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Chat Log List - 2023 09 08 - Rum Runner - Formatted - Story

The date is Trall____, 1st Kye (Late Winter), 586 SGR

Young Moon's phase is First Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Full Moon

The time is 2:06 PM

BOB Next is everyone is at full Hit Points and it is a handful of days after you saved the farmer from the Chupacabra

BOB Jericho has been at the Temple preparing for the feast

BOB The group has had a couple of days of rest from their experience saving the Malkin family from the cupacabra.

BOB Matthias has been out on his ship and has returned without leaving port

BOB Levi and Vee have been at the Seven Sirens,

BOB the rest of the group has visited them there

BOB the bar that Vee's sister works at

BOB Tomorrow is a very big day

BOB There is a big ceremony at the Temple and the Baron from Osterhold is there with his family and entrourage

BOB This is a special event that mostly nobles and church members attend. It is both a ceremony and a celebration.

BOB Everyone received an invite to the Temple of Orange Sunsets to attend the ceremonial "sealing of the bottles" celebration for the completion of the latest distilling of rum.

BOB Yes your group of low level adventurers has been invited to this celebration

BOB As a reward apparently for your service to the Temple in dealing with the chupacabra

BOB Ava and Jericho can tell you that they have never been allowed in the celebration portion, only the work part of sealing the casks, etc.

BOB This is an anual event

BOB Yes to Michael for lots of celebrations all year round but this is a special one because the Baron is coming over the mountain to the Temple to help celebrate

BOB and everyone should be dressed in their very best

Matthias Crowtooth: hums a sea shanty to himself

Matthias Crowtooth: So... do we have to dress fancy for this? Because this is my only outfit

Jericho: I'm planning on my standard robes to be honest

Jericho: They didn't exactly give a dress code, but do the best you can. I'm sure you can pull it off

Jericho: Smiles

Matthias Crowtooth: Eh, if anyone says anything, I'll just smile and pretend that I can't speak Common

Jericho: You're a dashing character

Jericho: It will be fine

Levi Reed: Oh, I think I'm going to need Vee's help if we have to be fancy

Jericho: Chokes on water

Jericho: Er, I like Vee

Jericho: But

Matthias Crowtooth: amused

Jericho: I'm scared she might...say something?

Jericho: or dress oddly?

Levi Reed: Oh she's absolutely going to embarrass you

Jericho: Sigh

Levi Reed: Part of her charm

BOB The Baron of Osterhold does control the north eastern and beyond part of Borinquin

Jericho: Can you like...ask her nicely not to at my home?

Jericho: I would never do anything to embarass her in hers

Levi Reed: I mean, I could

Levi Reed: And I would

Jericho: Swear on Locrin

Levi Reed: If I wanted a broken rib or something

BOB Remember Island KINGDOMS which implies......

Jericho: Fine

Jericho: Grumbles

Jericho: I'll ask nicely. And bribe her

Jericho: I'm sure that sets a bad precedent

Jericho: But

Jericho: Shrugs

Levi Reed: Are you holy types allowed to bribe?

Jericho: Shrugs.

Jericho: It's a gift

Jericho: Words are such fickle things, don't you agree?

Levi Reed: I have no idea how to answer that

BOB Agowah where the Temple is, Achild where the Seven Sirens are, Lemonshire is there too

BOB and Osterhold at the end of that road

BOB you are lucky that Borinquen only has one king

BOB and several Barons

BOB The Temple is an hour or two up hill from Achild

BOB There are over a million people on this island

BOB There are many thousands in Osterhold

Matthias Crowtooth: rifles through Jericho's coinpouch while he is distracted

Levi Reed: Vee, what am I going to wear tonight? We have to dress fancy

Vee Barlett: How fancy?

Levi Reed: "very best" is what I heard

Vee Barlett: Show me what you have. Your fashion taste isn't THAT bad. Usually.

Jericho: Oh thank gods

Vee Barlett: Maybe that white button-down with the ruffle collar?

Jericho: Quietly under his breath

Levi Reed: I don't have anythign that qualifies as "very best"

Levi Reed: Oh, my date outfit!

Vee Barlett: Have you shined your shoes lately?

Jericho: Suprised

Vee Barlett: Yeah, but maybe... with a vest? And buttoned UP this time?

Levi Reed: No, but I feel like Jericho might be the shoeshiner type

Jericho: Vee, I er...didn't know you knew how to be so charming.

Vee Barlett: Hmm? Why wouldn't I be?

Vee Barlett: Just look at me.

Jericho: Well.....

Jericho: Trails off

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Ahh just joshin' you!

Vee Barlett: elbows him

Jericho: You do look good, just er, more rough and tumble then I'm used to?

Levi Reed: He's worried you're going to embarrass us at the fancy party

Jericho: EXHALES as the elbow hits

Jericho: I DIN"T SAY THAT!

Jericho: Quickly

Vee Barlett: But yeah, you can't have two dads like mine without learnin' SOMETHING.

Vee Barlett: I'm not promisin' anything.

Levi Reed: By "us" I mean him. I'm not sure I've ever been embarrassed

Jericho: never?

Vee Barlett: Just look at him!

Levi Reed: Nothing comes to mind

Matthias Crowtooth: Eh, I'm going as is. Maybe I'll tie back my hair or something...

Vee Barlett: If THAT isn't an embarrassment in and of itself, nothing will embarrass him.

Jericho: I don't know

Vee Barlett: nods for Matty

Levi Reed: grins

Vee Barlett: Show off that neck of yours. It is a good asset.

