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Chat Log List - 2023 04 28 - Book Return - Formatted - Chat

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Close to the day when the group will be opening a gate to Hell, some old friends gather at the Manor.

Ilero Sauscha: Hokay.

Branwyn: Ilero, I can't believe I am doing this again so soon

Ilero Sauscha: T'is time, at least, have some advance warning.

Branwyn: This should be a short trip. Not like the trip to the elf afterlife disaster

Jilly Ognorn: How short?

Ilero Sauscha: You t'ink? Or you hope?

Branwyn: I refuse to let a little interplanar journey deprive me of more years

Branwyn: I just won't

Branwyn: Some times you just need to decide

Ilero Sauscha: nods

Branwyn: But in a worst case scenario ...

Branwyn: There is no one else I would trust to be regent to the estate for my children

Branwyn: Jilly and Nevin I love dearly but I do not want that placed upon them

Jilly Ognorn: I have to be able to come rescue you

Branwyn: smiles

Nevin Ognorn: I could work on locking her up

Jilly Ognorn: Regor showed me a few things

Branwyn: Really, I see no reason why I won't be back quickly

Ilero Sauscha: Hokay. Worst case, neit'er you nor Tiberius come back. Hye regent t'en, until which child old enough? Demi?

Branwyn: Dahlia is oldest. She can take it when she is of age and then decide what she wants to do

Ilero Sauscha: Dahlia. Does Queen have to hokay t'at, or is automatic?

Jilly Ognorn: I will make her agree

Branwyn: She will need to be informed but I believe I have power over succession in my estate

Branwyn: smiles at Jilly

Ilero Sauscha: nods

Jilly Ognorn: We have kept Jistille safe for her

Ilero Sauscha: Hanyt'ing special you want done? Priorities? Hor just keep it all going?

Jilly Ognorn: She owes you

Branwyn: I wish you could go with me. I miss heading into danger with you, my friend

Jilly Ognorn: I know

Ilero Sauscha: shakes his head.

Branwyn: No undead in hell, right?

Jilly Ognorn: I thought they were all undead? the souls of the damned

Branwyn: But they aren't undead like zombies and ghouls

Jilly Ognorn: Shrugs

Ilero Sauscha: T'is afterlife.

Branwyn: Yes

Shi'Nynze: And not a good one.

Ilero Sauscha: shrugs.

Ilero Sauscha: Hye hope only t'ose deserving go t'ere.

Branwyn: Like me?

Ilero Sauscha: You not dead. Hye meant dead people.

Jilly Ognorn: THROWS a spoon at Ilero

Branwyn: laughs

Shi'Nynze: You'll be back.

Ilero Sauscha: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 5]

Ilero Sauscha: ducks the spoon.

Ilero Sauscha: catches the spoon.

Branwyn: Nicely done

Branwyn: Careful there Jilly

Jilly Ognorn: If he is going to be worthy of taking your place... temporarily..... he better be

Ilero Sauscha: Training.

Branwyn: Thank you Shi. I do plan on coming back

Shi'Nynze: I do not think I'm still ready to face another version of death, but I did make you some potions to help you for your trip, Branwyn.

Branwyn: Thank you so much. We have so many people in danger, any help for healing is so much appreciated

Ilero Sauscha: chuckles.

Shi'Nynze: And I had thought... I must keep protecting the forest, and that would mean watching the gate. If you are willing to give me the details of your trip... perhaps you'd like to use the wand again? It may help.

Ilero Sauscha: Where you want cenotaph to be?

Branwyn: perks up

Branwyn: The wand of wonder?

Branwyn: You would lend me it?

Branwyn: Cenotaph

Ilero Sauscha: Gravesite wit' no body.

Ilero Sauscha: grins at Branwyn.

Branwyn: frowns

Ilero Sauscha: Just in case...

Shi'Nynze: Yes. My family believes I can use it. Well, no. My father and uncle know not, but they are not offended by lending it out. It may be of use.

Shi'Nynze: I'Osu would find that a grand place for it to be used.

Branwyn: If I borrow it, that will make sure I will come back to return it

Shi'Nynze: smiles

Shi'Nynze: I hope you come back with a perfect story for it.

Branwyn: And Ilero you can just put a plaque on my tower

Ilero Sauscha: Pfft... boring.

Branwyn: I will Shi

Branwyn: I can always leave it to you then to decide. If I'm dead I won't be complaining

Ilero Sauscha: shrugs.

Ilero Sauscha: Hokay.

Branwyn: laughs

Shi'Nynze: Le merna salk. Give them a good dance in Hell.

Shi'Nynze: pulls wand from pocket and hands it over.

Ilero Sauscha: Better you t'an me.

