

Michael (Talwin): Also bob, not sure if that's a mile and a half. My directions are wonky

Michael (Talwin): Can we just pretend?

Howard Plum: I don't know those spells Craigh

BOB It is a good call Michael

Craigh: No, they're not common, but it was worth a shot.

Howard Plum: thinks, I barely know the spells I do know

Michael (Talwin): Scowls at Howard

Talwin: Think better of yourself man

Talwin: You did some amazing feats just a few moments ago

Talwin: It was truly impressive

Howard Plum: Thank you Sir Talwin

Talwin: I know I was impressed

Talwin: Mumbles

'Spring' connected

Talwin: As his gaze turns back to studying the map

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I think we have a route traced. As we approach the temple proper, we'll keep a closer eye

Bixi Fizzlebang: He's got the glitter, what else do you really need?

Talwin: I don't want us caught. But I also gaurantee there will be resistance

Talwin: I'm not sneaky, and I don't think the parents will be thrilled we are stealing eggs

Talwin: We need to be careful. As we get closer, we'll begin ensuring we have a more defined plan. But that requires seeing what we are up against first

Image: Firenewt Hatching temple

Talwin: Be on your gaurd everyone. Use your senses. I am good with my surroundings, but I'm not fool enough to say I don't miss things

BOB Everyone is on the map, that is the farthest/closest you can be to make decisions

Indigo: nods

TMO (Craigh): I assume we can't see the temple yet?

Talwin: Excelletn. Before anything else. Please roll OBS checks if you have it. Can I get a weather reading from someone

The time is 1:00 PM

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Craigh: What are you talking about? "Roll OBS"?

Carissa (Raelynn): (ouch)

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

TMO (Craigh): lol, j/k

Michael (Talwin): oh okay. I was confused sorry TMO

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

<font color="#000000">Weather Report Location: Dryads Lair Principality Forest, Mid Spring Day 6, Midday Precipitation: Light Rain Wind: No Wind Temperature: Cold 48°F / 9°C

Michael (Talwin): I thought maybe I said something dumb LOL

Carissa (Raelynn): (no not that one TMO)

Lanek: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

TMO (Craigh): you forgot to hit ALT for OOC speech is all. Craigh would be very confused if Talwin started talking about that

Carissa (Raelynn):'s only 48F?

Michael (Talwin): Light rain eh? Who has lighting!

Spring (Lanek): my internet is uppy downy and i have to restart gateway, brb

Carissa (Raelynn): Yes but in a swamp probably not a good idea ;)

Michael (Talwin): OH!. Sorry TMO :) Thanks haha

Lisa (Indigo): at least Licornah is paying attention

Talwin: Pff, Lighting is never a good idea.

'Spring' disconnected

Michael (Talwin): Pff, Lighting is never a good idea.

Michael (Talwin): But it has it's uses

Michael (Talwin): For craps and grins, alertness everyone? I just want to cover our Asses

Michael (Talwin): The Donkey kind

'Shislif' connected

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Lisa (Indigo): Licornah made her check

BOB Licornah can point to your right to what looks like a sprial path leading down, there is a stream? waterfall? in the center

BOB and Welcome Sharif

Raelynn: stumbling along following the lead of those with better observation skills than hers

Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Sharif!)

Talwin: Pauses.

Craigh: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 6]

Michael (Talwin): "Thank you Licornah"

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Talwin: Thinks

Licornah: :: points with her lance :: That way, good luck...

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Carissa (Raelynn): (Hi Sharif!)

Talwin: Turns to Licornh's Spear

Lisa (Indigo): these rolls are concerning

Talwin: That way?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hi Sharif!

Lorie (Licornah): (Follow the yellow brick path... the yellow brick path..)

Michael (Talwin): I'll say Lisa

Sharif: Hi there :)

Daphene: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 9]

Michael (Talwin): Def. bad omens

Lisa (Indigo): Hi Sharif and Lemon who I think I missed

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): are you kidding me.

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Failure by one on literally everything

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

TMO (Craigh): Lem-Lem and Sha-Sha?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Smelting the dice down, forging new ones, and giving them a test roll! [10d4+10d6+10d8+10d10+10d12+10d20 = 346]

Michael (Talwin): OH MY GOD

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Sharif: whoa

Lorie (Licornah): (Sha-Lem could work?)

TMO (Craigh): Shi-Shi, actually. My bad.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I smelted those suckers down

Michael (Talwin): OOC Lorie, did that Obs check tell you that's probably the way we need to go? Or just the water into the Pit

Lorie (Licornah): (Shi Shi... you're welcome?)

Talwin: Maybe i misse

Michael (Talwin): Maybe i misse

Lorie (Licornah): (Go that way... if something gets in your way, turn)

Michael (Talwin): (I got that reference :) )

Michael (Talwin): lol

Talwin: Okay

BOB The observation revealed more of the map before you moved, you know that the temple is on the opposite side of the/a ridge from this spiral

Lorie (Licornah): (:o) I wondered if anyone would...)

Talwin: Ponders to himself

Craigh: So, go to the spiral or cross the bridge?

Talwin: This way is longer, but does not involve us crossing the river at any main points

Talwin: Thinking out loud

Talwin: We already have poor omens

Talwin: Let's go the long way around the spiral. Curve around the right hand side

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's fine, I have fresh dice, I'm sure we're good now!

Talwin: Navigates with his finger

TMO (Craigh): oh yeah, jaw pain reminds me to add in getting a tooth pulled out and leaving an inch-deep hole in my jaw to my last two weeks itinerary. ;)

Talwin: There is a path that looks like it does not connect with the water at all

Talwin: It's a little further, but not really hilly

BOB The sprial is there, you want to be on the opposite side of the map from the spiral

Talwin: An easy pace

BOB scale on the map is correct

Michael (Talwin): Top left or right bob?

BOB THAT you do not know yet Michael

Craigh: lead on, Oh Brave Leader! We Followers shall Follow.

Michael (Talwin): So here is the order of ops

Talwin: Nods to himself

Talwin: We don't know if it's at the top end of the left or right side of the valley

'Spring' connected

BOB It is only 60 feet over to that hole where the water is going in

Talwin: I'm not comfortable with crossing rivers unnecessarily this far from safe shores so to speak

Michael (Talwin): Oh shit. That is realyl to scale

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: One sec

BOB Yes it is

Talwin: Mumbles to himself

Talwin: Then it definitely isn't a big deal to go around it then

Talwin: That' slike what, less then quarter mile

Michael (Talwin): to just walk around the big gaping pit in the ground?

BOB Pause for one moment

Talwin: Pausing

Lorie (Licornah): (Unless that's a mouth at the center, and then it might be ;O) )

BOB What are the four characteristics on the map you are worried about?

Michael (Talwin): Honestly? The very first one is.....hear me out :)

Spring (Lanek): back

Carissa (Raelynn): North, South, East, and West

Michael (Talwin): The big gaping pit in the ground where water feeds into it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol carissa

Michael (Talwin): I don't want to be near water, where someone might slip and end up in the Sarlac pit

Michael (Talwin): That's a big damn sinkhole!

Michael (Talwin): :)

Lisa (Indigo): don't stare into the abyss

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Do you ever feel like maybe you could just be living your best life, slaying a bunch of firenewts, but instead you're stuck on the hip of some overly cautious softy? No? Just me?

Michael (Talwin): That's the only reason I wanted to just walk safetly around it. Then continue North on the Right hand side. Figure out if anything is there. If Yes, Yahtzee. If NO, then we can safely cureve around the big mountain looking thing that separates the North section of the map

BOB Pyramid, Spiral, dots for village, dots for fire pits

Michael (Talwin): Now we have Villages? Where are these dots?

BOB On your map

Spring (Lanek): it's a spiral to get down there and we have to cross water twice on it

Lisa (Indigo): all I see is the log on the river and the spiral

Michael (Talwin): Bob. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not trusting the map right now. About where the mountain beings, is all black

BOB Yes to Lisa,

Michael (Talwin): Where are all these features?

Michael (Talwin): I see no dots for villages?

BOB Yes to Michael, unless someone has a see through the ridge/mountain spell

BOB that is the problem you have

Michael (Talwin): OH MY GOD

Michael (Talwin): SIGH through Nose, counting to Ten

Talwin: So

Lisa: lol Bob

BOB You can go right around the ridge, or left around it, or over it,

BOB One of the ways will lead to the fire pits

BOB one will lead to the village

Lisa: so right now we just have to decide if we cross doing dex checks on a log or walk around the spiral?

BOB Just want to make sure how you are dealing with this

Michael (Talwin): I want to Go to the Right hand side of the map. As far right as you can go. And walk North. Almost one could say at a 90 Degree Angle.

Spring (Lanek): i also do not see a pyramid or dots for villages or firepits

Michael (Talwin): And see what is North. As safe as I can be

Michael (Talwin): As we get closer, I can revalluate

BOB Ok do you want to follow the paths? or what? just move your tokens along as you see fit and I will tell you when you need rolls

Michael (Talwin): Does anyone think I am missing someting Critical? Maybe I'm doing that

Michael (Talwin): Okay. Is everyone okay with that?

Spring (Lanek): i do recommend we don't split up

Lisa: I don't think you're missing anything. we can't tell until we can see better

Shislif (Zayden): sounds good to me!

TMO (Craigh): unless we're overlooking information given to us, I think it's a flip of a coin or a reading of Bob's mind at this point. Pick the one you like best

Lorie (Licornah): (I vote we go on the path... follow that spiral, the map is helping us ... unless we see something that sets off the red flag)

Shislif (Zayden): what map are we using?

Lanek: but it wouldn't hurt to recon all in a line

Spring (Lanek): but it wouldn't hurt to recon all in a line

Shislif (Zayden): oh nvm

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Um, the pit of despair in the middle of the spiral is a pretty big red flag to me

Michael (Talwin): So bob, I'm not moving, just showing the group the general idea of my plan. Is that Okay?

Craigh: Want one of the sneaky *ahem* scout types to lead the way?

Michael (Talwin): I'm going to move my token now.

Michael (Talwin): Everyone watching?

Lisa: yup

Michael (Talwin): Remember, this is just showing

Spring (Lanek): watching

Michael (Talwin): not moving

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): like a hawk

Lisa: looks good to me

Michael (Talwin): Okay

BOB Michael you cannot move 300 feet in a round

Michael (Talwin): OH MY GOD BOB

BOB What are you doing?

Lisa: this is just the plan bob

TMO (Craigh): reasonable path until we have more information

Lisa: not the movement

Michael (Talwin): Lisa,please step in

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I'm not sure BOB reads the ooc

BOB I did

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): But yes, that looks ok to me too

BOB You are at this place you are moving forward

Spring (Lanek): i liked the parts i could see


Spring (Lanek): i lost track toward the end though

Michael (Talwin): Lisa. Can you translate to bob please. I give up

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB he was showing the intended path... not an actual movement)

Lisa: you're good Michael

Lisa: Bob when he's ready he'll move for real

Spring (Lanek): if we were in person, he was taking his finger and drawing, "what if we go this way" on the table map

BOB Yes, I understand that, but also cannot actually move the token there and reveal what the landscape, enemies etc are

Lisa: ok

BOB you have pointers to do that

TMO (Craigh): he wasn't trying to

Spring (Lanek): that was going to be my next question

Lisa: we didn't see anything

Lorie (Licornah): (I don't think he was trying to get intel... just guide the group ;) )

BOB I understand, is why I was erasing as fast as I could

Talwin: Sigh.

Talwin: Just

Lisa: smiles

Talwin: Just walk forward ujtil I roll

BOB which is why I said Move

Talwin: I need to roll

Carissa (Raelynn): there are enemies probably on that path

Talwin: just walk forward until I need to roll

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): There are probably enemies everywhere

Lisa: if you want particular characters up front with you let us know

BOB I already told you twice there are dots for the village and dots for the fire pits

Lisa: otherwise we'll follow as a group

BOB Indigo and Talwin are up front for that reason

TMO (Craigh): we see no dots

BOB Exactly, that is all dark, you have not gotten there yet

Lisa: you ready Michael?

BOB There

Michael (Talwin): As the entire group moves, I'll move to the next point

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Yeah, and can we actually assume we are all moving together this time, and have everyone stop when combat starts, rather than having combat start, and then being like "whoops, we didn't move because we thougtht we were all sticking together and now we're three turns behind!"?

BOB No to Lemon

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): ughhhhhhhh

BOB Becasue whencombat starts, it will be where your characters are

Carissa (Raelynn): we gonna be amushed

BOB and if you are 200 feets behind

Michael (Talwin): Stagger yourselves about 10 feet.

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): ok everyone keep up lol

Michael (Talwin): As best you can

BOB smiles that is why I stressed, this is all to scale

Michael (Talwin): We'll get into a rythem. As everyone moves, I'll keep moving forward

Carissa (Raelynn): if you're stressed, dirnk more wine

Michael (Talwin): Who is in the back still?


BOB thank you

TMO (Craigh): Place yourselves in Marching Order, then we move one at a time from front to back.

Lanek: i do miss the follow option from whats-its-face

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Bixi is about to go under someone's legs if y'all don't move

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Michael waaaait

Michael (Talwin): I am :)

Michael (Talwin): Just streching the congol line a bit

Craigh: Michael, stop!