Jericho: he looks kind of dashing in a roguish kind of way

Levi Reed: winks at Jericho

Jericho: I'm sure there will be some swooning

Matthias Crowtooth: tosses his hair theatrically

Vee Barlett: laughs

Jericho: Snorts

Vee Barlett: He's used to that, but I'm sure he'll still be flattered.

Levi Reed: Didn't know you were the swooning type, Jericho

Levi Reed: I look forward to seeing it

Jericho: Frankly, I'm more jealous of your attitude

Jericho: I'm terrified

Vee Barlett: Ain't that what happened at the cave? Swooned himself faint?

Matthias Crowtooth: Blood loss may have had a hand in that as well

Jericho: This is my home. I really just want to mingle, and then hide as soon as I can

Jericho: I'm not good with you so obviously have noted

Jericho: I heal them....not talk to them if possible

Matthias Crowtooth: Mingle and hide? Ah, cutpursing. Gotcha

Jericho: Groans

Levi Reed: snickers

Jericho: Locrin save me

Matthias Crowtooth: pats his shoulder

Jericho: I feel slightly ill in the stomach

Vee Barlett: Well you gotta learn at some point!

Matthias Crowtooth: withdraws the hand

Matthias Crowtooth: Sorry

Jericho: Can you learn cutpursing, literally anywhere else?

Jericho: Oh!

Jericho: That reminds me

Jericho: I wondered if you guys would like to explore more of the island?

Jericho: I'm sure we are busy and all

Jericho: But I had hoped to purchase a more detailed map

Jericho: I won't say cave diving per say

Jericho: But it was kind

Levi Reed: Absolutely. I've been on the hunt for an almond doppleganger

Vee Barlett: A what?

Levi Reed: Almond Doppleganger

Matthias Crowtooth: A doppelganger that looks like an almond?

Levi Reed: Kind of like a chupacabra but bigger, with more fangs

Vee Barlett: Ahh, I thought you said All Men Doppleganger

Levi Reed: Wouldn't say no to one of those

Levi Reed: The variety!

Vee Barlett: we'll find you one of both.

Levi Reed: Nah, I don't want to make Jericho jealous

Jericho: Or, I hear there is a paper shortage

Levi Reed: Not this early in our relationship

Jericho: Maybe we could make our own?

Jericho: Shrugs

Vee Barlett: I dunno, he's very unaware. He may not notice.

Jericho: I'd like to hang out more

Levi Reed: You make a fair point

Vee Barlett: I'd like you to hang out more, too. It costs less to drink!

Vee Barlett: grins

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: Yes well. Turns out adventures can be profitable

Vee Barlett: But sailing? I'd like to go sailing. Only got my canoe for now.

Jericho: Who knew

Matthias Crowtooth: holds up Jericho's coinpouch.

Vee Barlett: Apparently you. You never adventured before?

Matthias Crowtooth: He's paying for the next rounds

Levi Reed: That was a rescue mission

Jericho: Scrowls

Levi Reed: Not an adventure

Vee Barlett: high fives Matty

Jericho: I love sailing

Levi Reed: Adventure involves the sea

Jericho: I just

Jericho: Well

Jericho: I have an obligation to the Chruch for now

BOB Vee can take her canoe up river to the Temple if she wants for the celebration

Vee Barlett: You can't SEE more without the SEA

Jericho: But I hope to purchase a ship one day

Jericho: A BIG ONE

Vee Barlett: Get in line, buddy.

Levi Reed: You trying to compensate for something?

Jericho: laughs

Jericho: I actually liked that one Levi

Jericho: No

Vee Barlett: Or we can go halvies. You purchase 70% but let me own it. Deal?

Jericho: Uh

Jericho: My math isn't the best

Jericho: but

Matthias Crowtooth: You can do much with 70% of a ship, Vee?

Vee Barlett: DEAL! I got witnesses here!

Jericho: I never agreed to this

Vee Barlett: You seen me sail lately? I only need 50%, but less comfortable if I want a crew.

Jericho: But I would love to go in on one

Jericho: Smiles

Jericho: I want to serve as medical officer

Vee Barlett: I suppose I could make room for you, Jericho.

Levi Reed: Vee, if he keeps giving you his money, you can just buy your own, with HIS money, and he won't even have to own part of it

Jericho: Dammit I'm a Doctor not a Captain Vee

Jericho: You're on!

Vee Barlett: whispers to Levi, "That's the plan."

Jericho: And stop stealing my money

Jericho: I'm saving up for something

Vee Barlett: Anyways, anyone wanna take my canoe up to the temple? I feel too dry still. My skin is all itchy.

Jericho: Er

Levi Reed: Then you should have taken your damn money instead of threatening to leave it on the ground

Jericho: Do you need that looked at?

Levi Reed: That's on you, buddy

Jericho: Oh!

Jericho: Yeah, that was for you

Jericho: Sorry. I thought you raided my purse

Vee Barlett: No that was the OTHER Levi

Jericho: I don't fight, so I feel MUCH better

Matthias Crowtooth: Totally dropped it, you did. We were just holding it for you.

Jericho: Giving you guys your due

Levi Reed: How dare you, I would NEVER

Levi Reed: I would charm the pants off you first

Jericho: Rolls eyes

Vee Barlett: We're the most innocent individuals you'll ever meet!

Matthias Crowtooth: bats eyes

Jericho: I'll tell you what. I won't poison you instead of healing you, and you could kindly leave my money alone. When I'm not giving you it with intent. And MAYBE, once in a while, drinks will be on me

Jericho: awhile

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: anyways

Levi Reed: I guarantee you if I ever get your money, it will be absolutely willingly on your part

Jericho: I've never been in a canoo before

Jericho: May I join?