Branwyn: takes it carefully and lets it rest in her hands

Branwyn: I will. Thank you

Shi'Nynze: I will work on some more holy water if you are good with the potions. And I'll be waiting outside the gates in the Mist for you to return.

Ilero Sauscha: Any idea if Brer going to show up? You said you sent message, yes?

Branwyn: I did, but I am not sure he would ever come when I call after how we left things

Branwyn: He wanted to go after Drake and I said I wouldn't support him so ...

Ilero Sauscha: He not say anyt'ing t'e couple times he come t'rough while you was in t'e Elflands. So maybe he not too upset.

Branwyn: Was he well? Had he killed any good vampires?

Ilero Sauscha: shrugs.

Ilero Sauscha: He didn't say. Just came, said Hi, passed t'rough, left again. Couple of times.

Branwyn: Odd

Ilero Sauscha: nods.

Branwyn: I do hope he is well wherever he is

Shi'Nynze: Thistle was hoping he'd stay longer.

Shi'Nynze: But perhaps she's another reason he didn't...

Ilero Sauscha: shrugs.

Branwyn: chuckles

Ilero Sauscha: Hye not sure why he come back so often. No vampires here.

Ilero Sauscha: T'at we know of, anyways.

Branwyn: I hope he was passing through to see Sundown

Ilero Sauscha: nods.

Ilero Sauscha: T'at probably is a good reason. Maybe hye should ask around.

Ilero Sauscha: Shi, have t'e gods said anyt'ing to you about t'is trip at all? Any signs or oracles?

Shi'Nynze: shrugs

Shi'Nynze: Solonor doesn't concern himself with the future.

Ilero Sauscha: Typical. Would be nice to have some hints.

Shi'Nynze: You would have to ask another deity. Hints would be nice.

Branwyn: But that would ruin the surprise!

Ilero Sauscha: T'ats hokay wit' me.

Shi'Nynze: I wonder how else we can help... perhaps you have some guild members you want to send to Hell?

Shi'Nynze: We'll keep it secret from you so you stay surprised.

Ilero Sauscha: chuckles.

Ilero Sauscha: You has *no* idea!

Shi'Nynze: smiles

Shi'Nynze: Maybe don't send all of them.

Ilero Sauscha: Like herding cats sometimes.

Ilero Sauscha: Hye'll ask if anyone willing.

Shi'Nynze: nods

Shi'Nynze: The wolves are easier to herd than the cats N'laea left at the forest.

Shi'Nynze: Oh! If you have some berries before you leave, I can enchant those for you as well. I worry you won't have enough healing.

Shi'Nynze: Although, I don't believe you'll give them a chance to make you need it.

Branwyn: That would be lovely

Shi'Nynze: Oh! If you have some berries before you leave, I can enchant those for you as well. I worry you won't have enough healing.

Shi'Nynze: I will have to brainstorm more. That which takes time has mostly been done, but I'm sure I have a spell or two to help.

Branwyn: You have been such a big help. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?

Shi'Nynze: laughs

Shi'Nynze: You haven't convinced me yet, although you have time still to try it sounds like. Unless it was Ilero you're telling to go to Hell.

Branwyn: laughs

Branwyn: No of course not. But I do miss adventuring with you both

Ilero Sauscha: nods.

Branwyn: Makes me feel like I should be home and settled instead of running around through gates to hell

Shi'Nynze: Yes, those are fond memories. This only gives you more drive to come back, perhaps drag us both out for one more adventure.

Ilero Sauscha: Hye miss it too. But hye is retired, for good reason. Too old, and wit'out t'e Hand, not much good in a fight.

Branwyn: I would like that very much

Shi'Nynze: There are times I miss it, too.

Shi'Nynze: You are good company, Ilero.

Shi'Nynze: I just need to find my courage again. It is almost there.

Branwyn: And I will like to be there when that time comes

Shi'Nynze: smiles

Branwyn: Maybe we can go up to Ghostwood and see Thistle. There is always something brewing up there

Shi'Nynze: You will be. I have faith.

Shi'Nynze: Oh, she would adore that! The forest is too quiet without her.

Later the group has a conversation with Jennevive

Jennevive: Looks around the Manor House

Jennevive: Things look very calm here

Jennevive: Raises an eyebrow at Fives, You even bathed

Branwyn: Why are you so surprised? Everything is usually calm here

Branwyn: grins

Jennevive: Laughs

Fives: Y'all have got actual fresh water here instead of brackish canal water. Of course I bathed.

Jilly Ognorn: Jennevive what are you doing ....

Jennevive: Here is that jam I promised you Jilly

Jilly Ognorn: Oh well thank you

Branwyn: So we have last minute questions about the gate scrolls

Jennevive: Last minute? are we leaving tonight?

Branwyn: No but soon

Jennevive: I thought to wait until a full moon, much more dramatic

Talwin: Rolls eyes

Raelynn: Oooh that's more mysterious and romantic.

