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Chat Log List - 2023 07 07 - Intermediate Era - Formatted - Story

BOB So you have the idea that you have to investigate why there are empty wagons heading south Talwin: Ahem, Diplomatic Mission to give tea

Talwin: So, literally everyone who want to investigate empty wagons to go north. We are also stopping at Border checkstations and Commerical waypoints to drop off the new legislative regulation

Talwin: Who would like to go with me?

Talwin: Diplomacy, Fancy Gifts, Capitalism

Talwin: Coughs

Talwin: Potential Massacres awaiting to happen?

Talwin: Mumbles

Daphene: I'm in!

Raelynn: It you want to AVOID a massacre, I can go for the diplomacy. N'laea is better for massacres.

Talwin: Waggles hand back and forth

Talwin: Eh

Talwin: We might want both!

Licornah: Ummm... I'm not so diplomatic - Capitaliasm? Is the capital that way?

Talwin: Er

Talwin: Not quite sure how to explain Merchantilism and Greed

Talwin: Forget I said anything

Talwin: But TEA!

Talwin: Let's take the finest we can afford to spare

Talwin: It's a Protectorate expense so we can write it off

Raelynn: Er, so are you investigating wagons OR meeting them?

Talwin: Why not Both!

Raelynn: So.... all of us?

Talwin: We may even kill them if they are malicious entities!

Talwin: Spooky!

Licornah: Do we need to split the group up in different directions?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I feel like I better go. Some of us have less patience for conversation than others...

Talwin: I mean, we definitely want to play it cool, but it'

Talwin: We'll wave the duty tax on this batch

Lanek Olenak: i'm sure i can infilterate some places and find some stuff out

Talwin: Honestly, other then the Tea, I'm not quite sure what would be of quality to bring them

Craigh: Mind if I tag along? If I won't slow you down or anything.

Talwin: This is the best Gods dammed tea i've ever had so.....

Talwin: You absoultely will accompany us! If you wish of course

Talwin: Bixi! Your sharp tongue and glitter will be most fun

Talwin: Three is not yet a party folks. Any other takers?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe some of Yout's cookies

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Good Idea

Talwin: They can go with the Tea

Lanek Olenak: I ain't doin' the prissy stuff. just the sneaky stuff

N'laea: If you're checking wagons, you'll need help. Your footsteps are too loud.

Talwin: Ah!

Talwin: Yes

Talwin: So to reiterate our plan

Talwin: We are simply doing good natured patrols northword, helping to spread the new legislation

Talwin: At the point we arrive at Quellcon

Talwin: We are now acting in official capacity as a Diplomatic representation for our Friends in the North

Talwin: We are simply being consiounious with our time and duties

BOB They are the Estate north of Dragon Fen, they are three times the size of Dragon Fen and have been in existence about 200 years more than Dragon Fen

BOB Wagon come south many times a year

BOB The taxes are paid on full wagons heading south

BOB The taxes agreed upon between Quellcon and Dragon Fen is that Quellcon (and other Estates traveling south) have to pay a tax on all full wagons heading south along the road in Dragon Fen

BOB The Treaty you all created (when you built the roads) was to charge anyone using them a tax, the agreement was to charge full wagons, so as to not charge the same rate to everyone walking down the road

BOB It is a tax you are placing on anyone using the road heading south. Quellcon being the Estate just north of you with mines to send ore south down the road you created that treaty

BOB Your Treaty never mentioned empty wagons, it only talked about full wagons because you wanted to tax them without reducing all the traffic coming south

BOB The mines are in Quellcon, they need to ship the ore south as 2/3 of Drillian is south of them

BOB They do still send full wagons south

BOB they are not only sending empty wagons

BOB and other people, farmers, etc are sending full wagon south and you are getting those taxes too

BOB Also remember that these Treaty talks were back before you ever started Plane Travelling, so more than 8 years ago, even if that was only 2 years or less for most of this group

BOB Standard tax rates for everyone, worked out with Quellcon becasue they never paid before to go south, and they are your (expected) biggest source of usage

BOB Until you built your own smelter you paid Quellcon to smelt your ore

BOB Now you have your own and do not pay them BOB So from what I understand you are waiting for an empty wagon to come south to travel with them and talk then talk with the people in Redfern Lake when you are south of Dragon Fen

BOB so the group is in Hourglass, at the tea shop, the shrine, the mines, etc. Talwin and Sundown have cleared up the back log on pay for the miners

BOB and Sundown has compiled the list of payments to widows and children for the miners killed over the last six months

BOB and then there is a new group of wagons heading south

BOB there are four of them one full of ore and three empty wagons

Craigh: I have a sudden need to go south, Lord Talwin. Think you can give me an escort?

Talwin: I most certainly can Craigh!

Talwin: Are you well?

Lanek Olenak: finishes up his tea

Craigh: As much as ever, I just can't travel well now, after that accident.

Talwin: Hm?

Duran Vernifelon: Walks into the tea shop

Duran Vernifelon: Hello there Raelynn,

Raelynn: Hello?

Duran Vernifelon: I would like to get another batch of that soothing tea please

Duran Vernifelon: It sells well in the south

Raelynn: Oh yes! Certainly. Let me get that ready for you.

Duran Vernifelon: How much can you sell me this time?

Raelynn: glances at Talwin

Duran Vernifelon: Just the leaves like last time

Talwin: Remains silent, watching carefully

Duran Vernifelon: I have two empty wagons this trip, glad to fill them up

Raelynn: Hmm, I think I have a good stock going.