Michael (Talwin): sorry

Michael (Talwin): I stopped

TMO (Craigh): wait for the rest of us to catch up first

Michael (Talwin): Gotcha

Spring (Lanek): son of a gun! i only just realized that Craigh looks like Prince Harry! did someone already mention that at some point? i mean he's been looking like that the whole time

Michael (Talwin): So. Continue another 10 feet?

Michael (Talwin): Or keep waiting

Lisa (Indigo): howard has more range for his spells so wasn't hanging back to let people in

TMO (Craigh): our rear hasn't caught up yet. Rear End, please slinky up to us

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Why is Yout hiding out in the back?

Lisa (Indigo): that would be you Lanek! :P

Bixi Fizzlebang: Come on, Yout

Bixi Fizzlebang: Keep up

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Spring (Lanek): i can't go up until the people in front go up

Michael (Talwin): I didn't want to say anything LIsa :)

BOB He is right there behind Rae

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross

TMO (Craigh): he's just not a face, he blends in

Michael (Talwin): :)

TMO (Craigh): Alright Talwin, advance

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Shouldn't he be up front?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So like, if someone dies, it's not one of us?

Carissa (Raelynn): and leave the squishies squishabnle in the back?

Spring (Lanek): he could be, it looked like some other people wanted it more

Carissa (Raelynn): we can always be attacked from behind

Michael (Talwin): ONE PROBLEM AT A TIME! LOL

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, good point

Lisa (Indigo): which is why Yout is always covering Raelunn's ass

Carissa (Raelynn): lmao

Michael (Talwin): LOLOL

Lisa (Indigo): Raelynn

Carissa (Raelynn): sureee that's the reason

Lisa (Indigo): lol

BOB grins

TMO (Craigh): he just likes the view

Carissa (Raelynn): he did mention that to Tiberius already

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi's not crazy about being close to the front, but she's also impatient lol

TMO (Craigh): did Howard and Zayden intentionally stay behind to cover the path, or did we skip them?

Michael (Talwin): We're getting the ryhtm guys! You all rock! :)

Indigo: This spiral thing is weird. Wonder how they made this

Craigh: Walked in a circle probably.

Talwin: It's creeping me out. I'm trying to keep an eye on

Indigo: A lot!

Talwin: Chokes at Craighs comment

BOB It does spiral down into the earth, with the water flowing downward just to be clear

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, maybe whatever lives in the pit made it

Raelynn: I hope that's not where the ritual takes place.

Craigh: Giant grub, lovely.

Indigo: What ritual?

Craigh: I wouldn't expect a fire temple under a waterfall, to be honest.

Raelynn: For the fire gems?

Zayden: should we pee in the river? see what happens?

Bixi Fizzlebang: If we have to go into that pit, you're all on your own. Sorry Talwin.

BOB Craigh has a point

Lanek: it's a temple. gotta be rituals in a temple

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ahh, Zayden with the peeing again. I missed him.

Raelynn: If it's as sacred as they say, and secretive, it's a great way to throw people off.

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Raelynn: But I hope you're right, Craigh.

Talwin: Talwin looks like the strain of years is beginning to catch up to him

Craigh: What is with you and peeing on things, Zayden? What did those giants do to you?

Talwin: His hopes and dreams used to be simple

Zayden: hey it's perfectly natural Craigh

Indigo: I was picturing a lizard coop like a chicken coop

Indigo: Guess it's more complicated

Zayden: We have to pee all the time

Raelynn: Are lizards and chickens related...?

Indigo: They lay eggs

Raelynn: Oh, good point.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Relevant to this conversation Talwin is having with himself... today after recess, one of the three years olds came up to me and said, in a shockingly weary voice, "I feel a little bit old today."

Michael (Talwin): Me too kid. Me too

Lisa (Indigo): lol

TMO (Craigh): Lisa - is Howard intentionally being left behind?

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Lisa (Indigo): no he's waiting

Michael (Talwin): No, she said he has more range for spells

Michael (Talwin): At least I thought

Craigh: ok, just didn't want him to get overlooked (again) :)

BOB It is only about 100 feet from front to back right now

TMO (Craigh): ok, just didn't want him to get overlooked (again) :)

BOB overlook who?

TMO (Craigh): whoa, line jumping! :P

Michael (Talwin): So, Raylenn, Yout, Lanek, and HOward

TMO (Craigh): it's fine, I'll cede my place, Zay is more useful.

BOB When you have to go you have to go I guess Zayden

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

Michael (Talwin): sigh

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Michael (Talwin): Yeah, but then a T-Rex swings your corpse around like a rag doll. Don't give him that advice

Michael (Talwin): Ahem. Sorry. Fire Drake

BOB The map is much smoother for everyone tonight right?

Lisa (Indigo): yes

TMO (Craigh): I can just picture Howard turning around only to realize how far away the party is and making a mad dash through the leaves to catch up

Michael (Talwin): At this moment bob, I wish the map was on fire. lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Don't say that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): IT's probably about to be

Michael (Talwin): It can mean two things!

Michael (Talwin): :)

TMO (Craigh): Zayden, you cut in line, you have to move on your new turn. :P Your turn now. :)

Lisa (Indigo): he's okay I think

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok mb

Michael (Talwin): I SEE FLAME!

Lisa (Indigo): ooohhh a fire ball thing

Talwin: Talwin narrows his eyes

BOB Like that?

Talwin: Talwin narrows his eyes

Indigo: What was that?

Michael (Talwin): (Oh sorry.)

Michael (Talwin): (Did it happen?)

BOB I have some fun new tools

Talwin: Points

Talwin: You saw that right Indigo?

TMO (Craigh): Zayden - your move undid itself?

Talwin: Calls back

Talwin: Be on your guard

Indigo: Thought I saw a fire light but it disappeared

Talwin: I thought I saw one too

Talwin: Calls back. Keep observant for fire flashes

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

Shislif (Zayden): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Talwin: Eyes the ground, looking for pitch from the water seeping into the ground

Talwin: Sniffs the air

Raelynn: whispers, "Isn't this a FIRE swamp...?"

Talwin: Hmm

Talwin: Why are you whispering?

Talwin: Yes, but I don't want US to be on fire

Talwin: Chuckles

Raelynn: Incase someone or someTHING put it out?

Raelynn: still quietly talking

BOB Now that everyone has this down I turned off approvals

Lanek: howard? what the heck are you doin back there

Indigo: protecting your rear?

Michael (Talwin): HES SPELLCASTING :D

Lanek: m is for magic in the middle

Indigo: protecting your rear?

Talwin: Rolls eyes

Talwin: As funny as that is, Howard knows his abilities

Lisa (Indigo): not giving me howard

Talwin: He walked through a Dimension door

Talwin: I'm not saying a damn thing

Carissa (Raelynn): oh man even Lisa forgot about Howard now??

Michael (Talwin): (Zayden)

BOB I could move him

Daphene: Howard IS pretty cool

TMO (Craigh): I'm moving him until he gets back, if that's ok

Michael (Talwin): Cool cool. Sorry didn't realize he stepped away

Michael (Talwin): But you guys get the idea

Shislif (Zayden): back!

Michael (Talwin): Every three moves, I"m rolling obs. Feel free to do the same unless bob says that's dumb

Michael (Talwin): I think our slowness is particular to us paying attention

Spring (Lanek): the center of the pit must have some kind of caldera or something if it can cast a shadow and obscure view

Howard Plum: Did you wish me to go in front of you Lanek?

Lanek: i sure do. i

TMO (Craigh): your move zayden

Lanek: m way more expendable

Michael (Talwin): (Zayden :))

Michael (Talwin): We are hugging

Howard Plum: That is not true.

Michael (Talwin): :D

BOB The shadow of the pit is a by product of not having the pit "open" so you can see into it, as you did not go down into the pit

Lisa (Howard Plum): the road opens up soon

Daphene: Be careful Lanek! I wouldn't want to lose our wise man!

Lanek: rolls eyes

Raelynn: Neither of you are expendable BUT Lanek does wear armor at least.

Zayden: Yea he'll be fine

Spring (Lanek): oh okay, so the pit isn't casting a shadow on the surrounding terrian then

Carissa (Raelynn): (hopefully not but weird we can't see over a pit)

Lisa (Howard Plum): it does look like the black hole pit of doom

TMO (Craigh): zayden, then craigh

BOB I can make it open, but then you can see down into it before you have gone down into it

Carissa (Raelynn): ......

Lisa (Howard Plum): why would we go into that pit?

BOB I have no idea

Carissa (Raelynn): .............................

Lisa (Howard Plum): not part of the plan

Michael (Talwin): I wasn't going into it unless there was absoutely no other choice

BOB But I am keeping it dark until you do

Lemon (Daphene): I suspect we're about to find out

Carissa (Raelynn): .........................................................

Michael (Talwin): There are older, and more fouler things then Fire Drakes in the dark places of the Earth

BOB Nice Micael

Lisa (Howard Plum): yes

TMO (Craigh): zayden

Lisa (Howard Plum): but not going in pit

Shislif (Zayden): ugh

BOB and Talwin and Indgo can now see there is a fork in the path, one heading north, one heading around the edges of the ridge

Michael (Talwin): Indigo, I'm going to Go North First. It seems this ridge divides the valley. Second thoughts?

Zayden: a pit, a fork, where's the fruit!?

Lemon (Daphene): wait

Lemon (Daphene): can we not see the huts from here?

Howard Plum: Sounds good to me unless reading the map will give us a clue

Michael (Talwin): Yep. Just chilling at the Fork

Indigo: Sounds good to me unless reading the map will give us a clue

Talwin: Nods at Howard. While the rest of the gang catches up, I'll take another look

Indigo: Sounds good to me unless reading the map will give us a clue

Lisa (Indigo): sorry - flailing on the character changes tonight

Michael (Talwin): Studies the map for any clue of what is North

Michael (Talwin): (you are fine)

Talwin: Studies the map for any clue of what is North

TMO (Craigh): I was zoomed in too far, but the huts are north at the limits of our vision

Talwin: [SKILL] Reading/Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Michael (Talwin): I have not made one check tonight

Lemon (Daphene): So do we want to head towards the huts?

Michael (Talwin): This is embarassing

Shislif (Zayden): yay!

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Talwin: Hm

Talwin: Well, they could be helpful villages who might know more about the Temple

Talwin: Or, they could be fire worshiping cultists who will sacrifice us to the temple

Craigh: I'd advise avoiding the natives

Talwin: Thoughts?

Indigo: I don't think anything is helpful here ...

Talwin: Then we'll continue to the left

Talwin: And press on

Talwin: Thank you

Shislif (Zayden): woot

Craigh: I'll keep an eye on them while we pass

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

Michael (Talwin): Thanks Craigh

Talwin: Nods with thanks

Lemon (Daphene): lol, good work Craigh

Lisa (Indigo): ouch

Craigh: Hey, this is neat bark on this tree

Michael (Talwin): Not that any of us is really makeing our checks tonight. lol

Craigh: very smooth

Lemon (Daphene): I've been fine since I smelted mine

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Lemon (Daphene): Just saying

Carissa (Raelynn): (speak for yourself)

Talwin: You know, that's kind of true Craigh.

Talwin: It is a smooth bark

Talwin: Huh

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 15]

Zayden: what bark?

Lemon (Daphene): Checking to see if it IS in fact, a smooth bark

Michael (Talwin): oh god what have I done lol

TMO (Craigh): probably like a pineapple husk

Michael (Talwin): And thank you everyone. I know this is slow, but I want to play it safe. I hate being in charge

Michael (Talwin): It only ends well in the corporate world

-> Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes the tree is smooth, because all the bark has been worn off, like when a cow rubs against a tree, but this is more than 5 feet up the trunk

Lisa (Indigo): no worries

Lemon (Daphene): I prefer too slow to too fast

Spring (Lanek): samesies

Michael (Talwin): I prefer too slow, to someone rolling another character and bad feelings

TMO (Craigh): Raelynn

Lemon (Daphene): Um... this bark looks like something has worn it smooth... but... not at ground level

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... this bark looks like something has worn it smooth... but... not at ground level

Spring (Lanek): *cough*ice giants*cough*

Michael (Talwin): So, it's totally not a problem, but we could split the group for maybe people to serve as rear gaurd and we could keep moving?

Indigo: Miss Raelynn, I think we should advance now

Zayden: it's bark is likely far worse than its bite

Lisa (Howard Plum): grrrr

Howard Plum: Miss Raelynn, I think we should advance now

TMO (Craigh): OH, that makes more sense. :)

Michael (Talwin): Your fine with swapping LIsa :)

Bixi Fizzlebang: What do you think could have done this?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Anyone?

Lanek: bud, she's wah the heck up there

Lisa (Howard Plum): I'm making my chat formatting harder for myself - I will be punished

Lanek: *way

BOB LOL with Lisa

Carissa (Raelynn): (sorry saw a post of someone asking if you needed Steam to play an old PC game and am having an internal crisis right now)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe someone should keep an eye on the sky?