Jennevive: See your charming Elven gypsy gets it

Talwin: I do believe we are less concerned about Dramaticism and making sure you all come back alive and well. Regent is a dirty word to me

Raelynn: Gypsy? That's a new one, but yes, I do.

Talwin: No offense to dear Ilero

Fives: I don't know if the moon's got anything to do with your magic gate or not, but it's got damn-all to do with what's on the other side of it.

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Then start with that

Branwyn: The moon does?

Ilero Sauscha: Hye rat'er not be regent any more eit'er.

Jennevive: Which moon?

Jennevive: Oh you did a fine job last time Ilero

Raelynn: Well both would be the most dramatic, but I suppose either will do.

Jennevive: and this time you do not need to worry about where she is

Jennevive: Perhaps I should let you ask the questions first

Jennevive: then we can answer

Jennevive: What question did you have about the Gate scrolls?

Talwin: Speaking of Regency, passes Ilero a parchment roll. “Last will and Testament along with a list of ventures ongoing outside the estate and accounts”

Talwin: Now questions

Talwin: Smiles

Ilero Sauscha: takes it with a nod and stashes it away.

Jennevive: What do you want me to tell you Talwin?

Talwin: Shrugs. “Not me Lady Jennevive”

Talwin: Passes hands

Talwin: Others

Jennevive: That you are a good boy?

Talwin: I'll go where needed

Jennevive: That you are very brave

Talwin: I'll say “Yes, yes I am a good boy”

Raelynn: watches with interest

Talwin: And Yes, “I am a brave boy”

Raelynn: I thought you wanted more than that, Talwin.

Jennevive: So what other blandishments do you need Talwin?

Talwin: Once more, not me, the group. I'll deal with events as they come

Jennevive: OH what he wants and what he is prepared to ask for are very different

Raelynn: nods

Talwin: Coughs

Jennevive: The things I could teach you young gypsy elf

Raelynn: That is very true. He'll need to work up that courage himself, though.

Branwyn: Anyway ... these are priest scrolls and not mage scrolls I take it?

Raelynn: Oh, I bet you could teach me so much! I'm always happy to learn.

Jennevive: you can DRAW the courage out of them

Talwin: I think If I roll my eyes again, they will roll so hard right out of my head

Talwin: BACK to business

Branwyn: looks at Raelynn in surprise

Jennevive: Looks to Branwyn, Yes I was able to .... encourage... the Celestry to give us these two

Fives: Are we here to talk about Hell, or do I have to live through it listening to y'all flirt with each other?

Raelynn: Hmm, you can and sometimes it's worth it, but sometimes you need them to do it themselves.

Talwin: You try flirting with Lady Jenn Fives, I'd pay good money

Raelynn: Oh, sorry. I do love talking about love, but I suppose that's not why we're here.

Fives: I'd rather cut her throat, thanks.

Jennevive: Looking at Rae, your young captain will learn how you like him to use his sword do not worry about that

Talwin: Grunts

Branwyn: From what I have read we need the name of the librarian to summon them. I do not know their name

Raelynn: laughs

Talwin: She'd probably like it, then she'd stab your eyes out and heal herself

Jennevive: I do not know that name either sadly

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: Ah

Talwin: I had hoped you would know. You tend to know these things

Jennevive: We do have his assistant's name

Fives: [TOWER] [SKILL] Devil Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]

Branwyn: Okay. I suppose that is better than nothing

Talwin: What kind of assistant? His cook or his Steward?

Talwin: Level matters here

Jennevive: and of course Branwyn has the Demon who borrowed the books name

Branwyn: Yes but since we think he is imprisoned I do not think he is able to respond to a summons

Zayden: Perhaps the Demon that borrowed the book would know the name of the librarian?

Zayden: oh neveermind

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Not a bad idea Zayden

Talwin: Jennevive?

Jennevive: I am not certain that being imprisoned matters to such a powerful spell

Talwin: Might he?

Raelynn: If only you could contact the plane first before going there.... I wonder if Namsut could do something fancy like that.

Talwin: Surprises

Talwin: Oh

Raelynn: We need more interplanar friends.

Jennevive: You are full of surprises gypsy elf

Zayden: Don't we all Rae

Branwyn: laughs

Talwin: I don't like the ones we have Rae

Talwin: Even the somewhat benevolent ones don't always turn out well for us

Raelynn: I try to be! Keeps things interesting!

Jennevive: Who is this Namsut? that sounds deliciously other worldly

Raelynn: A marid!

Jennevive: So we have her name, we can summon her with one of these scrolls and then bring her to Hell with us

Raelynn: Oh, well that wouldn't be nice. You should just ask her, instead.