Vee Barlett: I got room! Canoe is fun on its own even if I can't go in too deep water off shore.

Matthias Crowtooth: Not with that attitude, you can't

Levi Reed: Canoe is too much manual labor

Jericho: I mean...I can try at least once

Vee Barlett: Well you need good biceps. All the men like good biceps.

Jericho: Looks at Biceps

Jericho: Yeah...

Jericho: I don't have those

Jericho: But I can try with the Canoe at least once

Vee Barlett: Well you need more if you want to win Levi's charms, and Levi needs to maintain his to keep his charm.

Levi Reed: I get plenty of bicep workout when I'm out climbing in the woods

Vee Barlett: Well it's either the canoe or you walking uphill, both ways, in your nice shoes.

Jericho: I'm for the Canoe thanks

Levi Reed: FINE, but if you get my nice shoes all wet, you're paying the cleanup bill

Vee Barlett: Jericho can shine them for you. He seems like he'd be great at it.

BOB Hour walk or hour canoe paddling to the Temple, then home from the temple hour walk or half hour canoe

Jericho: So canoe it is

Vee Barlett: It'll be fun!

Jericho: We can mostly float down river on the way back

Jericho: Alright?

-> Levi Reed: Also for Levi, that bay is called Harpy's Bay if you sail around the point from Lemonshire out and around to Osterhold

Vee Barlett: You all packed and ready to go? Nice clothes for the ceremony?

Matthias Crowtooth: wipes hands on tunic

Matthias Crowtooth: Yep

Levi Reed: Got em on, don't dump me in the river

Vee Barlett: Usually you should pack them to get dressed there but... hey, you do you. We'll be fine!

BOB Osterhold is the big city, north of where you are, the Temple of Orange Sunsets is there up river, in Agowah, Achild on the coast has Seven Sirens, and just along the coast from there is Lemonshire

BOB So the group makes their way up the river (100 XP to anyone who can name the river) up to the Temple of the Orange Sunsets on the morning of the 1st

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Sceenna ?

BOB Yes Carissa wins

Matthias Crowtooth: Yeah, I really like the name "River Crowtooth". I think I will write it on my map

Matthias Crowtooth: And all of your maps, too.

Vee Barlett: You're gonna piss off some sailors doing that.

Matthias Crowtooth: Psh.... What could they....

Matthias Crowtooth: sweats

Matthias Crowtooth: Okay, fine, I won't do that.

Vee Barlett: menacing smiles

Vee Barlett: Good.

BOB As you arrive at the Temple you find the fineries out, the open public spaces are full of flowers

BOB It is obvious that the Baron arrived yesterday

BOB Many of the acoylytes and lower circles are chasing around doing things to prepare

Marcia Cedillo: Excuse me!

Marcia Cedillo: Who are you?

Marcia Cedillo: Why do you think you can just march in here and walk through areas for guests?

Jericho: We do apologize Ma'am

Jericho: Here are our invitations

Matthias Crowtooth: Because I have two feet and the way isn't blocked

Jericho: Hands out

Jericho: We are just as suprised as you I am certain

Jericho: Smiles

Marcia Cedillo: So you can just leave, looking at Matthias

Matthias Crowtooth: I could, yes

Marcia Cedillo: I have no reason to put up with your crap right now

Matthias Crowtooth: smiles and remains put

Vee Barlett: Mm, yeah, except we got invites.

Marcia Cedillo: WHAT?

Jericho: Continues to hold them out politely

Marcia Cedillo: You!>?!>?!

Marcia Cedillo: What?

Matthias Crowtooth: smiles wider

Jericho: Stoic

Marcia Cedillo: SNATCHES it out of Jericho's hand

Marcia Cedillo: Reads

Matthias Crowtooth: Careful to give that back

Marcia Cedillo: Looks up at you

Marcia Cedillo: reads again

Vee Barlett: smiles

Marcia Cedillo: You are just.... peasents..

Jericho: Thank you for noticing

Jericho: Respectful tone

Marcia Cedillo: Why would you be invited?

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: Does it matter?

Matthias Crowtooth: Everyone was once a peasant, if you go back far enough

Levi Reed: Rescued a man from a chupacabra

Matthias Crowtooth: Fell from a cliff

Jericho: And did the temple a service

Jericho: This is my home

Levi Reed: Almost died

Marcia Cedillo: MY family understood their place and rose above it

Matthias Crowtooth: If they understood their place, they would have stayed in it

Jericho: .......Does that mean we cannot as well?

Jericho: Puzzled

Levi Reed: No offense, but your family sounds kind of stuffy

Vee Barlett: A bit salty.

Jericho: The teachings of the church do not tell us we cannot do that

Marcia Cedillo: Opens mouth at Matthias' comment ..... the closes it

Jericho: But if you don'tmind, we are expected.

Jericho: May I have our invitations back?

Marcia Cedillo: Meekly hands it back to Jericho

Jericho: Enjoy the Celebrations

Jericho: Bows

Jericho: Walks away

Marcia Cedillo: I...

Matthias Crowtooth: waves and follows

Marcia Cedillo: Thank you... she whispers

Vee Barlett: waves

Marcia Cedillo: She quietly lets the group go through into the Temple proper

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: I hate politics

Marcia Cedillo: a deep sigh

Jericho: Whispers

Levi Reed: That wasn't politics, that was a cranky lady

Levi Reed: This place is fancy

Matthias Crowtooth: I liked her

Matthias Crowtooth: beams

Vee Barlett: She doesn't like you. What'd you do to her?

