Chat Log - 2023 02 17 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story
Chat log with automatic formatting applied
'Lisa' connected
BOB Hello Lisa
Lisa: Hello :)
'Michael' connected
Talwin: Hey Everyone!!!
BOB Hey there Michael
Lisa: Hi Michael :)
Lisa: When I open the chat log explorer there are no chats to choose from
BOB Click the upper left corner circle
Michael (Talwin): I'm here at 5, but frantically catching up on the site. I took one hour out of my PTO to beat traffic. Unfortuantely i'm in Phoenix at the moment :(
Michael (Talwin): Also High haha
BOB grins
Michael (Talwin): Hi, not High. Sigh
Michael (Talwin): wow
BOB You are at least 1,000 feet above me Michael
Lisa: the circle arrows creat an error for the log
BOB oh?
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): Sure, let's go with that one lol
BOB I do not see that Lisa
Lisa: At leat Phoenix has Internet
Lisa: I don't need FG for chat logs - just saying
Michael (Talwin): Actually, I have my own starlink now, so that excuse is dead thank god
Michael (Talwin): and it works wonders let me tell you
BOB Michael please try out the chat log history
Michael (Talwin): the things I do to play with Bob and you guys :) I mean, also large downloads and stuff
Michael (Talwin): Sure bob. Right now? on the site?
BOB Menus -> chatlog History
BOB and hit the refresh circle in the upper left of the dialog box
Michael (Talwin): Er, I have a Chat log explorer, but no history.
Michael (Talwin): I did pull that up and refresh
Michael (Talwin): got a scripting error
Lisa: oh error says only available on host
BOB Thank you
BOB I will ask about that
BOB It might be a 2e thing,
Michael (Talwin): I did get a lot of other things before it scripted though
Michael (Talwin): if that helps
Michael (Talwin): Do you want me to screenshot?
BOB No thanks
Michael (Talwin): KK
Michael (Talwin): Hey bob. Dumb question, but our current group (the dragonslayers today) are doing the desert story right?
Michael (Talwin): I know that's the cart before the horse...
BOB At this point we don't know
Michael (Talwin): If I don't get to use Talwin's cool abilities, I might cry
Lisa: Indigo wants to do the dessert story :P
Michael (Talwin): :)
Michael (Talwin): thanks lisa haha
Michael (Talwin): Maybe we'll find a reason that we gotta go. Or not, either or
Lisa: we have a desert quest
Michael (Talwin): Do we have to you know...if we do reroll characters for a "new era" do we have to start at the bottom again?
Lisa: we got that scroll from the frozen tower
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): Thats right! Damn, your memory is much better then mine
Lisa: you didn't start from the bottom
BOB and the developer has already said that it was not supposed to be visible to players
BOB and I asked if it could be
Lisa: wait til he tells us we have to create 1st level characters
Michael (Talwin): Right, but I mean, like all over again. You get it right?
Michael (Talwin): <Shudder>
Lisa: it was fun everyone had simgle digit hps :D
Michael (Talwin): He'd die before we got back to our current levels (no offense bob, you aren't that old)
BOB Right now I am at the 1 - current group get back to Dragon Fen 2 - full group gets everything done with Hell
BOB THEN I will have two or three options
Michael (Talwin): OK. Thank you :)
BOB I have several ideas, including combining ideas :)
Michael (Talwin): Also that wasn't an age thing on you seriously, it was a LIsa takes years to level up characters :)
'Spring' connected
BOB Zero worries Michael, it is only 30 years so far, we have at least 25 more
Lisa: are you saying I'm not in my prime, Don? lol
Michael (Talwin): snort
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB Hello Spring
Michael (Talwin): Hi Spring! :)
Lisa: Hi Spring! :)
Lisa: but yes it took Branwyn from 2010 to 2023 to get from 1st to 13th level
Michael (Talwin): :) yeah....
Spring: hi hi
Spring: she started at 1st?
BOB We would have to double check but I think that either Lisa or Lorie has the highest level character ever
BOB I know two or three got to 12th, not sure if one ever got to 13th before Branwyn
Michael (Talwin): Well that settles it...I'll be here forever to get past 13. I mean, I know Lisa will at least, but gotta beat that mark :)
Michael (Talwin): Lorie too probably
BOB chuckles
Lisa: yes the DS group that started in 2010 all started with 1st level characters
Michael (Talwin): Man, 2010....I graduated High School...
BOB chuckles
Michael (Talwin): Why does it feel like a literal lifetime ago...
BOB The original story arc was a Beer Run.... back in 1993
Michael (Talwin): So...I was 1
BOB Nice
Michael (Talwin): lol
Spring: hehehe
Michael (Talwin): I was with you in spirit...I guess. I said, hey, in a couple decades I'll be with that group of cool cats...
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): or screamed. Mother says
Spring: hahahaha
Lisa: lol
'Carissa' connected
BOB Hello Carissa
Talwin: Hey Carissa!
Michael (Talwin): Hey Carissa!
Spring: hi Carissa!
Lisa: Hi Carissa :)
Michael (Talwin): Hey bob? Does the Knockdown chance occur automatically in the background for Fantasy Grounds?
Carissa: So many things loading....
BOB No it does not Michael
Michael (Talwin): So we roll that per round?
Carissa: Okay there we are I think. Hi all!
BOB Per attack
Michael (Talwin): So, knockdown dice is d10 for Talwins level I think
Michael (Talwin): Do I roll that every time I also roll an attack?
BOB It is not per level it is weapon type
BOB and yes
Michael (Talwin): OK. I'm trying to read up on new rules taht will apply
Michael (Talwin): TY
BOB Spring do you feel like Lanek is caught up on his sheet?
Spring: i believe so
Spring: i had that opinion last week, i can double check now
BOB I just want to make sure you are happy with his status
Branwyn: Polymorph Other
Branwyn: Identify
Branwyn: Magic Missile
Branwyn: Continual Light
Branwyn: Glitterdust
Branwyn: Glitterdust
Branwyn: Knock
Branwyn: Fireball
Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.
Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.
Branwyn: sorry all spell changes going in chat
BOB No worries Lisa
Branwyn: Bob - it says I can only memorize 2 5th level spells instead of 4
Spring (Lanek Olenak): so in theory, he could have backstabbed with his hand axe at any point. he didn't really need a knife, right?
Spring (Lanek Olenak): but now he's got a knife, so that should be more elegant anyway
BOB Cannot backstab with a handaxe
Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.
Spring (Lanek Olenak): well okay then, glad to have a knife!
BOB I am willing to rethink that
BOB but officially it is not on the list
Spring (Lanek Olenak): okay i don't see the list on inventory, will have to look on the site
Lanek Olenak: anyway, i am satisfied with L
Lanek Olenak: anyway, i am satisfied with L
Spring (Lanek Olenak): anyway, i am satisfied with L
Lanek Olenak: effin hell
BOB huckles
Michael (Talwin): You okay TMO?
Michael (Talwin): Also Hi :)
Springity Thingity: points and laughs
Spring (Springity Thingity): test
BOB Yeap
Branwyn: wow it's been a long time since I memorized for Branwyn
Lisa: I can't memorize all 4 slots for 5th level though - can only do 2
BOB Hmmm I know there is a fix for that Lisa
Branwyn: so on the record for 1 telekinesis and 1 monster summoning in case I need them
Lisa: the other 2 are teleport
Michael (Talwin): Life's Archive has been updated LIsa :)
Lisa: :)
Michael (Talwin): Also I'm here, just reading if anyone needs me. I'm paying attention
BOB and word from the developer of that Chat extension.... will be hard, as the chat log does not exist on the players side
Michael (Talwin): Can there be resources shared? Like a refresh every 20 minutes that shares an updated file?
BOB I can on my side, wry grin
BOB BUT we will see what happens
Talwin: LOL. OK :)
BOB for now we want to make sure that Carissa, Michael and Spring are happy with chracter sheets
BOB And then Lisa will do some more Roleplay
Michael (Talwin): Mine does not say what Master I am at as far as I can tell, but I think I am getting the bonuses
Michael (Talwin): Where do I verify that?
Carissa: I don't know. Probably. It has been a very long week. I was happy last week.
BOB I will look it over Michael for actualgame mechanic parts before your next combat
BOB Grins
BOB Thank you Carissa
Michael (Talwin): No worries. Then I assume my character sheet is fine honestly
BOB and thank you Spring
Michael (Talwin): I mean, it looks right
Lisa: oh sometime I want to identify monocle that spell ring
Lisa: before hell
BOB There was good Roleplay on the site if you missed it Springng and n Michael
Michael (Talwin): Reading right now :)
BOB and you can do that before going to Dryads Lair Lisa or after your choice
Spring: :-) i missed it. will look when i get a chance
Carissa (N'laea): (quiver too please!)
BOB Shiver also?
BOB Hmmm or would that be a wiggle alos
Lisa: does N'laea still want to go on library heist with Bran and Jenn?
Lisa: we can do that at the Inn in the sunlight if you want to do it there
Michael (Talwin): Steal the Drillian Declaration of Independence while youa re there
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): :)
Carissa: Sure if you want and have room
Carissa: (sorry cat distraction)
Carissa: She was mostly just going to meet Fives whenever that happens
Lisa: that would be on return from DL since no one at home knows Fives exists
BOB I am happy to do various roleplay bits and pieces and then parse them back into a correct timeline afterwards
Lisa: we have to get to DL to know
BOB Plus it helps to have TMO in when Fives is invovled
Carissa: Correct so however you think this'll work best for Bran - if that means N'laea joins to also find out that works for me
Lisa: works for me
Carissa: We don't need TMO. It's easy enough to be him.
Lisa: errrr
Carissa: "Math. Math math MATH math!"
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Lisa: I need TMO
Spring: heh
BOB So Jenn is 140, The two ambassadors are a total of 275
BOB to make things easy
Carissa: I thought you meant age and was going to say that explains a lot for her....
Michael (Talwin): LOL
BOB heh
Lisa: we're fine we have a 700 lb limit
BOB so N'alea is ???
BOB ok
BOB so they get a 200 pound luggage limit?
Lisa: 50 gp per bag
N'laea: You know we calculated her weight before and I don't think it transferred over... I think she was about 120?
BOB Without TMO how will we know how much that equals>?>?>
BOB grins
N'laea: "Math!!"
Michael (Talwin): It's like trying to figure out the take-off limit for a private airplane....
Carissa (N'laea): (disclaimer: knockoff TMO does not come with math skills)
BOB 735 is the total so far
Carissa (N'laea): so who's gonna lose a leg here so we can all fit?
BOB If they each get 100 pounds of luggage
BOB and remember that is N'alea and Jenn going with only clothes, no weapons, armor etc
Michael (Talwin): Oh Carissa, i'm almost positive you've taken Calc 1, probably up to Diff Calc. You are smarter at math then I will ever be.
Carissa (N'laea): admittedly I don't give myself credit, I actually do like math and can do it, but my brain refuses after 7 PM
BOB Oh just watch how fast you can break Carissa,
Carissa (N'laea): (so maybe not N'laea to make it easier for you, Lisa?)