Carissa (Raelynn): (*an old DISC PC game)

TMO (Craigh): GOG might have it

TMO (Craigh): I think they still exist. been a long while since I visited

Zayden: walking with an eye to the sky sounds like a good way to end up on the ground

Lanek: i nominate you. oh, naw, guess it should be a tall person

Michael (Talwin): They won't need steam, but many of those older games won't operate past Windows 7 now. My 1990's games won't work without a Windows Emulator

Carissa (Raelynn): no I mean... they didn't know a time before Steam

Carissa (Raelynn): They thought all games needed Steam to be played

TMO (Craigh): ohhh

BOB So where Talwin and Indigo aer

BOB you are at another fork

Indigo: Looks like we'll have to cross the stream

Talwin: Nods Grimly

Talwin: We'll cross to the North, but secure ourselves with Rope

BOB you have the stream on three sides, two crossings,

Carissa (Raelynn): and they asked where to find the Steam Key.... it's like floppy disc save icon all over again

BOB the ridge behind you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): There is a setting where you can run old things as older version of windows... I don't know how to explain it because I'm dumb

BOB As you organize and decide I am going to open a bottle of wine

Michael (Talwin): (If you run Windows 95 Myst, or G-Nome, the Older Versionioning option doesn't work)

Carissa (Raelynn): okay internal crisis will be shoved away with all my other feelings, you have my atttention again

Michael (Talwin): Can you open one for me too bob?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ohhh, that sucks

Shislif (Zayden): i will also grab a beverage brb

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just want to be able to play amazon trail again

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Raelynn: Well this was quite a scenic walk.

Howard Plum: And uneventful

Michael (Talwin): So, heres the Deal. I think we're going to have to cross this stream. Let's cross to the Northwest and ensure a buddy system. Cross, then cross

Talwin: Nods, feeling rather dumb

Talwin: Yeah, I uh

Talwin: I thought we might see more trouble

Talwin: Sorry guys

Talwin: Flushes red

Indigo: No trouble is good

Daphene: But.. we... were already on the other side of the stream?

BOB Observation checks and or Intution

Craigh: we're potentially raiding a temple. uneventful is *good*. A boring trip is best, I keep telling you all that, no one seems to believe me.

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

Michael (Talwin): wow. Finally

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Indigo: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 5]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Shislif (Zayden): back!

Shislif (Zayden): what's the target?

Raelynn: Uneventful is good unless it means being here longer.

BOB There are enough of them that I will just put it here, rather than to individuals

Lisa (Indigo): Intuition would be wisdom if you want to try again

Craigh: we sent Zayden to the corner store for smokes.

Raelynn: A sauna is nice, but this is going to get ridiculous.

TMO (Craigh): we sent Zayden to the corner store for smokes.

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 16]

BOB The stream is slightly steaming

Carissa (Raelynn): (oh whoops thank you)

Shislif (Zayden): Zayden would like that!

Lisa (Indigo): better :)

Michael (Talwin): The question, is if he came back after grabbing them :)

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Zayden: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 1]

Zayden: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]

BOB and Zayden points out that any fish in that stream are already poached

Raelynn: You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we need to switch inns because clearly you all aren't getting enough fiber in your diet. Maybe you DO need to eat a salad.

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Talwin: Looks at the Stream

Shislif (Zayden): must be a hot stream!

Talwin: Thanks Zayden

Talwin: I didn't see that

Raelynn: Not only can I not swim, but that looks... like I'd rather go around the circle again.

Zayden: No worries Tal

Talwin: Hm

Indigo: sticks his hand in quick to see how hot

Shislif (Zayden): oh like seriously? Like the fish area dead?

Talwin: Let me take a look at this bridge for a second

Raelynn: Doesn't the map have, like, a giant star that says, "Go here for the temple!" on it?

BOB As in there are no fish that you can see, but the water is very warm

Talwin: Examines the Bridge carefully, establishing it's condition and sturdiness

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok lol

TMO (Craigh): Go-go Engineer Senses!

Talwin: [SKILL] Engineering [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 5]

Michael (Talwin): YEP!

Carissa (Raelynn): lovely hot spring warm or gonna die warm?

Michael (Talwin): :)

BOB It is an excellent bridge, excellent for two logs with some twine wrapped around them and then tossed over a warm steaming stream

Michael (Talwin): Was that sarcasm I detect bob?

Michael (Talwin): :)

BOB Talwin DOES get a bonus how ever

BOB He can tell this is not human construction

Lisa (Indigo): yay

BOB so you are definately in someone's territory

Talwin: Eyes the bridge carefully

Talwin: Eyes the bridge carefully

Talwin: Humans didn't construct this bridge

Zayden: You don't say?

Zayden: Who was it then if it wasn't humans?

Michael (Talwin): How hot was the Water indigo?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe whatever rubbed off the bark on the trees...

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm thinking these firenewts might be... very tall

'Spring' disconnected

BOB The key takeaway from that is this was not made by your ranger friend during his escape

Indigo: The fire newts

Talwin: How hot was the Water indigo?

Zayden: rubbed off the bark...

Zayden snickers

Craigh: Firenewts maybe

Talwin: Hm

Talwin: Shrugs

Indigo: Not hot enough to burn me and cause any damage

Indigo: But warm enough

BOB Correct for Indigo

Talwin: Well, we're burning daylight. I can swim anyways, but here, take this end of rope please

Raelynn: Oh! So like a hot spring! Maybe it would be lovely.

Talwin: Hands a careful loop to Indigo

Talwin: We'll go one by one

BOB not boiling water hot, more like soup hot

Talwin: For safety

Raelynn: Er, but doesn't this mean Craigh is wrong?

Zayden: we crosssing that "bridge"?

Raelynn: That water might not be cool at the bottom of thepit.

Indigo: Okay

Talwin: Ties the end around his waist and walkes over the Bridge.

BOB Dex check

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe, or maybe you'll get swept away in the current and fall into the pit

Indigo: takes the rope offered

Talwin: Rolls eyes

Zayden: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

Talwin: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 17]

Shislif (Zayden): dang

Michael (Talwin): Swimming check?

Zayden: thanksa lot Tal!

Michael (Talwin): Failing that....Rope check?

BOB First Talwin

Indigo: watches them and drops the rope so he doesn't get pulled in too

Shislif (Zayden): climbing or jumpting check?

Michael (Talwin): This is why we are careful

Talwin: Seriously Indigo!

BOB As he goes across the logs, he slips on the slick bark and tumbles into the water

Talwin: I gave you that for a reason!

Talwin: Sputters

Lisa (Indigo): So he can go down with the ship?

BOB now a Con check

Michael (Talwin): How deep is it? and how fast

Shislif (Zayden): is that just for Tal or all of us?

TMO (Craigh): yeah, but this is funnier :D

Michael (Talwin): Goign to roll again. Rolled once

BOB working on Talwin first then Zayden,

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok

Michael (Talwin): Hm

Michael (Talwin): CON is not working

Michael (Talwin): Bob can you just roll it please?

BOB make sure you are rolling into the chat? if it bounces out it will not work

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): no! not BOB'S dice!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Don't do it Michael!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Things are not yet that desperate!

Michael (Talwin): Stayed in chat. I can film?



Michael (Talwin): But will try again

Talwin: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Talwin: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Michael (Talwin): Wow. That was painful

BOB grins

Michael (Talwin): Sorry bob.

BOB no worries

Michael (Talwin): So NOW a swim check?

Michael (Talwin): Rope check is a gonner apparently

Michael (Talwin): lol

BOB and so Talwin drops into the water, suddenly is SUCKED down

Michael (Talwin): AHA I IKNEW IT

Michael (Talwin): I fucking KNEW IT

BOB He grabs the robe again,

Michael (Talwin): SuCK IT

Lisa (Indigo): argh! here is where the pit comes in

BOB and now a strength check

BOB Thank you Lisa

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 8]

BOB and Talwin HEAVES himself back up with the rope out of the water


Talwin: FURIOUS at himself

Zayden: heyyy there h e is!

BOB While this is happening Zayden.....

Talwin: And Embarrased because of the slip

BOB failed his check across the bridge

Michael (Talwin): Zayden, did you grab the rope?

BOB so now he gets to make a Con check

Shislif (Zayden): probably not

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Look, I'm not saying you should kill them or anything, but I would be happy to help you teach them a lesson

Zayden: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 19]

Shislif (Zayden): dang it Zay is gonna die!

Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): ONCE IN A WHILE, MY PARANOIA IS IMPORTANT DAMMIT

BOB so Zayden is sucked under

Talwin: Howard!

Lisa (Indigo): can he swim?

Shislif (Zayden): swimming check?

Talwin: Stop the water!

BOB If Zayden can swim yes he gets that check

Howard Plum: What?

Talwin: We got a man coming your way!

Talwin: Maybe


Howard Plum: I cann't stop a river!

Zayden: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 8]

Raelynn: How do you stop water, Talwin?!

BOB Howard! Part the red sea

Shislif (Zayden): at least!

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Talwin: I don't know! Do you have Raise Earth?

Raelynn: That'd be Bixi! Maybe someone run over and try to grab him??

BOB so Zayden has one chance here on his own

Raelynn: Or lasso!

Howard Plum: Ask the priests!

Shislif (Zayden): climb wall?

Michael (Talwin): (Did he make his check first, then call to the priests)

Michael (Talwin): :)

Michael (Talwin): And let this be a lesson in my paranoia. Grab.The.Rope

Carissa (Raelynn): swim he did so thought lasso might be an option but waiting...

Shislif (Zayden): climb walls?

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Does Bixi have that?

BOB You get to do EITHER an attack on Talwin to grab him and try to stop from being sucked down... OR you can make another Con check to get a better gulp of air before being sucked down

Michael (Talwin): I still am wrapped around the rope, grab me

Shislif (Zayden): I'll attack Talwin!

Michael (Talwin): Everyone! Grab the rope!

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): lol

Talwin: Flings the line backwards

BOB go for it Sharif

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): That enthusiasm. That's what I'm talking about.

Talwin: Reaches out to Zayden

Talwin: Grab my hand!

Zayden: [INIT] [MOD:Grabbing] [d10 = 3]

Michael (Talwin): If he misses, can I roll an attack on him?

BOB You can just roll off of your sheet against Talwin

Zayden: [ATTACK (M)] Grabbing [THACO(17)] [d20-3 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 10 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Lisa (Howard Plum): nice!

Michael (Talwin): Oh thank god

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 11]

Shislif (Zayden): good? I thought that was bad lol

Michael (Talwin): Oh thank god

BOB SLAM, just as he is about to go under Zayden reaches out and GRABS Tawlin's leg

Talwin: I said my HAND!

Talwin: HEAVES!

BOB Talwin just needs to make a strength check

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Ok, I was about to ask if I could see him to give him either water breathing or water walking. jeez.

Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

Michael (Talwin): (Again?)

Zayden: You're legs are so muscular! Cough cough

BOB you just doubled the weight

Carissa (Raelynn): *just*

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 6]

BOB and Talwin HEAVES both of them back up onto the shore

BOB everyone is safe

Zayden: cough cough

Talwin: Zayden, I love you man. But for now, can you go to the back of the line

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I mean, Zayden IS probably still pretty emaciated from being a giant prisoner. Not like we had TONS of food on the boat

Talwin: Nearly shouts the last few words

Zayden: I hate this bridge

Talwin: Indigo!

Indigo: That was bad

Talwin: Let's rig up an anchor system for these ropes

Indigo: Yes?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Just a little nick to teach them a lesson

Talwin: Give me a few moments while I examine this

Daphene: Can't we just go back around?

Talwin: Lanek! I need your Bark Skills

Daphene: We were just on the other side of this water

Craigh: or should we just walk back around the spiral?

Zayden: Back of the line? That feels like a punishment man

Raelynn: Maybe the Fates want us to go into the Pit.

Talwin: Well

Talwin: Thumbs his chin

Talwin: Now that you say it

Talwin: Let's do that. Wow. Didn't even think about that

Howard Plum: I don't want to go in the pit

Talwin: Let's just walk back around

Talwin: Nods

Raelynn: Maybe the village actually has someone helpful to talk to?

Zayden: I'm telling you cough cough

Talwin: Sighs

Zayden: we should cough

Zayden: pee cough

Lemon (Daphene): lol


Raelynn: Mm, neither do I Howard, but I also don't really want to be here, so what's one more place I don't want to be?

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Michael (Talwin): Put it to a Vote. All in favor of Walkling back around to go back North. OR, Village. Cast your vote now. If you do not vote, you will be assumed to walk back around

Talwin: Put it to a Vote. All in favor of Walkling back around to go back North. OR, Village. Cast your vote now. If you do not vote, you will be assumed to walk back around


Lemon (Daphene): what. how

Howard Plum: I think a pit would be worse than worse

Talwin: Checkmarks is North, X is Village

BOB Check is back around X is into the pit

Michael (Talwin): INTO the pIt? Don't you mean the village bob?