Jericho: I do believe you liked screwing with her Matthias

Matthias Crowtooth: Even the rich can serve the greater good

Lavada Burrow: HEY!!!!! It is.... umm... Matty right? You are the one with the boat? and the fun ropes?

Lavada Burrow: OH WOW yeah it has to be you

Levi Reed: The fun ropes?????

Lavada Burrow: That was so fun

Levi Reed: Matthias, you been holding out on me

Matthias Crowtooth: blushes furiously

Vee Barlett: laughs

Matthias Crowtooth: Uh... well....

Lavada Burrow: WOW how did you get here?

Jericho: Tries not to burst out laughing

Lavada Burrow: Who hired you?

Vee Barlett: Yeah, Matty. Which boat? Why wasn't I on it?

Matthias Crowtooth: Because you would try to claim it as your own

Levi Reed: You into that kind of stuff, Vee?

Vee Barlett: Hmm, fair.

Lavada Burrow: Oh let me tell you everyone is into that, you just have to give them a nudge and then UFFFF it is hard to tell them they have to pay for the next one

Vee Barlett: Boat stealin? Maybe. Rope tying? Yes. But with people? Eh, not sure.

Matthias Crowtooth: Sometimes you have to tie people up to steal the rope, Vee.

Levi Reed: Jericho, you want to try out the fun ropes sometime?

Jericho: Thinks

Jericho: What do you do with them?

Jericho: I've never heard of "Fun Ropes"

Matthias Crowtooth: Toss them overboard?

Matthias Crowtooth: Onto the dock, not.... into the water. That would be murder... I think

Levi Reed: Only if their pa walks in

Jericho: Uh...

Lavada Burrow: OOHHHH Matty is doing the dangling trick now

Jericho: Confused

Lavada Burrow: That is hard

Jericho: I think I'll pass if that's alright?

Lavada Burrow: well, you hope he is

Vee Barlett: He can dangle? I only thought he could fall.

Jericho: Whipers to Vee "We ARE talking about ropes right?....Right?"

Levi Reed: Dangling is nothing but a fall interrupted

Matthias Crowtooth: laughs awkwardly, and lightly pushes Vee away

Vee Barlett: whispers back, "Yes. But no."

Vee Barlett: holds up hands and walks away

Vee Barlett: Sorry, didn't know I was getting between you and your crush.

Matthias Crowtooth: opens mouth, pauses, closes it

Lavada Burrow: Oh no Matty is not a crush, he is not into that sort of thing

Jericho: Holds hands up and steps back

Jericho: I'm staying out of this

Jericho: Rushes after Vee

Matthias Crowtooth: looks around to find no one else to hide behind

Reinhold Scherzinger: Oh little Lava... I have a few drinks for us

Lavada Burrow: Sorry have to go

Vee Barlett: Nice meetin' ya!

Matthias Crowtooth: waves awkwardly, then runs after the others

Elena Perevalov: Hello there Vee

Elena Perevalov: How are you enjoying the Temple?

Vee Barlett: It's fancy. Still too dry, but nice enough, I suppose.

Vee Barlett: How you been?

Jericho: Anxiously glances over at the group, secretly hoping they like it

Matthias Crowtooth: perks ear. Stops running and starts listening

Levi Reed: I do enjoy running into other people's exs

Elena Perevalov: I have been good, the pickings have not been great, but it is a living

Vee Barlett: Better you than me. I couldn't stand it. Too... eh.

Elena Perevalov: I really wish they would let us comb the western rift again

Vee Barlett: Wait, they aren't? Why not?

Jericho: Puzzled, but afraid to interrupt about wheat shemeans about the Western Rift

Elena Perevalov: Those mermaids just need to get a good walloping and they will back off

Elena Perevalov: We only were able to get in two catches this last season

Elena Perevalov: Then those witches called up storm after storm

Matthias Crowtooth: jaw opens as he listens intently

Vee Barlett: Anyone tried just... talkin' to them lately? The mermaids. Not the witches. they're, well, I don't know what to do for them.

Levi Reed: I'm starting to think you've never been on a boat, kid

Elena Perevalov: Who can talk with 'em? Need some special skills...

Jericho: Whispers

Elena Perevalov: Maybe need to take you out on our next trip

Jericho: I was rescued on a raft

Jericho: I've never been on a boat proper

Vee Barlett: Yeah, I could try. I got my tsshhh sounds down a lot better now!

Levi Reed: When you were four, or what?

Elena Perevalov: HAH

Jericho: Last year actually

Vee Barlett: You just gotta pitch your voice up and sideways a bit more, ya know?

Jericho: Whispers

Elena Perevalov: so much better than my thoooooosh

Vee Barlett: winces and laughs

Jericho: You could say I ran away from home

Levi Reed: You're only five!? I gotta back off a bit then

Jericho: Whispers to Levi

Elena Perevalov: But it seems to scare them sometimes

Vee Barlett: No no it's like thowwwwsh

Vee Barlett: Otherwise... I think you're cursing them.

Elena Perevalov: YEAH!

Elena Perevalov: They need cursing

Vee Barlett: Nah, they ain't all that bad. Just different.

Elena Perevalov: My ocean, my fish

Elena Perevalov: You understand

Jericho: A little uncomfortable about the talk of cursing and witches in the holy temple

Elena Perevalov: Anyways I need to go find some good solid foot

Matthias Crowtooth: My city, my coinpurse. I get it.