Raelynn: At least a pound....

Duran Vernifelon: I do hope you can fill me up,

Talwin: Two empty?

Duran Vernifelon: Oh, you do need to get more of that in, I can make so much more in trade if you give me more

Talwin: I apologize sir for intruding

Talwin: Were you robbed?

Raelynn: Oh, yes! I just need to check my stock. One moment.

Talwin: Do I need to send militia men northbound?

Duran Vernifelon: Oh no, just keeping our options open

Raelynn: goes to backroom

Talwin: Options?

Talwin: Appears Puzzled

Talwin: I am afraid I don't have much head for trading sir

Duran Vernifelon: If Raelynn here can sell me some tea then I can buy that and sell it farther south

Talwin: Nods

Duran Vernifelon: Getting things here and there and making a profit is the way

Talwin: Was the ore not making enough for you?

Talwin: I don't mean to pry

Duran Vernifelon: We have one wagon of ore with us he says quickly

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: I do see that

Talwin: I would hazard a guess that the Tea leaves must be bringing in more then Ore?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is there anything we can do to help? Something to send tourists up that way to spend some extra money there?

Raelynn: comes out of the backroom with bags of tea

Duran Vernifelon: I tell everyone where I get my goods from, to help them know I am legitimate

Raelynn: Oooof. Perhaps I had more than a pound if this works.

Talwin: Nods

Duran Vernifelon: The tea brings in a nice benefit, but the ore is what makes us money

Talwin: Stares

Talwin: Then

Duran Vernifelon: No mines in the south

Raelynn: What else do you tend to grab along the way?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 5]

Duran Vernifelon: Get to make a lot off of that need

Duran Vernifelon: I will grab anything I can...

Duran Vernifelon: winks then coughs,

Duran Vernifelon: Well excepting... looks over Rae's shoulder at Youtargrim staring at him

Duran Vernifelon: I have traded in books, in tea, in herbs, in quilts,

Duran Vernifelon: Just about anything to fill up the loose wagons

Raelynn: Oh you. I'd only be company, but those will at least make you money.

Raelynn: Even before I opened my tea shop? Were you doing this before that?

Duran Vernifelon: I did a lot of different things

Duran Vernifelon: Before you opened your tea shop it was more grains

Duran Vernifelon: flowers and herbs

Duran Vernifelon: Tea just grew out of that

Raelynn: And always with the ore? Do they make more than the ore at this point?

Craigh: Where are you headed, sir?

Duran Vernifelon: I am going south

Duran Vernifelon: Obviously Redfern Lake then Billingstone

Craigh: There are lots of souths. *chuckle* But one of them I might be interested in visiting, if you don't mind a paying passenger.

Duran Vernifelon: after that will see where they say the best prices are this month

Talwin: Playing along

Talwin: Are you sure Craigh?

Talwin: Worries

Talwin: Do you want me to go with you?

Talwin: I think your leg might still need some watching

Talwin: Turns to Duran

Daphene: Oooooh, I haven't been south yet! I'd love to go see what's down there!

Duran Vernifelon: I can take passengers

Talwin: I'd be happy to pay for myself as well

Talwin: And Dephene

Raelynn: Oh! Are we doing a roadtrip?

Talwin: And there is Raelynn

Duran Vernifelon: Well young lady you would need your father to tell me ok first but you can come if he says so

Bixi Fizzlebang: snickers

Duran Vernifelon: The deeper Mist is sometimes harch

Craigh: I can't ride a horse anymore, and this gentleman has a wagon with space. Solves two problems at once.

Duran Vernifelon: Harsh

Talwin: Heading that off at the pass.

Talwin: For all intents and purposes, I am her father

Raelynn: Wait wait

Talwin: Proudly

Raelynn: The DEEPER Mist? Why would you go there??

Bixi Fizzlebang: How many passengers can you take? I wouldn't mind a trip as well.

Talwin: Raises eyebrows

Talwin: The Deeper Mist?

Talwin: Puzzled at Duran

Duran Vernifelon: They are in the great swamp, no ore there to mine, so lots of customers

Raelynn: Oh, no thanks. You all can go if you want.

Duran Vernifelon: Same as here in Dragon Fen, I would guess you make good change on selling to the south

Raelynn: Well true... but who lives in The Deeper Mist?

Talwin: We can always look into that, thank you Sir. What do they need in the South and perhaps we can ramp up trade in that direction

Duran Vernifelon: Bopel, Ghostwood, Finefur, and of course the Royal Estates

Lanek Olenak: rumages around in his coin purse

Raelynn: Oh! I think Thistle was heading to Ghostwood... You really travel all that way? From where do you start?

Craigh: I'm actually originally from the Deep Mist. I miss it sometimes.

Duran Vernifelon: I go as far south as I need, then head back north with what ever I can find to make a profit on

Duran Vernifelon: lots of skins down south to bring north

Duran Vernifelon: wolf, lizard folk

Raelynn: That sounds dangerous. You do this on your own dime?

Duran Vernifelon: I own the wagons

Duran Vernifelon: So I guess I make the rules

Raelynn: Well sure, but do you have a sponsor for your trip? Seems quite a trip for a merchant.

Duran Vernifelon: There are different paths, sometimes not so deep into The Mist and back

Duran Vernifelon: I can go up to Loosend too if that is what is needed

Raelynn: How did you get in the trade? You're not the only one doing this, I'm sure.

Raelynn: You'd have to know quite a lot of road rules for places you go through.