Michael (Talwin): I took Calc 1 and thanked my professor for the C. And then I went into Software Architecture so suck it University of Utah
BOB If one dove is painted pink, how many other pigeons will be infected with flu inside of two weeks?
Carissa (N'laea): (not sure if they need just clothes?)
Carissa: People are idiots.
Carissa: But yes this is going to be a bad spring
BOB But seriously all five can go, just have to reduce to 50 instead of 100 as Lisa said
Michael (Talwin): It just takes me longer to learn the advanced stuff, but school is so expensive, that I couldn't affrod to retake course after course for the enginnering program. Sucks all around. But I like how I turned out, so I'm fine
BOB Jenn is happy with just her robes,
BOB I like how you turned out Michael
Carissa: lol agree
Carissa: to bothg
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): Aw, thanks :)
BOB Everytime I talk about the game and say Michael said this... Nyrma goes "oh is he the nice one?"
Michael (Talwin): No. Only sometimes...
Lisa: oh no the 50 gp per bag was the baggage fee for flying Branwyn airlines
Carissa: Michael is, Talwin... has his moments ;)
Spring: THE nice ONE
Michael (Talwin): Did you tell her I almost strangled a peasant?
Carissa: LOL
BOB Chuckles, Michael is the nice one, TMO is the big one
Michael (Talwin): I now try to be more zen.
Michael (Talwin): He is super tall
BOB and that will be good for you Michael, play Talwin as a newly changed, more calm master now that the sword is not encouraging bloodshed
Michael (Talwin): God I can't wait for setpember
Michael (Talwin): LOL Bob :)
'TMO' connected
BOB SO here is TMO
Lisa: yay!
Michael (Talwin): Hey TMO. Will the real TMO please stand up?
Spring: hi TMO!
BOB so now Lisa and Carissa can do the roleplay and blink to Dryads Lair
'Lemon' connected
BOB and there is Lemon!
Lisa: Hi TMO :)
BOB Huzzah
Lisa: Hi Lemon :)
BOB So as they get adjusted
Carissa: Hi Lemon and TMO!
Lemon: Hello!
Michael (Talwin): Hey Lemon!
BOB Let us go with Branwyn and N'laea back in Dragon Fen outside the Manor House along the streets of Otterville talking
BOB About what this upcoming trip will be like
N'laea: I have never been to Dryads Lair.
Branwyn: You will likely hate it
BOB the camera pans out over the tops of the Valoris Wood, down over the wizard tower, across the moat, down the path through a small hamlet to an open field with two women walking
Branwyn: laughs
N'laea: nods
Branwyn: It is a large city full of buildings and people
N'laea: At least it will be a shorter time there than how long the others plan to spend.
N'laea: No trees?
Branwyn: Oh there are some for decoration but you need to move to the outskirts to really feel any nature
N'laea: Hmm. Well I am happy to help you as needed, but I hope we will be quick.
Running to catch up
Dahlia Branadarus: Mom Mom,
Dahlia Branadarus: Where are you going?
Branwyn: Dahlia hello!
Branwyn: smiles
Slows down from running to walk slower with the adults
Branwyn: Just a quick trip to Dryads Lair to drop off the new ambassadors
Dahlia Branadarus: No No NO! You said the last one was a quick trip
Dahlia Branadarus: You were gone for EVER
TMO: almost here....
Branwyn: I won't be gone longer than a couple of days
Dahlia Branadarus: You can't go without me
Dahlia Branadarus: I will tell the Queen
Branwyn: I'm staying on this plane. No more of that funny time stuff. I promise!
Branwyn: She's the one that wants me to take them
TMO: here!
Dahlia Branadarus: I can go too then
Carissa (N'laea): (echo!)
Lisa (Branwyn): Hi TMO
Branwyn: Oh baby, I don't have any room
Dahlia Branadarus: I am NOT a baby anymore!
Branwyn: I have to take their luggage and Jennevive
Dahlia Branadarus: I can do things
Michael (Talwin): (I will tell the queen?)
Cantrips up a small flower
Branwyn: I know you can! But you are my baby still
Branwyn: claps
Michael (Talwin): (that's like running to one parent when the first says no)
Branwyn: That is beautiful!
frowns and smiles at the same time
Dahlia Branadarus: But
Dahlia Branadarus: Thank you
Dahlia Branadarus: I have been working on them
Branwyn: Demi has to stay home too
Dahlia Branadarus: Jilly likes them for the dinner table
Dahlia Branadarus: of COURSE he does, he is just a kid
N'laea: Tiberius is not coming.
TMO: ages?
Branwyn: You can get your father to do all the things you want him too but can
Branwyn: can't becuase I'm home
Michael (Talwin): AFK (10 Min)
Dahlia Branadarus: He made us promise not to tell you
Branwyn: smiles
Branwyn: That doesn't mean I don't have a good idea about them
Dahlia Branadarus: OH I need to see Kenna, she has some goop for Jilly
Dahlia Branadarus: I will see you later mom
Dahlia Branadarus: RUNS ahead
Branwyn: Okay. Run along then
Branwyn: laughs
Branwyn: And that didn't last long
N'laea: Still an age with short attention spans.
N'laea: How long does that usually last for humans?
TMO: does it ever end?
Branwyn: Anyway N'laea, we have to take the ambassadors to their new home and then hopefully the next morning we can pop into the Royal Library
Carissa (N'laea): nope!
N'laea: nods
Branwyn: Depends on the person
Lisa (Branwyn): to the above
Branwyn: Jennevive said she would see what she could find out at the Celestry so between the two I hope we can get some solid answers for the trip to hell
Digging in the dirt to the southwest corner of the intersection of the center square of Otterville
N'laea: Yes. Finding out more so we can prepare for that will be worth the trip.
Looks up
N'laea: And this Jennevive is... helpful?
Jennevive: Find out what?
Branwyn: About hell of course
Branwyn: Jennevive, this is N'laea
N'laea: nods a hello
Jennevive: Too hot or too cold depending on your preferences
Branwyn: N'Laea this is Jennevive
Jennevive: and Hmmmm
Branwyn: N'Laea is coming with us
Jennevive: You are the Elven Ranger that thinks to replace Shi
N'laea: Replace Shi? No.
TMO: (on the nose! :P )
Carissa (N'laea): Shhhhhhh
Jennevive: OH do not dismiss it so quickly...
Jennevive: Younger
Jennevive: Prettier
N'laea: raises a brow
Jennevive: Fewer deaths on your hands
N'laea: Older. I would not think so. And certainly not.
TMO: (so far...)
Jennevive: I think that you underestimate your powers
N'laea: No. I know it. But I do not think you can compare us except for being elves.
Jennevive: Shi was very responsible for so many meeting an untimely end
Branwyn: Jenn ...
TMO: (All Elves are Alike has entered the chat...)
Jennevive: But I can see why you want to be ...
Carissa (N'laea): lol
N'laea: That you know of, but you do not know my history to judge it.
N'laea: And you only know part of hers.
Jennevive: I am always so entertained by the people that Branwyn brings into my orbit
Jennevive: It is another reason to love her
N'laea: She has been a good, unexpected friend. It is why I'm willing to help her.
Branwyn: I live to entertain you
Jennevive: Enough to go to Hell for her? (to N'laea)
Jennevive: Warm smile and blows a kiss to Branwyn
N'laea: She faced a goddess for me.
Jennevive: But only one
N'laea: Only one that revealed themselves.
Michael (Talwin): Is 1 not enough???
TMO: Jenn doesn't deal in 'enough'
Branwyn: How many goddesses would you like me to encounter?
BOB Hello Lemon, hope you are enjoying the introduction to Jennevive
Michael (Talwin): 00N, the god is not enough...
Jennevive: I would hope you want to become one
Branwyn: laughs
Jennevive: So many young boys and girls have called me
Lemon: She seems like she has a lot in common with other NPCs
Lemon: In that she instantly annoys me
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Carissa (N'laea): she is definitely a character
Carissa (N'laea): and definitely an evil alignment
Michael (Talwin): Talwin has entered the chat about strangling...
Michael (Talwin): She's EVIL
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Lisa (Branwyn): but she has been extremely helpful at times ...
Jennevive: I do need to speak with you Branwyn after we get back
Carissa (N'laea): yes very much
Branwyn: Of course
Carissa (N'laea): so she excels there over other NPCs ;)
Jennevive: I have given Branadarus some things to find for me
TMO: funny how she never showed up when Brer was here ;)
Michael (Talwin): That she has....I can't say she's not entertaining. Some of my most memorable, if uncomfortable moments :)
Carissa (N'laea): he can return whenever he wants...
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): But I've grown fond of Lanek....
Branwyn: I'm sure he would be happy to help
Michael (Talwin): and his wise ways...
Jennevive: Slides a bag of dirt into her belt pouch
Michael (Talwin): I've got a Bag of Dirt!
Branwyn: frowns
Jennevive: Do you know when you will be leaving for Dryads Lair?
Branwyn: As soon as everyone is ready
TMO: any of my former PCs can return at any time Bob wants them.
Jennevive: Then I will make sure I am ready in two days
Branwyn: Why are you digging around in my dirt, by the way?
Michael (Talwin): It's what YOU want TMO :)
Michael (Talwin): Giving back some friendly advice you always give me :)
Jennevive: I needed some dirt with the blood of a loyal servant who was wronged
Carissa (N'laea): Michael is the nice one here after all
Michael (Talwin): Shh, I have a reputration to maintain
Branwyn: Here?
Branwyn: sighs
TMO: They all retired at perfectly logical places in their stories for me. If Bob wants to involve them in a new story, he just has to say so. :)
Branwyn: I will speak with Nevin
Jennevive: There was an accolyte that was here in the square and then was hit by a farmer with a rake because he would not bless the beer he was brewing
Branwyn: shakes her head
Michael (Talwin): Pff. Pretty soon Talwin will start building out the Protectorate and igniting the fires of industy (although the forests wont fall), all of your characters should come enjoy the protectorate :)
TMO: the only one lacking anything was Marisu, and the problem there is that she should have been the main PC, not a side-character. nothing wrong with anything other than that.
Branwyn: Why wouln't he give a blessing?
Jennevive: This will make a very nice component for an Anger spell
Michael (Talwin): Could always use a Brer around the Mists....
Jennevive: He was abstaining
Michael (Talwin): :)
TMO: Ilero and Shur are here, Marisu has her own county to run, and Brer is off hunting vampires. :)
Michael (Talwin): lol
Branwyn: All right. We shall see you in two days at the Inn
Michael (Talwin): It was always his passion...
Jennevive: How long will we be gone?
