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Chat Log - 2023 04 07 - Book Return - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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So we have Branwyn and family, Licornah, Fives, and N'laea all in the manor house after another wonderful breakfast

Jennevive is not around at the moment but is expected soon

Nevin Ognorn: Good Morning Branwyn

Branwyn: Good morning Nevin

Nevin Ognorn: I hope you are feeling refreshed

Branwyn: Any news today?

Nevin Ognorn: Only small things

Branwyn: Good

Nevin Ognorn: The repairs at the Inn of the Lost Eagle

Nevin Ognorn: are all completed

Branwyn: We should probably prepare for more repairs there if we bring hell to the Inn

Branwyn: We should probably go there and warn Gerry

Nevin Ognorn: The Inn Keeper at Otsuan has reported an increase in people staying there and we might want to eventually talk with your friend in Red Fern Lake. He might want to build an addition and we should likely clear that

Nevin Ognorn: I would hold off on telling Gerry anything until we know what is going on

Nevin Ognorn: I did have a thought for you after yesterday's conversation

Nevin Ognorn: Glances over his shoulder

Branwyn: If we're opening a portal to hell in his front yard I think he deserves more than a minute's notice

Nevin Ognorn: We could use a new shrine in the Estate

Branwyn: Please! Why may I ask?

Nevin Ognorn: and Jennevive did mention wanting to build

Branwyn: Yes I told her she could build in the wastes

Fives: is sitting on the floor, leaning back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.

Nevin Ognorn: Nods to Fives and the two Elves

Nevin Ognorn: Many of your more.... esteemed visitors who arrive by ..... other means.... might appreciate a place in Hourglass to recuperate

Nevin Ognorn: after they arrive

Nevin Ognorn: Perhaps we could kill two birds with one stone so to speak

Nevin Ognorn: A chaos loving priestess, welcoming people into The Mist?

Nevin Ognorn: We already have one shrine there in Hourglass

Branwyn: You think it is not appropriate?

Fives: snorts quietly to himself.

Nevin Ognorn: I do not know where she should build

Nevin Ognorn: If she does not need a church, Snee was happy with a simple shrine

Branwyn: So to combat Jenn's shrine or church or whatever she builds you want more religious groups?

Branwyn: Can't we just build a new tavern or something?

Nevin Ognorn: Snee has her space there, to buffer..

Nevin Ognorn: hmmmm

Nevin Ognorn: I am not certain that would work

Nevin Ognorn: a new Inn? but then would Gerry object?

Nevin Ognorn: AHHHH

Nevin Ognorn: Wait

Nevin Ognorn: Bixi! Do you think she would want a shrine?

Nevin Ognorn: that would solve it

Nevin Ognorn: and then we have Jennevive build someplace else.... more eastern..... wetter

Branwyn: You are turning my lands into a mini Loosend

Nevin Ognorn: Laughs with Branwyn

Nevin Ognorn: You are the Church Builder

Fives: Farther away is better

Branwyn: Pretty soon all manner of criminals will be flocking here claiming sanctuary

Fives: And building churches

Nevin Ognorn: We are up to five churches plus a hospital so far

Nevin Ognorn: and that does not count the gnomes and goblins

Branwyn: Yes I think that is enough

Branwyn: Do the goblins have a church too?

Nevin Ognorn: I imagine they do

Fives: Gonna have yerselves mini Holy Wars running through your gardens

Nevin Ognorn: As you say, I was just thinking of potential resting spaces for more well off visitors

Nevin Ognorn: I was just thinking Branwyn, you agreed to let Jennevive build a church

Nevin Ognorn: Do you think that a shrine would be good enough?

Branwyn: You would have to ask her. I suppose it depends on how much gold she has and how big a place she wants to build

N'laea: What churches?

Nevin Ognorn: Also Miss N'laea I would think that even goblins fear the unknown and so pray to someone, so they must have a shrine or a church hidden away in the Wastes somewhere

Branwyn: People pray out of fear of the unknown? I guess that is an explanation

N'laea: I meant which five do you know of? I only know two.