Duran Vernifelon: Oh I expect there are others

Duran Vernifelon: You have to know the ins and outs of where the rules change

Duran Vernifelon: Used to have to pay quite a bit for this road

Craigh: chuckles musically.

Raelynn: What changed?

Duran Vernifelon: Farmers Turn was not a good space

Duran Vernifelon: Dragon Fen and Countess Branwyn the Mysterious

Talwin: Yes?

Duran Vernifelon: The Countess created a safe space, strict, death by fire, but understandable

Raelynn: Oh, well, she did change a lot. But what regarding this? I feel like if I do more business like this I should make sure I know things!

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: The Countess does love her fireballs. I'm working on a tea to name after her called... Fireball.

Duran Vernifelon: Used to have to pay lots of gold for guards on this road

Duran Vernifelon: Oh

Duran Vernifelon: A nice spicy tea

Duran Vernifelon: Do tell me all about it

Raelynn: Yes! Similar to my other ones. They're a huge hit, but none are quite the right... mouth explosion.

Duran Vernifelon: I will have to taste it when you do

Raelynn: I look forward to it!

Duran Vernifelon: Well I suppose I should head out

Raelynn: But you'll pass word along to other merchants you come across, yes?

Raelynn: About the tea shop?

Duran Vernifelon: need to make Redfern lake

Duran Vernifelon: of course

Duran Vernifelon: I tell everyone where I get my goods from

Raelynn: Did you still need to get to Redfern, Craigh?

Raelynn: beams

Duran Vernifelon: Have to show I am an honest merchant

Raelynn: Honest merchants are the best!

Raelynn: Take care, Duran! Hope to see you again, soon! i'll have the new tea by then!

BOB So over the next four days only two sets of wagons head south, both full and paying their taxes

BOB Then a couple of days later three wagons heading south again all empty

Efar Deepwing: Hey, get out of the way

Raelynn: Who in what way?

Efar Deepwing: Get out of the way

Efar Deepwing: Coming through

Efar Deepwing: Moving here

Raelynn: How am I in your way??

Talwin: Moves up to Raelynn. Ms. Raylenn, is there a problem here?

Efar Deepwing: You need to be careful miss, standing there on the side of the road looking at Flowers can get you in trouble, some Ass might want to take a bit of your Ass

Talwin: Hand on Pommel

Efar Deepwing: Moving along

Talwin: Ah not so fast

Raelynn: And this ass *points to Talwin* will happily take yours!

Efar Deepwing: Laughs

Efar Deepwing: Do you like being called an ass sir?

Talwin: Sir, you just became subject to an Authority inspection. Here are my creditionals.

Efar Deepwing: Wait

Efar Deepwing: Why pick on me because she called you an ass?

Talwin: Please remove yourself from the wagon

Efar Deepwing: go after her

Efar Deepwing: Oh man


Raelynn: For standing on the road?

Efar Deepwing: Gets down and hands the reigns over to Talwin

Raelynn: With PLENTY of room to go around me?

Efar Deepwing: I will go to the bar

Efar Deepwing: Call me when you are done

Talwin: Nods. I will do so.

Talwin: Calls over Roger

Raelynn: Pick up some manners while you're at it!

Walks over down the street from the tea shop

Talwin: Roger, please escort our merchantman tot he bar and see he is.....civil

BOB His other teamsters join him

BOB You have three empty wagons

Talwin: Craigh?

Talwin: Can you please discretely search through their paperwork?

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

N'laea: looking intently at the flowers

Talwin: Hey, those are some nice flowers

N'laea: [SKILL] Foraging [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]

Talwin: Surprised at himself

Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

N'laea: and finds some good ones to give Rae for tea

Talwin: [SKILL] Engineering [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

BOB I will give Talwin a result that these empty wagons look VERY sturdy, capable of holding a lot of what ever

BOB They axels are VERY sturdy, meant to hold a LOT of weight

BOB No they are not currently bowed.

BOB If they had a full weight of ore they would not be bowed

BOB They are meant to carry that heavy weight

Talwin: Craigh? If no documents....does this Wagon look...I don't know. Off a bit?

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: As an engineer I can tell the Wagon is meant to hold a lot

Talwin: But....

Craigh: Can you feel anything in the bed of it?

Talwin: Sighs

Lorie (Licornah): :: watching the inspection from a distance, unsure what they are looking for

Talwin: No, because that would make sense now wouldn't it

Talwin: Hops in the back

Talwin: Upsie Daisy

BOB It is a very solid wagon

Talwin: Kicks the bottom of the wagon floor experimentally

Craigh: moves around to the side of the wagon where none of the Quellcon people can see him

Talwin: Kicks the bottom of the wagon floor experimentally

BOB Sounds solid, Craigh looks around and it looks solid

Talwin: More to himself, but loud enough the others can hear

Talwin: A wagon meant for this much weight....

Talwin: The cost must be extraordinary to use and repair

Talwin: Using it without any sort of materials or goods doesn't make sense

Talwin: What am I missing here?

Craigh: Detect Magic

BOB Craigh does not detect any active magic on the wagon like a pile of hidden ore in the bed of the wagon

Talwin: Anything Craigh?

Raelynn: Any ore dust or anything on there?

BOB No to Rae

Talwin: Huh

Craigh: Well, whatever it is, isn't magical. Where's Lanek, do you see him?

Raelynn: So they're brand new? No scratches or wear and tear?

Lanek Olenak: hm? somebody call me?

Talwin: Wagon or not, this is a damn beaucracy for the Protectorate. If they don't produce a shipping manifest I'm seizing these wagons...for being a pain in my ass

Craigh: I lost the skills. Think you can find a secret compartment?