Raelynn: She's on our plane. Well, probably.

Jennevive: It would not matter what plane she is on

Raelynn: And she's united with her love, and I don't like splitting up lovers.

Jennevive: and the Djinn are resigned to being summoned

Raelynn: nods

Branwyn: I would not waste a scroll to summon someone we can teleport to

Talwin: That doesn't make it right to summon them Jennevive

Raelynn: I don't try to understand them.

Talwin: That's a choice

Raelynn: I don't know if we could convince her, anyways. You'd have to ask Yout. Maybe she has friends though....

Jennevive: I am here to assist Branwyn in returning her book to the Devil that needs it so we can free the Demon and then we can require a favor from him in return

Jennevive: Summoning this Demon will be good enough for me

Talwin: Gods Bran, what could we need a favor from a demon for?

Talwin: Shocked

Branwyn: I don't need a demon favor

Branwyn: If Jenn wants to extract one that is her choice

Fives: At least devils will honor contracts. Demons'll just kill you.

Talwin: Eyes Jennevive

Talwin: Sometimes I worry the favors you collect will cause more problems then they solve

Jennevive: We have a name of a Demon

Raelynn: What kind of favors do Demons grant?

Jennevive: Branwyn has kept that a secret

Jennevive: Good for her

Branwyn: But ... if we summon a demon who has been imprisoned in Hell and give him the book why would he return to Hell?

Fives: Huh. Well, that'll definitely help you.

Branwyn: And I would still have the demon mark

Fives: Still pretty dumb, but I'm used to that from you already.

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: You freed him, would it be obligation for a favor provided in advance?

Talwin: Turns to Fives for query

Raelynn: What would bind him to that?

Branwyn: The whole point of this for me is to get rid of the demon mark and I believe the mark came from the librarian and not the demon

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I had forgotten that

Talwin: My apologies

Fives: With it's name, you can force it into service. True names are powerful things. You regular mortals just don't understand how powerful a true name can be.

Talwin: Could we ask for the name of the Librarian and in turn free him? Then we deal with the second part of the problem

Raelynn: Do humans have true names or is that a demon devil thing?

Branwyn: Free him to run around in our world?

Raelynn: Is that why you like the name Fives?

Talwin: Gee Fives, I'm glad we Regular Mortals are so dumb.

Fives: Well, you toss them around so much, I certainly hope not.

Raelynn: Because that is NOT a real name.

Talwin: Starting to have an inkling of Fives

Talwin: Watching him carefully

Talwin: More like Free him and then banish him back

Talwin: He'll be “Free” in the sense he is no longer imprisoned

Talwin: But not here

Jennevive: Branwyn, you do understand what you just said?

Talwin: In a different plane

Jennevive: The Demon mark the book gave you?

Fives: It's more ignorance than stupidity on this one.

Fives: But you're maybe playing with fire and don't even know it.

Raelynn: Well, isn't that Hell?

Jennevive: Devils is it not Fives?

Talwin: We wouldn't be the first race to do such things Fives. And names may have power, but you have to know the right one. My friends call me Talwin, and that is my title, but names change over time. They have for me, and I have a suspicion they do for you

Fives: You're absolutely right, missy. That's one of the reasons I use this name.

Talwin: Missy?

Jennevive: Yes Demons are from the Abyss, the layers un-numbered of a tangled web that requires great strength of mind to navigate

Jennevive: Hell is a simple 9 levels

Jennevive: The sort of thing Devils can handle

Branwyn: I think I understand what I am saying Jenn

Raelynn: He means me, Talwin, unless you like being called that, too.

Talwin: Cough

Talwin: My apologies

Raelynn: smiles

Jennevive: So the Demon who borrowed this book marked you, forcing you or who ever picked up the book, to return it to Hell and let the Devils release him

Fives: So she's demon-marked, or devil-marked?

Raelynn: whispers to Talwin, “Don't worry. I didn't forget your other nickname, Disrespector.”

Raelynn: winks

Talwin: Bursts out laughing

Talwin: I like that one

Raelynn: Good, so do I.

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: Simply put

Talwin: What should we do

Branwyn: And the gate scroll can pull this demon out of a prison in hell and deliver him here no matter how they have bound him there?

Jennevive: Perhaps?

Talwin: Eyes Jenn

Branwyn: But you are not sure

Talwin: Level of Confidence

Talwin: What is it?

Jennevive: I do not know the extent of his imprisonment

Talwin: Guess?

Jennevive: It WILL be noticed

Talwin: Nods

Jennevive: We know that, the Gods will not be dissuaded

Branwyn: But we do know we can get the assistant librarian here

Jennevive: We have that power in our hands

Jennevive: Yes we should be able to summon Ramiel to us

Fives: I want to say I don't think it'll free it from it's bonds. That kind of magic's way beyond me. But if it were that easy it would've been freed long time ago. I think it'll come in response to the summons, then go back when it's shut off.

