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Chat Log List - 2023 06 30 - Intermediate Era - Formatted - Story

The Elves are in Hourglass

Leonarda Orbstrike: Hello?

Leonarda Orbstrike: Hello?

Leonarda Orbstrike: BANGS on the door of the tea shop


Leonarda Orbstrike: Hello

Licornah: :: meditating outside :: Opens eyes

Leonarda Orbstrike: HELLO

Licornah: Hello?

Leonarda Orbstrike: WHERE ARE YOU

Raelynn: goes to open the door

Raelynn: Hello?

Leonarda Orbstrike: HELLO

Licornah: Hello?

Raelynn: HELLO!

Leonarda Orbstrike: I NEED TO SPEAK WITH AN ELF

Raelynn: We're not quite open yet but...

Raelynn: Um, okay, come in

Leonarda Orbstrike: WHAT?

Raelynn: You have three to choose from! Sit sit, do you want some tea?

Leonarda Orbstrike: WHAT DID YOU SAY?

Licornah: :: blinks :: Why are they yelling?

Raelynn: gently pulls him over to try to get her to sit.

Raelynn: DO. YOU. WANT. SOME. TEA?


Leonarda Orbstrike: I NEED AN ELF

Licornah: :: stands up and gently enters the Tea shop ::


N'laea: mutters, "Please and quiet."

Leonarda Orbstrike: ARE YOU AN ELF?

Raelynn: YES


Raelynn: points to N'laea and Licornah

Leonarda Orbstrike: DO YOU HAVE THE EARS?

Raelynn: shoves aside her hair to show her

Raelynn: shoves aside her hair to show her

Leonarda Orbstrike: GOOOD

Licornah : [Translation] Why is she yelling? Does she have hearing loss?

Looks around

Raelynn : [Translation] I think so



Licornah : [Translation] :: nods :: We'll go with that

Licornah: Who are you?


Leonarda Orbstrike: I LIVE IN OTTERVILLE



Licornah: :: nods vaguely :: I'm Licornah, nice to make acquaintance



Leonarda Orbstrike: DO YOU HAVE GOOD EARS?



Leonarda Orbstrike: OK

sits down

Raelynn: bends over to look

Raelynn: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

BOB There is no obvious injury to her left or right ear

Raelynn: You want to take a look, Licornah?

Licornah: [SKILL] Anatomy (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

BOB But there is a scar just above her right ear

Licornah: :: nods ::

Licornah: :: points and looks :: What happened to your ear Leonarda?


Licornah: :: looks at Rae and N'lea :: Acien?

Raelynn: raises brow

N'laea: Why would Acien hit you? Was he asleep?

Leonarda Orbstrike: I WAS WALKING AND WHAM

N'laea: to Licornah, "The treant."

N'laea: Did you startle him?

Leonarda Orbstrike: I WAS CARRYING DINNER

N'laea: Is he aware he hit you?

Licornah: :: nods :: Oh... maybe he didn't see you?

Leonarda Orbstrike: I DON'T KNOW

Licornah: So... why do you need an elf?



Leonarda Orbstrike: SHE SAID I NEED NEW EARS


Raelynn: Oops, sorry. It's hard to stop yelling.

Licornah: :: nods :: Let me try. Is it okay if I try to help you? I have to touch your ears

Leonarda Orbstrike: OK

Licornah: [SKILL] Healing (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 8]

BOB Licornah does her healing check but does not seem to affect her


Leonarda Orbstrike: I LIKE TEA


Raelynn: walks off to grab some tea

Licornah: :: shakes head :: I do not possess the magic to help. Perhaps one of you can help?

Licornah: :: steps back ::

Raelynn: comes back and sets tea on the table

Raelynn: Oh, maybe. Let me get her settle first...


Leonarda Orbstrike: thank you

GM: Drinks

Raelynn: Repair Injury - Range: Touch, AOE: Creature touched, Cast Time: , Duration: Instantaneous, Save: None

Leonarda Orbstrike: Oh,

Leonarda Orbstrike: Birds

Leonarda Orbstrike: It is nice to hear birds again

Raelynn: DO, sorry. Do you feel better?

Leonarda Orbstrike: smiles, Flora was right

Leonarda Orbstrike: Elves do have good ear

Raelynn: We're happy to help!

Leonarda Orbstrike: What do you need me to do

Leonarda Orbstrike: I have a little money

Raelynn: Oh, whatever you think is fitting works for me. I'm not sure for Licornah? That okay with you? Do your priests usually set an amount to charge? It always varies.

Raelynn: OH! And pass on word about the tea shop! I always love extra advertisement

Licornah: Please do good deeds to others ... it's all I require.

Leonarda Orbstrike: I can do that

N'laea: Watch your step in the forest.

Leonarda Orbstrike: Yeah it was stupid of me, I should have known he would be mad if I took a sapling

Leonarda Orbstrike: Thank you

N'laea: refrains for saying anything

BOB leaves

Licornah: :: shrugs :: that was interesting. Glad you could hlep Rae

Raelynn: Glad you noticed what was wrong! It's nice to work on a team, isn't it?

Licornah: :: nods :: It is... glad she wasn't cursed at least :)

Raelynn: nods

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Comes knocking on the tea shop door

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Hello?

Raelynn: Oh, hello?

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Sir Sundown sent me

Raelynn: I suppose we are open now...

Raelynn: Oh. Him. What's he want?

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I am looking for ..... I mean, Sir Talwin is supposed to help me

Talwin: Ears still ringing after the shouting match

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I was told that he was here instead of at his post

Talwin: Yes what can I do for you?