Jericho: But too socially awkard to say anything

Elena Perevalov: Good to catch up

Vee Barlett: Same! Hope you enjoy this... event? It'll be a thing, I suppose. Not as fun, but a thing.

BOB and the group moves deeper into the party scene as nobles are starting to congregate and the atmosphere leans into a higher more sophisicated

BOB As it gets past Noon and the celebration is in full swing

Matthias Crowtooth: walks around with his nose in the air

Jericho: Politely listening, but sticking close to the group, or members of the Temple,

Levi Reed: walks around looking for free booze or cute guys

BOB there is a ceremony for the Sealing of the Bottles from the previous distilling

BOB and there is a blessing

BOB as the group starts to move around

Jericho: [SKILL] Brewing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Jericho: I hear the last years was a great vintage

Jericho: But that's hearsay of course

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Vee, Jericho

Vee Barlett: looks at what Matty is doing and copies him

Levi Reed: How can it be vintage if it's only a year old?

Jericho: Hunches slightly, but give a polite and courteous smile at Hilde

Jericho: "Mistress"

Jericho: Bows

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You need to meet me in the Investigators Chapel

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Go find your friends

Jericho: Yes Ma'am!

Jericho: Straightens up

Jericho: Despite himself

Jericho: Straightens up

Jericho: Vee? Can we please go see what this is about?

Jericho: Please?

Vee Barlett: Sure thing, buddy.

Jericho: Whispers

Jericho: Thank you!

Jericho: I hope nothing is wrong

Jericho: Nerviously

Levi Reed: They probably want to give us a medal or something

Jericho: We were on our best behavior, even Mattias

Matthias Crowtooth: Jolly good, wot wot

Jericho: And Levi has been swooning noblewomen left and right

Jericho: I saw the looks

Jericho: Was quite fun to watch

Vee Barlett: Which is fantastic because he doesn't even like women. He just teases.

Jericho: Gonna be a real heartbreaker that one

Jericho: Hurrying to the Chapel

Jericho: Also Matthias, that is a lovely accent there, but I did not hear once, the Wot Wot

Jericho: Although, I did hear a "Jolly Good"

Jericho: Is they speak?

Jericho: Curious

Matthias Crowtooth: I dare say that we upper crust types do indeed speak like this, wot wot

Levi Reed: You gotta really surprise them to get the "wot wot"

Jericho: Er....I kind of want to see this, but hopefully in a place where we won't be recognizable

Vee Barlett: A bit harder on those ts at the end.

Jericho: But back to business, I thought we were on our best behavior. It can't be us.

Jericho: Sorry

Jericho: I'm babbling

Jericho: I wish I was back in my clinic

Jericho: Nervously

Matthias Crowtooth: sighs and starts talking normally

Jericho: Or at your bar

Jericho: Either or

Matthias Crowtooth: You're fine. I'm not exactly at-ease here either

Jericho: Pff

Vee Barlett: The bar IS great.

Jericho: You belong anywhere

Matthias Crowtooth: Let's just get through this and we can go back to the bar.

Levi Reed: Well THAT'S an interesting turn of events

Levi Reed: You like our bar, huh?

Jericho: I'll deny it if you ever tellanyone

Vee Barlett: And he called it a bar! Not a tavern!

Matthias Crowtooth: I like alcohol, what can I say?

Levi Reed: Yeah, men denying the truth is nothing new to me

Jericho: I like watching you guys when you are drunk. Also you are kind of the only people I can stand being around

Jericho: But I'll also deny that too

Matthias Crowtooth: It is fine. I will deny being drunk, especially if I am drunk at the time.

Jericho: Out of curiosity Matthias, no offense intended, but I kind of figured you were in a perpetual state of a "light buzz" as I believe they call it

Jericho: Arriving at the Chapel

Matthias Crowtooth: drinks from his perpetual flask, then puts it back

Matthias Crowtooth: Not sure what you mean, Jericho

Jericho: Grins under his mouth

BOB The group arrives in the same place they last had a debriefing after their last adventure

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: So this is a delicate task. After your work with the Malkin Family I beleive you can handle this.

Jericho: Yes Ma'am. Whatever you require

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: There are casks and bottles of rum that are stored in the basements of the Temple. We keep them there until they are ready to distribute. Only the higher quality pressings get this treatment. For the ceremony today we brought up one cask, and three bottles of the 550 bottling. It has aged well and was going to be used as an example and gift to several of the nobles in attendance today.

Jericho: Side eyes Vee for her thoughts

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Security was a bit lax however and two of the bottles went missing. It is a theft and must be punished once we find the thief. All of our more experienced investigators are involved with the celebration. You can imagine the temptations that abound when the Baron and his attendees are present. The Head Trainer says you are the best we have to go chase after this thief and bring back the treasure. Good luck.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I have to get back to the celebrations

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Leaves


Jericho: Thank god I met you guys

Jericho: In obvious releif

Jericho: This is your domain correct?

Jericho: What do we need to do?

Vee Barlett: She didn't give us much to go off, did she?

Jericho: How would you knick the bottles?

Jericho: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm getting into your guyses roughish ways

BOB You understand 50+ year old rum?

Levi Reed: I mean, I know all about DRINKING them, but stealing them? Not my department

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Looking at the group, I do expect that your lessons and experience will give you a very good chance to finding and retrieving these bottles. I cannot imagine some thief stealing such valuable goods to only drink it on the side of the road. This must be meant for some other purpose. I suspect that with the Baron here their goal is to get it to Osterhold before he returns with his head of security. Perhaps for an establishment there in the city, or to smuggle it out from there to a nearby island.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You will have to decide if you should try to follow the roads over the mountain to Osterhold or to find a ship to take you quickly around Harpies Bay and try to beat the thief to the city.