Talwin: Slaps hand to face

Talwin: Surely bandying the name about isn't exactly smart Jennevive?

Branwyn: I think I would rather try for the librarian than orchestrate a prison break in hell

Talwin: Agreed

Talwin: Less Chaos at the very least

Jennevive: We are in The Mist, no one outside of this room can hear it

Jennevive: and I am certain that Branwyn can kill anyone who dares spread it around

Talwin: We only THINK that Jenn, we don't know as much as we think we do about the Mist

Talwin: For all we know, the creators of the mist can hear anything said in it

Talwin: Let's not give them any ideas eh?

Jennevive: Looks to Rae, Did your Marid enjoy being here in The Mist?

Fives: That's the demon, though, right?

Raelynn: Not at all! She was much happier when we got to the Inn.

Jennevive: Ramiel is the librarian's assistant

Talwin: Sighs

Fives: Right.

Jennevive: I do wonder, if we summon Branwyn's Demon, and they do arrive here, they get the book and they can return it

Jennevive: At the least she is released from her mark

Jennevive: Correct?

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: I don't know the curse

Jennevive: Do you care if the book goes back to the proper owner?

Talwin: I care only for the mark to be gone from Bran and the Protectorate to not face repercussions. All others consequences are fair game

Talwin: Shrugs at Bran

Talwin: Sorry

Talwin: Not sorry

Fives: She got marked when she opened the book, and is basically geased to return it, on threat of violence if she doesn't? Sounds like the kind of magic that'd end when the quest is complete.

Branwyn: Personally, I could not care less. But do I trust a demon to remove the mark? I don't know if it is removed automatically by giving it to him or if he needs to remove the curse actively

Raelynn: Who looked into this curse for you? Could they figure out the conditions?

Fives: The demon or devil didn't place it on her in person and say “return the book or I'll never remove the mark?”

Talwin: No, she picked it up randomly in a Library Fives

Talwin: Could just ask the Assistant

Raelynn: Is that the true name of the assistant? Would he have to answer you? Can you compel him?

Talwin: At the very least, the Head Archivist would know and could remove it regardless

Branwyn: Two Guardians. One that guards the location of the book. The other attacks until the book is surrendered back. I’ll continue to be attacked until the book is returned to the first guardian or we kill the second guardian

Talwin: But you killed the second guardian

Talwin: You killed many second guardians

Fives: Probably just sent by the second guardian.

Talwin: Cocks head

Talwin: Considering

Talwin: Then...just ask who the guardians are

Talwin: Surely they want their book back at the very least

Fives: It don't make much sense to me for the two guardians to be one devil and one demon. They'd never willingly work together on something.

Branwyn: I don't want to release a prisoner and open the flood gates for hellish creatures to come out of the gates after him

Branwyn: I think the librarian assistant is the safer choice

Fives: [TOWER] [SKILL] Devil Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Fives: Well, if the Librarian's assistant is the second guardian, you could just kill it, and stop the attacks.

Branwyn: That would be a discussion worth having

Fives: Right. Okay. So... I don't know a whole lot about demons. But... if demons are Chaos, why the Hell would they care about an overdue library book? It's got to be the devils that care.

Branwyn: the book is a spell book not a text

Fives: Somebody said that the assistant is the one sending the attacks, I think? Is that right, or did I just make that up?

Talwin: I believe it was never confirmed Fives

Talwin: But I think there is nuance

Talwin: There is logic behind the events

Branwyn: It is filled with spells to control, torture and send creatures out of planes to others

Talwin: Nods

Raelynn: Wouldn't the demon stealing book cause chaos in the nice orderly library?

Branwyn: We don't know Fives

Talwin: Surely, it is a prize worth having returned. Even at the risk of maybe not screwing over humans

Branwyn: I am not sure an assistant would be the guardian

Talwin: I doubt full integrity, but a librarian has an orderly set of tasks and duty.

Branwyn: A good librarian yes

Talwin: Especially for a book that can move creatures between planes

Branwyn: But if you are evil can you overcome your nature?

Talwin: Dimensions

Branwyn: looks at Jenn and smiles

Fives: You ever think to maybe use one of those spells in that book on the guy whose name you know? To maybe control ot or force information out of it?

Raelynn: Would that give her another mark?

Talwin: I think Overcoming your nature is subjective Bran

Talwin: Self Interest always overrides

Branwyn: The spells in there ... are evil

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: All reasons to simply get it back and go away

Talwin: Besides

Talwin: Evil or now

Fives: Blood sacrifices to cast?