Talwin: Scowls

Talwin: Post

Talwin: I need my tea dammit

Talwin: Only way to start my day

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Sorry Sir

Raelynn: Yes, yes. I'm getting there!

Talwin: Smiles warmly

Rysdan Massouchanteau: We have two goblins who need to be straightened out

Talwin: Anyways, Sundown sent

Raelynn: You can handle the Sundown....downess. I'll get you an extra large cup for it!

Talwin: Sighs heavily

Raelynn: goes off to make more tea

Talwin: What did they do?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I didn't know you had a post, Talwin

Talwin: Neither did I

Talwin: Grunts

Talwin: Better here then behind the desk

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I that is I was told that they had a complaint about the Govenor

Rysdan Massouchanteau: and that Sir Sundown said that they could take it up with Sir Talwin since he was in town

Talwin: Sir, you seem to have had a stroke. Can you clear up your meaning?

Talwin: What did the Goblins do?

Talwin: And about the Governor, or for the governor

N'laea: You should clarify if you want the straightening out to be physical or diplomatic.

Rysdan Massouchanteau: They have a complaint about the Govenor

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Ah

Talwin: Huh

Talwin: Never had that complaint before

Rysdan Massouchanteau: They are waiting outside Sir

Talwin: Of course they are

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I did not want to bring them in

Talwin: Err

Talwin: Glacnes aroudn the shop

Talwin: I'll be right back Rae!

Raelynn: shouts from the backroom, "NO GOBLINS INSIDE!"

Raelynn: I'll have your tea waiting!

Talwin: Add whiskey

Talwin: grumbles

Licornah: Wait, the Governor who just started?

Talwin: Steps outside

N'laea: Do you want assistance?

Talwin: Shrugs. You might get some entertainment

Raelynn: Yout? Do we have any whiskey?

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Govenor Snee

N'laea: nods and follows

Youtargim: No whiskey, only rum

Talwin: Good enough

Bixi Fizzlebang: Whiskey this early in the morning?

Raelynn: Eh, he won't notice right? Just a small dash...

Talwin: I'm gonna need it

Raelynn: Go go.

Talwin: Puts on his serious face

Raelynn: to Licornah, "Snee has been govenor for...six? Seven years? Huh, time flies when you're in Elflands..."

Rysdan Massouchanteau: So this is Sir Talwin, the person who can help you.....

Talwin: Before you begin

Talwin: Holds up hand

Bixi Fizzlebang: Should we go out there with him? I mean, not that I don't trust him to keep his temper but...

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] I do not need your stupid ass remarks human

Talwin: Common perhaps?

Raelynn: Neither do I. Go Bixi! I'm trying to get things set up for the day.

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] just tell him that we need him to tell the halfling that we can bring our pets with us

Talwin: I take it that's a no

Bixi Fizzlebang: wanders outside and hovers near the door

N'laea : [Translation] What about gnomish?

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] They need to give us respect

Talwin: Thank you N'laea

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] And this stupid human just wants to try to rule us without even bothering to learn how to speak properly

N'laea: Do not thank me yet. I did not learn Goblin, but perhaps we have a Common Tongue.

Talwin: Sigh

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] Just like the bitch of a halfling

N'laea: shakes head at Goblin

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] You need to tell them to just listen

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] and now they bring out some stupid good for nothing elf

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] what in the hell are they thinking?

N'laea : [Translation] You are not understood.

Talwin: Rysdan, can you translate please

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe : [Translation] when we were in charge it was so much better

Rysdan Massouchanteau : [Translation] I can

Rysdan Massouchanteau: coughs

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I can

Rysdan Massouchanteau: But you do not want me to

Licornah: Oh, sorry, I was thinking of someone else... :: makes a note about Snee ::

N'laea: Do they only speak Goblin?

Talwin: Well, I can't solve a problem without knowing the language can I. Could you please do so anyways?

Rysdan Massouchanteau: As far as I know

Rysdan Massouchanteau: That is one of their complaints... that you are not..... caring, aware, enough to bother to learn their language

Rysdan Massouchanteau: In slightly more colorful language

Rysdan Massouchanteau: and choice of words

Talwin: I speak the language of defenstration

Talwin: So

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I do not know that one Sir

Talwin: Is the complaint about me or the Governor

Talwin: I can only solve one problem at a time

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Both?

Rysdan Massouchanteau: The Governor did not give them an answer they are happy with and now they want you to change it

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Who said want you stupid fucking human

Talwin: Ah, so they came to daddy because mommy said no?

Talwin: Chuckles

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: We are telling him to do this or else

Talwin: Haha

Rysdan Massouchanteau: Ummmm

Talwin: And now I might be able to get to the root of the problem

Talwin: Turns on Noxea

Talwin: Turns on Noxea

Looks askanse at the mistake

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Hello Sir

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: How are you today

Talwin: Snorts

Talwin: I am quite well

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Very good to have you back in the Protectorate

Talwin: Smiles

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: It is nice to have a good hand at the whip

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: so to speak

Talwin: Thank you.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello, what is your name?

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: You can understand our dilema

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Shut up you stupid little bitch

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: Sigh

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I mean no

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I am speaking go be quiet

Talwin: Easy now

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wow, ok. Just so you know, I was going to try and help you. You're way less likely to get what you want now, but that's not my problem anymore

Bixi Fizzlebang: Talwin, if this turns physical, call me.

Bixi Fizzlebang: goes back inside

Talwin: Look. I'll get right to the point. I don't often go around the Governors back, but I do on occassion. Tell me your concern. If it is valid, I swear I will see what I can do to implement. We've done this for years, I'm always willing to help where I can. And, as you mostly seem to be treating us at least politiely, which I know must be absoultely driving you mad, I am happy to hear you out.

