Main / IntermediateEra

Intermediate Era

From 25-10-358 SKR SKR to ???

This Era started after the group completed the Cosmological Quandaries Era. A time to be at home to recover.

Gentle stories that started before this Era and will end in future Eras. Spaces and times in the character's home lives that don't always get to be explored.

To help keep track of the NPC's being encountered:


Chat Logs

2023 05 26c2023 06 02c2023 06 23c2023 07 07c2023 07 14c


Story Arc Concept

The players expressed a desire to have some simple, cozy, home adventures after all of the threads and story arcs they completed. All the major quests were accomplished, characters (and players) retired, and the group settled back in at home to forget about adventuring life for a while.

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