Talwin: We aren' tasking for anything

Talwin: Except

Talwin: To remove a mark that had nothing to do with us

Talwin: And we could give the Thief’s name to them

Branwyn: My self interest will not make me become evil Talwin. That is a flawed argument

Talwin: Which would make them incredibly happy

Talwin: Not you Bran

Talwin: The Demon

Talwin: Devil

Talwin: Whatever

Branwyn: And so why not them as well?

Talwin: Explain?

Branwyn: If you are evil and there is a way to get what you want by doing so, why would you be good?

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: I'm not saying that

Talwin: I am saying

Branwyn: Believe me, I would like this to be simple. I just would not expect it to be

Branwyn: Don't think it will be

Talwin: A logical, orderly evil creature, may wish to screw us over, but the reward not to would be high enough to make it hesitate

Talwin: I*t's not overcoming it's own evil nature, it's consi8dering it's own self interest

Talwin: And weighing what it wants more

Talwin: Do you think it would rather have a powerful spell book back? O screw us over?

Talwin: Surely it would like to do both? But if it had a choice, which do you think it would want more?

Talwin: The rewards to obtain the book are far greater than screwing us over

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: I'm speculating

Zayden: Well there's lots of people around, but so few books

Branwyn: We'll find out won't we? But if you think a creature will bound out of the gate, I hand them the book and we call it a day, I would think you were being overly optimistic

Talwin: Chuckles

Branwyn: So good luck with that hope

Talwin: I'm not saying that

Talwin: I'm saying Logical beings can be persuaded

Zayden: not from my experience

Talwin: And see benefits that they themselves might not recognize

Fives: If y'all summon the assistant, would it be in a trap so it couldn't get loose and had to answer your questions, or just popping in for tea and biscuits for a friendly chat?

Talwin: What does evil want?

Branwyn: You are not persuading me with your logic ...

Talwin: To hoard, gain, and self reward

Zayden: mmm tea and biscuits please

Raelynn: Probably not tea and biscuits....

Raelynn: Delicious as it sounds.

Talwin: Turns to Jennevive

Talwin: Jennevive

Zayden: pshh fine

Talwin: I am not good with words, and if you tell me my logic is flawed I will drop

Talwin: But what Does evil want? In this specific instance

Talwin: From an orderly, logical perspective

Fives: The infamous pentagram is a binding trap. But you can also just open a door and say 'pretty please' and have it walk through.

Talwin: Not Chaos

Fives: If you're going to bind the assistant, you can ask it who the guardians of the book are.

Zayden: You're great with words Tal

Raelynn: Always so complimentary, Zayden! It's refreshing.

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: He really isn't

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey just trying to build his confidence before he goes to Hell

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: Ah, well, that's nice of you then. Don't tell him what I said!

Jennevive: I think there are two competing interests here. The Demon who marked Branwyn, with the intention I believe of marking the thief of his book, so that the Library could send out notices to convince someone to return it

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Haha ok, I probably shouldn't fluff people anyway, they may find it manipulative

Jennevive: There is the library who wants their book back, and are keeping the Demon there until it gets back

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: No worries. We simply don't have enough facts

Talwin: We can do whatever is best in the situation

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: I mean, he DOES seem to lack the amount of confidence in himself that he has earned. It probably doesn't hurt to build it up a little.

Jennevive: As I said before do we attempt to summon Ramiel and speak with him about the return policy or do we summon Branwyn's Demon and return the book directly to him?

Branwyn: I just don't want you to be complacent and think we can have a civil conversation and be done with this

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: Oh I doubt that

Talwin: But I think it can be mitigated

Branwyn: And again, of the two choices I do not like breaking a demon out of a hell prison

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Fair fair. I mean, should I really compromise my own integrity just to help someone feel and perform better?... I'm a bard of course I should!

Fives: I must have missed you saying that Jenn. Probably on account of me tuning out whenever you start talking.

Talwin: I still agree with you there

Jennevive: I am glad to enthrall you Fives

Bixi Fizzlebang to Zayden: Hahaha, ah, Zayden, there's a reason you're my favorite person to spend time with

Raelynn: Enthralling is just talking. You need a bit of charm and flirt.

Zayden to Bixi Fizzlebang: Ahh thanks Bix, the feeling is mutual; smiles

Jennevive: Warm smile and takes Rae's hand, Thank you Rae, I really appreciate that you are looking out for those small details for me

Raelynn: Always happy to help.

Raelynn: winks

Jennevive: Winks

Jennevive: Pushes a bit of hair back over Rae's ear, You are always so charming

Daphene to Raelynn: Are you being enthralled right now!?

Raelynn: Mmm, it IS one of my many great qualities.

Raelynn to Daphene: Hmm? Oh no, just entertained!

Jennevive: I can see why you have been so careful with your dashing sailor, you do need to make sure he full appreciates your .... skills and charm

Jennevive: Slowly pulls back from Rae

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: I'm glad someone understands.