Talwin: Will do!

Talwin: Calls back

Talwin: Calls back

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: We just need to bring our pets into our home

Talwin: Ah. Wargs by any chance?

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Gnomes

Talwin: This is just what I needed today

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: We have two of them

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: a matched set

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: very valuable

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: cannot just leave them out

Talwin: So. Here is my dilemma

Talwin: First

Talwin: Can you please explain Pets to me in context of your culture. I'm envisioning slaves or indentured servatude. Are they captives, criminals, slaves, I need context here

Talwin: I'm doing this for rule of law

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: No no not slaves, the Governor has forbidden us to have slaves

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: These are pets

Talwin: Nods

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: we have collars for them

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: bowls for them to eat from

Talwin: Ah,

Talwin: But

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: They even get their own beds

Talwin: Raises finger

Talwin: I was there when the treaty and legal code was written. So, I must ask two questions.

Talwin: Regardless of language, there was a meeting about the very debate for slaves and servants

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: See this is why you are smarter than the Governor

Talwin: Wait one second

Talwin: Rysas, could you please fetch me the legal code book from the Goblin treaty? It's the second book on the right and has the first goblin seal attached

Talwin: It's signed in all our blood

Talwin: If that helps

Talwin: While he is doing that

Rysdan Massouchanteau: That is up in the Mansion

Rysdan Massouchanteau: It will be a while

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I'll tell you what

Rysdan Massouchanteau: I will try to hurry

Talwin: If there is disagreement in what I am about to say, we will fetch the copy

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe Turns to watch him run

Talwin: Looks at Noxea,

Talwin: and If I am wrong, I will personally pay you twenty gold pieces

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: See you are smarter and stronger, see him trotting along and doing what you say

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: and you are rich too

Talwin: From what I am about to quote

Talwin: Shakes head

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: YOU should be Governor

Talwin: No

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Better than that little bitch

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: We would support you

Talwin: I'm much too......violent. Which for goblins, is fine, but she handles different people

Talwin: But!

Talwin: I digress

Talwin: In the spirit of that agreement, despite the fact that we all hate each others guts, we decided that we would rather all be doing our own thing then fucking each other over.

Talwin: Which is why we all made some pretty terrible concessions

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I do plenty of fucking

Talwin: Grins

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: That is why I have 40 whelps

Talwin: And I liked to strangle peasants that irritate me

Talwin: But for the good of our own self interest and people

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: See so much better of a Governor

Talwin: I had to stop

Talwin: Ah, that is another debate

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: No need to deny your self that pleasure

Talwin: Booms a Laugh

Talwin: One thing at a time

Talwin: That agreement

Talwin: Specifically Chapter 15 Paragraph 2, Section 1

Talwin: Grimaces in frustration that it had to be written

Talwin: I need to know two things

Talwin: And it will probably piss you off

Talwin: Number 11

Talwin: Regarddless of the TERM used, which was speicfically placed in that paragraph by an expert sent by Branwny the Mysterious

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: This is why my wife made me learn to speak Human

Talwin: Here is my question: "Are they there because they want to be there"

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: But I refuse to read like some sissy

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: Are your pets there because they want to be there is the first question

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Of course they want to be there

Talwin: Shaks head

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: If they did not want to be our pets then we woudl just kill them

Talwin: Ah!

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: You can ask them which they like better

Talwin: But that breaks the third part of the agreement.

Talwin: You see how they tied us up with Legal language?

Talwin: Do you know why I submit to such things despite wanting to strnagle people who piss me off?

Talwin: Because even with the support of your tribe, all the tribes, and even if I could conince the Dragonslayers to back me in taking this place

Talwin: There is one person who would burn us allt o the ground and laugh while she did it

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Josie

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: She is a bitch

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: But she is so good

Talwin: Chuckles

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: strong

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: capable

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Hate that bitch

Talwin: Personally, I was thinking Branwny, but Josie is on that list too

Talwin: So here's what I suggest

Talwin: I will make a one time exception for you, because you seem like a guy that gets it

Talwin: If they say they would like to stay as your pets as you say to me, in truth, I will leave the matter to you

Talwin: If they dont

Talwin: I would like to purchase your pets from you, as recompense

Talwin: Holds up finger

Talwin: BUT

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I know I can make them say they want to be our pets

Talwin: Points

Talwin: And that is the reason

N'laea: Perhaps you should ask the pets directly, Talwin.

Talwin: I make this offer because you were clever

Talwin: And that legal book will be updated

Talwin: However, I must talk to them directly.

Talwin: Or, I would purchase them and give you two barrals of Ale

Talwin: As a ONE time offer

Talwin: In the future, we must abide by the treaty, because otherwise we will die

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: World sucks, and then we die

Talwin: I want to strangle people, but can't

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: 10 gold for each of them and two barrels of ale for each

Talwin: Narrow eyes

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: Plus a wolf hide

Talwin: You are a cunning one aren't you

Talwin: You push a little two hard I think

Talwin: Three barals of ale, no hide

Talwin: And a hat

Talwin: With a feather

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: 20 gold three barrels of ale and a hat with a feather

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: deal

Talwin: Spits in hand and holds out Hand. Agreed


Talwin: You got this because you were clever. The next time though, I might just forget how much I shouldn't strnagle people

Talwin: Grins wickedly

Talwin: I think you'll go far in your tribe

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I will back you when you throw out that bitch

Talwin: Bring them and I'll have the goods here for you

Talwin: And I'll keep it in mind

Noxea of Smelly Hill Tribe: I will

BOB the goblins leave

Talwin: Returns to Bixi. Is there a reason we didn't just slaughter them all?