TMO: His Mission. Capital M. Raison d'Etre (hope I'm using that right)
Branwyn: Abstaining from blessings - maybe he deserved a rake - she murmured
Jennevive: I really hope my old room is available
Branwyn: Just a few days. Get the ambassadors settled, go to the library, Celestry and then back home
Michael (Talwin): Who here will argue? It sounds right to me :)
Jennevive: I hope you can handle the library on your own,
Branwyn: I'm sure I can. N'laea will be with me and perhaps my travelling friends will have made it to the city
Branwyn: I thought you wanted to go though
Jennevive: GOD I wish we had the time to tie Agatha up and teach her a lesson
Michael (Talwin): Darn dogs. I love them, but man they have the worst timing. Be back in a few. Pretend I'm saying something witty every now and then
Branwyn: laughs
Jennevive: You and I could have so much fun with her
Branwyn: She will get her lessons as she goes
Jennevive: But I need to do research in the Celestry
Branwyn: Good
Jennevive: I do not have time to tie you up
Branwyn: I'd like to see you try
Jennevive: So would I
Branwyn: laughs again
warm wicked smile
Branwyn: See you at the Inn Jennevive
Jennevive: I will see you in two days
Branwyn: Come on N'Laea
Walks off towards the lighthouse to the east
N'laea: You have a fascinating relationship with her.
TMO: I hope Jilly's little poison on Jenn has worn off
Carissa (N'laea): oh forgot about that
N'laea: WAIT
Branwyn: I lived with her for more than a year and we have saved each other many times through that time
Carissa (N'laea): (ooc)
BOB warm smile
TMO: *I* remembered something Carissa didn't???
TMO: (you beat me to typing it
Carissa (N'laea): wth is going on with me today??
N'laea: nods
BOB love you both
N'laea: Those kind of bonds can certainly evolve into something interesting. It is good you have someone you can rely on.
Branwyn: I wouldn't go that far.
Branwyn: She enjoys the chaos that seems to follow me and I believe we respect each other's power
N'laea: Ah. So reliable but only under specific circumstances and conditions?
Branwyn: Yes. I don't trust her completely, but sometimes she is extraordinarily handy to have around
Branwyn: I think hell and her will get along nicely
N'laea: That is good to know. So she is going to hell as well?
Branwyn: I hope so
Lisa (Branwyn): :)
Spring (Lanek Olenak): has anyone said anything about making sure we have a handbasket?
Carissa (N'laea): way back when but always a good reminder!
Spring (Lanek Olenak): large enough to hold everyone?
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
BOB brb getting drinks then will be ready to jump to Dryads Lair
Lisa: Lemon - did you pick a spell?
Lemon: Um, no, this week has been A WEEK, I have done nothing
Lisa: sorry :(
Lemon: I need to pick a mage spell?
BOB I think that is the best thing to work on next
Lemon: I mean illusionist?
Lemon: Either/or?
BOB One spell from the school of Illusion
BOB You get for free
Carissa (N'laea): Rainbow Pattern OR a completely new spell (would have to look to see what else it could be)
Lisa: this is really your shot to get something that if you didn't get it for free would take weeks and 1000s og gold to try to research
Lemon: Pretty sure Carissa sent me a list somewhere?
Carissa (N'laea): Not for 4th level spells
Carissa (N'laea): Probably in the mage book or something?
Lanek Olenak: hi Lemon! i missed you coming in
Spring (Lanek Olenak): sigh
Lisa: I always tried to pick stuff I hadn't seen in scrolls etc
Lemon: Oh! I have a computer that can do things now! I can probably load modules!!!!!
Carissa (N'laea): LOL
BOB grins
Lemon: Now I just need to remember how...
Carissa (N'laea): Menus -> Modules
Michael (Talwin): back. sorry about that
Carissa (N'laea): what do you mean? you had some great witty comments a minute ago
Spring (Lanek Olenak): hahaha
Lemon: Ok yeah this thing is not helpful
Michael (Talwin): lol
TMO: I'm pulling up my spellbook thingy I can share over discord with Lemon if she wants me to
Carissa (N'laea): yeah that might work better
Lisa: p 247 of the pdf of Book 4 has illusion spells p 1110 of the book itself
Lisa: the Compendium
Michael (Talwin): (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Michael (Talwin): Permission to update this page later bob
Michael (Talwin): (Don't inturrupt game, just asking for later note)
Lisa: think the Dragon Fen page might work differently than the Protectorate unless you wanted to add for Dragon Fen itself
Michael (Talwin): just reviwing. but thank you :)
Michael (Talwin): It might be better
Michael (Talwin): your suggestion
Lisa: is a Bob question really - when I opened the link I didn't see Protectorate stuff so am thinking it is separate?
Michael (Talwin): I only saw Protectorate Supplies
Michael (Talwin): But Talwin is essentially running a barony with Spring
Michael (Talwin): but i did inturrupt the game and I apologize
Lisa: we are paused at the moment until we go back to IC - no worries
Michael (Talwin): Just was trying to take stock of current situation and planning for unlike me! :)
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): We really should get rid of the potion of Certain death...
BOB I think that the Protectorate is part of Dragon Fen so it should be under that accounting but also separate
Michael (Talwin): I mostly pretend that we send all of our taxes and stuff to Branwny if that helps
Michael (Talwin): :)
Michael (Talwin): Taking stock of what we have at the Protectorate, vs what we can obtain here
Lisa: haven't had an edition of weird game plot description in a while so here goes: Birth is an adventure puzzle game about constructing a creature from spare bones & organs found around the city in order to quell your loneliness. Solve physics-based puzzles & discover secrets in lovingly hand-drawn museums, bakeries, bookstores and more.
Michael (Talwin): We have 7 Potions of HEALTH, by gods, why don't we take some of those with us!
Lisa: You comb a city looking for spare organs?
Michael (Talwin): I'm...not sure how to respond to that Lisa
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lisa: potions of health are for poison and not healing but yes we should take some
Michael (Talwin): Thank you for that clarification
Talwin: Bob seriously, am I distracting? Do we all need to be doing something?
Talwin: Bob seriously, am I distracting? Do we all need to be doing something?
Michael (Talwin): Bob seriously, am I distracting? Do we all need to be doing something?
Spring (Lanek Olenak): we should rename them potions of anti-poison or something
Michael (Talwin): third time is the charm
BOB I am in chat with TMO and Lemon
Talwin: Ah okay. I feel less guilty now :)
Michael (Talwin): Ah okay. I feel less guilty now :)
BOB Making sure that Lemon is working on spells
Lisa: so we can continue to discuss looking for bones and organs to make a creature so we won't be lonely any more
BOB I am ready for Carissa and Lisa
Carissa: just now reading chat and thought Lisa was putting up another guest DM idea and was a little more concerned about a bone and organ creature adventure versus roomba...
Spring (Lanek Olenak): and i'm doing my they-pay-me job :-P
BOB Lisa do you have Shadow Monsters
Lisa: no
Michael (Talwin): I we get extra XP for building a creature?
BOB There we go that is the new Bixi Spell
Lisa: lol
Lisa: I have monster summoning so it's different
Lisa: good
BOB and out
BOB and here
Carissa: lol michale
Michael (Talwin): Man, 139 Greek Scrolls we stil lhave not identified.
Lisa: we need to sell those
Michael (Talwin): Or sell them
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lisa: we don't have any greek priests
Carissa: ....yet
BOB so Lemon is better with spells
Lisa: no more priests!
BOB and we are back to Branwyn in Dragon Fen
Michael (Talwin): Oh yeah, we can't forget the Chalice of Charon for hell. I'd hate to forfiet that irony
Lisa: yes I wanted to bring it just in case
Lisa: you never know!
Michael (Talwin): Anyways, sorry lol
Michael (Talwin): go ahead bob :)
Lemon: Ok how do I update myself now?
Lemon: What do I need to do?
BOB N'laea and Branwyn discussing
BOB Then when ready we CLICK for them to Teleport to Dryads Lair and the Ambassadors Residence
BOB into the court yard
Michael (Talwin): Whatever else happens, Talwin gets to give Bran her present. That is all for this public announcement
BOB At a minimum Howard, Indigo would want to bed down there, it is the Drillian Ambassador's Residence and they both lived there before
BOB So Lisa and Carissa both have characters there in addition to the NPCs
BOB plus perhaps others
Branwyn: I would think Talwin would be there
BOB That makes sense
Michael (Talwin): (Are we matching times?)
Carissa (N'laea): he's allowed a short break
Michael (Talwin): (Later?)
Michael (Talwin): Then i'm so excited
Michael (Talwin): like, 4 weeks excited
BOB Squishy time over 7 months
Lisa (Branwyn): and Bixi and Daphene since they don't know anyone in the city
BOB There you go Lemon
Lisa (Branwyn): Not sure about Raelynn or Craigh
BOB Rae I would say no
Carissa (N'laea): awww
BOB same with Youtargim, as he is with Rae or her mother
Carissa (N'laea): lol of course
Lisa (Branwyn): Lanek would be at the house with us
BOB So everyone is ready?
TMO: yep
Spring (Lanek Olenak): yep
BOB I will ping the Discord to let them know also
BOB as Lisa and Carissa RP out the going to the Inn and Teleport
Carissa (N'laea): (and good - one less character for me to juggle. they can be getting their nails done)
Michael (Talwin): And then we will all mostly be with Bran at the house
Michael (Talwin): right?
Michael (Talwin): lol Carissa
BOB for new characters who have never done this sort of magic before
N'laea: I always miss the sun.
BOB and likely have not see the sun in years
Michael (Talwin): Unless they visited the Inn...
Branwyn: that is one thing the city has
Lemon: Wait, am I good on my character sheet? I don't know how to know
N'laea: Good.
TMO (Craigh): do you have the spell in your actions now?
Michael (Talwin): Bob, should we help Lemon first?
N'laea: It is hard to adjust to this.
Branwyn: I know. Going out in the sun will be fine. It's coming back that is the hard part
N'laea: nods
BOB Lemon, Bixi will not KNOW this spell yet, she will be learning it in the Residence when Branwyn shows up
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, that's fine, I just want to make sure that's all I needed to do? Pick the spell?
N'laea: Oh. Will you be able to look at the quiver again? Although perhaps we should wait until we return and do not have company.
Dahlia Branadarus: I am here!
Branwyn: We can do it before we leave or when we get to the city. We would have more privacy there I think
Branwyn: Hello Dahlia. Come to see us off?
N'laea: Ah. Good point.
Dahlia Branadarus: I am going with you
Branwyn: No you are not. We discussed this
Dahlia Branadarus: Yes you told me no
Dahlia Branadarus: That is not a discussion
Branwyn: Which means no
Dahlia Branadarus: Jennevive taught me that
Dahlia Branadarus: Consent is important
TMO (Craigh): Kids. Can't live with 'em, can't sell 'em to the circus
Dahlia Branadarus: I did not agree
Carissa (N'laea): ....or can you....?
TMO (Craigh): I've tried. No go.
Branwyn: And you do not have my consent to go and so that is the end of that
Dahlia Branadarus: Did you know she can tie fourteen different knots?