Nevin Ognorn: There is the Church of the Avenging Mage in Jistille Estates

Nevin Ognorn: then there is the church and the hospital in Otterville

Nevin Ognorn: and then the shrine that Snee built

Nevin Ognorn: and of course Skull Church

Nevin Ognorn: and there is the Norse church in Traveler’s Rest

Branwyn: Shi has a shrine as well

Nevin Ognorn: and the gnome .... church? chapel? I do not know in the gnome enclave to the southwest

Nevin Ognorn: and the one Shi built in the Woods

Fives: Y'all are pretty god-ridden in these parts, ain'tcha?

Branwyn: Yes more than I would have ever imagined

Nevin Ognorn: So six plus the hospital if you include Jistille

Nevin Ognorn: and almost all of them built by Branwyn the Godless

N'laea: So six.

Branwyn: I don't need another name thank you very much

Nevin Ognorn: Laughs

Fives: shakes his head in disgust

Nevin Ognorn: If you have Jennevive build one, that makes lucky number seven?

Nevin Ognorn: and it should be to a god of gambling?

Nevin Ognorn: Looks at Fives

Branwyn: Brennios I imagine

N'laea: Seven is lucky only for some religions, not all.

Nevin Ognorn: They do bring in good money

N'laea: It could be a cursed number for others.

Nevin Ognorn: Branwyn taxes churches just like any other enterprise

Fives: Well if they get fleeced at the church, less for them to throw away at cards, I guess.

Nevin Ognorn: The reason I brought this up was the conversation yesterday

Nevin Ognorn: This is not something to be solved today

Branwyn: No it does not. Besides, we have no idea who is going to survive this hellish experience

Nevin Ognorn: There is a new iron mine also that has brought in 200

Branwyn: Good

Nevin Ognorn: I am counting on you not telling Jilly where you are going

Nevin Ognorn: or more appropriately when

Branwyn: I do not need to tell Jilly anything and she still may know

Nevin Ognorn: I am going to propose that Kelly be fostered to the Doeskins

Nevin Ognorn: and have Jilly accompany her there

Nevin Ognorn: there

Branwyn: Why would you send your child there?

Nevin Ognorn: To get the other two most important people in my life out of here before you bring Hell into the Estate

Fives: nods

Nevin Ognorn: I am not versed in the ways of traveling the Planes

Nevin Ognorn: Only you adventurers are, it was a big enough adventure for me to make my way here

Nevin Ognorn: But I will protect my family as I can

Branwyn: I'm not going to bring it to the Manor

Branwyn: But do as you wish

Nevin Ognorn: Nods, I trust you Countess

Nevin Ognorn: with my life

Branwyn: Thank you Nevin

Nevin Ognorn: I just hope to have my wife and oldest child as safe as possible

Nevin Ognorn: I will stand by you

Fives: goes back to staring boredly at the ceiling

Nevin Ognorn: Dragon Fen will be here when you return, or banish the evil, or a done, or what ever it is you are going to do

Branwyn: Our conversation yesterday kept me up last night. I would like everyone's thoughts on the portal idea. I was leaning towards what Fives mentioned that giving the library an invitation and warning might cause more trouble than just opening the portal once and seeing if we can take care of it right away

Fives: looks over at Branwyn, surprised

Branwyn: We only have two scrolls and so opening and shutting it on one try gives them warning and leaves us only one chance to get things right when everything can go wrong

Jilly Ognorn: Nevin, do you think you can fetch the larger cask from the basement please? we will need more mead for this

Nevin Ognorn: Jumps

Jilly Ognorn: Thank you love

Jilly Ognorn: Watches Nevin leave

Branwyn: smiles

Jilly Ognorn: Turns to Branwyn

Jilly Ognorn: Waves a spoon at her

Jilly Ognorn: Do I need to say it?

Branwyn: Don't be waving that thing at me!

Branwyn: laughs

Jilly Ognorn: Stares at Branwyn

Branwyn: You can't smack me with it like you do Indigo

Jilly Ognorn: Waves over to Licornah and Fives, They are strangers in a new land

Jilly Ognorn: Raises an eyebrow at Branwyn......

Licornah: :: looks at Jilly but says nothing ::

Jilly Ognorn: Pulls out a sling shot from her pocket

Jilly Ognorn: I can still hit a hedgehog at 20 paces

Jilly Ognorn: I taught Demi how too

Branwyn: Good!

Jilly Ognorn: You are my Countess

Fives: ahhh... there we go. I knew it couldn't last.

