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Chat Log - 2023 03 10 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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Note: Craigh learned a new spell, Chromatic Rod, before the group left Dryads Lair.

That group has arrived now in Loosend to settle things with the knarr and get ready for the final leg home. First stop when you have a ship is always the docks.

NPCIC%The time is 5:46 PM

The date is Ko____se, 26th Eap (Late Fall), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is First Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

Dock worker: What the hell are you doing!

Dock worker: Bringing that thing here!

Dock worker: Get over to the southern docks you idiot!

Dock worker: Looks over at Indigo

Dock worker: How can I help you?

Indigo: We didn't see a sign

Indigo: These are docks

Dock worker: Looking Indigo up and down,

Indigo: We're returning this ship we leased from Jorlaine

Dock worker: Jorlaine?

Indigo: Yes

Dock worker: When was that?

Dock worker: She has been dead at least what 6? 8 months?

Indigo: Ohhhh ... longer than I thought we'd be

Indigo: Dead???

Raelynn: How did she die??

Indigo: We've only been gone like 10 months

Dock worker: Got hit with an anchor chain snapped her neck

Indigo: OWWW!!

Dock worker: City full of priests and would any of them help a proud city worker? HAH

Dock worker: SPITS

Raelynn: cringes away from the spit

Indigo: Who took over her business?

Dock worker: That would be .... (snarls) .... Orlean....

Indigo: scratches his head

Raelynn: Is that a good snarl or....

Indigo: Yeah ... why didn't anyone take her to a priest?

Craigh: Is that Old Orlean, or New Orlean?

Dock worker: Orlean owned the ship that had a loose anchor.....

Raelynn: gasps

Bixi Fizzlebang: Very suspicious

Raelynn: Was it a murder?

Dock worker: SPITS

Dock worker: I can't say it was, I will not say it wasn't

Raelynn: Maybe we still need to talk to her...

Craigh: Craigh shows Indigo the page in his journal where he noted the names of the ship owners they bought it from.

Raelynn: So we need to find... whoever that is?

Indigo: Anyway, can we please dock the ship until we figure things out?

Dock worker: Certainly

Dock worker: I do have to charge you

Dock worker: 10 silver

Indigo: of course

Dock worker: since you were friends with Jorlaine

Indigo: hands him the coin

Indigo: Thank you

Dock worker: Nods, thank you Sir Indigo

Indigo: Raelynn will try and figure out what happened and we'll let you know

Dock worker: Nods she broke her neck,

Dock worker: not a bad way to go I guess

Dock worker: Could be worse

Dock worker: starving sucks

Dock worker: drowning is hard

Dock worker: Fire is not good either

Dock worker: I have heard you can even die of a bad gut, shitting your self to death

Dock worker: That seems rather bad

Indigo: Yuck!

Raelynn: And not pretty at all.

Indigo: Getting killed when you didn't have to be is bad though no matter how quick

Indigo: looks at Raelynn

Indigo: Where should we go to investigate?

Raelynn: Hmm..

Raelynn: .Well I do admit this is my first time trying this, but if we want to try to find Jorlaine we need to find here like we did last time.

Raelynn: Wasn't that a brothel?

Indigo: Dockmaster, did Jorlaine die here on the docks?

Indigo: She stayed at the brothel a lot I think

Dock worker: Yes she did

Dock worker: and yes she did that too

Indigo: Which berth?

Dock worker: Right where you are

Indigo: Oh. Creepy!

Indigo: Thanks

Indigo: So either one that's best Raelynn

Dock worker: It is one of three with the cranes to unload the cargo

Dock worker: I am guessing you have goods to unload?

Raelynn: Oh! We do have a pig, yes.

Indigo: I dunno yet. Not sure how long we're staying

Dock worker: Raises his eyebrow

Raelynn: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: boar

Raelynn: It's Bixi's friend.

Craigh: You know Jim hates it when you call him a pig.

Raelynn: That's between Jim and Bixi.

Dock worker: SNOTS

Dock worker: Clearing his nose

Dock worker: So if you need anything just give a holler, I have other things to tidy up before I hit the brothel

Dock worker: SPITS

Raelynn: Um wait but we really do have a swine in the cargo...

Dock worker: OH

Raelynn: We can't get him out easy without a crane.