Jennevive: So which of our two prospective being do you think we should summon?

Branwyn: How many times do I need to say it Jenn?

Branwyn: Pay attention

Jennevive: I am paying attention, I think that Rae was distracted

Zayden: He so do we need magic gear if we're staying on this side of the action too?

Zayden: no right?

Raelynn: Oops, sorry! Sometimes I do that. Do I need to step out of the room?

Fives: I think I'm going to go throw up.

Zayden: nice

N'laea: mutters, “You and me both.”

Branwyn: If you fight something from hell at the Inn, yes you will. In the Mist they will be like any other creature

Zayden: oh ok

Branwyn: We have magic weapons in Tiberius' weapons room, you can borrow something

Zayden: well as long as somebody gives me a weapon I can use that would be groovy

N'laea: Not just magic, but strength. Damage.

Zayden: nice

Zayden: sounds good

Zayden: also if it looks cool that would be nice

N'laea: The devil Fives summoned earlier was too strong for weak weapons, even enchanted.

Branwyn: We have magic maces, a magic spear of healing

Raelynn: Oh! I have extra glitter if you need, Zayden!

Zayden: ohhh healing sounds good to me

Branwyn: I'm not sure what would be easiest for you to handle.

Zayden: Ohhh good idea Rae!

Fives: You have a Spear of Healing? What, stab someone to make them all better?

Zayden: I believe I'm good with daggers

Zayden: things good for backstabbing

Zayden: haha Fives

Zayden: you so crazy

Branwyn: I don't have spare magic daggers I am afraid

Fives: Here, let me make sure your heart is all better!

N'laea: Did you not just suggest doing that to someone else to make you feel better?

Zayden: well I suppose I'll just have to make due then

Branwyn: No the spear heals the user the amount of damage it inflicts on someone

Zayden: always stay flexible right?

Fives: Okay, that actually makes sense then. Unusual for this group.

Raelynn: Yes! Always good to be limber.

Zayden: It's like, sometimes you're supposed to sing after dinner, and then all of a sudden you gotta sing before dinner!

Branwyn: The mace probably inflicts more damage than the spear but you'd have to ask Tiberius

N'laea: Or you sing before, during, AND after!

Raelynn: Or you sing before, during, AND after!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, my bludgeoning isn't that strong... I think if we have to go inside, I might not be as useful

Zayden: Does the mace heal too?

Raelynn: You have many spells at your fingertips, Bixi. Don't discount your strength.

Branwyn: No it just bashes

Daphene: Zayden can't you like, sing them to sleep or something?

Zayden: I got some experience in Rod, Staff, and Wand I do believe

Zayden: Maybe with a couple drinks in em Daph

Zayden: sing a few lullabies

Fives: Boss, don't think I've heard yet. You're going to summon the assistant, right? Friendly, consensual summoning, or binding, answer-me-these-questions-three summoning?

Branwyn: I'm not sure what kind of summoning other than they should appear

Branwyn: I've never cast it

Fives: Are they bound at this end, or can they just wander off if they want?

Fives: Might be a good thing to know so we can prepare right.

Jennevive: We would have to provide the binding if we need that

Jennevive: The Gate simply summons them to us

Fives: Well, we've got it's true name. There's things you can do with that, if you know how.

Fives: Right, that sounds like a friendly, consensual summoning.

Branwyn: And Jenn is better aligned to summon a creature from hell than I am

Fives: Of that I have no doubts

Branwyn: he might be happy to see her

Fives: I suppose somebody somewhere should be.

Branwyn: smiles

Raelynn: Oh, sour puss.

Fives: You can put that on my gravestone

Raelynn: I will!

Jennevive: I am not certain our librarian will be happy to see me, but I do believe they will be happy to see the book from Branwyn

Jennevive: It is nice that he is planning on giving you his body Rae

Jennevive: You can use it in many ways

Fives: Only after I’m dead

Jennevive: If she likes that I am not to judge

Raelynn: Oh, that's not my thing. That's, um, well I won't judge, either, but it's not my thing.

Jennevive: You are a good healthy gypsy elf, of course your activities lean to a more natural way

Raelynn: And ethical!

Fives: Anyways, back on topic. Summon the assistant, grill it for answers, trust it less than I trust Jenn.

Branwyn: I'm not sure a binding spell would be useful. What if we waste a binding spell on a creature that needs to get his boss

Raelynn: Um, can you have negative trust? Because I think you're in the negatives.

N'laea [Infernal]: You. With the horns. Do you speak?

Fives [Infernal]: You talking to me?

N'laea [Infernal]: No, you're Fingers. You want to hide your horns.

N'laea [Infernal]: Unless you prefer I call you Horns.