Branwyn: You are my friend

Jilly Ognorn: more important you are my family

Branwyn: Yes we are

Jilly Ognorn: and I WILL go to hell and back for and with you

Jilly Ognorn: no matter what my husband tries to wiggle in

Fives: Yep, here we go. The stupidity to wash away the uncommon common sense.

Branwyn: I think you have a previous engagement but I do appreciate the offer more than you can ever know

Licornah: Hopefully no one is going to hell but it is coming to us?

Jilly Ognorn: Is that a good idea?

Jilly Ognorn: Do you believe Jennevive?

Branwyn: I believe Jennevive wants to help me in a way that she thinks we can both survive

Branwyn: She has no death wish

Jilly Ognorn: Nods, I can agree with that

Fives: Buuuuut.... do you trust her results. What's that phrase again? something about “good intentions”?

Branwyn: laughs

Branwyn: And if we bring hell here then Tiberius will be with me

Jilly Ognorn: N'laea did you hear from that farmer over in Regets Field who complained about their lambs?

N'laea: Why would I?

Jilly Ognorn: They are missing two lambs

N'laea: Spring s hard for many mothers.

Jilly Ognorn: They thought they saw a shadow near the pens

Fives: tilts his head back against the wall with an audible *thunk* and goes back to contemplating the ceiling

Jilly Ognorn: I told them they must be mistaken but still

N'laea: I would hope so. It means it is something natural.

Jilly Ognorn: Spreads her hands,

N'laea: is still not getting her point

Jilly Ognorn: I was just mentioning before anyone complains to the Countess

Jilly Ognorn: I will leave you all to plan

Jilly Ognorn: and have water to throw on Jennevive when she appears

Jilly Ognorn: Sets a bucket down next to the kitchen door

N'laea: What planning? Are we not done?

Licornah: We can put up wards... barriers perhaps to help against uninvited visitors

Fives: looks at the bucket of water.

Fives: stupid, but still has some good ideas

Branwyn: pulls Fiendomicon book out from under the sofa

Branwyn: opens the book in front of her to see if the red demon mark comes out again and is visible

Branwyn: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 6]

Branwyn: Maybe the book is also inactive here in the Mist

Branwyn: sighs

Fives: Is that a bad thing?

N'laea: Is that not a good thing? It gives more support to Jennevive's plan.

Branwyn: But I do think we should make a try in one go and if it fails then we can try again. So any preparations we need to make at the Inn, then we should get that started

Branwyn: I suppose it is N'laea. You are right. It's just frustrating to not be able to test things here

N'laea: Yes. Do not give them time to prepare for a second time.

Fives: Be as paranoid as you can. Worst case is wasted thought

Fives: So, what do you think of yer not-quite-tame witch's idea?

Fives: I'm not a wizard of any type. The details of how magic'll work or not are probly beyond me. Have you done any checking of the witch's work?

Branwyn: I believe the scrolls will open the portal and she is checking to see if she can anchor it to the library. If she can do that I'm confident, reasonably, that we can get this done without a lot of wandering about through hell

Branwyn: Which is much better than I first thought

Fives: Righty. And what about this blasted Mist of yers and devils? Any idea if it really will keep 'em out?

Branwyn: It is seeming that way by the way that my correspondence doesn't change to hell hounds here in the Mist and I can open the book without the demon mark chasing me

N'laea: Unless they are not pure devils.

Fives: Hrph. I *guess* that's good news.

Branwyn: I think if I open a red scroll here they will come out of the scroll. I haven't opened one in so long. I guess we could test that

Fives: What kind of crap is going to show up?

Branwyn: probably hell hounds. But maybe a fire elemental or an imp or something hellish

Fives: I'm guessing doing that test in the swamp then

Branwyn: in the mood to fight something?

Fives: snorts

Branwyn: Oh I was thinking of Tiberius' practice yard

Fives: Itching for something, actually. But in yer house?

Branwyn: No out in the yard. I haven't memorized many combat spells today. Perhaps tomorrow would be best

Fives: What about them (nods at N'laea and Licornah)? They able to use those weapons, or are they just for show?

Branwyn: smiles

N'laea: One way to find out.

Branwyn: They can defend themselves just fine

Fives: We got anything else to do today then?

Fives: Or are we just going to talk about flock fleecers and missing sheep all day?