Dock worker: I can do that for you

Dock worker: and the butcher is closed but they will take him in the morning

Bixi Fizzlebang: NO!

Bixi Fizzlebang: He is my steed

Bixi Fizzlebang: Working boar

Bixi Fizzlebang: He carries stuff and things

Raelynn: nods

Dock worker: Peers around and spots Bixi

Raelynn: Much too old to be good to eat.

Dock worker: Huh,

Dock worker: Are you part of the circus?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not anymore

Craigh: Yeah, but he also hates it when you call him an Old Bore

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it still in town?

Dock worker: Like a monkey riding on a pig?

Dock worker: Sometimes that get kobolds to do that

Dock worker: but they get feisty from what I hear

Dock worker: The last time ea circus was here in town was two months ago, heading south

Raelynn: Oh so we might see them on our way back!

Raelynn: Anyways if you could please get us a crane while we seek out Jorlaine, that would be lovely!

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 17]

Dock worker: Helps load the crane, lift Knotty out of the hold and onto the docks,

Raelynn: (to Indigo) I think maybe we should try the docks first, and if we can't find her, then the brothel. That sound good to you?

Indigo: Sounds good to me

Indigo: When Branwyn did it she got people that died in the house we did it in, I think, so it might work like that for you

Youtargim: Cleans his hands

Youtargim: That was good

Youtargim: Glad we got the heavy lifting done

Raelynn: Oh! I should ask her some tips next time I see her!

Raelynn: Well we can light some candles, and if that doesn't work, I just learned a new spell..

Raelynn: Are you done helping, Yout? Are you coming to the seance?

Youtargim: Of course

Youtargim: Will be there to keep you warm, I hear they can wear you out

Raelynn: Let's see if we can find Jorlaine, then!

Raelynn: starts preparing her lovely candle set-up of ocean scent and lavender, adds a dab of perfume, fluffs her hair, and prepares to try to call Jorlaine.

Bixi Fizzlebang casts a Bless spell on Raelynn to aid her in her seance

Raelynn concentrates and throws all her skills into the effort to summon the spirit of Jorlaine.

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Spirit Lore [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 12]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 10]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Astrology [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 2]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 6]

Soon Rae senses a spirit on the docks

It does not feel familiar, but you cannot be sure it is or is not the one you seek

Raelynn: Hello! Is your name Jorlaine?

Spirit on the docks: Hello there! How are you! It is so nice to talk with someone after all these years, I am so glad you came down here to visit me, no one ever does anymore. My name is Lilly, what is your name?

Raelynn: Hi Lilly! My name is Raelynn. I'm sorry we can't talk for too long, but we're trying to find our friend Jorlaine who died recently. I would ask you if you've seen her, as she died recently, but that would be a question. So, I guess I'll just ask if you're doing okay?

Spirit on the docks: I am doing very nice, Jorlaine is a fun new friend.

Raelynn: Well I guess I do need to ask since you know her. Do you know where we can find her to talk to her?

Spirit on the docks: She is right there (points to the crane) She was trying to entice a dock worker whispering in his ear, being very naughty, she is a lot of fun

Raelynn: Can you get her for us?

Raelynn: I dressed up to see her!

Spirit on the docks: I will go ask her

and the moment is over

the spirit is gone

Indigo: That was a nice spirit

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's too bad she couldn't stay and talk to us longer. I would like to know her story

Raelynn: Umm, hmm. I guess the boat won't help with trying to summon her... we might have to try again another night...

Indigo: You can try again tomorrow Raelynn

Raelynn: blows out candles

Raelynn: Yes, I suppose so. She knows we're looking for her so maybe she'll follow us around.

Youtargim: Did you make a wish?

Indigo: It's hard to catch the dead

Raelynn: Of course! I wished to be able to speak with her tomorrow.

Indigo: I think they have a lot of stuff to do

Raelynn: I wonder what kind of stuff?

Youtargim: Chains and dragging them around

Raelynn: Feasts and killing giants is all I noticed...

Youtargim: Boooing a lot?

Indigo: I mean otherwise they'd just be here all the time and not be so hard to call

Youtargim: Making fun of old people?

Raelynn: Hmm, true. I would rather be having a party than talk to someone on a dock.

Raelynn: Yout! why would you make fun of old people?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, would you want to be called away from a feast to talk to us about your murder?