Talwin: I need to update the book now

Talwin: And get goods for them

Talwin: Grunts

Talwin: I'm glad I can finally get rid of that godawful hat

N'laea: You wanted to be clever and diplomatic.

Talwin: I'll be back in an our

Talwin: Hey, there was some truth in there

Talwin: Strangling people who irritate you is kind of relieving in the moment

Talwin: We'll need to keep a closer eye

Talwin: And god above, I really should learn Goblin. They do have a point

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm offended that you are letting him get away with this

Talwin: Well, R's trip wont be wasted

Talwin: I'll make the ledger adjustments ot the code to specifgically call out pets, you can witness, and I'll have my seal ammended

Talwin: Sees Roger on Patrol outside the teashop

Talwin: Oh Roger!

Talwin: Roger what's your patrol for the time?

Roger: Sir, I am set to walk from Hourglass to Travelers Rest today

Talwin: If you aren't on a designated critical path, can you please arrange for these items to be fetched and delivered? I know this isn't your normal duty, but I'll grant you a pass for a free shift and double the pay for the day if you can arrange to have another guard finish your patrol. I'll grant them the same.

Talwin: And, when they come to collect the items, I'd appreciate if you could join us and appear menacinly

Roger: Yes Sir

Talwin: Good man.

Talwin: I appreciate it

Roger: I can get the gold from the Governor

Talwin: One second

Roger: the Ale from somewhere

Roger: I do not know where to get a hat

BOB Daphene can always be there when you want

Talwin: Reaches into purse

Talwin: One second Roger

Talwin: Extracts seal. Presses it into an exsiting wax seal, and instead of attaching to the parchment, simply hands it to Roger.

Talwin: I have the gold Roger

Talwin: Ale I'll leave to you

Talwin: As for the hat, grimaces

Talwin: That's on my desk. A uh, gift from a friend

Roger: Very well Sir

Talwin: Leans in. "Ugly as sin, but I'd prefer you not broadcast that I um, er, gave it away yes?"

Roger: Where do you want this delivered?

Talwin: Here

Talwin: Please

Roger: Ok

Talwin: I'll have a meal and ale awaiting you

BOB You can say she has

Talwin: Returns to Tea Shop.

Talwin: Returns to Tea Shop.

Talwin: There are times like this when it is much easier to have people help you so you can sta and have your goddamn morning tea

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: I need extra mint today please

Talwin: And rum

Talwin: And are there any scones left?

Raelynn: Scones, tea, AND rum!

Talwin: Nine years

Talwin: I cannot believe the Treaty has been respected more or less for Nine years

Talwin: Why do you think that is Rae?

Raelynn: Becuase you're terrifying when you're violent so they don't want to piss you off?

Raelynn: smiles

Talwin: Oh god. Well, Glad I"m good for something aroudn here

Talwin: Unfortunately, I am ashamed to admit I have more in common with them than I would like to admit

Raelynn: You're a good customer! I love having regulars. And you're much better after your morning tea.

Raelynn: shakes head

Raelynn: You don't keep "pets" so you're already much better than them.

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Glad to hear hit

Raelynn: And as far as I know, you don't have... what was it I heard through the door? 40 kids?

Talwin: Oh gods

Talwin: I don't even have one

Talwin: That i'm aware at least

Raelynn: laughs

Talwin: Can't stand kids

Talwin: Loud, smelly,

Talwin: Catches himself

Talwin: Huh

Raelynn: Oh, not all of them are that bad!

Raelynn: His might be, though...

Talwin: I think I just realized that I often act like a kid

Bixi Fizzlebang: They ARE all that bad

Talwin: Big smell, and often crude in the right circumstance. Or wrong circumstance

Talwin: And even have a grudingly respectful relationship with glitter dust

Raelynn: laughs again

Talwin: Ponders his tea cup

Talwin: Do I wan't kids?

Talwin: God

Raelynn: Well, if smell IS a problem, let me know. I'll make you a better soap. You'd have to use it, though.

Talwin: I dind't think today would have me questioning life stuff

Raelynn: Hang around some before you decide. It's not a light decision to make BUT if you do... just remember this is also a matchmaking shop!

Talwin: Are you crazy? I only use your soap

Raelynn: Then you shouldn't smell!

Talwin: Everythign else is literally melting my skin it feels like

Talwin: I'm spoiled!

Talwin: Oh my god I love this tea

Talwin: Sips again

Raelynn: You should be! I like spoiling my friends! But I'm going to try a new scent with the next soap if you still worry you smell bad.

Youtargim: I am a satisfied customer

Talwin: And someone slipped enough Liquor to make me a very happy man

Raelynn: points to Yout

Youtargim: Winks at Rae as he cleans up things

Raelynn: I don't think I put that much in, but you have to watch those pirates.

Talwin: Hm?

Talwin: Pirates?

Youtargim: I am off to town, I will be back tomorrow

Talwin: Travel safe. Do you need an escort?

Talwin: Er, a Military escort?

Youtargim: Laughs,

Youtargim: The roads are safe enough

Raelynn: Things are quiet here, but if you want some time hanging with the boys, having... boytime or something, you should go.

Youtargim: and Jilly will have things for me to bring back tomorrow

Talwin: Now I definitely need some scones

Talwin: Stomach grumbles

Raelynn: I'm still trying to get that recipe down. We do have cookies... but my specialty is really tea and tinctures.