Carissa (Raelynn): he's gonna force us in there one way or another

BOB nope

BOB just offering two options on this vote

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, I was confused, I'm voting for going back around anyway

BOB but the go back around wins

Carissa (Raelynn): at least we can light it up or sneak in BEFORE he forces that ambush on us

Shislif (Zayden): I feel like the pit will be more exciting

BOB now Lemon, you can try it Slash vote

Michael (Talwin): Let me phrase this as clearly as I can. The pit is off limits. For all intents of english language preceeding and from henceforth, any wordplay regardless of wording, will be a intention of NOT entering the pit

Carissa (Raelynn): LOL

'Spring' connected

Lisa (Howard Plum): who would vote for jumping in steamy sucking water pit?

Bixi Fizzlebang: (POLL)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): what

Carissa (Raelynn): Me! Hi!

BOB Excellent

BOB There is another layer I will add later

Licornah: (POLL)

Michael (Talwin): Okay, it won. We are walking back around

BOB but now we have this option for people to make decisions

Michael (Talwin): Reorient yourselves

Michael (Talwin): And yes, this is pretty cool :)

Lisa (Howard Plum): can we jump back instead of inching back?

BOB Yes to Lisa

Talwin: Bob, would that be okay?

Michael (Talwin): Oh thank god

Lisa (Howard Plum): thx

BOB that is my next point

Michael (Talwin): TY

TMO (Craigh): huzzah! :)

BOB advancing time then moving you to the right space

The time is 1:40 PM

Michael (Talwin): Into the Line :)

Raelynn: Talwin, we're walking in literal circles.

Lanek: sorry just got back

Talwin: I know Raelynn. But that river is dangerous. I just want to be careful okay?

Talwin: Clearly upset, but trying to keep it together. Done with everyones shit

Indigo: This map is bad

Talwin: Just wants to go home

Indigo: It didn't tell us anything

Raelynn: Yes, that's fair, I suppose. I just wish the map told you more.

Zayden: Hey Tal, just wanted to say, about earlier

Raelynn: It doesn't speak to you like your sword does, does it?

Talwin: I wish a lot of things at the moment

Talwin: Yes?

Zayden: You have really nice legs man

Raelynn: Oh! It does talk to you??

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Talwin: Eyes Zayden. Don't you have a pit to piss into?

Lanek: snorts

Talwin: All right! Let's move out!

Zayden: Oh man I wish

Raelynn: mutters, "Well at least he's done with his oiling."

Michael (Talwin): IN all honesty. Is there a way to group characters like in M. Visio, where if we move one, we all move that same amount? If everyone gives permission, we could just do that in five foot increments

Zayden: that sounds convenient

Shislif (Zayden): OOC

BOB no to Michael, there is a Marching Order option but that only works in a general sense and is mostly for dungeon type stuff

Michael (Talwin): Just trying to be time consientious. No problem

Raelynn: You know, if we had a dwarf with us, he could probably talk to the stone map.

Lisa (Indigo): klooge let us move in group :P

Talwin: Groans

Talwin: Oh Raelynn, that's a great thought

BOB LOL with Lisa

Talwin: But we don't do we

Talwin: Sadly

Talwin: Huh

Raelynn: Well you already talk to swords so you're halfways there.

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

Craigh: I can crawl on my knees and put on a fake beard if it will help

Michael (Talwin): Looks for any sort of marking on what the fork path leads to the left

Indigo: Another fork

Talwin: Wonder what lies in that direction. Might be useful later

Talwin: Not on our map, just curious if we need a quick getaway

Raelynn: Oh, maybe, Craigh.

Raelynn: Er, but we should try that some other time.

Michael (Talwin): (Any sort of sign, or marking bob?)

Michael (Talwin): (If not, when everyone is ready, we'll keep moving)

BOB none

Lisa (Indigo): you don't want to walk off the map?

Michael (Talwin): Kinda do actually, but don't want people upset with me :)

Carissa (Raelynn): (there's a pit off the map)

BOB See you wanted a sign

Michael (Talwin): lol

Michael (Talwin): If characters get held up, we can walk around them

BOB I admit I did restrain myself from building all sorts of things around this to make a bigger jungle

Michael (Talwin): They'll catch up :)

Michael (Talwin): The map isn't too big

BOB but wanted to be sure to keep the map faster for you

Talwin: Eyes the Bridge sourly

Talwin: Flips it the Bird

Talwin: Waste of time

Talwin: Grumbles

Talwin: But better then Satan's butthole

Talwin: S'pose

Raelynn: My mother used to tell me if you do that too often, someone will cut your finger off.

TMO (Craigh): I think Zayden is one of those people who can't be in the middle of the group - they have to lead. :)

Talwin: My mother didn't tell me anything, because she was dead

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): he wants to be where the action is which is apparently Talwin's calves


Shislif (Zayden): True!

Raelynn: That's unfortunate. You can just take my mother's advice, then.

Lisa (Indigo): lol

Talwin: Somehow I think your mother wouldn't approve of me. I'd be a terrible son

Talwin: mumbles under his breath

Raelynn: Oh, you never know. Maybe after all this she'll cook us up a meal.

Talwin: Eyes widen

Talwin: Whoa!

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Talwin: It looks like Fire up ahead, but can't be sure!

Raelynn: Fire a fire swamp. And this is different how...?

Talwin: Everyone, I think we are nearing the Fire part of the "Fire Swamps"

Talwin: This would be why the water was poaching the fish

Zayden: that would make sense

Zayden: hey wait up Tal

Lorie (Licornah): (Maybe you should have grabbed a few of those fish for snacks)

Shislif (Zayden): woops mb

Michael (Talwin): Actually, I'm kind of hungry at the moment> Not for fish, but you made me think about food lol

TMO (Craigh): Zayden doesn't like his fish cooked. Raw and peed on only

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So I DO have aura of comfort, which allows people to be comfortable up to 140 degrees, but it's on a person, so I can't give it to everyone. Just for reference if we get to a point where we need that

Michael (Talwin): I mean, isn't that Sushi?

Carissa (Raelynn): his version of cheviche

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Michael (Talwin): Please don't hurt me

Carissa (Raelynn): *ceviche

Spring (Lanek): heh

Michael (Talwin): Need a heat check when everyone is up here

Carissa (Raelynn): Licornah and Rae have resist fire as well

TMO (Craigh): Craigh is staying by Licornah apparently

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, mine does not protect against actual fire, just heat.

Michael (Talwin): I have a feeling it will be HOT, but bearable for walking the path quickly. But then again, I know nothing until we see

TMO (Craigh): or maybe lag and I didn't see herr move

Carissa (Raelynn): she moved when you did

TMO (Craigh): Craigh is particularly flammable, just fyi

Michael (Talwin): Is he really?

Carissa (Raelynn): he's that hairy?

Indigo: looks for yellow crusty things on the grouns as he walks

TMO (Craigh): pasty red heads burn easily

Michael (Talwin): When everyon ei sup, I need bob to tell me bearability of the temp

BOB I did not add the fire effects to the map just static images, I wanted to test with things to be sure we were quick and minimal lag

Carissa (Raelynn): ehh all humans burn the same

Spring (Lanek): i appreciate that

Michael (Talwin): So, bob will punish me, but I'm going to walk forward ten steps. Wait thirty seconds, and then move again.

Carissa (Raelynn): game is more fun without lag :P

BOB It seems like a sucess so far, I have had zero errors on my side of things and the map seems to move easily

BOB wait right there Michael for everone to catch up

Michael (Talwin): But I'm at 27 second?

Michael (Talwin): lol

Lanek: i dunno about streams but it's gettin smaller. mebbe we are close to the source now

BOB Lanek can make an observation check

Shislif (Zayden): brb

Lanek: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

TMO (Craigh): we're being followed!

BOB Lanek can spot where on the ridge the stream seeps out of the rock and starts to trickle down to form that stream

Talwin: Frankly Craigh, I would say I'm surprised, but I'm really not

Talwin: Any markings or features you can tell?

Lanek: so. streams come out of rocks, do they?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I need a snack, sorry. I thought food would have magically arrived by now, but it did not.

Talwin: Yes. They are underground rivers

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

Lanek: it's just kinda seepin out up there

BOB Anyone think that is unusual? want to make a check?

Talwin: Nods

TMO (Craigh): that was OOC, just fyi

User has gone AFK. (Lisa)

Michael (Talwin): which part bob, the underground river check?

Michael (Talwin): I don't reall ythink that's odd. Am I missing the obvious again?

Carissa (Raelynn): supervolcano beneath us?

Talwin: Using his understanding of building castles on top of a swamp, Talwin cranks his headspace again

Talwin: [SKILL] Engineering [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 19]

BOB Nature people or if you can give me a good reason to question

Michael (Talwin): And is not insightful enough to gather anything

Carissa (Raelynn): lemme think a secon while I put my snack away

Michael (Talwin): Sounds like an important detail. People who can roll, go ahead

Spring (Lanek): nature is all strange to Lanek

Shislif (Zayden): roll what?

Licornah: [SKILL] Agriculture (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Shislif (Zayden): detect traps?

Licornah: [SKILL] Herbalism [2] - free prof [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Michael (Talwin): I think it's someting about the underground river, if I'm understanding bob's ask

Carissa (Raelynn): what kind of rock would let it seep like that?

Talwin: Basalt

Lanek: salt?

Talwin: It's volvanic rock used in fortress walls for it's stability

Lanek: oh

BOB Licornah agrees with Lanek about the stream emerging from the rocks there, and it seems to be steam coming there also, as it emerges into the air

Carissa (Raelynn): large pool of water under there

Talwin: If you crush it up, and superheat it, you can use a ballistae to launch a burining powerder at invaders

Michael (Talwin): Are you saying there's an aquifer in there? Or just a large storage of water?

Talwin: Are you saying there's an aquifer in there? Or just a large storage of water?

Carissa (Raelynn): so clarify: is it a shit ton of steam going up that becomes a river or is that water the same level as us?

BOB water is the same level as you, flowing downstream, as you are walking up hill right now,

Carissa (Raelynn): I'd think the main thing is if you have at much steam and water, wouldn't you have a gesyer somewhere near it?


Carissa (Raelynn): 10 Points to Ravenclaw!

Michael (Talwin): could be a timed gesyer?

Michael (Talwin): Because I don't see one on the map now

Carissa (Raelynn): Not necessarily. Just somewhere nearby to release all that steam.

BOB that is a very curious thing huh Michael

Carissa (Raelynn): Like how some Yellowstone Geysers always go off, and some not as often as the pressure is released elsewhere

Michael (Talwin): Gee, thanks for the 10 points I DIDN"T want for Ravenclaw

User is back. (Lisa)

Spring (Lanek): it's in the hole, isn't it?

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

BOB Thank you Spring

Michael (Talwin): That's a really big gesyer Spring. That would be MASSIVE

Talwin: Well shit. Bob confirmed it

Carissa (Raelynn): So to my original point: supervolcano! Woooo!!

Michael (Talwin): I vote we don't get dissovled in the Yellowstone Geyser

Spring (Lanek): so following our instincts may have saved our lives, so far

Michael (Talwin): Let's just get the Gems and GTFO of here

Michael (Talwin): And Paranoia

Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): They'll at least find your shoe.

Spring (Lanek): as long as we can keep the villagers from throwing us down the hole

Michael (Talwin): That's great comfort Carissa

Michael (Talwin): :)

Carissa (Raelynn): :)

BOB Also to be clear it is only 10 foot across when you get down to the center of that sprial

Michael (Talwin): 10 Feet is a BIG DAMN Geyser

Carissa (Raelynn): And added comfort: if the whole supervolcano goes off, all of us AND everyone else in like 1000 mile radius will die, too!

Lanek: fun!

TMO (Craigh): *WHEN*??? you think I'm going anywhere near that thing??

Spring (Lanek): fun!

BOB and Lisa comes back to super volcanos

Michael (Talwin): Fun fact I wish I hadn't learned. Everything to like the Grand Canyon is leveled and the Earth becomes a frozen wastelland

Carissa (Raelynn): everyone else gets a slower, painful death of starvation

Michael (Talwin): And tahat :)

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

User is back. (Lemon)

Michael (Talwin): But enough of Natural Disasters. I'm pretty sure we'll nuke ourselves into obvlivion before that happens. Back to happier times...

BOB As Lemon comes back to finding a super volcano and the fires up ahead

Spring (Lanek): brb

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

BOB You can see three levels of heat up ahead

Carissa (Raelynn): happier times of the fictional supervolcano

Michael (Talwin): Is this like the Three Tests of Indiana Jones?

Michael (Talwin): A penitent man kneels and does not burn to death?

BOB You seem to have found all the sections of the map you were looking for

Michael (Talwin): Oh Look guys! It's the Aztec Fire Temple Xiuhtecuhtli. Who among us will be sacrified to the Volano Gods!

Shislif (Zayden): nice job team!

BOB Spiral, pyramid, dots of the village, dots of the fires

The time is 2:10 PM

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yay, we did it, time to go home!

Talwin: Well I got nothing. We know we are being followed, and we have a great big pyramid ahead of us. It would be a great vantage point if nothing else.

TMO (Craigh): and nary an encounter to show for it

Talwin: I propose we do our best to cirumnativate the DON"T JINX IT TMO, the Fires, and approach the Pyramid

Michael (Talwin): Er, adjust that

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

BOB What did the ranger tell you about how these work?