Indigo: laughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: That sounds way less fun

Raelynn: It depends. If it's someone very pretty, maybe!

Indigo: If I got murdered maybe so people can get justice

Craigh: Creepy as all get out trying to talk to the dead.

Youtargim: I have read stories about ghosts haunting old people

Raelynn: Why is it creepy? They're just someone on a different plane.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know if I'd want to relive those old memories

Indigo: that doesn't sound like fun

Youtargim: Ghosts from the past and the future telling them what to do

Raelynn: That sounds like an interesting story.

Raelynn: So where do we want to stay tonight?

Raelynn: I need to visit my temple before we leave, but that's all/.

Youtargim: The inn we stayed at before?

Youtargim: They liked Indigo

Raelynn: That's true. Did I stay? Was it a nice bed? It's been such a long trip I can't remember.

Youtargim: You were with Licornah, but now that she is not here, you can share my room

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: I suppose that could work.

Walking through the city

arriving on the south shore again

Slip: (Hears the door open) Come in...

Slip: Oh wait, we do not want any pick pockets around here

Slip: You hear me, you have to behave

Slip: OH

Slip: Oh, Sir Indigo!

Slip: You came back

Slip: It is so early

Slip: what happened?

Slip: Looks at the group to see if anyone is missing

Indigo: Early? I thought we were pretty late actually

Slip: I thought you were going to be gone for years

Indigo: How are you? Glad you are here

Raelynn: Years?

Slip: Sailing gets in your blood, you start off and just loose track of time

Craigh: Maybe for you...

Slip: So ... ah.... if I can ask

Hold: What do you mean if you can ask!

Hold: THWAPS him on the back of the head

Hold: Sir Indigo, do you still have the Buttercup?

Indigo: Of course we do

Hold: Huh

Indigo: We're sorry to hear about Jorlaine

Hold: That rumor was wrong then

Indigo: What rumor?

Hold: Damn shame about her

Hold: We heard a rumor that you had starting taking ships, forming your own navy,

Hold: That happens when you lose your main ship

Raelynn: Who started rumors like that?

Hold: Heard you took a boat from some bugbears

Indigo: We did take a couple boats ... but no ships

Hold: and another one

Hold: see

Hold: It WAS true

Indigo: How'd you hear that from way back here?

Raelynn: But how would anyone have known?

Hold: News travels back and forth a lot

Hold: and the Priests spell their messages for some of the merchants

Hold: trying to get a jump on the others on the docks for what goods are coming in

Indigo: Didn't think we would be that interesting

Slip: The Council should outlaw that

Slip: not fair for good folk to have to compete with those merchants who want to ruin the markets

Hold: You are interesting Admiral

Hold: Heard that maybe you were building another navy for the Queen

Hold: Others take notice of those things

Indigo: Nah! I'm out of the navy business

Hold: might be a new tax

Hold: Can you really get out of that?

Indigo: I think so?

Slip: You should feed him

Slip: Stop talking and go fetch him some food

Slip: and his friends

Slip: and tell that girl to go make up the beds for our guests

Indigo: Thank you!

Slip: Whispers, is she in good shape?

Youtargim: Handles like she was fresh and new

Indigo: Oh yes! She got banged up a bit once but we fixed her right up

Youtargim: We took on pirates

Youtargim: She is a good sturdy ship

Slip: Yes she is

Slip: I am glad you appreciate the old girl

Indigo: The problem is that we gave 5000 gold to Jorlaine to hold while we leased her and now she's dead. Did she give you our gold?

Slip: Yes she did

Slip: I have that for you

Indigo: Ohh that's good. So we can swap the knarr for the gold

Slip: It will take a day or so to have the priests verify it

Raelynn: Oh well that's much easier than trying to find her!

Indigo: What do you think happened to her? The dockmaster thinks she was murdered

Slip: The dockmaster is the one who did it, of course he would think so

Slip: rotten bastard

Indigo: The dockmaster killed her?

Indigo: He sounded like he liked her

Slip: No one saw it but everyone knows he did it

Indigo: Why would he do that?

Slip: Jealousy

Slip: what does any man want from a woman?

Slip: Looks around quickly to see if he was heard

Indigo: Ummm ... lots of stuff

Slip: I mean of course anyone would be in a lot of trouble for

Slip: She deserved better

Indigo: Yeah no one deserves to be murdered by an anchor chain

Raelynn: Are they doing an investigation? Or is she just... not going to get justice?