Branwyn: It does not surprise me in the slightest
Jennevive: I only taught you fourteen different ones
'Shislif' connected
Dahlia Branadarus: I just want to go on an adventure
Branwyn: But you must go home because if you cross the gate into the Inn you will get sick
Branwyn: Have your father take you on an adventure while I'm gone
Jennevive: I am forced to agree with your mother that she does have the final word
Jennevive: See
Michael (Talwin): Talwin will let her ride him like a pony if she's casting spells while he slashes people to tiny bits...
Jennevive: She says you need to go on an adventure
'Lorie' connected
Jennevive: Go talk with your father, and go off to the goblin caves
Jennevive: You will have a great adventure
Branwyn: smiles
BOB hello Lorie and Sharif
Michael (Talwin): Hey guys! :)
Sharif: hello hello :)
Carissa (N'laea): hi guys
Branwyn: Only if you are with your brother, father and the cats
Dahlia Branadarus: But Demi gets to fight goblins
Dahlia Branadarus: I want to explore
Lisa (Branwyn): Hi Lorie and Sharif!
Dahlia Branadarus: Oh OH OH!!!!!
Dahlia Branadarus: Yes
Dahlia Branadarus: YES!
Dahlia Branadarus: I get to take the cats
Sharif: hi :)
Dahlia Branadarus: LOVE you Mom
Branwyn: Love you too precious!
N'laea: Be nice to them.
Dahlia Branadarus: Demi has to admit to that
Watches her turn and run off
Jennevive: So
Branwyn: She is getting unmanageable. If she snuck in and grabbed me she would have blown the spell
Jennevive: I am
Jennevive: Uncertain
Jennevive: Children are chaotic
Jennevive: perhaps Red and I should have
Branwyn: laughs
Michael (Talwin): that's a thought best left unexplored :)
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Branwyn: Your children would have been most interesting
Spring (Lanek Olenak): hahahaha
Lisa (Branwyn): lol Michael
Jennevive: So N'laea are you ready to go brave Hell?
Jennevive: At least your version of it
N'laea: It will prepare me for actual Hell.
Jennevive: I think the City will be worse for you
N'laea: It could be.
Jennevive: Agatha, this is N'laea the person ... well Elf... that will be joining us on our trip
Licornah: (Evening all...sorry was just loading )
Carissa (N'laea): nods a hello
Lisa (Branwyn): Hi Lorie :)
Michael (Talwin): Hi Lorie!
N'laea: nods a hello
Jennevive: You should learn from her, there will be more like her outside of the city
Jennevive: North beyond the wall, where horrible things live
BOB Agatha nods slowly
N'laea: Those keeps out the unwanted visitors
Branwyn: Oh stop!
BOB Our cozy little group, off to protect the Kingdom from the Empire
BOB Everyone ready?
Lisa (Branwyn): shall I roll?
BOB yes please
Shislif (Zayden): think so :)
Branwyn: Everyone hold on and don't let go
Michael (Talwin): May the odds be ever in your "don't telport them 500 ft above the ground" :)
Carissa (N'laea): get this party rolling?
N'laea: grabs hold
Branwyn: concentrates on the courtyard by the fountain
Branwyn: [CAST] Teleport
Lanek Olenak: gripping
TMO (Craigh): good think this isn't Rae - she might have grabbed somewhere inappropriate
Zayden: whoa!
Image: Dryads Lair Residence Renovated First Floor
Branwyn: [10d100 = 529]
Carissa (N'laea): LOL what kind of woman do you think she is?
Lisa (Branwyn): whoops
Michael (Talwin): I was scratching my head at that lol
Branwyn: [d100 = 22]
TMO (Craigh): the kind that might get handsy if given the opportunity. :)
Lisa (Branwyn): thought it was a d10
Carissa (N'laea): (but she absolutely would cuddle up closer than needed)
Lisa (Branwyn): anyway 22 is nice and safe
Carissa (N'laea): woo!
BOB So Branwyn, Jennevive, N'laea and the two new abassadors arrive in the Residence
Branwyn: Welcome to Ashcroft Manor
BOB where after a short WHOOOSH
BOB the group materializes
BOB and Servants yell and make a fuss
Michael (Talwin): Do they cower in fear?
TMO (Craigh): as servants tend wont to
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
Michael (Talwin): lol
TMO (Craigh): *are wont to do
Gerald Whitwatcher: Who are you!
TMO (Craigh): what is a Whit, and Why is he Watching it?
Michael (Talwin): Oh, lay the smackdown!
Michael (Talwin): Or let Jennevieve
Michael (Talwin): :)
Branwyn: Good day. I am Countess Branwyn the Mysterious Branadarus escorting the new Ambassador from Drillian
Lorie (Licornah): (Well, Whits used to be a major party in the early US voting history, bus alas, they faded out for some odd reason with white wigs...)
Lorie (Licornah): (j/k)
Jaw drops just a bit
Branwyn: Meet Mis Agatha Finefur and the Queen's REpresentative Earl Bolpel
Gerald Whitwatcher: Wait, who?
Branwyn: I am sorry I am not sure what your proper titles are
Gerald Whitwatcher: I mean I know who you are Countess
Gerald Whitwatcher: But why are you here?
Gerald Whitwatcher: I mean
Gerald Whitwatcher: I
Gerald Whitwatcher: Hmmmmm
Michael (Talwin): I was unaware Branwyn was banished from this household...
Branwyn: I just said. To deliver the new Ambassador
Branwyn: I am much faster than a ship
Gerald Whitwatcher: The new ambassador is due to arrive by...
Michael (Talwin): Now
TMO (Craigh): faster than a speeding locomotive
Michael (Talwin): lol
Gerald Whitwatcher: Yes that would be a very true statement
Gerald Whitwatcher: and Branwyn the Mysterious, Bows
Branwyn: Is Phillipe still here?
Gerald Whitwatcher: You were an excellent ambassador by all acounts
Michael (Talwin): Oh my god I forgot aboout Phillipe
Gerald Whitwatcher: No I am his replacement
Branwyn: Thank you
Michael (Talwin): Man, brings back memories
Gerald Whitwatcher: He retired 7 years ago
TMO (Craigh): especially all the highly-edited accounts that we censored before leaving
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): Aint that the truth
Michael (Talwin): Wink
Branwyn: I hope that he is well. And you name please?
Gerald Whitwatcher: I am Gerald, Master Gerald Whitwatcher, my parents were born in the Mosskin Estates, I was sent here 10 years ago to learn the craft
Michael (Talwin): It's been so long....
Gerald Whitwatcher: I had thought I was here to learn, then go home,
Michael (Talwin): Suprise!
Gerald Whitwatcher: but Phillipe kept me here and then I ... inherited the job?
Branwyn: Ahhh ... well that happens. It is a pleasure to meet you Gerald.
Gerald Whitwatcher: It has not been bad
Gerald Whitwatcher: This will be my third ambassador
TMO (Craigh): don't worry, it'll get worse
Branwyn: I don't suppose Arabella or Joseph are still here?
Michael (Talwin): Nice TMO
Michael (Talwin): lol
Gerald Whitwatcher: We have hosted several people who know you Countess
Gerald Whitwatcher: Arabella I know she lives in the city still
Gerald Whitwatcher: Joseph does not sound familar
Gerald Whitwatcher: OH
Gerald Whitwatcher: OH
Gerald Whitwatcher: Looks at Jennevive, are you Jilly?
Gerald Whitwatcher: I have heard about you
Michael (Talwin): oh my god
Gerald Whitwatcher: the amazing cook and more
Michael (Talwin): that poor man
TMO (Craigh): *clouds of doom roll in overhead*
Jennevive: Grins and curtseys
Jennevive: Thank you, it is always a wonderful thing to be remembered fondly
Michael (Talwin): He will suicide by defenestration
Jennevive: Tell me how did you hear about me?
Gerald Whitwatcher: Arabella told me that I needed to find a manager and a cook when she left
Gerald Whitwatcher: that I shoudl send for you
Gerald Whitwatcher: That Branwyn depended on you
Gerald Whitwatcher: and that if I could ever get you to come back it would make my life so much better
Gerald Whitwatcher: How can I convince you to stay?
Gerald Whitwatcher: Oh, glances up at the Countess
Gerald Whitwatcher: I am sorry
Branwyn: Gerald ... this is Jennevive, the Queen's representative that served here at the same time I did. She is not a cook
Gerald Whitwatcher: that is why she left before isn't it
Michael (Talwin): This is delicious to watch. Like a derailing train. Horrible, but you just can't take your eyes away...
Jennevive: Oh why did you say that, I would love to eat him up
Michael (Talwin): Chokes
Branwyn: Because he deserves a little kindness now that we have just dropped in on him from the sky
Branwyn: Perhaps we should get the new Ambassadors settled?
Jennevive: Do be a dar Gerald and run a warm bath for me, I will be off to pay my respects in the Celestry and when I come back this evening I will want to endulge
Jennevive: I will see you all at dinner
Gerald Whitwatcher: Ummmm
Gerald Whitwatcher: Looks at Branwyn
Michael (Talwin): Maybe he will find a way to convince her to stay.....
Michael (Talwin): We can dream....
Gerald Whitwatcher: There are people here
Michael (Talwin): :)
Gerald Whitwatcher: Admiral Indigo
Branwyn: Jenn? See if you can find out what the time differential will be for the trip to the hell plane? I don't want a repeat of last time and lose years
Gerald Whitwatcher: a mage
Gerald Whitwatcher: Elves
Gerald Whitwatcher: amazing, he mutters
Gerald Whitwatcher: OH
Branwyn: Oh good! They made it! Dinner will be wonderful
Gerald Whitwatcher: Looks up at the balcony and spots Licornah and Zayden coming out of the lounge at the sound of all the comotion in the courtyard
Gerald Whitwatcher: Looks at Licornah, More elves? gestures at N'laea
N'laea: We do exist.
Lorie (Licornah): (oooh, I made the cast list as... "unnamed elf #2" ;o) )
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Michael (Talwin): And to be clear, Talwin is here?
Zayden: What's all the comotion?
Michael (Talwin): LOL Zayden
TMO (Craigh): at least you made the list
Michael (Talwin): I love that character
Licornah: :: gives a wave from the balcony ::
TMO (Craigh): I'm lumped in "others"
Carissa (N'laea): who are you again?
Shislif (Zayden): lol Zay is still catching up :)
Branwyn: Hello Zayden! Licornah! Good to see you!
Lorie (Licornah): (in the theater, there are no small parts.. only small people LOL)
BOB Yes to be clear this is the place everyone would stay for free, so when you are not out at farms like Licornah is many times, or Tlawin is training, or Howard is off courting youwould be here
Carissa (N'laea): off courting? lol
Lanek Olenak: looks profoundly uncomfortable and out of his element
Michael (Talwin): So I can give her her present now then?
Branwyn: Hello Lanek!
BOB No, it would be back at Drakeshead
Zayden: Oh hey Lanek!
Michael (Talwin): Gotcha
Zayden: How's the flute?