Talwin: I propose we do our best to circumnativate the Fires, and approach the pyramid

BOB and what are you hoping for Carissa?

Michael (Talwin): Honestly, I must have missed that one Bob.

Michael (Talwin): I did read up, but don't recal that part. I'm sorry

Carissa (Raelynn): I dunno, any religious significants, a nicely written list of where to find the fire gems, something

Carissa (Raelynn): either way guessing there's something religious here

Michael (Talwin): A wall sculpture perhaps? with a shrine of Fire Gems?

Michael (Talwin): lol

Michael (Talwin): I mean, it's a pyramid

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Any sign of where they sacrifice us, etc.

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Carissa (Raelynn): a step-by-step guide to stealing fire gems?

Michael (Talwin): that would be nice too

Carissa (Raelynn): yeah but each pyramid was dedicated to someone specific, maybe focused on a specific diety, you know all that

Michael (Talwin): Maybe they give them out like Tourist attraction souvenirs if you stop by the flee market

Indigo: are you talking about the yellow crusty things on the ground that blow when there is too much pressure?

Lisa: ooc

BOB The Ranger did tell you about what and how to find the Fire Gems

Lisa: oh that

Zayden: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 4]

BOB and it seems like Lisa is catching up

Carissa (Raelynn): (probably when I wasn't here and didn't do the summary so for once, someone else has to remember ;) )

Michael (Talwin): Sigh. I failed here guys. I don't remember this. If we need to put this on hold while I pull up the transcript I can do that

Michael (Talwin): Does anyone remember this part of what bob has brought up?

Lisa: that was the week before that

Zayden sings

BOB acknowledging Zayden

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I never remember anything

Zayden smiles

BOB Will add that when everyone is caught up

TMO (Craigh): so it's in the summary that I actually did

BOB smiles

Michael (Talwin): I'm sorry guys. I messed up by not doing this research, and at this point I've just been sick long enough that I want to keep moving. Yes, it's dumb. Yes bob will punish me, but I just want to kind of get the adventure over with at this point

Michael (Talwin): I know that's not a great attitude, I'm sorry. My heart just really isn't in it anymore

Shislif (Zayden): No worries!

BOB Not at all Michael, it is a group story arc, not one person, it is centered for Talwin but everyone helps everyone out

Lisa: Bredin Blackmark: The Fire newt priestess take the Fire Gems and Inseminate? them that makes them Fire Eggs, at least that is what I have heard everyone call them Bredin Blackmark: I think some one...? lays them, then they bake them Bredin Blackmark: heat them Bredin Blackmark: and then do that thing he said Bredin Blackmark: and they change from gems to eggs

Lisa: they are guarded by newt priests

Michael (Talwin): Well, that was an interesting conversation. At this point, I'm about ready to go find some Newt Priests, hope they attack me on sight, and then loot the shit out of the temple

Michael (Talwin): Okay. Just one second

Michael (Talwin): Trying to think quickly

Lisa: so we want the ones in the oven before they get inseminated but they are guearded by new priests

Michael (Talwin): Yes. We need to get them before they become actual eggs it looks like

Michael (Talwin): If I was an oven though...

Firenewt, Priest: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest]

Firenewt, Priest 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest 2]

Firenewt, Priest: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest]

Michael (Talwin): I wonder if the Temple leads down into the Earth. If the heat is below, I wouldn't be suprised

Michael (Talwin): We see fire here, but nothing that looks like a specific overn

Craigh: OR, get some eggs and raise our own firenewts back home?

Lisa: not sure what he meant by bake/heat them

BOB take a moment

BOB this is the key spot for you

Craigh: any gems near these fires?

Michael (Talwin): Nods. It is. I'm just. Meh. Thoughts anyone?

Michael (Talwin): I mean, that's a good idea

Michael (Talwin): Couldn't hurt to just look around first

BOB You are not close enough to look at the fires directly/closely

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm no longer in favor of raising our own since I found out they were people.

BOB You are just there

TMO (Craigh): just think of it like adoption. :)

BOB about 15 feet away from the first fire pit

Lisa: can you say what the difference of the 3 things in front of us are?

Michael (Talwin): I'm going to use the restoom and refill my drink. I'm thinking on this. Give me three minutes

Lisa: one looks like a fire river, another a fire amoeba and then a fire worm box

BOB There is a fire pit to your NE that is burning low, there is a fire pit straight ahead that is burning hotter, and there is a trench that is large and long that is burning very hot

TMO (Craigh): those are pretty good descriptions of them

Lisa: more like a paramecium than an amoeba

User is back. (Spring)

TMO (Craigh): so they start low temp and heat up, and move to hotter and hotter flames

BOB and yes for Lisa's descriptions being much more poetic

TMO (Craigh): so start looking in the fire worm box

Lisa: will wait for Michael to get back

TMO (Craigh): toss Talwin in to look!

Lisa: I can have Indigo look but don't want to take away Michael's fun :)

BOB This is where the humans dealing with Fire comes into play also

Lisa: Indigo stuck his hand in the steam stream earlier

Talwin: Okay back. TY

Licornah: I think we need to think about our formation... if we're being watched, we should prepare some sort of defense

Michael (Talwin): Feel better

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Playing with fire

Licornah: We're in their territory... they have the upper hadn

Licornah: hand

TMO (Craigh): I'm far too frail for any fire-checking

Michael (Talwin): How about this. I know we don't really split the group. But what about casting heat resistance on an advance group of heavy hitters to go look for potential spots of gems, and leave the second group to gaurd our extraction point

Michael (Talwin): Thoughts?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No way is Bixi trying it, and Daph already got burned by a dragon in this swamp so she's probably not interested until the next adventure

Michael (Talwin): If we need to come back, we can reintergrate

Shislif (Zayden): Zay is hot enough as it is

Michael (Talwin): Any other plans, feel free to post them now


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Do we have anyone who can sneak? I mean... better than Daph, who is in denial about what she can do

TMO (Craigh): the current though Talwin, is that best spot to look for gems is the fire to our right

Lisa: is the air to hot to advance?

Shislif (Zayden): Zay has some sneaking

TMO (Craigh): well, MY current thought. Others may have other ideas

Lisa: too

Michael (Talwin): Good question LIsa

Michael (Talwin): Can talin approach the right brazer enough to see in it?

BOB the air is hotter, steamier than the rest of the jungle but not unbearable yet

Lisa: thx

BOB When you want to say you are ready and start to move forward let me know and we can proceed

Carissa (Raelynn): resist fire/heat spells are single person spells

Carissa (Raelynn): so you have to be very picky about who'd need it

Shislif (Zayden): Zay has move silently, not sure if that's different from sneak

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Same with aura of comfort

Spring (Lanek): lanek does too

Spring (Lanek): and also hide in shadows

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I do also have 10' radius invisibility. So like... great combo if we can figure out where we need to be, i guess

Shislif (Zayden): Dang it Lanek

Lisa: the least heat is in the box maybe someone can take a peek at that one

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So... either Talwin, who will probably need the resistance the most... or whoever wants to be sacrificed to the fire?

Shislif (Zayden): Sounds good

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hopefully only figuratively speaking

Michael (Talwin): Talwin i sgoing to walk right up to the right brazer. When it gets too hot bob, please pretent that talwin stops. At that point, he looks

TMO (Craigh): I for one, do *not* want to be sacrificed

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Lorie (Licornah): (So we're going to ignore the potential ambush?)

BOB We are waiting until everyone is ready

BOB then

BOB Talwin can do that

Shislif (Zayden): ambush?

BOB and looks to Lorie

Lorie (Licornah): :: shrugs :: carry on

Michael (Talwin): Frankly, there probably is one.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What potential ambush? What did I miss?

Howard Plum: [CAST] Detect Magic

Spring (Lanek): hide in shadows only works motionless, so it's no good for sneaking

Shislif (Zayden): dang it

BOB Using that for Howard also when we start moving

Spring (Lanek): sorry, virtually motionless

Howard Plum: casts detect magic to see if he can see any wards or spells guarding the area

Shislif (Zayden): Oh I can use my find traps if we're worried about traps?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean... ok here's the thing. If they're out here, these newts are stupid af and I'm willing to reconsider raising our own at home. Because why would you just leave your coveted eggs in a box out in the open like that.

Lisa (Howard Plum): that spell should go almost to the steps of the temple

BOB So what I am hearing is that the only spells being cast is Howard doing Detect Magic, as Talwin starts to move forward to the fire pit to the NE, Lanek and Zayden are trying to hide in shadows, and the rest are just staying back

Shislif (Zayden): Maybe they're very trusting?

Carissa (Raelynn): and keeping an eye out for things

Shislif (Zayden): should i roll hide in shadows?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I was thinking maybe we'd get more information about this potential ambush before moving on, but if not, then I guess sure

BOB Not yet

TMO (Craigh): I can do a check for traps

Shislif (Zayden): ok

BOB To check for traps you would have to move forward in front of Talwin, so that would be the action that I start with

Lisa (Howard Plum): is anything glowing for Howard?

TMO (Craigh): at least until it gets too hot for me

BOB Howard has not cast yet

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): When it gets too hot, Bixi will cast aura of comfot, but she's going to wait until Talwin needs it so

Shislif (Zayden): I have information gathering, but not sure that applies to this situations

Lisa (Howard Plum): he did above

TMO (Craigh): your call Michael? Want me to clear your path?

BOB I want to be sure I know what everone is doing first

Carissa (Raelynn): same with any spell Rae has as time-based

Lisa (Howard Plum): ok

Talwin: Please Case Fire Proection on Trap Checker

Shislif (Zayden): refill time brb

Carissa (Raelynn): although Licornah is closer and it might be touch spell

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Michael (Talwin): Then, Trap Checker can Check

BOB Howard is casting, Zayden is singing and hiding in shadows,

Lisa (Howard Plum): figured with a 60 ft range it would be a safe starter spell

BOB Talwin is moving forward

Carissa (Raelynn): lol maybe don't sing when you hide

BOB So what I am hearing is that the only spells being cast is Howard doing Detect Magic, as Talwin starts to move forward to the fire pit to the NE, Lanek and Zayden are trying to hide in shadows, and the rest are just staying back

Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

BOB Again, why I am confirming what everyone said they want to do

Michael (Talwin): Can we hop on Discord. I think this is turning into a Cluster

Lisa (Howard Plum): the guys might want to wait to see what Howard says

Michael (Talwin): I'll voice record it if we have too

BOB No to Michael

BOB you can do it here

TMO (Craigh): this is a quote for this week's summary: "Zayden is singing and hiding in shadows"

Carissa (Raelynn): yes to Lisa's point: waiting to see before next step for Rae at least depending what Howard and Talwin find

Lemon (Daphene): Nothing has even happened yet, we're still fine

Lemon (Daphene): But yeah, I guess what else are we going to do? Nothing has happened yet, might as well approach the firebox and see if anything tries to stop us

TMO (Craigh): so now we have background music with no discernable source for our scene

Carissa (Raelynn): just like a normal movie!

Lemon (Daphene): Root out the mysterious ambush

BOB At the risk of giving the plot away...... Who is going to walk up to the box that IS ON FIRE and check for what is inside of it

Carissa (Raelynn): Ah well you see I did miss that point

Carissa (Raelynn): Talwin said he stops when it gets too hot but, uh, fire probably means too hot

TMO (Craigh): I think Craigh should go *near* the box, but let Talwin under his Prot from Fire do the actual checking. If we have that spell

Lemon (Daphene): yeah but I mean, you can stand close to it

Carissa (Raelynn): Lorie did you want to cast or me?

Lisa (Howard Plum): I'm fine with it but would kind of want to see if the area has magic things hanging around since we are near a temple potentially full of casting priests

BOB Fire worms, Fire paramesium, Fire wall as Lisa described them earlier

TMO (Craigh): so Howard's Detect Magic first, then rest of plot?

Lemon (Daphene): Ok unless someone is going to get yanked into the firebox

Carissa (Raelynn): so wait for Howard THEN focus on Talwin's next move?

Michael (Talwin): Okay. Heres the Skinny. I have no idea what everyone's character can do. If you feel you can contribute, DON"T WAIT FOR ME, just DO IT :) I promise I won't be mad or whatever

Carissa (Raelynn): or what TMO said

Shislif (Zayden): to hiding in shadows and singing!

Shislif (Zayden): not ominous at all

BOB Ok so round One, Howard casts detect magic

Michael (Talwin): Talwin is my very real mentality. I'm not thinking of conmplex things that might solve a problem, Talwin lik eme, just walks up to the problem and socks it in the face. This is what you are dealing with. If you have ideas, everyone PLEASE do them

Lemon (Daphene): Ok, then I guess I'll do aura of comfort on Talwin just to be safe. Assuming Talwin is the one approaching the firebox

BOB wait

TMO (Craigh): this kind of plotting is *very* difficult to coordinate over text-only chat

BOB Lemon when are you doing that?

Howard Plum: walks from east to west to see if he sees any magic around the fire structures or in front of the temple

Michael (Talwin): I KNOW!

Michael (Talwin): LOL

Michael (Talwin): That's why I'm just screeming at my screen

Licornah: Licornah cast a spell NOT memorized.