Slip: She knew her business, no accident that was

Slip: They investigated, took his word that it was an accident

Slip: She had no family

Slip: She did have a will

Slip: gave all her money to various girls in two different brothels

Raelynn: Oh well that was nice of her!

Slip: The priests put that to rights

Indigo: Huh?

Slip: They bound her up and floated her down the river

Slip: making sure all her debts were paid, and her wishes were met

Slip: then they washed their hands and that was the end

Indigo: That was good partly

Hold: Here is a good stew for you all

Indigo: Thanks!

Raelynn: Is it spicy?

Hold: I hope you all get a chance to sleep well, get your land legs back under you

Indigo: digs into his bowl happily

Hold: No dear, no worries, I did not make it spicy

Indigo: Yup. We're walking back.

Indigo: Hey! We should buy a wagon and some horses to take back

Raelynn: Oh, I was kind of hoping to try a spicy stew, but this will be good. Thank you!

Hold: I can go find some peppers for you

Hold: What sort of horses you need? you sold some here before, we sold them onto other travelers

Hold: I did not think you would be back for years

Indigo: Same kind. Just to pull the wagon

Raelynn: Oh, it's fine. Howard was raving about some spicy stew and I've been curious since.

Slip: Not years,

Slip: A year or two

Hold: TWO ------ YearSSSSSSS

Indigo: I didn't expect you to hold them for us

Hold: You have two rocks? do you have many rocks? or a rock?

Howard Plum: Bixi got some peppers in the fire swamps. I hope she will cook up some stew when we get back

Hold: Shakes their head and goes back into the other room

Raelynn: Oh, true! She could make some on the road. I bet it'll be good.

Slip: She is just a mess

Raelynn: Umm, is she okay?

Slip: We can find you some horses and a wagon

Indigo: That would be great

Indigo: We'll travel much faster that way

Slip: She just is on edge, the travelers have not been consistent these past couple of months

Slip: two large groups, but none in between

Raelynn: Is that not normal? Is there a reason for it?

Slip: and with it getting late in the year

Indigo: That's strange. Loosend is such a busy place

Slip: We get a few every week

Slip: Since the problems up in Jarvis fewer people seem to be traveling in larger groups

Slip: Like yours

Slip: so once we fill up, we have to hope they stay

Indigo: What happened in Jarvis?

Raelynn: Wasn't that something with some king murdered or something?

Slip: Last spring when the hobgoblins attacked

Hold: Nods with Rae

Indigo: Think that was Blackwater, wasn't it?

Indigo: No. Guess not

Slip: I have not heard anything from the clans in Blackwater

Slip: Two of the tzars came through about a month ago

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wonder if they need help

Slip: I suppose everyone needs help now and again young gnome

Slip: I will go out and look over the Buttercup with you in the morning Admiral

Indigo: All right

Slip: Then we can stop at the priests and have them pay you out

Indigo: Sounds good. Thanks Slip

The group finishes their dinner and goes to sleep and the story continues in the morning.

The date is See____se, 27th Eap (Late Fall), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is First Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

SO Rae and Youtargim wake and come down from their room to join the rest of the group

all the transactions are handled, Rae and Youtargim went off to the elven temple

and return

the group has all their things ready for the week trip back south to Dragon Fen

the group heads south along Farmers Turn

they make it 24 miles in

right at the crossroads for the end of the day

The date is Fin____se, 28th Eap (Late Fall), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Full Moon

As the group is heading down Farmers Turn

they are coming close to the cross roads when an old woman on the side of the road flags them down

Raelynn: Hello!

Seraphine Marblewing: Hello

Seraphine Marblewing: Are you adventurers?

Seraphine Marblewing: You must be to venture out on such a night

Raelynn: Well we're looking for somewhere to camp...

Bixi Fizzlebang: What's your name?

Craigh: Are we venturing to find ads?

Seraphine Marblewing: My name is Seraphine Marblewing

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you a ghost?

Raelynn: Oh! What a lovely name!

Seraphine Marblewing: Thank you, my mother gave it to me

Seraphine Marblewing: But it is my daughter that I need your help with

Craigh: Is she a ghost? Is that a question we ask people now?

Raelynn: What's wrong with your daughter?