Lanek Olenak: nods to Bran, grimaces at Zayden
Zayden smiles in return
Lanek Olenak: safely pocketed, how's yer --
Michael (Talwin): lol
Licornah: :: descends the staircase :: Have you all been here long?
Lanek Olenak: looks at Bran and stops himself
Licornah: It's good to see you all in good health
Lanek Olenak: looks at Bran and stops himself
Branwyn: laughs
Branwyn: We have just arrived. I think we were a bit of a surprise for the staff
Branwyn: It's too bad I can't give a teleport warning
Lanek Olenak: it was a surprise for me and i was in it
Felice Swiftbrew: Now see here, I cannot have you mudding up the courtyard again I have told you Licornah that this just will not do, and Lanek what do you think you are doing dragging that ..... thing .... out of the stables
Felice Swiftbrew: And who are you? (Looking at Branwyn and guests) You cannot just barge in here un announced
Felice Swiftbrew: You will have to make an appointment
Felice Swiftbrew: Just go back the way you came and you can start again
Zayden: No walk-ins?
Branwyn: smiles
TMO (Craigh): brb - have to run a quick errand. Craigh is off in town doing unknown things
Licornah: :: raises brow :: I showered before I went to dinner with Rae and her mother -- thank you. I even pressed my robes.
Spring (Lanek Olenak): what am i dragging?
User has gone AFK. (TMO)
Michael (Talwin): the cat in I suppose
Branwyn: The new Ambassador needs an appointment to assume her duties?
Branwyn: Come Agatha. Take charge.
Branwyn: This is your appointment
Felice Swiftbrew: Any new Ambassador should check in first of course
N'laea: watches with interest
Felice Swiftbrew: THEN I will see to how to settle any visitors
Michael (Talwin): Oh my god. The buracracy in motion
Felice Swiftbrew: But you are not on my list
Felice Swiftbrew: so you can just go back and try again
Licornah: Oh, I think with out her, you have no list...
Branwyn: I am sure Gerald shall explain everything
Lorie (Licornah): (Check yourself before you wreck yourself Felice... )
Gerald Whitwatcher: Felice, this is Countess Branwyn the Mysterious
Michael (Talwin): If Talwin is here, he is mortified
Gerald Whitwatcher: I think she does not need an invitation
Shislif (Zayden): brb
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Felice Swiftbrew: EVERYONE needs an Invitation
Felice Swiftbrew: That is how you keep things organzied
Michael (Talwin): Is your fired, a thing here?
Gerald Whitwatcher: Felice, I hope you like being a mouse
Gerald Whitwatcher: She can make you a mouse
Branwyn: Agatha, am I invited?
Michael (Talwin): How she has such endless patience never ceases to amaze me. Talwin must learn this skill
BOB Agatha looks around and nods, Welcome to Ashcroft Manor, Countess Branwyn the Mysterious, former Ambassador for Drillian and the Queen's advisor on all things magical
Felice Swiftbrew: Jaw drops
Lanek Olenak: And ENTOURAGE!
Talwin: Hear hear!
Branwyn: laughs
Gerald Whitwatcher: Felice, this is where you welcome our new Ambassador and thank the Countess for bringing her so swiftly to us
Lorie (Licornah): (Unnamed cast members be seen)
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Branwyn: I am so pleased you all got here before me
Lanek Olenak: clears throat
Felice Swiftbrew: I
Felice Swiftbrew: well
Felice Swiftbrew: We have had many people come through the Residence over the last few weeks, I am glad to welcome you
Branwyn: Thank you for the warm welcome. It is much appreciated
Felice Swiftbrew: I will be certain to have the proper .... accompaniments for you this evening
Felice Swiftbrew: BOWS to Branwyn
Branwyn: Thank you
Felice Swiftbrew: Nods to Agatha, I can show you to your quarters Ambassador
BOB Felice takes the two of them off to their quarters
Gerald Whitwatcher: Thank you Countess
Gerald Whitwatcher: Your friends have spoken kindly of you
Gerald Whitwatcher: But no one told me you were coming
Branwyn: I know this is sudden. I appreciate your patience and understanding
Branwyn: I don't suppose we could use the salon so the my friends and I can catch up?
Gerald Whitwatcher: I .. are the rumors true?
Branwyn: Rumors?
Gerald Whitwatcher: Did you freeze women and drop them in the fountain?
Branwyn: sighs
Gerald Whitwatcher: Admiral Indigo swears it was not true
Branwyn: No no. A frozen woman did drop into the fountain but that had nothing to do with me
Gerald Whitwatcher: That is what the locals said, that frozen dead women would just show up here
Gerald Whitwatcher: Admrial Indigo said it was not only you
Gerald Whitwatcher: But...
Gerald Whitwatcher: I will send anyone up to the salon for you
gestures to Licornah and Zayden who are up there already
Branwyn: Nothing frozen shall arrive during my stay rest assured
Nods hopefully
Lanek Olenak: gorans
Lemon (Daphene): I feel like you can't guarantee that
Lanek Olenak: er groans
Branwyn: That would be wonderful. I missed the salon
BOB LOL with Lemon and Spring
Talwin: Grim faced
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Image: Dryads Lair Residence Renovated Second Floor
Lisa (Branwyn): frozen women don't follow us around - everything will be fine!
Carissa (N'laea): just hellhounds
Spring (Lanek Olenak): hubris. tempting fate.
Daria Kazak: Hello Miss Licornah, can I bring you any more drinks?
Daria Kazak: Sir Zayden, do you need more muffins?
User is back. (TMO)
Licornah: Oh no thank you ... I appreciate it. Did the corn turn out for you?
Daria Kazak: It was amazing
Zayden: saure I could go for some muffins!
Daria Kazak: Thank you so much for that
Zayden: Sure!
Daria Kazak: My father is so grateful
Zayden: 'Sir" so fancy
Talwin: I'd say so
Talwin: Nods
Daria Kazak: winks at Zayden, If you play for me again, show me how you slide up and down over that flute
Licornah: :: looks at her toes and says nothing ::
Daria Kazak: OH Hello Talwin, (very stiffly) I hope your training is going well
Daria Kazak: I will be back soon
Zayden: Oh well one certainly can't say no to such a proposition!
Heads out down the stairs
Lemon (Daphene): Man, the NPCs are such flirts
Shislif (Zayden): lol for real
Branwyn: It is so good to see you all! Tell me how your trip went ... and who is this?
BOB so eventually everyone makes it upstairs to the second floor and the salon
TMO (Craigh): you should've been here for the original Shurkural NPC
Branwyn: looks at Daphene
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh that's Daph! She's... um... she just wanted to come with us. Because I'm famous now.
Talwin: Laughs
Branwyn: You are? Tell me!
Daphene: stares, starstruck, at Branwyn
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I'm the Story Teller! Check this out!
Branwyn: And nice to meet you Daph
Bixi Fizzlebang: shows off the new lozenge or whatever it was on my robes
N'laea: You tell stories?
Branwyn: Very nice!
Daphene: waves
BOB One new Lozenge on the robes for her new level and a Book Emblem for being a Story teller
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah! Ghost stories! And other stories, but mostly ghost stories!
Michael (Talwin): Bixi would
Michael (Talwin): lol
Bixi Fizzlebang: And I'm writing a rock opera with Zayden!
Craigh: enters into the building from town, a small sack tied securely to his belt.
Branwyn: smiles
Zayden: Yay!
Talwin: Coughs, to cover a laugh
N'laea: A rock opera? What is a rock opera?
Zayden: It's like a regular opera, except it rocks!
Bixi Fizzlebang: It's a very difficult musical that tells a story
Daria Kazak: Oh Bixi tells lots of stories
Bixi Fizzlebang: Rocks are hard, writing is hard, you know
Branwyn: I hope you will perform it when we get home. The estate will like new entertainment
Daria Kazak: Zayden is very good at performing
Bixi Fizzlebang: But worth the effort for sure! It's about the hero Talwin!
Zayden: Thank you Daria
Talwin: Especially while sneaking
Talwin: Smiling wryly
Zayden: Oh it's great story, and mostly true as well
Bixi Fizzlebang: gross, Daria, keep it in your pants
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc
Daria Kazak: I am not sure what the Countess wants so I brought up some different things
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Talwin: Brightens at Branwny!
Talwin: Great News!
Branwyn: Talwin!
Talwin: I have something exciting for you!
Talwin: But er
Talwin: not here at the moment. I er
Craigh: sees the new arrivals in the room, waves jauntily in their direction and changes direction toward the stairs up to his room.
Talwin: Well
Zayden: I'm not falling for that old line again!
Talwin: It's safe
Talwin: But you'll love it!
Zayden: oh ok then
Bixi Fizzlebang: (to Zayden) Yeah! A little bit of embellishment, for entertainment purposes, but yeah, mostly true for sure!
Zayden smiles
Branwyn: I'm sure I will. You met your sword master then I take it?
N'laea: watches Craigh escape with some envy
Talwin: As Bright as he hasn't been in years
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, and Talwin got rid of his evil sword
Talwin: As Bright as he hasn't been in years
Zayden: (To Bixi) Oh yes, it must entertain, and true life can be rather dull at times
Talwin: Yes and Kinda of Yes!
Talwin: I would get up and formally bow but I think my arms and legs mostly stopped working some time ago
N'laea: That is good.
Carissa (N'laea): (the evil sword being gone)
Talwin: Soon after training started
Zayden: must make it hard to play with your sword Tal
Zayden snickers
Daria Kazak: If only his mouth would stop too softly to the side
Talwin: Grunts
Talwin: But defintely you'll love it!
Daria Kazak: Licornah has been very good at helping the village with their crops
Talwin: So excited, but dissapointed he didn't bring the present
Daria Kazak: She even helped with the birth of twin calves
Branwyn: That is very kind of you Licornah. I am sure you are making a name for yourself here!
Licornah: :: smiles at Daria :: that's kind of you to say. I just offered some help and made a few furry friends along the way. The calves were happy surprises.
Daria Kazak: SHE is very helpful
Bixi Fizzlebang: So THAT'S where you've been hiding, Licornah
Licornah: :: shakes head quickly :: Nope, no name here. I've been keeping a low profile
Michael (Talwin): Making friends is her speciality :)
Licornah: I did befriend the librarian though ..
Branwyn: You will be surprised how well people will remember
Branwyn: Oh which library?
Licornah: and the pastry chef at the inn
Licornah: Library of Lore
Branwyn: I don't think I have been there. Is it nice?
Daria Kazak: Helop is an amazing chef, he makes the most mouth watering
Daria Kazak: I will bring some for you
Goes off
Licornah: Yes, the Silver Frog is a nicer establishment
Licornah: I visited after farming during the day.
Branwyn: The Silver Frog ... isn't that one of the thieves' guild inns?
Licornah: :: shrug :: everyone was nice and no one tried to rob me
Branwyn: I don't think I have been ... Ilero would know.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Well makes sense that it was so nice then... they probably didn't have to pay for most of it
Lorie (Licornah): (But perhaps it's because they think I'm crazy asking if they know Storm or Alustriel Silverhand from Silverymoon)
Michael (Talwin): lol bixi
Licornah: I have visted some of the other inns, but everyone was nicest there
N'laea: I have not seen Raelynn. Did she make it here okay?