Licornah: [CAST] Resist Fire/Resist Cold [at Talwin]

Lemon (Daphene): As soon as possible

BOB Everone had two weeks from the last session to think about this, and then we just spent an hour, I want to move forward

BOB so

Lemon (Daphene): As soon as I get confirmation that Talwin is going to be the one approaching the firebox

BOB When Howard casts Detect Magic

Lisa (Howard Plum): what does Howard see?

BOB That is when everyone can roll Init


Shislif (Zayden): did he cast it yet?

Lisa (Howard Plum): oh man did howard set off an alarm just casting?


Spring (Lanek): i've got a work emergency. but i do want Lanek to hide in shadows

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Carissa (Raelynn): not just Yout apparently

Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT] [d10-10 = -8]

Carissa (Raelynn): *no

Daphene: [INIT] [d10 = 9]

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

TMO (Craigh): I haven't seen Howard cast the spell yet

Youtargim: [INIT] [d10+10 = 12]

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Talwin: [INIT] [d10+10 = 18]

Shislif (Zayden): Can't roll Init for some reason

Raelynn: [INIT] [d10+10 = 13]

Licornah: [INIT] [d10+10 = 15]

Zayden: Zayden tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)

Indigo: [INIT] [d10-10 = -8]

Zayden: Zayden forced re-roll of initiative.

Zayden: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

Howard Plum: [INIT] [d10+10 = 15]

Craigh: [INIT] [d10+10 = 12]

Lanek: [INIT] [d10 = 9]

BOB So now Howard casts detect magic

Lisa (Howard Plum): he already rolled it - it might come up error if I roll again

BOB It is good

Shislif (Zayden): Guys see those Firenewts?

BOB and so Howard sees the three pools with fire, no magic in them, but there are three Priests with magic items that glow brightly

Lemon (Daphene): fluffed burnsides!

Howard Plum: whispers, "The three priests here have magic items"

BOB and we are on round one now

Lisa (Howard Plum): and we all see the priests?

[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0]

BOB You see the three priests now

BOB Indigo is up

Carissa (Raelynn): careful supple chaps, Zayden might wanna feel you up

Lisa (Howard Plum): did they appear because of howard?

BOB On Zayden's turn he said he was going to hide in shadows, he can change when it comes to him if he wants

BOB Indigo does not know why they appeared

Shislif (Zayden): okey doke

Howard Plum: Uh-oh ...

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 20]

Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [Hit-AC: -7 vs. 5 ] [AC: -7 ] [HIT]

User is back. (Spring)

Lemon (Daphene): lol carissa

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=8)] [d6+4 = 8]

[8] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [STATUS: Moderate]

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 21]

Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [Hit-AC: -8 vs. 5 ] [AC: -8 ] [HIT]

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=7)] [d6+4 = 7]

[7] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [STATUS: Critical]

Carissa (Raelynn): (and to be clear, Bob, Zayden was going to hide AND sing)

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=6)] [d6+4 = 6]

[6] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]

Lisa (Indigo): sorry if bad - wanted to stop casters not sure what else to do

Carissa (Raelynn): usually a good plan

Lemon (Daphene): ok, should I do the aura or should I try to murder newts or what? Advice please, if anyone has thoughts

Lisa (Howard Plum): one hit will stop them casting this round

Michael (Talwin): LIsa at this point, I'm fine leveling this place to the ground. We had two weeks, but I had no idea we were facing anything like this. I'm fine just killing everything

Shislif (Zayden): I dunno!

Shislif (Zayden): murder?

Lisa (Howard Plum): you know casters freak me out - besides ours the others must be stopped :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm probably too far anyway?

Bixi Fizzlebang has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Shislif (Zayden): so we fighting these guys?

Lisa (Howard Plum): you can use the pointer to see range

Zayden: pointer?

Shislif (Zayden): OOC

Lisa (Howard Plum): why Indigo had to take the close one - he needed one within 45 ft

Lisa (Howard Plum): draw a pointer line

Lisa (Howard Plum): humans wanting to go stab something are in range

Shislif (Zayden): too far?

Lisa (Howard Plum): that one is dead

Shislif (Zayden): is it?

Shislif (Zayden): oh yea mb

Shislif (Zayden): how much action points do I have left?

Shislif (Zayden): oh thanks

BOB You can move up to 60 feet and still attack

Shislif (Zayden): how big is each square again?

BOB each square is 5 feet

Shislif (Zayden): thanks

Shislif (Zayden): is too hot there?

Shislif (Zayden): or will zay survive?

BOB It is very warm but you are not taking damage

Shislif (Zayden): cool

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [FAILURE by 68] [d100 = 98]

Shislif (Zayden): dang it

Shislif (Zayden): oh i'm done

BOB yes

[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]

Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder): [CAST] Pyrotechnics [at Zayden]

Zayden: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 3]

Save [3] [Target 13] -> [for Zayden] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [TARGET-FAILED]

Effect ['Blinded'] -> [to Zayden] [by Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)]

[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]

Lisa (Howard Plum): fireworks?

Shislif (Zayden): dang it

Zayden: dang it

Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps): [CAST] Heat Metal [at Indigo]

Zayden: My eyes! My beautiful eyes!

Lanek: saw what happened to Zayden and changed his mind

Effect ['Heat Metal'] -> [to Indigo] [by Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)]

Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps): [DAMAGE] Heat Metal [TYPE: fire (1d4=2)] [d4 = 2]

[2] -> [to Indigo]

BOB That is this round and next round the metal Indigo is holding gets hotter and hotter

[TURN] Lanek - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Lanek has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]

Lisa (Howard Plum): the hilt isn't metal. Both swords or just one?

BOB Just one

Carissa (Raelynn): but then it'll also be hotter to whoever he slices up, ya?

Lisa (Howard Plum): or maybe the hilt is metal. never thought about it. it probably is

Carissa (Raelynn): wait how is heat metal not a touch spell??

BOB Sorry not the sword the chain mail

Michael (Talwin): Might be leather wrapped? No idea

Michael (Talwin): Oh never mind

Lisa (Howard Plum): no no

Lisa (Howard Plum): he is wearing leather - he is in a swamp

BOB Sorry I will redo that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't see the numbers oh nooooo

Indigo's health adjusted by +2

Lisa (Indigo): you can see on his sheet - wearing leather and carrying chain

BOB Healed Indigo

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): When things are slightly different it causes me internal panic

BOB Now redoing that

Lisa (Indigo): thx - know better than to wear metal in a swamp :)

Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps): [DAMAGE] Heat Metal [TYPE: fire (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]

[1] -> [to Indigo]

BOB So 1 point of damage to Indigo from his sword heating up

Lisa (Indigo): ok

BOB and now Daphene is up

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm not used to playing a non-caster

TMO (Craigh): make us proud young rangerish lassie

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just run up there and punch it or what?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): like with a sword though

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or whateve

Lisa (Indigo): lol

TMO (Craigh): unless you have a better option

Spring (Lanek): if you are disrupting magic, just a pat will do won't it?

TMO (Craigh): sharp steel through the cranium may just be effective

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Lemon (Daphene): How far can I move and still attack? I can try a sling I guess

BOB 60 feet and attack

Lisa (Indigo): probably 30 ft

Carissa (Raelynn): she has a sling not arrows?

Lemon (Daphene): I don't think I can make it close enough to stab this round, right?

BOB DOH sorry yes 30

Lisa (Indigo): daphene is a halfling

Lisa (Indigo): unless she has a movement bonus

Lemon (Daphene): dang, what's the range on a sling?

Lisa (Indigo): so can move 30 ft and then use sling and will be closer for next round

BOB 30 feet

BOB yes to Lisa

Daphene: [ATTACK (R)] Sling (Stone) [THACO(18)] [EFFECTS +3] [d20+1 = 10]

Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 5 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Youtargim

BOB Ok so I am giving that to Daphene because I messed up on the effect

Lemon (Daphene): ?

BOB Adding the correct effect now to everyone, including Daphene

TMO (Craigh): what effect? I'm not seeing anything?

Daphene: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +3] [d20+3 = 23]

Save [23] [Target 16] -> [for Daphene] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [TARGET-SAVED]

Howard Plum: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 2]

Save [2] [Target 10] -> [for Howard Plum] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [TARGET-FAILED]

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 20]

Save [20] [Target 11] -> [for Talwin] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [TARGET-SAVED]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [d20+3 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 10] -> [for Bixi Fizzlebang] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [TARGET-FAILED]

Licornah: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 16]

Save [16] [Target 12] -> [for Licornah] [vs Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [TARGET-SAVED]

Spring (Lanek): i just realized that lanek would not have seen what happened to Zayden because he's really far

Lisa (Howard Plum): what was that?

Shislif (Zayden): but zayden yelled out for his eyes

Shislif (Zayden): might have heard him

BOB That was the Pyrotechnics, it goes out to 100 feet

Spring (Lanek): that's fair

BOB so down the line to Licornah before anyone has any cover

Lisa (Howard Plum): we didn't get a description of what happened

Lemon (Daphene): Yeah, I'm sorry, what pyrotechnics

Lisa (Howard Plum): or I missed it

Effect ['Blinded'] -> [to Bixi Fizzlebang] [by Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)]

Effect ['Blinded'] -> [to Howard Plum] [by Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)]

Spring (Lanek): as soon as Zayden tried to hide in shadows, a priest hit him with some pyrotechnics

Shislif (Zayden): dick priests

Lisa (Howard Plum): yeah thought it was just him

BOB So the Firenewt Priest sprayed out Pyrotechnics at the group as Zayden advanced on him

Lemon (Daphene): Like a firework?

Lisa (Howard Plum): casters are bad

BOB It is an area of effect spell

Shislif (Zayden): Zayden's always getting hurt btw

Lorie (Licornah): (Think Jubliee from X-Men)

BOB Zayden, Howard, and Bixi are all blinded

BOB Daphene and Talwin avoided it

Lemon (Daphene): Sorry, not well-versed in the x-men

Zayden: oh at least it's n ot just me!

BOB Licornah made her save and blocked it from the rest behind her

Lisa (Howard Plum): sigh - our mages are blind

Lemon (Daphene): I want to roll my own saves. My dice are better than yours :P

TMO (Craigh): thank you Licornah!

Lisa (Howard Plum): I know

BOB chuckles, I am not rolling it is the automatoin

Lisa (Howard Plum): don't like automation

TMO (Craigh): Craigh ducked and hid behind your magnificent bulwark!

BOB and so now Youtargim is up

Lisa (Howard Plum): don't want program taking my job


Shislif (Zayden): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Youtargim: Martial Arts: Combination [d20 = 7]

Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Punch Result:2 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=2)] [d0 = 2]

Youtargim: KNOCK OUT ROLL [TARGET:10] Knockout roll fail! [d100 = 42]

Lisa (Howard Plum): did he just tackle the priest? he's covering her icon

Carissa (Raelynn): dang he can move fast

Lemon (Daphene): looks like yes

Lisa (Howard Plum): he's going all Tiberius on her

Youtargim: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

BOB So Youtargim RUNS forward and PUNCHES the Firenewt priestess, doing two points of damage, but failing to stop her from casting any spell, and not knocking her out, but he does manage to stay on his feet right in front of her, but she goes first next round and is is touching him currently

[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Lemon (Daphene): Nice knowing ya, yout

Craigh: Disawareness

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My number one complaint about this game is the inconsistent use of units of measurement

Craigh: casts Disawareness on himself, so that in a group or other confusing situation, he just sorta blends in and isn't really noticed

Craigh: casts Disawareness on himself, so that in a group or other confusing situation, he just sorta blends in and isn't really noticed

BOB How so Lemon?

[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]

[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Lisa (Howard Plum): she goes before Yout but not first - people can still get to her maybe depending on casting range or charging etc

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): sometimes it's feet, sometimes it's yards

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just PICK ONE

Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): (one sec)

BOB Ahh, most spells are in feet except really big ones that are in yards to show how expansive of an area they take up

BOB But also remember Bixi is now blind

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, well it's terrible for someone who is really bad at math

Lisa (Howard Plum): I know! areas of effect tend to be in feet and spell ranges in yards

BOB so no casting etc

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh, right

Raelynn: [CAST] Hold Animal [at Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): it's still annoying though

Raelynn: [CAST] Hold Person [at Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)]

Carissa (Raelynn): darn I want to force auto-rolling

BOB Not an animal so the spell fails

Lisa (Howard Plum): also probably no running since there is fire and pits around

Carissa (Raelynn): (hold person)

Carissa (Raelynn): (sorry selected wrong spell first time)

BOB OH ok sorry

Carissa (Raelynn): didn't notice until you said that, lol

BOB Which one?

Carissa (Raelynn): both

BOB ok

BOB AOF is that far?

Carissa (Raelynn): lemme see

Carissa (Raelynn): thought it was select not AOE

BOB needs to be more than 40 foot square

Carissa (Raelynn): boo but oh well still cast it

Carissa (Raelynn): aim for whoever Yout attacked

BOB yeah can do on either of them

BOB ok

Carissa (Raelynn): since guessing too far to do both

Raelynn: [CAST] Hold Person [at Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)]

Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder): [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 1]

Save [1] [Target 16] -> [for Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [vs Raelynn] [TARGET-FAILED]

BOB and so HELD

[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Carissa (Raelynn): good frees up the other for someone (Talwin?) to attack and focus on first

BOB Licornah is up

Lorie (Licornah): (Sorry BOB, I'm studying the map, I know I've had a few moments, but still pondering, will delay)

Licornah has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 4]]

BOB That is awesome, how it worked on the map for Howard

Carissa (Raelynn): and we were all pitched into blackness at the supervolcano erupted

Howard Plum: I can't see!