Craigh: clicks loudly at Talwin

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

Talwin: SHrugs

Talwin: What you got Craigh?

Talwin: Can't hurt at this point

Lanek Olenak: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 85) [FAILURE by 1] [d100 = 86]

Craigh: takes a dagger and pokes it into the side of the wagon

Raelynn: These are definitely brand new wagons. I wonder where they got them from?

-> Craigh: His dagger does not go into the wood as expected

Raelynn: And I mean BRAND new. Probably just made!

Raelynn: How lovely!

Craigh: chuckles and warbles

Craigh: Yep. I do believe you are looking at the very first metal wagon.

Talwin: [SKILL] Metalworking [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

Talwin: Hm

Raelynn: A metal wagon? Must be nice unless it's lightning outside.

Raelynn: Or get rusty...

Talwin: I can't see the cost benefit of using a metal wagon and then smelting it on the other side of the road

Talwin: Before trading back to a wooden one

Talwin: So...

Talwin: Hm

Craigh: Depends on how easy it is to make, and how heavy the taxes for this much metal would be.

Talwin: Still. Any shipping manifest?

Talwin: Draws his belt knife, and scratches the surface of the Metal, looking for any discolloration under the surface

BOB no discoloration, just the knife does not penetrate anything to scrape off

Raelynn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 16]

BOB Rae would remember they can smelt their own ore in Quellcon

Lanek Olenak: hm? somebody call me?

Lanek Olenak: shock and surprise

Talwin: Does this wagon look like the prvious one?

Talwin: The other group?

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: I found a loophole

Talwin: Sing Song

Talwin: Metal Wagons eh?

BOB No mention of what a wagon would be made of no

Talwin: No, they are doing exactly what we said, but I WAS wrong. Sorry about that

Lanek Olenak: they are pre-smelting the ore and shipping it as the mode of transport

Talwin: Hole in one Lanek!

Talwin: BUT

Talwin: There's a nifty glitch in the legislation

Talwin: There is no consitution of what is a wagon!

Zayden: I believe it's referred to as a loophole

Talwin: Hehehe

Zayden: when we're talking legislation

Talwin: Smiles and rubs hands with childlike Glee

Talwin: My quarters has a book of architectural diagrams

Talwin: And

Talwin: of Movable structures

Talwin: Mostly military in nature

Talwin: That book is the standard text for Architectural diagramming

Talwin: A CASE could be made, that when the treaty was signed, we based it off of standardized diagrams

Talwin: This is no longer a Wagon

Talwin: Beginning today with the Governess persmission

Talwin: We are ahem

Talwin: Smiles with Broad amusment

Talwin: Reclassifying any metal or non-wooden wagaon as a Luxery Land Yact

Talwin: It must have it's own Taxation assigned per Luxuery Import and Export regulations

Talwin: waits for it to sink in

Talwin: By Weight

Talwin: If this is a standard iron wagon, that luxery tax actually would roughly come out the same cost

Lanek Olenak: prolly gonner have to negotiate on the treaty fer that right?

Raelynn: ....what's a "Yact?"

Talwin: hehehe

Talwin: Do we Lanek?

Lanek Olenak: dunno

Talwin: We never signed a treaty for Land Yachts

Lanek Olenak: it sounds like politickin

Talwin: Let them come to us for this one

Zayden: Big animals you can milk right?

Zayden: soft fur

Talwin: Stares at Zayden before bursts out laughing

Lanek Olenak: yacht. yot. yaaaat

Zayden smiles

Talwin: Shrugs.

Lanek Olenak: sounds like a weapon for children

Talwin: Land Yacht it is

Talwin: Does'nt really matter.

Zayden: oh well that makes more sense then

Talwin: Kicks foot against the wheel

Talwin: That being said

Talwin: We will let this group go. Being an asshole isn't a crime. At least in the Proctectorate. However this will be drafted right away.

Zayden: so we got ourselves some nice new luxury wagons then?

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: No

Talwin: Technically, they haven't done anything wrong

Zayden: oh alright

Zayden: well that's good then

Talwin: They exploited a clever loophole, just like the Goblins

Talwin: And, just like the Goblins

Zayden: can't blame people for being clever

Talwin: We need to shore up that part of our legislation

Zayden: you can hit em, but you can't blame em

Talwin: It does inspire innovation Zayden

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: But

Talwin: I think...I think they may have overplayed their hand here

Zayden: how so?

Talwin: Places his hand protectively over the wagon

Talwin: They sent these as a way to get around regulation

Talwin: Do you know what I see?

Craigh: Could always be sneaky back, you know.

Zayden: I don't

Zayden: they way you're storking that wagon, I certainly don't

Talwin: I see a machine of war

Zayden: stroking

Lanek Olenak: oh

Zayden: waaaaar?

Talwin: Look how sturdy this is? The weight it can withstand is off the charts from the size of those Axels

Talwin: Imagine it being covered!

Craigh: It's like fighting, but with hundreds of people, Zayden

Lanek Olenak: imagining

Zayden: Could it even carry Lanek?

Talwin: With a Ballistai mounted on the top

Talwin: Could you imagine seeing something like this coming your way?

Lanek Olenak: it could carry four of me

Zayden: wow that is strong

Craigh: I just see a wagon. Just like any other *wooden* wagon.

Talwin: It could carry you, and a massive mounted ballistae.

Talwin: In many ways

Talwin: This IS a Land Yact

Zayden: Ok, is this potential war our problem though?