Youtargim: Our new Criagh might have lost his way, need to bring him back

Raelynn: I thought Bixi was his apprentice?

Talwin: Nods

Bixi Fizzlebang: That was the before times

Raelynn: So he's your apprentice now instead?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No one is anyone's apprentice at the moment

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think we're on slightly different paths now, magically speaking

Raelynn: Well you're both on a magical path so what's different?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know yet, I'll let you know when he comes out of the tower and I have a chance to talk to him again

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Just don't write it off yet. Or let him write you off. He seemed very touched by your apprentice remarks when he came back.

Youtargim: Gives Rae a kiss, promise I will be back as soon as I can

Raelynn: Brings scones!

Raelynn: kisses him back

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think it's just going to be a little more mutual helping each other, for now

Bixi Fizzlebang: We don't know what his new form is capable of yet

Raelynn: I suppose that makes sense.

Bixi Fizzlebang: He's got to get used to a whole new body and possibly a whole new set of magic skills. Like learning to walk all over again

Bixi Fizzlebang: I know his mind is still there, but it still seems like it will be a lot of work to adjust to such a new physicality

Raelynn: Oh, you're right. I just want to make sure he knows we still support him.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well of course we do

Bixi Fizzlebang: I just don't know that he'll be in any place to mentor at the moment. He'll need to get his own bearings first

Raelynn: WE know we do, but we need to make sure he knows!

Raelynn: But you make a good point.

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Hello

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Hello there!

N'laea: listens

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I was hoping to find some poltices

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Poltices? At a tea shop?

N'laea : [Translation] Raelynn makes some.

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Oh, she is a woman of many talents I guess

N'laea : [Translation] Poultices, yes?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] What is your name, friend?

Lanek Olenak: sticks his pinkie out deliberately, sipping tea

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I am Karleen

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Rae, this is Karleen. She's looking for some poltices

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I was looking for something for a swollen ankle

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: For a swollen ankle

Raelynn: Oh! What for...okay.

Raelynn: Hmm, let me think if I have something already on hand...

Lanek Olenak: blows bubbles in the tea surreptitiously

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Any chance you speak any common? I don't mind translating, but I do know Rae would love to be able to speak to you directly if you are able

Raelynn: glances at Lanek but chooses to ignore him.

Raelynn: [SKILL] Herbalism [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 15]

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I do not speak human

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] No need to

Raelynn: Oh shoot. Bixi, I'm missing something... what's that herb you said helps with swelling?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Fair enough.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Ummm... I don't remember every saying that?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Raelynn: I thought you did?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] She's trying to figure something out for you

Raelynn: Licornah, do you know herbal remedies? I suppose we can do magic. Is it for her or someone else?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Is it for you, or someone else?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] It is for my friend, her ankle is all swollen from a snake bite

Bixi Fizzlebang [W Comm]: Her friend has a swollen ankle from a snake bite

Licornah: For swelling... :: thinks a moment :: Oh! Is it poison?

N'laea: Venom.

Raelynn: Oh, whichever! Is it full of the nasties?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Has she been poisioned? Or just irritation from the bite?

N'laea : [Translation] How long ago?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] How would I know if it is poison? I just know that when you twist your ankle, or have a sore, you put a poltice on it and the swelling goes down

N'laea : [Translation] Two pin pricks on the bite?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Yes I think there are two round circles

Licornah: We could make a potion to help with the venom?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Is it just the bite or is she feeling other bad things? Sickness? Weakness? Fever?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Her ankle hurts, she does not wan tto walk on it

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Just the ankle, though? Nothing else bothering her?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Not that she said

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not necessarily venomed...

Bixi Fizzlebang: No other symptoms besides the swollen ankle

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] How long ago was she bitten?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Two days

Bixi Fizzlebang: Two days since the bite

N'laea : [Translation] A poultice may help, but she might need more assistance. You can ask Talwin to carry her.

Raelynn: And she's not feverish?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not as far as Karleen knows

Bixi Fizzlebang: But doesn't sound like there was a very thorough check

Licornah: We could slow the poison before we neutralize it.

Raelynn: Hmm, well I don't have whatever it was I needed in my shop right now so I can't make her anything, but if her friend comes here, we can help her better. Can she?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well... we may need Talwin to go get her, as she can't walk. Big strong guy should be able to carry a gnome, yes?

Licornah: :: ponders :: I think I might have what I need in my room

Bixi Fizzlebang: winks at N'laea

N'laea: rolls eyes

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Does that sound ok to you? We can send someone with you to bring her back here so we can help better?

Licornah: I can go

Licornah: I can get her back here

Raelynn: You don't mind? Actually, you may be able to help her there.

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Oh, good point!

Raelynn: Hmm, Bixi maybe you should go too as translator?

Raelynn: I can't leave my shop unattended, but between you two, maybe you can heal her friend.

Licornah: I don't speak their language, but happy to try and help to my best ability

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, good point! I sometimes forget Licornah is an accomplished healer

Licornah: Sell your tea... bake your scones. If I need help, I will call

Raelynn: I'm sure you've got it! If you need help, come back and maybe us three together can figure it out!

Licornah: :: nods :: Sounds good!

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Does your friend know any human? One of our healers is going to go to your friend to help. If needed, I can also come to translate

Licornah: :: goes to gather supplies and find a furry friend to accompany her for help ::

Licornah: Wanders back with a squirrel and her satchel

Licornah: All set

BOB Bixi, Licornah go to help Karleen

BOB SO while the two of them are off helping the gnomes

BOB Snee comes to the Tea Shop for the first time

BOB and finds Talwin there waiting on his delivery

Snezana: there you are!