Fives [Infernal]: You're one of the less objectionable ones here. Don't ruin it for me.

N'laea: almost smiles

N'laea [Infernal]: While we deal with these, if I refer to horns, it is not you. To clear up confusion.

N'laea [Infernal]: I am aware you can speak.

Later Brer Necholas arrives at the Manor.

Brer Necholas: dismounts from his horse.

Talwin: Oh my gods

Talwin: Walks up and GRIPS Brer in a Bear HUG

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 17] [d20 = 1]

Brer Necholas: returns the hug.

Talwin: I missed you!

Talwin: Why don't you ever stop by?!

Talwin: BEAMS

Brer Necholas: chuckles under his hood.

Talwin: Guys its Brer!

Branwyn: smiles

Brer Necholas: It's good to see you too. I had faith that you would return.

N'laea: nods hello

Branwyn: Necholas, nice to see you

Brer Necholas: Blessed One. Welcome home.

Branwyn: Thank you. Are you well?

Lanek Olenak: harumphs

Brer Necholas: Hmm... as well as can be expected, I suppose.

Talwin: Slightly Anxious

Talwin: Are you okay?

Branwyn: How goes the vampire hunting? I am glad Count Drake has not harmed you

Brer Necholas: I am, thank you. I trust you're none the worse for your travels?

Talwin: Er

Talwin: Well, I am better than I have been in a long time

Talwin: Better now that you are here!

Talwin: Sides Eyes Branwyn

Brer Necholas: Good. My hunt continues. I hope that it may remain between just between the Count and I.

Branwyn: smiles

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: As you stated before

Branwyn: So you have received word that we are opening the gate to hell soon I take it?

Talwin: Sighs With Relief

Brer Necholas: Is that what it is? I trust you have a good reason?

Branwyn: laughs

Talwin: As good as we can get

Talwin: Mumbles

Branwyn: I need to get rid of the demon mark I received from opening this evil spell book

Branwyn: It requires that I return the book

Branwyn: Evil items seem to find me

Brer Necholas: Hmmm... that is a problem, I see.

Branwyn: And I do not wish to keep it

Brer Necholas: What is it you need from me? Hell is not my domain.

Talwin: Laughs

Talwin: No!

Talwin: But your specialty I think

Talwin: Grins

Brer Necholas: Not quite, no. I fight a different brand of evil.

Talwin: Shrugs.

Talwin: Regardless

Branwyn: Well I am not sure how long the gate will need to stay open and I'm not sure what else will come out besides the summoned creature we request. Your skills are great and if you had nothing better to do, we could always use your assistance

Talwin: I cannot think of many others who has faced it down with such frequency

Brer Necholas: pauses to think.

Brer Necholas: scratches his beard.

Brer Necholas: Hmm.

Brer Necholas: May I have your permission to Look at you, and ask you one question while you answer it?

Talwin: Points at himself

Talwin: Me?

Talwin: Or her?

Brer Necholas: Lady Branwyn.

Branwyn: Of course

Brer Necholas: reaches up under his hood to his left eye.

Brer Necholas: What is your intent in opening this Gate to Hell? Returning this evil item to them, or seeking infernal aid or assistance?

Detect Evil

Talwin: Gods Brer

Talwin: Mumbles

Branwyn: Returning the evil item to remove the curse the book put upon me

Branwyn: I want no aid from them

Talwin: We haven' tfallen that far

Talwin: Mumbles

Brer Necholas: Thank you. I'm sorry, but I had to make sure.

Talwin: Slightly Disappointed

Brer Necholas: removes his hand from under his hood.

Branwyn: I understand. As I said, evil things have a way of finding me

Brer Necholas: Indeed. And stronger people than you have been deceived before.

Branwyn: I may have to enter the gate and that would leave others here without me. I would appreciate your help and would be in your debt

Brer Necholas: I can not enter Hell with you. I'm sorry, if that's what you need of me.

Branwyn: No I would not ask, but I am sure Talwin would enjoy having you stay

Brer Necholas: squeezes Talwin's shoulder.

Brer Necholas: I'd be happy to visit with him some.

Brer Necholas: How else can I help?

Branwyn: Not all of us will go into the gate if needed. If you could help Talwin and the others from the outside?

Brer Necholas: nods his head.

Branwyn: And provide wisdom on when to perhaps close the gate if it seems like the best solution

N'laea: and keep faith.

Branwyn: We will find out way back if needed

Brer Necholas: Evil will not pass me by unchallenged.

Branwyn: I have no doubt

Branwyn: But in any event, come and dine with us and tell us of your adventures

Branwyn: Meet our new friends and Talwin can tell you of his sword mastery

Brer Necholas: Of course. Yours are probably much more interesting though.

Branwyn: There is much to share

Talwin: Nods gravely