Lanek Olenak: oh i think he means yak

Talwin: Remember our trip to the Fire Swamps?

Daphene: So you just tax it differently or what?

Zayden: that's what I thought Lanny

Raelynn: A catapult?

Talwin: Those military ships had ballistaie and other large mounted machines

Talwin: The difference is that this is more portable for land use

Zayden: regretfully I do remember that trip

Talwin: Excited so much he's turning red

Talwin: Steps back

Lanek Olenak: a land warship

Talwin: Nods with Grim satisfaction

Zayden: take a breath Tal, just a wagon...

Talwin: But also remember

Craigh: Sorry, I need to go sit down some. Let me know if you want to steal the next shipment.

Talwin: If I've had this thought

Talwin: Pauses

Craigh: starts limping off to the Inn.

Talwin: Do you think other kindgoms have?

Talwin: Quietly the last sentence

Zayden: You need any help Craigh!?

Daphene: I'm not sure I QUITE understand. Lanek and Talwin are just too wise. I will need to spend more time with you, so I can learn.

Lanek Olenak: there could be an armada of these things south of the border

Talwin: Perches up

Talwin: "What? What did you say Lanek?"

Zayden: Should we build a wall?

Lanek Olenak: if yer not the first to think of it

Lanek Olenak: and these wagons have been going for a while

Talwin: Pales

Lanek Olenak: i guess it's more accurate to say southwest of the border, since that's how the road goes

Talwin: Oh...

Talwin: Whispers

Lanek Olenak: but yeah, somebody could be making like a whole lot of those warships

Craigh: I'm fine, Zayden, just this leg is uncomfortable standing for long periods is all.

Talwin: All of you

Talwin: Tomorrow all hands on deck. We are going southward

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why?

Talwin: I'll send a note to Branwyn with the details of what we've found, potential risks southbound, and for new legislation to be drawn up for the new classification

BOB Yes to Quellcon finding a loophole and smelting down ore into planks to make wagons out of and using that to ship south

BOB to avoid any taxes

BOB Then when it does make it south the "planks" are melted down and into what ever swords, plowshares, pots and pans

BOB So they pay zero taxes to ship LOTS of metal south

Talwin: Craigh...I cannot believe I am saying this

Talwin: And it actually is making me hurt

BOB and I am stopping that Carissa and Michael, it is a GREAT idea, wonderful if we were continuing here in Drillian for the next few years, but I have to admit I did not envision that as part of this "semi-smuggling" bit for this encounter

Talwin: So

Talwin: Pehraps

Talwin: Calms himself

Talwin: That is simply an overstep on my part

Talwin: Deep Breaths

Raelynn: So you take care of the taxes, and send word to Branwyn to pass to the Queen if they think it's more.

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Meanwhile

Talwin: ...

Talwin: Craigh?

Talwin: I need a favor

Talwin: How do you feel about planting....evidence?

BOB So yes you have come up with how they are avoiding the taxes and you can set up a meeting to have the two Estates add that to the list of things to tax for smelted metals

Craigh: moving his mask to take a drink

Talwin: Because I feel horrible even entertaining the idea

Craigh: Why would you feel bad about that?

Raelynn: Talwin, when I called you an ass, it was in jest. Don't ACTUALLY be one!

Talwin: ...

Talwin: We need one

Talwin: Just one

Raelynn: One ass?

Raelynn: raises brow

Talwin: What?

Talwin: No, the Wagon

Craigh: warbles amusedly

Raelynn: So you want to plant evidence....why?

Talwin: We would only borrow while we "investigate"

Craigh: Oh, that's easy, if you're willing to wait for the next shipment to come through.

Raelynn: Why do you need evidence? You're the authority. Just claim it.

Craigh: They won't even know it's gone, until later.

Talwin: Hm

Zayden: you know what they say "evidence smevidence"

Talwin: Does illero have any. Ahem...

Talwin: Scouts nearby?

Craigh: points to Lanek

Raelynn: rolls her eyes and joins N'laea in flower picking.

Lanek Olenak: you want me to take it, boss?

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: I had hoped to just borrow it after planting evidence. Then, we could investigate and if we couldn't "find" the smuggler, then return it when they next come through

Talwin: Because, then

Talwin: There is no suspcions

Craigh: Oh, but then they know you have it, and where's the fun in that?

Lanek Olenak: hops up into the wagon

Zayden: follow Lanny into the wagon because it looks like fun

Talwin: Because they know some asshole screwed them over, and since we're going to tell them we know they didn't do it, we HAVE to hold the wagon for our investigation. The next time they come around, we'll give it back if we can find no evidence.

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: So, how do we play innocent since we are literally the only ones here?

Talwin: They'll suspect we took it

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: I'll go to the bar and say we found nothing, they can leave whenever they want

Craigh: Simply have a regular identical wagon ready to go for the next shipment and swap it out for one of theirs. Might need a little encouragement for the driver to not notice how it rides differently though.

BOB starting from scratch at the road, the teamsteers are in the bar and the group has discovered it is a metal wagon

Talwin: Lanek and Craigh. Find some illicit substances. We need to be able to provide evidence that if it wasn't them, then SOMEONE was taking advantage of them.

Talwin: We need to bring out the head teamster and show him. He's going to beleive it wastn' him, but we're going to believe him and say we don't think it was him, but his wagon was implicated in a crime and we need to hold it for a period of 120 days

Talwin: That is per our actual law for investigations

Talwin: If we find nothing it can be returned

Talwin: ...

Lanek Olenak: scratches his head trying to figure out what might be illicit here

Zayden: I could always distract them in the pub? With a song?