Branwyn: I think Indigo may have met with Penelope there. He would probably agree Licornah
Licornah: She was visting her mother -- she hosted all of us for dinner
N'laea: Ah good. It seems you all survived the trip then?
Licornah: Yes, but I'm glad to be on dry land for these past few months. I'm not a sailor ...
Craigh: comes back down, having changed clothes, and steps into the room and into a chair off to one side to listen.
Talwin: I must admit, sailing is only fun when it's uneventful
Talwin: or we are looting other ships
Talwin: either or
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, I disagree
Bixi Fizzlebang: For awhile dinner kept coming right to us!
Talwin: Nods happily
Talwin: I also got what was the word bixi?
Talwin: "Glitter Bombed?"
Daphene: sits near Craigh, but not TOO near Craigh
TMO (Craigh): "Gonorrhea"
N'laea: "Glitter bombed?"
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): Jeeze TMO
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
Michael (Talwin): Oh good I remembered
Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not sure I named it, but that's a great name!
Talwin: Oh good I remembered
Talwin: It sucked
Talwin: But is funny in hindsight
N'laea: What is that?
Talwin: Oh Bixi! Show N'laea!
Bixi Fizzlebang: snickers
N'laea: No thank you.
Talwin: Tries to desperatly hold in a laugh
Talwin: Tries to desperatly hold in a laugh
Bixi Fizzlebang: Sorry, Tal, it's all gone into the lotion
Talwin: Snorts
Bixi Fizzlebang: Rae made a beautiful glitter lotion that a dragon liked!
Talwin: Seems lighter, tired, but more relaxed
Talwin: less brooding
N'laea: That sounds like her.
N'laea: Er. You met a dragon?
Branwyn: Dragon? You faced a dragon? What kind?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Dang, that sword really was destroying you
Craigh: nods a greeting to Daph, and continues listening to the conversation.
BOB Note this is in the middle of all the training, and learning the group is doing, Branwyn and N'laea just show up unexpectedly in the middle of it all, and you have to stay here to continue learning and such.... and suddenly she is here to make you do./......
Talwin: A Lord of the Swamp!
Talwin: And a master of illusion that's for sure
Talwin: Grunts
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Surely I'm allowed to take a couple hours off for Branwyn
Licornah: An old red dragon
BOB Yes to Lemon
Licornah: we are very fortunate to have survived
Michael (Talwin): We are so excited to see Bran that we've forgotten to ask
Talwin: And I owe them all very much for their sacrifice and time
Talwin: Solumnly
Licornah: Branwyn - how are your children?
Branwyn: You are. Red dragons and old dragons are so dangerous
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): She said she's bringing an ambassador, that's enough info for Bixi lol
Branwyn: They are doing very well thank you.
Branwyn: They are quite a handful at the moment
N'laea: And it ...accepted a glitter lotion?
Talwin: Did they try to tag along?
Talwin: Innocently
N'laea: shakes heads
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's not sinister. "We were lucky to have survived... so... how are your kids these days?"
Branwyn: Dahlia wanted to come but I couldn't bring her
Lisa (Branwyn): LOL
Talwin: Keeps a deadpan expression, but clearly amused
Talwin: The little rascal
Lorie (Licornah): (it's a sandwich... bad news, ask about a good thing and keep moving, don't slow down or linger on bad)
Lorie (Licornah): ( :O) )
Michael (Talwin): :)
Branwyn: I am glad you could negotiate and didn't try to fight an old dragon
Talwin: Yeah so were we
Talwin: mutters under his breath
TMO (Craigh): how many weeks have we been in Dryads Lair?
BOB at least 5
Licornah: You should probably cross that off potential vacation spots Branwyn.
TMO (Craigh): kthx
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't think surviving a dragon is bad news lol
Talwin: It seemed to have more fun negotiating then fighting if you ask me. It's a very very old Dragon I think
Talwin: A legend actually
BOB no one mentioned WHERE the dragon was by the way
Branwyn: So ... N'Laea and I are going to pop into the Royal Library tomorrow to get the Hell Book back. I can bring a couple people with us if anyone wants to come
Michael (Talwin): I said the swamp!
Zayden: Library how exciting
Zayden sarcasm
BOB Dragon Fen is in the swamp, smiles
Talwin: Shakes head. Sorry, uh, Fire Swamp Lady Branwny
Craigh: tilts his head, interested.
Talwin: Forgive me, I am tired
Talwin: I think you would find it fascinating
Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden, really? I'm disappointed
Talwin: Although the cultists not so much
N'laea: Wait. You said all survived the trip. Where is Thistle?
Branwyn: Fire Swamps? I suppose that is a proper place for a red dragon to reside
BOB Branwyn only knows of the Fire Swamps becasue they were told not to go there
BOB and thank you Carissa, someeone remembered Thistle
Carissa (N'laea): lol gotta remember my own characters or I'm in REALLY bad shape
Craigh: I'll tag along with you to the Library, if no one else wants to go.
Michael (Talwin): you are not alone Carissa :)
Branwyn: I'd appreciate it Craigh
Zayden: I suppose I still have some childhood hang up related to libraries
Talwin: I uh....not sure I should tell you this Lady Branwny
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I remembered! I just chose not to bring it up... I assumed we'd get there eventually.
Zayden: plus the bard libraries are very different from your typical library
Talwin: But the dragon seemed reasonable enough to visit long as we bring something worth the time of course
Bixi Fizzlebang: What happens in the bard libraries?
Carissa (N'laea): yes trying to find a good time to ask but N'laea doesn't care about etiquette - not an NWP for her
TMO (Craigh): (the librarians are a LOT more fun!)
Talwin: Snickers at Bixi's comment
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I imagine them like the hedonism robot from Futurama
Branwyn: So where is Thistle?
BOB There was an adventure called Bards Keep a million years ago that I ran, was a library for Bards
Craigh: That's a bad idea, and you should feel bad for having it, Talwin.
Shislif (Zayden): oh lol nice!
Craigh: says jokingly
Bixi Fizzlebang: Leading some gypsies
Michael (Talwin): Thistle is a wisewoman now right?
Carissa (N'laea): (yes)
Talwin: She's their wisewoman
Carissa (N'laea): (and apparently not yet back to Dragon Fen)
N'laea: Who?
Talwin: She loved us, but we didn't want to keep her from her...destiny...I think is the right word
Branwyn: She's what?
Talwin: Cocks head
Branwyn: Thistle ...
Talwin: She's not gone. She writes us letters!
Craigh: She intends to lead her new tribe towards Dragons Fen though. So we'll probably be seeing her again.
Talwin: I can go fetch them if you are worried!
Branwyn: shakes her head
Talwin: Distressed at Branwnys reaction
Branwyn: That is amazing
N'laea: Ah, that will be good. Perhaps she can give a more... coherent story.
Talwin: relaxes as his heart resumes beating again
Michael (Talwin): (I guess Thistle better start writing some letters lol)
Michael (Talwin): (or we can pretend she did :) )
Carissa (N'laea): lol you can pretend
Michael (Talwin): awesome
Michael (Talwin): :)
Carissa (N'laea): she still has a ton of travel to write before she can write letters unless you write them for her
Michael (Talwin): hehe
Michael (Talwin): pretend is just fine :)
BOB Or he could get writing (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Michael (Talwin): Bob you sqaure!
Carissa (N'laea): exactly!
Michael (Talwin): :)
Branwyn: I look forward to hearing her story. I am glad she will be coming to Dragon Fen. I would hate to hear she would leave and not say goodbye. Shi would be crushed
TMO (Craigh): "had to execute two people today for insubordination. *sigh* So boring when they make me do that..."
N'laea: nods
Branwyn: I would be ...
Carissa (N'laea): lol not sure I want TMO writing any though...
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): MATH MATH MATH
TMO (Craigh): nono - I don't write math, I only use it.
Michael (Talwin): To me it's the same witchcraft TMO
Branwyn: And where are Indigo and Howard? They are stil with us?
Michael (Talwin): :)
Talwin: Nods happily
Talwin: Yes!
Talwin: Indigo has kept me sane on this adventure
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Branwyn: smiles
Talwin: A real voice of reason
Talwin: Pauses oddly
Talwin: Wait
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm with you, Michael
Talwin: er
Felice Swiftbrew: Hello
Talwin: Pardon my asking, after all I am so excited to see you again Lady Branwny
Talwin: But uh,
Talwin: Well
Felice Swiftbrew: We will be hosting an official dinner this evening
Talwin: Why are you here exactly?
Felice Swiftbrew: to welcome our new ambassador
Felice Swiftbrew: and our old ambassador
Branwyn: Lovely
Talwin: Nods
TMO (Craigh): and our old old old old ambassador
Felice Swiftbrew: We will be setting up tables in the courtyard
Talwin: Ah, faster then a boat eh Lady Branwny?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yummm, Indigo will be so excited
Talwin: Just teleporting them
Talwin: Smiles
Felice Swiftbrew: Please be on time
Branwyn: That is why I am here. I was asked to deliver the new ambassador and Queen's Advisor to Dryads Lair
leaves quickly again
Talwin: Nods
Talwin: You are also kind enough that you didn't send them the long way
Talwin: Smiles warmly
Branwyn: And also to take the book back from the Royal Library so I can take it to hell
Branwyn: Side trip
Branwyn: grins
Talwin: Jaw Drops
Talwin: Wait what?
TMO (Craigh): unlike *some* people...
Branwyn: That's the only reason to go to hell
Talwin: Struggles to stand
Talwin: I'm coming with you!
Daphene: whispers to Craigh "I'm sorry, she what?"
Talwin: Sways and falls back on the couch
Branwyn: To hell? I hope so
Talwin: Gets up again
Branwyn: Are you ill Talwin?
Branwyn: Perhaps you should stay seated
Talwin: I uh, my legs and arms are stiff
Branwyn: Have some tea
Talwin: But I'll be fine
Talwin: When are we leaving?
Craigh: smiles at Daphene, "Get with me later, I'll explain what I know about it."
Michael (Talwin): (How much training is roughly left bob?)
BOB months
Talwin: I hate to ask, but is there a rush job on Hell?
Talwin: I'll of course go with you
BOB Indigo is still learning how to drink
Talwin: But I'm in the middle of training
Talwin: trails off...
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Talwin: Clearly torn
Branwyn: No no. We aren't going to hell until we are all back in Dragon Fen.
Talwin: Sighs but catches himself, turning it into a nod
Talwin: Ah, okay
Branwyn: I'm just going to take a book from the library tomorrow and really hope it will be a peaceful transaction
Talwin: Is that code for breaking and entering?
Talwin: Whispers
Licornah: Is there a chance I can stay somewhere near there that won't make me ill Branwyn?