BOB Is all dark now

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]

BOB Michael

Michael (Talwin): Don't worry. I'm tjinking

BOB grins

BOB is a good thing

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: murderrrrrrr!

Carissa (Raelynn): Supple chaps can cast next roundif he's still alive

Michael (Talwin): So just to be clear. Only spellcasters are blind at the moment

-> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Murder who? or steal the gems while no one is looking?

Michael (Talwin): Thank you Crissa

Lisa (Indigo): just the mages

Carissa (Raelynn): but also Indigo can probably reach him enxt rouind

Carissa (Raelynn): wow my typing

Lisa (Indigo): and zayden

Carissa (Raelynn): So yes, supple chaps needs to die first, the other is held for a quite awhile yet

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I don't think the sword cares who gets murdered, as long as it gets to be the one doing the murdering

Michael (Talwin): OK. Verification complete lol

-> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): True

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [d20+2 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 5 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [d20+2 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [d20+2 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 5 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [x2] [TYPE: S (1d10+6=10)] [b10+6 = 10]

[10] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [STATUS: Critical]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [x2] [TYPE: S (1d10+6=10)] [b10+6 = 10]

[10] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 7] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [x2] [TYPE: S (1d10+6=12)] [b10+6 = 12]

[12] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 12]

Michael (Talwin): He's dead Jim

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

BOB grins

Michael (Talwin): wheres the button for done. can't remember

Michael (Talwin): sorry

BOB Bottom left

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 5]]

BOB Bixi is blind

Michael (Talwin): TY. It was hidden by my Window

Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Can I do anything while I'm blind? Or am I just freaking out right now?

BOB Knowing Bixi?

Michael (Talwin): Probably Talking them to Death

BOB grins

Michael (Talwin): And Badmouthing Them at the same time

Michael (Talwin): :)

Zayden: Bixi!!!


[TURN] Lanek - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Talwin: Throw Glitter!

BOB There are limited things you can do but right now likely just Freaking out

Talwin: Talwin Calls

BOB Lanek

Spring (Lanek): sorry i been working instead of thinking

BOB and also becasue Bixi is blind she cannot move her Init back up to normal she is stuck here in the slow end for now

BOB Lanek and Licornah still to go in round one

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's fine, she can't do anything anyway

Lisa (Indigo): brb

User has gone AFK. (Lisa)

Spring (Lanek): didn't this thing used to tell you how far you were moving? i can't tell

Licornah: (I will move in front and take Bixi's hand to move her out of harm's way)

Carissa (Raelynn): Bob turned it off Spring

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): thanks

Lanek: oh okay.

Carissa (Raelynn): but you can right click and draw an arrow for measurement

BOB Each square is 5 feet

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, we're supposed to just count and do math now or something

Spring (Lanek): thanks

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, shoot, I thought they were ten.

Michael (Talwin): LOL Lemon :)

BOB smiles wanted it to be faster for you to not wait for me to approve

Michael (Talwin): Math now or sometihing haha

BOB grins this is why we love Lemon

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Look, I already failed at the math. I was like, oh, one square equals ten, I can do this math. But actually Daph could have moved twice as far. But she didn't because MATH

TMO (Craigh): Disawareness: When this spell is invoked, the caster begins to radiate an aura of unremarkability. Any person viewing him for the duration of the spell sees nothing unusual about him and, if questioned later, retains only vague recollections of seeing someone.

Michael (Talwin): Her British Wit?

Spring (Lanek): i think that was within my move. my mouse got hung up a couple of times

Shislif (Zayden): Lemon is the best!

TMO (Craigh): I can't put this as an effect on Craigh that I can find

[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Carissa (Raelynn): lol


BOB We can check that later TMO

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm glad that I contribute

[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7]]

Michael (Talwin): Hes's so unremarkable, the spell can't find him :)

BOB Everyone contributes

User is back. (Lisa)

Michael (Talwin): JK TMO :) Just playing into it :)

BOB Lisa Indigo is up

BOB Round two

Lisa (Indigo): no enemies?

Michael (Talwin): FIGHT!

TMO (Craigh): not a big issue, I was just trying to see if I could make it work

BOB The one that is held with Yout

Indigo: drops swords

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 3]]

BOB Zayden is blind

Zayden: I can't see! Helloooo! I can't see !

[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]

Zayden: Helllooo Hellooo?!

Raelynn: Just don't move yet!

BOB Is held

Michael (Talwin): Keep Singing! You'll be just like Stevie Wonder!

[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]

Zayden: You don't move yet!

Carissa (Raelynn): lmao


BOB THAT is another quote

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]

Zayden: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So just the one Yout is making out with?

Zayden: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 30) [FAILURE by 50] [d100 = 80]

BOB Very Supersticious, writing on the wall

Carissa (Raelynn): man I hope not, the lizard if frozen and that is all kinda wrong then

BOB Yes to Daphene

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I get up to it to stab it? Or am I too far? I tried the math and it looks too close to call

Michael (Talwin): lol

Shislif (Zayden): Get em lemon!

BOB a little too far to get up there this rund

BOB round

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Great, my math worked! good job me!

Carissa (Raelynn): gold star for you!

Daphene: [ATTACK (R)] Sling (Stone) [THACO(18)] [EFFECTS +3] [d20+1 = 20]

Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Youtargim] [AC: -2 ]

Shislif (Zayden): great job!

Lemon (Daphene): oops, forgot about yout

Carissa (Raelynn): er wrong one

Zayden: can you hear me sing?!

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB, is the greenery shrubs / bushes / trees?)

BOB chuckles

Lemon (Daphene): I mean, he's there too, I definitely could have hit either one

BOB yes to Lorie

Lemon (Daphene): Can I try again or is that it lol

Lorie (Licornah): (near Bixi and me?)

Lemon (Daphene): I'll take it either way

BOB and yes to Lemon, actually if you do not take the minus 4 for a called shot it is random which you hit

BOB Evens the Firenewt, Odds, it is Youtargim

GM: [d12 = 4]

Shislif (Zayden): brb

Lemon (Daphene): Yay!

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Carissa (Raelynn): good

Lemon (Daphene): so now what?

Lemon (Daphene): I roll damage?

Daphene: [DAMAGE (R)] Sling (Bullet) [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d4+1=4)] [d4+1 = 4]

[4] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [STATUS: Moderate]

BOB There you go

[TURN] Youtargim

Effect ['DMGX: 3'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [by Youtargim]

Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Dagger [TYPE: piercing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]

[1] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)]

Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)'s health adjusted by -12

BOB and Youtargim STABS his dagger into the Firenewt's belly and kills it

BOB end of round two

[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7]]


Michael (Talwin): Is that Combat, or we In Round 3

BOB and we pause here

Michael (Talwin): NM

BOB You did two rounds of combat,

BOB you killed three Firenewt priestesses

BOB You have several people blinded

Lemon (Daphene): now comes the scary thing

TMO (Craigh): oh, all dead. well then... :) I was prepping to do Craigh's turn and was very confused.

BOB I think this is a good spot to stop and plot

Michael (Talwin): (Before we actively stop, would it be too much to search the Priestesses, or should we hold off)

BOB Not taking you out of combat

Michael (Talwin): Ah

BOB so yes you can plan to do that

BOB and when Indigo is up he can go check that, or he can do other things instead

TMO: Bob - If you can find one, I think we need some sort of group notepad or some sort of action planner, where people can put the action their character(s) are intending to do, and we can shuffle the order of them.

BOB this the the chance to figure out what you want to do

BOB and next week too

Carissa: ...OOC on the site? ;)

TMO: because planning all that in this chat is frustrating as all get out

BOB I can look TMO

Michael (Talwin): I would appreciate that. Order of Ops as pertaining to this Combat Tracker?

Carissa: ahhh you mean during chat

Michael (Talwin): Because I'm almost to the Agile-Scrum Planning Board for organizing this stuff

Lisa: sometimes I don't know what I'm doing until something happens

Michael (Talwin): EXACTLY!

Michael (Talwin): lol :)

Carissa: same I changed my decision after Yout did his attack

Michael (Talwin): I expected many things, but not a pyramid with priestesses and geysers

Michael (Talwin): Should I have? Probably. Did I? No

TMO: no, that's absolutely fine that that happens.

Daphene: Yeah, I changed my plan too. Was going to cast stuff then I got blinded so I "decided" not to

Lemon (Daphene): ooc

TMO: but planning-wise, in this chat it's just chaotic

BOB So number one - why are you here,

BOB Number two - what are you trying to do

Michael (Talwin): I just want the damn fire games

BOB Number three - how to do it

Spring (Lanek): okay the emergency at work is over now

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): to get three gems, minimum, four if we can candle it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): handle

BOB OK so why did you not look for fire gems?

TMO: anyways - Craigh's plan was to go to the Fireworms pit while under disawareness while the combat ranged around him and look for gems

Michael (Talwin): Yes, but each of those are High Level topics, that are faced with decomposed issues when faced with reality

Carissa: Okay so.... quick philosophical question: if we kill ALL the priestesses, who turn the gems into viable eggs, will we be committing genocide...?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We were about to and then we got attacked

Licornah: 1) :: points at Talwin 2) :: points out of the swamp 3) :: waves her hands as if casting 4) :: points at Talwin and blinded party members ::

Lisa: if gems are here and we can grab and go we probably won't be getting all the priestesses

BOB My point is you knew you wanted to go into the heat to get the Fire Gems, you started to plan that, then you stopped and decided to go forward instead

BOB so we are pausing so you can/are forced to/ plan out your next steps

Spring (Lanek): i thought as soon as we perceived priests we attacked them in pre-defense

Lisa: the heat was forward

BOB and next week we put those in motion

Talwin: Look bob. It's easy to say, why didn't you look. Where would we have looked bob? Did you want me to jump into a Hole in the ground I know nothing about? The pyramid? The Fire? No we did go to the Fire Bob. THAT is when the Priestesses where ambushing Us. We did EXACTLY what we intended

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sorry, what. I thought we were "going forward" as in "going into the fire box"

Carissa: so the pit?

Carissa: baked them in the earth?

TMO: wasn't it Howard's Detect Magic that kicked off the combat? scouting before going to the pit?

Lisa: and howard casting detect magic did not bring him in front of the lead people

Carissa: yes very confused on what's being implied here

BOB I do not understand why you are thinking about the Pit

Carissa: because I am confused

BOB Yes it is part of the ecosystem

Spring: i am confused in general

Michael (Talwin): IT"S not just he Pit Bob. I'm not Omnicient. I don't know ANYTHING about this place

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I do not understand why you are thinking we aren't looking for the gems

BOB but you were told the fire gems are in the fire,

BOB Lisa reminded that earlier

Michael (Talwin): I don't know how to plan somethikng that I know literally nothing about

Michael (Talwin): And We DID go right to the fire

BOB nothing about a pit, about a stream, etc.

Spring: we looked around for some fire and i think we found some

TMO: and that's where we wer going, and then the priests attacked and init was rolled

Carissa: ...and we went towards those until we got attacked

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah

BOB that is my point,

Michael (Talwin): We had to explore the map first. We dind't even SEE The fire until we GOT there

Carissa: so your word is not clearing up any confusion

Spring: right, i think we are on the same page so far

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): creating more

Spring: walk past everything until finding some fire

BOB you saw the fire, knew that was where you wanted to go, started to plan for what to do,..... then ignored it and just moved forward right up to 15 feet away from it

Michael (Talwin): Wait wait wait

Michael (Talwin): No we did not

Spring: that second part does not sound right

Michael (Talwin): We waited for everyone to speak, then Talwin DID go right up to the Fire. Then Lisa said Howard could detect Magic. So I held off

BOB Yes you did, Lisa described what you saw of the three types of fire when you were still 100 feet away

Michael (Talwin): Howard Casts Magic, and then Combat started

Michael (Talwin): WHAT THE FUDGE

BOB Then you moved forward again

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): we saw the fire, knew that was where we wanted to go, started to plan for what to do, then got attacked

BOB right up to it

TMO: Bob is talking farther back

BOB THEN you cast detect etc

Michael (Talwin): Look, I need to log for tonight. I'm loving you all, but I'm out. I'm confused, and pretty frustrated.

TMO: where Craigh is now

'Michael' disconnected

Lisa: what I'm not sure about is does it matter?

Lisa: we came we saw we killed newts

BOB Craigh is still right with the group at the end of round two

Lisa: now we are alone at the fire for the moment

TMO: I just moved him on the map as a pointer

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't see why that's bad. It doesn't hurt to get a closer look to see if we can tell if they're in that particular fire?