N'laea: Always training to do.


and Rae, Indigo and Talwin wake up stretching, Talwin goes behind the bush to relieve himself

Craigh: yawns

Youtargim: Looks over at Rae

Youtargim: Our long trip together is almost over

Youtargim: It is sort of sad

Raelynn: Oh, I don't know. You can argue our last trip was six years. This is nothing in comparison.

Youtargim: Grins, this is true

Youtargim: We have been together for a long time

Youtargim: Winks

Raelynn: See? Silver-lining!

Youtargim: When you get home are you going to open your match making den? hall? meeting place? what will you call that?

Youtargim: Bixi is going to open a garden, I guess it will be open to the public

Raelynn: A tea palace! Which, ummm, will likely be a cottage.

Raelynn: Tea and matchmaking. They go very well together!

Lanek Olenak: grumphs

Youtargim: Looking around at The Mist, how much magic is in your matchmaking?

Youtargim: Do you like tea Lanek?

Raelynn: Oh, the magic can help, but I've done it for years before I was ordained.

Lanek Olenak: well, uh, yeah I kinda do

Raelynn: Oooh! You can be my first customer!

Youtargim: I bet Rae can match you up with some good tea

Youtargim: and then who knows how or who she can match up next

Lanek Olenak: not the reg'lar kind. the kind that makes you sleepy. or the kind that makes yer stommack feel better. or the kind that gets rid of yer headache

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Well of course! I'll have many, many blends for all sorts of things.

Lanek Olenak: the kind that's just fer tastin, I don't like that kind

Youtargim: I thought tea was for charming ladies

Craigh: sits and listens quietly to the conversation

Lanek Olenak: surprised face

Raelynn: It can be. But it can be for healing, for relaxing, for comfort, for reading... for many things.

Lanek Olenak: you, uh, you can charm ladies with TEA?!?!

Youtargim: I have always heard that if you treat a lady nicely, give her tea, cookies, and something shiny that she will be charmed

Raelynn: ...yes? Lanek, dear, how long have you been out of the dating realm?

Lanek Olenak: shrugs

Lanek Olenak: dunno about datin'. I gen'rally pay and avoid the hassle

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Well, if you ever want to meet a lady, tea is a great place to start.

Lanek Olenak: I got some frens who kinda like me, but charm ain't got nuthin to do with it

Raelynn: Everyone has their own charm. Right, Daphene?

Raelynn: You think Lanek is charming.

Youtargim: They appreciate that up front accommodation too.... at least I hear Lanek

Daphene: I don't know about charming, but he's very wise!

Lanek Olenak: rolls eyes

Daphene: Some people might find that charming!

Youtargim: Priestess would find that charming, they are wise

Youtargim: right Bixi?

Youtargim: Howard do wizards like wise people too?

Lanek Olenak: so I guess you gotta cook the tea for the lady, just givin em the leaves would be like, I dunno, makin extra work or something

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ummm

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't want to offend, Lanek, but I don't find you particularly charming

Lanek Olenak: that’s alright, neither do I

Raelynn: It depends! If you brought me leaves you hand picked and dried yourself, that would be very meaningful!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I like having you around, don't get me wrong... just uh... wouldn't describe you as charming

Youtargim: Rugged?

Youtargim: Not Handsome like Indigo is

Lanek Olenak: gestures 'there ya go”

Craigh: Tea leaves could make an acceptable gift if the person was into them

Youtargim: But more of a weathered rugged look I think is that what you mean Bixi?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Sure

Lanek Olenak: I don't have fancy looks and I don't have fancy manners and for most people that's fine. other people can do that part

Youtargim: Indigo is here to be the smooth talker

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't really think we need to put labels on Lanek

Raelynn: Everyone has something lovable about them. It's just... not always obvious at first.

Lanek Olenak: I’m for thievin. for the right people. and keepin body and soul together. and that's perty much it

Craigh: That's being charitable

Lanek Olenak: but I might try that charmin' with tea

Lanek Olenak: just to see what happens

Raelynn: Yes! You definitely should!

Craigh: Let me know how it goes.

Lanek Olenak: pulls out the flute and polishes it

Lanek Olenak: starts practicing scales

Lanek Olenak: plays a slow sad tune

Lanek Olenak: plays a sea shanty

Craigh: So, Lanek, you getting any better at blowing your own flute?

Lanek Olenak: well, you tell me

Indigo: I think you're pretty good!