Lisa (Branwyn): sorry - lost the game for a sec
Craigh: blinks at that, and his eyes unfocus as he starts thinking
Lanek Olenak: Take as in rightfully remove? Or do you mebbe need a thief?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Somewhere near hell?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Unlikely
Branwyn: That is difficult Licornah. If you come back with me then you can stay at the Inn and avoid the Mist entirely, but any time you enter from Loosend, say or leave the Inn you will risk sickness.
Talwin: Sigh
N'laea: You eventually get used to it.
Licornah: Inn life for me then... I cannot manage a week of being able to do nothing
Licornah: I can pray outside the inn safely
Talwin: One day we'll research a way around that little irritation
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, that makes more sense than staying somewhere near Hell, I suppose
N'laea: It is only the first time it is normally that hard.
Branwyn: And Lanek, I'm going to ask for it, but if they will not give it to me then other ways will be necessary
Daphene: whispers to herself "Gods. Does she ever think before she talks?"
Lanek Olenak: nods
Branwyn: It is not sitting on a shelf where it could be easily pocketed
Craigh: pulls his little notebook out of its pouch and flips through a few pages of it, then puts it back.
Lanek Olenak: at yer disposal, anytime
Talwin: We should form our own academies and libraries. Then we won't have to deal with pesky things like Diplomatic incidents
Talwin: Grins at Bran
Branwyn: It is nailed into a crate in the back of the library that will need to be requested
Talwin: I'll start thinking of an alibi
Craigh: What about the other books?
Branwyn: What other books? Most are in back rooms that are only brought out on request
Craigh: Hmm. Okay.
BOB Someone might want to think about that idea.... a book, in a crate nailed shut and chained, then put away in the back of the library away in storage... and Branwyn just wants to walk off with it
Branwyn: At least the most valuable ones
Craigh: shrugs. "Worth a shot."
Shislif (Zayden): sounds like a good book
Lisa (Branwyn): It's not chained any more - we couldn't get the chains back on
TMO (Craigh): you just described most of Craigh's brains there, Bob. ;)
Lisa (Branwyn): hence the need for sealing it in the crate
Talwin: No, just the book. She's not trying to extract the ark of the covenant here
Michael (Talwin): No, just the book. She's not trying to extract the ark of the covenant here
Lorie (Licornah): (is the book alive?)
TMO (Craigh): aren't they all?
Michael (Talwin): that's deep TMO
Michael (Talwin): I mean, doesnt' this one send demons after Bran, or was that different
TMO (Craigh): I Am Complex and Mysterious.
Talwin: LOL
TMO (Craigh): and there are fish swimming in me
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Lisa (Branwyn): I think it was chained because of the demon mark. Branwyn is going to open it again and see if the mark hits her again
Michael (Talwin): God, do we want it to hit her again?
TMO (Craigh): that joke would have made more sense if I'd actually made the ocean comparison instead of only thinking it
Lisa (Branwyn): was thinking about that - what if someone else opens it, would the mark leave her and hit someone else? And is that easier than going to hell but more evil to do that knowingly?
Talwin: Evil? Yes.
Shislif (Zayden): we could hire a transient to open it? But like a bad transient?
Michael (Talwin): Evil? Yes.
Lisa (Branwyn): she has to open it again to see. she already has the mark. Can't get much worse
Michael (Talwin): But also...hell....I mean even if Talwin dies, holy crap that will be an adventure for the ages :)
TMO (Craigh): have them do it in the Inn, and then immediately step into the Mist and never leave it again
Michael (Talwin): Calm down there Satan
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
TMO (Craigh): I'm sure you could get volunteers
TMO (Craigh): heck, what happens if someone opens the book *in* the Mist?
Michael (Talwin): Thats an interesting thought
Lisa (Branwyn): Very much so
Michael (Talwin): I remember Dimension Door could be used in the Mist, but only Line of Sight. I'm not sure it would matter depending on the magic behind it
TMO (Craigh): that's why y'all keep me around
BOB Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come, easy go, will you let me go? Bismillah! No, we will not let you go (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let me go) Will not let you go (Let me go) Will not let you go (Never, never, never, never let me go) Ah No, no, no, no, no, no, no (Oh, mamma mia, mamma mia) Mamma mia, let me go
Lisa (Branwyn): :)
Michael (Talwin): We could let a Goblin open it
TMO (Craigh): is Bismallah the actual lyric? Always wondered what that word was, never bothered to actually look it up
Talwin: Obligatory Link (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me!
Michael (Talwin): Huh
Michael (Talwin): That song is very different in context
BOB But it is dinner time
BOB Everyone is gathered around several tables in the courtyard around the fountain
TMO (Craigh): that song is overrated, imho. :P it's not bad, but it gets way more play time than many of their other, at least as good, songs
Talwin: For Bob "It's dinner time!"
Talwin: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB the four ambassadors from Drillian,
BOB Along with the two previous ambassadors
BOB plus the staff and your full group of everyone
BOB Rae, Youtargim are here (no one ever even asked about him, sob, ) with Indigo and Howard, etc.
Carissa (N'laea): (lol)
Michael (Talwin): lol
Carissa (N'laea): sorry N'laea doesn't care about most people ask :P
BOB No one except Branwyn, Jennevive, Indigo and Howard would have seen the full pomp and circumstance of the formal state dinner like this
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We could let Fives open it
BOB And that would be the last time when Branwyn left
Michael (Talwin): Talwin has bob
Michael (Talwin): When the queen
Michael (Talwin): Not here I suppose
BOB That was back in Drillian, Talwin was not here,
BOB nods
Michael (Talwin): Gotcha, just trying to picture in my head
BOB But Lisa has questions to ask and answer for her characters
BOB and Zayden has to perform
BOB Daria is anticipating that
BOB and this is Rae's chance to be away from family
Shislif (Zayden): of course!
Carissa (N'laea): (and at this point in she probably is happy to be)
BOB and so
Branwyn: gives Indigo a hug
Gerald Whitwatcher: We welcome our new ambassador, and bid farewell to Anthony of Wellspring
Lorie (Licornah): :: applauds politely ::
Branwyn: and then stops to pay attention
Gerald Whitwatcher: You have done well these past five years Sir, thank you for your service to the Kingdom
Gerald Whitwatcher: I am certain that Madam Agatha Finefur will serve well as your replacement
Branwyn: claps
Gerald Whitwatcher: Thank you to Countess Branwyn the Mysterious for being here for this exchange of duties
User has gone AFK. (Spring)
Gerald Whitwatcher: Perhaps we need to look into having this happen again
Gerald Whitwatcher: Sir Anthony you might be invited back in five years for that ceremony
Gerald Whitwatcher: Dinner is served!
Felice Swiftbrew: Please everyone enjoy
BOB The staff brings out platters
BOB and continues to serve over the course of hours
BOB and now the group, this is your chance to give ideas and help before Branwyn goes and breaks into the Royal Library library tomorrow to steal a book
Michael (Talwin): This is definetely not Talwin's strong suit
Zayden: Why doesn't he just check out the book? it is a library
Zayden: Seems like an unnecessary hassle
Talwin: Hello, I'd like the Book of Evil. Do I need a library card?
Michael (Talwin): Hello, I'd like the Book of Evil. Do I need a library card?
Branwyn: Books do not leave the Royal Library
Branwyn: Unless you are the Prince
Talwin: Hm
Talwin: Ponders
Talwin: Lady Branwyn
Zayden: So they check in anytime they like, but they can never leave?
Raelynn: quietly, "Oh my goddess, I still can't believe you're here, N'laea! I made friends with a dragon, and Thistle did magic, and I have SO much to tell you later!"
Talwin: As I recall, rules are more like suggestions around you. In your position as Countess
Daphene: Do you know the Prince?
Talwin: Could you request the book?
Talwin: You could explain the dangers of it, and that you intend to rid the land of a danger that threatens this land
BOB Born to be kings Princes of the universe Fighting and free Got your world in my hand I'm here for your love And I'll make my stand We were born to be Princes of the universe
Branwyn: Not the current one. I have lost my contacts after so much time
Talwin: Shakes head
Talwin: I do agree
TMO (Craigh): much better song choice Bob. :P
Talwin: But apparently your legend persits
Branwyn: I will request it and do think I can make a compelling argument
Talwin: As I recall, you did a good deed here
Raelynn: Oh! I charmed a dragon. I bet I could charm a librarian if you need?
Talwin: Nods
Branwyn: Hopefully that will be enough
Talwin: The only worry I have, is that if you request the book, and it suddenly goes missing, they will look to you
Talwin: So, we need to prepare a convincing alibi if they refuse
User is back. (Spring)
Talwin: We don't want to cause a diplomatic incident
Talwin: Like floating baloons over the palace or something
Branwyn: laughs
Lemon (Daphene): ouch, RL!
Zayden: well if it's 'diplomatic' then i'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal
Talwin: Glances at Zayden
Talwin: Zayden I love you man, but uh
Talwin: Sometimes the things you say...
Zayden takes a bite of food
Branwyn: If need be I will just have to show them what happens if they do not give me the book
Zayden: are amazing?
Talwin: Yeah, that won't be a diplomatic incident
Talwin: mutters
Talwin: quietly focusing on food
Raelynn: Yes.
Howard Plum: Branwyn Craigh found a possible lead on information for the hell trip.
Michael (Talwin): BRB about 5 again. Sorry
Howard Plum: I took something so you could find him if you want to speak with him
Howard Plum: His name is Fives and he is in RiversBend
Howard Plum: We met him but I didn't know enough to ask the right questions
Howard Plum: Which is why I took the bracelet so you could
Licornah: Do you know the librarians? Is there something of value that could be offered for the book?
Branwyn: Fives? Craigh, he could help us?
Licornah: Most libraries don't want to keep evil lurking about
Craigh: hears his name and comes over to the group.
Branwyn: I know the librarian when I served there but am not sure he is still there. It would help if he was
Branwyn: Librarians can be very protective of their books
BOB grins
Branwyn: We'll just have to go and see what happens
Branwyn: smiles
Lisa (Branwyn): plan? what plan?
Craigh: You rang, madam? How can I assist you in your plans and/or plots or schemes?
Branwyn: Howard says you introduced him to a person in RiversBend who is familiar with the planes of hell?
Branwyn: smiles
Craigh: Oh, the Fives guy. His was the name I was given when I asked if there was someone knowledgeable about devils. I don't know him personally though, just the one encounter. Unfortunately, every name I've been given here in Dryads Lair has turned out to be busy, unfindable, or a con man.
Bixi Fizzlebang: This guy seemed like he knew stuff though
Craigh: Sounded legit, I agree, but I don't know anything on it myself.
BOB I have seen things man.......
Branwyn: Couldn't hurt to ask. We can stop there on the way back home
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Bixi Fizzlebang: He countered our questions with more questions. We were "what do you know about devils" and he was "well, I know a lot about these ones but these other ones are scarier" or whatever. Most of it was over my head but... he seemed to know his stuff anyway
BOB Bixi... Over my head... HAH
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, no pun intended
Lisa (Howard Plum): He has my handkerchief. Could you get it back so he doesn't use it to find me?