Talwin: Raises eyebrows and grins

Talwin: The children came to me after you told them no

Snezana: what a lovely shop, how did i not know about it?

Raelynn: Oh goodness! Hello Govenor!

Raelynn: Can I get you some tea? Cookies?

Snezana: some of each, thanks!

Snezana: sighs heavily

Snezana: so good to get out of that temple office. how are you Talwin?

Raelynn: goes to prepare some tea and cookies

Talwin: I'm glad you are out and about Governor

Talwin: Warmly

Talwin: Just getting some slav----I mean pets back from the Goblins

Talwin: And updating the law book

Snezana: haha i wondered if they were going to try to appeal

Snezana: we were getting stuck on people vs. pets and it was just not on

Talwin: It was quite clever how they tried to interpret the law for a Goblin. Also, they were remarkably least to me. Something about being brothers in bloodthirty rages at times and being evil

Talwin: I chose to ignore that part

Talwin: I told them I would reward them for their clever little interpretation, change the law, get the "Pets" back, and if they interpreted this law again I might forget that being bound to the law also applied to me not strangling people who annoyed me

Snezana: most people don't get a chance to safely and beneficiall harness their dark side, so it sounds like a win

Talwin: Win win

Talwin: I even got rid of that godawful hat

Talwin: Shudders

Talwin: But don't tell anyone I said that

Snezana: bonus!

Talwin: Seriously, who puts that kind of feather in a hat???

Talwin: Shudders

Snezana: shrugs

Talwin: We can never tell Indigo I rebuffed his hatware

Snezana: for everything that exists, there is somebody who likes it

Raelynn: quietly serves tea without interrupting them

Talwin: Mutters somethign about fasion under his breath

Talwin: But anyways!

Snezana: nah you must matched it to the best recipient

Snezana: thanks

Snezana: with a smile to Raelynn

Raelynn: smiles back and returns to backroom

Talwin: I was unaware you had not yet visitied! I tend to be here as much as I can. Oddly enough, I find my paperwork tends to get done far more quickly here then at the manor

Talwin: Sbrugs

Talwin: I also have to pee a lot

Snezana: well that's good for you, so there

Snezana: never try to hold off, very unhealthy

Talwin: Shrugs. I don't know how they do it, but I swear they make the tea addictive....

Talwin: Then again

Talwin: They do keep a stash of liquor on hand to dash the cup with when I need it

Snezana: i think i've spent too much time with Kenna. the health lectures

Talwin: That might have something to do with it

Talwin: Nods Gravely

Talwin: I love Kenna

Talwin: I do not like the Lectures

Talwin: She should ahve some mint tea

Talwin: Leans forward

Talwin: Leans forward

Snezana: looks attentive

Talwin: Honestly, this is so good, I do believe we could invest in the growing of the herbs. Set up a distribution industry.

Talwin: I woudl gladly invest some of my own funds

Talwin: The taxation would benefit the college and temple as well

Talwin: It's been hard to find ways to attract more learners even with the move-in enticement

Talwin: It's one of my more dissapointing projects. I just want to make sure when the mines run dry the protectorate can still provide value and education

Snezana: indeed. that sounds like something Kenna might want to be involved with

Talwin: Perks up and cuts off his sentence as Raelynns entrance

Talwin: Doesn't want to broach the topic yet

Raelynn: Oh! Sorry, just cleaning up. That last patron left a mess and.... er, carry on!

Raelynn: hastily cleans up to not be a bother

Talwin: No No!

Talwin: Chuckels

Talwin: Sorry Raelynn

Snezana: It's been bothering me about the mines and what the workers can do next

Talwin: Just plotting and schemeing

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Your usual, then? I hate interrupting when you do that.

Snezana: You remember we were talking at one point about converting the depleted mines to housing

Talwin: Nods Sharply

Snezana: or warehousing. whatever could make use of the shelter

Talwin: Indeed

Talwin: Also potentially growing medicinal fungai as well

Talwin: But that's far beyond my scope of intelligence

Snezana: oh that's right!

Talwin: Sighs

N'laea: I left you my findings on that years ago.

Talwin: I know I know

N'laea: sips her tea quietly in the corner

Talwin: I just want to make sure the future is secure

Talwin: And although there is some vanity in my project, I realyl want to get an academy started here

Snezana: so many urgent matters keep bumping the proactive projects down in the list

Talwin: The best and brightest

Snezana: education is elevation

Daphene: As long as you name it after him

Talwin: It might be time to dig out that report once again N'lae

Talwin: Nods at Snee

Talwin: My thoughts exacrtly

N'laea: You best. I do not wish to go underground again.

Talwin: I love to lop people's heads off when they deserve it

Talwin: But I get so much enjoyment out of Artillery, engineering, and the arts

Talwin: We can make the Protectorate and Dragons fen the envy of the rest

Talwin: Smugly

Snezana: smiles

Talwin: And then Bran will slap me silly and to bring myself to reality, but hey!

Talwin: I can dream until then

Talwin: Snorts

Talwin: Shrugs

Snezana: so there is this other matter

Talwin: Narrows gaze

Talwin: WHat's on your mind?

Snezana: something fishy with the Quellcon Estate

Talwin: You always have my interest, but now you have my attention

Talwin: Gaze deadens

Talwin: Fishy how?

Snezana: you remember how we tax every full wagon to help pay for the new road. well, they aren't using full wagons. in fact

Snezana: in fact they are sending a lot of empty wagons south

Snezana: and no full wagons north. so where are they going? what are they doing?

Talwin: Indeed

Talwin: Has anyone reported any direction the emtpy wagons are going?