Craigh: chuckles

Bixi Fizzlebang: This just feels like an appropriate place to meet a ghost

Seraphine Marblewing: She is dead, I am not certain if that makes her a ghost

Bixi Fizzlebang: And that's a ghost name if I ever heard one

Craigh: I'm sorry.

Raelynn: Umm, that is a good question.

Raelynn: I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but how can we help?

Seraphine Marblewing: She was buried four days ago

Seraphine Marblewing: then last night two graves were opened up

Seraphine Marblewing: I am afraid hers will be desecrated tonight for some ritual

Seraphine Marblewing: Can I beg you to stay and protect her on this night?

Raelynn: Oh, maybe? But why are people opening graves? That's very wrong!

Seraphine Marblewing: Yes

Indigo: Desecrating graves! Is there a necromancer around?

Seraphine Marblewing: I do not know

Seraphine Marblewing: the coffins were taken out and opened, the bodies, torn, I do not know who would do such a thing

Indigo: We should help

Raelynn: Oh how horrible!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I absolutely agree

Bixi Fizzlebang: We should help

Raelynn: We should, but we can't stay every night. Do we just hope to find out who it is tonight?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we could ask a ghost?

Seraphine Marblewing: Tonight with both moons full would be the night they would be preparing for

Seraphine Marblewing: Is what I fear

Craigh: I wondered if that might have anything to do with it

Raelynn: Oh, okay. We can certainly help tonight. Hopefully after tonight they'll leave her alone.

Indigo: Like werewolves then? Hmmm ...

Raelynn: Are they around here...?

Indigo: I dunno. Haven't seen any by here before

Raelynn: I guess we'll find out?

Indigo: Guess so!

Raelynn: Don't worry Seraphine! We can camp here and protect her tonight.

the group goes just down the path and off to the north to find the entrance to a large mausoleum

The time is 6:51 PM

It is evening, getting darker

Raelynn: looks around with her unobservant eyes

Indigo: finds a spot to put the wagon and tie up the horses without messing with the graves

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: shrugs and carries on

Raelynn: Well I can't remember the last time we camped in a graveyard...

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Astrology [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: sings a little song to herself hoping it makes the spirits happier

Raelynn: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 18]

Raelynn: ...but does not know proper etiquette in a graveyard?

Howard Plum: looks at the tombstones for any clues

There are some trees around the edges

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Religion [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 11] [d20 = 19]

Daphene: [SKILL] Set Snares [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 9]

Daph sees the open grave near her

Daphene: [SKILL] Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 3) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 13]

Daphene: Well, this one looks freshly emptied!

Craigh: That is not a good thing

Daphene: Er... on second glance

Daphene: It's not empty

Daphene: Gross

the coffin has been brought back up, opened, and then .... interrupted?

Craigh: I don't suppose anyone got the name of the girl whose grave we're supposed to be protecting?

Daphene: Well her last name would be marblewing, no?

Craigh: Perhaps. Anyone see a Marblewing?

Indigo: I can't read these

Raelynn: [SKILL] Reading/Writing, W Comm [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 17]

Raelynn: It's too dark to see the names...

Daphene: Anyone have a light?

Raelynn: Here you go!

Raelynn: hands her a light rock or whatever it was I can't remember

Daphene: I can only read Hin...

Indigo: Me too

Howard Plum: looks at the mausoleum there

Howard Plum: This isn't it. Honorhorn

Craigh: Well, I can read them, I think. Can someone light these up for me?

Howard Plum: looks at next one

Raelynn: Maybe this one?

The time is 7:51 PM

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

Bixi hears snuffling, and growling, bones crunching.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I hear a badger

Raelynn: Oh! Well that's okay. They can be nice.

Bixi Fizzlebang: But it's like... crunching on something

Craigh: Bones maybe?

Raelynn: Oh no! Maybe bones? Daphene can you track it?

Daphene: [SKILL] Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 3) [FAILURE by 12] [d20 = 15]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, you're going the wrong way Daph. The noises are coming from the northeast

Bixi Fizzlebang: points

Indigo: If it's eating people we need to get rid of it

Raelynn: Too bad N'laea isn't here. She can just, like, flicker her hand and they're gone.

Daphene: obviously embarrassed

Raelynn: Northeast?

Indigo: Hey Badger!