Carissa (N'laea): ALWAYS INTENDED
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Not my fault all my characters are short, I didn't make the second one
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Howard Plum: He has my handkerchief. Could you get it back so he doesn't use it to find me?
TMO (Craigh): that was definitely not a 'short sword'
Howard Plum: It was a security thing
Branwyn: That was very brave of you. I will take care of it
BOB so it looks like Branwyn has as much of a plan as she wants
BOB Catching up on other RP?
Carissa (N'laea): (honestly falling asleep)
Shislif (Zayden): yea i'm pretty low energy today as well
BOB Youtargim is all here for Rae to fall asleep in his lap
Branwyn: So let me see, N'Laea, Raelynn, Lanek, Craigh and Licornah want to visit the libary tomorrow?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross
Carissa (N'laea): she gotta tell N'laea all the gossip!
Carissa (N'laea): and about her new dragon friend that others neglected to mention she befriended!
TMO (Craigh): if you can take that many. if not, who do you leave?
Lisa (Branwyn): that's close to 700?
Lorie (Licornah): (Is there enough space for everyone else that wants to go? )
Lisa (Branwyn): she can take 700 lbs
Lorie (Licornah): (I can stay behind to ensure Craigh goes)
Michael (Talwin): back, sorry about that
BOB grins, you can be friends with Branwyn if you weigh under 700 pounds total
TMO (Craigh): Talwin's like, 350 lbs, so he goes nowhere by teleport
Carissa (N'laea): unless naked
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): I remember bare clothes and no armor. That sucked
BOB How much does Licornah weigh?
TMO (Craigh): where would he stash his sword though?
Licornah: :: frowns :: asking a lady's weight... so indelicate
Michael (Talwin): Bend over and I'll show you
BOB grins
Michael (Talwin): Oh shoot I'm so sorry
Michael (Talwin): That might be taken the wrong way
Carissa (N'laea): LOL
TMO (Craigh): is there a right way?
Lisa (Branwyn): lol
Carissa (N'laea): not sure the right way??
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sorry WHAT
Michael (Talwin): Chistmas Vacation Reference
Michael (Talwin): my bad
Licornah: Wow, that took a turn that I did not anticipate
Carissa (N'laea): Yeah sure....
TMO (Craigh): left turn... Embarrasing Chevy Chase movie references...
Michael (Talwin): Nooo really. It is from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I'm so sorry
BOB Branwyn, Licornah, Criagh, Lanek are the four primary
Licornah: I'm at 55.2 with my stuff
Lorie (Licornah): Chevy Chase, unless you're in Maryland, is an okay subject to skip
BOB then Rae? N'laea
Carissa (N'laea): Depends. You want a charmer or a sneaker?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Elves are that light?
Carissa (N'laea): No
TMO (Craigh): I don't know if I have Craigh's weight, but whatever it is, it's not much
Carissa (N'laea): Elves are at least 100 lbs
Lisa (Branwyn): lanek and craigh = 300 lbs or so?
Spring (Lanek Olenak): hm i don't have Lanek's age and weight.
TMO (Craigh): 115 lbs for Craigh
Lisa (Branwyn): skinny guy!
TMO (Craigh): very
Lisa (Branwyn): so 250 for lanek and Craigh
BOB female elves start at 70 pounds and go up
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's theives for ya
Lisa (Branwyn): don't picture Lanek weighing a lot
Carissa (N'laea): depends on elf type, ya?
Carissa (N'laea): Which is why Nlaea is heavier
BOB nods
TMO (Craigh): and Craigh can only carry about 10lbs before he becomes encumbered, so he doesn't get much heavier than that
Carissa (N'laea): so my mind 100 is your safe middleground for all types
Lisa (Branwyn): this really shouldn't be a big deal - I wanted to get in and out - we're not fighting the librarian
BOB except dwarves
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ... we hope
Carissa (N'laea): Nlaea and Bran are nearly naked except for clothing anyways
TMO (Craigh): this trip just got more interesting
Carissa (N'laea): lol I meant all types of elves not all types of races
Lisa (Branwyn): if she opens a red scroll that's a different story but that's last resort
BOB You have Jenn still who can go with, but she was planning on the Celestry trip while you were at the library
Michael (Talwin): 70 pounds????
Michael (Talwin): Are they like, emaciated?
Carissa (N'laea): Right??
BOB Looks at N'laea and Branwyn
N'laea: 70 lbs means at a healthy weight you're only like... 4' 2" tall
Carissa (N'laea): what?
TMO (Craigh): starts at 70, for the lightest and smallest, and goes up from there
Michael (Talwin): Are we sure we aren't talking KG? Cause 70KG is 154 pounds....
Carissa (N'laea): the media and their unrealistic body standards, I swear
Craigh: Engagement
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): Those bards tales that Zayden sings, man
Michael (Talwin): Unrealistic
Average Height and Weight-- Table 10
Michael (Talwin): I know i'm sorry for derailing, I was just caught by surprise
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No, this is important
Carissa (N'laea): Yeah I don't need a table, Bob. I know healthy weight standards from my doctor thank you very much.
TMO (Craigh): people did tend to be a lot skinnier back then. Less processed carbs in the diet, a lot more physical activity. Unless you were rich
Aging Effects-- Table 12
Michael (Talwin): LOL Carissa! :)
Lisa (Branwyn): but elves are shorter than humans so makes sense they weigh less
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Even gnomes start at 68, according to this, if I 'm reading it right?
Michael (Talwin): Well, I mean, if it means Bran can teleport more people, all power to you guys
BOB yes to Lemon
Michael (Talwin): And gods we need Jilly to feed you more
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Halflings 48???? Dang
GM: [5d4 = 9]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We need to make Daph eat
Michael (Talwin): 48? That's less then my German Shephard
BOB 77 for Bixi on that example
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, same. Both my dogs weigh more than that, and they're not considered big dogs
GM: [5d4 = 14]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The one is part german shepherd, but she's smaller than a full bred
BOB 62 for Daph
TMO (Craigh): iirc, I used different charts, that take stats into account, and Craigh is well below average on those, so... 5'6, 115lbs
Carissa (N'laea): They'd weigh less, sure, but that's still doctor concerning weight.
Michael (Talwin): I'm now picturing one of our halfings riding a mastiff with a butter knife. Don't know why, just am
Carissa (N'laea): Craigh doesn't have one limb so he good
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Sir Didymus
TMO (Craigh): that too!
Michael (Talwin): Too soon
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB smiles you can pick a weight no issue on that, just using these as examples if needed
TMO (Craigh): it's like he was *made* for riding along on teleports!
TMO (Craigh): (he wasn't)
Carissa (N'laea): So you say but you made a big deal of height at the stupid goblin cave so I don't trust you
GM: [3d10 = 13]
GM: [3d10 = 24]
BOB 177 for a human male
BOB Add 40 for chain mail etc.
Carissa (N'laea): Okay real question: can I just roll dice when my doctor asks me to weigh myself next time?
BOB grins
Carissa (N'laea): Hey doc, with this modifier....
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, Carissa, I don't even want to hear it until you have a thyroid problem
Carissa (N'laea): Don't jinx me
BOB But in any case we know now what is happening first thing next week
Carissa (N'laea): It's coming soon if I don't have that yet
BOB then after that is click to Loosend with the Buttercup
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hey, the good thing about it is that they've stopped bugging me about losing weight since they found that!
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Spring (Lanek Olenak): i'm on scales strike at the doctor's office
Michael (Talwin): Sigh, if we need to reduce weight, we can cut off the other arm I guess
Spring (Lanek Olenak): their weight and BMI charts are BS and people are dying because their real health problems are being ignored if they are heavy, so bleah.
Spring (Lanek Olenak): it aint mandatory, i aint doing it
Carissa (N'laea): lol michael
BOB nods with Spring so much more than just a single number
Lorie (Licornah): (Welcome to Hypo life... )
Michael (Talwin): I'm overweigt (although doing my darnest to lose it) and I'm doing better then many people who aren't. I do have a very physical second job though, so that might be part of it
BOB I am almost to hamburger weight
BOB 80/20
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Michael (Talwin): I had never heard of Hamburger weight before just now
Shislif (Zayden): 80/20 is good burger meat though
Shislif (Zayden): yea I was about to ask "hamburger weight?"
Lisa: was thinking you weigh more than a quarter pound!
Michael (Talwin): I want to be asada. Thin and gristly
Carissa (N'laea): lol
Lisa: lol
BOB grins
Shislif (Zayden): haha
BOB Ground Chuck is 85/ 15
Lanek Olenak: since i stopped weighing in and started focusing on blood sugar, i've actually gotten smaller :-P
Carissa (N'laea): "What's your weight goals?" "Asada"
Shislif (Zayden): I'm aiming for tenderloing :)
Spring (Lanek Olenak): since i stopped weighing in and started focusing on blood sugar, i've actually gotten smaller :-P
Shislif (Zayden): tenderloin :)
Michael (Talwin): lol
TMO (Craigh): I doubt I still have the stuff I made, but I did something for a better BMI chart for a game I was playing. Used the third dimension. Current real world ones (unless they've changed in the decades since) scale only in 2 dimensions, so the further from average you are, the more off they become)
Shislif (Zayden): intewesting
BOB So thank you everyone for getting us to this point
BOB the two paths will diverge again next week
Shislif (Zayden): no worries!
BOB There should be discussions on the site during the week as you plot your Library Breakin
Sharif: oh hey for future games i may not be getting off work till like 6pm, so prolly won't be able to join tilllike 630 or so
BOB So that Lisa does not have to be planning
Lisa: no plotting - improv!
Carissa: Bob. You plan, not Lisa.
Michael (Talwin): Oof. But We understand :)
BOB Understand Sharif
Michael (Talwin): Work sometimes does taht to us
Carissa: I want to not make plans, either. I'm just along for the ride.
Lisa: sorry to hear Sharif!
Shislif: I like improv, but also if others plan :)
Shislif: yea bit of a bummer but oh well!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, Bixi and Daph don't know anything, but they're there for the improv for sure!
Carissa: we'll be here when you get off!
Lisa: we have to pop in and request the book then we have to get him to give it to us then we pop back out
BOB Now who is making inapropriate comments Lemon? see
Sharif: add Zay to that too Lemon!
Carissa: Easy peeasy~!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sorry what
BOB Ignore it
BOB have a great night everyone
Sharif: night all!
Lisa: I saw it! :D
Carissa: Night all!
Lorie: Ciao ciao
'Lorie' disconnected
Lisa: Goodnight!
Lanek Olenak: gnite!
Talwin: lol. See you all next week :)
'Carissa' disconnected
'Spring' disconnected
'Lisa' disconnected
'Shislif' disconnected
'Michael' disconnected
Bixi Fizzlebang: goodnight!
BOB smiles
'Lemon' disconnected
TMO (Craigh): now I have to go see if I can find those charts
BOB will be interesting
'TMO' disconnected