Vee Barlett: Must be worth a lot on the black market.

Matthias Crowtooth: Ship. I vote ship.

Vee Barlett: ears perk up

Vee Barlett: Ship? Ship.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I imagine that it is worth quite a bit

Levi Reed: Definitely ship, as long as I don't have to drive

Jericho: We must be quick then

Vee Barlett: I'd never let you drive, Levi.

Jericho: Vee?

Jericho: Ship?

Vee Barlett: Anything else we need to know before we run off?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I think you have what you need to know you can go

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Ava and Vee you stay for a moment with me

Vee Barlett: We'll catch that thief, m'am.

Jericho: Do you mind if we take a look at where they were stolen first? Or was the area already searched?

Vee Barlett: salutes

Vee Barlett: Oh, sure.

Jericho: Hesitates, but leaves Mistress in private, softly closing the doors behind them

BOB The rest of the group goes off to start their investigation

-> Vee Barlett: I do not know you other than what you said in our meeting last week. You seem to have done well in the eyes of Investigator Hyacinth along with Jericho and Ava. Ava chose you to speak for the group so I will trust you with this information.

Vee Barlett: nods and listens

-> Vee Barlett: Yes these bottles of rum are important, valuable, a worthy treasure to try to steal. However that is not the worst of the problem. Only a few of us know the real problem. Inside one of those bottles was hidden one the Temple's official tax stamp. This magical stamp is used on products to prove that they came from the Temple and have been tithed properly.

-> Vee Barlett: Obviously this is of grave concern and the Mistress and others are all doing their best to make sure the knowledge of such an important magical item of the Temple is missing not get out. I charge you with ensuring that this stamp is found and returned, no matter what happened to the two bottles. It is your choice if you tell your friends of this additional quest, but word cannot get out at all costs.

Vee Barlett: Got it, ma'am. And magic? Make it easier to ensure it's in the bottle without opening it.

-> Vee Barlett: The bottle will be opened, to insert it, so that will be a key marker that you have the right bottle..... unless those drunkards have opened both of them and .....

Vee Barlett: I know a good way to make 'em vomit if so. We got this! Anything else we need to know?

-> Vee Barlett: You have everything I know, you are three hours behind the thief, I hope you can catch up to him

Vee Barlett: We'll get a fast ship and catch up. Er, know what the thief looks like or we only know to find some drunkards with the bottles?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: The thief is well known

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: The one legged man

Vee Barlett: Oh, that dude? I've heard about him. Should be easy to find.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Hugo is a friend of the Duke's son

Vee Barlett: Wait... he's the duke's son's friend?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: He is a well known ruffian, and with his obvious impairment you would think he would not do such a brazen thing

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I can only guess he took it to Osterhold to his favorite bar

Vee Barlett: Gotta share the wealth...

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You need to hurry to catch him before.....

Vee Barlett: Hmm, guess I won't rough him up AS much, though, if he has connections.

Vee Barlett: Yep. Got it, m'am. On our way!

Matthias Crowtooth: Maybe he stole because he was tired of being looked down on for missing a leg.... Just sayin'

BOB The one legged man

BOB with a gotee

Matthias Crowtooth: Listen, about Lavada. I... don't know how to end this sentence.

MeLange: try a period

Vee Barlett: Go on...

Matthias Crowtooth: gives an involuntary laugh at Melange

Vee Barlett: And I do NOT recommend a period. Horrid thing it is.

Matthias Crowtooth: squints at Vee

MeLange chuckles

MeLange: i bet

Matthias Crowtooth: Never bet with her. She cheats.

Levi Reed: Horrid for me, too. She gets so whiny

Jericho: Eh, some cramps I can help with. I don't know how you do it. Simple remedie

Jericho: Think I have some herbs actually

Vee Barlett: I just want to stab myself. And everyone else.

Jericho: Noted

Vee Barlett: Wait she cheats? At what?

Jericho: I will prepare some tinctures

MeLange: well I appreciate that you would start with yourself Vee

Matthias Crowtooth: places a dagger on the ground, slides it towards Vee, and moves back 10 paces

Jericho: So

Jericho: Vee

Vee Barlett: Anything for you, Melange.

Vee Barlett: Except I may start with Levi first.

Jericho: Not that I'm not insanely Jealous that I'm not trusted in my own temple where I swore vows

Matthias Crowtooth: laughs

Jericho: In case that wasn't Sarcasm, let me emphasize that

MeLange: Levi is already quite bloody

Vee Barlett: Definitely not. I couldn't tell.

Vee Barlett: picks up the dagger

Jericho: Would you kindly share...IF it pertains to the case of course

Vee Barlett: Hmm, this is nice. Think I'll keep it.

Matthias Crowtooth: blinks, pouts, then resolves to steal it back

Vee Barlett: Only if we get moving and get us a ship.

Vee Barlett: Ain't just rum in that bottle so the church REALLY wants it back.

Jericho: Nods solumnly, clearly hurt

Matthias Crowtooth: Maybe it is holy rum?

Matthias Crowtooth: Can priests bless rum?

Jericho: Yes

Matthias Crowtooth: Huh, you must be great at parties.

Levi Reed: Do we think the one-armed man KNOWS there's more than just rum in there?

Jericho: Only if I'm playing cards

Vee Barlett: Nah, the church don't think so.