Talwin: He can retreive it after that period

Talwin: We give him his oxen

Craigh: I have aniseed on me, a stinky gel.

Zayden: Sure... it's the gel

Talwin: Craigh. I cannot believe I'm saying this

Talwin: But I'm going to have you find something so heinous it would make even the teamsters shit themselves if they knew it was in their wagon

Talwin: Sigh

Lanek Olenak: disbelieving glare

Talwin: Rae is going to hate me so much

Zayden: alright get in the wagon Lanny

Zayden smiles

Lanek Olenak: i'll make them shit themselves for sure

Lanek Olenak: but they won't believe i've been here the whole time

Zayden laughs

Talwin: Nods. I want to hear nothing else, and I will need to spend the next few days in a Church

Talwin: Whatever will be so illegal that they will panic that we found something like that, even without their knowledge. I'm going to bring them back out in 20 minutes. Is that enough time?

Craigh: whistles affirmatively

Talwin: Are you sure you can find it in 20 minutes?

Lanek Olenak: necromancers universally suck for everyone. can we find some necromancer crap?

Talwin: Nods

Lanek Olenak: or crap we can pass off as necromancer crap?

Craigh: Fire Drake scale, scrag talon, and a hill giant toenail, in an aniseed mix, in a small vial, glued under the wagon with sealing wax.

Craigh: Presto, magical poison.

Craigh: or necromantic ingredients

Talwin: Done

Talwin: I need to fetch several gaurds to show them and then bring them to the Inn in force

Talwin: Everyone act your part

Lanek Olenak: clears throat

Talwin: Nods head at Lanek


Talwin: Holy Shit Lanek

Talwin: I need to fetch the gaurds!

Talwin: Searches frantically for Roger

Talwin: Searches frantically for Roger


Zayden: Typicaly Roger, never around when you need him

Efar Deepwing: What do you mean Look Here!!! It was an empty wagon

Craigh: is out of the way in the shadows.

Efar Deepwing: EMPTY

Zayden: I do Lanny!

Efar Deepwing: as in nothing in it

Zayden: And I can't believe my eyes!

Talwin: Turns to Efar

Talwin: Wrath on his face

Talwin: Empty! "Roars?"

Efar Deepwing: EMPTY as in you stopped us becasue it was empty!


Talwin: I STOPPED you because you almost ran a ctiizen over!

Efar Deepwing: You stopped us because we did not have anything in our wagon


Efar Deepwing: What citizen?

Talwin: I'm ARRESTING YOU because you have Night Death Poison in your wagon you son of a bitch!

Zayden looks under there

Talwin: Guards!

Talwin: Guards!

Efar Deepwing: THis is harassment

Talwin: Draws Blade

Talwin: Wrath

Talwin: Are you resisting arrest?

Efar Deepwing: Teamsteers lives matter

Talwin: ..............

Zayden: whoa whoa whoa

Zayden: if we're gonna do this

Zayden: we should have some background music

Zayden: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 14]

Talwin: Gaurds! This criminal scum is under Arrest! He's transporting Night Death!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Umm... maybe not the right time, Zayden

Talwin: Draws Sword

Talwin: You Dare in OUR PRotectorate!?

Efar Deepwing: How are you going to stop us from moving along with an empty wagon?

Zayden: Yea think you're right Bix, thanks

Efar Deepwing: It was empty that is what you stopped us for

Talwin: And that is resisting arrest

Talwin: Surrender or Die

Bixi Fizzlebang: Kind of sounds like your instrument needs a little... tuning

Talwin: Save it for the interrogation room asshole

Efar Deepwing: Why would I be interogatted?

Efar Deepwing: I am just here

Zayden: I think you're right again Bix, I've been 'lax' with it lately

Talwin: Points Sword

Talwin: The next syllabal, you lose a hand

BOB You do not have a town guard

BOB Just Sundwon and a couple of guards that help move things around the Protectorate


Lanek Olenak: LOOKS. EVIL

Talwin: You have permission to speak to answer Lanek

Efar Deepwing: What am I answering for?

Daphene: Yes! Answer or I will arrest you right now!

Lanek Olenak: er i dont have a question

Talwin: Either YOU or someone else is using your wagon to transport Narcotics

Lanek Olenak: oh yeah

Talwin: Explain yourself NOW

Efar Deepwing: Answer to what? about what?


Talwin: This is a class 1 illicit substance

Daphene: steps forward trying to look convincing

Talwin: People hang for this

Lanek Olenak: WHO IS. IT FOR?

Efar Deepwing: You accussed us of having an empty wagon, I admit to that



Efar Deepwing: Very well

Efar Deepwing: I submit to the church

Efar Deepwing: Any church

Lanek Olenak: er its not narcarts. it's necromancer crap

Efar Deepwing: Let them judge me

Daphene: Yes, and then upon further investigation we saw this poision you were attempting to smuggle by hiding it under the wagon!

Talwin: Shrugs.

Talwin: Kenna is always willing

Talwin: Until then

Talwin: This wagon is evidence.

Talwin: Take it to Branwyns estate

Efar Deepwing: Kenna is a great priestess, I will be willing to go before her anytime

Talwin: She won't be happy about Necromancy. She might even come visit you in church

Efar Deepwing: She will judge me fairly

Efar Deepwing: She will use her powers to see into my soul and see if I am guilty

Talwin: It's not Kenna you should be worried about friend. Especially with that poison in your wagon

Talwin: Shrugs

Efar Deepwing: I have done nothing wrong

Talwin: Until then, you will be staying in prison

Talwin: I will send for Kenna

Efar Deepwing: I will go to Kenna willingly

Daphene: Sir Talwin, I would appreciate if you did not threaten my prisoner. He has submitted.