Snezana: beyond south, no

Snezana: i have no idea when this started. that's the kind of thing it takes time to notice

Talwin: So, no sort of destination other then passing through our lands?

Talwin: Hm

Snezana: no one has yet followed the empty wagons nor backtracked their origin. if you are willing, i'd like you to go north and see

Snezana: take an assistant or two maybe?

Talwin: Taps his hand on the table in thought

Talwin: Any reports of the manner of dress?

Daphene: I'll go with you, if you want the company, Talwin

Talwin: What animals are pulling them by any chance?

Talwin: Nods

Snezana: no mention, so i assume inconspicuous

Talwin: Just thinking but yes Daphene, I'd love to have you along

Daphene: smiles

Talwin: Who gave the reports?

BOB Sundown

Snezana: some wagons oxen, some horses

Talwin: Nods in decison

Talwin: I do believe this is interesting

Talwin: Let me put together a delegation and some small gifts to visit our friends up in Quellcon

Talwin: I have forgotten what they like, so if anyone remembers things they like, then let's do that

Talwin: Anyone of us who is willing to go and find some answers to an intriging mysters is invited!

Lanek Olenak: harrumphs

Raelynn: I do like delagating! Although wasn't it their son the one who took over Skull Church?

Talwin: Ponders

Talwin: We could always invite them here if you would prefer to stay closer to home?

Talwin: I just figure it's an opportunity to ask wagons as they head south

Raelynn: Wherever you think is best!

Raelynn: I don't mind either way. Are you doing reconnosience or diplomacy first?

Talwin: Point to you Raeylnn

Snezana: the benefit of going there is reconnaissance, but..

Talwin: I figure Recon in the guise of diplomacy

Raelynn: They'll likely just deny everything.

Snezana: gestures yes to Raelynn's point

Talwin: As we "visit" to catch up with our good neighbors, we have an opportunity to take an opportunity to speak with passerby

Talwin: We know what's on our land. We DON"T know what's on theirs

Talwin: I'd prefer to visit in person and give some gifts and exchnage some chit chat while we take a gander at what's going on

Talwin: Thoughts?

Snezana: it would be worth knowing where exactly the wagons are coming from and see if any full wagons are coming from some other route perhaps

Snezana: or wouldn't it be interesting if the wagons are in fact full of good that are magically invisible

Talwin: Face Hardens, a glimpse of Posesses Talwin from the past...

Talwin: Cheating us?

Talwin: Mildly

Raelynn: A simple magic spell could undo that, couldn't it?

Snezana: cheating the people, but yes

Talwin: I do believe we may implement some weigh stations

Snezana: i believe you are right, but you'd have to suspect to cast it

Talwin: Voice still mild

Talwin: Perhaps we are becoming large enough that some additional Warderns should be placed for inspections

Talwin: Nods sharply

Talwin: I'll put together a Reco and Diplomacy party

Snezana: those are the possibilities that come to mind, but it could be something else entirely.

Talwin: Oh it very well might be. But no one cheats us

Snezana: smiles

Talwin: Our rates are fairer then any other I can imagine

Talwin: I do believe that a new fee will be implemented....with your permission governess

Talwin: Any emtpy wagon making use of the road will pay a flat fee

Snezana: hm. i personally don't like it but i see the sense in it

Talwin: If they are passing through the Protectorate. Our own citizens will be exempt of course

Snezana: it is probably how we should have done it at the start

Talwin: Only when empty

Talwin: Tradeable or full wagons will be taxed as normal

Snezana: nods

Talwin: But free passage is a non-starter. We can be realistic to the poor folk, but there needs to be a damn good explanation for those exceptions

Snezana: if we implement the fee, is there any point to the reconnaisance and diplomacy? or should we wait on the fee?

Daphene: Who decides whether the explanation is good enough?

Talwin: The Wardens

Snezana: i mean my curiosity is fired up but if this is solvable with a fee then it's unnecessary to go, probably

Talwin: Shrugs

N'laea: They will just find a different way to cheat you.

Talwin: There's always opporutnity to visit our neighbors, maybe enven bring them a gift of the best tea within 10000 leagues

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: That's part of the reason

Talwin: There really ARE so many ways people can try to cheat us

Talwin: If they are using the road though, that's easy enough

Snezana: fair points, both of you

Roger: BACK Sir

Talwin: But again, I think exempting our own citizens is a good start

Roger: Oh hello Governor

Talwin: Stands

Talwin: Ah Roger!

Talwin: Good man

Roger: I have your ale for you

Snezana: hello

Roger: Three barrels

Snezana: smiles

Roger: and This

Roger: hands over a bag

Talwin: Thank you for coverring that horeendous garment

Talwin: Here, have a meal as promised

Roger: I brought the book also

Talwin: Gestures to the nearby table

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I'll definitely need that

Talwin: Takes book, opens to the appropriate section for edits, and writes the legalese

Talwin: Governess, would you mind signing as well? This will close that little wordplay

Talwin: Flips book around, with Quill and his seal

Snezana: thanks

Snezana: signs with a flourish

Talwin: Pinpricks his thumb and drips onto the seal.

Talwin: I'm sorry Snee, but it's the Goblins. You'll need a pin prick too

Snezana: holds out a thumb

Talwin: Winces, but gently pricks

Snezana: adds blood to the seal

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: One problem off the agenda today I hope.

Snezana: no, we have to do this right. don't worry

Talwin: What am I forgetting? Frowns

Snezana: it's nice to have a tidy solution for a change

Talwin: Ah!

