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Chat Log - 2023 02 10 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story

Most of the group gets some needed training while they are in Dryads Lair, while others spend time exploring and relaxing.

Licornah uses these 7 months to learn all she can about the area, make friends with the priests, furry creatures and figure out what is in the place where she lives

Meanwhile back in Drillian, Branwyn and Jennevive, with the rest of the court, is travelling back to Jistille Estates. The two have a friendly conversation along the way.

Jennevive: Branwyn, will you have enough... space? power? Grasp? To take all four of us to Dryads Lair?

Jennevive: Well if you just look at people then you could take a whole gaggle of gnomes

Branwyn: Jenn, I can teleport up to 700 pounds. I certainly hope that means I can take 4 people. Just not lots of luggage as well

Jennevive: What luggage do they need? They can shop

Jennevive: Looks back at the group riding behind with the Queen

Branwyn: Well when we went, we needed to go by ship.

Jennevive: You were an emergency

Branwyn: Are they taking Ashcroft Manor?

Branwyn: laughs

Branwyn: When are things around me not an emergency?

Jennevive: That is why you are so much fun

Jennevive: Certainly Ashcroft Manor

Branwyn: Even in my old age?

Jennevive: laughs, and in my crone years

Branwyn: I wish Mistress Finefur good luck

Jennevive: It will do her good to be whisked away and learn to balance again

Jennevive: She is a good child, young, but actually older than you were when you went

Jennevive: She will do well once she gets that cold water shock

Branwyn: I'm sure she will be fine

Jennevive: He on the other hand

Jennevive: He will be very interesting

Jennevive: He was in prison for a decent ammount of time after his rebellion

Jennevive: I wonder what he will use this new freedom for

Branwyn: I am surprised that he was chosen until the Queen said his grand daughter was with her

Jennevive: to earn a spot to come back home?

Branwyn: That should keep him in line

Jennevive: Exactly

Jennevive: I wanted her to suceed because that was a better outcome than the boring rebels take over and bring back the old guard

Branwyn: He should enjoy himself in the city. Has to be better than the swamp and then the cell he came from

Jennevive: What will he get out of it?

Jennevive: True

Jennevive: and maybe his family will want to visit

Jennevive: The Queen has returned to a normal 5 year term for the Ambassadors

Jennevive: so these two will have time to adjust and learn

Branwyn: Good. Better them than us

Jennevive: I do want to visit the Celestry for some thoughts on our library in Hell

Branwyn: Anything you can do to help will be much appreciated

Jennevive: So how fast can we get them there?

Branwyn: As soon as they are ready, we can go

Jennevive: It is the 4th, we have at least 4 more days until we reach Jistille

Jennevive: so say on the 10th?

Jennevive: From your own little bit of sunshine?

Jennevive: Or do you want to go farther away from Dragon Fen before taking them along on your magic carpet?

Branwyn: Yes we just need to get to the Inn. You will love it. It is amazing

Jennevive: Red likes it

Branwyn: The Inn is fine. I really don't want to travel with them all the way to Loose ...

Branwyn: Red?

Jennevive: You do have one of the most valuable spots in the Kingdom

Branwyn: He must not be causing trouble ... yet. Or I would have heard

Jennevive: The last I had heard he was in Loosend,

Jennevive: He was due at the Royal Estates with us but obviously did not make an appearance

Jennevive: so I take it something delayed him

Branwyn: I can't say I'm sorry to have missed him

Jennevive: Without Indigo here, it would not be quite as much fun

Jennevive: Smiles

Branwyn: Jenn, why don't you have Kenna and Shi take a look at you when we get back. They might be able to help you

Jennevive: Help with what?

Branwyn: With the acid burns

Jennevive: Chuckles

Jennevive: I do miss traveling with you