Talwin: Sighs

BOB You have a jail cell for drunks

Daphene: As a guard of the protectorate I must insist that you let this man be judged fairly

Lanek Olenak: what the heck is narcarts? transportin narcarts?

Talwin: Even if you are innocent, I would wonder who might be using your wagons as vehicles for smuggling operations

Talwin: Specutively

Talwin: I can't tell if he's innocent or now

Talwin: That's in Kenna's hands

BOB You have goblins living under your cathedral still after 10 years, you do not need a full jail

Daphene: Perhaps one of our preistesses here would like to find out, so that we do not detain this man unnecessarily

Talwin: Daphene, please escort this man to the Temple. The wagon is evidence. If nothing is connected to it in 90 days we will return it.

Talwin: Shrugs. Here there I don't care. The drugs is waht I care about

Efar Deepwing: Please send me to Kenna

Daphene: However, I do agree with you that the wagon must be held until we can find out the truth.

Efar Deepwing: I will go willingly to the church

Talwin: Sighs

Efar Deepwing: or to the Governess Snee, and her church

Efar Deepwing: I believe in them

Talwin: You believe in both churches?

Talwin: Puzzled

Talwin: Puzzled

Talwin: Shakes head

Efar Deepwing: Of course they are the same as in Quellcon Estates

Talwin: Sighs

Efar Deepwing: The Power of the Church is overwhelming

Talwin: Fine, as we are arresting you, I will allow you to pick your church

Efar Deepwing: They know the right of things

Talwin: I don't care

Talwin: But you must also answer all their questions

Efar Deepwing: I can pick any church?

Talwin: No, you may pick those two

Talwin: in this Protectorate

Efar Deepwing: I choose Kenna and the church at Otterville

Efar Deepwing: Countess Branwyn the Mysterious has funded that church and I know that Kenna will treat me fairly

Daphene: Bit of a journey. I will gladly escort the prisoner but will require a couple more hands for watches and nature calls, et cetera.

Talwin: Lanek, arrange for the Wagon to be transported to Branwnys estate. We don't have any place to park the damn thing. Please also send along a note of what was found. If there is Necromancy involved, I want Branwny to contain it. I'll send a full report shortly. Meanwhile, let's unhitch the Oxen, unless you are smuggling anything of them as well?

Talwin: Turns to Efar in Question?

Talwin: Please

Talwin: He adds

BOB You are IN Branwyn's Estate, the Protectcorate is part of Dragon Fen

Talwin: LIke, next to her tower, where no one would dare come near it

Talwin: Otterville huh? Well, you caught me in my words I guess

Lanek Olenak: you got it boss

Talwin: Nods to Daphene. I can arrange for Sundown to transport or we can as a group. While I don't think he's....dangerous, I don't trust anytone with those kinds of good involved

Efar Deepwing: If I was smuggling somethign that I just had to get past your town of Hourglass here, I would feed it to the oxen and then they would shit it out a day later

Talwin: Blinks

Talwin: Holy shit, that's how you do that?

Talwin: I need to remember that

Talwin: Lanek, let's hold the Oxen for a few days

Efar Deepwing: I do not do it, I am an honest merchat just moving things south

Zayden: sounds like something that comes from experience

Talwin: Let everything pass and we can expect the feces

Daphene: Ah, that would be great. Sundown would be an excellent escort, and that would leave me free to keep guarding the road here, on the lookout for more illicit goods

Talwin: Shakes head at Efar

Talwin: What are you on about? You have nothing in your wagon at all

Talwin: Except for some smuggled necromantic trash

Talwin: Spits

Efar Deepwing: YES that is what I have been saying nothing in the wagon at all

Zayden: ugh, law enforcement is such a drag

Talwin: I feel he keep willfully ignroing that Necromantic artificats were on his wagon

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: We'll let Kenna sort him out

Efar Deepwing: Glad to

Efar Deepwing: I know Kenna will judge me fairly

Talwin: He can stay in the Jail for three days so we can arrange for transport. Also I kind of want to see the Oxen crap with one of our botonists

Talwin: I think he just gave us a new way to find drugs

Zayden: nice

BOB So taking the wagon to Otterville

BOB and holding him here three days

Zayden: lemme know if you find any good ones Tal

BOB Otterville is the largest town in Dragon Fen and two miles from the Manor House

BOB You have the wagon there, then take him there

BOB it is a half day's trip

BOB Kenna will cast upon him

BOB Kenna says that he is telling the truth, that he has no idea about any necromantic drugs or anything about the wagon

BOB Kenna does say that he knows he was taking a full metal wagon south

BOB But there is nothing that he is lying about

BOB Copying the wagon design? you know the design, you just build it out of wood, and Quellcon is building some of them out of metal

BOB No particular metal Michael, just using what ever ore they are shipping south to pour into a plank shaped mold to make a new wagon out of

BOB Wooden wagon full of Ore? pay taxes, empty metal wagon, no taxes. Simple easy

BOB No need for anyone driving the wagon to know different just taking them south

Talwin: Approaches "prisoner" "Kenna has pronounced you clean. Although, she did have something interesting about not a...lie...per say, but a falsehood. A trickery perhaps. Care to explain?"