Jericho: Otherwise, not lots of fun

Matthias Crowtooth: Oooh, card tricks are fun

Matthias Crowtooth: We'll make him the one-armed man later.

Vee Barlett: But we gotta find it before he finds out. And if he drinks it, we'll either have to make him vomit OR someone has to do a poop search.

Vee Barlett: NOT IT.

Levi Reed: Sounds like Jericho's department

Vee Barlett: Oh, and he's friends with the son of the Duke so we can't be TOO rough on him.

Jericho: ....Worst case, I can maybe do something....less then honest, but good intentions and all that

Matthias Crowtooth: Do you think people will notice if he is missing another leg?

Jericho: A little ashamed

Levi Reed: Why's the duke's kid hanging out with a lowlife like that?

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Jericho: If we aren't in time

Jericho: I can

Jericho: well

Jericho: I'm not the best at it okay? But there are some ways to make less....

Matthias Crowtooth: Slumming it? You sometimes get rich brats coming down to the slums, doing their rebellion thing

Jericho: Quality alchohol taste better

Levi Reed: Let's cross that bridge when we get there man

Vee Barlett: Look, it's a ring or somethin' in there, magical, so we just need to get it first.

Jericho: If we can get the bottle, we can still give something it's a gift...

Vee Barlett: He'll probably go to the bar, show off, and him or some other idiot will get ahold of something important.

Jericho: Coughs

Matthias Crowtooth: slaps Jericho on the back

Jericho: Yes

Jericho: Well

Jericho: Worst case scenario of course

Vee Barlett: talking as they head out to find a ship

Jericho: So nearest vessel?

Vee Barlett: Worst case, we gut him.

Jericho: I know nothing of this


Jericho: Language

Matthias Crowtooth: In the fuck? Not sure how that works...

Anthony: Why am I being dragged away from this party

Vee Barlett: It's West Comm? I thought you could tell.

Anthony: and made to deal with you... whatever you are

Jericho: STOPS

Anthony: You have never even served a day on a ship

Jericho: STOPS

Jericho: Looks at the commotion

Vee Barlett: Ho! What's going on?

Anthony: What the Hell are you doing here and WHY am I forced to leave a party, THIS party to deal with you .... what ever

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: squints at the commotion

BOB for Vee, this looks like a Marine, first Leiutenent

BOB Someone from the Navy

BOB Officer

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Matthias Crowtooth: My dear sir, I am terribly sorry for this interruption, but we require your services for a critically important situation.

Anthony: the Crap you say .... curmudgeon?

Anthony: Are you a what?

Vee Barlett: Something the matter, officer?

Anthony: you have a sword, you look like you might know what you are doing if you had some training

Anthony: Who is in charge here?

Jericho: She is

Matthias Crowtooth: side-eyes Vee

Jericho: Points at Vee

Anthony: I have to deal with you I might as well know your names

Vee Barlett: Vee, sir. And I know my way around a ship.

Anthony: I was here to enjoy a party, to be able to enjoy the reward of doing a good job,

MeLange: she knows her way around a lot of things

Anthony: instead I have to do MORE because no one else wants to be bothered

Vee Barlett: You and me both, sir, but the church wants things done.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: What the hell, Vee? A couple a days ago you were giving me shit for using real names and now you're ok with it?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: You don't mess with the military, man.

Anthony: So what the hell is going on?

Jericho: A major theft Officer

Jericho: If we return, you would be an honored member of retrieval

Jericho: remembered and honored

Vee Barlett: We need to get to the city before the thief.

Anthony: My captain pulls me out of a perfectly good party and sends me to deal with some young kids who have no idea what they are doing

Jericho: We could use your advice

Jericho: We want to make sure we make you look proud and honorable to the Temple of course

Jericho: We are young after all

MeLange: there's a party?

Vee Barlett: whispers to Melange, "Yeah, we were just there... or did you spend most of it in the bathroom again?"

MeLange: whispers to Vee, "ohhhhh! That party, ok"

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 7]

-> Vee Barlett: This is a young kid, just out of officer school, likely his second or third assignment no reason he should be at this party in the first place

Vee Barlett: squints

Vee Barlett: You a fish fresh outta water yourself, sir.

Vee Barlett: Maybe...just maybe... he was saving you from being somewhere you shouldn't be?

Jericho: Curious, but letting Vee talk

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: That mean I shouldn't flirt with him?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: I mean, sure, go for it, but, uh, just... more contained?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: I mean they DO look great in uniform...

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Wouldn't know how to do contained.... maybe with those fun ropes...

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Maybe after we catch the thief?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Ugh, always thinking about work

MeLange: so much whispering it's like being back in grade-school

MeLange: Whispers to Jericho, "pea and carrots, peas and carrots and potatoes"

Anthony: I think you need to pay attention to more than the fit of the uniform and look at the ranking

Vee Barlett: nods

Jericho: We can do that. But reality doesn't mean much. We salute the Rank, not the man? Isn't that the saying?

Vee Barlett: Sure, sure, but whether or not you should be here, you're being told to not be there now and to help us, and you ain't gonna refuse a direct order from your captain, are ya?

Anthony: My Captain ? I follow

Anthony: You?


Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Jericho: Look, are you gonna help us or not? Our success relies on your goodwill, and if you won't help us, I'm sure your captain will care a lot more about the more responsible and ranking officer failing in his duties. Will you help us or not?

Jericho: You don't have to like us

Vee Barlett: And he says you gotta help us. I know my way around the ship. I'll prove it.

Jericho: We're trying out best here

Jericho: And I'm a great healer. I can patch you up in no time

Anthony: If you need patching up you were too slow

Vee Barlett: grins

Jericho: Are you've never been too slow?