Lisa: not a pretty plan but it is what it is

BOB The part that matters Lisa is you are alone for round three now, this is the second time you have had a chance to plan how to deal with fire and getting the gems

Lemon: I mean, obviously it does hurt

TMO: and honestly, I personally was looking at the temple, not the fires. an oversight on my part

Lemon: But it's reasonable

BOB Very true Lemon, that is EXACTLY what I thought you were going to do

Lemon: As far as I know, that's what we were doing

BOB Oh there is fire, we are looking for fire, we should get ready to go look in the fire, then move up to the fire and look inside

Spring: yup

Lemon: Then we paused to check and make sure we weren't going to die first

Lemon: And then we got attacked

BOB instead it was we are looking for fire, we should get ready to look in the fire.. oh look fire lets move now before we get ready

Spring: i thought we got as ready as we could figure out to get

Lemon: Somehow you are seeing it very differently than we are

Spring: howard detecting was part of that, and the two thieves moving into shadows

Lemon: Yeah. That WAS our "getting ready"

TMO: Bob is saying we should have had the planning stage back at the last fork, not up when we're beside the fires. I think

BOB Howard detecting is what set off the combat

BOB yes to TMO

Lemon: Yeah, but we're not psychic

BOB you actually WERE planning and saying what spells to use

Spring: oh. i thought we needed his intel

Carissa: ....where we'd still detect magic?

TMO: this is also true

BOB then you just ignored it and went forward

Lemon: So we guessed at when we should start doing things

BOB Yes to Lemon

BOB and now you are here at this point

Spring: i keep hearing "ignored" when it looks to me like everyone was paying as much attention as possible

Lemon: We didn't IGNORE it, we just didn't think it was time to use it yet, until we saw up closer what we were dealing with

Spring: so that's kind of hard

TMO: I agree with Lemon


Lemon: Didn't want to waste spells if we were in the totally wrong part of the map and had to backtrack into the pit or something

Shislif (Zayden): hey gang, gotta take care of dinner stuff, see everybody next week!

BOB I get that

BOB have a great night

Lorie: BOB, I agree with Lemon, it's not that we didn't try or we ignored...

TMO: bye Shislif

Lemon: And then let everything wear off before we get to the enounter

Lisa: Goodnight!

Shislif (Zayden): bye :)

BOB I am not saying that

Spring: to be fair - MY attention was split

Lorie: I do think we should have paused before charging into the fire area... I agree with that

Lemon: bye zayden!

Lorie: Good night

Lemon: Well then you should have said something.

Spring: but it looked like everyone else was making a plan and then following the plan

BOB That is the point I was making Lorie

Shislif (Zayden): night :)

'Shislif' disconnected

Lorie: I did speak up :: shrug ::

Lorie: It was clearly a trap

BOB and because that did not happen after these first two rounds, I wanted to pause

Lemon: You mentioned an ambush, and I asked for clarification, and you didn't say anything after that, just cast a spell and then we started going

BOB you know there is a village

BOB you know you made a lot of noise

Lorie: Because people were already charging ahead Lemon... at that point, it didn't matter anymore

Carissa: But we knew Talwin was at the point of charging ahead so we adjusted our plan to that

Lemon: I disagree with that statement

Carissa: Because no person or character gave him good reason to wait, and we were okay with it because something we like charging in

BOB Yes to Carissa, that is a very valid point and you should do what you want

Lemon: Yeah. When there was no further comment after the ambush suggestion, I was like ok, maybe that was a joke I didn't get or something, I guess we keep going

Lisa: we had 3 possible fire targets - we could see those but no newts. What else were we going to do?

BOB I just want to make sure you had a stopping point here

Carissa: We could have possible sat and watched and observed what they were doing... but that doesn't fit our current party make up.

Lemon: But I was waiting and watching for more info. And you know me, I would have thrown a fit if I wanted to stop and think more lol

Lorie: We knew we were being watched... I thought everyone else got that and when no one else took action, I decided to go along

BOB You now know you have fire pits, dead priestesses, and from the previous information: fire pits for Gems to Eggs, a village of priestesses to guard and inseminate the gems to eggs

Lisa: I didn't know we were being watched

Carissa: I thought that was an errant comment from Bob because no one gave solid evidence we were being watched

Lisa: who saw someone?

TMO: no, actually I had no indication we were being watched IC. My comment of "we're being followed" was an OOC joke because Lanek had to roll OBS

Carissa: exactly - I missed who actually saw it

Carissa: okay yes errant comment from TMO I mean

Lemon: Yeah, I had no idea either. Definitely not IC.

Lorie: Maybe I misread... but I thought it was stated that someone noticed we were being watched - Lanek I think?

Lemon: Hence my asking for clarification. I thought I missed something, or someone had info that they hadn't shared

TMO: if Lanek said that, I totally missed it

Spring: no he didn't

Spring: i thought it was a joke also

Lorie: Okay, maybe I misread then ...

BOB and all of that is good, I just did not want this to go with the "ok on round three we are done, lets skip ahead 3 or 4 rounds as we get ready" when you should understand what else is happening around you

Carissa: which to be fair we're technically on round 2.5 if the remaining characters had anything important to do :P

Lisa: no I don't want to do that

Lisa: we're like 20 ft from the temple bldg

Lisa: grab the loot and get the hell out of here

Carissa: yes please

TMO: is this a valid summary, and does it contain all of the *IC* knowledge we have: "We are at the fire pits, slew 3 priests, the combat was at least mildly noisy, there is a village just over the hill"

Lemon: Ok look, Yout triggered an entire giant fortress of bugbears, this is a similar situation, it's just not Yout's fault this time

Lisa: we can drag the blind people out

BOB Yes and I thought you were stopping back there to get your things together to deal with the fire etc and you charged forward

Lisa: no clue how long it lasts

Carissa: ahhh such as the skiff and hold to hold the gems and all

BOB Yes to TMO

TMO: oh yes, and X number of people are temporarily blinded

TMO: I forgot that. what else IC are we missing?

Lisa: not sure what you wanted us to get together other than oven mitts to grab the gems

BOB and yes to Carissa

Carissa: like Rae warned was in the beginning! oh well, she can just say, "I told you so" from now on

BOB As Carissa points out earlier you talked about Indigo making a skiff, making a stone box etc

Lemon: AGAIN, we weren't sure the eggs were in this particular fire

Lemon: As far as I know, IC, we still aren't sure

Lisa: true

BOB Yes to Lemon you are not certain yet

TMO: I wonder if we can use the hot soup water to cool down the hot fire gems?

Carissa: yeah but this was what Rae was saying that we needed to be certain before we did anything (and then me the player forgot)

Lemon: Why are we going to prepare all that stuff and then end up having to turn around and cart it all into an infinite pit?

Carissa: well hopefully a good fire spell on whoever holds/grabs the gems gets us far enough away to plan better after

Lemon: To me, what we did makes perfect sense still

Carissa: resist not set them on fire

Lemon: Sucks that it ended the way it did, but the choices still feel reasonable to me

BOB and that is perfectly good Lemon

Carissa: I mean I agree, we were trying to be careful and accidentally set them off

Carissa: IF the detect magic spell hadn't been detected, we likely would have planned for the carrying of the gems

Carissa: but ces la vie or whatever

TMO: I think, for me personally at least, the disconnect lies between what I thought when seeing the fires, and what Bob *expected* me to think: I thought "there's fires, the temple with the eggs will be beyond those", and Bob expected me to think "There's the fires holding the eggs!"

Lisa: if 3 priests were where they were standing, anyone approaching would have set them off

Lemon: Yeah, I was about to cast the fire stuff on Talwin so he could jump in the box and check out. Obviously if they were in there, then we would have been like, ok, let's get the shit ready to cart them out

BOB But if on round three 12 more firenewt priestesses come out I would not want you to complain that I did not give you enough clues that they were here and ready to defend, or if you try to take the gems and you burn off your hand, I do not want to have to listen to "if someone had told us"

Lisa: didn't need a spell to do that

Lemon: Plus also, yes, I didn't think the eggs would be right out in the open like that

Carissa: Good point so no matter what, we'd have ended up here because we just wanted to investigate

Lemon: I didn't think it would be so easy we could just grab and run

Lorie: I think I thought we'd pause to allow for last prep before engaging ...

Spring: wait what? scrolling up

BOB Fully agree with Carissa, you would be here, but have the protection spells, your way to take the gems out, etc. also

TMO: if we had invisibility, a fire protection and invisibility spell would make this an easy (er) heist. But, hindsight. :)

Carissa: Oh we'll complain all right. Just more nicely!

Lisa: we're like 20 ft from the temple bldg

Lemon: Yeah, but why plan for a heist you don't know is about to happen

Carissa: Talwin already has one protection spell

Carissa: We have limted spells so we're not too far off

Lemon: I fully expected to have to go into the temple and fight stuff off before we found the eggs

Carissa: So Talwin with his spells means we're even more on a time limit which is good because we just wanna cut and run anyways

Carissa: I mean if you wanted a heist, this should be a quest for a thief not Talwin :P

Lemon: Yeah but we still don't even know if that's where the eggs are. IC

Carissa: Also true

Lemon: And until this whole conversation, I didn't know OOC they were in the firebox, honestly

BOB Smiles with Lemon... that is what I am thinking, It was laid out several times, Fire Gems, in the fire pits, then the Priestess inseminated them and makes them Eggs, which then go into the Pyramid to hatch

Lemon: These aren't even fire pits. They're a fire box, fire amoeba, and fire river

BOB chuckles

Carissa: Good thing Lemon ruled out adopting so we don't need to go inside

BOB very true

Lemon: I un-ruled it out after they blinded Bixi

TMO: the fault with me is I have had a very hard time engaging for a while now. I wish I knew why and how to fix it. And I apologize for it.

Carissa: adopt and raise your own that may blind you?

Lemon: You're fine TMO

BOB no to TMO

BOB This is a group effort

Lemon: Nah, I'd be a good mom

Carissa: Doesn't mean it won't blind you

Lemon: They'd love me

TMO: yeah, but as part of the group I should be helping more than I am. I'm not pulling my weight

Lemon: They'd blind Yout for me

Lemon: Again, you're fine TMO

Carissa: You wrote me a summary so you're good in my book. I'll excuse this past session.

BOB and the key Talwin point of the adventure is to solve it, how to tackle a quest like this to prove he is worthy of having the additional skills/power to lead

TMO: but, at least I did get to hide behind Licornah's "magnificent bulwark" :D

Lorie: I'm trying to let Michael own his adventure.

Lemon: And now we've angered a whole Temple and village, so know he'll REALLY be worthy

BOB exactly to Lorie

Lisa: yes

Lorie: TMO you're doing great...

TMO: but I could be *greater*! :D

Lisa: when you feel it you'll be there. it's ok

BOB I fully agree. I think that TMO is a lot like Barb (only Lorie would know her) who sat at the end of the table, listening and being quiet then offering up the two or three key lines and quotes that kept everyone involved

Lorie: :: smiles and nods ::

Lemon: Anyway, my conclusion is even with hindsight, I think we've all done the best we could with the information we had, and now we just have to spend the week figuring out what we're going to do when the temple and village come running at us

BOB We all appreciate the full group

BOB Everyone has good things to add

BOB Yes to Lemon

Lemon: Hell, if nothing else, I like to keep TMO around in case of math


TMO: hopefully I'll come up with an idea

Carissa: VERY good point

TMO: math be good.

Carissa: We cannot math without TMO

Lemon: I mean, Lisa is a pretty good math-er too

BOB a good three point one four

Lemon: But it's TMOs job

Carissa: He is a good... pie?

Lisa: casters can cantrip or orison a pitcher of water so if we can get the eggs out we should be able to cool them if they can be cooled

TMO: lol. I appreciate it, but I wasn't saying all of it needing support or encouragement. :D I'm know I'm participating, but could be doing more, and I'm not sure why I'm not.

Carissa: good question on if we should be cooling them

Lisa: even a blind caster can make water in front of them

Carissa: probably because you have problems speaking normal english

BOB Bixi sitting on the side of the road,


TMO: We have Zayden to make water. No magic needed

BOB water for alms

Carissa: LOL


BOB After game quote

Lisa: lol

TMO: "How did you cool the gems down?" "He did WHAT???"

Carissa: Here Sword Master, please ignore the ammonia smell. It's sulfer from the pits. Really.

Lorie: ewwwww

Lorie: they can keep those gems

Carissa: *sulfur

BOB See this is why we have a great game

Lisa: zayden is blind too though not sure I want him randomly peeing all over the place

Carissa: because Zayden pees on things?

TMO: someone will have to help him


Carissa: NOT IT"

Lisa: ditto

BOB This is why you do not log out early Michael

Lisa: lol

TMO: Talwin is nominated

BOB final quote of the night

Carissa: Wow that progressed quickly from feeling up his calves

Lorie: seconded

BOB to see if they read the chat


Lemon: lolll to the zayden

BOB have a great weekend everyone

Carissa: night all!

Lisa: Goodnight!!

'Carissa' disconnected

TMO: Monday is a holiday for me. hopefully I can rest and relax a bit this weekend.

BOB Same here

TMO: take care y'all

'Lisa' disconnected

Lorie: Good night - glad for the extra day off

BOB except classes tomorrow

Lemon: goodnight!

'Lemon' disconnected

'Lorie' disconnected

'TMO' disconnected