Indigo: looks around for it

Raelynn: listens carefully with her elfish ears

Craigh: looks around with his humanish eyes

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]


Raelynn: EEEKKKK!!


Ghoul 2 claws at Indigo and lightly wounds him, but it is not able to paralyze him.

Indigo: spins around as ghoul claws at him

Indigo attacks and kills Ghoul 2 with his short swords.

Raelynn: I'm so glad you're here, Indigo.

Indigo: That thing surprised me! Hope there aren't more of them

Craigh: Be sure to let us know if you find any

Raelynn: Umm maybe I'll go stand by the wagon again...

Craigh: Badger?

Raelynn: Oh! Well maybe they ran from the sound?

Indigo: Yeah we need to protect the horses and wagon

Raelynn: Yeah, unless the badgers bother us, we can probably leave them alone, right? Ghouls are a bit more concerning...

Craigh: I can go stand by the wagon and scream if anything comes near it.

Indigo: And lasso it!

Craigh: Right! Of course! And that!

Craigh: retreats to the wagon

Bixi Fizzlebang casts a spell so she can speak with the badgers

Bixi Fizzlebang: Excuse me, hello badgers? How are you this fine evening?

Badger: <font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Stay away from our food

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Hey, no problem, we don't want it! Whatcha eating?

Badger: <font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] These are ours go away

Badger: <font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Growls

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] I could give you some food!

Badger: Growls from one and the other comes forward snuffling

Bixi Fizzlebang: They're just hungry... I told them we could give them some food

The group sees a ghoul perched on the top of the wall there

Another one JUMPS up on top of that crypt

Raelynn: Umm, maybe we should get rid of the ghouls before we feed them?

They are on top of the walls and roof leering down at you, slavering hungry

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Ghoul (Impulsive ridiculous voice), critically wounding it

Craigh: is standing by the horses, ready to use them as a meat shield if necessary

Youtargim tries to hit Ghoul (Unusually stout) with his Scimitar but misses.

Craigh: says the magic word and attempts to entangle all three of the ghouls in a group at once.

And those three ghouls are entangled in Craigh’s magical rope of entanglement

Raelynn casts Rainbow Pattern at Ghoul (Impulsive ridiculous voice), Ghoul (Dishonest chuckle)] and Ghoul 1. The first two were able to resist the spell, but Ghoul 1 becomes transfixed by the pretty rainbow pattern for one round.

Daphene tries to attack Ghoul (Dishonest chuckle) with her Sling, but missed.

Indigo attacks and kills Ghoul (Dishonest chuckle) with his short swords.

Raelynn: Don't let me ever get on your bad side, Indigo...

Badger goes back to snacking on bones

Indigo: No one is bad as ghouls

Raelynn: nods frantically

Ghoul (Impulsive ridiculous voice) claws at Indigo and lightly wounds him, but it is not able to paralyze him.

Giant Badger 1 bites and claws at Daphene, lightly wounding her.

Ghoul (Jubilant jaunt) jumps off the wall and starts to run away into the bushes

Howard Plum casts Magic Missile at Ghoul (Impulsive ridiculous voice), killing it.

At this point there are two free ghouls still out there

one in the bushes to the NW and one in the NE

Youtargim runs after the fleeing ghoul to the northwest. He attacks Ghoul (Jubilant jaunt) with his Scimitar, killing it.

Craigh continues to hold his victims restrained

Raelynn: sighs

Raelynn: Men... maybe I should have dated a woman instead...

Raelynn: let's men be men

Daphene: It's not too late, Rae

Raelynn casts Cause Fear at Giant Badger 1 and it tries to run away

As it tries to flee, Daphene attacks Giant Badger 1 with her Short sword, killing it.

Raelynn: Oh... I was giving it a chance... but it was attacking you, not me.

Daphene: My ARM!

Raelynn: We'll, um, just not tell N'laea.

Bixi Fizzlebang: He was just hungry!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm so close to disowning you

Bixi Fizzlebang slings a stone at Ghoul (Thoughtful scream), heavily wounding it.

Indigo: runs off to kill a ghoul

Indigo attacks Ghoul 1 with his Short sword, killing it.

The rest of the group kills the three ghouls that Craigh had entangled and the graveyard combat is finished.

Craigh: Craigh recalls his rope to him and carefully wipes it down to remove any undead gunk off it.

Raelynn: says an extra prayer for Norlene