Vee Barlett: Maybe you ain't half bad. Just mad. So you gonna help or not? Because we need to go. NOW.

Anthony: I have a horse

Jericho: Have you..served in any combat at all?

Jericho: Side eyes Vee

Anthony: You said we need to go now

Jericho: Maybe we would be better off without him?

Vee Barlett: And we need to go fast. You really think four legs is fast? Landlubber.

Anthony: Where are we going?

Vee Barlett: City.

Jericho: Osterhold

Levi Reed: Why, you got free passage on another ship floating around somewhere, Jericho?

Vee Barlett: Need to go around Harpies Bay.

Anthony: Right, so over the mountain, 24 hours on a horse, there abouts

Vee Barlett: To get to Osterhold.

Vee Barlett: Too slow.

Anthony: Well you have a big group, you have a ship big enough for that?

Jericho: No Levi, I'm simply saying that if he doesn't want to help us, hiring a private vessel might be more expedient

Jericho: Whispers

Vee Barlett: Only my canoe. We need to find a ship.

Vee Barlett: I'm sure you know a guy if you ain't that guy.

MeLange -> Levi Reed: Melange does the "Wakanda" sign while looking Levi in the eye

Anthony: And let me guess none of you have a ship

Levi Reed: ... The church isn't lending us a ship!?

Jericho: No. But you are a Marine Officer. I'm certain you would know the best place to look for one

Levi Reed: How bad do they want this thing back?

Anthony: The Navy can get you anywhere you want to go, we just need to get to Osterhold

Jericho: Wouldn't you?

Levi Reed: Jericho, go ask for a ship

Vee Barlett: Great. And we need to get there FAST.

Vee Barlett: So. A ship. Let's go get one if you ain't providing it.

BOB OOC there is a character here whose family has ships......... just saying

Jericho: Nods

MeLange: Where do we get a ship?

Anthony: You tell me

Vee Barlett: Or else we're gonna have to ask.... UGH....

Jericho: Sigh

Anthony: I can get to the city by tomorrow morning, I can take someone with me

Anthony: and the Investigator can take one more behind her

Vee Barlett: Levi....

MeLange: whoa

Anthony: SHE is Pissed

Vee Barlett: Levi. We're gonna have to ask Lila.

Anthony: You do not want to talk with her

Levi Reed: Oh no no no. She's not going to give up that stupid fishing boat, not a chance

Jericho: looking from character to character

Anthony: What boat?

Levi Reed: She loves that boat more than anything else in the world

Vee Barlett: Your family has MANY ships.

Vee Barlett: Even if it ain't hers, she can lend us one of 'em, ya?

Jericho: So...can we rent a ship Levi?

Jericho: We'll pay of course

Levi Reed: They're WORKING BOATS, Vee. They need those boats to work

Vee Barlett: And we need one to work!

Vee Barlett: Come on. They're on the way, ain't they?

Jericho: And we're technically renting it

Levi Reed: I can't believe you're making me do this

Jericho: So still making money

Vee Barlett: Jericho will go on a date with you if you do.

Levi Reed: You owe me the finest rum money can legally buy

Matthias Crowtooth: I like your thinking

Jericho: No I wont?

MeLange: Come On Jericho it's for a boat!

Vee Barlett: elbows him

Vee Barlett: We'll discuss details later.

Jericho: Whoofs

Jericho: As the air leaves his lungs

Levi Reed: She's going to want to go with us, you know

Levi Reed: She won't trust us with her boat

Jericho: The more the merrier right?

Vee Barlett: We'll see. This... hey, wait, what's your name, officer?

Anthony: Anthony

MeLange: is she a pleasant lady?

Vee Barlett: HA!

Vee Barlett: HA! HA. HAHAHAHA.

Vee Barlett: No. She is not.

MeLange: Well rats

Levi Reed: She's probably fine if you aren't me or Vee, I wouldn't know

Levi Reed: But seeing as how you're with us...

MeLange: Oh I see

Vee Barlett: Cool, cool. Anthony can just pull the military card on her if we need.

Jericho: Well Officer Anthony pleasure to meet you.

Jericho: Can he do that?

MeLange: she desires good company then...

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Anthony: Lieutenant Anthony Gardon

Jericho: So....Officer Gardon?

Vee Barlett: Hmm, good point, Melange. Take that shirt off when we talk to her. Show her your sexy back. Might help us.

Levi Reed: She wouldn't know good company if it sat next to her with a bottle of wine and the fanciest cheese

Matthias Crowtooth: sighs

MeLange: Might as well get some use out of these muscles Vee

Jericho: Shakes head. "Okay, now we have a game plan lets go already!"

Vee Barlett: rounds up with her finger and points onward

MeLange: I must admit, it's not how I thought I'd spend them!

Vee Barlett: They're good muscles, Melange! You need to show them off more!

Jericho: First one on the ship is owed a drink

Jericho: from me

Vee Barlett: Let's go get Lila to help us.

Vee Barlett: If she says no, we need to know NOW not later.

Levi Reed: Ok, but we gotta pretend like this military guy is in charge. At least until we get her agreement

Vee Barlett: grumbles

Vee Barlett: Fine. I don't like it... but fine....

MeLange: if you want me to take my shirt off just give me a sign, I'll be real casual

Vee Barlett: grins and gives Melange a thumbs up

Matthias Crowtooth: The sign will be me walking away

Levi Reed: I guess if we tell her the military guy is in charge and sent from the church, she might just agree.