BOB He did what he was paid to do

BOB Is why he was happy to meet Kenna and be questioned

BOB She has lots of spells to question him with

Talwin: You are free to go. THe wagon has been sterilized. YOU might be innocent, but can you tell me about anything odd you've seen on the road? Now we have to watch for Necromancers. I don't know if you know the history of this place, but we take that sort of thing very seriously.

Talwin: And!

Talwin: As recompense for your trouble

Talwin: Holds up a Single Gold Piece

Talwin: Our apologies, but seriously, if you saw anything we need to secure the road

Talwin: Did you meet anyone suspicious in Quellcon or in our Lands that gave you pause, or scared you?

Talwin: Besides us of course

Efar Deepwing: I am hired to take a wagon where they tell me to take it

Efar Deepwing: It is not my wagon

Daphene: Who hired you?

Efar Deepwing: The people at the Quellcon Mines

Talwin: Alright

Talwin: That doesn't sound suspcioius, they send lots of goods. So no necromancers near there I guess? If that's all you've seen....May I ask where you were headed? We'll need to send along warning that we might be missing inspections

Efar Deepwing: I already missed my delivery, it was supposed to be there five days ago

Talwin: Sighs. We'll give you a note explaining the situation and to forward any complaints to my office.

Efar Deepwing: I told you earlier, I was going to Redfern Lake

Talwin: Redfern?

Talwin: Cocks head

Efar Deepwing: It is the first place south of Dragon Fen

Talwin: You were delivering your wagon to Redfern?

Efar Deepwing: Everyone heading south ends up there

Efar Deepwing: No you asked where I was going next

Efar Deepwing: I am going to Redfern Lake

Efar Deepwing: then to Billstone

Efar Deepwing: Like I said before

Efar Deepwing: you cannot trick me

Talwin: Trick you?

Efar Deepwing: You keep asking like I will make a mistake

Talwin: I'm asking where you were delivering the wagon. How is that tricking you?

Efar Deepwing: Kenna knows I am telling the tructh

Talwin: Yes. You are telling her the truth about the Smuggled goods. But I AM concerned about the Wagon. Why won't you tell me the end destination? While we do have a treaty with Quellcon, your "wagon" is actually a Land Yact in our lands. It is a taxable luxry item. I'm not charging you because you delivered this before that law went into effect. However I DO need to know where the Wagon was going, so we can direct envoys with our updated legislation. This is not an attemp tto trick you. I am only asking for the destination.

Efar Deepwing: I am going to Redfern Lake then to Billstone

Efar Deepwing: None of those places are in Dragon Fen

Efar Deepwing: Why does it matter?

Talwin: Efar. Are you delivering the Wagon to Billstone. If your wagon is leaving our lands, it is subject to the tax outbound as a luxery item. I am asking only if Billstone is the Wagon's final destination

Talwin: Sighs

Efar Deepwing: Are you claiming and collecting taxes for the Medipop Estates?

Talwin: No, I am declaring it because it is ours and is not subject to Medipop Estates.

Talwin: I can even have Kenna Question ME for that in front of you

Efar Deepwing: You are telling me that there is a tax for simply traveling through Dragon Fen?

Talwin: No, I am telling you, that if you don't have the mark for an import tax for a luxery item when you LEAVE our lands, you must pay an export tax. The free cities have similar agreements, and is common place here as well, in different capacitites. This much metal reclassifies your wagon into something different. Yes, you drive it, but it's no longer a wagon. It is a Land Yact. If you paid on entrance for the Land Yact, then you face no exit fee either. This allows for empty wagons to fill up with luxery items HERE for cheaper then they would have otherwise and make a bigger profit later. Does this make sense?

Talwin: Land Yacts can do the same filling up with Luxery items like Tea

Efar Deepwing: No, that does not make sense, it seems to me you wanted to charge me a tax on one things, then when you could not you changed to make up a new thing to charge me on

Talwin: Shakes Head

Efar Deepwing: I get it

Talwin: No, I already stated I am giving you a pass because this law was implemented two days ago

Talwin: I dont' know why you won't tell me

Talwin: But here is the letter

Efar Deepwing: that is what happens when an Estates needs money and they just start taking money from people

Talwin: This will grant you free exit this time

Talwin: Efar let me ask you an honest question

Efar Deepwing: Two days ago I was being questioned by Kenna

Talwin: You can answer however you want and I will listen

Talwin: Fair?

Efar Deepwing: You did not have that tax when I cam into Dragon Fen

Efar Deepwing: I am not answering any more questions

Efar Deepwing: you are just trying to take all my money

Efar Deepwing: fine I get it

Talwin: Shrugs. If it makes you feel better, it was the trader ahead of you

Efar Deepwing: but I will make sure to tell everyone that you are doing that

Talwin: He spoiled it for the rest

Talwin: You do that

Efar Deepwing: just makin up new taxes for you to take money from people

Efar Deepwing: Branwyn must need the money

Talwin: Laughs

Efar Deepwing: I will make sure that people know

Daphene: Good, maybe they will start taking the long way around and save us the trouble

Talwin: You are funny efar. We will also let people know that when we are cheated for free use of our roads, we will ensure that the taxes go up.

Talwin: Exactly Daphene

Talwin: I'll let Quellcon know that this trader is spreading the word on their behalf

Talwin: Have a nice day sir!

Talwin: Leaves

Daphene: also leaves

Daphene: Do you think I was convincing, Talwin?

Efar Deepwing: Shrugs, All I know is we entered Dragon Fen, paid the taxes at the border, then you bullied us into trying to pay more, held us for days on end, charged us for taxes you put in place while we were being held.