Talwin: Pens out a pass for Roger and his replacements as promised

Talwin: And a double pay boost for the day

Talwin: Can you also sign these writs Snee? I''m covering these ones, but your signature would be cool for them

Snezana: oh i approve, well done

Snezana: yes, certainly

Talwin: They see mine all the time, your just so mysterious for them

Snezana: signy sign, scribbly scribble

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: Excellent!

Talwin: Walks over to Roger, whom hopefully is enjoying his meal

Talwin: Walks over to Roger, whom hopefully is enjoying his meal

Daphene: visibly disappointed at the apparent cancellation of the trip north

Talwin: Thank you son. You saved me a lot of hassle today

Talwin: Catching Dapene's gaze

Roger: Part of the job

Talwin: Oh don't worry Daphene, we'll still investigate

Snezana: nodding.

Talwin: Eye's Roger for a second

Daphene: Oh, good. I hate to see anyone cheating the people, you know.

Roger: Sir Sundown has been good for us

Talwin: Oy, Roger, I don't suppose you know what's up with the Empty Wagons coming from the Quellcon Estatees?

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: A bit dour, but a good man. Loyal, and Kind

Snezana: our citizens worked so hard on this road

Roger: Shrugs, not sure

Talwin: Yeah, without it, Roger would be walking on this terrible terrain

Talwin: Shudders

Talwin: A road is good for the area

Talwin: But thanks Roger

Roger: Nods

Talwin: If you hear anything, would you mind keeping me posted, or pass on to the watch head for the Daily Report?

Roger: Will do

Talwin: Excellent

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: This is one puzzle that's driving me crazy

Talwin: I'll make the necessary arrangements

Snezana: thank you. i look forward to the findings

Talwin: I love that our protectorate seems to have serious and professional guardsman

Talwin: We'll have to figure out who all want's to go and what gifts to bring

BOB Back to Licornah and Bixi

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Palma I came back with the poltice for you

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Well they said they could make one for you

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I even brought an Elf for you

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Some sort of healer I think she is

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Licornah, the elf, is an accomplished healer. I think she can help you

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Do you mind if she takes a look at your ankle?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] I am going to go boil some water

Palma Romine : [Translation] That would be good Karleen

Palma Romine : [Translation] and yes please if you can help with this, I would like to get back on my feet

Bixi Fizzlebang: Go ahead Licornah, I've let her know you're here to take a look at her ankle and try to heal it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Her name is Palma

Licornah: :: smiles as she approaches :: Thanks, Bixi...

Licornah: [SKILL] Healing (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 13]

Licornah: [SKILL] Anatomy (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Licornah: :: examines her injury to determine remove Poison or another option makes more sense ::

BOB Yes to it being a snake bite, it does look very irritated

BOB Likely is a venom of some sort

Licornah: Okay... one moment, trying to take care of this Bixi, can you let her know to hold still a few more moments please?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] If you can, please hold as still as possible, so she can finish the healing

Lorie (Licornah): (Casting Neutralize Poison)

BOB and it clears up almost instantly, just a bit of swelling left as the puss dries up and magically disapates

Palma Romine : [Translation] WOW that is amazing

Palma Romine : [Translation] I feel so much better

Bixi Fizzlebang: She said she feels so much better already, great job Licornah!

Licornah: :: nods :: Glad to hear she's feeling better. Please ask her to elevate it for another hour or so

Licornah: Thanks for interpreting

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Here is your hot water

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] now do you want me to get a stick for her to bite down on ?

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Are we going to have to cut her foot open?

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Licornah says you should try to keep the ankle elevated for another hour or so to finish the healing process

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Finish?!

Bixi Fizzlebang: smiles

Palma Romine : [Translation] Look, the Elf Priestess healed me

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] No, Karleen, she is mostly healed now

Palma Romine : [Translation] It is all better now

Palma Romine : [Translation] We can go dancing tonight

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Yes, but if you try to use it again too soon, it can make the injury worse again

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Please rest

Palma Romine : [Translation] So no lifting

Bixi Fizzlebang: She wants to go dancing tonight, you've cured her so well

Palma Romine : [Translation] She is getting heavy anyway she says with a wink

Licornah: :: laughs :: I'm glad she's feeling better. I hope she enjoys dancing

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Oh you, it is your pies

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Thank you both

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] what can we give you

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Licornah says dancing should be fine, jsut wait another hour or a bit more

Pulls out two small gems

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Oh! I hadn't even thought of that... I will ask Licornah since it was her work

Bixi Fizzlebang: They are offering to pay us

Licornah: :: squirms :: Ummm, that's okay.

Licornah: Lurue calls on me to heal as a way to give back for the gifts I'm given. I do good to help others.

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Licornah is a total weirdo, she doesn't like getting paid. But I will accept one gem on behalf of both of us, if you can spare it. If you can't, it's alright, we are happy to help

Hands over one small gem

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Thank you very much for your kindness and help

Bixi Fizzlebang: I talked them down to half payment

Licornah: :: nods slowly :: Okay... please tell them to help others when they can -- that's a great thanks

Karleen Wickham : [Translation] Thank you again, both of you

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Licornah has asked that you try to help others whenever possible. And on behalf of both of us, don't be a stranger. Please visit the tea shop again, I will have Rae make you a pot on the house!

Licornah: :: nods and waves :: Take care

Bixi Fizzlebang : [Translation] Goodbye!

Bixi Fizzlebang: What a lovely couple

Licornah: :: nod :: Agreed.

Licornah: Good to see the best in people

Licornah: Okay, I guess we should head back. Mind the treant and the snakes I guess

Bixi Fizzlebang: laughs